CC 05-19-69
CITY OF CUPERTINO> State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252-4505
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Mayor Dempster, who
subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute.
Councilmen present: Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster. Also
present: City Manager Storm; City Attorney Anderson; City Clerk -
Finance Director Ryder; Director of Public Works Yarborough; Senior
Planner Laurin; Assistant Planner Eng; Chief Building Inspector
Benevich; Director of Parks and R(creation Parham; Recording Secretary
Lucie M. Matzley.
Councilman Noel moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously to approve the minutes of May 5, 1969 as submitted.
The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of
May 12, 1969 were approved unanimously upon the motion by Councilman
Noel and the second by Councilman Beaven.
City Clerk Ryder advised the Councilmen of receipt of the following
written communications:
1. Letter from Ward Crump Developments, appealing Planning Commis-
sion denial of Application 10-z-69;
2. Resolution initiated by the City of Monte Sereno to the Santa
Clara County Board of Supervisors, urging the enactment of the
remaining portions of the County land development regulations;
3. L€tter from R. L. Polk & Company, requesting permission for
the annual canvass to be conducted in the City of Cupertino.
call to order
flag salute
roll call
approval of
communicat ions
Councilman Noel moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanimously to schedule the public hearing for appeal of Planning public hearing
Commission denial of Application 10-z-69 for the June 2, 1969 meeting. scheduled
Councilman Beaven moved, Councilman Noel seconded and it was passed
unanimously to file the remainder of the correspondence.
When Mayor Dempster called for audienc~ communications, Mrs. Esther
Shields of 22437 st. Andrews, Cupertino, reported that there were
continuing occurrences of residents leaving their campers in the drive-
ways resulting in unattractive appearances. She asked that the City
Council consider the passing of an Ordinance prohibiting, eliminating
or preventing this situation.
Councilman Noel moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously to refer this matter to the City Manager for a report.
page 2
Minutes of the City Council May 19, 1969
Report of Commissions
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Chairman Hirshon presented the minutes of the May
12, 1969 meeting,
Application 8-TM-69 was discussed briefly, Councilman Beaven moved,
Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed unanimously to approve
Application 8-TM-69,
Mr, Ralph Ramona presented Application 9-TM-69. When asked for his
comments, Senior Planner Laurin reported that the only change from the
original application was the change in condition #19. Councilman
Stokes recalled that, at the original zoning of this property, one of
the conditions had been to secure the authorization for the crossing
of the Southern Pacific railroad tracks before approval of Unit #2
would be considered.
Mr. Ramona explained that the original map had been approved two years
ago but that, since that time, there had been a tremendous demand for
development of the second unit, which had not been anticipated this
early but which was now requested. Mr. Ramona emphasized that the
request for the crossi~g of the tracks must be initiated by the governing
bodies and that the developer would furnish a bond by which, should the
City be unable to secure permission from the Public Utilities Commission
to let Bubb Road cross the Southern Pacific track, the developer would
provide for the permanent extension of Bubb Road east of the track to
McClellan Road.
Considerable discussion ensued on the subject of the permission to be
obtaineè from the Public Utilities Commission ant the authorization
by the Southern Pacific representatives and it was ascertained that
all conditions and guarantees needed are contained in conditions #18
and #19 as listed in the Planning Commission Resolution No. 644.
There was a question as toward whom the financial responsibility for
the extension of Bubb Road would fall should the City be unable to receive
permission from the Public Utilities Commission. Councilman Stokes
recalled that, at the original zoning meeting, one of the conditions
had b~en that the developer would provide for the extension of McClellan
to Bubb Road and that he would be opposed to the City's participation
in the cost for the crossing.
Councilman Noel felt that, since the matter would be guaranteed by bond,
the developer could not be asked to do more at this time and that the
negotiations with the Public Utilities Commission might take a long time
during which the developer would provide for the easement.
