CC 04-03-61 ....~ '"''''fA''' tJ{ill/ ./ ¿;,¡ ~ $. p, O. Box 597 AL 2-lf505 MINUTES C IT Y 0 Feu PE R T IN 0 CUPERTINO I CAL¡FORNIA OF THE REGULAR rilEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL- APRIL 3, 1961 !:'lace: Pime: 10321 So. Saratðga-$ùnnyva'}e Road 8:00 P,M. SA¡, UTE TO THE:¡ï'LAG I Pelosi, Benetti, Jewett, Lazaneo, Salch None Clty ManaGer, City Attorney, City Engineer, Ci ty ClerIc III MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETrNG: !1arch 6,20,22, 1961. Moved by Councilman Lazaneo that the minutes of March 6 be approved; Seconded by CouncHman Jeuett, AYES: Councllmell: Belletti, Jewett, Lazaneo, Sa:tch, Pelosi NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 II 1'OLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilme¡1 Absent: Staff Present: (Correc'Clon listed at prevlous meetinG, f>la.rch 6 minutes - pa¡:;e 10, item VIII I 2, delete "rolled curìJ" andinse'rt "vertj.cal curb tran- si tioned properlY"), ~1oved by Councilman Lazaneo that thern.:i.nutes o.ì. Narch approved as submitted;..Secol1ded DY Coup-c.ilman Salch, AYES: Councllmen-: Benete)" Je,wetj;",. ,Lafaneo, Sa.ich, NAYS: Councilmen: None· ."'.u '." . ABSENT: Cot.¡¡1cilmen: ,,None. MOTION CARRIED: . 5-0" 20 and :;2 be Pelosi .,!" ',..{~¡./"; " IV PuBLIC HEA]'U~GS: I; Re:don:i.ng hear:i.ng: Appl:i.cation of Ellen Craft to rezone 118 acres .fro.m A:-2:B..,4 to M-I-H, R-3-H, C-l-H, & PO-H; north side of Stevem- "creèlt 131ìTd, at the eastern City limits. ReCommended þy Planning Comm:i.sslon Reso1ut:i.on 11,4, 2. 'Rezoning hea:t':i.ng:~, ÂppUcat1Òn of t'eonard Family to'rezone 88 acre: from A-2:B-4 to ¡,t-'l-H, R-3-H, C-I-H, & PO-H; south side of Home- . stead Road east o:r Llnl1et, Recommended by Planning Commission Resolution 43, . _'" ,_. '". .__,_ , C' :3'. {iezoniniihea'rll1g: ApPJicå't:i.Mof;Le#ei & Lester 'cD rezone 100 acres from A-2:B,:,4 to·M-l-R, G-'-1-H;R-3':'H, &PO-H; north 'Side of . ~teveÙs. Cree!{ Blvd, adjoining, the !1'ast side. of!dlewi~d Greens, Recomrne1'ldeçi,.Oy' Planning Co'mrni'sSion'Resolution 42.' ,Move'di>i'.Çpun'cnmaÌ1 Saich that items Dr 1, 2, and 3, and V E be , remóvéd"from the agenda until further notice, republished at a la'cerdate, and all j.nteresteçi parties. notified of such date of aPlJeai;ance ol~¡¡,gendi:J.;· Secò¡iè\'ed. bY' Coünc':j.J,nìan UzaMo, AY)!:S: CO).tnCi;i.m:m: Benetti~ JeTliett; lazaneo, Saicn,l'elosi NAyS:' èo\.mc :i.Ìrnen: None ABSENT: CounCilmen: None MOTION CARRIED~ 5-0 CounCilmå.n]j:Ì.zane·o èj,plained 'Ùl$ rêasoil for postpohing the above is. tÖ al¡ow mo're t;Llile for study:i.ng the pertinent orchnances. ".' ,. <,. Boris S-tániey, attorney for the Craft application, asl,ed for a .j:;.:J.me.1:qn:i..tat:i.on on subject postponement, as the appllcations Vlere ~r::.Ied 3 or: 4 months a=:;o,. MÐ-.~rór J;'el?Slsal:dh~ c~.oes not fe~'ìthitt'a hrnelimi t is Þra~,tical. 'Boris Stanley said 'Ghat he j'las al1Jays consldered the Craft applica- 't.io n . separate from LeOilé1.rd and Lester appllcatlons, as many of the proQlems that the Coì.lncil \1ill.be cònsidere:Lng i'lre not appli- ca,)le to t"1ìe Craft application; . . . . - I . , , 2'78 .:1 t"".