CC 10-21-68
CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of CaJ.lfornla
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252-4505
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Noel, who sub-
.e~ntly led the assemblage in the flag saluteo
Councilmen present: Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes (8:05 p.m.)
Noel. Also present: City Attorney Anderson; City Clerk-Finance
Director Ryder; Director of Public Works Finney; City Engineer Boyd;
Senior Planner Laurin; Assistant Planner Nuzum; Chief Building
Inspector Benevich; Director of Parks and Recreation Parham; Record-
ing Secretary Lucie M. Matzley. Absent: City Manager Storm.
Councilman Beaven moved, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was
passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the adjourned meeting
of October 7, 1968.
Councilman Beaven moved, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was
passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
October 7, 1968.
call to order
flag salute
roll cal1
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councilmen of the following written
L Request from Tom Henderson, Civil Engineer, to postpone hearing
of appeal from denial of Application 21-U-68 to the November
4, 1968 meeting;
2. Eight separate petitions for the continuation of the Regnart
Road under the 1911 Improvement District Bond Act;
3. Letter from the Santa Clara County Association of Mental
Health, advising the governing bodies of the Visitation Day written
at Agnews State Hospital, scheduled for November 7, 1968; communications
4. Letter from the City of Mountain View with a copy of reso-
lution passed by that City Council protesting the San
Francisco commuter tax;
5. Letter from Mr. Wilson, the Chairman of the Library Commission,
advising of the resignation of Mrso Sheri Bestul, and re-
questing the Council's consideration of the appointment of
Mr. Robert Mathiasen to the vacancy on the Commission.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanimously to postpone the hearing of the denial appeal of
Application 21-U-68 to November 4, 1968.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanimously to request the local, news media to advertise that
a vacancy exists on the Library Commissiøn, and to ask interested
citizens to submit their application to fill the vacancy.
Minutes of the City Council October 21, 1968
Written Communications cont'd
Counci~ Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanimously to refer the petitions relative to the Regnart Road connection
under the 1911 Improvement District Bond Act over to the Director of
Public Works for a report at the next Council meeting,
correspon- Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
dence filed unanimously to file the balance of the correspondence,
no or!Ùs
h control B.
There were no or!Ù communications from the audience,
Report of Commissions
Planning Commission
City Clerk Ryder explained to the Councilmen that a Planning Commission
meeting had been held on October 17, 1968 but that the minutes of that
meeting were unavailable because of the short period of time in which
these minutes could have been transcribed, Mr, Ryder indicated, however,
that two actions taken at the meeting of October 17, 1968 were listed
on the agenda with the rec~ndations as passed upon by the Commissioners,
but without the substantiating data.
In the absence of Planning Commission Chairman Frolich, Senior Planner
Laurin explained the actions taken, on these two items during the meeting
of October 17, 1968.
Mr. W!Ùter Ward explained that Application 22-U-68 was for a multi-tenant
facility located between the City limit boundary and Tantau Avenue. There
was some discussion as imposed upon the ap~ication by the Planning Commissjon
by which the City reserves the right to re~iew and modify or close the
southernmost ingress/egress facility. Mr. Ward stated that he had been
in contact with the various agencies and that no problems with the access
roads were anticipated.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously to approve Application 22-U-68.
Mr. W!Ùter Ward also explained Application 17-U-68 which requested the
amendment of an initi!Ùly approved Use Permit to include a building height
of forty-nine (49) feet as opposed to the forty (40) feet approved pre-
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously to approve Application 17-U-68.
Architectur!Ù and Site Control Committee
H Control Chairman Small presented the minutes of the October 9, 1968
meeting, explaining that the McDonald application had, in its third sub-
mission, been approved conditioned upon a number of items. Mr. Small
then introduced Mr. Orrell, who represented both the McDonald chain
and the realtor, Mr. Slater.
Minutes of the City Coúncil October 21, 1968
H Control Report cont'd
Mr. Orrell stated that it was obvious that the usual McDonald building
plans had been changed considerably and that the only identification
sign for the building would be the free standing pole sign which is
completely with the Ordinance limitations.
