CC 09-15-58 P. O. Box 597 Al 2-4505 C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 CUPER1'ÌNO, CALÏFÕRNIA MINUTES OF THE REGUL~~ MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1958 Place: 100Jl Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Time: 8:00 P.M, I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Lazaneo, Meyerholz, Nathanson, Pelosi, Saich Councilmen Absent: None III MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1958 approved as mailed, IV ORAL COÞlMUNICATIONS None V PROTESTS, WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS No protests; written communications listed further down under appropriate topics on the agenda, VI REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONS A. Attornev's Report 1, Mr. Anderson reported that San Jose annexation "Stelling No.1" has been postponed or continued for the second time, the hearing now scheduled for September 22, 1958. . 2. He advised that a copy of Ordinance No, 10 be sent to the local agent of Farmers Insurance Company with emphasis upon Sections 8, 9 and 10, outlining the methods to secure an exemption. When this statement is filed the City will take the matter under consideration, granting a license without" a fee, if so indioated. B. Report of Road Commissioner 1. Councilman Saich stated that Stevens Creek Road both east and west of Stelling is in need of repair, Moved by Counoilman Meyerholz that the engineer prepare specifications for the repair of Stevens Creek Road from Highway 9 west to the City limit, solicit bids and let the oontract. Seoonded by Councilman Pelosi and carried 4 - 0 (Councilman Lazaneo late). 2, Repair of the roads following the Sanitary District work is not as yet sati,sfactory to the City and to the people, said Mr. Saich. The Engineer explained that the repair oompleted thus far is only temporary and will be replaced with a plant mix, restoring the roads to their condition before the sewer mains were laid, The work must be approved by both City and County before the contÞact is complete. George Yamaoka complained that Portal Avenue was in poor condition, that the sewer trench has blocked a portion of the interseotion with Stevens Creek Road, Mr, Fleming said he would investigate this, !i~ort of PoHoe and Fire Chief No report flannin~ Comm~ss10n Rep~~ 1. The minutes of the lanning Commission meeting were not prepared due to the schedule change of the Planning Commission. All regular meetings of both C. D, - 2 - Pla..-ming C01¡ìrc.'Ì.sz~.CIl and C'01Z.'lC\ll fall on Monday he:-e&fter, !1:.n:'i;,~G will be p:oepared on Tuesday and mailed on Wer'!Hee,Q,a;¡. Mr. Martin made a verbal report in plac~ of the minutes, the principle item of business being the unanimous vote to deny the application of Mercado and Barsanti for C-l-H, northwest corner of Blaney and Boll~er. Several routine matters were also conveyed plus the recommendation of the Planning Consultant relative to heavy industry. Jess McHam, 6822 Bollinger Road, San Jose, addressed the Council concerning the status of the Mercado and Barsanti application, concerning the length of time the applicant would have to appeal the dec1sion, whether calendar or working days are counted, etc, September 23 was given as the dead- line. 2. After mention of a nonconforming use on the Murphy property, west side of North Highway 9, it was moved by Councilman Pelosi that a survey of the Town be made by the Administrator-Clerk to determine zoning violations, with a report ,to the City Council; seconded by Councilman Salch and carried . - 0 (Councilman Làzaneo late), J. Also requested that the Murphy permit and the use on the adjoining property be placed on the Planning Commission agenda. 4. Administrator-Clerk was authorized to inform the owner of the Old Cupertino School property that the City has a Weed Abatement Ordinance in effect; according1y Mr, Lyddon would then be advised to clean up the property, E. Report o_f Cl ty Engineer 1. Subdiv1s10nFinal Map Check List submitted by Mr, Fleming with the recommendation that all maps, plæls, etc, be in the hands of the City Engineer one week Vrior to the agenda deadl1ne for the target meeting, 2, ~he Division of Highways has agreed to the proposal of the City of Cupertino regarding the replacement of signals and channelization islands. The state is proceeding to acquire the right of way on the east side of Highway 9 and the acquisition of right of way along the west side of Highway 9 has become the responsibility of the City of Cupertino. Property owners involved on the west side have indicated willingness to deed the necessary frontage although the gas station corner involves relocation of two pump islands, Moved by Councilman Pelosi that the City, through Mr, Fleming, negotiate with the property owner or General Petroleum for the relocation of the fuel pumps; seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 4 - 1, Councilman Meyerholz opposed, J. Coast Grading and Paving Company, contractor for Yee Enterprises,proposes to construct the City of Cupertino Special Street Section consisting of 9-1/2 Inches of untreated rock base and 