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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 19387 SAKURA WAY CONTRACTOR:STUART PERMIT NO: 14040076 CONSTRUCTION CO OWNER'S NAME: MR.&MRS.C LU 1630 MARCONI WAY DATE ISSUED:05/21/2014 OWNER'S PHONE: 5107096044 SAN JOSE,CA 95125 PHONE NO:(650)776-4810 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOB DESCRIPTION:RESIDENTIAL El COMMERCIAL EJ X ��•77 CONSTRUCT ADDITIONS ON FIRST FLOOR(130 SQ FT) License Class _ Lie.4 ,c © '� AND r SECOND FLOOR(361 SQ FT);INTERIOR REMODEL(518 Contractor 5ua -r ee�St Date �� 1 SQ I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 FT). (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the )performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$70000 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this APN Number:37503015.00 Occupancy Type: permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state Taws relating WITHIN Igo DAYS OF ANCE OR to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save SPECTION, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the —w— granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comtied by: Date: with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, 9.18. RE-ROOFS: Signature ate All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. ❑ _OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of Signature of Applicant: Date: the following two reasons: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professions Code) 1,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. I will I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the declarations: Health&Safety Code,Section 25532(a)should 1 store or handle hazardous I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's material. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I performance of the work for which this permit is issued. will maintain compliancew' Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by the Health&Safety Code Sectio s 25505 25 25 Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Owner or authorized age nt Date I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,1 shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. work's for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) Lender's Name APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Lender's Address I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the I understand my plans shall be used as public records. granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section Licensed Professional 9.18. Signature Date isCONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION �Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT• BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE•CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 M B CUPERTINO (408)777-3228• FAX(408)777-3333•building&cupertino.orq ❑NEW CONSTRUCTION 12 ADDITION ALTF,RATION/TI ❑ REVISION/DEFERRED ORIGINAL PERMIT# PROJECT ADDRESS � a�J ! r APN k _0?? OWNER NAME C11/A/ {/11p�3 PHONE�n.70004q EMAILsNiN� �.YtINa� STREET ADDRESS 1138-7 ( AKI JRA � CITY, STA (IP,J MD C /J„�„�� FAX CONTACT NAME -II v 1/ PHONE " EMAIL STREET ADDRESS J / CITY,STATE,ZIP FAX OWNER 1-1 OWNER-BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ 'TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME ( J LICENSE NUMBER LICENSE44E BUS.LIC# COMPAJNY NAME , E-MAIL FAX ' ru a rrC 0 W �cI STREET ADDRESS /�� CIT STATE, HONE 776-481() y8 () A4 y�INE �i i LICENSE NUNIBER /(.i 1 t-1 r,1 .! !/ BUS.LIC# ' �� FAX T D C � ✓� d �� A DESCRIPTION OF W _. ''ff ` &krKJ z'( 7 'XISTING USE PROPOSED USE�C.�'' IA,{ l{CO1JO S'1�TYPE #STO IES '?) USE TYPE CC. SQ.FT. VALUATION($) EXISTG NEW FLOOR DEMO V � I TOTAL AREA I /-,LE ARF j7 10 AREA NET AREA BATHROOM KITCHEN OTHER REMODEL AREA RFN40DEL AREA REMODEL AREA PORCH AREA DECK AREA TOTAL DECKTORCH AREA GARAGE AREA. DETACH ATTACH DWELLING UNITS: Is A SECOND UNIT []YES SECOND STORY S'FS BEING ADDED? ENO ADDITION? ❑NO 06 PRE:APPLICATION YES IF YES,PROVIDE COPY OF IS THE BLDG AN 0 YES I(ECLPOT13 B TOTAL VALUATION: PLANNING APPL# ❑NO PLANNING APPROVAL LETTER EICHLERHOME? ❑NO 0 By my signature below,I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized ent to act on the prop er's behal. I have read thiss application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate, to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws rola" oTb 'Iding cons tion. I a e epre M tives of Cupertino to enter the abo tifiepropery for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: Date: 7 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED PLAN CIIECK TYPE ROUTING SLIP New SFD or Multifamily dwellings: Apply for demolition permit for ❑ OVER-THE COUNTER ❑ BUILDING PLAN REVIEW existing building(s). Demolition permit is required prior to issuance of building permit for new building. -�PREss ❑ PLANNING PLAN REVIEW Commercial Bldgs: Provide a completed Hazardous Materials Disclosure !❑ STANDARD ❑ PuRtic woRKs form if any Hazardous Materials are being used as part of this project. ❑ LARGE ❑ FIRE DEPT _Copy of Planning Approval Letter or Meeting with Planning prior to ❑ MAJOR ❑ SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT submittal of Building Permit application. ❑ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH BldgApp 2011.doc revised 06121111 Building Department 0I0gcmno I(1300 Torr,As cone C upert;no_CA 91014-3355 Iclephonc 408-777-3228 CUPERTINO Pa.�.40R-777-.73}; CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LIST IOB ADDRLSS:19387 Sakura Way PFRMI1?14040076 NEWS NAME Shin&Cyrus Liu lIIONf 465077&4810 ' --.... ._ i i GI NERA L CONTRACTOR.Stuart Construction Co. BL_�SINI SS Ll(`FNSI_x35238 _-_ ----- -- - --- __ ADDRL SS_1630 Marconi Way __--_ - (:11 Y_ZIPC ODF San Jose 95125 '"Our municipal code requires all businesses n orking in the cit}to have a Cihof Cupertino business liceme. NO BUILDINC FINAL OR FINAL OCCUPANCI' INSPF.CTION(S) AA-ILL BE SCHEDULED UNTIL 'f IE GENERAI,(-O.NTRACTOR AND al, MBC'ON 1 R:ICTOI2S IL11F.OBGU.VEU A CI'111'OF CVPFR"IINO B17SINFSS LICENSE. 1 am 1101 using am subcontractors: -__-- Slgnalure Date 1 Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the follossing information: �✓ SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS VAMP: BU51V'I:SS 1 ICP.VSL# l x 4- CabmclsKMillmmo Stuart 35238 -- - x i Cement Finishing Stuart 35238 - xElectric l Anthony Hodder Construction 28979 ' Ixmatin Fencing x Homint C vp fin Hodder 28979 --„ j Linoleum Wood Glass (dazing x H ating Stuart 35238 - --.- - -- - -- ----- - - -s - x buulalion Coast Insulation 15463 Landscaping Ladling Mason _.. -- - , �x Painting Nallpapci Hodder 28979 Paving - - x Plumbing j- Hodder 28979 x 1 R00fing Stuart 35238 Septic f nk I Sheet M tal x Sh,u Rock Hodder 28979 x jTilc Stuart 35238 j 12/8/2014 0"nes i Contractor Signature Da to CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR— BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS: 19387 SAKURA WAY DATE: 04/14/2014 REVIEWED BY: MELISSA APN: 375 03 015 BP#: Q "VALUATION: 1$70,000 ;,PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Addition PRIMARY SFD or Duplex 2nd Unit? 0 Yes No PENTAMATION 1 R3SFDADD USE: I OTC. ®Yes ®No PERMIT TYPE: WORK ADDITION OF 491 S.F. TO CREATE N DOWNSTAIRS DEN & N UPSTAIRS BATHROOM SCOPE OCCUPANCY TYPE: TYPE OF FLR AREA PC FEES PC FEE ID BP FEES BP FEE ID CONSTR. s.f. R-3 (Custom) II-B,III-B,IV,V-e 491 $1,579.00 IADDPLCK $1,284.00 IADDINSP TOTALS: 491 1 $1,579.00 $1,284.00 MECH,HOURLY 0 Yes (D No PLUMB,HOURLY Q Yes Q No ELEC,HOURLY Q Yes E)No NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments(i.e.Planning,Public Works,Fire,Sanitary Sewer District,School District,etc. . Theseees are based on the prelimina information available and are only an estimate. Contact the De t or addn 7 in o. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $1,579.00 Select a Misc Bldg/Structure Suppl. PC Fee: C!) Reg. 0 OT 0,0 hrs $0.00 or Element of a Building PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $1,284.00 Suppl. Insp. Fee:Q Reg. Q OT ro,0 hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 0 Work Without Permit? © Yes E) No $0.00 0 Advanced PlanninL Fee: IPLLONGR $68.74 Select a Non-Residential E) Building or Structure 0 i Strom Motion Fee: IBSEISMICR $7.00 Select an Administrative Item Bldu Stds Commission Fee: IBCBSC $3.00 SUBTOTALS: $2,941.74 1 $0.001 TOTAL FEE: $2,941.74 Revised: 04/01/2014 Building Department City Of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 C O P E RT I N O Telephone: 408-777-3228 Fax: 408-777-3333 CONTRACTOR/ SUBCONTRACTOR LIST JOB ADDRESS: t 10,4YPERMIT# O OU?' OWNER'S NAME: _' k l r u.V j-i44 PHONE# ~! () 701 -- O 1t GENERAL CONTRACTOR: s ,,av-r— ©kSTy-e.,cT#'d 1x BUSINESS LICENSE# ADDRESS: ?!eP- 60.3 Ave,,Las 07 CITY/ZIPCODE: La J aI a 203 7 *Our municipal code requires all businesses working in the city to have a City of Cupertino business license. NO BUILDING FINAL OR FINAL OCCUPANCY INSPECTION(S) WILL BE SCHEDULED UNTIL THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS HAVE OBTAINED A CITY OF CUPERTINO BUSINESS LICENSE. 1 am not using any subcontractors: Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring / Carpeting Linoleum/Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Painting/Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date a(� S:i�\,�p sI►II►t,��r�r MAP MA6ER�R 4 r RIC11ARO AS s COMPANY.04C. chi BOARD CSF D1REi:TQR$ 171$�pt�,,, TANAKA WiLUAM A.BOSWORTH """ CO�NS� C$ JOHN M GATTO ATKINSON A l55` A% STEVE C.ANDREWS �ROLp S.TOp�� LLP.' l44&1►s N 10��' WENDELL H.KERR.JR. ANGELA S.CHEN 20953 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD.SURE 100 CUPEFMNO,CALIFORNIA 950142154 14OH1 2537071 PHONE•(409)233.5173 FAX www.cu�erl;noscralpryCrstricf.Gt� Nlay 1.2014 File: CSD-- MOP #14-172 City of Cupertino APProve For IssuiIng Building Dept.—Cupertino Attn: Building Department ;�111l(tllil {lf!1lbj� Permits 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino. CA 95014-3202 Subject: Residential Addn/Remodel (491 sf) -Submittal No. I Approved Name: C Lu Residence Address: 19387 Sakura Way, Cupertino APN: 375-03-015 Permit No.: 14040076 The Cupertino Sanitary District has reviewed the plans for the subject project: ■ Sanitary sewer is available and the existing building is connected to sanitary sewer,see conditions/requirements listed below. The following Conditions/Requirements are made: • Install new property line cleanout or locate and raise to grade an existing property line cleanout. Property line cleanout must be within 5 feet of the property line. Cleanout shall be the same diameter as the street portion of the service lateral. Gravity lateral is 4" diameter minimum. (O.C. 4101) • District inspection is required prior to clearance for City of Cupertino Final Inspection. Owner to call District at least 48 hours to schedule District inspection. District to provide Building Department with written notification upon completion of inspection. (O.C. 5104) SUPPLYING SANITARY SEWERAGE SERVICES FOR:CITY Of CUPERM%PORTIONS OF THE CITIES Of SARATOGA,SUNNYVALE,LOS ALTOS AND SURROUNDING UNiNCORPORAIEO ARJ;AS s - PW3 Subject Residential Ad&/Rem.,.ic1 1491 st)-Seb>twittal No. 1 Approved Name: ( Vu Residence Address: 14,87 SAum way,Cupa:nirn► APN: 375-03.015 Permit No.: 14440076 All conditions, requirements and recommendations are to be completed at the (Owner/Developer)'s expense. Strum water from surface or roof drains, ether general surface runoff water or condensate from any residential HVAC equipment shall not he discharged to the sanitary sewer. Yours very truly. MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. District Manager-Engineer • �z Richard K. Tana If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Julie Chiu or Thanh Nguyen at 408-253-7071. rt ti:"tAdministrationlCorrespondence-General.l.ettcrs120)4Tctter x:14-184 Cupertllio Building Apartment 14040076 Residential Addn Remodel_19387SakuraW;k_S"b 1_Approved05-1-2014-doc = MEMBER REPORT Level, Music room beam PASSED .I F O R T E 1 piece(s)4 x 10 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 1 Overall Length:10'7" f _ y + + 0 0 r � — 1 1 10' T I:J At locations are measured from the outside face of left support(or left cantilever end).All dimensions are horizontal.;Drawing is Conceptual Design Results Actual®Location Allowed Result LDF Load:Combination(Pattern)—� System:Roof Member Reaction(lbs) 1803 @ 2" 7656(3.50") Passed(24%) -- 1.0 D+1.0 Lr(All Spans) Member Type:Drop Beam Shear(lbs) 1441 @ 1'3/4" 4856 Passed(30%) 1.25 1.0 D+1.0 Lr(All Spans) Building Use:Residential Moment(Ft-lbs) 4474 @ 5'3 1/2" 6239 Passed(72%) 1.25 1.0 D+1.0 Lr(All Spans) Building Code.IBC Live Load Defl.(in) 0.120 @ 53 1/2" 0.512 Passed(L/999+) -- 1.0 D+1.0 Lr(All Spans) Design Methodology:ASD Total Load Defl.(in) _ 0.2_1_6_@ 5'3 1/2" 0.683 Passed(L/570) 1.0 D+1.0 Lr(All Spans) Member Pitch:0/12 Deflection criteria:LL(L/240)and TL(L/180). --- — ----- -- — --- --- -- -- Bracing(Lu):All compression edges(top and bottom)must be braced at 10'7"o/c unless detailed otherwise.Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. i — Bearing Loads to Support+(lbs)oof r Supports Total Available Required Dead 12Uve Total ��� k 1-Column Cap-steel 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 797 1005 1802 Blocking L 14 014 2-Column Cap-steel 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 797 1005 1802 Blocking •Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. LT Tributary Dead Roof Live Lamas Lootion Width (0.90) (non-anow:1.25) Comment i-Uniform(PSS 0 to 10'7" 9'6" 15.0 20.0 Roof - r` Weyerhaeuser Notes (!�)SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY INITIATIVE Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims arty other warranties related to the software.Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. (www.woodbywy.com)Accessories(Rim Board,Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks)are not designed by this software.Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction.The designer of record,builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project.Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application,input design loads,dimensions and support information have been provided by Steve Benzing-Architect A 61� tae Forte Software Operator Job Notes` ' 04,108/14 8:28:05 AM _ _-- -_ --. -------.-.----..-....-. Forte v4.1.Design Engine V5 T0.245 Steve Bening Liv.Addibon-2013 I Steve Bening-Alchited l Liu NCI(i-209 3.4te (408 805-1328 Be.nrarch r�icomcast.net Page 2 of 2 ICC EVALUATION c c SERVICE ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3500 Issued January 1, 2014 This report is subject to renewal January 1, 2015. www.icc-es.org 1 (800)423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council° DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE may be used in fire-resistance-rated construction when PROTECTION installed in accordance with Section 4.5, and in Types I Section: 07 21 00—Thermal Insulation through IV construction when installed in accordance with Section 4.6. REPORT HOLDER: 3.0 DESCRIPTION ICYNENE,INC. CUPERTIN03-1 ProSeal(MD-C-200V3)Insulation: 6747 CAMP OBE LLO:ROAD '?'� nene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) foam plastic insulation is MISSISSAUGA,ONT` N; L7 Fluildinq DeDar"ef4�' a two-component, medium-density, closed-cell, spray- CANADA ?` f ," applied foam plastic with a nominal density of 2.4 pcf. The (905)363-4040 ; �0{ polyurethane foam is produced by combining Icynene www.icynene.com Based Seal MDI isocyanate (the A component) and ievans(&-icynene.com " `" ene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) resin (the B component). V'lE� NjFLi r IJr� LUUE LUMNLIAN ihe products have a shelf life of 12 months when stored in EVALUATION SUBJECT, f�, tory-sealed containers at temperatures between 60°F MD-C-20ewed BY ) and 85°F (16°C and 29°C). The Icynene ProSeal (MD-C- ICYNENE PROSEAL 0V ( '") 200V3)is supplied in one formula for all climates. 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE 3.2 Surface Burning Characteristics: Compliance with the following codes: The Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) insulation, at a maximum thickness of 4 inches (102 mm) and a nominal ■ 2012 and 2009 International Building Code®(IBC) density of 2.4 pcf, has a flame-spread index of 25 or less ■ 2012 and 2009 International Residential Code'(IRC) and a smoke-developed index of 450 or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. ■ 2012 and 2009 Internation I Ener y Conservation Code® 3.3 Thermal Resistance: (IECC) �� �' 7nene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) insulation has a thermal Properties evaluated4 -MAN sistance, R-value, at a mean temperature of 75°F(24°C) ■ Surface characteristicsC ; !ds$hown in Table 1. 9 g ■ Physical properties 3.4n Air Permeability: ■ Thermal resistance(R-values) Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) insulation, at a minimum 1.4-inch (35.6 mm) thickness, is considered air- ■ Attic and crawl-space installation impermeable insulation in accordance with 2012 IRC ■ Air permeability Section R806.5 (2009 IRC Section R806.4), based on ■ Vapor permeability testing in accordance with ASTM E2178. ■ Fire resistance 3.5 Vapor Permeability: Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) insulation has a vapor ■ Exterior walls of Types I–IV construction permeance of less than 1 perm (5.7x10-" kglPa-s-m2)at a 2.0 USES minimum thickness of 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) and may be used where a Class II vapor retarder is required by the Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) spray foam is used as a applicable code. nonstructural thermal insulating material in Types I, II, III, IV and V construction under the IBC and dwellings under 3.6 Intumescent Coatings: the IRC. The insulation is for use in wall cavities, floor 3.6.1 DC 315: DC 315 intumescent coating, assemblies, ceiling assemblies, or attics and crawl spaces manufactured by International Fireproof Technology, Inc., when installed in accordance with Section 4.4. Under the is a water-based coating supplied in 5-gallon (19 L) pails IRC, the insulation may be used as air-impermeable and 55 gallon (208 L) drums. The coating material has a insulation when installed in accordance with Section 3.4, shelf life of 24 months when stored in factory-sealed and as a vapor retarder when installed in accordance with containers at temperatures between 41'F (5°C) and Section 3.5. Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) spray foam 95°F(35°C). ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed,nor are they to be construed EMU :•S� as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation,for its use.There is no warranty 6y ICC Evaluation Service,LLC,express or implied,as to any finding or other matter in this report,or as to any product covered by the report. SINTER. Copyright©2014 Pagel 04 ESR-3500 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 4 manufacturer's instructions and this report. Surfaces to be the long end perpendicular to the steel studs, using No. 6, coated must be dry, clean, and free of dirt, loose debris Type S, 11/4-inch (31.7 mm), self-tapping bugle head and other substances that could interfere with adhesion of screws spaced 8 inches (203.2 mm) on center around the the coating. The coating is applied in one coat with low- perimeter and in the field. The stud cavity is filled with pressure airless spray equipment. Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) insulation to a maximum 4.4.3 Use on Attic Floors: Icynene ProSeal (MD-C- nominal thickness of 6 inches. 200V3) insulation may be installed exposed at a maximum 4.6.3 Interior Face: Type X gypsum board, 5/8 inches thickness of 14 inches (356 mm) between and over the (15.9 mm) thick and complying with ASTM C1396, is joists in attic floors. The insulation must be separated from installed, with the long dimension perpendicular to steel the interior of the building by an approved thermal barrier. studs, with No. 6, Type S, 11/4-inch-long (31.7 mm), self- An ignition barrier in accordance with the IBC Section tapping bugle head screws spaced 8 inches (203 mm) on 2603.4 and IRC Section R316.5.3 may be omitted. center around the perimeter and 12 inches (305 mm)in the 4.5 One-hour Non-load-bearing Fire-resistance-rated field. The gypsum board joints must be treated with vinyl or Wall Assembly: casein, dry or premixed joint compound applied in two coats to cover all exposed screw heads and gypsum board 4.5.1 Exterior Face: Nominally 6-inch-deep (152 mm), butt joints. A minimum 2-inch-wide (51 mm) paper, plastic, No. 18 gage galvanized steel studs, spaced 16 inches or fiberglass tape is embedded in the first layer of (406 mm) on center, are fastened to No. 18 gage compound over butt joints of the gypsum board. galvanized steel floor and ceiling tracks. One la Xer of /2-inch-thick (12.7 mm) Georgia Pacific DensGlass Gold 4.6.4 Exterior Wall Covering: Details of the exterior wall Exterior Sheathing is installed parallel to the steel studs covering must be provided to the code official by the report with vertical joints offset a minimum of 16 inches(406 mm) holder, designer or specifier, with an engineering analysis from the vertical joints of the interior Type X gypsum board, demonstrating that (1) the exterior wall covering conforms and the horizontal joints offset a minimum of 24 inches to ASTM E136 and (2)the addition of the wall covering to (610 mm) from the horizontal joints of the gypsum board. the assembly described in this section does not negatively The sheathing is attached using 11/4-inch long (31.7 mm), affect conformance of the assembly with the requirements self-drilling drywall screws spaced 8 inches (203 mm) of IBC Section 2603.5. on center around the perimeter and in the field. Hohmann 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE & Barnard DW-10 brick ties, 6 inches (152 mm) long by 11/2 inches (38 mm) wide, are spaced 16 inches The Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3)spray foam insulation (406.4 mm) on center vertically on each steel stud, and described in this report complies with, or is a suitable secured using two 15/8-inch-long(41.3)self-drilling screws, alternative to what is specified in, those codes listed in through 4-inch (102 mm) red clay brick [31/2 inches Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following (88.9 mm) by 21/4 inches (57.1 mm) by 73/4 inches conditions: (197 mm)], laid in a running bond pattern with Type S mortar, leaving a nominally 1-inch (25.4 mm) air gap 5.1 The product must be installed in accordance with between the brick and the exterior sheathing. The stud the manufacturer's published installation instructions, cavity is filled with Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) this evaluation report and the applicable code. In the insulation to a maximum nominal thickness of 6 inches. event of a conflict between the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report, this 4.5.2 Interior Face: Type X gypsum board, 5/8 inch report governs. (15.9 mm) thick and complying with ASTM C1396, is applied to the interior side with the long edge parallel to 5.2 The insulation must be separated from the interior of steel studs, and is secured using 11/4-inch-long (31.7 mm), the building by an approved 15-minute thermal barrier self-drilling drywall screws spaced 8 inches (203 mm) on in accordance with IBC Section 2603.4, except when center around the perimeter and 12 inches (305 mm) on installation is as described in Section 4.3.2 or in attics center in the field. The gypsum board joints must be and crawl spaces as described in Section 4.4.2. treated with vinyl or casein, dry or premixed joint 5.3 The insulation must not exceed the thickness and compound applied in two coats to cover all exposed screw density noted in Sections 3.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 of heads and gypsum board butt joints. A minimum 2-inch- this report. wide (51 mm) paper, plastic, or fiberglass tape is embedded in the first layer of compound over butt joints of 5.4 The insulation must be protected from the weather the gypsum board. during and after application. 4.6 Exterior Walls in Type I, II,III and IV Construction: 5.5 The insulation must be applied by installers certified 4.6.1 General:When used on exterior walls of Types I, II, by Icynene, Inc. III or IV construction, the assembly must comply with IBC 5.6 Use of the insulation in areas where the probability of Section 2603.5 and this section, and the Icynene ProSeal termite infestation is "very heavy' must be in (MD-C-200V3) insulation must be installed at a maximum accordance with IRC Section R318.4 or 2012 IBC thickness of 6 inches (152 mm). The potential heat of Section 2603.9 (2009 IBC Section 2603.8), as Icynene ProSeal (MD-C-200V3) insulation is 2785 Btu/ft2 applicable. (31 629 kJ/m2) per inch of thickness, when tested in accordance with NFPA 259. 5.7 Jobsite certification and labeling of the insulation must 4.6.2 Exterior Face: Nominally 6-inch-deep, No. 18 comply with IRC Sections N1101.4 and N1101.4.1 and IECC Sections 303.1.1 and 303.1.2, as gage, galvanized steel studs, spaced 16 inches (406 mm) applicable. on center, are fastened to No. 18 gage galvanized steel floor and ceiling track using No. 8, 7/8-inch-long(22.2 mm), 5.8 The A and B components of the insulation are self-tappin , pan head framing screws. Georgia Pacific produced under a quality control program with DensGlass Gold Exterior Sheathing, 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) inspections by ICC-ES and QAI Laboratories Inc. thick, is installed over the exterior side of steel studs with (AA-723). DECEIVED CALGREEN RESIDENTIAL CHECKLIST — MANDAT002014 ELI] ITEMS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT•BUILDING DIVISION 13Y CUPERTINO ALBERT SALVADOR, P.E., C.B:O., BUILDING OFFICIAL 3 10300 TORRE AVENUE •CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 ; (408)777-3228• FAX(408)777-3333• buildin-gacupertino.