CC 11-04-68
City of Cupertino, State of Califorµia
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252-4505
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Noel, who
subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute.
Councilmen present: Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes:; ,Noel.
Also present: City Clerk - Finance Director Ryder; Director of
Public Works Finney; City Engineer Boyd; Chief Building Inspector
Benevich; Director of Parks and Recreation Parham; Recording
Secretary Lucie M. Matzley. Absent: city Manager Storm; City
Attorney Anderson; Assistant Planner Nuzum.
call to order
flag salute
roll call
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councilmen that City Attorney Anderson inability
had called to be excused from this meeting because of illness. to attend
Councilman Stokes directed attention to a transcription error in
the minutes of the October 21, 1968 meeting. On page 8 under
"motion to proceed", the last word of the fifth line to read
Councilman Stokes moved to approve the minutes of Octóber 21, 1968
as corrected. Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanimously .
error pointed
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councilmen of the following written
1. Letter from the Children/:š Home Society requesting that the
City Council declare the week of November 10, 1968 as "Children's
Home Society Week";
Letter from John Fleming, Manager/Engineer of the Cupertino
Sanitary District; taking exception to statements made by a
staff member during the September 16, 1968 meeting;
Letter from Gerald Hamilton stating:,hlhs:presence at this
meeting to apprise the Council of efforts being made for a
regional convention center and sports arena;
4. Advice from Jean Pullan, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, written
that the Ordinance incorporating Cupertino into the Sunnyvale- communications
Cupertino Municipal Court had been enacted effective October
28, 1968;
Notice of hearing of the California Water Services Company
relative to a rate increase request in the Los Altos Suburban
District on 'November 8, 1968;
Letter from Christian Braille Foundation, Inc.
the prevtously granted permit for solicitation
reading material for the blind within the City
be extended for one additional year;
Notice from the Santa Clara County Motion Picture and Television
Council inviting the City Council to attend their meeting
scheduled for November 21, 1968.
requesting that
of :f'unds for
of Cupertino
page 2
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
Written Communications cont'd
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
declaration unanimously to declare the week of November 10 through 16, 1968, as
"Children's Home Society Week,"
re park
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Stokes seconded and it was passed
unanimously to allow a one-year extension for the permit to solicit
funds for reading material for the blind,
Mr, Gerald Hamilton was represented by Mr. Brenson Baker, a member of a
Task Force Committee initiated by the Association of Metropolitan San Jose,
Mr, Baker stated that this Task Force was working on the plans for obtain-
ing a sport and convention center complex. Noting the rather lengthy
agenda, Mr, Baker read a prepared statement giving the anticipated costs
for such construction and asked the City Council's support of the program.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanimously to file the balance of the correspondence,
Mayor Noel introduced the members of the GRA-Y, sponsored by the YMCA, all
of whom were youngsters between the ages of 10 and 12 years old, and wel-
comed them to the City Council meeting and to City Hall,
Mayor Noel recognized and welcomed Mrs, Sharon Blaine as observer for the
American Association of University Women.
Mrs, Doran Ernst of 1139 Springfield Drive, C&npbell, asked the City
Council to come forth with an indication as to the completion date of the
two park buildings stating that her group, composed of parents involved in
recreational facilities, have no permanent facility out of which to operate,
When asked to do so, City Engineer Boyd stated that the architect had made
his report at the last Council meeting, plans had subsequently been sub-
mitted to staff for review, minor changes would be made and advertisements
for bids could be placed next week, According to Mr, Boyd and adhering to
normal construction time, the parks buildings would be ready in early
Spring of 1969.
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councilmen that he was in receipt of two oral
communication requests; one relating to a clarification of the exceptions
made for the proposed "Red Coach" sign under the Ordinance, and the second,
that the word on the second line of page 3 of the October 17, 1968, Plan-
ning Commission minutes (PC-20) be "Final Map" rather than"Tentative Map,"
Report of Commissions
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Chairman Frolich presented the minutes of the October
17 and October 28, 1968 meetings of that Commission,
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
Planning Commission Report cont'd
Mr. Tom Eckman presented Application 22-TM-68, as approved by
Planning Commission Resolution No, 574.