Mayor Noel pointed out that there was an influx of drive~in and take-out
types of eating places. He knew of two more applications being readied.
He was concerned over the approvals granted for small lot splits which
are án invitation to these types of businesses and gas stations. In
this particular instance the parcel was split into thirds, and there
was no knowledge of how the other tw'o would be utilized.
page 3
concern over
lot split
M8¥or Noel continued that his feelings were in no w~ directed to any
one organization or chain, but stressèdthat there were numerous lots comments
available outside the Cupertino City limits, all of which had established, defined
adjoining uses in existence.
The applicant maintained that the McDonald administration had found a
site in Cupertino after having, unsuccessfully, tried to gain approval
by the various City agencies twice before, and had settled on the pro- background
posed site which site had been through the necessary channels for approval, cited
for the sole reason that other sites had such restrictions on them that
made a restaurant of this type not feasible,
When asked for his opinion, City Attorney Anderson stated that this was
a matter left to the discretion of the City Council; if the Council feels
that there is an overabundance of restaurants which do !lot conform to
the general welfare of the City, the Ordinances restricting such
restaurants could be applied and, if necessary, tried through the Courts.
cOlmsel · s
Councilman Stokes stated that a municipality in the surrounding area
had successfully imposed a two-year moratorium on the approval of restau-
rants and asked City Attorney if this could be done in Cupertino, Mr.
Anderson answered in the affirmative, citing a recent meeting of the moratorium
County Planning Commission during which an application had been set aside suggested
for a ,two-year period because the affected community was opposing the
application. Mr. Anderson said that he did not know how such action would
hold up in the Courts but that his approach was a conservative one which
allowed for the fact that the Ordinance allows a private property owner
to dispose of his property as he pleases as long as no public nuisance
exists or is created,
After ~itional discussion, Councilman Stokes suggested a ban, or a
freeze, or an outright denial of this type of application on the basis
of the discussions by the City Council, requesting that it be,ref~rred
to staff, that the staff make contact with the City of San Carlos as-
certaining the details of their moratorium previously mentioned,
Councilman Stokes moved to direct the City staff to report at the next,
meeting on the feasibility of a moratorium for drive-in restaurants,
Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed unanimously.
staff report
page 4
reaction by
need for
further study
lack of data
request for
Minutes of the City Council October 21, 1968
H Control Report cont'd
Councilman Beaven asked about the reaction of the applicant relative
to the proposed moratorium, The applicant stated that this would have
to generate from the McDonald administration; however, that this
application had been filed for a legally zoned piece of property and
had met all the conditions of H ControL
Attorney Anderson reminded the applicant that any action by H Control
needs the approval of the City Council and that a staff report would
be forthcoming at the next meeting, Mr, Andevson also told the Council
members that all powers lie with the Council and that proceeding in
the manner suggested would not prejudice anyone,
Councilman Stokes added that this was the third McDonald attempt, that
they had done a commendable job in the changes of the building appear-
ance, that the organization was efficient and financially sound and that
a possibility of being forced out of business through economic circum-
stances was rather remote. However, that because of the two vacant lots
on either side of the proposed site, he felt the need for further study
and had proposed a moratorium.
Councilman Stokes moved to postpone discussion of this application to the
next" Council meeting, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
Chief Building Inspector Benevich reported on the two forthcoming
applications to which reference had previously been made and asked how
to proceed with these applications. Councilman Stokes felt that the
regular process should be completed, and any possible postponement
should generate from the City Council.
Mr. Dennis Koch presented and explained Application 373-HC-68. It was
the consensus among the Councilmen that the application made no pro-
vision for any roof appurtenances on the submitted drawings, or their
concealment from public view, and that it would be impossible to act
on this application because of the lack of such provision.
Councilman Beaven moved to request the applicant to re-submit this
application to H Control so that a fU1l, rather than a partial plan,
can be discussed by the Council at their next meeting. Councilman
Stokes seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Councilman Beaven moved, Councilman Stokes seconded and it was passed
unanimously to approve Application 374-HC-68 as recommended by H Control.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously to approve Application 375-HC-68 as recommended by H Control.
