CC 09-20-61 446 C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 Cupertino, California '''' ~ AL 2-4505 ~ .... rJCì 10321 So, Saratoga~Sunnyvale Road MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 20, 1961 PLACE: TIME: 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 8:00 P.M, I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL: Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent : Others Present: Benetti, Jewett, Stilch, Lazaneo Pelosi City Manager, Assistant City Engineer The amended Budget for the Fiscal Year 1961-62 was discussed, Coun- cilman Jewett moved that Resolution No, 496 be adopted approving the proposed budget for the 1961-62 Fiscal Year, Seconded by Councilman Benetti. AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 Benetti, Jewett, Saieh, Lazaneo None Pelosi Councilman Saich disapproved of Public Works department, He main- tained that there was not enough equipment, such as an oiler, etc. Councilman Benetti recommended hire a Recreation Director at once, commendation, that City Manager be instructed to All present agreed with this re- Subdivision Procedure check list was introduced and explained by Assistant City Engineer Perkins, Councilman Jewett moved that this check list be used in all areas where it would apply, Seconded by Councilman Saich, AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: 4--0 Benetti, None Pelosi Jewett, Saich, Lazaneo Councilman Benetti requested a report on the check list from the City Manager within 60 to 90 days. Assistant City Engineer Perkins commented on Ketell letter regard- ing bonds and money deposits, The amount of the bond is based on all street improvements, with the exception of Anton Drive and Highway 9, which were not included. As in the past, all bonds are approved by the City, Councilman Jewett requested that the letter from Ketell Construc- tion Company be read. Assistant City Engineer Perkins, read the letter. The letter went into detail regarding the Sanitary District's bond requirements and the Bonding Company's requirements, Mr. Ketell stated that his company simply could not afford to put up in excess of $53,000 and let it set for six months to a year without any interest on it or access to it, He requested that the bond requirements be reduced on the street contract and also on the sewer contract, The letter further stated that it was their understanding that the paving and sewers would be eliminated on Anton Drive at the present time and also on Highway 9, thus justifying the reduction in the bond requirements, Don Barr from Pacific Engineers stated developers pesition regard- ing Highway 9 construction. - 1 - 447 Councilman Benetti commented on the construction of Park Avenue, but said Highway 9 is the issue, Don Barr said that Park Avenue must go in, Councilman Jewett said Council has requrested bond shoUld be posted for Highway 9, and this wa.s obviously where the hardship exists, Benetti, continuing on Coun- cilman Jewett's comments, You have a hardship case, I agree with Councilman Jewett, Mayor Lazaneo then read excerpts from adjourned meeting of July 22nd and from the meeting of July 17th regular meeting. . Councilman Benetti said that questions were not answered satis- factoryily, Applicant should get firm answer, How much money was involved? Donald Barr stated that it would involve some $3,000 or $4,000,00. Councilman Jewett: I would like Mr. Barr to talk to the developer and get things tied together, Mayor Lazaneo asked if Tuesday night, September 26th, would be OK? Councilman Benetti pointed out that if there is a hardship now, Tuesday night will be the same answer, Councilman Jewett stated that if there would be consideration given to a dedication, this~would place a different light on the subject. Don Barr stat~d that"- theim~ovement of Highway 9 entails many things.