CC 04-25-61 " '" ..~ -.~ ~ . "_j'Vli,,-/ ,.':..:. p, O. Box 597 At 2-4505 C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0 Cupertino, California ADJOURNED COU¡~CIL MEETING OF APRIL 25, 1961 Time: 7~30 P,M, Place: 10321 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Cupertino ROLL ÇALL: Present: Benetti, Jewett, Saich, Mayor Lazaneo Absent: Pelosi Others Present: City Manager Storm, City Attorney Anderson Fir~t order of bUSiness was to appoint a Vice-Mayor, Moved by Council- man Jewett, Seconded by Councilman Saieh that Councilman Benetti be appointed Vice-Mayor, Moved by Councilman Saich, Seconded bÿ Councilman Jewett that nominations be closed. AYES: Councilman: NOES: Councilman: ABSENT: Councilman: MOTION!QARRIED: 4-0 Benetti, Jewett, Saich, Lazaneo Non", Pelosi Vote taJ,cen to appoint Councilman Benetti as Vice Mayor. .' AYES: Councilman: NOES~ Councilman: ABSENT: Councilman: ABSTAIN¡NG: Councilman: MOTION ¢ARRIED: 3-0 - 1 Jewett, Saich, Lazanco None Pelosi Benetti Abstaining, Item II First reading of Ordinance 128, increasing the number of Recreation Commissioners tròm five (5) to seven (7) members, Item III Moved by Councilman Benetti, Seconded by Councilman Jewett that~Re801ution No. 432 be adopted, appoint1ng Robert 0, Aller, as a member of the Recreation Commission. Item IV Councilman Benetti introduced members of the Recreation Commission: Mr, Finch, Mr, Aller, Mrs. Eskeson, Ex-Officio, Mr, Dunfield, Mr. Ius. Item V Mayor Lazaneo stated that the purpose of the adjourned meet- ing was to discuss with the Recreation Commissioners the Recreation Report prepared and submitted 11/1/60, Maror Lazaneo turned the meeting Over to Councilman Benetti. Councilman Benetti stated, inasmuch as the Recreation Chair- man was present, that he should do the talkling for the Commission, Mr. Finch accepted the responsill1ity, He outlined the Recreation Report stating the need for land and facilities to take care of the growing need for recreatio~ in Cuper- tino. The City must acquire their own property, Undpr the present method, it was difficult, in tact impossible to get a worthwhile program underway, Figures and facts were presented pointing out what the City's needs are as far as property acquisition is concerned, Councilman Benetti stated that the Commission had worked on the report for six months and that the figures and the recommendations containcd in the report are those that had been furnish~d by experts in the field of recreation. Çommissioner Dunfib~d reviewed the present recreation pro- gram; youth club was underway, soft-béèll was active, baton classes and gy~nastics. There are lì1ê,n~J more programs that c~n be £tartcd if we: C2.n ::.ct the facilities in whîcl1 to promote them, ¡.... ~ o "'"" =" 302 CC,ê¡ê:Ci:Jioner Ius S'C¡¡.tcd that when they had their meeting w1~h '{:hC 5::}hocl ;~lJ:c.nG:;-,~ties Qn bi¡:: f'i~lds, mor~ th2D 600 boys ~¡"nted to sien uc' for b<ls.eç"ll. We can sit here all n:l,;ht and give :'OU sOlèDd l',","S005 why we must l1,,:lve our own f2cilit:'es. Mayor Laz."neo: Of five proµo:s~d areé'S where pGrk sites had been contern¡Jla'Ced, only three are left. This certainly indicates the urSc~y for haste if we arc coins to ~et any of the avail:blc land th<"t is left. This r8cre£tion pro,::ram is for the people if they want it. However, we must have. 130m.: method o~ financing'such an undcrtakinc. . , : "'. . "'. -: ,--,' ; .: ,:.', '- ~ (~,:~, :;.', ( ; . - ' Councilman Jewett: I am in full 2ccord with the rccroction prof.ram, but I beli8ve that we ho.ve two approaches: 1) Rocrco.tion; 2) th8 Civic Center. I believe we should combinG these and put them into one project, I also tti!1~: th<lt WG should outline a program of tviO or three acccpt,'b:;'¿ projects that the people would favor. Councilman Saleh: ;¡: bcHeve that thi!: bon~ pro";r,~;D tl1c"t hi.;S beûn outlined in the report 16 too l~rge. I believe we have several services that we must consider, streets, 1vater, 3torm draiœge, ete, If we have a twenty year pro::srccm, this might 1:.0 okay. The lc,nd is ;:;;oing up and will GO hi:.;hcr, Perhaps \'Ie should buy lc,nd in th8 foot- hills. The land is cheaper and the distance is not too [~rec t. ~1yor Lazaneo asked the City Attorney, Mr, Anderson to briof the Council and the Commission on