�f PURPOSE: The 2013 CalGreen Code applies to all newly constructed hotels, motels, lodging houses, dwellings, dormitories, condominiums, shelters, congregate residences, employee housing, factory-built housing and other types of swellings with sleeping accommodations and new accessory buildings associated with such uses. Existing site and landscaping improvements that are not otherwise disturbed are not subject to the requirements of CALGreen. SUBMITTAL Project Name: J Project Address: %FAY-LIA016 Y►Cky Project Description: &W Ip (r,) JT40 qW g--c- 204Z Instructions: 1. The Owner or the Owner's agent shall employ a licensed professional experienced with the California Green Building Standards Codes to verify and assure that all required work described herein is properly planned and implemented in the project. 2. The licensed professional, in collaboration with the owner and the design professional shall initial Column 2 of this checklist, sign and date Section 1 - Design Verification at the end of this checklist and have the checklist printed on the approved plans for the project. 3. Prior to final inspection by the Building Department, the licensed professional shall complete Column 3 and sign and date Section 2 - Implementation Verification at the end of this checklist and submit the completed form to the Building Inspector. Column 2 Column 3 MANDATORY FEATURE OR MEASURE Project Verification Re uirements A4.1 PLANNING AND DESIGN Planning and Design -Site Development 4.106.2 Storm water drainage and retention during construction. A plan is developed and implemented to manage storm water drainage during 0 construction. 4.106.3 Grading and paving. The site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or a drainagq==hz==iII manage ami rlfeRJWN0ms. Building Uepartment c�! MAY 2 1 2014 REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE Page 1 of 5 1Reviewed By- ,54" �/�T CalGreen 2014.doc revised 01/15/14 A4.2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY General 4.201.1 Low-rise residential buildings shall meet or exceed the minimum standard design required by the California Energy Standards. A4.3 WATER EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION Indoor Water Use 4.303.1 Water conserving plumbing fixtures and fittings. Plumbing fixtures (water closets and urinals) and fittings (faucets and showerheads) shall comply with the following: ❑ 4.303.1.3.2 Water Closets.The effective flush volume of all water closets shall not exceed 1.28 gallons per flush. Tank-type water closets shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense Specifications for Tank-type Toilets. ❑ 4.303.1.3.2 Urinals. The effective flush volume of urinals shall not exceed 0.5 gallons per flush. ❑ 4.303.1.3.1 Single Showerheads. Showerheads shall have a maximum flow rate of not more than 2.0 gallons per minute at 80 psi. Showerheads shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for showerheads. ❑ 4.303.1.3.2 Multiple Showerheads serving one shower. When a shower is served by more than one showerhead, the combined flow rate of all showerheads and/or other shower outlets controlled by a single valve shall not exceed 2.0 gallons per minute at 80 psi, or the shower shall be Lai designed to allow only one shower outlet to be in operation at a time. ❑ 4.303.1.4.1 Residential lavatory faucets. The maximum flow rate of residential lavatory faucets shall not exceed 1.5 gallons per minute at 60 psi. The minimum flow rate of residential lavatory faucets shall not be less than 0.8 gallons per minute at 20 psi. ❑ 4.303.1.3.2 Lavatory faucets in common and public use areas. The maximum flow rate of lavatory faucets installed in common and public use areas (outside of dwellings or sleeping units) in residential buildings shall not exceed 0.5 gallons per minute at 60 psi. ❑ 4.303.1.4.3 Metering faucets. Metering faucets when installed in residential buildings shall not deliver more than 0.25 gallons per cycle. ❑ 4.303.1.4.4 Kitchen Faucets. The maximum flow rate of kitchen faucets shall not exceed 1.8 gallons per minute at 60 psi. Kitchen faucets may temporarily increase the flow above the maximum rate, but not to exceed 2.2 gallons per minute at 60 psi, and must default to a maximum flow rate of 1.8 gallons per minute at 60 psi. 4.303.2 Standards for plumbing fixtures and fittings. Plumbing fixtures and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the California Plumbing Code, 0 and shall meet the applicable standards referenced in Table 1401.1 of the California Plumbing Code. Page 2 of 5 CalGreen_2014.doc revised 01115114 Outdoor Water Use 4.304.1 Irrigation controllers. Automatic irrigation systems installed at the time of final inspection shall be weather-based. ❑ 4.304.1.1 Controllers shall be weather-or soil moisture-based controllers that automatically adjust irrigation in response to changes in plants' needs as weather conditions change. ❑ 4.304.1.2 Weather-based controllers without integral rain sensors or communication systems that account for local rainfall shall have a separate wired or wireless rain sensor which connects or communicated with the controller(s). Soil moisture-based controllers are not required to have rain sensor input. A4.4 MATERIAL CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCY Enhanced Durability and Reduced Maintenance 4.406.1 Rodent proofing. Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits, or other openings in plates at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing such openings with cement mortar, El concrete masonry or similar method acceptable to the enforcing agency. Construction Waste Reduction, Disposal and Recycling 4.408.2 Construction waste management plan. Where a local jurisdiction does not have a construction and demolition waste management ordinance, a construction waste management plan shall be submitted for approval to the El enforcing agency. Building Maintenance and Operation 4.410.1 Operation and maintenance manual. At the time of final inspection, an operation and maintenance manual shall be provided to the building occupant or owner. A4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Fireplaces 4.503.1 General. Install only a direct-vent sealed-combustion gas or sealed wood-burning fireplace, or a sealed woodstove. Pollutant Control 4.504.1 Covering of duct openings and protection of mechanical equipment during construction. Duct openings and other related air QX distribution component openings shall be covered during construction. 4.504.2.1 Adhesives,sealants and caulks. Adhesives, sealants and caulks 0 shall be compliant with VOC and other toxic compound limits. 4.504.2.2 Paints and coatings. Paints, stains and other coatings shall be compliant with VOC limits. 4.504.2.3 Aerosol paints and coatings. Aerosol paints and other coatings shall be compliant with product weighted MIR Limits for ROC and other toxic X❑ compounds. Page 3 of 5 CalGreen 2014.doc revised 01115114 4.504.2.4 Verification. Documentation shall be provided to verify that ❑ El VOC limit finish materials have been used. 4.504.3 Carpet Systems. Carpet and carpet systems shall be compliant with ❑ El limits. 4.504.4 Resilient flooring systems. Eighty(80) percent of floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with the VOC-emission limits defined in the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHIPS) Low-emitting ❑X ❑ Materials List or be certified under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute(RCFI) FloorScore program. 4.504.5 Composite wood products. Particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF), and hardwood plywood used in interior finish systems shall ❑X ❑ comply with low formaldehyde emission standards. Interior Moisture Control 4.505.2 Concrete slab foundation. Required vapor retarders and capillary ❑ El are also required to comply with CalGreen Section 4.505.2.1. 4.505.3 Moisture content of building materials. Moisture content of building ❑ El used in wall and floor framing is checked before enclosure. Indoor Air Quality and Exhaust 4.506.1 Bathroom exhaust fans. Exhaust fans which terminate outside the ❑ El are provided in every bathroom. Environmental Comfort 4.507.2. Duct systems are sized and designed and equipment is selected using the following methods: 1. Establish heat loss and heat gain values according to ACCA Manual J or equivalent. ❑ ❑ 2. Size duct systems according to ACCA 29-D (Manual D) or equivalent. 3. Select heating and cooling equipment according to ACCA 36-S (Manual S) or equivalent. INSTALLER AND SPECIAL INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications' 702.1 Installer training. HVAC system installers are trained and certified in ® ❑ the proper installation of HVAC systems. 702.2 Special inspection. The Licensed Professional responsible to verify CALGreen compliance is qualified and able to demonstrate competence in the ❑X ❑ discipline they inspect and verify. Verifications 703.1 Documentation. Verification of compliance with CALGreen may include construction documents, plans, specifications, builder or installer certification, inspection reports, or other methods acceptable to the enforcing ❑ El which show substantial conformance. Implementation verification shall be submitted to the Building Department after implementation of all required measures and prior to final inspection approval. Page 4 of 5 CalGreen_2014.doc revised 01/15/14 P CALGREEN SIGNATURE DECLARATIONS Project Name: Loa YM+LW Project Address: I'll ? r GC Project Description: '(p �� APrl 11 SECTION 1 - DESIGN VERIFICATION Complete all lines of Section 1 —"Design Verification" and submit the completed checklist(Columns 1 and 2)with the plans and building permit application to the Building Department. The owner and design professional responsible for compliance with CalGreen Standards have revised the plans and certify that the items checked above are hereby incorporated into the project plans and will be implemented into the project in accordance with the requirements set forth in the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code as adopte City of Cu caner' re D to NIM R. Ow Desi essio Si ature ate Desi I's Name (Please Print) igna icense fes onal responsible for CalGreen compliance ate �t Name of License Professional responsible for CalGreen compliance(Please Print) Phone ftw""& atz Email Address for License Professional responsible for CalGreen compliance SECTION 2 - IMPLEMENTATION VERIFICATION Complete, sign and submit the competed checklist, including column 3, together with all original signatures on Section 2 to the Building Department prior to Building Department final inspection. I have inspected the work and have received sufficient documentation to verify and certify that the project identified above was constructed in accordance with this Green Building Checklist and in accordance with the requirements of the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code as adopted by the City of Cupertino. Signature of License Professional responsible for CalGreen compliance Date Name of License Professional responsible for CalGreen compliance(Please Print) Phone Email Address for License Professional responsible for CalGreen compliance Page 5 of 5 CalGreen_2014.doc revised 01/15/14 tICC EVALUATION SERVICE Most Widely Accepted . . IMES Evaluation Report, UBMITTAL ESR-1410 Reissued April 2014 This report is subject to renewal June 1, 2016 wwwJec-es.orq 1 (800)423-6587 1 (562)699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL„ )BC yE2J 0� ,Y Section 1507.13. The shakes and shingles, having a PROTECTION ;) ' rcimum moisture content of 25 percent, are pressure- Section: 07 31 29—Wood, I� le n� 1� jvire4e;. by FSR Treatment, Inc. or Chemco, Inc., with propriary fire-retardant chemicals. Treated products are REPORT HOLDER: ident d as "Class B" or"Class C." The "Class B" treated shakes and shingles have higher levels of chemical FSR TREATMENT, INC. retention than the "Class C" treated shakes and shingles. 9486–288TH STREET Fire-retardant-treated starter course materials are supplied MAPLE RIDGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA V2W 1L1 by FSR Treatment, Inc. or Chemco, Inc. and are produced CANADA from No. 2 grade taper sawn shakes or No. 2 grade (604)462-0460 C+UPE(t � shingles complying with the previously referenced code www.firesmartro4 Ruildinq DQrirtmens sections,and are also available in"Class B"and"Class C.