¡ ,,~ ,~., \.. .... ..... ~;,;e PO-H and M-l-PH zomnß to be studied at the April 5 study seSSIon. The City Attorney stated that Resoluhol1 421~, \'1hel1 passed, ¡'Iill refer Ordinance 002H to the Planning Commission; and that formal hearings Vlill be republ:i.shed I'/hen the enabl:i.ng act IS passed. , He added that If Ordinance 002H is enacted the Cow,cil can act on the rezonings wltr~ut referral back to the Plàl1ningCa~oissi~nl However, If in basic disagreement with the C01ITmlSsion, the COUI1CI; can malce a report so stating to the Co¡¡¡¡nission, or even return the applications to the CommissJ,on, Mayor Pelosi stated that in the future the Plannlng Commission should not recommend any rezonings unless an ordinance providing regulations for that particular zoning is in effect, 4. Variance hearing: ApplicatIon of Charles P. Rindt to allow 6 ft. fence v¡here ordInance alloVls 3 ft, Recommended by Planning Com- missIon Resolution 38, COUl,cilma.n Jewett stated that the Councilmen had loo]ced at the property beIng the subject of this application, Moved by COuIlcllman Je\lett that the variance be granted with the provision that the 6 ft. fence be set baclc 5 ft. from the proper- ty line, i.e. halfwi.W bet\¡een the buildIng and the sidewalk; Sec· onded by Councilman Lazaneo. AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Lazaneo, Si!.ich, PelosJ. NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Counciln~n: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 V ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION A. Ordinance 1\1: Rezoning property of R, Cali from R-3-H & R-l:B-? to C-I-H; 4", acres south side of Stevens Cree], Blvd. 400 ft, "les1 of Miller, Second reading. Moved by CJuncilman Benetti that full reading of Ordinance 171 be waived by unanimous consent, reading to be confined to title only; Seconded by Councilman Lazaneo. AYES: Councilmen: BenettI, JOewett, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosl NAYS: Councilmen: NO¡1e ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Ordinance 171 read by title only. Moved by Councilman Saich that Ordinance 171 be adopted; Secondec' by Councilman Jewett. AYES: Councilmen: BenettI, Jewett, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosl NAYS: CouncIlmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Louis Segal, President of LG.H.O.A., aslced to GO on record as opposing an:/ further C-l-H zoning in the City \'Ii thout a master pl:' B. OpdinanGe 172: RezoninG property of Stephen Dorcich from R-3-H -2- 91'J'Cï 4J, Ì!Ì f." to C-l-1f; 2 lots, northeas'c corner BlaneY and Stevens Creêk nlvd, Second reading, Moved by C01..\ncil¡¡;an Saich t¡1at fv.l1~ read.lì1G of Ordi¡¡ance 172 be waived b:l ummiroQUB com:ent, f)'eading to "be conÙned to title only; Seconded by Co'ooclIrnan7.6enetti , ", '" , AYES: COl.l11Pilroen: Benettl,Jewett, ,L$:zam~ó, Saieþ, Pe10sl N~YS; Councilmen: None ' ABSENT: Co~cilmen: None }1QT;I:ON CARR¡ED: 5-0 Ordinance 172'i-èadbYí;:itle only, . -.' l'1oved by C9W1tnTila.nJe~¡ett, thatOrQ:inar'lc'é 172 be'¡¡,.'Q:op.ted:; Secondcr' byCoU 1cilroa!1Benetti, ' AYES:' Ci;)1.mi:il¡t\eri.