CC 07-22-61
<;) F1 !J
1'. O. BOX 597
AL 2-4505
, ,
1961. (Adjourned from July 17. 1961)
10321 So, Saratoga--Sunnyvale Road
9:00 A.M.
Councilmen Present: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich
and Lazaneo
Councilmen Absent:
Staff Present:
I Ordinance No. 182:
City Manager and City Clerk
Moved by Councilman Pelosi that Ordinance 182, an Ordinance
approving the annexation of certain contiguous uninhabited terri-
tory designated Stevens Creelc - 11 to the City of Cupertino be
read by title only, full reading to be waived by unanimous consent.
Seconded by Councilman Saich.
AYES: Councilmen:
NAYS: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich and Lazaneo
Ordinance No. 182 read by title only,
Moved by Councilman Benetti that Ordinance 182 be enacted.
Seconded by Councilman Saich.
AYES: Councilmen:
NAYS: Councilmen:.
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich and Lazaneo
II Ketell Construction Co.: Approval of tentative n~p.
Councilman Saich absented himself from the hearing.
Donald Barr represented the applicant. The map was posted on
the bulletin board, With reference to the Planning Commission
reoommendation, the applicant stated that he prefers to use the
20-foot easement to the play area.
The neighborhood plan, No.4, was posted for comparison with
the street plan on the Ketell map. Councilman Benetti referred
to the number of Highway 9 crossings between Stevens Creek Boule-
vard and Homestead Road. He said it is important not to construct
too many crossings or malce too many intersections .'Ii th Highway 9
due to traffic considerations. It was agreed that Forest is not
to cross Highway 9. also that more than two crossings between
Homestead Road and Stevens Creek Road appears inadvisable. He
raised the question of street access to the Giuffrida property at
the northeast corner of the Ketell map.
Councilman Jewett aslced about the status of the stub street
marked as Anton Avenue which would, when extended, provide street
access to the Giuffrida parcel and prevent it from being land-
The applicant stated that the Giuffrida prol~rty would, of
course. enjoy ingress from Highway 9 and also from the stub street
owned by Ketell. However. the timetable for the construction of
Anton Avenue is uncertain at this time since it is being handled
as a second development by the builder, i.e., lots, ~¡, 25, 26,
27. 28 and 29 as shown on the tentative map. These six lots are
zoned commercial not R-3-H and apparently will be used for motel
area and commercial building(s).
DCi'lald Barr explained that the U-sl1aped street called Parle
Drive was designed so as to provide the proper architectural and
site appearance and give the best yield to the building. Council-
man Benetti agreed that the U-shaped street would appear to provide
better ingress and egress from the standpoint of police and fire
Mr. Barr asked that the 10-foot path to the proposed school
site be maintained by the City after construction and dedication
by Ketell. He said that his request for City maintenance of this
easement is the only point of difference between the map submitted
July 17 and the recommendation of the Planning Commission on
July 10.
Discussion arose concerning the lilcelihood of a school
actually. being constructed on the site in question, due to changing
patterns of surrounding uses. Councilman Jewett said he would
insist that the easement be constructed as shown at the time of the
project development. If it should be omitted due to the possibility
that the school may not occupy the site, it would be difficult,
perhaps impossible, to secure construction of the easement to the
school by the builder at some future date after the rest of the
project is completed,
The Mayor said that at the present moment the school is
definitely planning to put a school on the parcel in question.
He advised the City Manager to contact the school district for a
letter of intention.
Councilman Jewett reiterated that the builder might not
return and put in the path months or years after the apartments
are built at such time as the school is definitely scheduled for
Councilman Benetti aslŒd the reasons for the easement between
lots 13 and 14. Mr. Barr answered that the garages will be at
the rear of those lots and the zoœ designated 1;20 foot driveway
easements (private)" is supposed to provide access to the garages
for those two lots. He added that he has submitted with the
July 17 map and letter of transmittal, a preliminary draft of
the deed restrictions for approval by the City Attorney.
Councilman Benetti questioned the applicant further concern-
ing the actual physical appearance of the driveway easements. A
plot plan of the property was posted to further the discussion of
the application. Discussion arose about the possibility of fenc-
ing these driveways.
The Mayor said that as he understands the renderings, the
applicant is lceeping parldnG facilities to the rear where they
are not visible from the street, at the same time providing more
space and landscaping in those areas visible from the street. He
maintained that the driveways are private property and that the
word easement is probably being used incorrectly in this case.
It vms generally agreed that these driveways should not be called
easements since they are not being dedicated for public use.
COlu1cilman Jewett asked the applicant if he is counting the
driveway on the west side of the subdivision as part of the lots
along which it fronts. The lots are marked as 1091 x 143' in-
cluding the driveways, However, the Mayor said that the Council
should act on the tentative map as approved by the Planning
Commission. The lots sizes and number of units have been approved
by the Planning Commission. He added that the map must still be
examined by the City Engineer in submission of a final map and by
the Building Department in the granting of building permits.
Councilman Benetti said that he thought Qouncilman Jewett's
complaint is in order since the driveway may be included in the
set-baclcs .
The point was made that setbacks are not part of the tentative
map as are lot sizes and nlliTIber of units, The app~~cant stated
that the project will be built with no mare than 20 units to the
acre based on the gross acreage.
Councilman Pelosi inquired about the status of the private
driveway on the west end of the subdivision if the adjoining owner
decides to proceed with R-3 uses and wishes to place another
private driveway directly abutting the Ketell property. Who has
the right to use this and what about access if Parle Avenue is
extended to the west wi tl1 Gutter, curb, and sidewalle?
On this point, Councilman Benetti again questioned the drive-
way midway between the north-south portions of Parle Avenue, saying
that they could provide means of eluding police.
