CC 03-16-70
CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California
Phone: 252-4505
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Dempster who
led the salute to the flag.
Roll Call
Councilmen present: Beaven, Fitzgerald (8:35 P.M.), Noel, Stokes
and Mayor Dempster. Also present: City Manager Storm, City Clerk-
Finance Director Ryder, Director of Public Works Yarborough,
Director of Planning Sisk, Chief Building Inspector Benevich,
Parks and Recreation Director Parham, Assistant Planner Cowan.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Mayor Dempster called for concurrence in the amended minutes of
February 2, 1970 and for any corrections, additions or omissions to
the minutes of February 16, 1970 and March 2, 1970. There being no
objections, the said minutes were unanimously approved as submitted
on individual motions of Councilman Noel and individual seconds by,
Councilman Stokes.
Written Communications
City Clerk Ryder reported that a timely appeal had been filed by
Mr. Leonard Gensensway, the applicant for Applications 5-TM-70 and
5-U-70 appealing the denial by the Planning Commission. The appeal
requested that the public hearing be held May 4, 1970.
It was moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Stokes and
passed unanimously that the appeal on Applications 5-TM-70 and 5-U-70
be set for May 4, 1970.
Oral Communications
Mr. Wilfred E. Blessing, architect for the proposed library building,
presented the plans and the specifications to the Council, stating
that they had been approved,by all other public agencies and after
approval by the Council could be put out to bid. The Council accepted
the plans and specifications and formally approved them on behalf of
the City of Cupertino.
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel and
passed unanimously that the plans for the Cupertino Library be adver-
tised for bid with a bid opening date of April 21, 1970.
ppeal of
enial on
-TM-70 &
page 2
Minutes of the City Council March 16, 1970
Report of Planning Commission
1. Application 2-V-70 from Martin A. Kasik for a Variance
to reduce sideyard setback from required six (6)
feet to five (5) feet; lot 39 at end of cul-de-sac
Lindy Place.
It was determined by Mayor Dempster that the applicant was not
present. Councilman Noel stated that he had been present at the
Planning Commission meeting where the public hearing had been
held and on the basis of what had been said at that meeting he
moved that Application 2-V-70 be denied as recommended by the
Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Beaven and passed unanimously.
Report of Architectural and Site Approval Committee
1. Application 454-HC-70 from Warren Gilbert & Associates,
AlA, requesting approval to construct a 140 unit
Townhouse Complex off Foothill Boulevard, north of
Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Mr. Warren Gilbert presented the application and by means of render-
ings explained the proposed development. He said that the project
was for l40 Townhouse units having condominium ownership. The
architecture would consist of three basic roof types--gabled with
wood shakes, mansard with wood shakes and mansard with terracota
tile. He said the units would be rustic in nature and would have
two, three and four-bedroom styles of one or two stories from a
minimum of l,OOO sq. ft. to a maximum of 1,600 sq. ft. He pointed
out that the project would have a self-contained recreational center
and, in response to Counc,ilman Beaven's question, said that it
would consist of a large swimming pool, putting green, two buildings
(one for showers, dressing rooms and sauna baths and one for a
lounge and gate area) and several small play areas throughout the
complex designed especially for small children. He also remarked
that inasmuch as the project abutted the P. G. & E. Substation,
considerable landscaping of this perimeter would be done.
There being no further questions or comments, it was moved by
Councilman Beaven, seconded by Councilman Noel and passed unanimously
that Application 454-HC~70 be approved as recommended by the Archi-
tectural and Site Approval Committee.
2. Application 452-HC~70 from Mr, and Mrs. George Piepgras
requesting approval to convert existing building,
located at 20085 Stevens Creek Boulevard, for commercial
use as an antique shop.
The applicant was absent from the meeting and the application was
presented by Chief Building Inspector Benevich. He said that not
much conversation had taken place at the earlier meeting, primarily
because the building already existed and no formal plans had been
Minutes of the City Council March 16, 1970
Report of Architectural and Site Approval Committee cont'd.
submitted. He said that most of the discussions had to do with the
sign which would have an application processed through normal chan-
nels in the near future. Councilman Stokes stated that he could not
understand how the application had processed this far without the
submission of formal plans and that this had never been done before
to his knowledge. With this explanation he then made a motion which
was seconded by Councilman Noel and passed unanimously that Applica-
tion 452-HC-70 be referred back to the Architectural and Site
Approval Committee.
