CC 11-03-58
P. O. Box 597
Al 2-4505
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l·L .1 "r-... ..'II ,
HOVEMBER ), 19.58
100Jl S&r&t~ga-Suùnyvale Road
8:00 P.I1
Councilmeu I'resent:
Councilmen Absent:
Meyerholz, Nathanson, Pelosi,
Considered under appropriate topies'-below.
A. Attornev's Report
Mr. Anderson said that a committee of the whole can
drop the general laws of procedure.
B. Report of Road Commissioner
Councilman Saich said he will again check the con-
dition of the roads. He requested that Boehme be given
the order to stripe Stevens Creek Road.
C. Report...£LJ'ol1ce and Fire Chief
1, ResidentE of Londonderry Glen petition the Council
to install a traffic signal at the corner of Home-
stead Road and Highway 9, Since the City Engineer
has a conference scheduled with the Highway Division
on this subject, the Mayor requested that he take
the petition with him.
2. Surplus Property Office: An agreement to pay an
additional 1% for bookkeep~ng purposes was turned
over to the City Attorney.
3. California Disaster Office: A meeting on the subject
of flood emergency activities is scheduled for
November 13 at San Jose City Hall, The Mayor asked
Mr. Fleming to attend,
~. Econolite Corporation: Lengthy letter listing the
advantages and disadvantages of a cable suspended
signal and a multiple signal indicator mounted on
m&st arms with walk, wait tubes, vehicle detectors,
etc. Material prices were quoted. The Council
requested that the prices of portable signals be
5. R. A, Hayler, Division of Highways: The freeway
agreements exhibit map does provide a direct connection
between the east bound traffic on Stevens Creek Road
and north bound traffic on Stevens Creek Freeway by
means of a left hand turn on the east bound ramp
connection. Commission Report
1. Due to the presence of :3 members only, the Planning
Commission could not take any official action but
did hold discussion of several items on the agenda
in deference to applicants and members in attendance.
The Council asked the City Clerk to write a letter
to the Chairman of the Planni~g Commission calling
- 2 -
a'cte::l7,jC¡';,,- tic8 absences and asking them to hold
spEoci'é!' N:ei:;ings in order to process applications and
othE:'::' buE'iness dej.ayed as result of these unavoidable
2. Ca:'~'.fornia R06dside Council: Excerpts relative to
blJlboard control.
3. GeGrge L. Qu:nn: Appealing the denial of the
PIGvning Commission for rezoning to lot sizes of
7,< úCO sa. ft. on an 11 acre piece of property north
of P~llinge~ approximately half-way between Blaney
'111(4 Highway q, During discussion Mr. Fleming was
aH~ed to produce a cost estimate for a block plan in
the s,Jutheas'c quadrant of the City, ~10ved by
Councilman Lazaneo that the application of George
L. Quinn, requesting 7,000 sq. ft. lots, be
approved subject to the master street plan; second by
Councilman Saich and carried 3 - 2, Nathanson and
Pelosi opposed.
4, Karl Belser: Notice of block data collection now
in preparation by the US Bureau of Census for the
1960 program,
E. Report of City Sn~ineer
1, Six bids submitted for the construction of a box
culvet't, East Estates Drive and Regnart Creek. Low
~ld was ~7,ò78.00 by Oscar E. Holmes. Moved by
Council~an Sa:ch that the contract be awarded to
the low bidder and the standard form of contract be
executed by the Mayor. Second by Pelosi, carried
5 - 0,
2, The State has denied our request for a small portable
or overhead suspended EJ 19mÜ, but has offered to
10ó.r, a. 'cra{1':LC a-,tuated signal if the City will pay
·c11e ~os~ of irst3~:q~icn~
F. Report .fLRe..Q1'..~.àPor!.J.'cm!!!is'§_~9..';LeL
G, Report of HealtILÇ,Ç~~Ü_f!.f?.1qr¡l!.1' - Smog_.£Qr¡trol
Nr. LazaneJ will ¡teet with Mr. Forbes of the Air
Pollution District Novelliber 8 in the City Office.
A. Ordinances and Resol..£!~_ fqr Adopt1,on
1. Ordinance No, 64 - Amending Section 1 of Ordinance
2 by reclassifying a certain portion of the City -
Balas property. Second reading.
Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that full reading be
waived by unanimous consent, inasmuch as no changes
have been made since first reading. Second by
Saich and carried 5 - 0,
Moved by Councilman Saich that Ordinance No. 64 be
adopted; second by Lazaneo and carried 5 - O.
2. Ordinance No, 66, establishing speed limits and
safety zones at or near Cupertino High School.
Second reading. ~.
Mcved by Councilman Lazaneo that a full reading of
Orà.inance No. 66 be waived by unanimous consent,
ir,asmucr. as no changes have been made since the first
:ceadi~g. Second by Saich and carried 5 - O.
