CC 04-10-61
..,0 CJ
p, O. Box 597
AL 2-4505
Cupertino, California
April 10, 1961
7:00 P.M.
10321 SoutÞ Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
ROLL CALL: Present:
Ab3ent :
Councilmen: Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, ?elosi
CoWLC1 lmerll Jewett
Tþe tneeH~g ~~ t~ M~~ ~ ~ Ctlt.;y r;a"'-~ser III ..frice. !liMe the
Plann2:.rJg øoml!1.1$t~- 1teJ3' hol¢1ng U{'!t re&\Ùar _et~ 11\ the Co\U1C1.1
ChambeX"$ ,
Mayor Pelosi øt.atæd tœt ~be. ~ta1 ~t;1r.Igwa:$. calle¢.. $lob or the
Counc1.lmen hav1n(5 reee11te4 a.not.~, fot' tJu! '(;!tu"'¡:IOàe. to 4~$:¡:
I tem I. lUghway 9
Item- XI R&!$o.1ùt1Oft 8upþóriing t~ Santà Cl,tt;! County WätQ'l:' Oomm1.S$1on.
Ham IIt 1\-1 On\1na_..
Item I
Mayor pelQ$1 Þa:1.dly cut.:l.1,t~ 1'Qrøer 6ta^t.ement& re@;ârdini
HighwaY 9, aa71~ j;'J:¡at; bli W({S ~ that a11 of tbeCo1,UÏ.c¡¡.l..
-cien ,'were- in favor of the w1det!ing prcgram. there ~s
stu.¡# hgwewt'~ the prOblei'1 of' i'Iaving Ii _~i:>taetor:i à~ê-
l/:Ie1'1t with '$, Board of ~i&O:t'$. whereby ~ Ctty ~1,tld
not be placed 11'1 II t1na~1t¡.l biM. Mtmt<tott waC/. ¡¡¡ad~ regarl$-
ing the City Enginèi!%"ø repot't maðe at; the ~O'Qn¢.U m.wt1ng
of AprU 3rd, wherein th~ $t1stit had reql%eg~ 'thróllgÞ t~
County, that Cupert1no 'be eontàè.teð to Gee 1.t'tlWy would
oonslðer acqu1ring "yen raddlt10nal tee-t òt r1ght$-of--way
at ttre Int'el"-aectlonB 'Of Hol'Rèatead, ~"ens ~/.{ and :801-
l1ng61' Road.. The Council m~m'bers pt'e$&nt weN in S:?;t'ee-
ment tha t the Cl ty WUlJ,1d nct ·þe.come involved 1n add! t10nal
rights-of-way or tinanclng pf'Oble1\18 ò1;het' than wha~ was
presently beföre thein. the- 'tUN)easarY width w comply w1th
th~ eighty: teet required tly the D1v1øwn Qf Highwe.ys.
City Jl'länlig\11l' was lnatNctW to ad'lri,e. t~ WWtty. W¢Ut1ve
Director, Mr. Campen.
Mayor peloal c~nteð (In thß· huolution tha~ :œØ, betn sent
to the City þy th:ø 130~ àJ: 5'btpervirron in w'hich the C1Qt
woulCi agree to 'U$~ lts 701& Qttbè Ð1!:p1'eS4I-Wðy& bond IItOney
for re~vmen\:. I:ó tb.!t ~ounty :fOor rigtI..&-o1' -vmy purcM86s.
CouncUman $ð.loh staiW4 that, ''is hE:! had stat.êd ber~re, he
hÐd worlœd to:1' 1Iwent)' II1Ot\tb~ on tM £xþJ'ßss-WaY$ CoJ!J11litt~e
and that .ne- nad reported to t.~e ~¢1l 'that the Oommittee
wsø going to !'$c.ommeM thattMIUi! dt1è.$ ttu!:t did ~t have
express-waY8. but would be oÞl1gate4 to' ~lp pay tor ex-
press-ways in other 4'it1CHJ. wO'u14 be given 1($ 'Or t:tJ..è
assessed value or the City ~o c~natrvct m$jor atreet~. A
Resolut1ón was lIul¡¡m1tt~4to tl\e iIoaJ'd cf· SUpaJ!'V1sor£! giving
SteVt:ns Creek No.1, Ste1l1ng Jtoad,)jo, 2 ~M Wolffe ttoad
)fG. 3 priority. I pl'O'Il!Oted t~ expr6:Þ-waya '!»nd 1trsue
en the adoption of Q f!(!soluti_ by thli COl.\ncl1 that Stevens
Creek Road would be lmprove<l with this money and I will not
chance my mind and will vote against using any bond issue
Councilman Benetti state~ he 1s in agreement with Councilman
Saich that Stevens Creek ie important to the City of Cuper-
tino and it should be improved.
