Peggy Griffin 3-12 4-35pm_RedactedFrom: Peggy Griffin ] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 4:34 PM To: planning@cuperitno.org Cc: City Clerk <CityClerk@cupertino.org> Subject: Vallco Specific Plan EIR Scoping Comments 1) traffic anal - EIR should analyze using both the current level of service methodology currently in use and the vehicle miles travelled methodology that has been released in draft form by the Office of Planning and Research. If either approach indicates significant impacts, the impacts should be considered significant. 2) water supply - EIR should analyze increased water demand and whether it will increase stress on Santa Clara Valley Water District, the local water wholesaler, or the State Water Project, the eventual source of SCVWD's water. How will water for the green roof park area be provided? How will it be stored, treated? 3) What will be the electrical and gas supply for the new project? a) How much will the project increase greenhouse gas generation? b) How will greenhouse gas generation be mitigated? 4) What will be the growth -inducing impact of the project? a) Will the project result in increasing the pressure on the local housing market, resulting in increased housing sale and rental prices and forcing lower income households out of the area, increasing their commute distances to reach jobs in the area? 5) What will be the cumulative impact of this project plus other projects in and around Cupertino, including those in San Jose, Sunnyvale and Santa Clara? Peggy Griffin