3. Application 457-HC-70 from Monsanto Company requesting
approval for the landscaping of the parking lot addition
for Lot 8, West Valley Industrial Park.
Chief Building Inspector Benevich stated that this was a routine
request and that it conformed to that landscaping of other lots in
the area which previously had been granted approval.
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel and
passed unanimously that Application 457-HC-70 be approved as
recommended by the Architectural and Site Approval Committee.
Report of Parks and Recreation Commission
There had been no meeting and there were no minutes.
Public Hearings
1. Application 2-Z-70 from Eterna Builders, Inc. for
rezoning from Multiple Residential - 2200 square
feet of lot areacper dwelling unit (R3-2.2) Zone to
Duplex Residential ~ 4250 square feet lot area per
dwelling unit (R2-4.25) Zone; Lot 25, Tract 3277,
located west side of Greenwood Court, adjacent to
Calabazas Creek.
Planning Director Sisk,presented the application and located the
property on a map for the Council. He said that this particular
application was somewhat unusual in that the owner wished to con-
struct a duplex but the land was zoned for Multiple Residential.
There being no further comments, it was moved by Councilman Noel,
seconded by Councilman Stokes and passed unanimously that the public
hearing be closed.
It was moved by Councilman, Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel and
passed unanimously that Ordinance No. 456 be read by title only
and that the Mayor's reading constitute the first reading of the
page 3
referred to
Ord. 456
page 4
Res. 1955
Res. 19,56
Res. 1957
to City
Res. 1958
Minutes of the City Council March 16, 1970
l. Resolution No. 1955, approving payroll for period
ending March lO, 1970.
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel that
Resolution No. 1955 be adopted.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Noel, Stokes, Mayor Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Fitzgerald
2. Resolution No. 1956, approving miscellaneous and general
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel that
Resolution No. 1956 be adopted.
Ayes: Councilmen Beaven, Noel, Stokes, Mayor Dempster
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Fitzgerald
3. Resolution No. 1957, granting a Variance (9-V-69) to
Mission Furniture Company for reducing the number of
on-site parking spaces.
In the absence of the City Attorney, City Clerk Ryder relayed to the
Council the information given to him by the City Attorney that this
resolution, if adopted and recorded, would constitute a restriction
on the deed. It was the City Attorney's recommendation that this
process be followed rather than the one of having a deed restriction
submitted by the applicant.
Councilman Stokes said that because this did not conform to Council
directive that the matter be postponed to the following meeting for a
report by the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Noel and passed unanimously.
4. Resolution No. 1958, instructing the Water Depart-
ment Fiscal Agent totransfer:surplus funds to the
City Treasurer.
It was
mdved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman
unanimously that Resolution No. ,1958 be adopted.
Councilmen Beaven, Noel"Stokes; Mayor Dempster
Councilman Fitzgerald
Noel and
5. Resolution No. 1959, resolution of intention concern-
ing accumulation and expenditure of TOPICS Funds by
the City of Cupertino.
Minutes of the City Council March 16, 1970
Resolutions cont'd.
It was
moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman
unanimously that Resolution No. 1959 be adopted.
Councilmen Beaven, Noel, Stokes, Mayor Dempster
Councilman Fitzgerald
Noel and
6. Resolution No. 1960, urging the Santa Clara County
Planning Policy Committee to study the Mountain Mass,
which is comprised of Black Mountain, Montebello and
Skyline Ridges to determine proper use.
It was
moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel and
unanimously that Resolution No. 1960 be adopted.
Councilmen Beaven, Noel, Stokes, Mayor Dempster
Councilman Fitzgerald
7. Resolution No. 1961, urging the Local Agency Formation
Commission to establish the sphere of influence boundaries
between the City of Cupertino and its neighboring cities
in accordance with the policy objectives outlined by the
Local Agency Formation Commission.
It was
moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman
unanimously that Resolution No. 1961 be adopted.
Councilmen Beaven, Noel, Stokes, Mayor Dempster
Councilman Fitzgerald
Noel and
Unfinished Business
1. Councilman Stokes reiterated the purpose and results of a
meeting called by the City of San Jose relative to its proposal for
a community bus program. This proposal did not gain acceptance of
those cities represented and it was Councilman Stokes' motion which
was seconded by Councilman Noel and passed unanimously to have the
City of Cupertino respond officially to this proposal, stating that
it was not in the best interest of Cupertino.