- 1 -
Councilman Lazaneo requested that more in~ormation be
obtained regarding the amount of rights-or-way that
the City has received from propertJ' owners, wha t has
been improved, and what has beeD acquired without
improvements and potential acquisitions.
Councilman Lazaneo stated that the Engineering Depart-
ment should make a thorough check on the rights-of-way
and make a report to the Council.
Mayor Pelosi stated that we had that in~ormatlon and
I think it is quite accurate. I have gone over it in
detail, the information was obtained in the City Hall
offices from the applicants for zoning along Highway
Councilman Lazaneo asked if the inter-change at High-
way 9 and Junipero was included. The Mayor stated
that it had been, inasmuch as it had been indicated
by the State that they would pick up those sections of
Councilman Lazaneo stated that this was not positive
enough as far as he was concerned, and that the City
~anager and the City Engineer should get positive
information regarding the rights-of-way at the inter-
Councilman Benetti: I think that we need more informa-
tion from the County as to how much the rights-of-way
will cost. We are groping around in the dark. Before
we obligate ourselves to any agreement, I, for one, want
to know how much it is going to cost.
Councilman Saich: I agree, I do want to know, in
dollars and cents, how much this is going to cost.
Councilman Saich moved that the City Man~ger and the
City Engineer meet with the State Officials, get the
information regarding the rights-of-way, particularly
on the inter-change at Highway 9 and Junipero. Se-
conded by Councilman Benetti.
Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
Mayor Pelosi then suggested that a motion would be
in order to write Howard Campen, County Executive
Director for all the information regarding Highway 9,
Motion was made by Councilman Benetti, that the City
Manager write to the County Executive Director request-
ing information and in addition, make a personal call to
talk over Highway 9 with the County Executive Director.
Seconded by Councilman Saich.
Lazaneo. Saich, Pelosi
The City attorney was asked if the City of Cupertino
could obligate its finances for a period of fifteen or
twenty years. City Attorney Anderson stated that a
General Law City could not, without approval of the
electorate, obligate the General Fund of the City be-
yond the fiscal budget year. It was his suggestion
that they have an opinion from the County Counsel if
the express ways bond money could be used for the pur-
chase of rights-of-way along Highway 9.
The Mayor requested that the City Manager this matter
up with Mr. Campen at their meeting.
- 2 -
Item II
Iter¡¡ III
¡; HI
Mayor Pelosi stated that he had attended three Water
Commission meetings. At the last meeting there had
been a discussion relative to having sit, as commis-
sioners, with the present eight cities, all of the
cities in Snnta Clar County. It was the opinion of
some of the Commission members that there was taxa-
tion without representation ond that before the
Resolution that had been adopted by the Council "73.S
presented to the Commission, that this matter should
be thoroughly discussed and aired by the present
members, at their next meeting, which will be held
April 12" This matter was to be decided; whether
all sixtücn cities should be represcntedon the Water
Commission. The Mayor is to report to the Council
the decision that will be made at this meeting.
R-l Ordinance
Councilman Benetti stated that sub-paragraph (b),
Building Heights; be changed to read; One and one-
half stories, or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever
is the lesser.
Councilman Benetti moved that building heights
limit be one and one-half stories; twenty-five (25)
feet, whichever is lesser. Seconded by Councilman
Benetti, Lazaneo
Saich, Pelosi
Motion failed to carry.
Councilman Saich moved that sub-paragraph (b), Maxi-
mum Building Coverage; be amended to read; 40% of
lot area instead of 35%. Seconded by Councilman
Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi
The Council agreed that (f), Front Yard Set-Back,
should be twenty feet (20) and that fifteen (15)
feet set-back may be used on curved driveways v!hen Ð.
side entrance is made into the garage. Not over
fifty (50%) percent of the lots will be permitted
in anyone tract.
City Attorney Anderson advised the Council that
inasmuch as the ordinance under discussion was an
urgency ordinance, the Law did not permit urgency
ordinances to be enacted under Special Meeting
It was moved by Councilman Benetti that the meeting
be adjourned, Seconded by Councilman Saich.
Meeting adjourned: 11:30 P,M.
/S/ Anthony J. Pelosi