CC 08-31-61
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ROLL CALL:" i.. Councllmen.; :pté Sy)1:þ :, ;;J?ehe tt:i.:1' e,f~~~ ,J3~ J.,a1ï, jì'~¡ " " .$iri
Cou!1cilme!T·J\;t¡~e11't":"'Jevtét\;.'J.', .,,' <"'",, ..;I"" .,,1,.1... ")'J,,l
f)''P,j,3 ~W)8'1,,¡b.r§:ta§j{¡~rnt':fql1J,~))-9ct;i t'U;tl~'¡~!~;¡;~!f[r:@~~i:4·.tQ.,ti;i'1)
Aï~,i;\~.. ·.:..~.é.;.9P~~~.~. ~. [I. V[~~1 ç\:,jf~.·L.~.~.ì.t.!'j~.\ft. ~tr[t.~Š~1;~iM?'\1~.ff((i¡rI[.:D~~itk,t~[l:1¡
W~?~l~<~~t.,~t~. $b~[é!f:..,.;rmt. r~" ,if~tJ.....~~~.! ';~.~;rr~*r~~~f~~[Æ~~h~~
' .,'fiSSO·,,,.r¡.C\.,J,-!,. (\;'1T \., ?9'):,'):,'ì:1~'fl ::l"J.},Y)3rrr"ß:8q\fJ.,O:,..,JJ'ÖJ8>J .$'1 ,n9 9Q, 'li~V 'ì~ ,-Gr
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Councilman Benettista.ted:tha.t"'evéryoM i?a.\'1'areoi' his atand!'è-
gar:?>}pg:0r:\:;c1)ref>~n~) &JiX "r@é1f!~r;.i: l!;\t' ~¡<*?M,W '~~.f. ~~)þ:1p~Þ., (J'J1~\c~,5Ittcf~tt~'ïs'f¡~ul d
b~,: "J,~..c..'I:f~¡>. e,d., ft1<if..r iP.WM.:~..é~<i,~. ;;a. ...:fJ~: ;Jlé.ITYi:¡:C ~'W;.';{ f¡9;'tf' .t:., J,1fJ. Ii.W'.. þ:¡l~.t; ,,;of¡!. 80. :'.r:¡¡&a...~~d. ".'1 J:
howeverjthat he ,has . be~n,~}},!fi;t1ß¡1;;t:.~¡ l1J?r¡;ftelÌ1PrYÆ:,n{cf0p"u:¥u~PfJr~];t.~:,¡;J,~s
'and haS' come to· the 'concluslon that '-!'T life declcle on a tax' ~n'crea'fre[' tf'Íåt
the voters'should'ha:(re!>omevÖice in the"tnatter, , He[said:he'b'èlì~v'éS~'
that the proper way to get the things'that we have been tallÜng aMútJ'
street.improvementa, storm drainage, recreatio.n, we should have a bond
:Issue,";' , . . , ...'
~',l '..J
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',L:" qf::rl ~t"is::[x'.·~ .J
Councilmªn :Benetti moved that the,City ManågeJ:' preparé'infòrì11àtio¡¡¡
to be submitted to the Council, on streèt,imprOvements, storrrdrains, and
recrea U.dn. J "', SecôriãeiJI by Co\.¡n~!LJlrnán-A)ea.o:;I1. t)f ,r:- L ,:;ti1.: ,'01" 1 . " ,
bJ !j__:,1J '.)(1, :J ,c;d : F JJ __U3:~ .. ~~: CJ r: --:t:r tU::1ïf- i:::;r: r,:1"cJ fJ:i", _ ~,= '} ~ii:r!¡t :):th_ ~~\'-":"-"~'" '\?<':'::'? ':L ';:.i+::(~~'r(.~i,
AYES:" D <" Cò'ÛncífJiìl~!i":DC 9[! ,::;ílBet'ïé-tt'i,¿JPélQ's(!ij')i$aich:ë li¥!d'{.'lli..zaWeoi< ~'v iè;!
