CC 03-17-69
to appear before I
Control of ¡written
! communi cat ions
cr'rY Ot' (;Ur.2I=t'I'Il~G, St~1:.e ,::;f ::jalifcrnía
10300 Torre Avenue, Cuperti~u, Caiifcrria
Phone: 2.52-4505
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p,m, by Mayor Noel, who
subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute.
Councilmen present: Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald Stokes, Noel, Also
present: City Attorney Anderson; City Manager storm; City C:Lerk -
Finance Director Ryder; City Engineer Boyd; Senior Planner Laurin;
Assistßnt Planner Eng; Chief Building Inspectcr Benevich; Director
of Parks and Recreation Parham; Recording Secretary Lucie M" Matzley,
Counci~~an Stokes requested that the minutes of March 3, 1969 be
corr~cted as follows:
One page 4, paragraph 4, to read in part " . . that the Chairman of
H Contt'ol should not approach the City C01mcil with problems but
that tbese problems be decided at H Control level . ,"
CouncilmRn Stokes moved for approval of the March 3, 1969 minutes
as corrected, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded ànd it was passed
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councilmen of receipt of the following
wri tte[; communi,cat ions:
L PeÜtion signed by 21+ individuals appeaUng the Use Permit
grnrted by the Planning Comminsion for an ItS-unit motel on
the Harth side of Blaney Avenue and requesting a hearing
or] the matter;
.Letter from Richard Kehrig asking permission
't!,,~ City Council relative to the denial by H
A:pp:L~at ion 309-HC-67;
Letter from E.J. Burtnick, real estate representative for
Gulf Oil Cc'mp".ny. appealing the conditions as imposed upon
,~pplicat:lon 25-U-68 for the location of the lube bay doors"
Co'xncllInan Stokes moved, CounciJJnan Fitzgerald seconded and it was
p"ssed "JnanimO'l'sly' that the two appeals be heard. on AprH 7, 1969.
Mr. lru;"s~ing, the architect for the proposed library building, made
e. reprJ!'t on the progress of the library construction and its status. I to ,Mr. BlaBsing, the plans had been returned from the state I
vith cnly miDol', an+,icipated changes which had previously been I
included in the plalw 'but had not been indicated by the County
librarian because of lack of time in the submission stages. I
call to order
flag salute
roll call
i scheduled
page 2
h cont.rol
Minutes of the City Council March 17, 1969
Oral Communications cont'd
Mr. Blessing reported that his office had prepared the design development
drawings based upon the suggestions and conditions as set forth by the
City Council and that these plans are now ready and available for the
Council's perusal. Mr. Blessing also submitted a scale moèel which he
asked be left in the City Manager's Office,
Mr. Blessing also reported that the delay in having the plans approved
by Sacramento would not entail any substantial difference in the cost
of the construction, as the designer had been sure of the validity of
the design and if approval was received wi.thin a reasonable time to
permit the letting of bids by the middle of September, the cost
estimate had anticipated the current rate of price escalation of labor
and material.
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Stokes seconded and it was passed
unanimously to approve the design development and to authorize the
architect to proceed with the working drawings.
Report of Commissions
In the absence of Planning Chairman Frolich, Senior Planner Laurin
presented the minutes of March 10, 1969 and explained õhe actions taken
in connection with the individual applications.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was passed
unanimously' to approve Application 28-TM-68.
CO\lIlcilman Dempster moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was
passed unanimously to approve Application 2-TM-69.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgcrald seconded and it was passed
unanimously to approve Application 2-v-69.
H Control
Since H Control Chairman S,nall h~d been absent from the meeting, acting
Chairman .Juanita MeLaren presented the minutes of the March 12, 1969
Application 393-HC-69 was briei'ly discussed. Councilman Stokes moved
for approval, CouncJlman Dempster seconded and it, was passed unsn:tmously.
)/""8. McLaren explained that Application 309-HC-67 had previously been
pOftponed becailse the appurtenances had protruded on the roof and a new
design had been requested.
Mayor 1:Del asked that Mr.. Kehrig present his case to the City Council as
requested by his appeal which had been read Ul~der Written Communications.
Minutes of the City Council March 17, 1969
H Control cont'd
Mr. Kehrig stated that, since he had been unable to convey his
proposal in a drawing, he had installed the screening on the roof
with full knowledge of the absence of prior approval by H Control.
He referred to financing difficulties that would be created should
Council approval not be forthcoming at this time.
Mayor Noel and the Councilmen referred to a report submitted by the
Chief Building Inspector in connection with the application. Mr.
Kehrig told the Councilmen that he had offered to post a bond for
a period of twelve months which would guarantee his compliance
with the requested rear screening if the proposed adjacent structure,
which would render the screening invisible when completed, would
not be built.
Councilman Stokes indicated that he was disturbed by the fact that
the applicant had been asked to appear before H Control with a report
which had not been submitted. The applicant maintained that he had
been unable to obtain the report and had proceeded with the install-
ation in hopes of visually proving his intentions in regards to the
screening of the appurtenances.
