McLaughlin, Eileen Scoping Comments Vallco Specific Plan EIREileelt A Afe4wgh& March 12, 2018 Piu Ghosh, Principal Planner Community Development Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Via Email to planning@cupertino.orR Via Email RE: Scoping Comments for the Preparation of the DEIR for the Vallco Special Area Specific Plan Dear Ms. Ghosh: This letter provides comments submitted to aid Cupertino (City) in its work defining the content and analysis of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) of the Vallco Special Area Specific Plan (Plan). I am a long-term resident of a neighborhood adjoining Cupertino and live just one and a half miles from the Project Boundary, just off Miller Avenue. My comments arise from resident experience and also on substantive experience commenting to many jurisdictions and agencies regarding California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and regulatory documents. These activities are done as an advocate member of a volunteer, grass-roots organization, Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge. But to be clear, in this letter I speak solely for myself. In public comment at the City's scoping meeting on 02/22/2018, 1 mentioned some topics that needed attention. I expand and add to those comments here. CEQA category of this Plan EIR: A "Specific" Plan EIR is a "Program" EIR, an information basis for tiering of future, project -specific CEQA analysis as may be needed prior to any build out within the Project Boundaries.' The degree of environmental review and of mitigation required of those documents is set in good part by the quality, content and project standards (mitigations) of the program EIR. As such, a well-prepared Program EIR will provide environmental guidelines that must be met in tiered projects. Doing so may also reduce or streamline tiered CEQA documents, pending objectives and proposals of those individual projects. l am hopeful that the City both values and invests in production of a fully comprehensive program EIR Purpose of an EIR: This Plan EIR is intended to inform.' Failure to meet that objective can be caused by poorly -organized documents and lack of clarity such as: overuse of technical terms, acronyms or jargon; omission of clarifying charts or graphics; omission of relevant information (description facts, impacts or analysis). As a program EIR, it is anticipated that it will be a lengthy document, making it even more important that attention is placed on avoiding these pitfalls. 1 hope that the Project EIR will be one that adequately informs. ' CEQA Guidelines §15385, Tiering: "(a) From a general plan, policy, or program EIR to a program, plan, or policy EIR of lesser scope or to a site-specific EIR;" ' CEQA Guidelines §15002 General Concepts: "(a) Basic Purposes of CEQA. The basic purposes of CEQA are to: (1) Inform governmental decision makers and the public about the potential, significant environmental effects of proposed activities." Regional Impacts of the EIR: The considerations of an EIR don't end at the Project Boundary. The location of this project lies in a City panhandle defined by major roadways and nearby adjacency with the cities of San Jose, Sunnyvale and Santa Clara. The City of Saratoga lies just beyond San Jose's panhandle, "3 miles away. It is important that any impact on the region be adequately considered and mitigated.3 Toward that end and because major regional impacts to traffic and transportation are anticipated, I recommend that Figure 2, Vicinity Map in the Notice of Preparation (NOP) be replaced in the EIR with a vicinity map that is broadened to include and acknowledge the key transportation corridor and municipal jurisdictions. Alternatives of the EIR: For this Plan EIR, the City must consider a reasonable range of alternatives' such that it is possible for decision makers and the public to understand the comparative merits of each alternative. In reference to alternatives other than "no action" (leaving the Project site as is) and given that (1) it is not necessary for each alternative to attain all of the objectives of the EIR but rather to provide adequate comparison of impacts and (2) this Project has substantial complexity, 1 recommend that the City provide three Alternatives. The presentation at the public meeting included an Alternative of full build -out per the City's General Plan (GP) stipulations. This EIR, through impact analysis, gives the City the opportunity to test those GP stipulations through variations in Alternatives. The other two Alternatives can be determined from development values provided from public comment during scoping. As I suggested at my public comment, Alternatives could be versions of reduced density and/or of reapportioned land use. For Program EIRs, additional alternatives are particularly valuable. Within the document, cumulative tables showing side-by-side comparison for all significant impacts for each of the Alternatives is an effective, informative tool. I have seen multiple occasions when doing so enabled Lead Agencies, at the time of findings of the Final EIR, to blend the most beneficial characteristics (identified through comparison) into a new, composite, Final Alternative. Service to Regional Transit: Admittedly, I have not at this time read applicable sections of the City General Plan or other City code so cannot know if the City has already established commitments to integrate its actions with regional transit services. Nonetheless, I was disappointed that the Project Description in the NOP lacked any mention of public transit services that must be provided by the Plan. Along Wolfe Road and for decades, the existing Plan site includes substantial roadside cutouts serving mass transit. The Plan site immediately adjoins a major freeway and a major regional roadway. Existing 3 CEQA Guidelines §15125, Environmental Setting: (c) Knowledge of the regional setting is critical to the assessment of environmental impacts. Special emphasis should be placed on environmental resources that are rare or unique to that region and would be affected by the project. The EIR must demonstrate that the significant environmental impacts of the proposed project were adequately investigated and discussed and it must permit