NAYS' C . 1""",,··J ~.' c'',"", ciA [;', l' ,,' II 'ie" ""l"Qn¡ [ ,','; ¡'. \! . 'J n c; i C'J "")
.. . ,-. . OUncl. mc:::n·.u.,)_ . '""-'i\O'fl~-'-' <~JJ.."_J__J, _,O wJ.·~ , . ..·.~'·~-.'l ",-,
ABSENT: CounciJ,men; .' ',' .]"ewett·
MOT-tON! ~MU'!]]¡;Di~'nQ)J[; Y. ~ ;;L¡J(~1¡-'Ø:;')¡Jj :L~J~ dQih'2, hJ()
.J,:tjf¡-':;,¡,~~.c; _i'~jJ~,~ ·:','fJ:->TL :I;i,£, ,fi,.:'_;':r~Jj,-LI . " r;\rl'J, ,) ~'::~.J ,r,: , :~ljf I 'WLJ
GOunciJ,man Saiçhstated that ,the matter which Go\mcil¡¡¡al':t.Benetti., .
'Yñà>è:i m~I1H p¥fèã . dè<i3 €iri:rë:i;Lâ! gÌ'é8:t.P d eÆi.æ·, 0. 'fli'di '$ii:\uJ'èÎ3& 'è ni; r. 0 H~i ~t\¡Cir -We" lrtNiiß t, . . ....
atièbk'J~(rèf"'èt~ly 'ønLtheseJi'temi;¡r(lJ6ë:fÒr~:W.è a:·&tj':B¥l~lth:ê-l1ìA \.~.~·JU i,::,rrir,:" 8:~J;'
'.',. . -,' ',__ u>,,.\.,:)~~i.ciq;r<YU~
Mayor Lazaneo said that it has been moved and seconded and . .
unå)!l~m0'14!S:ry )pe:ss:èdT,' 'tM-:t . tch~; 0i.t:j¡'f/Man#g7r:-':îiÌ'~~j :il.fré'Þbtt}6r~q!l~ .'
,ÇôU;r¡ c Ji.;J,'tèì',: fféoÎfiè'Vi ,', 'We fate i we', n)iÌl1(e;à;ny'ririâ, F 'cl ê'ct5;~br¡€!~!'1 ,'~: , ,'(1fl I'"~ \,, ~!L¡' I J
;'"f-:)\: -:--::,J.u:q ~)CI: -','-:¡-'l:'Y-L'::r'\(J ·'..,rr v,¡'~;¿¡L'J (J,;1'~J,_,:_~! \ ~f;J"(;::-: ,/ì~JJ' ~V-U})"~)2i~j')''ì,_.:\..)::J ':,l.f.¡f';~ .:,~jrt.~
, !qLCQU'ì'iê,üÌ!1á1iFBétte.tti ~1itltl;'thät¡'f¡~id'¢'ês nòv tid:f1þ;;:M~!1I~:W¡; Shö,i1tid1,.4;¡;'áif¡;
our feët!,i 6nêthis mát't'é l'i'¡<vthàt') J\tlil's,i :rè po.t't"åhlÞu'1d 1'00" rpì:>èþaJ!'ètl-' at', ),óh'~ ¡;f; i', [
,',' -,
Councilman said tbat vie hå.vebeentalking, abo.ut this fo.r over
a year., In additiOn to, theo.thèr itemsè~s:es'ted,fîtis'.5,rnPortant tþa.t
we startto'tl'\inIc about äCivi6Center site,'he<Sáid'. 1-Ie stated further
that we must consider all thejl1e6es~à,Typhasè's;:t1!fl'''['mprOvement·;that,'we
have discussed during thepast,cOl,1pleof years,. He ,went on. tQ say
that he thought the Council should s~t down with the City Manager, the
Library Co.mmisaion, RecreationCo.mmission, Water Commission, Planilini{"
Commission, all of the commissiQns, and discuss this important item.