Councilman Dempster moved for approval, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Dempster and Beaven
Noes: Councilmen Stokes, Fitzgerald, Noel
Absent: None
Councilman Fitzgerald moved that the application be returned to
H Control for re-submission. Councilman Dempster seconded and it was
passed unanimously.
The applicant questioned what method of approach he was to follow as,
in his opinion, he had done everything that was requested except the
submission of the report. Mayor Noel stated that he and his fellow
Councilmen felt that H Control was entitled to view the report and
that the applicant's refusal to submit same had generated the denial.
Application 396-HC-69 was briefly discussed. Councilman Stokes moved
for approval, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanimously .
Mr. Thomas W. Ford of 2660 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, presented
Application 398-HC-69 and explained the renderings for the proposal
which is to be located adjacent to the Union Oil service station
on Stevens Creek Boulevard and Bubb Road. Mr. Ford stated that the
appurtenances are almost not visible, which generated a comment by
Councilman Stokes that they either are or are not visible, there
being no such thing as "almost not visible".
page 3
motion lacks
referred back
to h control
3 6-HC-69
page 4
Minutes of the City Council March l7, 1969
H Control cont'd
Discussion ensued relative to the necessity for a fence along the gas
station property line.
Councilman Stokes moved for approval of Application 398-HC-69 with the
additional condition that a 4' slump stone fence be placed along the
parking lot boundary line if the Chief Building Inspector determines
that this lot is visible from stevens Creek Boulevard. Councilman
Dempster seconded.
Upon a request by the applicant, Councilman Stokes amended his motion
to read that the applicant may substitute plantings instead of the slump
stone fence if this is approved by H Control. Councilman Dempster
seconded the amendment which passed unanimously, after which the
original motion passed 5 - o.
Application 376-HC-68 was briefly discussed. Councilman Beaven moved
for approval, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Councilman Beaven moved for approval of Application 187-HC-69 after
a brief discussion, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was passed
Parks and Reereation
Director of Parks and Recreation Parham presented the minutes of the
March 12, 1969 meeting explaining that the meeting had been devoted to
a study session of the capital improvement matters and that a report
had been submitted to the City Manager.
Public Hearings
Annexation designated "Bellevue 68-8"; approximately 5.56 acres
located on the west side of Palo Vista Road, south of Stevens
Creek Boulevard. (Ordinance No. 429 on first reading)
As no protests had been received, Councilman Stokes moved to close the
p.h.closed public hearing, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was passed unenimously.
Crd. 429
Ord. 430
Councilman Dempster moved that Ordinance No. 429 be read by title only
and that the Mayor's reading of same constitutes a first reading. CounciJ-
man Stokes seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Annexation designated "Maynard 68-7"; approximately l.l2 acres
located on the south side of Ricardo and Miramonte Roads. (Ordi-
nance No. 430 on first reading)
As no protests had been received, Councilman Dempster moved to close the
public hearing. Councilman Stokes seconded and it was passed una;Ümously,
Councilman Dempster moved that Ordinance No. 430 be read by title only and
that the Mayor's reading of same constitutes a first reading, Councilma,n
Stokes seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Public Hearings cont'd
I cc-6
page 5
Application 24-z-68 from Apostolic Pentecostal Temple, \ 24-z-68
Arthur Lind and Bill Mitchell for rezoning of property legend
from Residential Single-Family 6,000 sq,ft. lots (County i
Rl-6a) zone to General Commercial (CG) zone. (Ordinance i
No, 431 on first reading)
Councilman Dempster moved, Coundlman Fitzgerald seconded and it was I p. h.
passed unanimously to close th, public hearing. I closed
Councilman Dempster moved that Ordinance No. 431 be read by title lOrd. 431
only and that the Mayor's reading of same constitutes a first reading[first
Councilman Stokes seconded and it was passed unanimously. readung
Minutes of the City Council March 17, 1969
Items 1., 2. and 3. had previously been disposed of under "Public
4. Second reading of No. 393: Providing salaries for the members Ord. 393
of the City Council in accordance with the provisions of
section 36516 of the Government Code, State of California.
Councilman Dempster moved for enactment, Councilman Stokes seconded. enacted
Ayes: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman Beaven
No. 925-34: authorizing the ~yor and the City Clerk to
execute a Transfer of Title of the Vallco Park Sanitary
Sewerage System in the Cupertino Sanitary District.
Res. 925- 34
Councilman Dempster moved for adoption, Councilman Fitzgerald
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald,Stokes,Noel
Noes~ None
Absent: None
No. 1381-40: accepting deed from Foothill Junior College
District for public street purposes.
Councilman Dempster moved for adoption, Councilman Stokes seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Dempster, Beaven, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
page 6
Res. 1761
Res. 1762
Res. 1763
Res. 1764
staff explains
right of way
Res. 1764
Minutes of êhe City Council March 17, 1969
Resolution~ cont'd
No. 176l: approving payroll for the period ending March 15,
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the payroll. Councilman Stokes
moved for adoption, Councilman Dempster seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1762: approving miscellaneous and general expenditures
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the list of expenditures. Councilman
Stokes moved for adoption, Councilman Dempster seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1763: approving final plan for the improvement of frontage
of the northwest corneT of Portal Avenue and Stevens Creek
Boulevard; authorizing the City Engineer to sign the finaJ plan;
and authorizing execution of agreement in connection therewith.