the significant effects of the project to be considered in the full environmental context. ' CEQA Guidelines §15126.6. Consideration and Discussion of Alternatives to the Proposed Project: (a) Alternatives to the Proposed Project. An EIR shall describe a range of reasonable alternativesto the project, or to the location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the basicobjectives of the project but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives. An EIR need not consider every conceivable alternative to a project. Rather it must consider a reasonable range of potentially feasible alternatives that will foster informed decision making and public participation. An EIR is not required to consider alternatives which are infeasible. The lead agency is responsible for selecting a range of project alternatives for examination and must publicly disclose its reasoning for selecting those alternatives. There is no ironclad rule governing the nature or scope of the alternatives to be discussed other than the rule of reason. E. McLaughlin, Scoping Comments, Vallco Specific Plan, 03/12/18 Page 2 transit services serve major bus routes. Existing conditions include the dramatic expansion of Apple and its traffic, just on the other side of the freeway, and connecting to this site along Vallco Parkway/Tantau Avenue and via Wolfe Road. I anticipate that there will be an Alternative that represents full build -out per GP LU -1 that would allow extraordinary alteration of the types and density of uses of the site potentially inclusive of office, entertainment, hotel and residential. Every one of those new or expanded uses would substantially impact traffic and, for impacts of greenhouse gases, air quality, and traffic congestion, trigger the need for mass transit mitigations. As we who live locally know too well, traffic congestion is irreparably getting worse, such that it also is realistic to anticipate that short-sighted actions of today will have consequences all too soon. Such a situation is reinforced in CEQA's Mandatory Findings of Significance "...potential to achieve short-term environmental goals to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals."s Given local transportation demand, known and proposed, it is helpful to observe that the location of this panhandle Project is ideal for incorporation and allocation of land for service as an expanded Transit Hub, potentially serving multiple forms of mass transit. For that reason, l recommend that the preparation of the OR include consultation with VTA and impacted municipalities such that the Final Alternative and its mitigations accommodate provision of this Project site as an expanded transit hub. Traffic analysis of the EIR: At the public scoping meeting, there was poster with a map of the region showing locations of intersections that would be included in traffic studies. It struck me as not understandable why the intersection of Miller Avenue and Prospect Road was not included for study. Given my long term residency in this area, I find this to be a significant omission. Traffic is significant between that location and U.S. Route 280. Further, Prospect is a major roadway interconnecting with other major roadways. Will increased traffic on Miller Avenue/Wolfe Road impact Prospect Road traffic? 1 ask that the Miller/Prospect intersection be included in traffic studies. Biological Resource analysis of the EIR: As an environmental advocate, I am well aware of the devastating impacts that poorly planned buildings and land management have on birds, whether they are year-round resident, seasonal nesters or on migration. For that reason, both bird -safe design of buildings and on-site predator management should be considered and incorporated as mitigations. Fortunately, the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society has substantial expertise on bird safe design and should be consulted. I recommend that mitigation should include a management plan that will limit the presence of mammalian pests and predators (rats, mice, raccoons, skunks, opossums, roaming cats) including control of food waste, avoiding creating locations where pests and predators might hide or den and outlawing feeding of any mammals outdoors. Pest management needs to require that no poisons be used for control, given that birds may be poisoned by consuming dying mammals. I CEQA Guidelines §15065, Mandatory Findings of Significance, (a)(2),(3)&(4) : "(a) A lead agency shall find that a project may have a significant effect on the environment andthereby require an EIR to be prepared for the project where there is substantial evidence, in light of the whole record, that any of the following conditions may occur:" "(2) The project has the potential to achieve short-term environmental goals to the disadvantageof long-term environmental goals. (3) The project has possible environmental effects that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable. "Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effectsof an individual project are significant when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects,the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects. (4) The environmental effects of a project will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly." E. McLaughlin, Scoping Comments, Vallco Specific Plan, 03/12/18 Page 3 Finally, a recommendation to consider in any Alternative that includes residential units: I suggest that land be set aside for community gardens and space be retained for use for the Farmer's Market. As it appears that residential units will be, by type, apartments, adequate garden space would be a welcome amenity and consistent with encouraging local, healthy, family -production of vegetables. Similarly, returning the Farmer's Market to this site, perhaps in a Vallco Commons area, would be a valuable benefit to both apartment dwellers and employees of site businesses and easily accessible by residents of surrounding neighborhoods. It is my hope that my comments will be applied in developing a substantive and informative Plan through the EIR. Thank you for your considerations toward that end. Sincerely, e5—Eileen P. McLaughlin E. McLaughlin, Scoping Comments, Vallco Specific Plan, 03/12/18 Page 4