Minutes of the City Council October 2l, 1968
H Control Report cont'd
page 5
In referring to the re-affirmation of H Control members' request to
amend the first condition of the 12 Standard Conditions, Councilman
Stokes said that he had given the matter much thought and that, in
his opinion, each case would need to be scrutinized carefully to avoid
repetitions of installations of monstrosities; fUrther, that the
amendment of the first condition would make it impossible from the
very start to keep roof appurtenances anywhere but within the roof
line. He suggested a concurrence with the amended Condition l as
proposed by H Control.
Councilman Stokes moved the approval of the October 9, 1968 minutes minutes
of H Control with the action taken therein. Councilman Beaven seconded, approved
Councilman Stokes amended his motion to read that the City Council
also approve' the minutes of the September 25, 1968 meeting of H
Control in their entirety. Councilman Beaven seconded. The amendment
passed unanimously, after which the original motion passed 5 - o.
H Control Chairman Small requested that the Goodwill boxes be policed
mor~""'Ifrequently by the responsible individuals. Acting City Manager
Ryder was instructed to follow up on the original correspondence with
the officials involved.
Parks and Recreation Commission
There had been no meeting of this CommissioD; there were no minutes.
Public Hearings
Appeal of denial of Application 2l-U-68 by Roger Johnson.
This matter had previously been disposed of.
Second Reading of No. 4l5, amending Section l of Ordinance
No.2, by reclassifying a certain portion of the City of
CUpertino from an Agricultural-Residential l-acre lot (Al-43)
zone to a General Commercial (CG) and a Multiple High-Density
Residential (R3-2.2*da) zone.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously that this Ordinance be read by title only and that the
~or's reading of same constitute a second reading,
condition l
to motion
no minutes
p.h. 's
Ord. 415
Councilman Stokes moved for enactment, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded. Ord. 415
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel enacted
Noes: None
Absent: None
page 6
Ord. 416
Ord. 416
Res. 1700
Res. 1701
Res. 1702
Res. 170;'
Minutes of the City Council October 21, 1968
Ordinances cont'd
Secpnd Reading of No. 416, amending Section 1 of Ordinance No.2,
by reclassifying a certain portion of the City of Cupertino from
a Residential Single-Family 10,000 sq.ft. lot (Rl-10) zone to a
Residential Single-Family 7,500 sq. ft. lot (Rl-7.5) zone, located
on the east end of Palm Avenue between Blackberry Farm and the
Horse Ranch.
Councilman Stokes moved that the Ordinance be read by title only and that
the Mayor's reading of same constitute a second reading, Councilman Fitz-
gerald seconded and it was passed unanimously,
Councilman Stokes moved enactment, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1700, payroll for the period ending October 15, 1968
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the payroll. Councilman Stokes
moved for adoption, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1701, miscellaneous and general expenditures
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the list of expenses. Councilman
Stokes moved for adoption, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1702, Annexation "Orange 68-4"
Councilman Dempster moved for adoption, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded.
Ayes: Councillnen Beaven. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noel!: None
Absent: None
No. 1703, Annexation "Cordova 68-5"
Councilman Dempster moved for adoption, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
Minutes of the City Council October 21, 1968
Resolutions cont'd
No. 1704, accepting dedication of real property for roadway
purposes from Frank Hoffman
Councilman Dempster moved for adoption, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
page 7
Res. 1704
6. No. 1705, approving final plan for the improvement of frontage Res. 1705
on west side of Blaney Avenue, north of Stevens Creek Boule-
vard; authorizing the City Engineer to sign the final plan
and authorizing execution of agreement in connection there-
Councilman Beaven moved for adoption, Councilman Dempster seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, FHzgerald, Stokes. Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
7. No. 1706, approving final plan for the improvement of front- Res. 1706
age of southeast corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Miller
Avenue; authorizing the City Engineer to sign the final.:¡)lan
and authorizing execution of agreement in connection there-
Councilman Beaven moved for adoption, Councilman Dempster seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
Unfinished Business
Guide lines for enclosing roof appurtenances.
Amendment of the first condition of the 12 Standard Conditions as im-
posed by H Control had previously received approval by the Council.