~" Benetb., , Jé\1ett; LazaneD, Saieh, Pelosi NAYS: Councflmen: None' ABSENT: 'Councilmêri;' None MOTIONCARR¡ED: 5-0 C, Orcllnm~ce 173: Annexatlon of Certaírt Uninha;,i'ced Territory Desig- nated ilr1cÚlella.n.. a", Second readine;, r.1oved ;"y Councfl!1ll'ìn Saich that t'ul1 rea.dingof. Oi..¿¡infll1Ce i73 be waived, reading to be confined to title only;. S\=conded' 'JY Councj.l· man Jeue'ct, AYES: Oouncilmen: NAYS: Co~nci1men: ABSENT: Oouncilmen: ~10'¡'IONCJl.RRIED : Benetti, None None 5-() Jewett, Lazaneo, 32.J.Ch, . Pelosl Ordinance 173 read by title only,. \ ' ': :', ',:' '_ ì . : -. ' ): '~ i,' '. r:i " ., ~,.- -' ' ." ~,. Û1~di'naJ'Ìce1.73b,è'~optèd., . .An 0rd- of Cei'ta.:tnGontîguo'U's Un:Lnpab:lted " " C - 2To The C1 t:;" of upertlno; ... , ~oved by 'è9uµciJmànJewett th~~ inanceAppro:virl¡;; Ttle AnpexatlO!'1 TEirrito:¡:;y De signa t<;¡<Ï." l'1cG:tellan Secònded'~y Coû1'idl1maÆ:r.àzaneo,' ·A.'iE~·:,..Ç()grraÚrrí~n: .Bèn(;tti ,Jewet t, ,1!~XI3; ,CQJ,¡n:!3i lmen ; None 'ABSENT, 'Cduhöl.1r¡¡en ¡None MOTION CABRIED¡ 5-0 ,.' :::..- Lazaneo, Saiqh, 'PelQsl D.,q¡:d;lnancer>;¡,74,: >¡{e.zOnH1$ property of'~iJ!;J.ey;¡j:o!lleE);>...l()·,â.,Ç)):)~ß, from ft'-1;'E!~~:t9.H~J,,:~ast slde Blaney1l:venue-, south side Baywogd' Sub- d.iVlslorr. .:F:L,rst.1:'eadiy¡g., " " .'1" ,', ',' 6.t'd~Þaj1qe .J:14gJk~n qrsi:; reading, .1' . ,", ",._...:. :".\¡" l'" -; ",',: ¡--I :,-' ,-.--,', E. Rèsolìxtior! 424: k Besolu'ClOn of Intention To :þlltiate An Amend.. ¡¡¡ent To.Orqinance 002. ProVlding F,Qrfteg1.l1e.tíO'lWFCLJ;', Professi.on¡Ü, A¡jmi,-¡i 5Ü'", Y:LVþ: Zon1.1116 ArtCl Dig11f:;I:n,duS t'rtalZoni ng; . (002li ) '. Resolution R~èi"~átlQh - "..,- 4.24t~)qm off agepçia (~e~.:p8;¡;;,t;') ¡~ item IV "'-.- ,'- .,"., . _ .,. u ,_ . ".'", ,', """', 11<32: Appoinbng'Roûei't~. ·~Üer td:Serve Co!lJfl11fJßion. ,.. ',' . , ' $J, Hesolut~o.n F, 'on ,Park a.n¡j 'Co1.tnq;¡..lrri::ui ,B'enetti: as,ked that t!1e appo.intment be referred to. ,the Red'i'eatJo,JjCOD'!pl1SS1o.ri, ,- , G. Re soll.ltl on, 433: Grapting, yariarice to Page Properties, VI ~Qved 0y~oUnc~lman dndep by Cp1.\l'lQil!l)ß,n, AJ:P;$;, , 'úq,l,urqilmel1: NA'ÌS: (Jq'í.mèJ:lmeru A:\3$ENTICo\{n"éiImen: ' ~¡:ON GAijÌ'q¡ED;" \ ,-,".- ,) PAY:ihG~þ:iLi-'; " A,'!1e'SdlutiQhS--4Z9 and 4-30, La:¡:aneo tÞatResolµt~o 'l L~33 be ß,¡jo.pJ:;ed; S;alqh, , " '" " ' '. '" Bei'(et'h>: TJ eVlett,: j::,az8!'leQ ,Såtct1,Pe:t6 si Nope .', ' 'None 5-0 Sec- l'!Ioyed .QY GOJ,lhCUman '¢'I'\,d'ed by" CO);¡i'\qi¡mål1. . . - Lazaneo that ResOl,\Jt:l.on429 be a<:!optèd; ,Sec- Beriè'ctL ,._L.'i ~.·'Pq d.I/'::)\." 