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Stokes seconded and it was
passed unanimously that Application 22~TM-68 be approved.
Mr. Ellis Jacobs of 22051 Regnart Road took exception 'to the appro~
val of Application ll-TM-68 under Planning Commission Resolution
No. 576, stating that this tentative ms.p had not been changed from
the one previously submitted, and was still incorrect.
City Engineer Boyd stated that the applicant had submitted a ten-
tative ms.p proposal together with the application, which document
had become a part of the official application and that, as far as
the City was concerned, all requirements had beeIbnet.
page 3
to approval
Mr. Jacobs persisted in his complaints relative to the inadmiss!-
bility of the tentative ms.p which, 'im. his opinion, was incomplete.,
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Stokes seconded and it was
passed unanimously to move this ms.tter to a later time on the listed
agenda to provide sufficient opportunity for Mr. Jacobs to study change in
the tentative ms.p proposal of which he had not been aware since he agenda order
did not attend the public hearings during which this ms.tter was
discussed at great length.
Architecture and Site Control Committee
H Control Chairman Small presented the minutes of the October 23,
1968 meeting of that body.
In discussing Application 376-HC-68, attention was called to an
incorrect agenda listing by Mr. R.D. Kennitzer of 10060 Pharlap
Drive whereby the i'pI'o:perty is located on the side of
Kentucky Fried Chicken as opposed to the,listed "west" side. The
applicant stated that this was not a take-out restaurant but merely
a facility for luncheons and dinners which would serve cocktails
in the lounge 0 He further said that the Alcoholic Beverage Control
had posted notice for the required six weeks and no objections to
the facility had been presented. When the applicant mentioned that
the trash depositories would be enclosed, Councilman Stokes suggested
that the applicant relay the violation of Council conditions relative
to the outside location of theltrash cans on the Kentucky Fried I
Chici:kenproperty to the administration, to which the applicant agreed.
h control
Mr. Ken Boysen presented Application 377-HC-68o Councillllan Stokes 377-HC-68
suggested that more landscaping be planned for the base of the pole presented
sign than was presently drawn onto the submitted renderings.
There were no comments in connection with Application 37B-HC-68
page 4
d scussed
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
H Control Report cont'd
Director of Public Works Finney told the Councilmen that the proposed
site for Application 379-HC-68 was in the process of being annexed to
the city and that the applicant had stated that any type roofing that
is required in the City of Cupertino would be installed.
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanimously to require a l' shake roof as part of the conditions
placed on the approval of this application.
Application 324-HC-68 was presented and discussed in general.
In discussing Application 373-HC-68, Councilman Stokes reiterated that
the project architect had admitted that the roof as shown on the plans
could not possibly facilitate a two-ton airconditioning unit, the
smallest in existence. Chairman Small explained that the roof line
had been dropped and that Ii 3'3" parapet would be provided for. However,
in Councilman Stokes' opinion, this was inadequate.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanimously j¡hat all of the walls that have mansard roofs must
be not less than 18'8" in height and that the roof line will remain at
the same elevation as shown on the plans presented.
Councilman Beaven suggested that, through the services of H Control, an
outline of the ¡)roposed airconditioning unit could be shown when the
plans are submitted to that body. This method, in Mr. Beaven's opinion,
would provide for an additional safeguard for the City and an additional
piece of information for the Council in guiding them in their final
Councilman Stokes stated that it is not always possible for an applicant
to show the air conditioning on the roof and information to that effect at
a time as early in the construction stages as the submission to H Control
might léad to greater misunderstandings and confusion. It was Mr.
Stokes' contention that the amended first condition of the 12 Standard
Cond~tions amply takes care of whatever requirements are placed upon
an application by the City.
