CC 05-01-61 0"' "" ùOt) ).} ". I,', ,_ .'. P. 0, Box 597 . . 'AL 2-4505 C I T Y 0 F' CUP.E R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 'tHE CITY COUNCIL - MAY 1, 1961 Place: 10321 So, Saratoga-Sunnyval~ Road ~im~: 8:00 P~M. I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL Councilmen Pres~nt: Councilmen Abs~nt: Staff Present: B~nettl, Jew~tt, Pelosi, Sa:Lch, Lazaneo None City Manager, City Attorney, Clty Engineer, Ci ty Clerlc III MINUTES OF Till PREVIOUS MEETINGS: April 10, 17, 19".,~8j'J' & 25":.'''1961 Minutes of the meetlngs of Aprll 10 and 26 were held for further con- sideratJ.on; Moved by Councllman Benetti that the minutes of Aprll 17, 19, and 25 be approved as submitted; Seconded by Councilman Saich, AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, J~wett, Pelosi, Smch, Lazaneo NAYS; Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 (CouncJ.lman Pelosi abstained from voting on) (the minutes of Aprll 25.) IV PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Ivan Bllich: Applicatlon to rezone lots 43 & 44, from R-l::B-2 to R-3-H; north of' Stevens Creel, Blvd. from Planey to Portal FAst of Wheaton Drive, Recommended by Planning Commission Resolution I,JI. LoUis Segal, LG,H,O,A" said that he told the Planning COmmisslon that this rezoning would be the first step in selling Cupertino down th~ rlver, He said h~ is stlll of' the same opinion becaus~ many applicants will appear before the City to seek rezonlngs if their property adjoins land which they consider to be potentially commer- cial, He said he does not understand how the Planning Commlssion could agree and then vote In favor of' the application. J, Robert Dempster said the burdon of proof lies with the applicant to show why the application is good for the City, He said that more services are required for multiple dwellings and that multiple dwell- ings also breeds juvenile delinquency, He asked for a study to de~ termine where to put a stop to multlple dwelling dlstricts wlth par- ticular reference to the lands which abut commercia~?,£..P9:te}}t:t.al commercial. ,.. ,'- Robert Michaelson said there are disturbing factors In Planning Com- mission action and the impression is given that recommendations are bas~d on the fact that the applicant is a native resident 0: ¡as been a long time resident and the fact that he may have undergone .)me hard times which prompts the Commission to consider the applicatlC:I favor- ably. He said the land owners are given consideration and said to have certaln rights. He maintalned, however, that rezones should be based on merit. He concluded by saying that recommendation based on personal feelings should be stopped or the City will be hurt, Ivan Bilich ¡·¡as present on behalf of his application. Councilman Benetti stated that all are concerned with the amount of R-3 zoning. Ivan Bilich stated that the application would serve as a buffer aone for one thing, an~ in addition, the parcel is not the place for R-l housing. Moved by Councllman Jewett that the hearing licant who made the presentatlon before the notified to appear before the City Council; Saich. AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: be contlnued and the app- Planning Commlssion be Seconded by Councilman Benettl, None None 5-0 Jewett, Pelosi, Saieh, Lazaneo -1- 306 2, CaroQno Del Homes: Appllcatlon för 7ariance to allow a wlde where ordlnance requires 70 ft.; 10534 N.Bla¡ley Ave. ed by Planning Commission Resolution 50, vJal"'d Cloump, the applicant, e:¡¡:plained the locat:Lon of the house wi th reference to the various