Councilman Stokes moved for adoption, Councilman Dempster seconded,
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1764: approving final map of Tract No. 4658; accepting certain
drives, places, avenues and roads; authorizing the City Engineer
and the City Clerk to sign final map; and authorizing execution
of the agreement in connection therewith.
In his explanation of this final map and resolution, City Engineer Boyd
reported that the right of way as shown upon the final map was 15 ft. in
width in conformance to the conditional approval of the tentative map
for this subdivision. This right of way is provided to complement the
existing 15 ft. right of way which is adjacent to and presently within
the jurisdiction of the County of Santa Clara. Since the final result
will be a 30 ft. right of way for University Way, and since the southerly
half of this street presently exists as a dedicated right of way which
has not been accepted for County maintenance, it is suggested that the
northerly 15 ft. be left in the same status by the City of Cupertino.
Therefore, it is suggested that the City of Cupertino accept the final map
as submitted showing the establishment of a 15 ft. right of way, but in
enacting such acceptance, specifically state that University Way is not
accepted for City maintenance.
Councilman Dempster moved for adoption with the condition that University
Way as shown is not accepted as a City maintained street although it is
accepted as an offer of dedication. Councilman Stokes seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
7. No, 1765: granting a variance to Stoneson Development
Corporation for fence or wall in front yard area from 3'
to 5" and 6' 10"; located southwest corner of Blaney and
Lucille Avenues.
page 7
iRes. 1765
Minutes 0'" t>he City Council March 17, 1969
Resolutions cont~d
';ouncilman Stokes moved for adoption, Councilman Fitzgerald
Ayes; Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: None
There was no unfinished business. I
New Business i
Councilman Stokes stated that there had been many new concepts and I
innovations ir. high density developments but which could not be intro-
duced in Cupertino because of the low density requirement of R-3
zoning. He was not in favor of a change in the density of "the
zoning but felt tllÐt possibly special areas such as those next to
freeways, industrial parks, commercial areas, etc. could have such
developments as their best possible use, He moved that the
Planning Department conduct a study as to how such a plan could
affect Cupertino, its traffic, schools, etc. and to make a report on
the findings, The motion was seconded by Councilman Dempster and
passed unanimously.
Mr. Alf Modine told the Co'~cilmen of a scheduled meeting of the Tri-
County Apartment Zoning Corporation, to be held March 18, 1969 at
'7:30 p.m. at the St.Claire Hotel, on the topic of "Ways and Means
of Regional Government". According to Mr. Modine, the pros and cons 0:1:
the topic would be discussed with Mrs. Gayle Douglas speaking for
the matter and Mr. James Donati defining the possible opposing points.
Report of Officers
A. Treasurer
There was no furt.her report.
B. Cit.y Manager
City Manager Storm reported that the Sutter Hill Development had
offered the City $1 per square foot for the purchase of City land
within its development at StelliTl{ and Homestead Roads for a total
of $6,942.00. Mr. Storm suggested that a counter offer be made
for a flat $7,000 purchase price.
Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Stokes seconded and it was
passed unanimously to accept and authorize the City Manager's re-
page 8
Minutes of the City Council March 17, 1969
I City Manager's Report cont'd
Mr. Storm also reported on the Gallery Water Charge and asked per-
mission to attend the necessary meetings with the City Attorney and
Mr. Roll so as to present the City's position in the controversy.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was
passed unanimously to authorize these individuals to attend the meetings
on behalf of the City.
City Manager Storm reported that a County Ordinance had been enacted
providing for the inspection of all local swimming pools by the Health
Departmwnt. These services would be provided to Cupertino in conjUnction
with those for the County if the Council would adopt the Ordinance 'as
authority for enforcement by the County.
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Dempster and
passed unanimously that the City of Cupertino adopt the provisions of
County Ordinance No. NS-514 as being applicable to the City of Cupertino
and to authorize enforcement of it by the County Health Department.
attorney C. City Attorney
There was no report from the City Attorney.
engineer E. City Engineer
,Councilman Dempster moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
improvement I unanimously to give minute order approval to the acceptance of improve-
accepted ments on Tract 4416, The Woods, Unit #2; and Tract 4382, Somerset Square.
city Manager Storm asked that the agreement be authorized for execution
by the Mayor and the City Clerk in connection with the relocation of
the pole line by PG&E from the newly acquired park site.
Councilman Beaven moved, Councilman Dempster seconded and it was passed by
voting 3- 2 to authorize the execution of said agreement for moving the
pole line at a cost of $2,410.34.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Dempster, Noel
Noes: Councilmen Stokes and Fitzgerald
Absent: None
There were no oral reports in addition to those previously submitted in
¡writing from the departments of the Senior Planner, the Chief Building
Inspector, the Director of Parks and Recreation and the City Clerk -
Finance Director.
Councilman Dempster moved for adjournment to 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March
31, 1969 for the joint City Council - Planning Commission meeting.
Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Minutes of the City Council March l7, 1969
page 9
The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
MaYO~~! C~~