City Clerk Ryder told the Counci~en that, although H Control member
Aguilar had moved out of the City limits, a request had been forwarded
to the Council to permit Mr. Aguilar to remain on the Committee. The
Councilmen were regretful that this was not possible because of the
Ordinance requirements that members be qualified electors.
resignation Councilman Stokes'moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
requested passed unanimously to request Mr. Aguilar to submit his resignation.
request to
h control
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanimously to approve the October 23, 1968 minutes of H Control
including all of the additional conditions as placed against any and
all applications by the Council. '
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
Reports of Commissions cont'd
page 5
At this point the Council permitted Mr'. Jacobs to address the
members with a recapitulation of his thoughts on Application
ll-TM-68. Mr'. Jacobs maintained that he had studied the proposal
amending the tentative map and that this still was not in conform-
ance to the Ordinance requirements relative to tentative maps.
Councilman Dempster asked that the staff explain their position, and
asked the applicant to explain wby he did not think that this was al
proper" tentative map,
Mr. Jacobs stated that the Ordinance requires a minimum width of 20'
for roadways, which provision had not been met in this instance.
City Engineer Boyd. emphasized that the u1ti:mate road wou1d have a
width of 40' and that the terrain made a standard 60' subdiviSion staff report
street impractical. Further, that the' proposed street wou1d be the
only possible route without the necessity for massive earth movement,
especially since the 40' street adheres to the requirements for
mountain road standards,
Mrs. Nancy Hall of Rainbow Drive asked if it would be possible to
have the tentative map agree with thE blocks as show on City maps,
The Council agreed that this would aid citizens in locating certain request for
territory, and the staff concurred that a key location map wou1d be key locater
incorporated in all future maps.
Councilman Stokes moved for approval of Application ll-TM-68, as
recommended by Planning Commission Resolution No, 576. Councilman
Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed unanimously.
The oral communication request for clarification purposes of the "
"Red Coach" sign was postponed to the "Public Hearings" portion of
the agenda upon the motion by Councilman Stokes and the second by
Councilman Fitzgerald. which motion was passed unanilnously.
Parks and Recreation Commission
Director of Parks and Recreation Parham presented the minutes of
the October 21. 1968 meeting of that body, There were no additional minutes
comments. presented
Public HearingS
Appeal by Roger Johnson from the denial by Planning Commis-
sion on September 23. 1968 of Application 21-U-68: denying
the granting of a Use Permit for installing three (3) gaso-
line pumps at the existing car wash,
appeal legend
Attorney Jesse Jack of 414 West Hedding Street, San Jose, represented
the applicant and directed the Council's attention to the resolu- presentation
tion as pasøed by the Planning Commission denying the application
for this Use Permit, with particu1ar reference to the seven conditions
attached to same.
page 6
by planner
ill main-
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
21-U-68 denial appeal cont'd
Mr. Jack also cited the minutes of the meeting during which the application
was denied with special reference tø the recorded comments from the
Commissioners that they "had been against the car wash in the first place".
It was Mr. Jack's contention that neither the seven conditions nor the
feelings as expressed by the Commissioners should have any bearing on
the ultimate decision and were not valid as grounds for a denial of the
Use Permit.
Mr, Jack f'urther maintained that this applicant could, by the install-
ation of the three gas pumps in the car wash, afford a full-time attendant
who could not only keep the premises clean but also cut down or completely
eliminate the vandalism on the prem!ses.
Ma;yor Noel asked for audience comments, Mr,R. D. Kennitzer of 10060
Phar1ap Drive stated that he was still very much opposed to the gas
pumps despite the contention that the operator of the car wash was in
financial difficulties and proposed that the mere installation of three
gas pumps would not eliminate or alleviate his financial burdens.
Planning Commission Chairman Frolich said that the Commissioners' opinion
was a matter of record and that the severe reservations by the individual
Commissioners had been based upon the inherent factors this type of
operation elicits.
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanimously to close the public hearing.