When Councilman Stokes questioned if the developer was willing to put in a
permanent two lane road at the present time to the satisfaction of the
Director of Public Works but not necessarily limited to the two lanes, the
applicant replied in the affirmative,
Minutes of the Cíty CouncH May 19, 1969
Application 9-TM-69 cont'd
Councilman Fitzgerald moved to approve Application 9-TM-69 subject
to the 12 Standard Conditions plus the additional conditions as listed
in Planning Commission Resolution No. 644 to condition #19 inclusive.
Architecture and Site Approval Committee
H Control Chairman Small presented the minutes of May 14, 1969 and
briefly discussed the actions taken on each application.
Councilman Noel moved for approval of Application 322-HC-68, Council-
man Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Application 391-HC-69 was briefly discussed and approved upon the
motion by Councilman Noel and the second by Councilman Fitzgerald.
Councilman Noel moved for approval of Application 402-HC-69, Council-
man Stokes seconded, and the motion was passed 4 - 0 with Councilman
Dempster abstaining.
Councilman Noel moved for approval of Application 404-HC-69 and
Application 409-HC-69 combined on the basis that they are both part
of the same site, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
page 3
h control
Mr. Mike Mikul presented Application 407-HC-69 explaining that the
colors of the parapet would not be as shown but considerable more sub-
dued and in colors compatible to the surrounding structures. Councilman
Fitzgerald moved for approval of Application 407-HC-69, Councilman 407-HC-69
Beaven seconded and it was passed unanimously. approved
Councilman Noel moved to apprave Application Application 410-HC-69,
Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Application 4n-HC-69 was approved upon the moti.on by Councilman
Beaven and the second by Councilman Noel and passeè unanimously.
In discussion the Committee's action on Application 4l2-HC-69, the
Council felt that palm trees would not conform to the remainder of
the surrounding structures. Councilman Noel moved for approval of
Application 412-HC-69 with trees to be installed to the satisfaction
of the City's Building Department. Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and
it was passed unanimously.
Parks and Recreation
There had been no meeting of this Commission; there were no minutes.
Public Hearings
Application l2-Z-69 from Claude T. Lindsay, Inc. for rezoning
of property from single-family agricultural-residential l-acre
lots (Al-43) zone to single-family residential 7,500 sq.ft.
lots (Rl-7.5) zone. (Ordinance No. 440 on first reading).
page 4
p. h.
Ord. 440
Ord. 439
Orð, 1132
enact ed ~
Res. 1793
Res. 1795
Minutes of the City Council May 19, 1969
Application 12-Z-69 cont"d
There were no additional reports from the staff nor were there any
audience comments.
Councilman Noel ~oved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
unanimously to close the public hearing.
Councilman Fitzgerald moved that Application 12-Z-69 be approved and
that Ordinance No. 440 be read by title only and that the M5;)or"s
reading of same constitutes a first reading. Councilman Noel seconded
and it was passed unanimously.
First reading of Ordinance No. 440 had previously been disposed of.
Second reading of No. 439: rezoning from agricultural-residential
single-family l-acre lots (Al-43) zone to residential single-family
7,500 sq. ft. lots (Rl-7.5) zone and prezoning a certain portion
of the County from agricultural-residential single-family 40,000 sq.ft.
lots (County Rl-40) zone to residential single-family 7,500 sq.ft.
lots (Rl-7.5) zone. Approximately 5.79 acres located east side of
Bubb Road north of Regnart Creek.
Councilman Fitzgerald moved, Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed
unanimously to read the Ordinance by title only and that the Mayor's
reading of same constitutes a second hearing.
Councilman Fitzgerald moved for enactment, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes; councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. 1793: approving payroll for the period ending May 6, 1969
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the payroll. Councilman Noel moved
for adoption, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes; Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
No. l795: accepting quitclaim deed and authorization from
Valley Green Company.
Councilman Beaven moved for adoption, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded.
