CC 10-06-58 tù 2-4·Q)'. j . P, O. Box 597 Place: Time: I II C T T Y 0 F C ~ P R R T I 1T ~ -_._,; ,- ·[j:;~7;~?¡:~~5~-~7~ ~- r:'.T::-:~' 5~~"/~!. ~\--- -~--*- - MINUTES OF THZ F!::GLì:".P ':"L':'.[:1" .-- '.',;: :::..éé:, .>::'¡;'CC: C<'C:jb5'.:f 6.; 19~-:3 100;1 Saratcg8.-S-mllyv31e Road 8:00 P.N. SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL Councilmen Pre~e~t: Councl1¡fl3n Absent: Laznneo, Nathanson, Pelosi, Saich ~jeye:::'i,olz III MINUTES OF TfŒ rREVIOUS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER I" 1958 were approved with G"e fCJ1:_ow~_ng corre,ction. VI-a-I, delete "solici t bj,ds 2nd l<:lt '::hr3 .;.;on'::J.'aot." Moved by Coun0iJ.:ne:c 3aich that '::he minutes be oorrected to allow for i¡r,med:8te T.'er:.Ür Gf Stevens Crtlek Road, second by Councilman P.;:~."sj. GI,nd c<,\rried J .. 0 (Councilman Lazaneo late) , IV ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None v A, PROTESTS. rœ.ITTEN COM!PJNICATIONS 1. Edenvale Land CO:nPE'.::>.:n StE'.ting they are against the rezoning r3~~eEted for the north west corner of BolJ.inS~¡1 a11", PIRl1ey., 2. A, J. Eorner: rrcqu~stlng time on the agenda to supp·::;Z"; '~hp. actior; of the Cupertino Planning Com- m~.~3s'.::m regô.p:iing t.he l"ezon1ng of the Cefalu property at t:"1<; CC.r"'.ler of Blaney and Bollinger. ;, :le:"caè.o and BarsantU Appeal to the City Council on ce::o!".¡:.::Ig of :; &~res, being the northwest corner of Blaney aùd Bollinger Road. (ItóQ lIII-B, hand written on the agenda, was con- siãered at this point). M~, Horner read a deposition to support the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission together with signatures representing some 110 Cupertino residents, 140 residents of San Jose and the County and about ;0 Cupertino shopkeepers, Mr. Mercado repeated his contention that the corner in question 1s suitable for commercial use. B. After a short discussion Councilman Saich moved that the recomœendation of the Planning Commission be upheld and the appeal be denied; second by Councilman Pelosi and carried; - 0, Written Communications ~, COQnty Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment: Minutes of September 17, 19S8. 2, City of Los Altos: Challenge to compete for Mayor's Trophy in the first annual Santa Clara County Table Tennis Championships, J. Anonymous Letter requesting resurfacing of Randy Lane and extension to Stevens Creek Blvd. 4, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph: Requesting OK to lay underground conduit; plans however not included. Turned over to the City Engineer for follow-up on plans. S. Taper Tube Pole Company: Invitation to Company Suite at League of Ca11fornia Cities conference in Los Angeles. - 2 - 6. Stone Rnò Youngberg: Invite to Company Suite at League of C~lifo~ia Cities conference in Los Angeles, 7. Cour,ty Executive: Reference to County L1brary CornLi:::.s!.ún and invitat10n to subm1t Cupert1no nominee to t~¡::;~ bO':ird. 8, Inter C~ty Council: Post card ballot enclosed for changes in the by-laws. With approval of the Councilmen present, the Mayor VO~;E)a "f.ye" on the three changes proposed. Council- man P¿losi and Mayor Nathanson were named as delegates to the Inter City Council, VI REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMllISSIONS A. Attorney's Report 1. Mr. Anderson reported on the proceedings of the San Jose annexatibn hearing "Stelling No.1,· At the third hearing the City Council adopted a resolution terminating the annexation. Meanwhile another annexation named "Stelling No.2" has been filed with the Boundary Commission dropping some of the land in the original and add1ng additional acreage on the west side of the annexat10n, Mr. Anderson sa1d that Government Code Section 35007 does apply and states in part that, "If the City legislative body finds that a majority protest as therein provided has been made, n~ further proceedings for the annexation of any of the terr1tory shall be taken for one year after the f1nding," The Mayor authorized Mr. Flem1ng to check w1th the Boundaries Commission on the status of this "Stelling No, 2." 