setbaclcs. Tht;! proposed home wi 11 be setba<.J!c 32 ft, from Blaney Ave, Hè said that allpo~sible consideration ha! been glven to the adjolning houses, those of Ellis and We::..dner, whos~ homes Here built before the establlshment of curb grades, and conse- quently, are lower tllan the present street leveL Mr, C:ru,mP stated that the lot at 10534 is graded so that the runoff wÜl hot be a hazard to the adjolning homeaites. He added that a point 25;[ above the cu:rb leve). is the absolute minimum helght at whJ.ch water will run off to the st:reet, . . . lot 65 ft, Recorrnr,·~:.è,.. ~ '""" ~ ¡-. ~ Moved by Councilman Counc::..lman Jewett. AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: Saich that the varlance be granted; Seconded by Benetti, Je'-Tett, Pelosi, Salch, Lazaneo None None 5-0 Mr, Segal said, with reference to Item IV 1, that R-l dwellí'1gs surr- ound the proposed multiple, also that a :school 8ite 18 :.. the im- mediate neighborhood. V ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION A, Ordlnance 175: Prohibiting the sale of 'firewo~c8 within the City limits and providing penalties for the violation therecf. First reading. First reading given. B, Ordinance 176: Rezoning property øf Ripley Homes, 17 acres, from R-l:B-2 to R-l, between Forest, Blaney & Vlsta, First readlng, Councilman Benetti asked that the Chamber of Commerce letter dated May 1 be read at this time. The letter contained a resolution Of the local Chamber of Commerce urging the City Council to aSEUre a civic center site at the location across from Collins School as des- ignated in the report of Cupertino Parks And Recreation Commiasion dated Novembe:r 1, 1960. The llfayor stated that the C:lty 18 working fervently towa.rd recreation facilities; everyone is in agreement that they al~ needed. Loui8 Segal informed the Council that the resldenta of' Idlewild Greens are in favor of a bond issue for recreation. However, tl'\e Mayor said that an attempt to reseI've a pa.rk site years before the City is in a position to acquire it is an lnjustice to the Oliner and the builder. Carl Tucci took the pOSition that it 1s an lnjustlce to the Clty and lt~ residents to allow the slte to be lost to I'ecreation, He cons~4- ered it a queBt~on of the interests of a few opposed to the interests of many, Councl1man FeIosl said that he had some views to present on the sub- ject of civic center and would do so at the time foI' oral communica- tions. Ordinance 176 glven first reading, C, Ord~r~nce 177: Rekonin~ prQpertv of Bonar & Fisher, 1 acre, Sim- l~ Junction, from M-l-tl to C-I-H. First reading, First readlng given, D~ Ordinance 128A: Amending Ordinance 128. F~rst reading, First reading given. E. OrdÜ1ance 163: Prohi'oiting certain land uses for single family residentJ.al constructj.on which may be in conflict with the pending zonj.ng ordinance and declaring the urgency thereof, -2· 307 Reading gi ven'1;o' Ordinance 163. ' Councilman Saich moved the enactment of, Ordinance 163. After discus- s¡on he withdrew his motion, After further discussion it was moved by Councilman Saich that Ordi- nance 163 be enacted; Seconded by Councilman Benett¡, AYES: Councilmen; Benetti, Jewett, Saich, Lazaneo NAYS: COlU1cilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ABSTAIN: Councilmen: Pelosi MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 F, Resolution 442: Resolution of the City Council granting nreworlés permits, Continued to the meetlng of May 15. G. Resolution 446: Accepting real property from Jac!c Lyddon, The property is located at the northwest corner of