Ayes; Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: Nom:
Absent: None
Minutes of the City Council May 19, 1969
Resolutions contÚd
Noo 1796: approving miscellaneous and general expenditures
page 5
Res. 1796
City Treasurer Fitzgerald presented the list of expenditures. Council- adopted
man Noel moved for adoption, Councilman Beaven seconded.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: None
Unfinished Business
Mr. Walter Ward General Manager of Vall co Park, expanded on a pre-
viously submitted application for a petting zoo at Vallco Village,
which zoo would contain some seventy fully domesticated animals which
the children could pet.
In order to make this zoo economically feasible, the sponsors of the
zoo had asked for permission to furnish six rides for youngsters for
which admission would be charged. The zoo would be free to all.and
the rides would be free to all handicapped children. According to Mr.
Ward, the merchants of Vall co Park had enthusiastically endorsed this
endeavor and the operation would be safe,clean, insured and without
any connotation of a carnivaL Mr. Ward also asked to be permitted to
pay the first day'~ fee as required by the Business Licensing Code
and have i.t apply for the entire length of the occurrence.
Councilman Noel moved tv approve the application with the understandin
that the first day's fee of $200 be applicable to the period for which petting
the application is granted. Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it zoo granted
was passed unanimously.
Mayor Dempster called a recess at 9:30 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:40
On upanimous consent of the Council, and by order of the Mayor, the
listed business was taken out of agenda order and the Director of
Public Works was asked to submit his report.
Director of Public Works Yarborough reported on tentative map bound-
aries with the notation of "not a part of the subdivision". After some
discussion on the subject, Councilman Fitzgerald moved that the
Council approve the policy permitting the notation "not a part of the
subdivision" as long as the needs of public safety and welfare are met
by obtaining the necessary dedications, street improvements and
development fees. Councilman Beaven seconded and it was passed unani-
Mr. Yarborough also reported on the matter of the Foothill Boulevard
resurfacing and suggested that the staff be authorized to proceed with
the resurfacing of Foothill Boulevard by negotiated purchase order
utilizing the contractor submitting the lowest of three quotations.
Councilman Beaven moved for
such authorization, Councilman Dempster
Councilmen Beaven and Dempster
Councilman Fitzgerald, Noel,'Stokes
change in
listed order
page 6
open bids
Minutes of the City Council May 19, 1969
Report by PublIc ,¡orks Director cont'd
Councilman Noel moved to direct the staff to let the project to open
and competitive bids. Councilman Stokes seconded and it was passed
Mr. stewart Cortez, the Assistant Construction Manager for Sears, Roebuck
and Company, presented a rendering for the proposed channelization of
Stevens Creek Boulevard and explained the traffic circulation as well as
the access to the construction.
The Council questioned who would bear the responsibility for the cost
of the new median strips. Mr. Rober~ Owens, representing Sears, told
the Council that it was his understanding that the City of Cupertino
would pay for the median strip and the signalization and those costs
connected with anything other than the ones for the Sears side.
City Manager Storm disagreed stating that he thought the City might agree
to put the traffic light to the north, take care of the stacking lane
and of the median strip to the north end of Wolfe Road.
Councilman Beaven commented that the proposed break in the median strip
did not make any sense to him at all as the ensuing stacked-up traffic
would tie up rush hour commuters on Stevens Creek Bo~evard for long
periods of time.
Councilman Noel reminded the assemblage that the Sears project would bring
some $100,000 a year in sales taxes alone to the City of Cupertino and
that the City could surely afford to pay for the cost of the median strips
which had been estimated at $42,000.00. Councilman Stokes agreed stating
that many a municipality surrounding Cupertino would have given a lot
more than the cost of a street improvement program to welcome Sears into
its environs. Councilman Stokes did, however, voice his reservation and
stated that, in his opinion, the cost of the proposed new signalization
on Wolfe Road should be borne by the property owners of the four corners
as well as by the City on an equal share basis. Mayor Dempster agreed with
Councilman Stokes that the five-way split of costs would be reasonable.