1- ¡....;¡ ~ - ~ AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MO'J'ÍON CARRIED: Benettl, Jewett, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi None None 5-0 Moved by Councllman onded by Councilmán AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: MOTION CARRIED: Salch that Resolution 430 oe adopted; Sec- Benet ti , Benettl, Jewett, Lazaneo, Salch, Pe~Q~l None None 5-0 VII PROTESTS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1, Action Flreworks: Photostat of fireworks ordered by Cupertino Variety Store, 2, A,B,A,G.: Bulletin of March 30, 1961. 3, Count~' of Santa Clara: Resolution re Highway 9 Acquisltion Progra., 4; Ripley Homes: Letter requesting permission to COnstruct 3 hoines in Triurl1ph #1 subdivlsion prior to filing of subd~vlsion map. 5. M, J. King: Letter aslcing resolL¡tion grantL1g 6 months perml t to have banners at Walnut Grove subdivision. 6. Annual Mayors' Tours: Lètter re tour starting 10}29/61. 7. Inter-Clty CouncE: Meeting AprÜ 6,7:30 P.M, át Va1's'.ClUb in Alviso, Moved by Councilman Benetti that the communications be rece~y~d and filed; Seconded by Councllman Lazaneo, . AYES: Councilmen: Benettl, Jewett, Lazaneo, Sa:Lch, Pelosi NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Covncilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 VIII REPORT OF OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONERS A, Report of Road Commissioner No report. B, Report of Police and Fire Chief (City Manager) No report. The City Manager stated that, as per Ordinance 18, the CoL¡nty Poundmaster is to be notified of loose dogs, C. Report of Recreatkn Commissioner No report. D. Report of City Treasurer No report, E, Report of Public Health and Safety Commissioner No report, F. Report of City Manager See wrltten report. G. Report of City Attorney 1. The Cl ty Attorne:,/ has written to Peter Tormey regarding the new bond for the garbage contract. 2, The subdivision ordinance has been cleared through the City Manager, BUlld:wg Offlcial, anò Clty' Enßineer for x'E:ferral to the City Council through the City Manag'3r. 3. The City Attorney will be unable to attend the April 5 meetinfé of the Councll as he will be at the Sanitary Board, H. Report of Planning Commisslon See agenda of April 3, 1961 and minutes of March 27, 1961, RJ.pley Homes: Applicat on to rezone 70 lots between BHmey, VisÞ an"t Forrest from R-l:E-2 to R-l, Re ommel1Cled ¡)~, Planning COP.l~ mlSSlO¡1 Resolutlon 46; mal) approved. The tentative map was contlnued to the next meetl0g of the City Councll, _!~,- fir,,, '.:~~ :~¡¡\ ~,' Þ'. '~.' .., I. Report Oí'CÜ'y: Epg:Lnee';' .' ".' " .' 1. The C1 ty Eng¡:Lneer susgested.,th¡¡.t th<) rrQPosed:.permé;lnçnt. sub- dl vlSion ordinarwè be imbmit tad" tQ thestarid:¡.ngcorrµni t;1;ee ACELS of Santa Clara County. " " ':',':'" . , . -.-,," .-'," . .~ -.'. The City Attorney said .that be sent, :'tö,thì's,cçommi'ctee¡ along hearing of ~id ordinan~e. "" ,.....,,', a c6þý,\þf th(;l. p,¡:,oposed w:i:t'h ad1\Ce .of . the, <late· , ordinance of· public .~.. . . -. '~ - been :de'l.¡Í:"ered :ts'¡>dvisaÞle to 2. Stor~ drainage: The Buggest~d changes have to the OOUl1c;t1 this date. The:¡!:pgineer said'it contil;JUe. tþißsuÞject 1D th~ rte:xtPmèet:n~.¡ ';. 