Councilman Beaven stated that this application appeared to be for a gas
station with a very large washer, and completely agreed with Mr. Frolich's
statements that, although 'he sympathized with the present owner's economic
difficulties, the approval of the pumps would set a very dangerous precedent.
Councilman Stokes disagreed with Councilman Beaven stating that the
applicant had approached the City Council in good faith in an effort to
have the Council assist him in solving his problem. It was Mr 0 Stokes'
contention that this application should be approached on this, and
no other basis as damage had been done to the property owner by vandals
because no attendant was present, Mr. Stokes said that the applicant
had presented the Council with a proposal to make a better and more
efficient operation out of the present undertaking, and that a gas pump,
in Mr. Stokes.' opinion, was the least obnoxious item in a service station.
Further, that it was not the Council's prerogative to force this applicant
out of business.
Councilman Fitzgerald agreed with Planning Commission Chairman Frolich
stating that he did not think that the installati.on of three gas pumps
would afford the applicant a solvent operation as the premises had
not been maintained and that this was, in all likelihood, the basis
for his financial problems, '
..... 'li'
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
2l-U-68 denial appeal cont'd
Councilman Beaven moved for denial of the appeal for Application
2l-U-68. Councilman Fitzgerald seconded,
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel
Noes: Councilman Stokes
Absent: None
Mr. Walter Ward addressed the Council ßtating that clarification
relative to the proposed sign on the "Red Coach" restaurant in Vallco
Park was sought, Considerable discussion ensued among the Council-
men; minutes of H Control meetings during which this application
was reviewed were read for the information and guidance of the
Council; and it was the consensus 8JI1Ong the Councilmen that the
artist's rendering was misleading and not true to dimension.
Councilman Stokes reiterated that the original application had
specified that the sign be 8'6" high and he now found that there
were two additional lanterns to increase the height to 12'2" above
the roof line. In re-emphasizing that he had been opposed to this
application from its inception, Councilman Stokes mOVed to deny,the
exception. Councilman Fitzgerald seconded.
Ayes: CouncilJDen Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: Councilmen Beaven and Dempster
Absent: None
M8¥or Noel called a recess at 10:07 p,m,
The meeting reconvened at 10:20 p.m.
Mr, Ward asked that, since the owners of the Red' Coach Coffee Shop
and Lounge are in Hawaii, he be allowed to proceed on the basis of
placing the two round signs under the emblem rather than on top of
one another so that the sign would conform to the Ordinance and
could be re-designed without the necessity of having to re-apply
through H Control.
In the temporary absence of the Chief Building Inspector, Mr. Ryder
explained that this had been 'Proposed by the City staff but had
met with refusal by the app1,icant, Accordingly, he suggested
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Stokes seconded and it was
passed unanimously to approve the request.
There were no Ordinances listed on the agenda,
1707: payroll for the period ending October 31, 1968
page 7
appeal denied
of sign matter
request to
no ordinances
Res. 1707
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the payroll. Councilman Dempster adopted
moved for adoption, Councilman Stokes seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Stokes, Fitzgerald, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
page 8
Res. 1708
Res. 1709
Res. 1710
Res. 1711
Res. 1712
Minutes of the City Council NoveIriber 4, 1968
Resolutions cont'd
1708: Miscellaneous and general €Xþendi.tures.
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the list of expenditures. Council-
man Dempster moved for adoption, Counci1l1!&ll St.Ük(~,3 seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
1709: accepting dedication of real. property' for roadway
purposes from Josepb J. Arata, et a10
Councilman Dempster mo'V'ed :for adoption, CQuo.cilman Stokes seconded,
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgera:ld, Stokes, Noel
:lù>es : None
Absent: None
1710: Approving final plan for the improvement of frontage at
20060 Stevens Creek Boulevard; authori.zing the Ci.ty Engineer
to sign the final plan and aut:t.ori.zing execution of agreement in
connection therewith,
Councilman Dempster moved for adoption, Councilman Stokes seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
1711: Approving final map of Tract No, 4590, The Woods, Unit
No.3; accepting certain drives, places, a~nues and roads;
authorizing the City Engineer and the CUy Clerk to sign the
final map and authorizing execution of agreement in connection
Councilman Dempster moved for adoption, Councilman Stokes seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
1712: Approving final plan for the improvement of frontage of
parcels A, B, C and D on north end of Portal Avenue; authorizing
the City Engineer to sign the final plan and authorizing exe~
cut ion of agreement in connection therewith.