2. Mr, Anderson reported that the committee appointed by the Council to investigate the Alves Water System has done so and he has been lnstructed to take an optlon on the line and appurtenances; terms provide a six month option to purchase the System for $50,000, with a rate of 6% on the unpaid balance, the principal, to be amortized $10,000 per year. He is studying the records to determine what rights are presently under option as well as the feasibi11ty of such a purchase. Councilman Pelosi requested a writben report on the subject. B. Report of Road Commissioner 1. Mr. Fleming said that it was not practical to prepare specifications, inv1te bids for the repair of Stevens Creek Road at this time since the amount of work 1nvolved would not warrant the expense of the specifications, advertis1ng, etc. In addit10n the pavement requires immed1ate repalr before the start of seasonal ra1ns, He estlmated the repa1rs at $1,500, roughly. Councilman Saich sa1d he would like to proceed with the work before the undercoating gets wet. Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that McCarthy be asked to pave Stevens Creek Road and Mr. Saich and Mr. Flem1ng be authorized to negot1ate the price, with the repairs to be made at the earliest poss1ble moment; seconded by Councilman Salch and carried 4 ~ 0, 2, Miller Avenue will be striped when the pavement is complete, . ... - 3 - 3. Mr. FJ.~mi1J:j ,]~,',"~hè3:'; 'che S:\r.i~ary District has striot (;cr:,,::'c:' of the street repair completed by the sewar contractors, He said the surface would be restored to the satisfaction of the City. C. Report ..Q.t.}).21.i~!¡um.d Fire Chief 1. COW1ty Fire Marshal: Recent inspection disclosed deficiencies in the fire protection details of Seyroour1s Rexall Pharmacy, 101;; South Highway 9, 2. Prior to the opening of Cupertino High School, consideration was given to the traffic situation allmg Miller and the adjacent portion of Stevens Creek Blvd. The Cupertino Police Department has made observations of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area. Certain recommendations are now forthooming, as follows: (a) Rezoning of Stevens Creek Blvd. from 45 MPH to 35 MPH from the east City limits to a point 100 yards west of the Calabazas Creek, This would include east and west bound traffic. (b) Installation of a suspended type of traffic signal at Miller and Stevens Creek Blvd, (c) Installation of a pedestrian crosswalk on Stevens Creek Blvd. just east of the entrance to Miller Avenue, (d) Another crosswalk on Miller opposite the north entrance to the school parking area. (e) Removal of the power pole on the east side of Miller at Stevens Creek Blvd, c~ .- " Councilman Lazaneo moved that the recommendations be endorsed; seconded by Councilman Pelosi and carried 4 _ 0, The City Attorney was requested to prepare the necessary ordinance. Mr. Fleming was requested to ask the p, G. & E, to remove the power pole, Mr. Martin was requested to check the cost of such a signal and the installation and operation charges; also to call the principal about hitch-hikers, D. Plannin~ Commission Report Br'lef reference to the minutes of the last rœeting, No questions. E. Report of City En~ineer 1. A letter from Mr. Oakes of the Rousseau Organization was read in which he described his understanding of the off-tract drainage agreement for the Rousseau Subdivision, Mr, Fleming said that it conformed exactly to his own understanding. 