CC 04-05-61 286 P. 0, Box 597 AL 2-4505 ¡..... ¡...ò] ~ - be C I T Y 0 Feu P E R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE A]).JOURl'iED rllliETING OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 5, 1961 Place; Time : 10321 South Sarato:;a-Sunnyvale Road 7:00 P."]. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent Staff Present Benetti, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi Je~¡et City Manager Mayor Pelosi announced that at the meeting of April 3rd, the Council had agreed that they would permit Mr, Tucci to appear before the Council and present T,R.A.C.E,S. statement regarding the Sanitary District Report. That Mr, Ashley, representing çupert~no Sanitary District Investigation Committee, would also be permitted to give his group's report. The Mayor asked Mr. Tucci to make his comments, Mr, Tucci stated that a written report had been prepared and each of the Councilmen had a copy and that they could review it or read it, which ever they cared to do. The Mayor requested Mr. Tucci to read the report, which he did, Mr. Ashley then submitted his statement, Prior to presenting it, he was requested by the Mayor that written copies be submitted to the Council of the statements that he was going to make, This he agreed to do, At the conclusion of the reports, Mrs, Harrison, a member of T.R.A.C.E.8 made some comments regarding Mr, Ashley's report. One being, that the seven million dollars that Mr, Ashley stated would be the cost of the Sewage Treatment Plant, was inaccurate, And also commented on the af- fluent that would be discharged into Calabasas Creek, that T.R.A,C.E,S, had received information that this could be permitted. The Mayor per- mitted Mr. AShley five minutes to comment on Mrs. Harrison's statement, He said that he had the facts to back up the statements that he made. That he and his committee were endeavoring to show the citizens of the Sanitary District that they should be very careful on the proposi- tion that had been submitted by the Sanitary Board and T.R,A.C.E,S. That he had found them not to be accurate and that they had no basis in fact. At the conclusion of the reports, Councilman Benetti re- quested a five minute recess. The m2eting reconvened at 8:20 P,M, The Mayor stated that the first item on the agenda would be the pro- posed PO-H - M-l Ordinance. Councilman Benetti asked the Mayor to info~m the audience that this was a study session and that no comments would be heard from the floer. A brief ciscussion was had of the trip that the Council took to look over the Palo Alto Industrial Park Site. The ¡~yor said that hc thought that the discussion should commence with the one acre minim~m size and the 100 foot set-back, and the height, There was considerable discuss~on, particularly on the one acre site, Councilman Lazaneo thought that the 0110 Qc~e site in the ordina~ce could not be used on individual one aC2C pieces of pro?e:·ty located indiscriminantly around Cupertino. That the one acre 'lIQuId hé~ve tc be contained within a large area of land, such as they ~ere discussing in Indust:cial ?a~'k Sites, whic!1 would have anywl1ere f¡'olTl fifty to' sevel'al hundred acres in the developmcnt, Mayor Pe,lo"i hr0\lb'1!; '-.p the nn~ter of bufi'erir.g between the residen- tial and cievelor)mentswi'Ghil~ 3n ind'lstrial park. How should it be buffered? He sv.ggefOt'::d that R-2 be placed bet;.!een .R-l and any in- dustrial development. Conncillnen :3enetti thou::;ht this might be a good idea. - 1 - -b""'{')fi!"'" ,"2 f5'~ I Councilman Lazaneo disagreed, stating that you would still have residential improvements adjacent to industrial or professional offices, and he could not see where having R-2 would eliminate any problems as far as residents in the R~2 was concerned. He fa- vored an open expanse with proper landscaping. The Mayor asked the City Manager what his opinion would be regarding the suggestion of R-2. The City Manager stated that a landscaped area between R-l and the proposed development would create a much better atmosphere than to continue with residential development, all in line, The matter was discussed at some length and was deferred to a later meeting. Councilman Benetti made a motion to the effect that the study session be deferred until a later date. It was seconded by Councilman Lazaneo. The motion was withdrawn by permission of the second, Councilman Benetti withdrew his motion. No further discussion was had on the proposed ordinance, The Mayor stated that Mr, George Yamaoka had called him Tuesday, April 4th and asked if he could appear before the Council to have the Council review his plans for his development at Portal and Stevens Creek Boulevard, The Mayor stated that he had no objection providing the rest of the Council would be in agreement, He told Mr. Yamaoaka to get in touch with the City Manager and the City Manager would con- tact the rest of the Council to get their approval for Mr. Yamaoaka to appear. The rest of the Council had been contacted and they agreed to have Mr, Yamaoaka appear. Mr. Yamaoaka was asked to outline his plans to the Council. He stated that he had rental commitments that must be met by early June and that time was of the essence and that he would like the Council to ask him questions about his plans, He stated that he had his architect, Mr, Marburg present and that he could explain the design, Mr. Marburg briefly outlined the proposed center; how it is to be constructed. The question then arose as to the design of the Standard Service Station at the corner of Portal and Stevens Creek Road. Mr. Marburg said that he had revised the roof lines so that the station would conform to the overall shopping center development; that basically, the structure was designed exactly to meet the require- ments that the Council had requested of Standard Oil at an earlier date, Councilman Saich said that he could see nothing wrong with it and would agree that it could be constructed as presented. The Mayor then read a portion of the minutes of August 4, 1960, in which a motion had been made and all the Council had voted approval of a picture that had been presented by Mr. Sanor of Standard Oil, That he could not agree that the Council should change its position from their original action, Mr. Yamaoaka was aSked if the Service Station was a part of his develop- ment. He said no, that it was up to the Standard Oil Company to build the station and that it could be left out until the Council and Standard Oil agreed on the type of structure that was to be placed on the corner, Councilman Saich moved that the Portal Plaza be approved. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the resolution accept- ing the plans as submitted, That the conditions outlined by the H- Control Committee be followed. All off--site improvements be constructed in accordance with City specifications. The service station was to be excluded at this time. Seconded by Councilman Lazaneo. Councilman Benetti requested an amendment to the motion: ing plans be submitted to the City Council for approval. Councilman Lazaneo. AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: that landscap- Seconded by Benetti, None Jewett Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi The meeting adjourned 11:20 P,M. APPROVED: Þ,tTTEST: Isl Anthony J. Pelosi Mayor, City of' Cupertino l\, -- i<".'-__\.. \ City ð1erK ¡ ~ ~'~\. \, . ,\ t',. '\ "'. .\._. -' 4 l