CC 05-05-69
CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252-4505
The adjo~Ded re¡ular meetini called for 7:30 p.m. was declared ad-
journed at that time by the City Clerk for lack of a quorum.
The meetini was called to order at 8:03 p.m. by Mayor Dempster, who
subsequently led the assemblaie in the flai salute.
Councilmen present: Beaven, Fitzierald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster. Also
present: City Manaier storm; City Attorney Anderson; City Clerk -
Finance Director Ryder; Department of Public Works Director YarboroUih;
Senior Planner Laurin; Assistant Plannel Eni; Chief Building Inspector
Benevich; Director of Parks and Recreation Parham; Recording Secretary
Lucie M. Matzley.
City Manager Storm requested a correction in the minutes of April 16,
1969 as follows: on page 2 the last sentence of the second to last
paragraph to correctly read" . . that the Count;, would install the
berms . .".
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Noel seconded and it was passed
unanimously to the minutes of Apri_ 16, 1969 as corrected.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously^tG approve the minutes of April 21, 1969 as submitted.
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councilmen of receipt of the following
written communications:
1. Letter from Ernest Piini requesting permission to conduct a
carnival on the Saich property from July 16 through July 20,
1969 and asking that the regular business license fee be waived.
The proceeds will go to the Cupertino Little League.
2. Letter from Mrs. Jean Pullen, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors,
advising the Council that a Santa Clara County Library Commis-
sion term would expire June 30, 1969 and requesting recommenda-
tions to fill the vacancy;
3. Applications for vacancies existing on 1) Parks and Recreation
Commission from Lee McGalliard, Mrs. Betty R. Moore and Mrs.
Jeanne tincent; 2) Architecture and Site A¡;prPJfal Committee sub-
mitted by Stephen C. Reiner, Victor Marquez and Gerard K. Stern;
4. City Clerk Ryder stated that the normal application for the
taxi cab permit had been received as had been requested by the
City Council.
call to order
flai salute
roll call
approval of
communicat ions
Councilman Noel moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanimously to authorize the carnival with the same procedures as followed
in the past including the waiving of the business license fee. carnival OK'ed
page 2
planning A.
Minutes of the City Council May 5, 1969
Written Communications cont'd
The matter of the vacancy on the Santa Clara County Library Commission
was taken under advisement. Any suggestions by individual Councilmen shall
be forwarded to the City Manager for a synopsis at the next meeting.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald secoÐded and it was passed
unanimously to file the correspondence.
When Mayer Dempster called for audience comments under oral communications,
Mr. Ray Gustafson presented a petition signed by residents of Auburn and
Drake Drives requesting the amendment of existing Ordinances or the initiation
of a new Ordinance restricting the access to Vallco Park via Auburn Drive.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Noel seconded and it was passed unanimously
to refer the matter to the City Attorney and the City Manager for a report.
Mr. Samuel Bradlyn requested that no future Use Permits for riding stables
be considered until such time as a complete discussion resolving the matter
has taken place to protect the residents adjacent to such riding stables.
Mr. Bradlyn submitted newspaper articles describing this same problem in
surrounding municipalities.
Mayor Dempster suggested that Mr. Bradlyn appear at hearings involving
future Use Permits for riding stables at which time he could voice his
opposition to same.
Report of Commissions
Planning Commission
Application 7-TM-69 was discussed by Senior Planner Laurin who stated that
the only problem had been in reducing the standard street width to one of
forty-eight feet but that the presented solution had been found advantageous
by both developer and staff as it would secure the retention of sufficient
landscaping for the entrance into the subdivision.
Councilman Stokes stated that he could find very little justification for
reducing the standard street width to 48' and felt that 't would be more
advantageous to allow only one sidewalk and give mort width to the travelling
lanes on the street under discussion.
Considerable discussion ensued on the subject of the reduction vs. elimina-
ting one sidewalk to the south. Councilman Stokes stated that he war sym-
pathetic to the reasons for such reduction but disagreed that travelling
lanes should be narrowed to afford the retention of landscaping. Councilman
Beaven stated that he would not wish to jeopardize the safety of walking school
children by eliminating a sidewalk just to have streets wide enough for
automotive traffic, and contended that there should be a sidewalk on both
sides of the street.
