CC 07-21-58 P. O. Box 597 Al 2-4;0; C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 21, 19.58 Place: 10031 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Tlme: 8:00 P.M, I SAWTE THE FLAG II ROLL CALL Councllmen Present: Iazaneo, Meyerholz, Nathanson, Pelosl, Saleh Councilmen Absent: None III THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEm'ING OF JULY 7, 1958 were approved wlth the following correotion, Item V-F-5, ohange "'19,095,00" to "$18,095.00." THE MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAE. MEETINGS DF aULY9l1àd JULY 11 were approved. IV ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None V PROTESTS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. ¡he ~test annexat19ns w~~hln three ml1es of the City are as to110W'B ~. 14 Traoy N04 to Santa Clara 2, Doyle No.5 to. San Jose 3. Easterbrook No. 1 to San Jose VI R~POBTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONS A. At~2~eVls Re~ort 1, . e lnitlal draft of the sign ordinance ls expeoted shortly. Mr, Myers was asked to dlstrlbute a copy of the proposed s1gn ordlnanoe to each Councilman and Planning Commissloner, 2. The Assembly Interim Committee on Municipal and County Government will hold a hearlng at 10:00 A,M. on August 8, 1958 ln the Council Chambers of the San Jose City Hall relatlve to Hun10ipal 1ncorporatlon practlces and problems, and motlvatlon, B, Re~ort of Road Commlssloner After discusslon it was deoided to contlnue the present speed limlts around the main intersection, C. R~~ort of PollC~ and Eire Chl~t 1. Traffict. fines oollected uring the month of June totaled $2,307.00, of whioh the City reoelved $1,823.64. 2, D1vision of Highways: Correspondenoe concern1ng the land acqulsition at the corner of Homestead Road and Highway~9. The matter was referred to the Clty Englneer, J, Governor Knight: Reference to international situation and request to check status of local CiV1l Defense. D. ReDort of Pla~nln2 Co~1ss1on Cba1rm,n 1, The Commission has recommended C-l-H zoniDg on the Rousseau application for commercial. The entrance road was ohanged from 60 feet to 68 feet. 2. No recommendation forthooming on batoh plant application, the Tote to grant faillDg for lack of majority. Applicant has stated he intends to appeal. J. Flrst hearlng on Yamaoka applioation for C-I-H, northeast corner Portal and Stevens Creek Blvd. Second hearing August..l, ' 4. Delay requested by Excell & San on applioation to subdivide Joe Mariani property, west side North Highway 9. - 2 - .5. Application received to rezone corner of Blaney and Bollinge~. First. hearing for commercial zoning set on August 1, A use permit requested by Church of Christ for a site on Bollinger just west of Blaney. Appllcation to subdivide Maggl0 property, west side of south Blaney set for August 1. Ordinances supporting Planning Commission procedure due for recommendation. 6, 7. 8. Moved by Councilman Salch that an ordinance be drafted rezoning to C-I-H the land described in the Rousseau application for commeroial. Seconded by Councilman Meyerholz and carried .5 - O. Mr. George Oakes, Direotor of the Rousseau Or Organization, praised the City by saying that he had never done business in a community in which so little time elapsed between the purchase of land and the processing of maps. E. Renort of City En21neer 1. Moved by Councilman Saich that the Bethel Lutheran Church execute the required bond~ the building permit to be lssued when said bonde are delivered. Seconded by Councilman Meyerholz. carried 4 - O. (Lazaneo late in arriving.) 2, Bill submitted by Piazza Paving Company found oorrect - quantlties check out. Moved by Counoilman Saleh, seconded by Councilman Pelos1 that the b111 be pa1d. Carried unanimously. 3. The off1cial grades and alignment of streets within the City were presented to the Council. Resolution No. 97 printed thereon stated .cceptance of this document by the City Council. Councilman Sa~ch moved its adoption, secobdG4"by Councilman Lazaneo and carried 5 - O. F, Mis6el~~ous Councilman Pelosi reported that the State has plans to allocate recreation funds to local districts, VII UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinan~es and Resolutions for Adoption 1. Moved by Councilman Meyerholz that the second reading of Ordinance 52 be waived by unanimous consent; seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 5 - 0, Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that Ordinance No. ,52 be adopted - an Ordinance Approvlng Annexation of Certain Contiguous Uninhabited Territory, Deslgnated Blaney 2 to the City of Cupertino. Seconded by Councilman Pelosi and carried 5, -0, Ber~lev Co~ferenoe 9n Loca~ Government The Council expressed interest instead in the annual conference of the League of Cit1es scheduled for Ootober 26 in Los Angeles and requested that one reservation be made, Yeeland H~iÆhts Final Map Resolution No. 96 was introduced, Being a Resolution Approving Final Map of Tract No. 1181, Yeeland Heights, Accepting Certain Drive, Road and Avenues; Author1zing The City Engineer And The City Clerk 10 Sign F1nal Map; and 'Authorizing Agreement Made in Connectlon Herewith. Councilman Saich moved that Resolution No. 96 be adopted; seconded by Councilman Lazaneo, carried unani1llOusly. Bubb -1 Annexation Certain prèperty owners, having lodged protests at the July? hearing requested, through Neil Chase, that the annexation be dropped. Moved by Councilman Pelosi, seconded by Councilman Lazaneo that the City terminate B. c. D, - :3 - annexation proceedings. The motion was withdrawn by request of the City Attorney who introduced Resolution 94, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Term1nating The Proposed Annexat10n of Bubb -1, Councilman Pelosi moved that Resolution 94 be adopted; seconded by Councilman Lazaneo and carried 5 - O. A meeting was tentati~ely scheduled for Thursday night, July )1, between the City Council and the four families present at the hearing, E. Homestead -1 Annexation Mr, Anderson suggested that the City Engineer be instructed to. file a new map and he proposed adopt1on of Resolu.'t1on No. 95, a Resolution of the City Council., Terminating the Proposed Annexation of Homestead -1. Milton Hetzel, Assistant City Man~ger of Sunnyvale, said that his City will file annexation only on Sunnyvale property, Moved by Counoilman Saich and seconded by Councilman La~aneo that Resolution No, 9S be adopted, Carried S - O. VIII NEW BUSINESS A, ~istrative Procedures -rrhe Nayor expressed favor for the proposed ordinances mentioned in the report of the Planning Commission and requested that the setting of hearings be expedited and that the agenda and minutes of the Planning Commission meetings be distributed in a4vanee. He authorized the City Clerk to call the City Engineer, City Attorney, and Planning Consultant for a meeting to discuss more efficient methods, B. Advertisement for Buildin2 InsDector The Mayor said that an inspector would be needed by next Fall in time to handle the expected subdivision activity. Councilman Meyerholz was appointed to screen appl1cants. c. Miscellaneous 1, Moved by Councilman Meyerholz that the retainers of the City Attorney and the City Engineer be increased ~50,oo monthly; seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 5 - 0, 2. The Mayor reported that representatives of the City have been invited to pre sect testimony relative to freeway routing. J. An ordinance limiting or in other ways controlling the number of fireworks stands was suggested by Councilman Pelos1, 4. The Council requested that the owner of the 11 acre property between Blaney and Highway 9 on the north side of Bollinger Road, be notified to keep the property .lear of garbage and weeds. IX ADJOURNMENT - 11:15 P.M, ~f::: 7~ LAWRENCE K. MARTIN Clerk-Administrator