Councilman Benetti stated he agreedl'iith wI¡å,t PelQsi has
said, but he tho.ught that we need the information before we dissuss it
and, therefqre, that the City Manager should ,get the ball roLLing as far
as !:~\}!,!;!r~poJj't,is cÇJncE[rBed¡¡, " ',! '" ~"" " , ''<"''
, ,
Mayor Lazaneò, e~pressêq the ,opinion that the ~ir~t. phaße ßhOµld"Î1~
started by the cíty Manager, We have to know how múéh we can bond for
and; Wh¡;¡'~é ;lwiPregrél,m?hqulq iþe atlq. then the C01:p'lcil r,éI,i1 n¡a,k~ ar¡¡y, , ;
nec(;)~tFF¥. 8hà,ngtspe~<?re\'le~JaI¡:e a Çle~:i.n:i,te,ç:l~c:i,i'iiOr¡.~¡! , " 'Y
ÇQ14pdì;<t:l..c¡h $~~teq .tþat the. GqU!1Qi;L ¡>hou;Lp.get1'/~ th~n.e City
Mana~er'iind'F1iscÜsS' th:!.s bpnd'iasue'. . 'The, Couni:J.1 ~ ~s~~he.gQvern;l,1').g. bpr;ly
and.' one manl'lould take' siX months to' prepare the reþÒrtvli tht¡JU1;t\:ié ""
Council's aS5istance, '
/) êÞfu.¡¿Uffi§.r1Pelp'si åskedth~ "çf tÿ,'~å:€;ér t6~ 11isÓþ1n;ton:,
J '.,j' """;~'"_ d, _. ,,,,",,,,,_,,,<¡ ,.·,~,;l '.", .",,'___'," :"'.
-.',< .
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The City ï1anager stated that it would be much easier for the ~
Council to proceed on the question discussed if a resume which had t~
been suggested ror the bond issue was presented to the Council, then
when they did meet, they would have in mind some of the information that
would be important to the discussion and it would be much easier for
them to set up a program,
Mayor Lazaneo stated he agreed with this; we should have a form to
Councilman Saich stated that it is very important that we have the
assessed valuation of the City for the discussions.
Councilman Pelosi stated that he believed the City Manager has
outlined what should be done, and tl~t he would go along with his
Moved by Councilman Pelosi that Resolution 487, setting the tax
rate at 26¢ for the fiscal year 1961-62, be adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Saich,
AYES: Councilmen:
NAYS: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Benetti, Pelosi, Saich and Lazaneo
Councilman Benetti reported on the recreation report that had been
presented by the Recreation Subcommittee. He commented on the great
deal of work that had been done by this sommittee in preparing this
report,~, 19¡t o f,,,1?l1e, el~pt9,ra t~ \'lere c(?ntaçtêd ,1;1,lfldaNce,d, que,~~ipn~ regard-
,j,Jl.!¡;, ,a, recreat~o.rlþÌ'ogr¡¡.,nr apd, wha t, their, opin1ptrwo;,tld '. be rega.rdi'ng a
bppdi~sue.. ,Man~ or, thépeop:léwere S).!.í'~Ì'ise(j tÞa.ttheS.~ t:\7 J¡1ad'!'!,uch a
lO\:l tà.:X:, ,rate and, felt, tnatiþ ShO\lld bErir\cr~a,1?ed. 'Some ,were in' ,', '
fa.vórofdOµbÜi\g, and evetJ t:biÞlingth~;tâx .':tatè.' ';
I,.. .. ,_; '..' :'" _~' .. .. .. """'0;' ," ,- '.. ..' .. ,.. ........'.... '.... .. .' ' ..,...',: "..' , .'
'c'ouncllrtian Pe1.ósl Said he would like to ¡mow in what area of the
City the ,;lO%we,recon~,acted. , He ,s,tated t["@t thi,s .is ,important apd,;would
l.:i.ket'o seeb'i'ochures' put 'out givihgtl1e people àll' the informatioh'
iegä:r'ding a bond issue 0.1" any other method which might be proposed to
increa~~ oUr financ~s to.talce care af adc;l,itional CHy s~r)TicE;!s., ." H.e
exp-resáèd theoPini?n t.hátwe shoulded,ucát,e tr~ people itÍ1d then go to
a- bona. issue; hire a prOfessional onrecrèatian who has a baclcground of
financirjg recrea:tipn progr,3.m:;;, . He :;;tatedthat s1,!ch a peJfSp,~. \,/ould be
,a big; h¢lp tp us,- OrV!e cé,J.uld {!;eta rec.reatir;ip CÒl'1sultarit~~p hé;¡.p· us.