Minutes of the City Council May 5, 1969
Application 7-TM-69 cont'd
Councilman Stokes moved for approval of Application 7-TM-69 with a
forty feet wide right-of-way with the elimination of the sidewalk on
the south side of the subdivisioL w:!.dening to a 56' wide typical
street section.
Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Stokes, Noel
Noes: Councilmen Beaven and Dempster
Absent: None
Architecture and Site Approval Committee
Application 405-HC-69 was briefly discussed. Councilman Noel moved,
Councilman Stokes seconded and it was passed unanimously that the
application be approved.
Application 406-HC-69 was briefly discussed by the Chief Building In-
spector. Mr. Specie, the applicant, clarified that his triplex would
have one covered and one uncovered space for each unit and not two
garages for each as had been listed in the minutes of the meeting of
April 23, 1969.
Councilman Stokes moved for approval of Application 406-HC-69, Council-
man Noel seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Tom Eckman of Barnhart Construction Company submitted Application
408-HC-69, stating that this project was the first phase for the ulti-
mate development, adhered to the master plan for the entire project and
would include such commercial v<ntures as a liquor store, a drug store
and a barber shop. Further, that the developer was in the preliminary
negotiating stage with leasing as well as designing the proposed rest-
aurant and that negotiations should be completed in about two months.
Mayor Dempster questioned if this application was not premature as it
did not show the proposed motel and the entire project but merely the
commercial complex and that the Council should be afforded a review of
the entire integrated plan prior to being asked to pass on just the
commercia_ complex.
The applicant stated that the developer was extremely design-conscious
in connection with this project and that the materials used on the con-
structions would have to meet the equity position which the developer
intended to retain.
MayolDempster sympathfzed'with the applicant but stated that he would
prefer to view the master plan for the development and asked that the
Senior Planner make this plan available. In the interim, the listed
agenda business was continued.
Parks and Recreation Commission
There was 'no further report in addition to the previously submitted
minutes of the April 30, 1969 meeting.
page 3
h controì
page 4
ll-z-69 Ao
p.. h~
p. h.
Minutes of the City Council May 5, 1969
Public Hearings
Application 11-2-69 from Claude T. Lindsay, Inc. for rezoninB
from Agricultural-Residential Single-Family l-acre lots (Al-43)
zone to Residential Single-Family 7,500 sqoft. lots (Rl-7.5) zone
and pre zoning a certain portion of the County from Agricultural-
Residential Single-Family 40,000 sqofto lots (County Rl-40) zone
to Residential Single-Family 7,500 sq,ft. lots (Rl-7.5) zone.
Approximately 5.79 acres located east side of B1ibb Road, north
of Regnart Creek (Ordinance No. 439 on first reading).
There were no additional staff reporès on the application, nor were
there any audience comments.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Noel seconded and it was passed
unanimously to close thE' public hearing.
Councilman Stokes moved for approval of Application 11-2-69 and for the
reading of Ordinance No. 439 by title only and that the reading by Mayor
Dempster constitutes a first reading. Councilman Beaven seconded and it
was passed unanimously.
Appeal of Rodger Wooley (Application 9-z-69) requesting the City
Council to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission denying
the granting of a zone change from Agricultural-Residential Single-
family l-acre lots (Al-43) zone to Residential Single-family 15,000
sq. ft. lots (Rl-15) zone. Approximately 30,000 sq.ft. located south
end of Mount Crest Place.
Mr. Rodger Wooley presented the appeal reiterating that a variance had
previously been granted the site and that a lot of approximately 30,000
sq.ft. had been left over fo~ which the request for zone change had been
Mrs. JUanita McLaren, Realtor, spoke in fa'ITor of the request stating that
she had viewed the site in conjunction with staff members and felt that
this request should be looked upon favorably.
Director of Public Works Yarborough stated that the only existing inform-
ation was that the grade of the right-of-way was 3Cf'1, and that the Fire
Department had advised that anything over l5~ grade would be undesir-
able as it would make ·'aJ;~u.rning radius for fire equipment impossible.
Also, that additional structures on the site would only aggravate the
existing grade problem in the area.
There was an additional audience comment 'by which the statements of the
Director of Public Works were corroborated, that there were tOl many lùts
already in existence in the area and that the grading was entirely too
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Noel seconded and it was passed unani-
mously to close the public hearing.
Minutes of the City Council May 5, 1969
Application 9-z-69 Appeal cont'd
page 5
Councilman Noel recalled his previous opinion on the original applic-
ation that another development would be undesirable because of the
grad~ being too steep.