Vista and Stevens Creek Blvd, Moved oy Councilman Benettl that Resolution 446 be ado~ed; Seconded by Councilman Jewett, AYES: Councilmen; Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 H" Resolution 443: Appointing Mrs, D, J, Eskesen to the C~ Park and Recreation Commission. Councilman Benetti requested the Resolution be changed to show that the vacancy was created by increasing the membership of the Park and Recreation Commission. Moved by Councilman Councilman Benetti. AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen; ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: Saich that Resolution 443 be adopted; Seconded by Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo None None 5-0 Councilman Benetti added that the Commission needs one more member, VI PAYING BILLS A, Resolutions 444 and 445 Moved by Councilman Saich that Resolution 444 be adopted; Seconded by Councilman Benetti. AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Moved by Councilman Benetti by Councilman Saich, AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: that Resolution 445 be adopted; Seconded Benetti, None None 5-0 Jewett, Pelosl, Saich, Lazaneo vn PROTESTS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Robert Bandatura, representing Northwestern Enterprises, Miller Ave" ~d he had been asked to appear. The Mayor advised Mr, Bandatura t~ feturn May 15 at which time the Architectural & Site Control app- 1ica~on of Northwestern Enterprises would be on the agenda, 1. Building Inspector: report for April 2, J,ohn p~ Gates, Westacres Dr.: Application to fill vacancy on the Plann~ng Commission (July 12, 1961). Moved by Councilman Jewett that June 17 be set as the final date for acceptin~ applicants to Planning Comrrassion; Seconded by Councilman Benetti. -3- 308 AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Coòmcilmen: ABSENT: CounEllmen: MOTION CARRIED: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saleh, Lazaneo None None 5-0 loti 1-3 ~ t_ OO 3. Water Co~nittee: Minuteð and report of recent meeting, 4, Sidney R. Mitchell: Letter re 27 acre parcel otmed by Griffith, West, and Anderson southwest corner Regnart Rd. and Lindy Lane, Re- ferred to City Manager. 5. Santa Clara County: Newsletter #14, April, 1961. 6. Air Pollution Control District: Memo, Model Ordinance Presenta- tlon Meeting - May 5, County Supervisors' Chambers. The Mayor said that he would like to relinqUish his position on smog control to the City Manager, Moved by COòIDcilman Benetti that the city Manager be auth0rized to make reports on smog control; Seconded by Councilman Jewetc, AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelo!;!i, SaJ.ch, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None . ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 7. Trafficways Committee: ~hnutes of the April 12 meetinr 8. County Boundary Çommission: Latest annexations within j miles of City of Cupè±otirio. ". '. 9, League ofCa1iforl1~a Citieß: L.iat of bills which affect cities presently befor@ t~e State .Legislature, Moved by CgµoCil~ Jewett that the letters be receivèd and filed; Seconóed by Coun~11man Saico. AYES: Councilmén: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, 3âich, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MO'JI ON CARRIED: 5-0 VIII REPORT Q ¡' OFFICEl'S AND COMMISSIONERS A. Report of Road Commissioner Councilman Saleh reported that stl~et5 are being repaired. fie said he would like to hear citizen opinion on the condition of any particular streets, Councilman Pelosi questioned the Clty Engineer about the