2. It was not deemed necessary to read the Rousseau Improvement Agreement. Resolution 102 was introduced, Being A Resolution Approving Final Map of Traot No. 2l5J, Accepting Certain Drives, Roads, Avenues and Courts; Authorizing the City Engineer And The City Clerk To Sign The Final Map And Authorizing Agreement In Connection Therewith, Moved by Councilman Saich that Resolut10n 102 be adopted; seconded by Councilman Lazaneo and carried 4 - o. ;, Mr. Fleming requested permission to forward City plans to the Flood Control District, outlining specifications for the proposed culverts, The specifications should be approved by the Flood Control Board before the City puts out the bid, /" t C I r (, " ' -{I _ The width of B~aney Avenue came into question, as the culvert and the road must be the same width, The Council agreed to allow Mr. Fleming to proceed with the culvert plans for East Estates Drive, The width of Blaney was scheduled for deoision at the Plapning Commission meeting of October I;. - 4 - 4. A bond election is planned for the improvement of creeks and ohannels in the North Central Zone, either 1n May of 1959, or in February of 1960, The County Flood Control and Water Conservation District askes for advice and ideas as to what should be included in the bond issue, Mr. Fleming has prepared a tentative reply which will be mailed if it meets with the approval of the City Counoil. Copies will be d1stributed for individual consideration prior to the next meeting, S. A check for $6,303.00 has been received from the Cupertino Sanitary D~strict toward the enlargement of the sewer main in Corte Madera Highland LID, The district requires oversized sewers in the area and a hear1ng is requested for November), Councilman Saich moved that November ) be set as the hearing date for Corte Madera Highlands LID; seconded by Counc11man Lazaneo and oarried 4 - o. F. Re~ort of Reoreat10n Commissioner Investigation of the subjeot indicates that two main alternatives are available Councilman Pelosi said, The first would involve the hiring of personnel to tBDd and supervise the school playgÐOunds, The second would mean the purchase of an aore or more adjoining a school site, if possible, in order to facilitate joint use of City property and school property. Another consideration concerns school property which is now vacant and unused for all practical purposes, merely reserved and available for future school use, Mr. Pelosi said that he will report further on the subject, G. Retlort of Health Co!Jlmissioner Councilman Lazaneo said that the Air Pollution Board meets again on Thursday, Ootober 9, Thus far only one regulation plus an amendment has been adopted by the Air Pollution Board. Mr, Lazaneo also suggested that subdividers be bequired to clear all trees from their tract in order to eliminate the danger of insects and disease. VII UNFENISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinances and Resolutions for Adoption 1. Ordinances No, 62 and 6), franchises. Second reading. Moved by Councilman Saich that a full reading of Ordinance Nos, 62 and 6) be waived by unanimous oonsent; second by Councilman Lazaneo and carried 4 - O. Moved by Councilman Saich that Ordinance No. 62 be adopted, granting a franchise to California Water Service Company; second by Councilman lazaneo and carried 4 - 0, Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that Ordinance No, 6J be adopted, granting a franchise to San Jose Water Works; second by Counoilman Saich and carried 4 - O. 2. Ordinance No, 54, rezoning the Yamaoka property to R-l, First reading was heard, 3. Ordinance No, 65, rezoning Rousseau property to C-I-H. First reading was heard. Miscellanous None B, VIII NEW BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous Mr. Anderson was asked for an interpretation of the code section governing the residence qualifications for Councilmen. The City Attorney reported that the Government Code declares that a Councilman qualifies for - s - the offioe if he is a qualified elector of the distriot at the time of election to office, He also referred to the definition of residence which involves the faotor of "intent to ret1.:.rn". This tends to 1ntro<1l.\ce a sl.\b- jecti ve as:Ject. The CC~1cll aRked the Mayor to approach Councilman Meyerholz wi tr. 3. 'Jiew to learning his 1ntentions, IX PAYING BILLS Moved by CrJ1'.11d:i.mFt!' Saleh that the following warrants be paid - 4-95-';'0(', 50:,: 5)4, 507; seconded by Councilman Pelos1 and carr~.cd 4 - O. X ADJOURNMENT - 11:45 P,N, Respectfl.\lly sl.\bmltted, f'{l\I)~((. .<. tth~ LAWRENCE K. MARTIN Administrator-Clerk