Councilman Noel moved to deny the ap~eal on Application 9-z-69, Council- appeal on
man Stokes seconded and it was passed unanimously. 9-Z-69 denied
At this point and because the development plan for Application 408-HC-
69 was now available, Mayor Dempster reverted back to that hearing under
the minutes of the Architecture and Site Approval Committee of April
23, 1969.
Councilman Stokes stated that the presentation of this meeting was sub-
stantially in conformance to the original plan and was sympathetic to
the developer's intention to develop the project in stages as shown on
the original development plan; however, that he was not much in favor
of the service station and cautioned the applicant that he would not be
permitted to develop the frontage only wi:t¡hout any plans for the rear
of the property. Mayor Dempster stated that he was willing to go along
with the phase development of the site but warned that at least a
portion of the motel proposal would need to be under construction
before a service station would be passed upon.
The applicant stated that the Use Permit was predicated upon conditions
placed upon the application by the City Council. Further, that some
$100,000 had been expended in developing Valley Green Drive and that this
was not a speculative venture but would b. '"d'eveloped according to the
Master Plan.
Mayor'D'empster recalled that he had given favorable approval to the
original development plan only because it had included plans for a
motel, as he felt that Cupertino needed a motel badly. If the applic-
ation had been for a commercial venture only, especially one including
a service station, he would have voted against the application. Mayor
Dempster asked what the applicant's planE were in cODnection with the
motel construction.
Mr. Eckman stated that he would prefer to commence construction on the
motel as soon as possible but commented that the site would need to be
developed in a logical and sequential order. He emphasized that the
construction would need to proceed as rapidly as possible because of
financing costs and ever-increasing labor and material prices.
It was the consensus that, since Mr. Eckman was unable to make binding
statements in connection with the motel construction, a representative
for the motel proposal be present at the next meeting of the City Council
who could answer all questions relative to the location which does I
not front a thoroughfare but is located to the rear of the site, the
anticipated construction commencement date, and matters such as proposed
signs and a possibility of replacement of the motel to a different location
or angle.
page 6
Minutes of tht City' Council May ;;, 1969
cc'~, 11
Application 408-HC-69 cont'd
Councilman Stokes stated that, in view of tbe fad that Mr. Eckman was
not the expert on the motel construction and becau'ô,e i t',,1iS apparent
that the Councilmen had many quest ionswhi (;11 (\2 é!de'd ans wers, he would
408-HC-69 suggest a continuance and moved that Ap¡Jli.catJ.v1 I,U[\"HC, 69 be continued
continued to an adjourned meeting of the City Council wllie}) WGu.Ld b., scheduled
for Monday, May 12, 1969 at 7:.30 porn. and t.o be placed 9.S the first item
on the agenda for that Jæ eting, Coun:::iJman F'itzg"I'a.1d s';conded ando.t
was passed unanimously.
Ord. 434
1. Ordinance No. 439 had previously been taken care of.
Second reading of Ordinance No, 4.34g Rezoning from Single~family
Residential 10,000 sq. ft. lots (Rl..lO) zone to Multiple High-
density' Residential 2,200 sq,ft, minimum (R3·2.2) zone. Approx-
imately 22 acres located west side of Stelling Road, 860 feet
north of Stevens Creek Boulevard,
Councilman Stokes moved that the Ordi.nance be read by' title only and that
the Mayor's reading of same constitutes a second reading. The motion passed
4 - 0 with Councilman Fitzgerald abstaining:. after t.he second by' Councilman NücÜ.
enactment Councilman Stokes moved for enactment, Councilmlm Noel seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Noel, Gtokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman Fitzgerald
Ord. 436
Second reading of Ordinance No, 436: Røwniug from Single-family'
Agricultural-Residential l..acre lots (Al~43) and FlanneL Developm2ni;
(p) zone to General Commercial (CG-,rg) zone. Approximately 18 acre~'
10cateC southwest corne'r of Homestead and S'LJ_11úyvale-Saratoga HOlids.
Councilman Stokes moved that the Ordinancê bi.' :r'ea.dby r.:itle only and that the
Mayor's reading of same constitutes a second readIng. Councilman Noel seconded
and it was passed unanimously.
enactment e10uncilman Stokes moved f01 enact1Lent, C01JIlci.lman Noel seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, S'tokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
Ord. 437
Second reading of Ordinance No. 43'7: Prezoning from Count.\"
Agricultural-Residential 40,000 sq.ft. lots (Al-,40) zone to
Single-family ResidenUal 7,500 sq.f't. lots (Hl·,7.5) zone.