restoration of streets which have been trenched for the installation of ùtilities, He asked whether they are repaved to the old standards , former stan- dards, or existing standards. The City Engineer stated that the questlon has never been posed before nor has it been determined ~Iho would pay for the difference in re- storing the pavement to current City standards as compared to restor~ ing the pavement to its condition immediately prior to opening the street. E. J. Small informed the City Council that there is no sign post at the intersection of Kerwin Lane and Highway 9. also that the sign lo- cated at Kerwin and John is defaced am illegible. Ð, Report of Police and Fire Chief (City Manager) No report. C, Report of Recreation Commissioner Councilman Benetti sta~ed that the Chamòer of Commèrce is spon- soring a May 11 meeting to support recreation in the C1t y. D, Report of City Treasurer No report. E, Report of Public Health and Safety Commi~sioner No report F. Report of City Manager 1. The Business Committee of the Chamber of Commerce met. on ApriJ 17 to suggest that the Chamber review ordinances which would affect local business. Councilman Saich questioned the prerogative of the Chamber in tht, .. .~L, , ,~! ; ., , , 309 J '-:::; .~.,;... ,:; r:. ~",-; to ,"¡ Lß i j,.; L\": '} .' J."'.; ~'L t. .~) "-·':.i 3 u!;; 9J £JJ)at,';¡alW L:!t>á.>ttang tbá1t§,{td±SJof)hâ ßIÎèSþorls:Ì>'q:í)~i~,ooidfjaê\ö:t:ay Cauncil '¿bllJstQoM<1<atn¡p,roimande:s. 'IBm BST6 9,])' 'J.o nO;;<J.~Y9<bjs~J~J .!,~ff~ ,Bj§,~, ..' " " ". +, 9m:rl,9.,:J;P ,:r""yo'Jqg"'l bpß Councilman Pelosi sald there 1s 'meritín the idea: of having . Cham- , ' "I':(Q:e:ft ~f s60l1lJÐ6'DM:WÌ1eWf! mn "pDO paœ!êdí:ctrlœ:tw>ãfncJ:'.es! ,[O:~ np:Ptly \¿P9:Þi!(fj;~ made Iq~mt9vM ts~IŒ:bt(yJòOO~CÍ>]?t"'r")",,", '. <",,,, "<èK",,',":cf,:,"';c'fi:ì "W¡ ,,,,,,';-è.<~Òk'~·:&r!:;·: rJ.?',c42 ".; 'r¡~;éfÇ$'1 :.: l :~: ':',' ~~ ~:,1-," \ ' ;,.' ,."'~,~. . _";'.~.;,,~::d~,:. ·.~',:~~;'~,.,:4·~:~ c';''''::~ ~~7(~~.~ , ,Tb,éMayo,r, obß,eryedthªtá.l,l o~d.inan~~íOn,~~J$:ijÌÒ1¡j!¥~tjÕ:t:R~ use 'aret~ftsel1tl~::~~é::r.~è\tötfie,'pla!ì£J=.~ç~~ffi1~~ . iJf4Y, ,::~~n~a- ¡ tJionand möd1r1~at:lon'i'fdeemeêì' ;~~ç~,if'§pt ;,Æp?c~f~~d,~\!£g'~?:Ì1d1 ':'- '3.<t~'r~~.,lor :é>,e¡7J:'ìC1e:~~q:plélaEJLtq,e~s~;Voels,on ~~"I]9-~,fa;n& h~~7:~9,r mw- ùtes' and agendas 1n order to keep lrlfoj:1mec1.,Q1Ä"currel,1t Cit.:; "affairs. ,,,), __'" ." , .\ -'''''~i-' J. ,,,.J. _.t,)". .~ . \.'~. ,.,',' Councilman Pelosi added that he is 1},?t¡¡prqro,:p¡,r¡.g)¡¡Ç>,f:ßIt(i9:;t1\1¡¡'I;J£; the idea that the Chamber of Commerce be,thesMe yq,:J¿!1~J,'2:fHt.Ì)!~'O]{Ublic in the City but rather that theyrepresent,ones,eg¡mentqf. public ,,)~:g:i¡t¿¡f}fID~l2:d 8~'trt,q j£t1óBE9~~~e<;\~'ìI!Es'\:\m;¡: l0110c0:~()b6v,!)~1¡ . j; " <."2 ?(r~rte bff~)gniffi~&;?êYè °ðrtarlÆ¡fr J¡~S.~~§~i i-%~ª ~~Mg~ð ~w.r '.j [] sf! ' ~ the LW~:j¡))~1;:+Gr~yjE1~~éVtt¡;M~J<!tent¡'i~'?:è¥i'g~ð;'¡¡[g~1~~ü'iï¡f5Wß~t"'h tfI, J. .....~~. ~g a.~. ~d.j~.,.'.'~. .~..I~:~~;.. ~1Ì.u~.J. f.'.;.~."s.,...,'.~.:.~n,..~d~.,~ ~. !.'.'Wð..·.;.,î3W;.....,~..'~~.~.·.T.:~....'....'. .~.'.'~~~.. .~....,.~....~..;. .. ~f..wt~~der c~nno,~: "~(~,~e to'.¿agr~~me:~,~,è ~~ "T:~~',~r:l~ ~,~ "'~~:r::~:~~~AP: H9 I'N!11 ':¡:'1)e,NEJlg;l}b9,rl].9or )?,lann í'¡ tl;1,~ "~' j:;~)was D,9£ 1¡~,d, '? ,.The,fil,aypt: §)Jmge S ted "t' ,", .., ,c,,¡J..,(., ,..",...J..!-"T1,.!'".,IìüI'rro.p,,,,~,,,'t¡~,!;;',."" ,.;"7T':~j:r:",'t"".?J- ,)',(',1.... 1,r~~ , na"",..,,m"'''U'!n':CS .¡¡¡;. egal' J!L'~..''''''''''. . ~. ,,'r". ·I."'è""orb" <'.' ,'", , ',. ~. ,'" ~':4 T~, ,-"':_..,"+,:.I~ 'J.....+_'.