COU!lc:l,lman Dempster moved for adoption" Councilman Stokes seconded,
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, F:!,tzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
page 9
Unfinished Business
,'. ,
, ,
The City Clerk read the results of the bid opening for the water tank
and site preparation and suggested City Engineer Boyd explain the process
of award as required by!iUD. It was ascertained that Pit1!sburgh-Des ~idS
Moines Steel was the lowest bidder for the fabrication of the tank with resented
a bid of $88,670.00 and that Pisano Bros. was the lowest bidder for the
site preparation and transmission main with a corrected bid of $126,489.75.
It was moved by Councilman Dempster and seconded by Councilman Stokes I
that a Minute Order be passed declaring the intention of the City Council
to award the contracts to Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company for bid awarded
$88,670.00 and to Pisano Bros. for $126,489.75 for Schedules II and I I
respectively under Project ws-6-05-0l98, subject to review and authorization
by!iUD. The motion was passed unanilnously. ~
After the reading¡,of the bids by the City Clerk, City Engineer Boyd als
explained the bids received for the installation of traffic signals at
Voss Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, þy stating that credit had been given
by the low bidder for the equipment on hand by the City of Cupertino lexplanation
in the sum of $611.00 for a total bid by M.C. Facit Company of $4,232.00. '
Couhcilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanilnously to award the bid to the lowest bidder, M.C. Facit Company. ~id awarded,
On the matter of the feasibility of financing a limited development of I
Linda Vista Park, Finance Director Ryder elaborated on a previously sub-
mitted written report according to which the unappropriated surplus of ¡financing for
the General Fund at year-end would be in excess of $730,000.00 but that park plans '
cash would not be available for any unbudgeted capital improvement project
until April, 1969. This source is the only one possible from which
IIIoneys'; may be taken at this time.
Considerable discussion ensued. Councilman Dempster suggested that a
study session be scheduled todètermine the priorities 6f anticipated
programs rather than arbitrarily allocate funds to the park development.
Councilman Beaven agreed, emphasizing that he would prefer to see the discussions
matter concluded in an orderly fashion but that the real need for such
a facility could not be stressed strongly enough. Mr. Beaven suggested
that money be found at this time for grading, filling and erosion control,
with the balance of the reqµired funds to be appropriated at a later time.
Councilman Stokes wondered if not both programs could be accomplished
silnultaneously but cautioned that no work 'should be started with the
approachiµg rainy season this close. Various staff members agreed that
the end of the rainy season should be awaited.
caution of
rainy season
The Council requested the Finance Director to commence work on the preparation
of a Capital Improvements Budget and to noti.fy the Council at the next council
meeting as to the date on, which a study session of it could be held. request
page 10
suggested '
need for
Ord. 417
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
Unfinished Business cont'd
Written reports relative to the Sheriff's Department responsiveness to
a complaint as well as Goodwill Industry Collection stations had been
submitted for the information of the Councilmen,
City Clerk Ryder advised the Council that the City Attorney had instructed
him to relay the Council's power in the :matter of the proposed drive-in
restaurants, etc, moratorium, Planning Commission Chairman Frolich
reported that his Commission had concurred in the verbiage of the proposed
emergency Ordinance,
Councilman Fitzgerald felt that it would not be fair, nor would it be
within the jurisdiction of this Council, to impose a moratorium on people
who are desirous of establishing businesses within the community. Council-
man Stokes took exception to Councilman Fitzgerald's statement, maintaining
that it was this Council's duty as elected representatives to establish
guidelines by which the City and its citizens are best served.