The applicant stated that the request was not unreasonable but contended
that it had been his understanding tÈat the City would bear the entire cost.
Councilman Beaven was concerned that the return in revenue might not
justify the split in the median strip and might set a precedent.
Councilman Noe11!lOved to approve the traffic plan with the City paying the
expense of the relocation of the divider strip on Stevens Creek Boulevard
and on Wolfe Road from the intersection of Stevens Creek Boulevard to the
proposed new signalization and that a five-way split be instituted with
the City and the four property owners on the corners for the cost of the
signalization. Councilman Stokes seconded.
Councilman Stokes amended the motion to read that this be the intention
of this City Council subject to the preparation of plans and submission of
costs. Councilman Noel seconded the amendment which passed 4 - 1 with Council-
man Fitzgerald voicing the dissenting vote. The original motion was then
passed by a 4 - 1 vote with Councilman Fitzgerald dissenting.
Minutes of HlC City COilncil May 19, 1969
Reports of Offlccrs contid
City Manilßcr
Mrð Storm reportE,d on a propo.séù .survey of the Cit,y of Cupertino by
R. L. Polk Company. Tn" Council felt tnat the represéntative of the
survey company should make the report, personally.
Councilman Stoke;.; mOïJed~ Councilman 1:'-1 t-'Z.Gerald sccondE:d and it was
passed unammoubly to direct t.hee representative to 'OE present at the
next meeting and that. t,ne maner be postponed for two weeks .
Mr~ Storm also cEport,ed on the entrYHay from Auburn Drive to the
farmland and r€,itc'ra"cd that a pectition had oe.or sL<bmitted requesting
the clGS ing of Auburn Dri v¿ ~ According to ?lil c> Storm, this wu.s im-
practical andwonl:i mean that the farmers would be prohi bited access
to t.heir farmland~ He reccrnmE?nded that the entr7;' orrtn 1:he farm
property from Auburn Drivc' be limited wi t.h the stipulation that no
cars shall be parked in front of the existing residence.
City Attorney Anderson agreed with the opinion as rEnQCrEQ by the
City l''1anager"
Councilman Fitzgerald moved tnat the petition be denied and that the
City Council state specifically that tt'1e egre"ss and ingress if. 'that.
area shall tEcE:ìve E,xclusi v€: use by the flov¡er growers in that areUð
Councilman BEaven seconded and it was passed unanimously>
City Attorney
Attorney Ander6cn sta,,,d that it was his réCOmmeC1Qatlon thatLI1E
francb:se for the taxicab service for Cupertino be gra.rrt8d, a :public
hearing for which will take place a't the nex't City Couúcil meeting.
TherE' were nCJ additLJnal reports from the departr:ic~'.tu of the
Pla.filleo-, the Cnief Building Inspector) the Director of Parks
ation and the Ci'ty Clerk - Finance Director>
and Recre-
New BllS1nt:.62
Mayor Demp.:;tE;I ,Stated tnat tne City Councìl had receiv8'd a rEport by
the City· Mû.nagér :in connection with a self~'evaluation program, the
cost, for wm~'r, ',muld be $500 pcr unit.. Accorciing to Ci'ty Manager
Storm, thE: pt\Jgra..m'¡'là5 such that it, would tenefi" the employees and he
recommended itd adopt-lon and the purchase of the units <,
Councll:;nan B8¿rVE-n moved for
of the recomrì'J,¿¡1ŒO:::(J. program~
passed unanimou;ly.
li.¡:ip£oval of 't.he pure'hast:' of five t:.':'Lì ts
Councilman Fi~zßcralQ Gecondcd anú it
page 7
page 8
Minutes of the City Council May 19, 1969
Councilman Noel moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was Dassed
unanimously to adjourn the meeting to a budget study sesson on Monday
May 26, 1969 at 7:30 P.M. in the Library Room of the City Hall.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.