CC 05-26-69
CITY OF CUPERTINO', State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252-4505
Mayor Dempster called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
Councilmen present: Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster.
present: City Manager Storm, City Clerk-Finance Director Ryder,
Director of Public Works Yarborough.
Mayor Dempster requested that Mr. Burt Avery address the Council on the
matter of the re-routing of Mary Avenue to coincide with the new align-
ment of the West Valley Freeway. Mr. Avery commented that he had been
notified by Senior Planner Laurin that with this realignment some land
would become available. The question was asked if Mr. Avery would be
interested in the development of this surplus land in conjunction with
this development he was now undertaking. He expressed his fear of the
possibility that a marginal developer might purchase the property and
develop it strictly for a quick profit.
Mr. Avery further stated that he was interested and would be willing to
pay the fair market value. He said his responsibility now was to improve
only the side of Mary Avenue that abuts his property, and to re-do what
had already been done would cost him an additional $100,000. Inasmuch
as the land in question was four to four and a half acres, he would
consider a price of $100,000 to be acceptable.
A complication in this matter appeared to be that the State wanted full
market value for the land, and it would take from four to six months
to get an answer from the State on the disposal of this property. Mr.
Avery said that his commitments for starting construction of his develop-
ment were geared for the month of July, and that if he were to consider
this property he would have to have a better offer than what appeared
to be available.
roll call
alignment of
Mary Avenue
It was moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Stokes and passed referred
unanimously that the City Manager attempt to resolve the situation as to City Mgr.
quickly as possible.
Mr. Al Carter, president of the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, intro-
duced Miss Mardo Crane as the originator of the Powder Puff Derby and
a resident of Cupertino. He said that the Chamber of Commerce would
be willing to donate $400 if the same sum was matched by the City to
sponsor Miss Crane's entry in the Powder Puff Derby this year. It
was the belief of the Chamber of Commerce that the resulting publicity
for the City would be of considerable value.
Powder Puff
page 2
history of
air derby
publicity for
Approv,al of
matching funds
with chamber of
Mary Avenue
report by
city manager
approval of
Minutes of the City Council May 26, 1969
Miss Crane then related the history of the Powder Puff Derby as having
been started by her in 1947. She said that previously she always had
been a trail blazer flying into a city ahead of the contestants, but
that this was the first time she had ever entered her own air race.
She had with her a book she had written and commented that her birth
date was no secret because the publisher had printed it on the jacket.
As a matter of information she said she was sixty years old.
She explained the publicity that could develop through such a sponsor-
ship, which would include interviews on television and radio in New
York City, San Diego, and stops in between. She said that it would be
necessary for the Mayor to write letters to his counterpart in the
various scheduled stops.
In answer to a question Mr. Carter said that the Chamber of Commerce
would follow up and avail itself on all of the outlets made possible
through Miss Crane's facilities, news releases, etc., and that with
the Cupertino name on her airplane the City would get national cover-
age that otherwise would not be possible.
After further discussion it was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, sec-
onded by Councilman Beaven and approved unanimously, with Councilman
Stokes being absent, for the City to match the Chamber of Commerce
offer of $400.
City Manager Storm presented to the Council some sketches and plans
relative to the extension of Mary Avenue, next to the Homestead High
School. He reviewed the presentation as it was submitted to the School
Board, explaining that the City would be landscaping the surplus prop-
erty and that between the street and building it would also be necessary
to re-align an interior curb for buses and to construct a retaining wall
at the base of the fill at the overcrossing. He said that the State has
surplus dirt and would participate in the building of the ramps.
He further said that the procedure would be for the Council to approve
the plans and so advise the School District, and when approved by them
the City would get the dedications for the necessary rights-of-way.
In response to questions asked of him by the Council Mr. Storm said that
there would be a pedestrian entrance only to the elementary school
property and that bus traffic would go through to Homestead Avenue and
approach the school from the front; any land on which the City would
do any work would be dedicated to the City; and, the total cost of the
project was estimated to be $150,000 with $18,000 going for the land-
scaping, median and parking. He noted that $15,000 of this total cost
already had been paid in the purchase of the land from the Eichler
It was moved by Councilman Noel and seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald
to approve the plan as presented and to authorize the City Manager to
put it into effect as soon as possible. The motion passed unanimously,
with Councilman Stokes being absent.
Minutes of the City Council May 26, 1969
page 3
The City Clerk reported on a Summons received by him this afternoon complaint
in a complaint by Donna Weeks et al versus the City of Cupertino and
other defendants.
It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Beaven,
and passed unanimously, with Councilman Stokes being absent, to refer
this Summons to the City Attorney for proper processing.
The next item of business was a page by page review of the prelimin-
ary operating budget for the City of Cupertino for the fiscal year
1969-1970 as submitted by the City Manager.
It was agreed among the Council members that the discussion was on a
preliminary basis only, and that while general agreement could be
reached as to the estimated expenditures or anticipated revenues,
motions for making chang~s or for approval would be held in abeyance
until a later date.
Mayor Dempster called a recess at 9:15 p.m. and the Council reconvened
at '1:25 p.m. I
On the completion of discussion for the operating budget as submitted,
th.. City Manager requested that the Council take formal action in
adopting the budget for the Water Department. He said this formal
action was necessary so that the Fiscal Agent might be advised.
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel, and
passed unanimously that the Water Department budget as submitted for
the fiscal year 1969-1970 be approved.
referred to
review of
water department
¡bUdget adopted
It was moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald and
passed unanimously that the City Council adjourn to a personnel sessidn.
The co~ncil did so adjourn at 9:50 p.m. I
Mayor Dempster announced at 11:45 p.m. that the City Council was recon-
vening in open meeting.
Councilman Fitzgerald reported on a policy as adopted by the Planning
Policy Committee requesting annexation to a city if and when a request
is made for annexation to a sanitary district. The Council collectively
supported this policy. Councilman Stokes suggested that the Local
Agency Formation Commission position would be that such an annexation
would not be required inasmuch as it would have to be made at some
fc:ture time.
It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Noel, and adjournment
unanimously passed that the meeting be adjourned at ll:48 p.m.
page 4
Minutes of the City Council May 26, 1969