},'" -)·,..J'-''-~·\1~Nls, .1(' ~~~ '~.~':.-' ¿¡~';-~~j~á~~~~:f1jtd~o~~J~G~r¡~~ïj¿)~~~~r~~~~~~.àj~Ær~;l Reg- nart d1tch through the SUOd1visionand':Ls' a:9;r€4ß'iremené' of't:he 9d' . à ' t"" . r . " , "S.U;'¡'Yl"Err~,1n",,,ea1Zr,~<¡;Q1,e)'l,y,., '.",¡. "'''1''''''C['11'''['''''' c.'C") ¡, ,::~t~ )->J'<.I1._'/1..1::;'J.' ,1..._...\ "..',,~,t_ .}\J,~rr'.¡1 .1,",." ... ,:J.. J..,J"'> .,,! .h. ;,..'.~'. ,_ 8céM\ic:8\Háh':ie~kf~rilo~¿e i1iá'{ iéjgai)c¿llif~~.t~9~~~WN~~ ~í:~gá'#~y and procedure in conjunct1on with'the City Màné>,ger'and ëitYErigineer; Se.c.onded QY ,C,Ql1nCilman "3aj"ch,,.. .'.. ,', ".... "'I"'J' I·, '" ;'i¡' 'W'lJl:';}¡' ,:1:JCo\Jh ':tlme;A't 'Beiì.é'i-t" ..' ';r~wett'¡ pê'lsi"'s'é.'·'~í'itå.zâ.neò. .Nþ:"'S"";C:lcó'jfJ)'1.'":,,,,,,fr,,,) '}"'¡ ¡J,,~-,,?t1ii:C;"'"~''' Hit 'L'i"lv' \""""" :.1: :::'L(,ríC"..L,..Lmen: r~~one ," .,.. , ABSENT': , Còùl'!cìlme'n: ... None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 3. The Mayor suggested tha t the Statewide rezoning prò'biem' be referred back to the Planning 'Commission for future referral to the City Council, Councilman Jewett asked why the situation is being reconsidered in view of the letter withdrawing the Statewide applicat,ion, , ' ~' !' ",' 'J ':) _ ',:, 'TheiJCity !Manager ;,adVitsedi that- the City GOu'nciT/had'as!4ed'.:fori a r~port on the subject., ' , Councilman Benetti stated that Hay Bel'll nas'.s:tllii:é(lH.f'ólr a :f&'v\J.¡~w of the,'mattér and Councilman Benettirßá:'!id :h(jFf!eTl$"i't :$l;¡øl~,l\:l'. be . resolved along with theadjaceÌit 1ots;,j.'!) the s:~e:íJgti''t.uä:<t.\T,'t''i'¡r CouncilmanPe.lQsi' sa;i;d·. the pW1blen1 ShOl.i.ldnotbebeforet:1eCi ty Council but should be referre.d1;;ö the 'iI\'l¡¡.nnirig,.::q¡iriJriµ,ssiO:Ò: iOr' the City Council should hold a study session of the situation affect- ing,(,the 'ttiree blocks'<inr the ' súbdi vis!'oh,). ')<:C' 1'1 ¡", . , ,(.;,'" ./ .'\:::T ':':r~' Moved by Councilman Bene.tti that the matt~rof the 10 ft. just , outß1I:de 'thE! G-;1\..H 'zone "beiI\'ÌéenJ rScotfeQd;qÚ,d "Hoo1r>lgu'esbè') referred ,to.. the, :PlanningCommlssioDYi'or de¿:tsiol1'J.' ,Se'C'Oni:iedi Cby ':CoUlici,lman Jewett. . . '" , ' . AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: 'Coundi'lmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5~0. The Mayor asked the City Manager to notifyaHpeople :i'ri."tJ:ie affected area. G, Report of City Attorney 1. Mr. Anderson referred to the Backman letter which nad been delivered to him. He reported that Ordinance 50 is silent on the subject of returning storm drain fees as in the subject situation but he advised that it is the prerogative of the Council to pass -5- 3"0 ~ I~ Ej ¡..,. 00 a re801ut~oD authoriz~ng the return of T, A, Backman's storm dra~n fees. Moved by Councilman Saich that Backman òe ref'unded $1,050,00 whioh he depo6~ted with the City on the basIS that the storm dra~n fee will be redeposited i1' he return¡¡ wJ.th an apPl:ccatlon for the same property; Seconded Qy Counc~Jewett. A~S: CauncilmeD: Benetti, Jewett, PelosI, Saieh" Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Gouncllmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 2, Resolut~on 434 provides for the appOintment of Nick J, Lazaneo as Cupertino alternate to the Santa Clara County Water CammisBlon, 'also appointing the Mayor as member. At that tlme Mr, Lazaneo was not mayor. The Counc~l agreed to let the appointments stand as nam~d In Reso- lutJ.on L!