Approximately 3 acres located west side of' Rae Lane between
HYannisport Drive and Colwnbus Avenue.
Councilman Stokes moved that the Ordinance be !'e¡¡,d by -title only and that
the Mayor's reading of same constitutes 1'1 seeond reading. Councilman Noel
seconded and it was passed unanimously'.
Minutes of the City Council May 5, 1969
Ordinance No. 437 cont'd
Councilman Stokes moved for enactment of Ordinance No. 437, Councilman
Noel seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
page 7
Ord. 437
Second reading of Ordinance No. 438: Rezoning from Single- Ord. 438
family Residential 10,000 sq.ft. lots (Rl-lO) zone to Single-
family Residential 7,500 sq.ft. lots (Rl-7.5) zone. Approxi-
mately 1.84 acres located west side of Hillcrest Road and
Crescent Road
Councilman Noel moved that the Ordinance be read by title only and that
the Mayor's reading of same constitutes a second reading. Councilman
Beaven seconded and the motion passed 4 - 0 with Councilman Stokes ab-
Councilman Noel moved for enactment, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman Stokes
No. l786: accepting dedication of real property for roadway
purposes from Edward S.J. Cali as Trustee for R. Cali Trust
and Mary Cali Trust. Located on the west side of Bubb Road
south of Pumpkin Drive
Councilman Stokes moved for adoption, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1789: approving payroll for the period ending April 22,
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the payroll, Councilman Stokes-
moved for adoption, Councilman Noel seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1790: approving miscellaneous and general expenditures
Res. 1786
Res. 1789
Res. 1790
ç~ty Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the list of expenditures. Councilman adopted
Stokes moved for adoption, Councilman Noel seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
page 8
Minutes of the City Council May 5, 1969
Resolutions cont'd
Res. 1791 4.
No> 1791: accepting dedication of real property for roadway
purposes from Edward S. J. Cali, located on the west side of
Bubb Road across from Vai Avenue.
Councilman Stokes moved for adoption, Councilman Noel seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1792: authorizing the execution of an agreement by the
Mayor and the City Clerk for the improvement of Bubb Road
near Vai Avenue, between the County of Santa Clara and the
City of Cupertino.
Res. 1792 5.
to appear
Councilman Stokes moved for adoption, Councilman Noel &'conded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dcmpster
Noes: None
Absent: None
Mayor Dempster called a recess at 9:20 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m.
Unfinished Business
Committee and Commission vacancies
Mayor Dempster stated that, because of articles appearing in local
newspapers, new applications for existing vacancies on various committees
and commissions had been received. The City Manager was instructed to
contact those individuals who had expressed a desire to serve and who
had not been interviewed previously, and ask them to appear before the
Council on Monday, May 12, 1969 at 7:30 p.m.
New Business
Councilman Beaven stated that he had been approached by some high school
students after the last Council meeting in connection with an ever-increasing
narcotics problem among students. The students had asked what, if anything,
the City Council was planning in the way of to prevent such
problems within the Cupertino jurisdiction. The subject had been approached
in conjunction with a disèussion of the proposed central park.
Mayor Dempster stated that the Director of Parks and Recreation would make
a report to the Council on the park project at which time this subject could
also be discussed.
Reports of Officers
City Treasurer
treasurer A.
There was no further report from the City Treasurer.
- Minutes of the City Council May 5, 1969
Reports of Officers cont'd
B. City Manager
Mr. Storm reported that the Los Altos Garbage Company was requesting
consideration of a rate increase which necessitated a public hearing.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Noel seconded and it was passed
unanimously to schedule such public hearing for the first meeting in
June, 1969.
City Manager Storm further reported that Vallco Park's General Manager
had requested permission to place a children's zoo at Vallco Park
during the week of September 9, 1969, and that he might wish to request
a waiving of the necessary fees.
MaYOl Dempster felt that the applicant should appear in person before
the Council if he wanted to request a waiver.
Mr. Storm maintained that there were still a number of residents who
are opposed to the roadway dedication request for the Blaney Avenue
improvement as formulated by the City. Mr. Storm said that efforts
to convince these residents were being continued.