3. Ripley Hpmes; fiJ.;ing ofJ!1iij.p al1d drain lihes., ',,' . Reqµe.st to appro'\!ii.l of canst ¡;'Uc 1:¡ 3 madè;t home,s prior to pry" wells in pIl¡3.c:e of s.taj1Çl~J;'d stoC'fi. The. Cit:\f' Énginee¡:> stated he has no.. objection to this request il' the CouncÜl is in !lgr>eament. ' , Counc:Ì.¡manLazaneostated he: sees no oÞje.ctions since others Dave bee~ 'gfunted \:;'his :p'e\rmis::¡iop. City Enginßßr said that cash dßposits sew¢r permitsi bondm, etc.,.wìll have construction of said models....', for plan checlcing, sanitary to' be posted' p¡:>ior to;.thß 'L , ' "\ ·n"'· ., ,I, ; ,I Councilman Saich IT)oved that Ripley Homes;beal10Hed to. erect 3 model homes on !3ast sidè of, Bla:ney i'JQuttJ,', 'of :13aoy-wood Subq;1:'vt.sion, providing the' standard requiJ:'~me,nts ofii;hf.:' ~il1eerir¡g d~œ;.. .];'t¡nent are ]1iet; ,secOhdecÎ'1J:y' Councilman JèWi'ltt;' .... ..... ,........ y' AWS: .... COUJ1Ci:(in~n: B('inetti~Je\?ett; LazMeø;;i:,S'ii'ii'¢iJ, !?e;tQß± t1'ÁYS:'~ cötirièÜJ'i1im:' None;" j ;-; ABSENT: Councilmen: None . "",;,;" . MO':[.'J:qt{ ~IVì1EDt .' 5-0 ~. ,,' "~ - ¡ ~ '. 'fheQi ty$rtgin~e:r:eXPlair~d that the stÖrln draib p¡afFfbrthis $:)¿e'areqûir:e-s a 'pèrmailent Une dowr¡ Blaney Avenue to the City of Sut1nyv¡:¡.;te.Atthep¡;esentti!lletÞesef¡>cilittes·àr'e,ooj<;in ex- ::Lëste¡'¡Þe~,' ,:r¡14;h~!Ì'lbseIlc'e ; òr.'~tòÌ'l)1:d#tri :facili'tiéíi ¡ ,.te;fmpara,ry qridri:agê'dciu;Ltl, 'b'e'i!'uitaileçì ,,¡it:h:a.c~i'mafterltline iri,sta.:t1'eQ at thß prèsehttime' iÚia. cappêd,.or· tl'iè¡::¡årmanent'þne cQ\¡t;1d,be in- ¡3t¡¡'l:¢.eclatsOme, futi,tre time aC.Gorq;1P?i"to él.narrang,~,ment; a,p,Proved by th¢~C:j.t:y"ÇoBnc:L¡' ,'1'De' appliqarr11l!i:ß:S aSked" by1!~t:te:rwliether or-' ròt àq'J'ly' s'törní 'lin~ 'lllust b¡'1riŠ1;a'lled' on';BlM~y~Veritt.e, also the term' and amount of the bond covering futu¡:>e costs of trans- {er¡:>1ng tþeßYêteßl to ,tl1e new :Sl~\'le:¡r A,yenue sYßtE!mY"~en ~tis 'cdn ·truoj;eA, .", ,,,.' . ','. . ' ',' ., ' , (;""'~' ,-~!:,(. ~: '.:. '~:~, ,~; ¡ ('L'he~:{?r él.s~~~. if this,POl'(fq:r;qs ts ~\1e¡ peigþborho()d p\an, toWh)':' the;,CltY',En'g;1¡)S~~' a:h¡Jwereq that Ti'lumpD1tldoès '11Ot 'due: to, the s'éh:ool,1:iut^ that' T1:"iUJJIph#2does very closefy. Ee also sc¡id that !the 6~Qrm"fifa:i!!ff'c:j,1:Lt1eS?OnstT\{ptecl ,W~ t)1 })1e, , rr.~ewfty apd the r~ßu;).tS"9f":b'þe b'qì1d'iSßµe :r>efe,r¡rè<t 'tPt;he,'eJ:'e.ctl.Jfa'te':_~'1;lldet;er- 'm~~K t;1te"¡¡~;~ìï1! d~~ín¡S~~'µ~Fòn''foi';t1üs araa;' ,,¡ ',"'- .",' .. . ' '~ "-,' . . ç:Qu\1j1µ!Ìja:n L,az.?:n~,?~s\ced about the ,Ç!.ç¡¡¡t of l!,t!~¡¡"I11 dra:~,r IJ!')e OJ\ ;,5'" . " " , J, ' , " "" -,~'. ,-'- '- ~. "\. Y~~:;,- _: , :-, " -'.-' <__I ...:-¡-_ .~ l::r:e ,~ ,. \, . -.C i_ -, J"" ,"¡.," ,: ..,.' ~..,.. ,I:: , -.'....,\ - . ::.~I . -'"'~.- . 1. ¡ -~. ;: " J-' :¡ ~ ~.;. " ~.: -~ -, , - ,:,1 " ;::';,'~ 1" ,. I,: - i¡ :,,-.,-, 9Q'2;' "JO,", 1- ~ -... l. _ i-.. Blaney Avenue, ~nd the share to Qe received from the develdþ~r. The Clty Engineer was instpu~~d to complle å repo~tJ in ¢.Q$~ junction with the Oit y,~nager, on the Blaney Avenue stöl'!ln dì>ain system to be presented..