!Joved by Councilman Saich that Ordinance No. 66 be
adopted; second by Pelosi and carried 5 - O.
In discussion over the type of traffic signal to be
used at Miller Avenue and Stevens Creek Road,
- 3 -
Coun0Jlman Meyerholz moved that Ordinance No. 66 be
recon5idered¡ second by Lazaneo and carried 5 - O.
City ClerK was authorized to take quotations on
port?ble 1;raffJ.c signals,
3. Ordinance No. 67, approving the annexation of certain
contigious uninhabited territory - designated
Homestead 2A.
First resd~ng was held,
B. Miscellaneous
1, The resignation of R. I, Meyerholz, as stated in his
letter of October 21, was taken under consideration.
Moved by Councilman Pelosi that the resignation be
accepted; second by Counoilman Saich and carried
3 - 1 - 1, Mayor Nathanson opposed; Councilman
Meyerholz ab5tained. The resignation is effective
November 5, 1958,
2, Councilman Pelosi suggested the purchase of equip-
ment for the purpose of copying certain maps such
as the Exhibit maps for attachment to rezoning
ordinances, The Council agreed,
3, November 1 was recalled as the day on which Mr,
Eldridge is supposed to have his gas station
(Silverado and Highway 9) set back to the proper
point. An extension had previously been granted
until the above date,
Assessment Hearinfõfor Work and Improvement In Corte
Madera Highlands cal Improvement District was held
at this time.
Edward Cummings and Attorney: Letter of protest
re Corte Madera Highlands Local Improvement District.
Donald Snow: Letter of protest re assessments in
LID 2.
Austin Warburton, Attorney for Kyne and Cummings,
owners of the majority of property, told the Council
that the assessments vary considerably from lot to lot.
His basic point is that all of the lots are designed for
single family homes and this makes the "user" in ell
the sites substantially the same. He stated that the
cost of the trunk line should be shared by other tracts
downstream, He also called attention to Lot 54 and
declared that it should be excluded from the lateral
assessments since plumbing facilities (septic tanks)
alre~dy exist on this homesite,
The Mayor asked the City Attorney to brief the
Council concerning their duties in the matter, Mr,
Anderson explained that the Improvement Act of 1911
requires the engineer of work to spread the assessments
in compliance with law, It provides that a diagram be
prepared from which the benefits arising from said work
may be estimated and the assessments proportioned
accordin~ly. Mr. Anderson said that the bond purchasers
and futuré homeowners have an interest involved as well
as the S11lJd i v ide rs. The Counc 11 should inspect the
formula applied to see whether it is equitable. Kyne
and C¡,;;n1111ngs have entered into an agreement by which
the Sanitary District will pay the cost ($6,J03.00) for
rero~ti':g and enlarging the sewer line.
~1r. l'leming, City Engineer, said that September 16,
1957, 18 the date on which property owners first petitioned
the City to form the LID (the petition represented 100%
of own2~ship), Lots 29-49 were later eliminated except
for the sewer system, due to a water problem. The plans
were re7:sed and a notice to biders was published with
thé contract awarded to A. J. Peters on November 25, 1957.
- 4 -
Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that warrants 518-521,
523-527, 529-536 and 538 be paid; second by felosi and
carried 5 - 0,
MEETING ADJOURNED AT 12:10 A,M. until November 7 at
8:00 P.M,
Respectfully submitted,
8: 00 J?!1,
In reviewing his previous presentation, Mr. Warburton
requested "better equity than presently provided." By this he
meant that the totz.l se~;er figures should be spread and divided
equally, lot by lot. The benefits conferred by the sewers are
equal, he said. Therefore the burden or charges should like-
wise be equal. Second he stated that the do~mstream and
surrounding areas should contribute to the trunk line since it
does or will serve other areas.
Mr, Warburton concluded by saying that Lot 54, belonging
to Cummings himself, should be excluded from that portion of
the assessment in excess of the trunk cost,
Mr. Anderson, City Attorney, said that the legislative body
can revise or correct such assessments upon appeal and can confirm
or amend the figures supplementing the diagram in such manner as
it sees fit, In response to a statement of the Mayor, he said
that the Sanitary District has approved the acts of the City and
is now out of the picture relative to the improvement assessments
::>f the District, includJ:ng the sewer charges. The law provides
~hat the City decide the e~uity of the levies.
Peggy L. McElligott, speaking for Kyne, took the position
t:hat the Sanitary :Cistrict should pay more than the $630J.oo
'Úready allotted, since t'1e main serves other areas, The City
",as the power to make a contribution to the construction of the
~r0ject, she said, possibly on the basis of how much benefit
'^' "'ives solely to the subdivision in question and how much to
ohe general area, She questioned whether this section should
,,;,t purchase only a certain oapacity of the trunk line, i.e"