Councilman Pelosi inquired about maneuverability in these
driveways. The applicant stated that the Width of the driveway
is sufficient to turn a car rather than compelling the users to
bacle in or out.
COUl1cilman Jewett said that he is very much in favor of pro-
viding access to the apartments and garages by means of private
driveways situated at the rear of the units,
Councilman Pelosi aslced about access to the R-3-H portion of
the Giuffrj_da property. The map malees it loole as though the only
access may be from Anton Avenue.
Councilman Benetti agreed that the factors in favor of the
driveways offset the unfavorable aspects, but he still maintained
that private driveways cm, be a police problem.
George Bronner, spealeing for the applicant, said that police
departments will contend that the fewer fences and barricades the
better, from a law enforcement standpoint. This point was made
with respect to the construction of fences within these driveways.
The Mayor contended that he could not see the validity of
bloclÜng off the driveways.
Councilman Pelosi said that he is in favor of the map, pro-
viding the subdivider constructs a barrier to the driveways if it is
believed necessary in the future.
Mr. Barr said that their plans are not altogether definite
but he may file the final map on the R-3-H section first and then
build Anton Avenue when the C-I-H district is constructed, On
this basis, he would include all streets except Anton Avenue and
the improvements adjoining lots 28 and 29 on Highway 9 at the time
of the R-3-H construction.
Councilman Pelosi said he would insist that Highway 9 be
improved at the time that the R-3-H section is built.
Mr. Barr agreed that this could be required by the City
Council when the final map is filed, He added that the street at
the west end of the Gemco pl~perty will go through Stevens Creek
Boulevard at the time of initial construction. He explained
that financing considerations allow them clear sailing on the
R-3-H zone. Commercial property may be temporarily held in abey-
ance, but that certainly the curb returns for Anton Avenue would be
installed along with the R-3-H district, He was èIDcertain as to
the immediate intentions on Anton Avenue but agreed that Anton
Avenue might be constructed at the present time along with 145' of
improvements on Highway 9 which, he said, Would benefit only south
bound traffic at this time.
The r~yor suggested the possibility of posting a bond to
assure the Highway 9 im~ovements,
For the record, Donald Barr stated that the developer will
positively improve Highway 9 as part of the R-3-H project in order
to avoid any stalemate on his application,
Moved by Councilman Jewett that the City approve the tentative
map of Ketell Construction Co., dated July 17, 1961, suBject to
complete improvements and dedication on Highway 9, standard improve-
ments on Park Avenue, the installation of curb returns on Anton
Avenue, and further providing that barricades be constructed in the
areas dividing Park Drive if deemed necessary to the City.
Seconded by Councilman Benetti.
AYES: Councilmen:
NAYS: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councllmen:
Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi and Lazaneo
The matter of setoacks was deemed not a part of the tentative
map application.
III Resolution 470:
Resolution 470 was read.
Councilman Jewett asked about other weed nuisances within the
City, specifically adjacent to Mayfair Market, The City Manager
answered that weeds at Mayfair Market are not a sufficient
accumulation to warrant weed abatement action at this time.
Councilman Jewett also said that Calabazas and Regnart Creeks
are a source of weeds and also a dumping grounds. The County
Flood Control regulation was mentioned, wherein a $250,00 fine is
provided for illegal dumping within any flood control easement,
With regard to agricultural lands, Ordinance 53 specifically
exempts such property. The City Manager was authorized to contact
the owners of property adjoining City Hall, however, with a view
to clearing some of the weeds and other combustible trash. Moved
by Councilman Jewett that Resolution 470 be adopted, declaring
certaln prlvate property within the City to be a public nuisance
under the provisions of Ordinance 53, giving notice thereof, and
setting hearing date thereon, Seconded by Councilman Pelosi.
AYES: Councilmen:
NAYS: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich and Lazaneo
IV Miscellaneous:
Councilman Benetti introduced the street pattern in the
Paganini application with particular reference to the southern
part of the property,
The Mayor said that the revised application contains zoning
for 500 feet only,
Councilman Pelosi agreed that the depth of zoning is
COlli1cilman Benetti said that in the absence of further dis-
cussion, he could not vote in favor of the application, He
referred to the pertinent ordinance which provides that the City
may require plans and elevations at its discretion. He said that
the possible land-locking of adjacent property has been discussed
just this morning,
The Mayor said that the Council still has one month to decide
if it votes for the preparatlon of an ordin&1ce. No vote is taken
until the second reading which would be approximately a month's
Councilman Jewett said that he was opposed on the matter of
depth, that he can't see the application at the moment.
The Mayor repeated that Councilmen can decide according to
their own views when the ordinance is on the table for a vote,
The City Manager stated that zoning application and a tentative
map application which would contain street pattern are different
matters and can very well be considered separately.
Councilman Benetti still said that the rear of the property
is very questionable,
Councilman Pelosi observed that at the time of the Planning
Commission decision, almost all concerned were agreed on the d~pth
of zoning, namely 500 feet. He said that commercial depths should
be more than 400 reet and it might be reasible to set a minimum
of 500 feet.
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Councilman Saich noted that there are no buildings on much
existing cQmmercial land within the City limits and that rezoning
more property for C-I-H the City may be going too far ahead,
Councilman Jewett agreed with Councilman Pelosi that the City
might feasibly establish a 500-foot minimum for cOlnmercial zoning
on Stevens Creek Road and by the same token deny any application for
a lesser depth,
The Mayor called a study session for July 24, 1961,
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 A.M,
/a/ Nick J, Lazaneo
Mayor, City of Cupertino
A~~E~,T: ,t~U
Ci ty Clerk
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