° ADDITIONAL LIS`J? Products are sold under the trade names FSR FTX. ADDITIONAL LIS AAS' 1 Mi 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLA'T'ION CHEMCO,INC. 4.1 General: POST OFFICE BO;KigW#_VV G t.Uk G01DE i.a)w"1-J 1 A N G e The wood shakes and shingles must be installed on FERNDALE,WASHINGTON 98248 spaced or solid sheathing complying with the applicable (360)366-3500 «viewed By' _%���� '_"' code. The wood shakes must be installed in accordance www.chemeo.us with IBC Section 1507.9, IRC Section R905.8 or UBC EVALUATION SUBJECT: Section 1507.12. The wood shingles must be installed in accordance with IBC Section 1507.8, IRC Section 905.7 or FSR, FTX,FIRE-RETARDANT-TREATED WOOD SHAKES UBC Section 1507.13. Fasteners must be hot-dipped AND SHINGLES galvanized with zinc coating weights in accordance with ASTM A 153,or stainless steel. The wood shakes must be 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE installed on roofs with a minimum slope of 4:12 (33%), while wood shingles may be installed on roofs with a Compliance with the following codes: minimum slope of 3:12 (25%). ■ 2012,2009 and 2006 Intemational Building Code®(IBC) Weather exposure of the hip and ridge shakes or ■ 2012, 2009 and 2006 Intemational Residential Code shingles must not exceed those exposures permitted for (IRC) the field of the roof. ■ 1997 Uniform Building Code"O(UBC) Starter courses at the eave must be doubled, with the first course being full-size treated shakes or shingles or Properties evaluated: 15-inch (381 mm) treated starter-course shakes or ■ Roof covering shingles. Fifteen-inch (381 mm) or 18-inch (457 mm) treated shakes or shingles may be used for the final course ■ Fire classification at the ridge. 2.0 USES 4.2 Class A Roof Covering: The fire-retardant-treated wood shake and shingle roof Products labeled as "Class B" shakes or shingles must be coverings are for use where Class A, B or C wood roof installed in accordance with Section 4.1 of this report, over coverings are perrnitted. spaced or solid sheathing covered either with one layer 3.0 DESCRIPTION of 1/4-inch-thick (6.4 mm) Dens-Deck® Roof Board, manufactured by Georgia Pacific Corporation, or with The fire-retardant-treated wood shakes and shingles are one layer of mineral-surfaced cap sheet complying with produced from No. 1 grade western red cedar shakes ASTM D 3909. Where underlayment is required, the complying with IBC Section 1507.9.6 (2012 and 2009 undedayment shall be installed over the Dens-Decke board codes and 1507.9.5 (2006 code), IRC Section R905.8.5 or or mineral-surfaced cap sheet. Fastener length for the UBC Section 1507.12, or No. 1 western red cedar shingles shakes or shingles must be increased for the thickness of complying with IBC Section 1507.8.5 (2012 and 2009 the Dens-Deck board or cap sheet.The Dens-Deck boards codes)and 1507.8.4 (2006 code), IRC Section R905.7.4 or must be fastened to spaced or solid sheathing using a ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor are they,to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use.There is no warranty,by ICC Evaluation Service,LLC,express or implied as to any finding or other matter in this report,or as to any product covered by the report. "mFt�u Copyright m 2014 Page 1 of 2 s ESR-1410 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 3 minimum of four fasteners per board to avoid panel shifting Columbia, Canada and Chemco, Inc. in Femdale, prior to installation of the shakes or shingles. The mineral- Washington under a quality control program with surfaced cap sheet must be installed with 2-inch (51 mm) inspections by Fire Tech Services, Inc. (AA-641). overlaps on the sides and ends, and attached with a 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED sufficient number of fasteners to hold the sheet in place prior to installation of the shakes. 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance 4.3 Class B Roof Covering: Criteria for Classified Wood Roof Systems (AC107), dated September 2004 (corrected March 2009), Products labeled as "Class B" shakes or shingles must be (editorially revised January 2013). installed in accordance with Section 4.1 of this report, 6.2 Treater's published installation instructions. except that for shake installation a 36-inch-wide (914 mm), Type II undedayment, complying with ASTM D 226, must 6.3 A quality control manual. be installed under the 15-or 18-inch-long(381 or 457 mm) 7.0 IDENTIFICATION starter course at the eave line. 4.4 Class C Roof Covering: Bundles of treated wood shakes and shingles must bear a label noting the shingle or shake grading agency name and Products labeled as"Class C" shakes or shingles must be compliance with the grading standards noted in the installed as described in Section 4.3 of this report for the applicable code. An additional label, affixed to each Class B roof covering. bundle, must bear the treaters name (FSR Treatment, Inc. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE or Chemco, Inc.), the product name, the name of the inspection agency (Fire Tech Services, Inc.), the fire The FSR Treatment, Inc., FTX fire-retardant-treated classification and the evaluation report number (ESR- shakes and shingles described in this report comply with, 1410). Labels for "Class B" shakes must be printed with or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those red ink and labels for "Class C" shakes must be printed codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the with blue ink. See Figure 1 and 2 of this report for product following conditions: treatment labels. 5.1 The shakes and shingles are treated, identified and Starter-course shingles and shakes must be identified installed in accordance with this report. with a label bearing the treaters name (FSR Treatment, 5.2 The use of the Class B and C shakes and shingles is Inc. or Chemco, Inc.), the product name (Starter-Course), limited to use on roofs where the respective the name of the inspection agency (Fire Tech Services, classification is permitted, except that the Class B Inc.), the fire classification, the evaluation report number shakes and shingles are permitted to be used on (ESR-1410) and the words "To be used as starter course roofs required to have a Class A roof covering where only." Labels for"Class B"starter course materials must be they are installed as part of the assembly described in Printed with red ink and labels for"Class C" starter course Section 4.2 of this report. materials must be printed with blue ink. 5.3 The shakes and shingles are pressure-treated by, FSR Treatment, Inc., in Maple Ridge, British C@ is- C Pup Reiar dant << Crass B Fire Retardant ICC ESP - 111[ . ICC ESR.1410 E' En;* ....c Fwt'FiM SER.�F$maC SSainJ.p Ka PgESSUREPEAT E..n E i :t i�At -IT1Ad+ir ,� ,.`e :A�. PRESSURErAEArED ,A Sr AnES A%t F.. , SHAKES AND SHINGLES Ilik '3E>iG„r'a .•R..r.'E .. - .. .�'G' M{!$T et JI►✓t0 Lti 4CLOPDA�f •, - L,.a-_ y.c4. iRP : WN A#FLtAYk41 NS'RWTV� • AJ c.00ea.a��aes aooR+r " A tatars+en#Frx a dpt 111 :#'-wil 3 E.Z4„ vap�e ., "SR lot w aoM b C+IloorY t' r rnr mM rand Miry k C&Wor&, CLASS 1B"FIRE RETARDANT {CC ESR•1410 CLASS "C" FIRE RETARDANT 41 114, CLASS "B" Fire Retardants CLASS -IC" Fire Retardant 35 r 1 '% L`yoxwoalh11w;1lkr' o ri r ! I F w v i tt. p se h .,x# i Vi 11 1 i a ISSUES :. } '.a. ISSUE 4 FIGURE 1—PRODUCT TREATMENT LABELS r ESR4410 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 3 FSR TREATMENT INC. ss C ilrc Rtlydant ICC ESR 1 410 -_ i+ :;..:..,itr �i.�dl:3l. r'rliii-� .,ev':a 1'•1 �: . � `..+.: '._...' ICC Class-C'Fite Rewonn[ CLASS "C" Fire Retardant LEGAL FOR SALE AND USE IN CALIFORNIA ISSUE A Sa pa �,tu Front and Reverse Front and Reverse FSR Treatment Class C FTX Class C FSR TREATMENT INC. Clam B Fire Retardant ICC ESR-141C VAYiJS W �,A. J,e+w Na v C 4S'E t ati,45tXlC' J 'tae'Awouwmw pea Ili TW clic SIDI M use 157 jtµ€S-4VFE IftArto �a..r •red e���u>•q =1, SHAXCSAM)Sr(�tt.s AS7M•E,iMI I,:!:FSR tltQ,MFPA 176 when app&epm i �+ acCa>rga,ec�rsa)�n�faHri�an m61nKi�pns HSu[cl rmth k-ir .'+ rararsc! , C�1dn n ICG Class"6Fire Retardant rA i.p¢}ft Inn•a u " CLASS "B" Fire Retardant LEGAL FOR SALE AND USE IN CALIFORNIA , t. . 4«s 3scr Sea.!ex sw. aJ�_- AAt".ate. issue>x AW t,Wz.e nc Wo Front and Reverse Front and Reverse FSR Treatment Class B FTX Class B FIGURE 2--PRODUCT TREATMENT LABELS FOR CHEMCO,INC. Architect Tel 408 805 1328 Email 5teve@Benzarch.com Vj 1.' / a`�t3 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Residential addition SUBMITTAL #3 r ullalng Denartment Liu Residence -:rte,. t`7ATil�� 19387 Sakura Way. Cupertino, Ca May 8, 2014 Revised May 20, 2014 r JOB PAGE 1. ROOF LOADS: DEAD LOAD: 'Ix"ROOF SHEATING: 2.0 PSF RAFTERS : 2.0 PSF CEILING JSTS. 2.0 PSF SB"(;YP.BOARD 3.4 PSF INSULATION 1.0 PSF ROOFING 2.0 PSF(WD. SHAKE) TOTAL: 14.0 PSF ROOF LIVE LOAD: 16.0 PSF PER CRC 8301.6 2. LOOR LOADS• DEAD LOAD: FLOOR JOISTS 2.3 PSF 3f"CDx PLYWOOD: 3.0 PSF INSULATION : OZ PSF HARDWOOD FLR: 3.0 PSF W GYP.BOARD : 3.0 PSF TOTAL: 12.0 PSF LIVE LOAD: 40.40 PSF TOTAL LOAD: 52.00 PSF 3. WALLS: a)EXTERIOR: 15.0 PSF(STUCCO) b)O TERIOR: 8.0 PSF(GYP.BOARD) CODE: 2013 CBC SOIL REPORT: NONE USE 1500 PSF PER CODE PAGE _ CALCULATED BY DATE POST CAPACITY FOR VERTICAL LOAD M; LengthLengthl 2114 2X4 4x6 2X6 4X4r247 4X8 SXB 6X6 8X8 DF#2 In wall DF#2 In wall DF#2 DF#2 DF#1 DF#1 DF#1 2.5 4A82 5,269 7,200 $280 15,758 32 642 29 858 39 358 55 865 3 3 601 4142 5 659 B 508 15 354 31,805 29,676 39,119 55,69-0 4 2,238 2 573 3,517 4,D44 14,162 22,255 29.338 29 186 38,473 55 232 5 1,486 1.708 2,334 2,685 12,410 19 502 25 707 28 498 37 565 54 613 a 1,050 1,207 1,650 1,897 10,345 16 256 21428 27 563 36,336 53 809 7 779 896 1,224 1,408 8,403 13 205 17 407 26 340 34 721 52,788 8 600 690 943 1.084 6,810 1 10,701 14,106 24,795 32,686 61,5181 9 476 547 748 860 5,568 8,750 11.635 22,955 30,259 49 960 10 387 445 608 699 4,612 T247 9 553 20,918 27,574 48 088 11 320 368 503 579 3,870 6,081 8,018 18,829 24,821 45 895 12 269 310 423 487 3,287 5165 6 809 16,823 22,176 43,407 13 230 264 361 415 2,824 . 4 437 5 849 14,M 19,763 40,694 , 14 198 228 312 359 2,450 3,849 5.074 13,349 17,596 37,860 15 272 313 11,916 16,707 36,013 18 239 275 10,671 14.067 3225-22 17 212 244 9,592 12.644 2-9,643 18 189 217 8,657 11,411 27,225 19 170 195 7,843 10,339 2-6,013 20 153 176 7,134 9.404 23,005 21 139 160 1 6,613 8.585 21.192 22 127 146 5,966 7.865 19 559 23 18 088 24 16 764 E min 58{),000 580A00 580,000 580,000 560,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 580,004 560,000 Fc 1354 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1000 1000 1000 d 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5 7.3 6 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5 3.5 5.5 7.25 5.5 7.25 7,5 Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity SlruCalc Version 5/13/2014 1:12:09 PM page Location:Worst Case Roof Rafter Roof Rafter [2013 California Building C 1.5 IN x 7.25 IN x 15.0 FT (13+2)@24 O.C. #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By:30.2 Controlling Factor:Moment j�FLECTIONS Center j3= LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.34 IN U517 0.02 IN 21J3060 Dead Load 0.31 in 0.00 in Total Load 0.65 IN 0269 0.00 IN 21Jlnfinity Live Load Deflection Criteria:U240 Total Load Deflection Criteria:U180 RAFTER REACTIONS LOADS REACTIONS Upper Live Load @ A 104 plf 208 Ib Upper Dead Load @ A 99 plf 199 Ib Upper Total Load @ A 203 pif 407 Ib Lower Live Load @ B 138 pif 277 Ib Lower Dead Load @ B 135 ptf 271 Ib =- - r Lower Total Load @ B 274 pif 548 Ib L ___ rt .2ft N RAFTER SUPPORT DATA A B Bearing Length 0.43 in 0.58 in RAFTER LOADING RAFTER DATA Interior Eave Uniform Roof Loading Span Length 13 It 2 ft Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psi Rafter Pitch 6 :12 Roof Dead Load: OL= 14 psf Roof sheathing applied to top of joists-top of rafters fully braced. Slope Adjusted Spans And Loads Roof Duration Factor 1.25 Interior Span: L-adj= 14.53 ft Peak Notch Depth 0.00 Eave Span: L-Eave-adj= 2.24 ft Base Notch Depth 0.00 Rafter Live Load: wL-adj= 26 pif MATERIAL PROPERTIES Eave Live Load: wL-Eave-adj= 26 pif #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch Rafter Dead Load: wD-adj= 25 pif Base Values Adiusted Rafter Total Load: wT-adj= 51 plf Bending Stress: Fb= 900 psi Fb'= 1553 psi Eave Total Load: wT-Eave-adj= 51 pif Cd=1.25 CF=1.20 Cr=1.15 Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 225 psi Cd--1.25 Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Comp.-L to Grain: Fc-1= 625 psi Fc-1'= 625 psi Controlling Moment: 1306 ft-Ib 6.368 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Controlling Shear: -347 Ib At a distance d from right support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2,3 Comparisons with required sections: Reced ReProvided Section Modulus: 10.1 in3 13.14 in3 Area(Shear): 2.32 in2 10.88 in2 Moment of Inertia(deflection): 31.67 in4 47.63 in4 Moment: 1306 ft-Ib 1700 ft-Ib Shear: -347 lb 1631 Ib Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5/13/2014 1:12:09 PM paae Location:TYP.ROOF RAFTERS Roof Rafter or 12013 California Building C 1.51N x 7,25 IN x 15.0 FT (13+2)@24 D.C. #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By: 12.1 Controlling Factor:Deflectio DEFLECTIONS Centel ftw LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.34 IN U517 0.02 IN 21J3060 Dead Load 0.31 in 0.00 in Total Load 0.65 IN U269 0.00 IN 2L/Infinity Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:1.1240 RAFTER REACTIONS LOADS REACTIONS Upper Live Load @ A 104 plf 208 Ib Upper Dead Load @ A 99 plf 199 Ib Upper Total Load @ A 203 plf 407 Ib Lower Live Load @ B 138 plf 277 Ib Lower Dead Load @ B 135 plf 271 Ib - Lower Total Load @ B 274 plf 548 Ib A_ ........ .. 13 n RAFTER SUPPORT DAT B A_ B Bearing Length 0.43 in 0.58 in RAFTER LOADING RAFTER DATA Interio EM Uniform Roof Loading Span Length 13 It 2 ft Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Rafter Pitch 6 :12 Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Roof sheathing applied to top of joists-top of rafters fully braced. Slope Adjusted Spans And Loads Roof Duration Factor 1.25 Interior Span: L-adj= 14.53 ft Peak Notch Depth 0.00 Eave Span: L-Eave-adj= 2.24 ft Base Notch Depth 0.00 Rafter Live Load: wL-adj= 26 plf MATERIAL PROPERTIES Eave Live Load: wL-Eave-adj= 26 plf #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch Rafter Dead Load: wD-adj= 25 pif Base Values Adiusted Rafter Total Load: wT-adj= 51 plf Bending Stress: Fb= 900 psi Fb'= 1553 psi Eave Total Load: wT-Eave-adj= 51 plf Cd=1.25 CF=1.20 Cr-1.15 Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 225 psi Cd=1.25 Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Comp.-L to Grain: Fc-1 = 525 psi Fc-1'= 625 psi Controlling Moment: 1306 ft-Ib 6.368 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Controlling Shear: -347 Ib At a distance d from right support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2,3 Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 10.1 in3 13.14 in3 Area(Shear): 2.32 in2 10.88 int Moment of Inertia(deflection): 42.5 in4 47.63 in4 Moment: 1306 ft-Ib 1700 ft-Ib Shear: -347 lb 1631 Ib ` page F rcject:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 9,0.1.0 5/13/2014 1:12:09 PM � Location:RB-1 Roof Beam /// Of [2013 California Building C (2)1.5 IN x 9.25 IN x 13,5 FT #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By:37.8 Controlling Factor:Moment CAUTIONS Laminations are to be fully connected to provide uniform transfer of loads to all members DEFLECTIONS Qenter LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.16 IN U1009 Dead Load 0.17 in Total Load 0.33 IN U488 Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:U240 REACTIONS @ 13 Live Load 459 Ib 459 Ib Dead Load 490 Ib 490 Ib Total Load 949 Ib 949 Ib Bearing Length 0.51 in 0.51 in BEAM DATA Span Length 13.5 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 fl Unbraced Length-Bottom 0 ft Roof Pitch 6 :12 Roof Duration Factor 1.25 t300F LOADING MATERIAL PROPERTIES Side One: #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Ba,jeValues Adiusted Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Bending Stress: Fb= 900 psi Fb'= 1238 psi Tributary Width: TW= 1.3 ft Cd=1.25 CF=1.10 Side Two: Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 225 psi Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Cd=1.25 Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Tributary Width: TW= 3 It Comp.-L to Grain: Fc--L= 625 psi Fc--L'= 625 psi Wall Load: WALL= 0 Controlling Moment: 3202 ft-Ib plf 6.75 ft from left support SLOPEfPITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Created by combining all dead and live loads. Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj= 13.5 ft Controlling Shear: 854 Ib Beam Self Weight: BSW= 6 plf At a distance d from support. Beam Uniform Live Load: wL= 68 plf Created by combining all dead and live loads. Beam Uniform Dead Load:ead wD_adj= 73 plf = Comparisons with required sections: RPLQvided Total Uniform Load: WT 141 plf Section Modulus: 31.05 in3 42.78 in3 Area(Shear): 5.69 int 27.75 in2 Moment of Inertia(deflection). 97.23 04 197.86 in4 Moment: 3202 ft-Ib 4412 fl-Ib Shear: 854 lb 4163 lb Project:Benzing,Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5/13/2014 1:12:09 PM Lo/f Location.RB-2 Roof Beam [2013 California Building C 3.5 IN x 13.25 IN x 11.5 FT #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By: 108. Controlling Factor:Moment DEFLECTIONS enter LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.05 IN U2800 Dead Load 0.05 in Total Load 0.10 IN 01364 Live Load Deflection Criteria:0360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:0240 REACTIONS A B Live Load 782 Ib 782 Ib Dead Load 823 Ib 823 Ib Total Load 1605 Ib 1605 Ib Bearing Length 0.73 in 0.73 in BEAM DATA Span Length 11.5 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft Y _ 11.5 n _ Unbraced Length-Bottom 0 ft A ...._, Roof Pitch 6 :12 Roof Duration Factor 1.25 ROQF LOADING MATERIAL PROPERTIES Side One: #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Base Values AdiuSIed Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Bending Stress: Fb= 900 psi Fb'= 1125 psi Tributary Width: TW= 5.5 ft Cd=1.25 CF=1.00 Side Two: Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 225 psi Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Cd=1.25 Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Tributary Width: TW= 3 ft Comp.-L to Grain: Fc- = 625 psi Fc- 625 psi Wall Load: WALL= 0 Controlling Moment: 4614 ft-Ib plf 5.75 ft from left support SLOPE(PITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Created by combining all dead and live loads. Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj= 11.5 ft Controlling Shear. 1316 Ib Beam Self Weight: BSW= 10 pN At a distanced from support. Beam Uniform Live Load: wL= 136 pff Created by combining all dead and live loads. Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj= 143 pif Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Total Uniform Load: WT= 279 plf Section Modulus: 49.21 in3 102.41 in3 Area(Shear): 8.77 in2 46.38 in2 Moment of Inertia(deflection): 119,36 in4 678.48 in4 Moment: 4614 ft-Ib 9601 ft-Ib Shear: 1316 lb 6956 lb page Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 9,0.1.0 5113/2014 1:12:09 PM Location:RB-3 Roof Beam a [2013 California Building C 3.5 IN x 9.25 IN x 10.0 FT #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By:128_ Controlling Factor:Moment DEFLECTIONS Center LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.06 IN 02052 Dead Load 0.06 in Total Load 0.12 IN 01000 Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:U240 REACTIONS A a Live Load 480 lb 480 Ib Dead Load 505 Ib 505 Ib Total Load 985 Ib 985 Ib Bearing Length 0.45 in 0.45 in BEAM DATA Span Length 10 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft - Unbraced Length-Bottom 0 ft Roof Pitch 6 :12 Roof Duration Factor 1.25 ROOF LOADING MATERIAL PROPERTIES Side One: #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Base Values A5)Iusted Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Bending Stress: Fb= 900 psi Fb'= 1350 psi Tributary Width: TW= 5.3 ft Cd=1.25 CF=1.20 Side Two: Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 225 psi Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Cd=1.25 Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Tributary Width: TW= 0,8 ft Comp.1 to Grain: Fc-1= 625 psi Fc-1'= 625 psi Wall Load: WALL= 0 Controlling Moment: 2462 ft-Ib plf 5.0 ft from left support SLOPEIPITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Created by combining all dead and live loads. Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj= 10 ft Controlling Shear: -847 Ib Beam Self Weight: BSW= 7 pif At a distance d from support. Created by combining all dead and live loads. Beam Uniform Live Load: WL= 96 plf Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj= 101 pif Comparisons with required sections: Read provided Total Uniform Load: WT= 197 pif Section Modulus: 21.88 in3 49.91 in3 Area(Shear): 5.65 int 32.38 in2 Moment of Inertia(deflection): 55.38 in4 230.84 in4 Moment: 2462 4-ib 5615 ft-Ib Shear: -847 lb 4856 Ib Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5/1320/4 1:12:09 PM page Location:RB-4 Roof Beam of 12013 California Building C 3.5 IN x 13.25 IN x 14.0 FT #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By:23.0 Controlling Factor:Moment DEFLECTIONS Center LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.12 IN U1353 Dead Load 0.13 in Total Load 0.25 IN L1662 Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:U240 REACTIONS A J1 Live Load 1092 Ib 1092 Ib Dead Load 1139 Ib 1139 Ib Total Load 2231 Ib 2231 Ib Bearing Length 1.02 in 1.02 in BEAM DATA Span Length 14 ft Unbiased Length-Top 0 ft A .._.... _..__._ _. _ ___ ___ _-14 ft.. Unbraced Length-Bottom 0 ft Roof Pitch 6 :12 Roof Duration Factor 1.25 ROOF LOADING MATERIAL PROPERTIES Side One: #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Base Values Adjusted Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Bending Stress: Fb= 900 psi Fb'= 1125 psi Tributary Width: TW= 5.3 ft Cd=1.25 CF=1.00 Side Two: Shear Stress. Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 225 psi Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Cd=1.25 Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Tributary Width: TW= 4.5 ft Comp.1 to Grain: Fc-1 = 625 psi Fc-1'= 625 psi Wall Load: WALL= 0 Controlling Moment: 7807 ft-Ib plf 7.0 ft from left support SLOPEtPITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Created by combining all dead and live loads. Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj= 14 ft Controlling Shear: -1918 Ib Beam Self Weight: BSW= 10 plf At a distance d from support. Beam Uniform Live Load: wL= 156 pff Created by combining all dead and live loads. Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj= 163 pff Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Total Uniform Load: WT= 319 pit Section Modulus. 83.28 in3 102.41 in3 Area(Shear): 12.79 in2 46.38 int Moment of Inertia(deflection): 245.89 in4 678.48 in4 Moment: 7807 ft-Ib 9601 ft-Ib Shear: -1918 lb 6956 lb ' Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5/13/2014 1:12:09 PM page Location:RB-5 Roof Beam w 12013 California Building C 3.5 IN x 13.25 IN x 6.5 FT #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By:470. Controlling Factor:Moment DEFLECTIONS Center LOADING QlAr2RAM Live Load 0.01 IN UMAX Dead Load 0.01 in Total Load 0.01 IN U6617 Live Load Deflection Criteria:0360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:U240 REACTIONS A B Live Load 507 Ib 507 Ib Dead Load 529 Ib 529 lb Total Load 1036 Ib 1036 Ib Bearing Length 0.47 in 0.47 in BEAM DATA Span Length 6.5 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft Unbraced Length-Bohom 0 ft Roof Pitch 6 :12 Roof Duration Factor 1.25 GOOF LOADING MATERIAL PROPERTIES, Side One: #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Base Values Ac iui sted Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Bending Stress: Fb= 900 psi Fb'= 1125 psi Tributary Width: TW= 5.3 ft Cd=1.25 CF=1.00 Side Two: Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 225 psi Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Cd=1,25 Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Tributary Width: TW= 4.5 ft Comp.L to Grain: Fc-L= 625 psi Fc- 625 psi Wall Load: WALL= 0 Controlling Moment: 1683 ft-Ib pif 3.25 It from left support SL_OPEIPITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Created by combining all dead and live loads. Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj= 6.5 It Controlling Shear: -704 Ib Beam Self Weight: BSW= 10 plf At a distanced from support. Beam Uniform Live Load: wL= 156 plf Created by combining atl dead and live loads. Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj= 163 pff Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Total Uniform Load: WT= 319 plf Section Modulus: 17.95 in3 102.41 in3 Area(Shear): 4.69 int 46.38 int Moment of Inertia(deflection): 24.61 in4 678.48 in4 Moment: 1683 ft-Ib 9601 ft-Ib Shear: -704 Ib 6956 lb Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5/13/2014 1:12:09 PM LI/ Location:RR-6 Roof Beam (2013 California Building C 3.5 INx13.25INx15.OFT #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By:58.2 Controlling Factor:Moment DEFLECTIONS Center LOADING DIAGRAM Live toad 0.11 IN U1650 Dead Load 0.12 in Total Load 0.23 IN Lf795 Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:L1240 REACTIONS A IS Live Load 780 Ib 780 Ib Dead Load 838 Ib 838 Ib Total Load 1618 tb 1618 lb Bearing Length 0.74 in 0.74 in BEAM DATA Span Length 15 fte�. ......... . Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft A 16 ft___.. . _____. B Unbraced Length-Bottom 0 ft Root Pitch 6 :12 Roof Duration Factor 1.25 Roof LOADING MATERIAL PROPERTIES Side One: #2-Douglas-Fir-Larch Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Base Values Adiusted Roof Dead Load: OL= 14 psf Bending Stress: Fb= 900 psi FU= 1125 psi Tributary Width: TW= 2 ft Cd=1.25 CF=1.00 Side Two: Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 225 psi Roof Live Load: LL= 16 psf Cd=1.25 Roof Dead Load: DL= 14 psf Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Tributary Width: TW= 4.5 ft Comp.-L to Grain: Fc--L= 625 psi Fc-1'= 625 psi Wall Load: WALL= 0 Controlling Moment: 6069 ft-Ib plf 7.5 It from left support SLOPEIPITCH GTHS AND LOADS Created by combining all dead and live loads. Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj= 15 ft Controlling Shear: 13921b Beam Self Weight: SSW= 10 plf At a distance d from support. Beam Uniform Live Load: WL= 104 plf Created by combining all dead and live loads. Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj= 112 pif Comparisons with required sections: Rea'd Re ' Provided Total Uniform Load: wT= 216 plf Section Modulus: 64.74 03 102.41 in3 Area(Shear): 9.28 in2 46.38 int Moment of Inertia(deflection) 204.8 04 678.48 in4 Moment 6069 ft-Ib 9601 ft-Ib Shear: 1392 lb 6956 lb ge Project:Benzing.Liu,Gravity StruCalc Version 5/13/2014 1:12:09 PM Lof/ Location:(CB-1)Multi-Loaded Multi-Span B [2013 California Building C 3.5 IN x 11.25 IN x 10.5 FT #1-Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By:45.7 Controlling Factor:Moment DEFLECTIONS C&ntpr 1zOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.05 IN 02675 Dead Load 0.06 in Total Load 0.10 IN 01216 Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:U240 REACTIONS 8 ] 1 Live Load 1275 Ib 276 Ib Dead Load 1511 Ib 357 Ib Total Load 2786 Ib 634 Ib 2 Bearing Length 1-27 in 0,29 in BEAM DATA Center Span Length 10.5 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft 10.58 Unbraced Length-Bottom 10.5 ft Live Load Duration Factor 1.00 Notch Depth 0.00 UNIFORM LOADS tenter MATERIAL PROPERTIES IES Uniform Live Load 0 pif #1 -Douglas-Fir-Larch Uniform Dead Load 0 plf Base Values A'used Beam Self Weight 9 pif Bending Stress: Fb= 1000 psi Fb'= 1100 psi Total Uniform Load 9 pif Cd=1.00 CF=1.10 POINT LOADS-CENTER SPAN Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv'= 180 psi Load Number One TWO Cd-1'00 Live Load 1092 lb 459 lb Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1700 ksi E'= 1700 ksi Dead Load 1139 Ib 490 Ib Comp.-L to Grain: Fc- L= 625 psi Fc-1'= 625 psi Location 1.5 ft 2.75 ft Controlling Moment: 4644 ft-Ib TRAPEZOIDAL LOADS.CENTER SPAN 2.73 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Load Number One Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Left Live Load 0 pif Controlling Shear: 2737 Ib Left Dead Load 50 pif At a distance d from left support of span 2(Center Span) Right Live Load 0 pif Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Right Dead Load 50 pif Load Start 0 ft Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Load End 3 ft Section Modulus: 50.66 in3 73.83 in3 Load Length 3 ft Area(Shear): 22.81 in2 39.38 in2 Moment of Inertia(deflection): 81.97 in4 415.28 in4 Moment: 4644 ft-lb 6768 ft-Ib Shear: 2737 lb 4725 lb age Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5/13/2014 1:12:10 PM Lx.,/ Location:FBA Multi-Loaded Multi-Span B (2013 California Building C 3.51Nx 11.25INx 10.0 FT 2.0E Parallam-iLevel Trus Section Adequate By:177. Controlling Factor:Shear DEFLECTIONS Center LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.05 IN L/2236 Dead Load 0.04 in Total Load 0.10 IN U1231 Live Load Deflection Criteria:0360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:L/240 REACTIONS 6 ]a Live Load 583 Ib 1521 Ib Dead Load 431 Ib 1298 Ib Total Load 1014 Ib 2820 Ib Bearing Length 0.39 in 1.07 in BEAM DATA nt r Span Length 10 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft soft- Unbraced Length-Bottom 10 ft Live Load Duration Factor 1.00 Notch Depth 0.00 UNIFORM LOADS Centel MATERIAL PROPERTIES Uniform Live Load 54 plf 2.0E Parallam-iLevel Trus Joist Uniform Dead Load 16 pit Base Values Adiusted Beam Self Weight 12 plf Bending Stress: Fb= 2900 psi Fb'= 2921 psi Total Uniform Load 82 plf Cd=1.00 CF=1.01 POINT LOADS-CENTER SPAN Shear Stress: Fv= 290 psi Fv'= 290 psi Load Number 9M Two Cd=1.00 Live Load 782 Ib 782 Ib Modulus of Elasticity: E= 2000 ksi E'= 2000 ksi Dead Load 723 Ib 723 Ib Comp..-to Grain: Fc- L= 750 psi Fc-.L'= 750 psi Location 8 ft 8 ft Controlling Moment: 5474 ft-Ib 8.0 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Controlling Shear: -2745 ib At a distance d from right support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 22.49 in3 73.83 in3 Area(Shear): 14.2 int 39.38 in2 Moment of Inertia(deflection): 80.99 in4 415.28 in4 Moment: 5474 ft-Ib 17970 fl-Ib Shear: -2745 Ib 7613 lb Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 511312014 1:12:10 PM ae Location:FB-2 } Multi-Loaded Multi-Span B or (20113 California Building C 3.5 IN x 11.25 IN x 13.5 FT 2.0E Parallam-iLevel Trus Section Adequate By.62.3 Controlling Factor:Deflectio DEFLECTIONS Center LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.18 IN U881 Dead Load 0.23 in Total Load 0.42 IN 0389 Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:0240 i RgACTIONS A A Live Load 1709 Ib 1277 Ib Dead Load 2014 Ib 1657 Ib Total Load 3723 Ib 2934 Ib Bearing Length 1.42 in 1.12 in � M DATA Center Span Length 13.5 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft ----- A Unbraced Length-Bottom 13.5 ft Live Load Duration Factor 1.00 Notch Depth 0.00 UNIFORM LOADS Center MATERIAL PROPERTIES Uniform Live Load 54 plf 2,0E Parallam-!Level Trus Joist Uniform Dead Load 16 plf Base Values AAdiusted Beam Self Weight 12 plf Bending Stress: Fb= 2900 psi Fb'= 2921 psi Total Uniform Load 82 plf Cd=1.00 CF=1.01 POINT LOADS-CENTER PAN Shear Stress: Fv= 290 psi Fv'= 290 psi Load Number QU Cd=1,00 Live Load 583 Ib Modulus of Elasticity: E= 2000 ksi E'= 2000 ksi Dead Load 481 Ib Comp.-L to Grain: Fc--L= 750 psi Fc-1'= 750 psi Location 1.75 ft Controlling Moment: 10392 ft-Ib TRAPEZOIDAL LOADS-CENTER SPAN 6.48 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Load Number One Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Left Live Load 124 plf Controlling Shear: 3387 Ib Left Dead Load 208 plf At a distance d from left support of span 2(Center Span) Right Live Load 124 pit Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Right Dead Load 208 plf Load Start 0 ft Comparisons with required sections: g Provided Load End 13.5 ft Section Modulus: 42.69 03 73.83 in3 Load Length 13.5 ft Area(Shear): 17.52 in2 39.38 in2 Moment of Inertia(deflection): 255.9 in4 415.28 in4 Moment: 10392 ft-lb 17970 ft-Ib Shear: 3387 lb 7613 Ib page Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5/13/2014 1:12:10 PM XO_, Location:FB-3 Multi-Loaded Multi-Span B [2013 California Building C 3.5 IN x 11.25 IN x 9.0 FT 2.0E Parallam-iLevel Trus Section Adequate By:189. Controlling Factor:Shear DEFLECTIONS Center LOADING DIAGRAM Live Lead 0.05 IN U2313 Dead Load 0.05 in Total Load 0.09 IN 01173 Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:U240 REACTIONS 6 J5 Live Load 717 Ib 1368 Ib Dead Load 662 Ib 1342 Ib z Total Load 1379 Ib 2710 Ib Bearing Length 0.53 in 1.03 in ,BEAM DATA Center Span Length 9 ft . Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft A Unbraced Length-Bottom 9 ft Live Load Duration Factor 1.00 Notch Depth 0.00 UNIFORM LOADS Center MATERIAL PROPERTIES Uniform Live Load 54 plf 2.0E Parallam-iLevel Trus Joist Uniform Dead Load 25 plf Base Values Adiusted Beam Self Weight 12 plf Bending Stress: Fb= 2900 psi Fb'= 2921 psi Total Uniform Load 91 plf Cd=1.00 CF=1.01 POINT LOADS-CENTER SPAN Shear Stress: Fv= 290 psi FV= 290 psi Load Number One I= Cd=1.00 Live Load 1066 Ib 533 Ib Modulus of Elasticity: E= 2000 ksi E'= 2000 ksi Dead Load 1112 Ib 556 Ib Comp.J-to Grain: Fc-1= 750 psi Fc-1'= 750 psi Location 5.5 ft 8 ft Controlling Moment: 6194 ft-Ib 5.49 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Controlling Shear: -2628 Ib At a distance d from right support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 25.45 in3 73.83 in3 Area(Shear): 13.59 in2 39.38 1n2 Moment of Inertia(deflection): 84.94 04 415.28 in4 Moment: 6194 fl-Ib 17970 ft-Ib Shear: -26281b 7613 lb Project:Benzing.Liu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5113/2014 1:12:10 PM LI/ Location:FB-4 Mufti-Loaded Multi-Span B [2013 California Building C 3.5 INx11.25INx5.5FT #1 -Douglas-Fir-Larch-Dr Section Adequate By:92.3 Controlling Factor:Moment DEFLECTIONS Center LOAAING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.01 IN U6409 Dead Load 0.01 in Total Load 0.02 IN U2893 Live Load Deflection Criteria:0360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:0240 REACTIONS A B Live Load 716 Ib 621 Ib Dead Load 907 Ib 805 Ib Total Load 1622 Ib 1427 Ib Bearing Length 0.74 in 0.65 in BEAM DATA Center Span Length 5.5 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft _.__ s.stt_... _..___ Unbraced Length-Bottom 5.5 ft Live Load Duration Factor 1.00 Notch Depth 0.00 UNIFORM LOADS Center )MATERIAL PROPERTIES Uniform Live Load 54 plf #1-Douglas-Fir-Larch Uniform Dead Load 100 plf Base Values Adjusted Beam Self Weight 9 plf Bending Stress: Fb= 1000 psi Fb'= 1100 psi Total Uniform Load 163 plf Cd=1.00 CF=1.10 POINT LOAD -CENTER SPAN Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi FV= 180 psi Load Number Q= I yu Q Cd=1.00 Live Load 780 Ib 260 Ib Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1700 ksi E'= 1700 ksi Dead Load 836 Ib 279 Ib Comp.J-to Grain: Fc--L= 625 psi Fc-1'= 625 psi Location 2.5 ft 2.5 ft Controlling Moment: 3520 ft-Ib 2.53 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Controlling Shear: 1470 Ib At a distance d from left support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 38.4 in3 73.83 in3 Area(Shear): 12.25 in2 39.38 int Moment of Inertia(deflection): 34.45 in4 415,28 in4 Moment: 3520 ft-Ib 6768 ft-Ib Shear: 1470 lb 4725 lb Project:Benzing.Liu,Gravity StruCalc Verson 5/13/2014 1:12:10 PM �ae� Location:F&5 I Multi-Loaded Mufti-Span B a, (2013 California Building C 3.5 IN x 11.25 IN x 10,0 FT 2.0E Parallam-iLevel Trus Section Adequate By:315. Controlling Factor:Moment DEFLECTIONS Center LOADING DIAGRAM Live Load 0.05 IN U2332 Dead Load 0.04 in Total Load 0.09 IN 01279 Live Load Deflection Criteria:U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria:0240 REACTIONS 8 a Live Load 950 Ib 950 Ib Dead Load 782 Ib 782 Ib Total Load 1732 Ib 1732 Ib Bearing Length 0.66 in 0.66 in BEAM DATA genLr Span Length 10 ft Unbraced Length-Top 0 ft Unbraced Length-Bottom 10 ft Live Load Duration Factor 1.00 Notch Depth 0.00 UNIFORM LOADS Cenfer MATERIAL PROPERTIES Uniform Live Load 54 pif 2.0E Parallam-iLevel Trus Joist Uniform Dead Load 16 plf Base Values Adjusted Beam Self Weight 12 pif Bending Stress: Fb= 2900 psi Fb'= 2921 psi Total Uniform Load 82 plf Cd=1.00 CF=1.01 TRAPEZOIDAL LOADS-CENTER SPAN Shear Stress: Fv= 290 psi Fv'= 290 psi Load Number 9M Cd=1.00 Left Live Load 136 pif Modulus of Elasticity: E= 2000 ksi E'= 2000 ksi Left Dead Load 128 plf Comp.lto Grain: Fc- = 750 psi Fc--L = 750 psi Right Live Load 136 plf Controlling Moment: 4329 ft-Ib Right Dead Load 128 plf 5.0 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Load Start 0 ft Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Load End loft Controlling Shear: -1420 Ib Load Length loft At a distance d from right support of span 2(Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 17.78 in3 73.83 in3 Area(Shear): 7.34 in2 39.38 in2 Moment of Inertia(deflection): 77.91 in4 415.28 in4 Moment: 4329 ft-ib 17970 ft-lb Shear: -1420 lb 7613 lb 4x ENGINEERING CarssKiting Structural En "veering Services 4340 STEVENS CREEK$L VD. SUITE 172 TEL:(408)642-5464 SRN JOSE,C.4 95129 FAX(408)642-5447 Exrosva • S t'sF 2GG. -F. t7•7- •� 9 r s. + � .a�� 5-�� � I�.S '� 1 �E?.3 ;' /2 De Ta i.E-vet. w Rao F `"l kLLJt W►sT _ 1](70 (t5 T + ]21/0') = fit X40 vr�w s fQ'1�}�Tir �� • G1R4L1 ��wo� t olJlf, f I r 1 V y�n1= t3�t t o2# d 0.7 �► '001 IU?4;r �t�3t� �---- �owt�w �(1''th 17��•p°"'s �� � 3��9 � �r��� • �����` . Noy = 3.a #/°, 313,E �� ; ���� , . . �.a w o 41 z 3 1`�nod C V' ��re 1x68# ppq , OFp 1 45 ° .z p� Z�5� qw !o&? to b() La X45.; °' 135° 38�{� E�Isrti+aG ' S4E Art L WALL MOD KEW FIR JSr DVFR OF(E)SNDWALL- 28 71 4�D� 4x Engineering Structural Engineering Services Job #: 434OStevens Creek Blvd. Suite 172 Page #: San Jose, CA 95129 Date- LATERAL ANALYSIS PER ASCE 7-10 Equivoient laterol Force Procedure ward 0 lbs W,,.)(I::: 30,420 lbs wl;' = A9,682 lbs WIOM!""'* 80,107 lbs Step 1. Determine S, and5j,SL).q,SDj Soil 0 assif i cation z-- U Risk Categnry='111' Ss= 1.692 Per Figures 22-1 throubgh 22-6 S,= 0_656 Per Figures 22-1 through 22-6 Fj= 1.0 Per Table 11.4-1 F'= 1.5 Per Table 11.4-2 Step 2. Determine the Fundamental Period of the Structure C t_L1 0,020 H71- 25 ft X;- 0.75 T8= 0,224 C, Ts;;. 0.58 sr"!Scs Tyr 8 Per Figure 22-15 Step 3. Calculate Seismic Base Shear R= 6.5 Per Table 12.2-1 1.0 Risk Category 11 Since T,<T, Cs 0.17 MAX. Z=a USE C'= 0.050 0.044(Szs)(Ij lV1 I N. 0.01 MIS. C' 0.050 0,5(Sj)/(R/Ij MIN, V= 13,901 ibs (Cl)(W) 0.7v= 9,731 lbs 0.7(C S)(W) Service level base shear 4x Engineering Structural Engineering Services Job 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 172 Page#: San Jose, CA 95129 Step 4. Distribute Base Shear Over the Height of the Structure Fj C,,V CVX� W, k=1 for Tay 0.5 Distfibution Tabic, F- WX h W*h 10/13 FX lbs ft lbs.ft Ib,; 3,d Floor 0 30.0 0.00 0.00 0 2,A Floor 30,420 17.0 517,140 OA9 3,569 1,,,Floor 60,120 9.0 541,080 0.51 3,734 Total 90,540 1,058,220 1.00 7,303 Step 4. Determine Diaphragm Design Force I"I F F n Wpx Per Sec. 12.10,1 Minimum- 0-255,-, PX Maximum= 0.4S,:,%VP, Per Sec. 12-10.1 SUM(Fi) sum(Wi) wpx Sum(Fi) Wpx Minimum Maximum ihs I bs lbs Sum(wi) lbs Is 31d Floor a 0 0 HDIV/0! 