Councilman Beaven suggested a compromise because of the rush of applications
received and moved to enact a moratorium for drive-in restaurants until
a new regulatory Ordinance can become effective. Councilman Stokes seconded.
In considering the existing McDonald application, Councilman Stokes felt
that this application should be considered separately from all moratorium
decisions as it had run the full gauntlet of red tape and should not have
the same restrictions imposed on it as a very new application,
Councilman Stokes moved to enact Ordinance No, 417 as an emergency Ordinance
but that Application 357-HC-68 be exempt from this Ordinance and be con-
sidered as the next item on the listed agenda. Councilman Dempster seconded
for discussion and wondered about the word "exempt" in the motion. It was
decided that the verbiage should be "not effected".
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Stokes, Noel
Noes: Councilmen Fitzgerald
Absent: None
In discussing Application 357-HC-68, Counci.lman Dempster asked that the
representative for McDonald operations indicate the anticipated use for
the two parcels of land adjoining the McDonald site. The applicant
stated that McDonald was sole owner of its site and that he was not aware
of who the owner of the adjoining property might be or where he could be
It was the consensus of the Councilmen that the McDonald operation should,
if approved, set a precedent for all other restaurants in the area by
planting extensive landscaping to further enhance the appearance of the
building as well as the åperation. Councilman Stokes suggested that the
applicant employ a qualified landscape architect and relay the feelings
of this City Council to him. This would preclude the possibility of the
applicant having to return to this Council at a later time with the excuse
that the ¡andscaping had been completely planned and no additions could
be made.
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
Unfinished Business cont'd
page 11
The applicant stated that he was willing to adhere to any reason-
able request the City might have as the McDonald administration was
most desirous of doing business in Cupertino. Mayor Noel felt that,
just because the applicant was a landowner in this City did not give discussions
him the inherent right to construct still another restaurant, but
Councilman Stokes disagreed stating that the landowner can put a legal
use on his property as his inherent right.
Councilman Beaven, in reiterating that this applicant had made three
previous attempts to do business in this City, that the operation
was financially sound, and because the applicant had repeatedly ex-
pressed his desire to construct a quality operation and maintain,sBJlle,motion to
moved that the Council accept the application outside the moratoriumo accept exempt
Councilman Stokes seconded, stating that his reservations had been application
based upon the vacant lots adjoining the McDonald site but that,
under tþe new proposed ordinance, this matter could be controlled by
the City.
Councilman Stokes further stated that from now on any applicant would
have to secure a Use Permit, which requirement in no way means that
the City arbitrarily legislates citizens out of their right. Council-
man Dempster requested that, prior to spending additional funds on
the planting for thiR site, the applicant approach the Cit:}' to work
with them on the landscaping plans in an effort to set an example of
what can be done through willingness and cooperation. Councilman
Dempster cautioned the applicant that he would face some stringent
H Control requirements, and the applicant agreed to contact the building
inspector prior to proceeding with plans for the landscaping.
Roll call on vote to approve the McDonald operation
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes
Noes: Councilman Noel
Absent: None
Mayor Noel read Ordinance No. 417 in its entirety to satisfy the
requirements for enacting an urgency ordinance.
Councilman Stokes moved for enactment, Councilmen Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Beaven, Dempster, Stokes, Noel
Noes: Councilman Fitzgerald
Absent: None
Petitions for improvement of Regnart Road under the 1911 Improvement
Act were discussed. City Engineer Boyd stated that he was uncertain
if the required 6~ majority was in existence and suggested a conti-
nuance of the matter for two weeks.