A,no1:;hér fine source would be to contàct the State ReCreation Department.
They hâve experts in this field who are available to assist us in this
"'Co1,\~cillnan Benettis'ta'fe~r tI1ere
reportãnd it'is very important that
,:proJ?~r 1nf0J:'I11a,t;i{Jn to. the people...
are many' factors in the recreation
we get expert help in getting the
.. -,'
.. : ~ '. ........" r . """.-
, . ,Mayor .Lázahe§mèntioned that he would not be present at the
~egülanmeeting Sèptember 5, and, Councilman Pelosi said that he would
t,.... .¡.,.., ".'. '.' ..'w....
have to be away also, School was starting, he said, and there are a
couple .é,Jf v,¥FY i,mpor,tant,meetj,nßs Vlh;i<rh b,e¡nustlattend~
',,' . .,1'Òpuncill!1ß.l~ Sa.içþ ,st~:te5¡lthatthere' W01.I:td, be,a 'qu.bpUI1\, pfe;:¡ènt at
~th,e mèet:tJ¡1gai1¡:l ;tb,¡it ,t,l1ß;quorumcould .acj;Ön:' any i teJlIS, bntM. ageh¡ìa., ;
11" j.l ':", '~.. "1'''-'': _';'" .. I,' ,::1. :,~,; ..: ....,... ::-','" ','" "_::_;,. >_,," .. ':- u_:, -",,'; ,_, ': .:-" ':.¿ ,', ¡' .'~ '; I:",. :..::. ~_~: "_>. ,:',-:,_."""'"
:;; ,! QOMlfci1I1join,.rEÙosisa,id no. Ùpewìll ª-rgu.è th:1-s poipt, pµtthàt. tlle:¡,e
$.r:~ ,some ,matter's' that wpuldbe well to wait Úptil ä11 of ,the Cõünèilmen
aI~, p~e¡¡el~~", 'J." "é" ' , " .' .'
ThE! Gity Ç1~r¡~stated ; tl)il t. . Mr~, Pag~r1in~ 's. tprney , l1a\Ì,1í!CJ,ue s,t,e,d
thp.t i.näslIIÌ,J,cl\a:;; M±',. ;1'ag$.Ì"\ini WQuld. Þè.:oµt þftown- on.Sep1;;þmbèr· 5., . .that,
t'þ;e' må:tte.:p,reW¡.::r4:i,pg;, tfi~- zon;ing, pf thè, '.Påg,an,ili:t' pr9p~.rtYhÌ1,':pJ.u;,'øvex' c J
~~~~~ê~~~ i~~*o.~~~~~~e~s~Kive ~~u:~£~\!~~~l~J s'~h~d i£~~;~~~~Carj;S
re.· iii.¡es't.e.d, ",' ".. '0 . , '"
i ::..' 'ft! ~':...' :~._..) <., I 1.,:"1(- -n-: :
: : ¡vr1;1;yòr1:,p.Z~'\lf?¢.$tªj;~srt,hè Counc:ïl W;ill meþt, and, 'of course~'tâí:l-"
act.onány matter'pn the.ág¢nda, but that toe Cöunci;t shbuld r,eÇqgnize
t,he :requE':!st of l':I;r,' 1'agétPini,' apd hold',ie 'over". '. , ' .
, : ."~
I;" ;-.
t ,1.,~ :-.
-'. ,,"
, ,
Moved by Councilman Saich that Jean Echwald be appointed.Deputy
City ClerIc. Seconded by Councilman Benetti.
Benetti, Pelosi, Saich and Lazaneo
The City I1anager requested permission to make advance reservations
for the City Council and other officials who would attend the League
of California Cities conference in October. The request was for
Moved by
authorized to
by Councilman
Councilman Pelosi that the Ci t:y ClerIc and Treasurer be
sign a check in the amount of $165.00 for advance
for the League of California Cities conference, Seconded
AYES: Councilmen:
NAYS: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Benetti, Pelosi, Saich and Lazaneo
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P,M.
Isl Nick J, Lazaneo
Mayor, City of Cupertino
Is( Lawrence K. Martin
Ci y ClerIc
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