CC 04-26-61 P. O. Box 597 AL 2-4505 ,.... ~ L:: - tJ: 304 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 26, 1961 , . C IT Y 0 F CUP .ER TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Place: Time: " 10321 So, Sáratoga-Sunnyvale Road 8:1+5 P.M, , :, ~ '. I SALUTE; TO ['HE FUG J;I ROLL CALL:; Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Staff Pre sent: . - Benetti, Jev¡ett; Felosi, Salch, Lazaneo Noríè . City Manager, City Clerk, Ass't, City Engim~er III The Mayor Çlsl;:ed the Englneering Offlce to provlde up-to-date maps with a color scheme showlng the City of San Jose and other clties adjoinlng Cupertino and the County area. This format would apply to all of the Neighborhood Plans -- 1 thru 11, The Council postponed any definlte actlon on storm dralnage until these new plans. are ava:ll- able, Councllmai'l, Pelosi observed that the high school slte within Neighbor- hood Plan #10 is not s.hown on the map. This new high school will be adjacent to Lincoln School. Councilman Pelosi also requested that care be taken inindicatJ,ng lot lines, especially of small land par- cels WhlCh could be sorely handicapped -by an lnconvenlent street pattern. Councllman Benetti stated that the park sl tes shown j.n the recreation report should also be on the NClghborhood Plans, With reference to the proposed master storm drain plan, Mr, Perkins advised that most of the streets have beèii:.'S0·. si tuated and patterned that they can be easily relocated in the event that multlple dwelling sites materlalizë in places presently considered for R-l. \\lith reference to the re-numbering of the Neighborhood Plans, Councll- man Pelosi pointed out that all of the previous dlscussion and records and minutes, etc., are bqsed on the existing numbers, Any re-number- ing could very well prove ve~J confusing. Councilman Benetti questioned the land use percentages shown on the report accompanYlng the master storm drain plan. Mr, Perlcins explained that these were simply estlmates used and in no way lndicated any preference on the part of the Englneering Department and the percentages used are based on a survey made of numerous Amerl- can CitleS, The storm drain plan lS designed for a three year storm. Councilman Pelosi asked how the rlght-of-way costs are determined. Mr. Perlcins answered that the costs are based on the prlces already paid by the City of Cupertino in acqulring property for the existing storm drains wlth consideratlon given to the zoning of the land where- in the pipe line lies, Councilman Pelosi asked for further consideration of the Neighborhood Plan study session, i.e. the reports thereof. The Mayor advised the Council to study the storm drainage report further before call1ng another meeting on the subject, Moved by Councilman Councilman Benetti. AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: Jewett that the meeting be adjourned; Seconded by Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo None None 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P,M" April 26, 1961, APPROVED: 'J)'TEST: ~-'-Vt.\..-~ l ty ClerIc I -- ( " , ((f, (1 \.\'f~j,.,~~~ /s/ Niok J. Lazaneo Mayor, City of Cupertino ----~-~-----~--- . ----------------_..._-.._---------_._-.__._._.._,~-----.--."----.--