0 0 2,,, Floor 3,569 30,420 30,420 3,569 6,863 13,726 1,t Floor 7,303 90,540 60,120 4,849 13,563 27,126 Shear tine Reactions and Shear Lime Forces 1st Floor Shear Line IQ Reaction Total Length Shear Wail R P (redundancy Adjusted 1Nal type Height Min. Length H/W (ft) Forces(v) factor) Shear(plt) (ft) (ft) 1 2,821 9.0 313 6.50 1.3 407 3 8.0 9.0 0.89 2 2,247 17.0 132 6.50 1.3 172 1 8.0 17.0 0.47 3 3,453 13.0 266 6.50 1.3 345 2 8.0 13.0 0.62 4 270 7.4 36 6.50 1.3 47 1 8.0 13.0 7.40 A.1 736 USE (1)HFX 12x8-STD FRAME, CAPACITY =1385#,ADEQUATE A 2,230 9.6 232 6.50 1.3 302 2 8.0 9.6 0.83 C 1,059 5.0 212 6.50 1.3 275 2 8.0 5.0 1.60 D 1,391 USE (1)HFX 18x8-STD FRAME, CAPACITY= 2265#, ADEQUATE E 1,059 8.3 128 6.50 1.3 166 1 8.0 2.9 2.76 SHEAR TABLE TYPE SHEAR 1 + 260 2 350 3 f 490 4 770 3-3 980 Shear Lure Reactions and Shear Line Forces 2nd Floor Shear Une ID Reaction Total length Shear Wail R a (redundancy Adjusted WaN type height Mtn.Length H/W (ft) Forces(v) factor) shear(pif) A (ft) VQ 1 1,347 18.9 71 5.50 1.3 93 1 8.0 18.9 0.42 2 117.60 16.0 73 6.50 1.3 94 1 8.0 5.9 1.36 3 1.,400 12.6 111 6.50 1.3 144 1 8.0 12.6 0.63 4 131 7.4 18 6.50 1.3 23 1 8.0 7.4 1.08 A 1,06$ 9.6 111 6.50 Z.3 145 1 8.0 9.6 0.83 B 86D 5.0 172 6.50 1.3 224 1 8.0 5.0 1.60 D 672 5.2 129 6.50 1.3 168 1 8.0 5.2 1.54 E 285 13.3 21 6.50 1.3 28 1 8.0 13.3 0.60 SH EAR TABLE TYPE 6 SHEAR 1 10 260 2 + 350 3 490 4 770 3-3 380 vu tlQW Calculations 3st Floor Load Cases: (0.6-0.14SD5)D+0.7pQE SDs. 1.128 p- 1.30 Adjusted Min.Shear W(Dead Height Mm Mresistin Uplift (lbs) Bracket Shear 1Jne io Shear{pif} length(ft) Load If � p (ft) (H)# (V) (11►1�*(Ls)12 jn.7pMor-(0.6-0.14svS)MjJ/(L-OS) 1 407 9.0 100.0 8.0 29,338 4,050 2930 HDU4 2 172 17.0 100.0 8.0 23,369 14,450 902 HDU2 3 345 13.0 100.0 8.0 35,911 8,450 2315 HDU2 4 47 13.0 100.0 8.0 4,933 8,450 60 HDU2 A.1 - - - - - - - HFX A 302 9.6 100.0 8.0 23,192 4,608 2095 HDU2 C 275 5.0 100.0 8.0 11,014 1,250 2104 HDU2 D - - - - - - - HFX Holddown Table Bracket Rad Capacity HDU2 5ST620 2,500 HDU4 SSTB24 3,359 HDU5 S5TB24 4,864 HDQ8 SSTB28 7,735 HHDQ11 PA85 9,835 Ualift Calculations 2nd Floor Load Cases: (0.6-0.14513s)D+0.7pC� SDs= 1.128 p= 1.30 Adjusted Min.shear W(Dead Height Mar Mreslsting Uplift(lbs) Bracket Shear Line ID sheariplf) len (ft} * (W)*(L2)12 Sas � �aad] p!f in} �H) (w) ia�plv�ar�la.s-o.i4 )rwR)I(L-os) 1 93 18.9 50.0 8.0 14,009 8,930 478 MST48 2 94 5.9 50.0 8.0 4,449 870 678 MST48 3 144 12.6 50.0 8.0 14,564 3,969 950 iVIST48 4 23 7.4 5O.0 8.0 1,362 1,369 92 MST48 A 145 9.6 50.0 8.0 11,107 2,304 999 MST49 6 224 5.0 50.0 8.0 8,944 625 1747 MST48 D 168 5.2 50.0 8.0 6,+989 676 1290 MST48 E 28 13.3 50.0 8.0 2,964 4,422 58 MST48 Strap Halddown Table Strap Post Capacity MST48 (2) 2x4 3,600 MST6O 4x4 4,350 CMST14 4x4 7,750 CMST12 6X6 9,850 2X CM5T14 6X6 15,000 USG S Design Maps Summary Report User-Specified Input ReportTitle Bcrzing,;_kl Building Code Reference Document 20122 lntemL&Ional 6L11ding Code. Site Coordinates 3 .3176it, 1 1 Site Soil Classification Site Class 'D - "Stiff Soil` Risk, Category I/L/7.11 Y _3 U n n Y valt= A Lj SAN JOSE ti 21, USGS-Provided Output S5 1.692 qM j 6 S !?a q -S S 0.934 F,)t' MfO,-Vlat rill G1, tko SS -Ind S1 vaies above liive 1Cte- za 4rom probabihsric r�k-tatgutec;) arij GeCQ9'Ill Il tl roj:irj roLors i,'i tl,,2 dircxctiar t)l rri: xjrmjm rv^,mo,)rlal 'espouse, perase rc'mm ti) the appl�cation F nd s e I c-, rt&_ "2,"109 -.VF bt_ild"nq code r-ef-arence MCE;t Response Spectrum Design Response Spectrum 1.k:� i 1. Z Period. I (sec) Period, i, 112 g cvMcsia nmaps,'us's Prod:BerWng.Uu.Grevfty StruCalc Version 5113120141:12:10 PM r Location:FTG Q CB-1/FB-2 Footing ,r (2013 California Building C Footing Size:2.5 FT x 2.5 FT x 18.00 IN Section Footing Design Adequate CAUnOhlSi Footing has been designed without reinforcement FOOTING FOROPERTIES LOADING DIAGRAM Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: as- 1500 psf Conal Compressive Strength: Fc= 25W psi Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength: Fy= 40000 psi Concrete RaInkmmnent Cover: C= 3 in FOOTING SM Width: W= 2.5 ft Length: L= 2.5 ft Depth: Depth= 18 In Etfecive Depth to Top Layer of Steel: da 16 In WMISIZE COLU AND SME i—ata—I Column Type: Wood Column Width: m= 4 in Column Depth: n= 4 In FOOTINra CALCULATIONS Bearing Calculations: Ultimate Bearing Pressure: Qu= 1034 pef Efiecda Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: Oe= 1275 psi 18 in Required Footing Area: Amq= 5.07 sf Area Provided: A= 6.25 sf Baseplate Bearing: Bearing Required: Bear= 8952 lb Allowable Bearing: Bear-A= 37400 Ib T Beam Shear Calculations(One Way Shear): 3 In Beam Shear. Vu1= 0 lb 1 Allowable Beam Shear. Vc1= 17600 lb Punching Shear Calculations(Two Way Shear): tsa Critical Perimeter. So= 80 in Punching Shear. Vu2= 4973 Ib Controlling Allowable Punching Shear vc2 m 93632 Ib Live Load: PL= 2984 Ib Banding Calculations: Dead Load: PD= 3481 Ib Factored Moment Mu= 33589 in4b Total Load: PT= 6465 Ib Nominal Moment Strength: Mn= 176000 in-lb Ultimate Factored Load: Pu= 8952 Ib Weight to resist uplift w/1.5 F.S.: U.R.= 906 Ib Project:Bwu ft.Uu.Gravity StruCalc Version 5113/20141:12:10 PM Location:FTG Q FB-4 / Footing a 12013 California Building C Footing Size:1.5 FT x 1.5 FT x 18.00 IN Section Footing Design Adequate CAIMONS 'Footing has been designed without reinforcement FOOTING PROPERTIES LOAQWG DIAGRAM Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: Qs= 1500 psf F--o in Concrete Compressive Strength: Pc= 2500 psi Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength: Fy= 40000 psi Concrete Reinforcement Cover. c= 3 in FOOTM SIZE Width: W= 1.5 It Length: La 1.5 It Depth: Depth= 18 In ENective Depth to Top Layer of Steel: d= 16 in COUNN AND BASEPLATE SIZE Column Type: Wood Column Width: ma 4 In Column Depth: n= 4 in FOOTING CALCULATIONS lain Bearing Calculations: Ultimate Bearing Pressure: OU= 623 psf Effective Allowable Sol[Bearing Pressure:Oe= 1275 psf Required Footing Area: Areq= 1.1 sf Area Provided: A= 2.25 sf Baseplate Bearing: Bearing Required: Bear= 1931 Ib T A[towebts Bearing: Bear-A= 37400 Ib Beam Shear Calculations(Ons Way Shear): 3 In Beam Shear. VU1= 0 lb 1 Allowable Beam Shear. Vc1= 10560 Ib Punching Shear Calculations(Two Way Shear): Critical Perimeter. Bo= 0 in Punching Shear. Vu2= 0 Ib FOOTING LOADING Controlling Allowable Punching Shear. vc2= 0 Ib Live Load: PL= 621 lb Bending Calculations: Dead Load: PD= 781 Ib Factored Moment: Mu= 4344 in-lb Total Load: PT= 1402 Ib Nominal Moment Strength: Mn= 105600 [nob Ultimate Factored Load: Pu= 1931 lb Weight to resist upfift w/1.5 F.S.: U.R.= 326 Ib JOB. SHEET NO, -------- ---------- CALCULATE BY. »— CHECK BY.---DATE:------------ SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE NOTE#12 SHEAR WALL CONNECTION SHEAR TRANSFER SILL PLATE CONNECTIONS NOTE#11 SHEAR WALL MARK MATERIAL PLYOD NAILING NAILING OR CLIPS(T.N) NAILING(S.FI.} ANCHOR BOLTS CAPACITY(#1') NID AB.' REMARK 1` 112'COX PLYWOOD 84 AT a O.C.E.N. 16d AT 5"0.C.OR 5W DIA A.B.AT a-0"O.G. P1.1414' 8d AT v B,C,E.N. A35 @16"O.C,OR 16d 0 5"O.C. CBC TABLE 1911.2 260 MOTE 1 LTP4 AT 16"O.C. &NOS TABLE 11E 112"COX PLYWOOD Bd AT W'O.C.E.N. 16d AT 70.C. OR 818'DIA A.B.AT.T-3"O.C. Rl'.2414• Sd AT 12"O.C.EX A35 @12"O.C.OR 16d @ a"O.c.+ CBc TABLE 1811.z 349 NOTE 1 LTP4 AT 12"O.C. &NDS TABLE 11E 112'CDX PLYWOOD 9d AT Y'O C.E.N. A35 @$"O.G.OR 518'DW A.B.AT 2.6"O.C. P.I.2410"' 8d AT 12'0L.E.N. LTP4 AT S"O.C. 16d @ 3"O.C. cac TAaLE 1$11.2 490 NOTE 2 4X BLK OR Ripa &NDS TABLE 11E Sd AT 2"O.C.E.N. A35 Q 15'0.C.OR 4.5"SDS 518"DIA A.B,AT V-5"0.0. trr'Cox PLYWOOD Bd AT i2"O.C.E.N. LTP4 AT 6"O.C. at 6"Dc CBG TABLE 1911,2 774 P.V2410"• 4x BLK.OR S NDS TABLE 1 IE NOTE z IRIM NOTES: (U.N.O. ON PLANSI i. "*' BLOCK ALL EDGES 2.it"'BLOCK ALL ADJOINING PLYWOOD EDGES WITH 3x LLIMBER AND STAGGER NAILS (PLATES, STUDS, POST, BLOCKING,ETC.)USE 3x MUDSILL 3. OF=FSET PANEL JOINTS ON DIFFERENT FRAMING MEMBERS WHERE PLYWOOD SHEAR MATERIAL OCCURS ON EACH SIDE OF WALL. OTHERWISE USE 3x MIN. LUMBERS, NAIL SHALL BE STAGGERED ON BOTH SIDES. 4.USE PNEUMMATICALLY DRIVEN 16d NAILS FOR ALL SPACING LESS THAN 6"O.C.. IF SILL PLATES SPLITS, NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN IN PRE-DRILLED HOLES, NAILS SHALL NOT BE UNDERDRIVEN, OVERDRIVEN ANDIOR SLANTED. 5.ALL NAILS SHALL BE COMMON. 6."NIA"INDICATES NOT APPLICABLE WHEN PLYWOOD IN ON THE EXTERIOR FACE OF WALL. SEE PLANS FOR ATTACHMENTS WHEN PLYWOOD IS ON INTERIOR FACE OF WALL. 7. PROVIDE STUDS AT 16" O.C. (MAX.) S.OSB APA RATED SHEATHING MAY BE USED, EXCEPT FOR STRUCTURAL I PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL TYPE 6. 9, USE 5/8"ALL-THREAD ROD ANCHOR BOLTS EMBED T'INTO(E)CONCRETE&SET WI SIMPSON"S 'SET-XP' EPDXY AT EXISTING FOOTING CONDITIONS ONLY. 14. USE BLK'G OR RIM BOARD EACH SIDE OF WALL FOR LTP4. 11. T.N.- INDICATES TRANSFER NAILING CLIP. 12, ALL SLL NAILING T.N. &S.N. APPLY TO THE EXTENT OF SHEAR WALLS ONLY. 13. ""PRE-DRILL HOLES, IF WOOD SPLITS. 14- PROVIDE 3"SQ.X 0.229 PLATE WASHERS FOR ANCHOR BOLTS. ��.7 40 � 10076 L.- L.- �a C-01 U SHEAR WALL SHEAR TRANSFER SILL PLATE CONNECTIONS SHEAR WALL CAPACITY MARK MATERIAL PLYWOOD NAILING NAILING (S.N.) ANCHOR BOLTS (A.B.'S) (POUNDS PER TOP AND BOTT LINEAR PT) ELK. OR RIM REMARKS 1/2" GDX PLYWOOD 5d AT b"o.c. E.N. A95 a 16" ox- OR 16d AT 5"o.c. 5/6" - A.B. AT 4'-O"o.c• 265 P.I.: 24/0 (Note 1) 5d AT I2"o.c. P.N. LTP4 AT 16" ox. TABLE 25-II-1-1 1/2" GDX PLYWOOD 5d AT 4"o.c. E.N. A55 ® 12" o.c. OR I6d AT 4"o.c. 5/5" A.B. AT V-S"o.c. 8441 I \ P.I.: 24/0 (Note 1) 5d AT I2"o.c. P.N. LTP4 AT 16" oz (Note 10) TABLE 25-II-1-1 1/2" GDX PLYWOOD 5d AT 511o.c. E.N, A95 o 5" 04. 16d AT 4o.c. 5/5" - A.B. AT 2'-6"o.a. 5 o.c. P.N. OR LTP4 AT IZ �� �� (P.I.: 24/0 (Note 2) 5d AT 1� ox, T(Nootae 10)) WM TABLE 25-11-1-1 4Q0 1 SHEAR WALL NOTES: I. BLOCK ALL PLYWOOD EDGES 12. ALL ANCHOR BOLTS OR HARDWARE IN CONTACT WJ PRESSURE 2. BLOCK ALL ADJOINING PLYWOOD EDGES WITH 5x OR 4x LUMBER TREATED LUMBER SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL OR HOT DIPPED ' AND STA66ER NAILS (PLATES, STUDS, POST, BLOCKING, ETC.) USE GALVANIZED OR ZING COATED PER GBG. 3x PRESSURE TREATED MUDSILL 13. APPLY (2) ROWS OP PLYWOOD EDGE NAILS AT ALL HOLDOWN li S. OPPSET PANEL JOINTS ON DIPPERENT PRAMIN6 MEMBERS WHERE POSTS. HOLOOWN POSTS SHALL BE CONTINIOUS PROM THE PLYWOOD SHEAR MATERIAL OCCURS ON EACH SIDE OP WALL. HOLDOWN BRACKET TO THE TOP PLATE. OTHERWISE USE 5x MIN. LUMBER, NAILS SHALL BE STA66ERED 14. " " INDICATES LOCATION, LENGTH d TYPE ON PL N ON BOTH SIDES. 4. USE PNEUMATICALLY DRIVEN I6d NAILS POR ALL SPACING LESS OP SHEAR WALL ON PLANS THAN 6"ox— IP SILL PLATES SPLITS, NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN IN 15. BLOCK AND NAIL ALL JOINTS WITH NAILING SPEGIPIED IN SHEAR PRE-DRILLED HOLES. NAILS SHALL NOT BE UNDERDRIVEN, WALL SCHEDULE. OVERDRIVEN AND/OR SLANTED. 16. DO NOT OVERDRIVE NAILS INTO PLYWOOD. IP NAIL GUN 15 USED, 5. ALL NAILS SHALL BE COMMON, GUN SHOULD BE ADJUSTED TO UNDERDRIVE NAIL, THEN NAILS ARE 6. PLYWOOD SHALL BE APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER THE STUDS. TO BE HAND DRIVEN 50 THAT THE HEAD OP THE NAIL IS PLUSH 'T. ALL STUDS SHALL BE AT 16" O.G. (MAX). WITH THE PAGE OP THE PLYWOOD. 5. OSB APA RATED SHEATHING MAY BE USED, EXCEPT POR 1-7. ALL HOLDOWNS, STRAPS AND ANGLES GALLED OUT ON THESE STRUCTURAL I PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL. PLANS ARE TO BE MANUPAGTURED BY SIMPSON CO. OR EQUAL. 9. USE 5/5 DIA. ALL-THREAD ROD EMBED 'T" INTO (E) CONCRETE 15. ALL SIMPSON PRODUCTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED PER SIMPSON 00. i AND SET W/ SIMPSON 'SET-XP' EPDXY AT EXISTIN6 POOTIN6 SPEGIPIGATIONS. CONDITIONS ONLY. SEE DETAIL AND SPECS ON PLANS. 10. PROVIDE 5" SQ.X 0.229" THK. PLATE WASHERS POR ANCHOR BOLTS. ------ e►etiA� Arr� r►v w ILI A IT�r�rwv rte■!A A THAI■A■ l�nMi-IAT rA 52"x40"x18" THICK PTY. r c h I t e c t W .W /#4 ® 6" O.G. E . 'fYP. 4'-4" #4 DOWELS EPDXIED INTO (E) FON 6", C_114fa5 i0'-0" EXTEND INTO NEW MIN 12" TOP * BTM OF FT6 12405 Fredericksburg — KA``'` o � __ sarato a californi KALI_ SHEATHING PER PLAN 4I Q ! NEW 5" GONG SLAB w/ #3 a 24" o% E fax 408 561b051 <' ,s { I BOTH WAYS OVER 2" SAND, SEE PI-AN 2X, ,, I� o o ; 11 I I VISQUEEN 4 4" GRAVEL FILL I email Benzarch®comcast.net wl 5/6" AB. PER SHEAR WALL N. (e) SLAB TO REMAIN17 P> 5" 3X PTDP KA;SILL ( 1 3 1 #4 ® 32" o% DOWELS EPDXIED INTO OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DRAININ65 ��/G�pONIG S/�LAB/�w�(l��gs ��/�f�''8/y�a/c EyA�/�WpAY /{�J��/�� �/ n �{ p OVER 2" OF SAND ON #q5G EEN OVER 5" iSRA EL FII rV 5/6" ~ X12' AD. I � W/StMP. "BP" • • I 2 �� a I EXTEND INTO NEW SLAB I Ali drawings,specl?k4tions and wpios awroa furnished by ®46" MAX. O.G. n I - (M N 121, 6" E i^9- Stave Esenz Architect�e and shall remn�Its a I I property. They are to be used oniy with respect to this f'ro t and are not to be used on other t E.N. i i i I I J� �1 t�J� (2) #5 ® TOP r> BOTT. Sulorrdregulatorg 49 j-—-, I reav ms ,ts�-flon or orothsr purposes in tfttlan to most aicorr, t ion rdth - z -- - -- - i _ _ is not to be hrued as pt0lolk4tion in .. ® to ( 4 ® II (E) 24" SQ FT& TO REMAIN ® I I derogates of Steve Bonzing it"t conn«,>aw #4 DOWELS EPDXIED INTO (E) FDN 6", _ _——_ — ——_�,�r / �-—�� { r.