CC 10-01-68 CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Phone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD OCTOBER 1, 1968 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA In the absence of Mayor Noel, Vice Mayor Dempster called a special meet- ing of the City Council to be held in the City Manager's office at 7:00 P.M. October 1, 1968. The special meeting convened at the appointed hour and place and was adjourned to the Conference Room of City Hall. At 7:05 P.M, the City Attorney advised that a motion would be in order to appoint a Mayor Pro tempore in the absence of both Mayor Noel and Vice Mayor Dempster. Councilman Beaven moved, Councilman Fitzgerald sec- onded that Councilman Stokes be appointed as Mayor Pro tempore for this special meeting and it was unanimously approved. Answering the roll call were: Councilman Beaven, Councilman Fitzgerald and Mayor Pro tempore Stokes. Also in attendance were: City Manager Storm, City Attorney Anderson, City Clerk Ryder and Mr. Harry Aumack, En- gineer of Work for the construction of the water tank. City Manager Storm reviewed the results of the several meetings with rep- resentatives of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. At the conclusion of this he requested that Mr. Aumack present to the Council the details of the advertising for bids. Mr. Aumack suggested that the bids be advertised for an opening at 2:00 P.M. on November 4, 1968. He stated that there would be separate bids for the construction of the water tank which was estimated to take 180 days to complete and for the preparation of the tank site which would take 120 days to complete. He gave the estimate for this contract as $311,000 to which the $l18,000 Federal grant would be applied, leaving the City's portion of this pro" ject at approximately $l93,000. CC-26 call to order Stokes ap- pointed Mayor Pro tempore roll call review by City Manager Storm presentation by Proj ect Engineer It was explained further that the bid opening for November 4 was estab- lished to take what advantage there might be at present on the larger importance of than usual inventory of steel now available. It was thought that even a timing stres'- one week delay could materially affect steel prices. Similarly, the cur- sed rent wage scales expire December 2, 1968 and it would be extremely desir- able that the contracts be let prior to this expiration date, In response to questions by the Councilmen it was stated that there was 30 day period for the Council to accept the low bid, It is during this 30 day period that a meeting would have to be arranged with H.U.D, offi- cials so that they could review t~e estimates and concur with the contem plated award. The source of funds from the City's portion would be the Water Department Maintenance and Operation Fund. This particular fund discussion does not at the moment have the full amount available but it was contem- plated that by the end of the construction period sufficient surplus mon° es would be accumulated bo payoff the award, Minutes of the City Council October 1, 1968 Further discussion ensued relative to the 5% bid bond, the applicability of the Fair Practices Clause and the availability of rights of way, On motion of Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Beaven, it was unanimously approved that a minute order be entered into the record autho- rizing the advertising for bids for the completion of the new water tank and site. The motion was approved unanimously. Councilman Fitzgerald moved, seconded by Councilman Beaven and unanimous- ly approved that the special meeting be adjourned at 7:30 P,M. APPROVED: cÞJ--4 ~ g ~~ Mayor, 'City of Cupertino ATTEST: Þ2o·Y City Clerk CC-26 page 2 minute order approved adjournment