·34· rather than make a change due to the change in the po- sltlon of the Mayor, 3. The C:t.ty Attorney wtroduced Resolution 447 endorsing Assembly BlIl 2048 Relatlng To Establishing County Highways Within Cities And Requesting The State Legls1ature And The Governor To :~act Salè Blll Ilito Law, CouncIlman Benetti sugges.ted that Cupertino would be relinquishlng city jurlsdiction by endorsing such a bill or at 1east it would allow the Clty to relinqulsh jurisdiction at some future time. He referred tothe e:x:pecteçl ag;reement Witht;he CountY>copcerning Hlgh- way 9 and said such a bill couldäffectCity p.osltion 'oriHighway 9. PlScUSSlon ff'),lCìwed and concluded wi tJ:¡ the Nay-qj;' advis~ng the Ci'ty Attorney toin¡;¡ke a repþrt onproposed'Eéso~uti.on 447(ind t:leCitY Manager tQ!J1a.I<¢ (i.. report on the Ihghway gli!grèelIlent. . ,.,--',-,_. '. .,.... '-'.'- '.. " '" J.' , ,;' '. . . -.' ':' "-.":! "'..:.. ," H. Report of :pl¡l¡¡i.n;íp€¡ COmm;LSslono . .... $¢emlnute::¡qf April 24 and agendá .or May 1. ,'.; ". ',-','.- -,',. 1. R¢,PQrt; Pf\9~t;ÿ;. Erigine~r. SeëCi ty Ênginèer 1 s report, May 1. 1. See Item v G .... '. . . ..' ........ .' ." .' '. . 2, . MbveçiÞý Gqùnc,;i.lm¡:l.n13enettithè,tthe mì.ínglpß,l +Ì!!provemeri~::: fç-r tþe deye:¡'opemént at the northwestern corner of Vista'ändStev-ens CreelcBlvd, (Jack R, Lyddon) be accepted wÜh the provislon that elec~rQl1ers.berequlred at hme .of apPl,icat¡on for Quilding permit; Sec.ondM by Councilman Saleh. ...!. .' ..... ". . .' . . '.' '. AYES: Çouncilmen:Behetb, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo NAYS: CouDci1méh: None ABSENT: Counc~lmen: None fiJOT¡ONCARl1IEþ: 5ëO 3. MQved \lý Coúncilman Saich that Resdlutlån 448 be adopted Being A Rësoluti.on Accepting Deed To Real Property For Road Purposes; Sec,On4ed. bY¡pÇ)\Wrill!1an¥ei~e~t. I...·.'. . AYES: . Counpnme1i:BeríØttî, Jeweti:;, :Þeldsi,Sâ,iCh" tå.za¡)èó Nit ¥S: Göùr\cÜm~n:^ . Nbne . .. .. A~s.·.EN. T: ¡C.Ou.rì.c~lmen.: .··¡\¡Þ.hè MOTION CAR.R~E.t>': '. .. 5:-0 , '~', 'rheproperty. if? cle.eded.ty:CuJ;Je;r¡tino Uni\>n SCI1QQ), DU\tj;'lct and ;LS Sì tµatêd a:djå6~rit tq '.Tract 271H~ \ '...' .'.' '.. '. :.- '_,.'.' J>',. ,', '., '::. ;", ,.' , " , ; .", 4, StandardspeciifiéatioÌ1s ånd irtastá storm dráiriplan postponed to the next agenda. . 5. City Englneerrepörtedthat Gousha & Co, had dellvered late thls date. the.. latestr~vi¡non of the area map WI th a request for study è:néi'iLPpròyål .. qf" t?:ame, . Moved. ty,COunCl~men Benetti that the map and letter be referred to the SityManager 1'01;' é\nswer; Secorded by C9\,mcllman . Je.\;iett , AYES:. COUnc.ilmen:Benètti. .T"wpt.t.. Pi>1n",i'. S".'¡"h ''T",,,,,,,...,,,n NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: None None 5-0 311 IX UNFINISHED BUSINESS A, Review or Ordinanc~;~QA Deleted from agenda B. Santa Clara County Water Commission Counc~lman Pelosl said that another meeting is scheduled for May 3 In the afternoon with San Francisco officials of the Hetch Hetchy Water System due to present information, Councilman Pelosl reiterated that 8 cities within the County are not represented. They comprlse the smaller citles WhlCh he said did their share and more in the recent successful election of the $70 million bond issue, More discussion is scheduled on the membership of the Commission, Each member Clty has been asked for a resolutlon of end- orsement but Councilman Pelosi feels that the absence of 8 clties should be corrected. He suggested that Cupertino not enact the reso- lutlon of support as yet on the grounds that the COffiffilssion does not represent the entlre County, Moved by Councilman Jewett that the City Councl1 go on record as bacl{- ing a 16 member Commisslon; Seconded