�py,�g»t ar oti,.r re.or„oa r► ,ts. EXTEND INTO NEW MIN 12" TOP 4 BTM _ (���/// OF FTG r--- ———— At�h� 16" 2 -#5 o TOP 3 SOTT. ( I I EX. MIN. 12" WIDE X 12" OP;- Y��1� �� ,► I I CONT. THICKENED FT6. EX. MIN. 12" WIDE X 12" I No. 1 7985 { ICO TOR TO VERIFY { ( CONT. THICKENED FT6. I Exp.x/30/2015 ( ) (N FIELD CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY i I ( I IN FIELD I ,� ���( T P I CAL EXTERIOR �� N STRIP � 4 i I I T (N) AALL I f I N.T.S. N.T.S. CONT.RIC THICKENED w I 1GD�TRAGTOR TO IPY EX1l5T1Nr.=7 i I I 2'-4"( OUN TION TO I I ( � I _ #4 DOWELS EPDXIED INTO (E) FDN 6", I 64 x4t? x18 THICK FTY. co N L,=Q" 50 X 12" THK. FT6, EXTEND INTO NEW MIN 12" TOP $TM #4 g 6" O.G. E.W. TYR "I - - - - - - - -) W/ #408" O.G. E.W. TYP. ( 5 OF FT6 '7 •�, 4" '> i POST PER t'l.AN ( 1 _ F j `- - 7 I . - r - - - -- -- - - - - - I- I -- 2 #4 DOWELS WI SIMPSON 1 I I N I I i I I y C epoxy INTo (W "'S. ( _ I 1 - 1 -- - - - - - - - - - I I ( m c! Str1P. CEkR I Is" SQ x IG," DP. FT&--z —I— — V #5 0 S" OC W/ i I W/ #4 6" O.G. E.W. TYP. #4 3�' o% DOWELS EPDXIED INTO 4" EPDXY IN TO (1=) SL,gB (E) SLAB TO REMAIN I (E) i VW 6", EXTEND INTO NEW SLAB i ( MIN 112"I I I 2: thi C_, ° -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -I I ( a I- Cl NEW 5° NG SLA$ W #3 ® 24" ole- 3'-6a LAP 1 EX. MIN. 12" WIDE X 12" BOT YS OVER 2" SAND, 5- z + CONTRACTOR TOED VERIFY VI N 4" GRAVEL FILL I I lu 1 I IN FIELDrt I FOOTING ELEVATION SEE PLAN f I 1 • • _ • FOR REINFORCEMENT I I t C (K) FTs.FT6.OR RC' I # I I I -- = ° �OUN�AT1 ON f-7& >=-I'. WALL 4 DQQNI LS EPDXIED INTO (E) FDN 6 , t I -I EXTEj�tD NTO NEW MIN 12" TOP 4 STM ( o l PLAN 4 SETA I L5 EQ. EQ. I OF F(G — — - -- -- -- -- — -- — — J 2 SEE PLANS r I I � I � I��❑_�___1�6 � C I i 16" SQ x12" GONG FT6 Addition 4 ,alterations c ( w/ SIMPSON GBSQ66 POST BASE - SEE DTL t0 residence TYP I CAL SOOT I NF276 . i 1 zfa8'7 Sakura Aay � ��`�� I I a t� Cupertino, GON5TRUGTI ON .JOINT I I p N.T.S. � SLAB N.T.S. ( I LEGEND for: ( IMr. 4 Mrs. G. Liu 4X STRUT W/PLYWD. M . 2X STUDS ( I 4-iOL.DOY+tNs: HD PER PLAN I 0 HDU2 A/ 5ST520 BOLT PER DET. 1 cl38'7 Sakura way - - - _ - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I (RETROF=IT: I" DIA. THFU` DED ROD PER MET 3) Cupertino, Ga ® HDU4 W/ I" DIAL. THREAVED ROD PER DET. (RETROFIT: DIA. TH A VED ROD PER DET B) Rr-\/151 ONS: POST - SEE PLANS 12/12/13 — AcDD I TI ON TO "PB" _ COL. BASE FOUNATION PLAN POSTS: FRONT BEDRM U.N.O. ON PLANS Is (2) 2x4 (5/2/14 - FOOTI N& INFO FINISH 6RADE SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0 " ® 4X4 OR GONG. SLAB, GONG 2500 PSI ® &X4 AS OCCURS,SAD. STEEL #4 OR SMALLER - &RADE 40 3" SQ. x 1/4" M. WASHER z #5 $ SI66ER - 6RADE 60 N bX(6 5/8 DIAMETER x 12 ANCHOR BOLTS AT 46 o% OR AS REQUIRED BY SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE W/ ® 8X4 3" x 3" x 1/4w 6ALv WASHERS TYPICAL AT ALL FOUNDATION ANCHOR BOLTS N 8Xb SADALL METAL IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER MUST BE HOT-DIPPED ZING COATED ❑❑ (5X OR 4X KINCG POST HOX COL. FT6., 6ALV STL OR STAINLESS STL r D. FOR SIZE ANCHOR BOLTS AND HOLD-DOWN ANCHORS TO BE SET AND POSITIONED IN PLACE PRIOR TO GALLING, ca FOR FOUNDATION INSPECTION SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR EPDXIED HOLD-DOWNS. SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORTS FOR 5/6" - TREADED RODS z REBARS PER PLAN HOLD-DOWNS WILL BE PROVIDED TO CITY INSPECTOR AT SHEAR INSPECTION. W/SIMPSON EPDXY-SIrT-XP SPECIAL INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE BY LICENSED ARCHITECT OF RECORD 6" MIN. To a/23II3 MUSE 15" EMBEDMENT FOR'1I6" RODS(HDQ6)DiOA) L 0 date: NOTES: I-SM SHR.WALT. SCHEDULE 4 PLAN FOR REWIRED A.B. SPACIN& SEE PLAN Baca I e: NOTED 2-PROVIDE SPECIAL INSPECTION FOR ALL EPDXIED HOLD DOWNS drawn log: SMB job no. 1358 R TRO H / ANCHOR 5OLT EXTERIOR FATS O POST T. sheet TA I L N.T.S N.T.S. 1 51 06102!14 2:16:44 PM, Steve Benzing -Architect i^nnrrr ntd Asa nannnnma of 2 5ht5 V Min- ----- �-- 2-1/'2" (Min) Over-Lap _ TABLE NOTES REVISIONS DATE __ __s # 3 1-1/2" fRad (Min) 12" Min Shear Ties # 4 - 2" Rad {Min} PL ian view < 1) Designs are based on ACI 318 for 2500 psi concrete to resist per Table _NGTH - z : Panel ftOd 23 4 Cal 5,6 7,8shear and tension loads when subjected to the allowable seismice - a Panel Width 1 Dia Rod ' le & C and wind load far the corresponding Panel being anchored. CURB (6 MIN) Height Anchorage a2 Shear Tie ---�2-'1/2" (Min} laver-Lap _ a Additional Reinforcement (in) Grade (in) (in) Qty & Size p g g 3+' MICI # 3 _3-114`��RadMir�) _ Ie May Be Required by EOR HFX-9x 79.5"-8' 2) STD indicates HD rods complying with ASTM F1554 Grade 36 # 4 - 4-1/4 Rad (Min) F Back to Back 1-1/8-STD-13-19 STD 13 19 with a Hardy Frame Bolt Brace (HFXBB) installed with double nuts 1--Ca 1 t CURB @ OUTSIDE CORNER 3" Min HFX-12x 78'=10' on the embed end. co D LENGTH 1 1-118-HS-2o-30 HS 20 30 3 HS indicates HD rods complying l in with ASTM A193 Grade B7 with a 1" Min ----ffi 1 Cat Gat 1-118-STD-14-20 STD 14 20 1 -#3 ) p Y g __ T 112 x3 x3 (Min) Plate Washer installed with double nuts on the ------ Shear Ties HFX-15x, 18x 78 -13' � � EGGS VIEW � Q EXTERIOR SLAB embed end (HFXBB not requirvdj, � -- per Table 1"118 4 le = len th of embedment from the to of footing or rade beam to (D W w � Additional Reinforcement 1-11$-HS-20-30 HS 20 30 ) g P 9 g w 12" Min _-` UNRE:INFORCED ANCHORAGE z 1 1 v 5 May Be Required by EOR HFX-15x, 1$x 14'_20' the to of the HFXBB Bolt Bra(-.,e t0 of the embedded Plate W Cf) CL. SHEAR TIE MIN DISTANCE REQUIRED 0 Balloon p p i- Model DIST. LENGTH TO OMIT SHEAR TIES Washer @ HS anchors) ® 0 Ie (in) (in) EDGE in END in I ,t t 1-1/8-STD-14-20 STD 14 20 5) Cal = distance from HD CL to the end of the footing or grade 2 p e (OB HFX-21x, 24x 78 -13 1-118-HS-23-34 23 34 O HFX-9�: 5-1/2 7-1/2 2-318 2-318 — aa HFX-12x 8-1/2 10-1/2 3-112 6-1/4 „ beam at outside corner conditions. - W 3 in HFX15;t 9-3/4 12 4-1/4 7-318 _1 �� , 3 Mln HFX-21x, 24X , HS 2 -#3 6) Ca2 = distance from HD CL to both the front and the back face of z fl- Balloon 14'-20' 1-1/8-HS-20-30 20 30 the footing or grade beam. w .�Ca 1 HFX-18x 12-314 15 � Ca2 Ca2 � STEIN WALL @ OUTSIDE CORNER � � HFX-21x 18-3�4 18 �-1/2 9-3/8 � HFX-24x 18-3/4 21 6 10-3/8 1 INTERIOR SLAB7) For Unreinforced and Reinforced curbs and stemwalls must be 6ry CL UNREINFORCED ANCHORAGE NOMENCLATURE d '�C Additional Reinforcement 1-1/8- STD -14-20 inch width (min). For Back to Back Reinforced curbs and stemwalls I- May Be Required by EOR t-C Ca2 must be 8 inch width min anti require supplemental shear --- �- HFX--SERBS BOLT PATTERN -- PLAN VIEW 1—lQa1 ( � ) q PP �- ry t-8-1/2" " 12-314" 15-3/4" 18-314" ' Ie ROD GRADE reinforcement per ACI-318-08, fc = 2500 psi +o- ��f5-1/2"I -1 fi-9-314 -i �— --1 —fi rr �- ^� - 1 C ROD DIAMETER 8) Shear Ties are Grade 60 (Min;. rebar and are required at curbs �- 9 3a, Min and stem walls for neared a distance conditions. Stem wall C' 9" PANEL 12" PANEL 15" PANEL 18" PANEL 21" PANEL 24" PANEL g Ca2 Ca2 conditions may require additional ties. Shear Ties are not O U N R E I N F O R C E D ANCHORAGE U N R E I N F O R C E D ANCHORAGE (j) required for installation away fl-om foundation edge, installation on Z Concrete Protection wood framing or for IRC Braced Wall Panel applications co 2'-6° Min. 2'-6" Min. � F-for Reinforcement per lar. See table for size and W - urvo by EOR UNO by EOR 9} Stirrups are Grade 60 (Min) reg 7.7.1 ACI 318708 Panel Rod RA Shear 7,8 „ LU 1" Minim a-ffi-ffig- 1" Minim ---_-�_ Model Width Anchorage 1 Dia Rod 2,3 leo Ca15 Ga26 Stirrups 9 Tie spacing, see Stirrup Layout diagrams for layout pattern with Rebar Shear Rebar Shear #4 (Min) Rebar (in) (in) Grade (in) (in) (in) (ea) Sz & Spa corresponding Panel being installed. U) -0-___a® Ties per Table -®_ffi_®s Ties per Table _ Top & Bott.by EOR U3 — - _ CURB ($"MIN) HFX-9x 9 1-1/8-STD-RA STD 8 # 3 #3 ((min) 10) Concrete Edge Distances must comply with ACI 318-08 D8.2 ' z ��--moa -___-�a - = � t-- #4 (Min) 1 11 The EOR is responsible for foundation design is ermined J -�� �`�_�`-� � r�- - -@�� rrfi-� � ���_ _ _ I I �, e v Additional Reinforcement 1-118-HS-RA HS 3-3/4" 0C p g p C� I G iii iii iii iii #4(Min) Rebar I � iii iii i1a iii Rebar 1 1� — 19-314 �- e to aaa e I I aaa all � aaa aaa a I a a a I & Batt. �} + May Be Required by EOR t0 design the anchorage Ii aaa aaa aaa aaa Top & Bott. , a1 1eI aaa aaa p - 3 1-1/8-STD-RA STD ACY_ + aas o a a a s I aaa I a I _ a, aaa a s 1 e a I I a a b EOR ' HFX-12X 12 9 -# 3 = O aaa aaa aaa ala by EOR -¢ 1e1 aaa aaa Y 6" in Min 1-1/8-HS-RA HS F— LL -LL-ill LL 3" -- Refer to "Stirrup 3" Refer to"Stirrup V-110" Min.(Typ) 1-1/8-STD-RA STD E DIS3. C.L. DISTANCE Min Layout"for Quantity Min , , , 1 1 Layout"for Quantity HFX-15x 15 3" Min C and Spacing and Spacing Concrete Protection 1-118-HS-RA HS 2-3/4" FOR 0-1 g for Reinforcement per p 1-1/8 15 11 1044 # 3 (min) _ INSTALLATION CURB @ OUTSIDE CORNER CONTINUOUS FOOTING 7.7.1 4 (CI 318-R 1-118-STD-RA STD @4" oc 2 � 2 � � #4 (Min) Rebar HFX-18x 18 �ON CONCRETE Tap & Bott. by EOR 1-118-HS-RA HS EXTERIOR SLAB 20-5/8 E EY 2 EQ 3 EQ C = l1114'ir- E 1-1/8-STD-RA STD 0 A B B A A B SPA B A A B SPACES B A - I i �, Additional Reinforcement HFX-21 x 21 11-#4 _ 0-1 O'C, 1 - 30-► May Be Required by EOR 1-118-HS-RA HS TOP OF CONCRETE CZ r asI " ", 6" n'r Min 1-118-STD-RA STD Panel IWIN. END CL. C1 2 to B — 1-�/2 ea 8., Ma � � HFX-24x 24 12 -#4 #4 min E '� �, Side of HD 1-1/8-HS-RA Hs (min) Model width DIST. DIST. 0 9" PANEL 12" PANEL 1 5" PANEL_ 1'-10" Min.(Typ) „ #4 Min Rebar @ 4 0C {m} {in} {in} �� � (Min) REINFORCED ANCHORAGE NOMENCLATURE HFX-9x 9 5-1/2 -� 3 EQ 4 EQ Top & Bott.byEOR 1-1/8 -STD -RA 1-314" W A B SPACES B A A B SPACES B A A B A A B A -INTERIOR SLAB HFX-12x 12 8-1f2 LU • �_ REINFORCED ANCHORAGE HFX-15x 15 9-3/4" I-- '� @ � l e Additional Reinforcement ROD GRADE C t 1 _ as -May Be Required by EOR ROD DIAMETER HFX-18x 18 2-518" 12-3/4" as as of ` 3" HFX-21x 21 15-3/411 < W co 1$ PANEL 29 PANEL 24 PANEL 6" Ur Min Min9 HFX-24x 24 18-3/4 . CD REINFORCED ANCHORAGE STIRRUP LAYOUT PLAN VIEWS 1'-10" co M�n. a REINFORCED ANCHORAGE 2 - � _ � �- (TYP) Cal Cal C/? LO 2'-6" Min. 2`-6" Min. 4" Mi W UNO by EOR UNO by EOR > 0 Panel Rod BB- Shear 7,8 1" Mi . 1" Min. Model Width Anchorage 1 Dia Rod 2'3 leM co o 5 C 6 Stirrups 9 Tie Ca2 ------- Rebar Shear ------ Reber Shear #4 (Min} Rebar g Cal 0-2 „-----®I W ------- Ties per Table _---ffig- Ties per Table Top & Bott.by EOR (in) (in) Grade (in) (in) (in) (ea) Sz & Spa Z 20 LIZCURB ($"MIN) !-{FX-9x g 1-118-STD-BB-RA STD # 3 (min) Ca2 . _�� ������.�� r_ _.� _ -_� � ��-.rn� x.71 _-_ #4 (Min) � ��,.� � E Additional Reinforcement 1-1/$-HS-B&RA HS 13 844 @CL t1 I I I e i i iii I I I #4 (Min) Rebar I iii I I I I I I Iii Rebar 1 le May Be Required by EOR 119-3/4 3-3/4 OC CL UJ -' le � aaa aaa aaa aea e — aaa aaa aaa 0 a a l ( N aaa fit a l l aaa Top Bay - aaa 1 1 0- aaa aaa Top & sot#. .y 1-118—STD-1313-RA STD q # 3 (min) U N R E I N F 0 R C E D ANCHORAGE _ , , a la a a a a a a a I a I I s r �' a a a a I a 1 1 1 1 1 1 b EOR .— 31, + HFX— 12x 12 18 11 —#4 aai Ia1 aaa ala by EOR 0- I aaa aaa ail Y �CJJ ,� ai 1-118-HS-BB-RA HS @4 OG C ,111 �_L�_�. .a-_�.L.t__- - -_-_� �_�- -��1__L�,�__ _ 10" in Min 3,Q PLAN VIEW �- 3" Refer to "Stirrup 3" Refer to "Stirrup 12" Max Min �, i i , 1 1 1 Layout"for Quantity Min -' i � ..1. Layout"for Quantity '-2" Min.(Typ) 1pIFX-15x 15 1-118-STD-BB-RA STD 20 12 -#4 3 Min Cal and Spacing and Spacing 4" Min 1-1/8-HS-1313-RA 1-1/8 HS 11 T-CalMin. 2'-6"� CURB @ OUTSIDE CORNERCE CONTINUOUS FOOTINGHFX-18x 18 1-118-STD-BB-RA STD 23 1.5 -#4 L2 :D) 1 #4 (Min) Rebar p EXTERIOR SLAB 1-1/8-HS-BB-RA HS #4 min Y EY 2 EQ 3 EQ T© & Bott_by EOR 20-5/8 ( } a2 KEY `r „ SPA , SPACES = Additional Reinforcement 1-1/8-STD-BB-RA STD @ 4" OC 1 k _ O.C. A A A A A B A _ 1 -- May Be Required by EOR HFX-21 x 21 1-11$-HS-BB-RA HS 16-#4 R E N O R ;E D ANCHORAGE C H 0 R A G E Ie _ B 1-1/4" ea — 3" + 1-1/8-STD-BB-RA STD 26 PLAN VIEW Side Of HD 10" T Mln � B HFX-24x 24 1-118-HS-BB-RA HS 11844 in 911PANEL WIDTH 12" PANEL WIDTH 15" PANEL WIDTH 2'-2''Max4in(Typ) BACK TO BACK REINFORCED ANCHORAGE NOMENCLATURE Cal Min.2'-6"---f DATE: A B SPACES B A A SPACES A A B SPACES A 4" Mi -T #4 (Min) Rebar 1-1/8 - STD -BB - RA Top & Bott,byEOR REINFORCED ANCHORAGE Ca —1 -2014 INTERIOR SLAB "BACK TO BACK" INSTALLATION 26" 4" " Additional Reinforcement ROD GRADE • • • • • • ' , FX1 I I Ie + May Be Required by EOR ROD DIAMETER Gat .. as .. _ �! - ea 1$ PANEL WIDTH 21 PANEL WIDTH 24 PANEL WIDTH TO BACK BACK TO BACK REINFORCED ANCHORAGE rl I� 1 3 � 10" iMin C PLAIN V1 EW F 1 . REINFORCED ANCHORAGE 3Alk BCH BACK TO BACK STIRRUP LAYOUT PLAN VIEW �,-2" M�n.(Typ)