CC 01-12-70
CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252-4505
The meeting was called to order at 8:02 P.M. by Mayor Dempster
Councilmen present: Beaven, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes and Dempster.
Also present: City Manager Storm; City Clerk-Finance Director Ryder;
Director of Public Works Yarborough; Director of Parks and Recreation
The Mayor introduced Mr. Blessing who then further elaborated on a pre-
viously submitted written proposal for a theme piece for the plaza area.
The basic elements of it would be to incorporate the City's historical
heritage with water, color and landscape significance. He requested
that the sculptor be authorized to develop a prototype at a cost of
$1,500.00. At the end of the period the total cost would be estimated,
with the estimate to be within that program already set by the City
Council for this work. The Mayor said the total cost would be between
$10,000.00 and $12,000.00.
Councilman Stokes moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was pass-
ed unanimously that the expenditure of $l,500.00 be authorized for the
prototype as set forth under the conditions in Mr. Blessing's letter
dated January 7, 1970 with the further condition that there is no obli-
gation on the part of the City of Cupertino over and above the $1,500.00
at this time.
call to order
roll call
proposal for
library plaza
City Manager Storm requested a minute order authorization to proceed wit
the obtaining of a new population estimate by the State. It was so moved minute order
by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel and passed unanimously.
Mayor Dempster addressed himself to the Council on the matter of the pro-
posed bond issue. He stated that he was just as much in favor of com-
pleting the various projects under consideration as others were but he
urged that the question be viewed with business logic. He felt that it
was unwise to try and pass any bond issue in today's fluctuating economy
where the interest rate would not compete with the market and where the
general mood of the people allover is for a reduction in spending.
He contended that there were no indications of when interest rates might
come down and when the bonds could be sold or what the construction costs
might be if and when that did occur. He also expressed doubt on the
ability to sell a bond issue on the basis of wanting to proceed with
projects but not able to say when. He said that the Council could be
moving into a precarious position by letting emotion and desire override
prudent business sense. He also was against any token issue or a lesser
one just to pass it or even pass a larger one and place it to one side,
just waiting until a sale could be made.
comments on
bond issue
page 2
Minutes of the City Council meeting held January 12, 1970
Councilman Fitzgerald said he did not have an answer but was in general
agreement with the Mayor's comments. He thought the timing was bad in
that if the issue was passed the economic situation was such that he
had doubts on the City's ability to sell them. He felt that a delay of
six to nine months might provide more answers.
Councilman Stokes said he didn't know that much about the bond market
and the salability of any bonds. He knew other agencies were proposing
issues. So far as any lowering of interest rates there was no real ad-
vantage because the cost of construction would increase to more than
offset it as would the cost of land if acquisition was to be made. He
said he, too, was against a token issue and that all projections of re-
venues for the City he had seen indicated that the proposals could be
financed on a no tax increase basis. He said he could not agree with
the others on the salability of bonds and the needs of the City now
would be worth the gamble. He cited the need for a youth center and
the lack of any facilities for the teenagers, the delay of providing
for the same meaning that many more problems this cOIT@unity would be
facing as each age group grows up. He also offered that property
available now probably would not be a few years from now.
Councilman Noel reviewed his past thinking and position on this ques-
tion which generally had been negative, He said he had found in pri-
vate business that there had been a reluctance to pay such high in-
terest rates but that recently there had been a realization the rates
were a meaps of doing business if financing was needed. As a cost of
doing business, then were passed on to the eventual consumer.
This was a contribution to the inflationary spiral the economy was
in but the answer can come only from the voters.
reminder by
City Clerk
In response to a point being raised, City Clerk Ryder advised the
Council that to place the issue on the ballot for the June primary re-
quired a resolution by the Council requesting the Board of Supervisors
to consolidate the election. This must be presented to the Board not
less than sixty days before the election, April 2, 1970, and the last
regularly scheduled meeting of the Council prior to this was March 16,
Councilman Beaven said he saw good arguments on both sides of the
question but he tended to favor the wait and see approach. He stress-
ed the importance of determining needs and acting accordingly rather
than giving in to what was wanted. He felt that a police facility was
needed in the near future and that much planning was necessary before
this could be a reality. He also reviewed the need for developing
existing park sites but had reservations about purchasing more land
now. He said he could not advocate a big spender policy when people
were in a belt-tightening mood. As soon as the economy settled down
would be when he favored trying for a bond issue.
Subsequent to the individual position statements by each of the
Councilmen considerable debate took place on the various issues which
included: the time element required for planning and presenting a bond
proposal to the public; the possibilities of funding each of the sug-
gested projects by means other than a bond issue; a prognostication
Minutes of the City Council meeting held January 12, 1970
Bond Issue discussion cont'd.
of the nation's economy and its effect on the City's fiscal situation
with respect to capital improvements; the desirability of establishing
a target date for proposing a bond issue; and, the manner in which all
the various reports and recommendations would be consolidated and pre-
sented for further review and action.
Mayor Dempster summarized the concensus of the Council in that the
following would occur:
1. The City Manager would consolidate and condense all reports
and recommendations submitted thus far on suggested capital improvements
as to probable costs of each, approaches to take as to financing and re-
late them to the needs of the City. Two separate reports are to be pre-
pared, one of which will address itself only to the bond issue projects
and the other to all other projects. The reports will be discussed
separately at two different meetings of the City Council, the first of
which will take place on February l6, 1970.
2. The Council will meet in adjourned session at 7:00 P.M. Monday,
January 19, 1970 in the Library of the City Hall to receive and discuss
the previously requested report from the City Manager and Mr. Lewis on
the question of a City police facility.
3. The City Manager is to meet with the principals of t~~
Ranch and the Damico properties to receive a proposa:¡'!".. &h~'
time purchase agreement and to report thereon to the Counti~ in
port referred to in l, above.
as, to a
thè . r'e-
4. The Director of Parks and Recreation is to submit a written
report on the current review and recommendations of the Parks and Re-
creation Commission as to the master plan for the development of the
Memorial Park - the report to be presented for discussion at an adjourn-
ed meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:30 P.M. February 9, 1970.
5. The City Manager is to arrange for and schedule interviews with
those architects as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission
so that the Council may interview the first one at 8:00 P.M. on February
9, 1970.
For the record, it was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilma
Fitzgerald and passed unanimously, that a target date of the General
Election in November be set as the proposed date to put before the people
a bond issue for major capital improvements within the City.
Director of Public Works Yarborough presented to the Council the possibi-
lity of improving Stevens Creek Boulevard west of the proposed freeway
interchange by using urban extension funds. The difficulty came from the
width requirement of the l34 feet as compared to the l20 foot standard
used to the east of this point. To set the 114 foot width as a standard
would qualify the City to apply for some $500,000.00 in Federal funds.
Councilman Noel moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passed
page 3
by Mayor
suggestion by
Director of
Public Works
page 4
request of
Minutes of the City Council January 12, 1970
unanimously that the standard width for Stevens Creek Boulevard west of
the freeway interchange be set at 134 feet.
Mr. Yarborough also presented to the Council his fear that the proposed
diamond interchange near De Anza College would be inadequate. He re-
quested permission to discuss the situation with the State and to explore
the feasibility of this with a possible loop pattern. It was so moved
by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald and passed un-
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:46 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on January 19,
1970 in the Library of the City Hall on the motion of Councilman Stokes
and the second of Councilman Beaven.
City Clerk