Ì'J.t, the next meet1l1g, , - '""",, The Mayor aslŒd that; çomp~ete information, such as storm dra.inage cost, þostlng of bon4ß, and developer's share In the storm draln cost, be included in the "report on subject application, If. Moved bY Councilman Benetti that Resolution 435 be adopt~d, Being, A Resolution Of The City Council Accepting Dedicati()!,!,'Of Rea:¡")?roperty From R. vI, & W, M. Forward (Greenhouse); SeMnded by QQuncilman Lazaneo, AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelosi N^YS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 5, Widening of Highway 9: An emergency meeting was held In the County Engineer's office March 31 regarding two alternatives ln the ROW on }1ighway 9 - one is an 80 ft. ROWand the other a 9Lf ft ROW.. bpthof which were completely described in the City Èngineer" repovt to the City Council dated April 3, 1961. The Clty of Cup- ertll10 must make a decislon by April 10 between the two alterna- 1;1 vßp, , ":., C0Jt/1i)ilman Benettì S1,Igg;Æ)sted that Council be furnished with a St~t~ map exhibiyÆ)d by the Clty Engineer, ¡City Manager suggested that sufficient informatlon bE¡ gathered prlor to the Wednesday night meeting to facihtate, tl1!i! study on this subject, ...,.. 6, Co.un~.:i.l¡;¡.dv18ed that the standard specifications, which the Ci ty Enginê<è~.íS authoTlzed to prepare, be on the' ag.€lt1da, fç>r the next TI)èßting. .' '. '7 ,f'!.Qved by iCo\U')~ilman Benetti that Resolution 436 bec¿:2rÓ'pted. A {ì~~t:itt.1.ti,Qn Òf '11Ihe City CouncH Of City Of Cupertino AlIthorizing T,þ,\OJ E:*,èGui;,i~;,Of An Agreanent By The Mayor And The City Çlerk fÞr~~'té'êh.N.ìQI<;;; Lazaneo and Cl ty of Cupertino); Seconded bèJ' Cou!.!:Cil- må,1l ;1'~j¡~ett, ' AYES~,'fiðuncilman: Benetti, Jewett, Saich, Pelosi NAYS: Cbuncìlmen: None ABSÉNæ: Councilmen: None ABS~A!~:Councilmen: Lazaneo MOTIÖN 'CARRIED: Lf-O 8. The Clty Engineer posted plans on the Yamaolca application. The plans had been given to the Engineering Department too late to be placed on the agenda, Discussion developed relative to the H Control Committee action and Ordinance 002F and the conclusion whlch was reached required that Yamaoka would have to be placed on the next agenda. Council- men La4aneo and Jewett pointed out that the Yamaoka shopping cen- ter, including the gas station, had already been approved by the H Control Committee, The I'layor requested that the minut es of the n}~eting containing the Yamaolca rezoning ÌJe studied to determine whether or not conch·, tions wer~ i11lposed at the time of rezoning, The same applies to the issuance' o.f the use penni t, In the fút'i.tl't1' all H Gon,trol applications \\Till be referred to the Ci ty Gcunc'rit. IX UNFINISHED BUSINESS A, Fireworlcs permits Mrs.,.:S~ess (Cupertino Variety Store) stated a checlc would Sllb- stan:tiate the Store's order for fireworlcs on January 4, and [. sked what,¡cou:¡'¡j be done ;j.f there lS no outlet for the fireworlcs ordered. AmeriGan Legion "placed an order in September, Mr~ N'òrthc.utt ¡¡'öJ.i:ed, -G- ~~83 Tl1eMayór're;:,pdmmended that Ordinance 169, CQ:ver:LDg the ,ban of the saleoffir-~~lor!'3, be l'evoRed, åuthorizing grant of perrni ts, l . '-. , Councilmán'La,zaI'ÌëØ' . auggestØd that sometl:Üng; be \1~l1kedout so as to allow thß sa;eof;f'i'rei'/ò±'lcsthis Year with the Qrdinance to remai~ ineff~ct next ye$,r and tl'ìer~¡:¡fter. . The AÚ1erièap Lagfop v¡as ·:in agreement ,.with this suggestJ,On, if thf, effécti1Te'dá,te ccoùldtbê'changed to July 5, 1961. . , Moved. by.... ç." 01.1tl..·.......C..ilman' S.è...iCh 'uhatt.h. e Ci.tY A'utor. nay pre.pa. re ticn'r~\;oldngO¡'dinflnée169; Sècônderi by !o1ay6r l'elosj.. AYES: . \ 'Coui1pH¡hen: 'Benetti',S¡¡:ibh; fe 10S1 "". ". '. NAYS: Councilman: JeVlett, La~a;nec,,' . ABSENT: : ''Oounèil!!\Em: . 'None " , ." MOTIQN CARf\:J:E!): 3-2 ' , ' a re60111- ," Moved by Oouncil~n Lazaneo that the City Attofh~ybêaùthorized to. prepare a pe!'it1aneptorc1inance prohi.biting the sale oj" flr"'- . worl(S wi'thinthe"City 'limi'(:;s .(Df Gupert':j.ho; i Seconded 'by Gouncíl- . ~ ' " - J " , . man Jewett; ...., AYE$~. 't::òunc~lm~: ". . NA1(S~,)Counpi1~n'( ABSEtf.L': CoupclIli1Øn: MO'l'¡ON OitRRIEP:' . Benëttiii ., ·Slhch' : Norle' "4"1'· JE;:wett,.· :µ¡'z¡;¡neò:, ,"PeloID,' Th!;' Mayor asked that the letters received from Cupertino Variety ::¡tore~' The LionaCl\ib, and, 'dheCm\erican Legion,· regarding the ban of sale of fireworks in the City, be treated as pending applica- tian/" . . ,-:..,- ;..\ MO"ed 'oy~,¢':i.lmanSaichthätttia'i'Cit-:v AttÒ'rneyqrElft a resolu- tion. allo'l'iil'}g. the abovep.a.medorganiila,t;!.onstq re.ne'1theip permi té 'ami'sell fireWoj;>!œ in the .C;!.ty; Secbn¢edb:\7 COllncîJ,mitn La.zaneo, A¥ES;' Cb~Cnmen:Jewett,La:zartëQ',"''s,iich, Peíosi .... .,. NAYS: "C¿'up:61imèn: Benet,ti' . ·.'1 -- ABSENT; COUflc:!,lll1fm: None ,MO'.L'IO~ Cl\.1~~:çE¡Y: - 'i, lJ--l ~- .¡'-.~'.:;.¡ ,),~" -i,:;; .:: :_j' . t' B. Misce1ìan'~Ö1,Ù\ 'Nørfé! :, .',.' ,..:,^"." _ ;:, ~, !. ',: ' ,-, 7'- ;:', . ,(i ; " : .' .. Cu';' ".. x NEW . ¡mS;rNESS A. ,+,.1}~;.i\,C.E,'S.': REques'ti1"!3 '1'inancial, aid from City for .Cà'lh:¡'Xiign puI'þ013'es 11:1- coIning recall election. ! , Ca:t:l T\.j.cc;i, 1.064;;; Randy, requer:¡te<i tþhdþ lii¡¡ þO¡JJ¡n:ftteé; , .,' ' , ,;:' ;',; ".; , ' 1· .' ! - ;,,' ,,-~ , ':.,~, , LoUis ~eg!ll,sÞeaking ifó:r'himseTf, stated. th::tthê}\'Jou1cf Üketo havétllËf,:i11Ïq:rll\a.i:;idn 'frQmthis 'cpmrn:ittee ma.iled!to .the· residents of'Cupert1no;'" " " . ,. h ,,1."1 ' " "';¡ ;l·","n,,~', .i::, _. thë Mi:p;j'r'~,¡$qµ'W$.ted that; a' ;~ritte!') 'report on the' material. for ¡îh:Lèr.' ::'.iR;1\.:C,1:,S, requesea.fînandial ¡¡¡':i~ be presentGd àtthe meet:J,hgW~esday, 7:'OOf.M. " . I ",> ."\:-," !'". '. -, ,,' -: .,:' , , " . ffnancial:a:'iGt, from the .ei ty ":' ,'.- ,'''.'-'' .. Mr;' q~··.'A~éY';'cj;tj;:::énS.Co¡p !Ltt{;¡"Iè 'FÒr~n1tl1n'D:tshìqt" ..I'lOuld like 'èq,uð:l 't':í:iite to prese!1t ih:rormJng materiaJ1tò th~ CouncE. . " i'¡'," ·Co\.!r\,cil Ì!e:C'ictedtha. t 1/2 þouJ;' be gl:ven tq Mr.: 'J'uc.c;i ¡l'¡JdJ:!2 hoc",- to'ì'1r. 