2-1/2 inches plant mix surface on the westerly side ofMlller Avenue between the westerly edge of the existing pa~eM€nt and the e~isting centerline for the following unitpZ'ices: Gradi¡:¡g f.04 per square foot Plant Mix and Rock Base $.31 per square foot .. :3 - These te?'ms a¡'ð ag:~BE'a'ole to the City Engineer. The Mayor reGC th9 letter from Mr, Stevens, Superintendent, and requested that the Administrator- Clerlr ack:,owleò.ge receipt of same, saying that certified bills will be honored on acceptance by City Council. Yeeland ~eights Improvement Agreement: Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that the engineer,be authorized to require pavement, as specified in the' agreement, to the middle of the road; seconded by Counollman Pelosi and ca~ried S - 0, Mr. Fleming rp.ferred to the off-tract drainage situation and the fact that certain facilities must be provided with the storm drain deposits placed with the City, He suggested that the City maintain control over these facilities which may be bul1t by the subdlviderand defrayed by the afore- mentioned storm drain deposits. Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that all struotures built within the City conform to the Ordinances , and no facility be constructed without public bids, Seconded by Councilman Salch and carried 5 - '0. F. Renort of ' Recreation Com~issioner Council~an Pelosi call~on,the City Attorney for the legal aspects of a reoreation fee charged to sub- divlders. Mr. Anderson reported that such a oaSe involving the 'City of uplands resulted ln a verdict favoring the subdivider who had contributed as required by the City, but sued later to recover the full amount. A neighboring city is currently'engaging in substântially the same practice, one difference being that it lS a' Chartered rather than General Law, Precisely hows court would rule in such a case sftems to be a matter for conjecture. G. ReÐort of Health Commissioner - Smo£ Cçntro1 1. Councilman Lazaneo said he had telephoned Mr, Linsky, the Air Pollution Control Officer, who listed October JO, 1958 as the last permlssab1e day for roadsideburn1ng and greenhouse burning. 2. It was agreed to put the Sher1ff's Office on watch for illegal dumping on the Irvine property, north side of Bollinger Road, 4. 5, VII UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinances and ReS~lutions for AdoÐtion 1, Ordinânce No.O,~ezoning Yamaoka frontage. Second reading. Moved bY Councilman Meyerholz that the second readlnll be waived bý unanimous consent: seconded bY Councilman Lazaneo and oarried S - 0, Moved bY Councilman Lazaneo that Ordinance ~o, 60 be adoÐtêd: seconded bY Councilman Saich and carr~ed S - O. ' 2. Ordinance No. 61, rezoning Workman Subd1vlsion, Second reading, Moved bv Council~n Saich that the full readin~ be waived bY unanimous consent: second bY Courtcl1man'Lazaneo and car~ied S - O. Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that Ord1nance No. 61 be adopted: sec<md by Councl1 J!Sn Saich and passed 5 ;0. d. . ., )1 '1' ... J. Resolution No 0 J.G!) - Procedure. Establishing rate of compensati0~ :~~ u~ty Attorney and describing the duties th~:eef. Councilman Pelesi being dissatisfied with the paragraph declaring that the Attorney shall be directed by the Mayor or . . , . the Mayor Pro- tem fer the preparation of any matters o~ documents of urgency nature, the phrase "with informal consent of the City Council" was added. Councilman Meyerholz then moved the adoption, second by Councilman Salch and carried 5 - 0, B. Misoell~~ 1. Joint Interim Committee on Highway Problems: Santa Clara County and its incorporated Cities are invited to present testimony at the hearings to examine the local impact of the state wide freeway and express way oonference on October 2, at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Chambers.· 2, Public Utilities Commission: Staff engineers are reviewing the required clearance above streets for cross wires; present rules provide a minimum of 18 feet of ground clearance. J. Family Service Assooiation, Santa Clara County: Request to proclaim the week of September 21 to September 28 as Family Service Week. So ordered. 4, League of California Cities: Notice of next regular meeting at Dinah's in Palo Alto, September 18. VIII ~~ BUSINESS A" Franohise Hearin~ The.. sealed bids were opened and presented to the Counoil. San Jose Water Works and California Water Service each bid $100,00 for the franchise in their respeotive territories, being the only bids submitted, The Council heard the first reading of the ordinance granting to San Jose Water Works a franchise and upon the motion of Councilman Lazaneo, second by Councilman Pelosi voted 5 - 0 to consider the reading as a Eirst reading for both franchises, there being a difference only in the names and dates., B. Misoellaneous 1, Councilman Lazaneo requested a Joint meeting with the Planning Commission. 2. The Council authorized the purchase of a fan for the City Office., PAYING THE BILLS Moved by Councilman Lazaneo Pelosi that the bills be paid. IX and seconded by Councilman Carried S - O. X ADJOURNMENT - 11:07 P,M,