- "ì-fe would like rel1"e'f on :L.mmedia te constructiorl'. "- I,· ," Assistant City Engineer explained bonds and procedure, Bond could be reduced from $14~,OOO to -$130,000 with Anton Drive ta'lten off, C-i-ty -Manager made"a súg;gestion that a summary or a letter be pre- pared and sent in by Mr. Barr. Mr. Barr said that he would have final map on Tuesday night and would like the Coùncll to approve, He would ha ve maps leaVing Highway 9 out. City Attorney arrived at 9:25 P.M. . " City Manager was instructed to have City Engineer check McClellan Storm Drain, Mayor Lazaneo read lette-r from Mrs ,Paulson, President o:f the Jr, Women's Club regarding Medic-Alert International Foundation and the City participating in this worthy cause, ' Councilman Benetti reqùested that Mrs. Paulson be contacted and rèquested to appear and·tell the Coùncil more about the subject, Mr, Banks, attorney Tor Clarke Glasson regarding the annexation of the Gol:f Course appeared,· He stated the Golf Course is greenbelted and that Mr, Glasson was not in accord with~he annexation. He :further stated that the annexation may have been fraudulent however,he does not wish to embarrass the' City of CUpertino, Councilman.BenettlTequested a ten minute recess, Mayor Lazaneo arid City Manager, 27th at 11:00 A,M, requested that Mr, Banks meet with the City Attorney A.meeting was agreed upon for Wednesday, September City Manager read excerpts from minutes of Recreation Commission ~eet':\.ng of September 19th with regard to the purchase 'of te'ri acres of ·~"j.9 adjacent· to. tMjunior high or high school site for use as a central- ~"V,,¡;;Locatedpark, Also, that the City Council. take immediate steps to . :~;;i.,C':J:_de for the acquisition of land adjacent to schools :for the develop~nt '19""- - 2 - 44~ V:d [YC'VO'1qqs 3'18 abnod lls ,Ja8q_J1ij [:;1 sA . b:Jbul ~)f'f 1 Jon 9·-r~~!¡.: d ~¡LC1;,.v . \"J 18 ¡...¡, ~ r-..~ ¡.... t1'C -OU~~R::)""J:i:~w2ì...Jt1.?.J) ::f~.U9j< srij jsdj b9j89UP9'1 jj9WgL. ClsmIlol1uo:) .'18jj9~'9~1"t'~~~~~~9~~Y&·yj1::> JI1ßjalaaA ./)£9'1 9d Y11ßqmoQ 1101j bnod a' j ,,~)]qi~ ImtPJ:;¡¡fßS~~ 1¡.IlE6jf( @'l~n:its j~@ :91d<:t 9\1:ora.elTf'rom, bSjcje II9jsi! .'IM .ajo9m9'Ilups'I alY:11sqmoQ ¿jo1brtOff 9rlj bos ajn9m9'!ÍUpS'I 000, tc* 1:cJII~yij3..Mn~ ~MP otlh1Vqo!;¡h:i?s ;I~:ÞI~<)t'~~iL~ \,~q~Y:>ot&lrlJ:!I~jManager '10 ~J:¡eJ¡l¡oh~~f¡!J:s \'Nf. Pt~~I!~d~ .GÍ~Eàlijn6m xla '101 jga J.t j91 b11ß béJ:Jub9'I sd ajo9mS'11:u :'é''1 bi10d "rij j Erij b",j 89Up:J'I 9H ,j 1: oj 88"':JOB 'IS.:! jsQoU)!llqT11rr¡q !ì¡~t:itQ$¡t¿"àt~¡}.{jtÌiJttt cMI ¡;!,1iJ~~iMjPM Iìt1i'Jè\\::J;jQ¡u&'rl\'J€]þjØI't that 3'19W98 W; ~n¡~~¡j\~~~ll¡lliß;1J'~n~1¡¡ ~ ~ W ~ b9j~a.s~W a qw;~ \bl¡1¡þ '3trlM ~q~<èfßjrJQt 6t~1~~~1\(pI¡J¡ÇÇ<tWCt~: ¡Qr¡o sd bluow . 3jn~ m,)'J:IlJp(>'I bnod 9rtj 111 110U::¡)jb9'I 5li.j ~111v:11j8Ut amij ,Q \èEwr!¿;¡lH Mayor Lazaneo stated he saw no reason for such a meeting, He has -b'IG~~B1ëI¥' ~~:iliJ1~~~~~M~~q1IiiJ~"l fMr:4J1I ~rd with it It is a good report. Suggested tha t th~riliittl:b~ í;6~l1WíI3~þli th the Recreation Commission. Councilman Benetti stated that the Recreation Commission be advised that the City Council has questions. - f - " ' ,i,¡' '.' ¡ 'CQUl1.ci~. ¡,¡J ~CJt \;1 ,,s8.<1ct.,,.,¡1! ¡,aril¡ ,Ô.;!,;~)WX 1011'rc.t;h€;L ~.a1fca:r, ·;S'.s.t.a t erne nt, a meeting is not necessary. . ~J·{~:;b ,"._i . -4 dlrLtl.....í 1:':_'-~:!i',1·1i.:::,M. :ì Councilman Benetti asked Councilman Jewett if he was in favor,of a 'mo,ti'Orltd ddmply; witht11le.cr<:quEI£iÜ }b¡f,'!t]o¡¡e,' Re>créa t.ttiI'D CÔlllm'i3sion. 'r . T ~:;j i~) r,j ; - ~j I,;"~ "'; (_, ,I ,r' -" C:,i:1'i::ðurrcå:'lmart'J'È\1B,tt:'Så!:id,1,Not,-:,.;r',am 'wa!itti:'rig' fOT,-the,,0t'<tjy' '¡'¡a~age':P'ts re~ " 'pbtt,j, ~tih,eµ, wa 'caw,diiscliss .it..,,! ",: L' ,', ,\ , " '¡Ii )¡', _,',,, '¡',,¡ -,t !~~ Councilman Jewett moved that the City Manager be instructed to set - :>U~ ræ~E!Eit:!1:Jl1g! Wíi::t.1fi t1fret jfu;[cr!faJtiJani jßd1:-C,'a'rt;:,::tq.Th·:;C~iÞffee[ ,arid: ~)::Re crea tion , 'L" ,! :0'0 mmtl:is 8:ion f;ŒIN j'])h..n"ßd<ilfJj1 !)~eµt6imli¡.'t' ',i2'8,,' cli96m at [éh:oo sF). 14:;' f' q9fÐfu ndE'dt by Councilman Benetti, t',~c:-... ':f::f."IJ::.¿G \",'!njLíC8 :Jri.:,t ,:~1¡1.tb'1('è~~j'1 JJ:i;,J)f:¡ cjCtl Jf181tl '1:~1jj~_;1 ·:.hJ,T L ,.! :A.YE!S:,,:'<>! .~Unc.:ElJmŒm1}Y1,æe.:ne¡ttITi!;1Je)JI¡rt;)t;"Sá!b:rl5r,cjßJzámE1) 3,111)';""11 upcn (:',-:. ~:NC$Sì::) 80:)~O'O.unáilplBn!¡)q N"QtlEt'lG·J·J.~· J':>f1 b.LU08 \.lqm.te \~r:sqr::o·),....tn .jc·¡i;j ',' A:BSENT:t¡C"Y1C,oJulric:ldme¡;¡t~cœ~eJto5ði',;' 0.1 ariJf1or-, )(13 '101 ;I"", '!I J;J tile' M'OTiI'ON"e·^R'?·[T:''''· ,c4..A;n<e"I (,[,.",i ;J't 1;'1" r'c¡t""""""f·1~ .,",',,' ,,',c', ",-,',''',''',,','',' '. .",_.1/"'\·4\). llCW. ..,.~A¡t·'-· .-_ '_.J"'" ~." 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