(a) Plans for grading and suggested limited development of
Linda Vista Park.
(b) Feasibility on financing suggested limited development
of Linda Vista Park.
Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman Seð..Þ:, , addressed the Council
stating that, prior to the commencement of the City Council meeting
this day, his Commission had met in special session to discuss the
Linda Vista Park project. According to Mr. Sedlak the members of the
Commission were of the opinion that of the reportedly $25,000 avail-
able for the park development, $10,000 to $12,000 should be allocated
for the master planning of the three western neighborhood park sites,
with the balance to be used for the initial grading of Linda Vista
park. Mr. Sedlak stated that it had been the consensus of the members
that no grading of Linda Vista park should be' effected until the Parks
and Recreation Commission members would ~ave an opportunity to study
the proposal further.
unf. business
guide lines
linda vista
park matter
for allocation
of funds
page 8
by mayor
ment voiced
course of
motion to
plans to go
to bid
Minutes of the City Council October 21, 1968
Unfinished Business cont'd
Councilman Stokes stated that he disapproved of spending funds for a
master plan when there are no existing funds available and no one has
any indication from where such funds can be drawn. He reiterated his
previous stand that it would be completely unreasonable and fiscally
irresponsible to expend funds for master planning until it is known where
the money for the actual development of the park comes from.
Mayor Noel agreed with Councilman Stokes and said that the proposal had
been channeled through the Parks and Recreation Commission as a courtesy
and formality only, and that he was sure that certain directives given
by the Council had been completely misunderstood.
Councilman Beaven voiced his disappointment at the Commission's recommend-
ation and felt that the members of the Commission had not understood the
basic issue - the real need for a city park on the west side and south-
west area of the City.
Councilman Dempster agreed stating that the Commission had made a recommend-
ation, after which it was left entirely to the discretion of the Council
members to accept the recommendation, take it under advisement, and take
action as they saw fit, which action would best serve the interest of all
the citizens of Cupertino.
Councilman Dempster moved to proceed with the grading as recommended by
the Architect, and direct the staff to submit a proposal for allocation
of funds and a suggestion in which fashion these funds should be spent,
Councilman Stokes seconded, but questioned the feasibility of proceeding with
just the grading as there were several matters to be considered; erosion
of the mountain for one, and suggested that the City Manager submit a report
on the actual finances available and directed that, in the absence of the
City Manager, the Finance Director and Acting City Manager submit such
report to the City Council.
Councilman Dempster withdrew his motion, Councilman Stokes withdrew his
second to that motion.
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously to postpone discussion of this matter for two weeks to the
next regular meeting of this Council.
By general consensus, Items 3., 4. and 5. of the listed agenda under
"Unfinished Business" were postponed to the next regular meeting.
Architect Bill Hedley made an oral presentation relative to the Portal
and Wilson Parks building plans, stating that he had been in constant
contact with the City staff and that no problems had been encountered,
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was passed
unanimously to authorize, by minute order, that the plans by the architect
be placed in bids,
Mayor Noel called a recess at 9:50 p.m,
Minutes of the City Council October 21, 1968
The meeting reconvened at 10:00
There was no new business .
Report of Officers
City Treasurer
There was no further report from the City Treasurer.
City Manager
Acting City Manager Ryder had nothing to add to the previously sub-
mitted written report from the vacationing City Manager.
City Attorney
Attorney Anderson reported on conferenceBheld with the Water Conser-
vation District representatives and asked permission to postpone
further discussion of this matter until the City Manager returns from
his vacation. The Council agreed.
City Engineer
City Engineer Boyd reported that he was in receipt of a letter from
McKa¥ & Somps, representing Mr. Woolworth, requesting a waiver of the
underground utility requirement. Mr. Boyd cautioned that, although he
recommended approval of this waiver, a cut-off date for overhead
facilities should be "established to achieve ultimate complete conver-
si~n to underground installations.