by Councllman Benettl. AYES: Councilmen: Benettl, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo NArS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councllmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Councilman Pelosi stated that he would like a resolution prepared May 2 endorsing a 16 member Commission, So moved by Councilman Benettl; Seconded by CounCIlman Benetti. AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councllmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 C, Miscellaneous 1, The Mayor stated that the City Council has PO-H and M-I-PH ord- inances under advisement at the present time and proposed that these ordinances be referred to the Planning Commisslon for action along with the proposed C-2-H ordinance. He favored public hearings on these subjects at Planning Commission level. Moved by Councilman Benettl that Resolution 424 be enacted, A Resolu- tion Of Intention To Initiate An Amendment To Ordinance 002 To Be Known As Ordlnance 002(H) Providing For Regulations For Professional AdmimstratlVe Zoning (PO-H) And Light Ldustrial Parle Zoning (M-I-PH); Seconded by CouncilmanSaich, AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Salch, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen:' None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 2. Councilman Pelosi asked whether anything further had c.ccured concernlng Mary Avenue and the Fremont Union High School District, City Manager answered that negotiations are still in process. X NEW BUSINESS A, Statewide rezoning See Item VIII F 3. B. Miscellaneous None XI ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Councilman Pelosi referred to the ClVlC center site. it was decided 2~ years ago to set aside parle sltes next He said tha t to schools. Wi th reference to the site proposed in the Recreatlon Commission Re- port, Opposlte Collins School, he said that there are other sites available for a civic center and named the southwest corner of Stelling and Stevens Creek Blvd, as a prlme location. He proposed that a meet- ing between the Recreatlon Commission and the City Council should be called more often. 2. The Mayor commended the CiVll Defense Director, Torn Burrascano, -7- 312 for a ¡'tremendous job" and said that Cupertino lS one of the leading clties :m the matter of CiVll defense due largely to hlS efforts, f:e asked the Clty Manager to prepRre a letter or commendat~on to Mr, Burra:scano. ¡..... 1-3 o tr- œ 3. ~1e Mayor proposed that tþé City CounCil Oerea.fter meet every Monday and the Planning COmmlss:lon meet every ',l'ueeday, He asked the City Attorhéy what legal steps would he necessary to implementthls change to which Mr. Anderson repli~d that the tlme for regular meet= ings could be changed by ol~inance. Moved by Councilman Jewett that the Clty Councll meet ~very Monday provlding a schedule can be worked out with the Planning Commission; Seconded by Councilman Benetti. AYES: Councilmen: Benettl, Jewett, Pelosi, Saieh, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 .., . ;.~ 4, The Mayor remínded the Coune~l that two lnterv2ews wlth prospec- tlve plannlng consultants are scheduled for the following Tuesday night. Counc:Llman PelOSl asked to see the entire flle of plannli1g onsultants appllcants. The Mayor turned over the file to Councilman ilosi. XII ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11:35 P.M., May 1, 1961. APPROVZ): r/;.s/ NlClc J, Lazan80 yOI', City of Cupertlno ] ATTEST: . {\ ,r .., t '. ' ""'\(S.....\;..~.,.; .~... ,,-.~.( A: .. Clty ClerIc / ---- /Ii , \\\J, ,L~ \ ".... . -8-