Glenn & Ann Cabral_RedactedFrom: Glenn Cabral ]
Sent: Saturday, March 03,2018 10:10 AM
To: Darcy Paul <>
Subject: City Problems
We have been residents of Cupertino for over 50 years and have not seen the likes of
what is going on regarding who is managing the city. It seems the group have an ax to grind, but ignoring the opposing views that go
against their wants. You have the Vallco and Oaks sites that are not going any where
because of the political inside arguing as to what is best for whom. Progress is here and
it is not going to go away. The key is what is best for Cupertino over all.
How many plans are going to be rejected until the group Better Cupertino are pleased
with. If the present environment goes on look for the present owners throw in the towel
and sell off parcels of Vallco then you will have more problems.
We would appreciate some response to these comments. Thanks
Glenn & Ann Cabral