Councilman Dempster moved by minute order to continue this matter
the conditions that 1) any problems encountered be reported to the
City Manager immediately upon his return from vacation and 2) these
problems be resolved prior to the resubmission of the petitions to
the City Council. Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed una-
need to set
roll call on
Ord. 417
Ord. 417
regnart road
upon matter
. continued wit
page 12
courses of
act ion
letter to
be written
new bus.
motion to
county to
be con-
advice of
Minutes of the City Counci.l November 4, 1968
Unfinished Business cont'd
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councillllen that the City Attorney had
suggested two courses of action relative to the L'enlO'17al of the trailer
operation from Estates Mobil Service; 1) order the City Attorney to
institute legal proceedings against the operator, or 2) have the
City Attorney write a letter to the operator demandIng cessation of
this operation,
Councilman Stokes wondered :If, in wr:ltî.ng th6 orIgin!>.1 letter to the
operator, a carbon copy of that letter had been sent to the Mobil Oil
Company, The answer was negatIve,
Councilman Stokes moved that arwther letter be w-ritten to the operator
stating that he is in violation and requesting him t,o respond within
ten days; a coW of' this letter to be forwarded to Mobil on Company
and the proprietor's attorney, Councillllan Dempst;er seconded and it was
passed unanimously.
Items 9., 10, 11. and 12. of the listed agenda 'were deferred to the next
City Council meeting,
New Business
Councilman Dempster moved, Councillllan Beaven seconded and it was
passed unanimously to accept, by mi,nute order, the Cjvil Defense
O:peration Plan.
City Engineer Boyd stated that he had studied the standards for annexation
'of County Roads and that, in his opini,on, the proposal was incomplete
and should be reworded,
Councilman Dempster moved, Councillllan Stokes seconded to refer this
matter to the City Manager.
Councilman Dempster withdrew his motion, Councillllan Stokes withdrew his
Councilman Stokes moved that the s'taff contact the County informing them
of Mr. Boyd's cOlDIJ).ents and stating that this is an unreasonable request
to force a City to annex large portions of County roads, and that this
City Council reserves the right to make í'urther connhents at a later time.
Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed unanimously,
City Clerk Ryder advised the Council that two applications had 'been
received for the existing vacancy on the Library Commission, one from
Dr. Richard Arakawa who, by his own admission, does not live within the
City limits, and the other from Mr. Robert Mathiasen,
Councilman Stokes moved to send a letter to Dr, Arakawa thanking him for his
interest but stating that it was impossible for him to serve because of
non-residency in Cupertino, and to appoint Mr"o Robert Mathiasen to
the vacancy, Councilman Dempster se,conde~' and it was passed unanimously,
Minutes of the City Council November 4, 1968
New Business cont'd
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councilmen that one additional appli-
cation to those previously submitted had been received for the
vacancy existing on H Control.
Councilman Stokes moved that this matter be deferred for two weeks
and that the three applicants be contacted in the interim for
their willingness to serve at this time and to again advertise
that a vacancy exists on H Control. Councilman Dempster seconded
and it was passed unanimously.
Report of Officers.
A. City Treasurer
There was no additional report from that department.
B. Acting City Manager
There was nothing further.
C. City Attorney
On behalf of the City Attorney, City Clerk Ryder advised the
Council that the City Attorney had contacted Mr. Provence and
Mrs. Kester with a demand to remove the illegal fill within ten
days, after which time legal action would be instituted.
The Council instructed the Director of Public Works to develop a
procedure for notifying the Cupertino Sanitary District of any
request or proposal which would result in a rezoning to a heavier
There were no reports from the City Engineer, the Senior Planner,
the Chief Building Inspector, the Director of Parks and Recreation
and no further report from the City Clerk - Finance Director.
City Clerk Ryder reminded the Council of the Inter-City Council
dinner scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 1968.
Councilman Beaven moved, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was
passed unanimously that the meeting be adjourned,
The meeting adjourneé, at 12:03 a.m.
A'''''' ~
City Clerk
Mayor,ICity of Cupertino
\ CC-30
! page 13
for h control
no report
no report
report of
action taken
no reports