The matter of the requesêed franchise transfer for the Cupertino Cab
Company in the City of Cupertino was referred to the City Attorney.
A lengthy discussion ensued on the matter of the Westacres Sycamore
trees where these mature trees are raising and cracking sidewalks. Some
of the residents had requested that the trees remain and it was questioned
if there was a precedent for a determination of financial responsibility
for such sidewalk damage.
City Attorney Anderson stated that, to his knowledge, there was no pre-
cedent as this City is relatively new and streets had been constructed
in strict adherence to the Streets and Highways Code. However, that
owners of real property own such property to the center of the street
with the City having an easement upon such street, and if it can be
establi.shed that the City has made reasonable inspection of the damage,
then the City cannot be held liable for possible injuries. In all
instances, the burden of repair would lie witL the property owner.
Mayor Dempster felt that this was not the matter before the Council but
that it would have to be decided whether to remove the trees and repair
the sidewalks or to advise the homeowners of the City's willingness to
remove the trees and repair the sidewalks; failing their concurrence it
would then become the responsi~Qlity of the homeowners. It was Mayor
Dempster's feelings that a precedent would need to be set at this time
to which future occurrences would be able to adhere.
After additional discussion, Councilman Fitzgerald moved to authorize
the City Manager to proceed to repair these sidewalks at the City's
expense ant do what is necessary by cutting roots, putting in plant mix,
etc. to prevent the breaking up of the sidewalks again. Councilman
Beaven seconded.
page 9
motion to
page 10
Minutes of the City Council May 5, 1969
City Manager's Report cont'd
Councilman Stokes moved to amend the motion to read that no sidewalks
amendment be repaired with AC mix. Councilman Fitzgerald secondedo The amendment
was approved unanimously. The original motion was defeated 4 - 1 with
Councilman Fitzgerald polling the single "aye" vote.
Councilman Stokes moved that the City be responsible for the repair of
sidewalks in Cupertino due to tree damage and that the trees be saved
in all instances unless it is pointed out specifically that there is
no way of preventing a tree from immediately re-damaging the sidewalk.
Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Storm reported that the Moffett Field installation was holding an
Air Show to which they had invited the City of Cupertino to participate
with a display. The City Manage" asked for permission to put a display
together, plans for which would be shown to tr~ City Council for their
consideration at the next meeting. The Council concurred.
City Attorney
Attorney Anderson reported that the applicant for the cab services had
been supplied with a copy of Ordinance 13 of the City of Cupertino and
that a formal application would be forthcoming.
Attorney Anderson requested that a hearing be given the applicant for the
taxicab franchise and that he be given sufficient time to research the
Councilman Beaven moved to schedule the public hearing for June 2, 1969.
Councilman Noel seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Anderson presented the matter of the requested realJgnment to the
original route as submitted by Peninsula T. V. Power, Inc. in conjunction
with a visual presentation by the Director of Public Works.
change Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
authorized unanimously to give minute order approval to the amendment for the cable
routes. D.
Director of Public Works
Mr. Yarborough made a presentation of the proposed channelization of Stevens
Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road to facilitate traffic movement around the
proposed Sears, Roebuck store.
Considerable discussion ensued on the subject of how best to maintain traffic
safety, provide suitable ingress and egress to all affected parcels and still
keep a free flow of vehicular movement. In response to that proposal for
the widening of the streets to satisfy a requested left-turn facility,
Councilman Stokes felt that considerable funds had been spent on sprinkler
systems and landscaping as well as the actual landscaping and that it was
now being proposed to remove a good portion of that landscaping.
Minutes of the City Council may 5, 1969
page II
Report of Director of Public Works cont'd
In answer to Mr. Yarborough's statement that the plans for Sears had
progressed to such an extent that Sears had contended it would be
difficult to revise them, Councilman Stokes reiterated and emphazized
that it had been stated specifically and repeatedly that all approvals
of various phases do not approve the access to the site and that the
applicant was fully aware of this fact. Also, that if the plans are
late in being submitted to the Council, this would be no body's fault
but the applicant's.
Senior Planner
Mr. Laurin reported that new zoning and new neighborhood maps were now
available to the City Council and asked that the old maps be returned
to the Planning Department.
There were no further reports from the Chief Building Inspector, the
Director of Parks and Recreation and the City Clerk - Finance Director.
The meeting was ordered adjourned to Monday, May 12, 1969 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Library Room of the City Hall.
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.