a law suit that 1s pen4ing in palo tlto. ~. Anderson Baid that a suit hnd ~ t11e4 against the City of Pälo Alto wherein e texpayer had filed a suit against the Council statiog that they had gone beyond their autho1"1ty when they Md put'C.hD&ed a piece or property for a atipulatetl amount, pa-ying $300,000 down rtoo the11 buying addition.a.l !lCrcDgc each yeDr DS the General Fund would wnrrant. The Court, so fDr. hos held. in favor of the City of Palo Alto in that the City h2.d not obligDted any future Counci15, thc.t the agreement could be termln~ted ~t ~ny time, and thot the City would own what they had paid. for, Councilman Benetti: pinched and time is the ball, we c~nnot Summing up, I think we ore being runninß out. We had better get on wait much longer. Mayor Lazanco: We will toke action, we are here Qt the will of t;ho people and we will make a proposal to them B.nd it will be their decision. We have been throush sorne try- ing times but we have kept our heads nbove water. We need money for many things; streets, storm drainage, parks, Civic Center. We must present several worthwhile items that will interest the voters. Commis3ioner Finch: a meeting May 11th, discussed. Cupertino Chamber of Commerce viill h;:ove in which a recreation program w~ll be Councilman Jewett: As Councilman Benetti has stated, time is running out; we have property owners flooding us with rezoning; we must get the property that we need before it is too late. Maybe we arc setting our gOGls too high, I believe th"t fivc?cre sites with schools is too much. Councilman Ben0tti: Our recommend3 tion hies been for fi VC 2cre si tGS in f::. v:; s ~c,~t,.::rcd school grounds and a neighbor- hood p2.rl{ for ':;h" o'i.':rc:;'l community. Neighborhood pccrks arc a ncccS3ity; there should be no compromise, ~ @ - "ÞO{;H, i) ~) Mayor Lazaneo: How do we pre¡;¡ent thi.. to th@ people 2nd what ,,¡ill they buy? Shall wo go whole-hog, if we do maybe we will lose. Oouncilman Saich: On the Traffic Ways Committee, the first þ:t'oþosal f<!Jr the expressw8Y s;)'s'cem was over two hundJi'ed millol1 Qol12rs. W8 ¡¡¡oon found out by ohecking that this was 3. ';',re;:.t deal more than the County could legally øond itself for. This was cut to 1/3rd of the amount o.n11 the .QODq pJ:'ogro:m wts successful. I think if we follow sG¡¡¡$what i!1long the s,ame lin@s, the c~t:7 will 2180 00 successful. . Mä-;yo:t' Lt¥Jt.à.~"Q: I think if the Cot¡!1tMi.s¡¡nion .fœrroo a ciUzc!'lß 'cømmittee 'to <:lssist in the progrem1ng, VI,,, ,¡vi],l get this thing relling. CG)unc.ilman B(metti! I am afraiQ. we wiU be d:t'@ggl.~g ·Wl" feùt if we have a ùitizens ù~rnrnittee at thi£ time. 1 think that the. C.OIll1l)1SS:1,ons1)öuld get the b;;l$ic þX'Q/BJral¡¡ outl:Lned. Whfjn this is ¡;¡ppTQved by the City Caumi.l" then we:S'11.o1.Üci g,et a èitizenS' cOrnm1ttec to assl¡rt US, C'dunè:ilmttl1 Benet'ti: I would lìketo mOVe that the l1a" o:X'eá't±o!'¡ Reþó:t't of Nòv$mher 1, 1960 be made a part of the neighborhøod plan and the master plan, Seconded by Cour¡c.ilman Jewett. MOTION 'eARRI.ED Councilman Jewett: I agree with C'ou11c:Llman Bepètti that after a strong program has 'been þrepared and adopteél by the Recreation Commission, then we should have our citizens committee. We should also tFJ to get ~~ developer interested in giving park sites in subdivisions. Co~i$~i~fie:t' Fih~h: I agree, I think t~~t ~ev~lopers would þJi'obebljr be willing to give land for pcœk sites under certain conditions, Mayor Lazaneo: I would not be in f[èvor of any program that would tend to devalue homcei that have been built in Cupertino. City f; ttorn€y Ander-son: Thore was ¡¡ request before the Legislature asking support of a bill that would require a developer to give land for park sites in subdivisions. The bill never got out of committee, Mayor Lazaneo thanked the members of the CornmissieD :for tak1ng their t1m€ to meet "1ith the Oouncil and praised them for the fine work that they have baen doing, The City Mi.1nager was requested to have a planner at the meeting Wedncsday, April 26th at 7:30 P.M. for an inter- view Dnd that another applicant should be present at 7:00 P.M" May 1st. Councilman Jewett: Moved that the meeting be adjourned to 7:30 P,M, Wednesday, April 26th, Seconded by Benetti. Adjourned: 9:20 P.M. - 3 -