There was some discussion among the Councilmen on this subject. Coun-
cilman Stokes stated that he would feel more lenient toward the
request'if the subdivision under discussion was larger. He also
recalled previous requirements imposed on others where the under-
ground facilities had to be provided. He then moved that the request
be denied. Councilman Beaven seconded,
City Engineer Boyd stated that the basis for his recommeridation to
approve the waiver had 1:¡een that there was no cut-off date thus far
which would be necessary to administer any City Council decision.
Councilman Stokes suggested a report from the staff on this matter,
such reportitp be taken under advisement.
The motion to deny the request for a waiver was passed unanimously.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanimously, to accept, by minute order, the wall as con-
structed at Oak KnOll Hills, Unit #2, and authorize release of the
$1,000.00 cash bond as requested by the City Engineer,
page 9
no new bus.
no report
no report
request for
request for
basis for
report from
staff asked
request denie,
by minute
page 10
referred to
publ. works
matter to
no report
no report
request to
Minutes of the, City Council October 21, 1968
City Engineer Report cont'd
~. Boyd further reported that he was in receipt of a number of citizen'
complaints relative to an illegal fill by Mr, Provence on the Stella
Dirksen property. Mr. Boyd maintained that this was in violation of the
earth moving Ordinance, that no permit had been secured, that Mr, Provence
had been advised of this violation, but that the fill had not been moved
to date, causing the adjoining property owners to protest in force.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanilnously to direct the City Attorney to contact Mr. Provence with
a demand to remove the fill in accordance with the City Ordinance.
Director of Public Works
Mr. Finney reviewed his previously submitted written report, and requested
the Council to approve by minute order a proposed departmental policy
for the providing of water service to persons in the County, pending
completion of annexation proceedings. He stated that this should, if
the Council so desired, be adopted as Council policy also. Among the
conditions suggested was the City's reserving the right to pull the
water meter if some problem developed over completion of the annexation.
The Council doubted both the advisability and legality of shutting off
water service for this reason, and requested that the City Attorney
submit a report on the matter.
Director of Planning
There was no report from that department other than the Planned
Community Ordinance Amendment could be again placed on the agenda.
Chief Building Inspector
There was no report from that department.
Parks and Recreation
There was no further report from that department.
City Clerk - Finance Director
Finance Director Ryder advised that the sale for the Library Bonds was
scheduled for Wednesd~ morning in San Francisco and requested Council
approval to purchase $300,000.00 of Treasury bills,
Councilman Dempster so moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanilnously.
Minutes of the C~ty Councìl October 21, 1968
City Clerk - Finance Director Report cont'd
Mr. Ryder also stated that, in connection with the water tank project,
HUD requires an audit of the account. The City's auditors had been
contacted in an attempt to ascertain their willingness to perform thi
service; they in turn had agreed to perform the audit tor the regular
standard rate of $9,00 per hour for a maximum of $250,00,
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was
passed unanimously to authorize the audit to be performed as recom-
mended by the Finance Director.
City Attorney Anderson expressed his desire to accompany the Finance
Director to the sale of the bonds to have the matter concluded.
Councilman Beaven reported on a recent incident in the City of Cuper-
tino in which a merchant had allegedly been threatened with the
demolition of his establishment if a request for the cashing of an
out-of-state check was not honored. The salesman had subsequently
called the San Jose police department who had stated that this area
was out of their jurisdiction and had suggested he call the County
Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff's Department had been called but
their response had been such that Councilman Beaven had been unable
to comprehend same,
Mayor Noel and other members of the City Council came to the defense
of the Sheriff's Department etating that the deputies had been timed
on numerous occasions when their help was needed and that their
response had always been extremely prompt and efficient.
Councilman Beaven moved to direct the Acting City Manager Ryder to
contact the Sheriff's Department and get a complete report on the
event. Councilman Stokes and Councilman Dempster, however, felt
that both sides should be heard before the Sheriff's Department is
accused in any way, and directed the Acting City Manager to check
out the occurrence and report back to the Council. On this basis,
Councilman Dempster seconded the motion which was passed unanimously.
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously to adjourn the meeting,
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m,
No 1
Mayor, City of Cupertino
/s/ WID. E, Ryder
WID. E. Ryder, City Clerk
age 11
eed for
audit cited
audit ok'ed
reports threat
to merchant