'Asti1¢y(in Wedne'sda,y, April 5;'fro¡(¡.1 to 8P,j'1; . ." " ,,' "'-"i '.', " ,~:,,<¡. ".;.. _ .' : ..' ...," ',- :',': ' ' - "!~,' _:.' , '] ,', ~ B. \\Ta'ç~r :co~J%~ JWa~e,r' ~onse'rva:tî()i-r'District) NorepoJ:'t . .' ~ ': , " .- ;, '- ,.'~ C ,_ N¡;';L;~I:î.¿ofhPÞ4,;-f:1ih - 'St",Ùing Road, 'REdschedú1éi:t-fdr' nextmeetJ,ng, D. ,Mi$Cellal'léóus 'Nône ",'" ",," ,.' :;.¡' ,'j' .': ". I- XI ORALCO~1J1WICATJ;óNE. Mr. S:t;O:t'l1ì5tl1ted t.hat ,-': th,e- month of April is to be ¡lelcome Ha:gO'iì ;,,,j~ntn, .. ~'" j '- "-7'"', , 28~l 1:- I-œ] ~ "Ur';" ~ ~¡ Moved by Councilman Benetti that the ~,yc:i'tõ proclaim the month of AP1'il as Welcome Wagon Month; Seconded by Courlcilman Lazaneo. AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Lazaneo, Saich, Pelos~ NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 2. Gordon Graham, editor of the San Jose Shopping News, stated that no other township or city in the County has such an ordinance asOrdinanc lOA imposing such a tax on cOmmercial advertising papers, The Mayor advised Mr. Graham to appear before the City Council at the next meeting to voice an objection to Ordinance lOA; howeveÞ, he will have to comply with said Ol~inance prior to that time órhe will be in violation of same. 3. Robert Michaelson aslced the Mayor whether any tentative date had been set for the presentation of a master or general plan" He added that there may be little or nothing left to plan if the 1'1Ork is' not com- pleted in the very near future, The Mayor responded that he understood the pOint being made by Mr, Michaelson, tha~ the Council is proceeding with préparations for a general plan, e aslced Mr. Michaelson, in effect, if he was suggest- ing that the Council refuse all applications until the adoption of the master plan, thus "stagnating the City", Resolution 434 provides that the Mayor be appointed to the Santa Clar8 County vlater Commission with Councilman Lazaneo as alternate. Co=oi'~n J,,,.tO adv'"d Mr. Mieh,,'oon to ""uIt th, ~lBhborhood plans of the City, that these would at least indicate a street and circulation pattern which is one element of a master plan, APPROVED: The f/Iayor announced he would be glad to meet and d~scuss the entire subject vii th any and all citizens interested in the subJeèt on the following Saturday at City Hall. 4. Resolution 434, A Resolution Of TI~ City Council Of The City of Cup- ertino Appointing A Member And An Alternate From The City Council To Serve On The Santa Clara County Hater CormnisSion, was introduced. Moved by Councilman Benetti that Resolution 434 be adopted; Seconded by CounCilman Jewett, AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Saich, Pelosi NA~~í~ Councilmen: None ABþ;¡¡t~w: Counci lmen: None ABS1ÁìN:Councilmen: Lazaneo MO'1'ION CARRIED: 4-0 "" XII ADJ OUR,'t:JMENT Meeti~g adjourned at 11:40 P,M, Monday, April 3, 1961, to Wednesday, Aprtl 5, 7:00 P.M. / /, .J ( C T :""/'-" 11- f / ....1 /",'fr'; ~ ~ Mayor, City,/ol Cupertino ATTEST: \"{\.-L(C " ~,_b Ci ty ClerIc / \(l (. "1 e:. \-,