2. Councilman Noel inquired as to the status of the report
having to do with the improvement of the east side of South Blaney
Avenue which previously had been requested. City Manager Storm re-
sponded, saying that the information was ready but in view of the
discussions which had been held on the proposed development in that
area, he had been waiting for some decision to be reached before sub-
mitting the report. Mayor Dempster then requested that the City
Manager and the Director of Public Works do what they could to
expedite the submission of this report at the earliest possible time.
3. Councilman Beaven said that he had received numerous com-
plaints as to the excess gravel on the streets of the Peppertree
page 5
Res. 1959
Res. 1960
Res. 1961
bus pro-
S. Blaney
page 6
signals at
& Rte. 85
Minutes of the City Council March 16, 1970
Unfinished Business cont'd.
subdivision, the gravel having come from a chip sealing program of
several months ago. He submitted a request, which was concurred in
by the Council, for the City Manager to submit a report on this type
of street maintenance program versus other methods and to indicate
for each the anticipated life expectancy and cost per square foot.
New Business
1. Director of Public Works Yarborough reported on the opening
of bids that afternoon for the island modifications and traffic
signals at Sears location, Stevens Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road.
It was his recommendation that the contract for the signals and
island modification be granted to R. J. Zipse for its low bid of
$52,162 which recommendation was placed into a motion by Councilman
Stokes which was then seconded by Councilman Noel and passed unani-
2. Mr. Yarborough reported that the second bid of this project
was for a traffic signal controller and cabinet and it was his
recommendation that the contract be awarded to Singer Traffic Con-
toller Co. for its low bid of $10,250, which recommendation was
placed into a motion by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman
Noel and passed unanimously.
3. Councilman Beaven remarked that now the plans for the
library were going out to bid, it was his suggestion that the City
Manager do whatever could be done to accelerate the installation of
traffic signals at Rodriguez Avenue and Route 85. The City Manager
said that the last State report indicated a lack of justification at
this time for these signals but wouldre-survey the situation after
the library was in operation. He said he had been informed that the
State would not re-survey the situation until that time.
Report of Officers
A. City Treasurer
The City Treasurer had no further report.
B. City Manager
1. City Manager Storm reported that he had received from Mr.
Headly a proposed agreement for the development of plans for the
Community Center Building. He said that it now was in order for the
Mayor and City Clerk to sign this agreement on behalf of the City of
Cupertino with Architect Headly.
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman
Noel and passed unanimously that the Mayor and City Clerk be authori-
zed to sign the said agreement.
Minutes of the City Council March 16, 1970
Report of City Manager cont'd.
2. The City Manager reported that recently the City Council
had authorized the purchase of a duplex in the Monta Vista area
which had been slated for removal by the State in conjunction with
its rerouting of Highway 85. He said this building now was the
property of Cupertino and that it had to be removed prior to June 7,
1970. City Manager Storm requested of the Council permission to
have this ,building moved at an estimated cost of $5,000.
In response to Councilman Stokes' objections and questions,
it was determined that sealed competitive bids had not been obtained
and it was his suggestion that the City avoid possible legal compli-
cations by having this project put out to bid. It was so ordered by
the Mayor.
C. City Attorney
The City Attorney was absent.
D. Director of Public Works
Director of Public Works Yarborough reviewed a written report he had
submitted to the Council suggesting a change in the sidewalk standards
to encourage developers to permit five foot sidewalks instead of ten
foot sidewalks with the additional area devoted to landscaping in
addition to that which is already required. He suggested that the
matter be referred to the Planning Commission for further study and
its recommendation. This waS so moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded
by Councilman Noel and passed unanimously.
It was reported that maintenance periods on the municipal improvements
have elapsed in conjunction with Tract No. 4398, West Valley Indus-
trial Park, Unit 1 and Eugene A. Ravizza Commercial Center frontage
on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and requested approval to retire the bonds.
It was moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Beaven and
passed unanimously that the bonds be released for the named suggested
It was also reported that the Municipal improvements in
with the Speedy Mart at the Saratoga~Sunnyvale Road and
Avenue had been completed and it was his recommendation
improvements be accepted.
that the
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel and
passed unanimously that the improvements of the subject development
be accepted.
E. Director of Planning
There was no further report from the Director of Planning.
page 7
ids re-
for house
to P. C.
for study
page 8
FM radio
Ord. 306(a)
Minutes of the City Council March 16, 1970
Report of Officers cont'd.
F. Chief Building Inspector
Chief Building Inspector Benevich reported on a meeting held between
Mrs. Pauline Woodruff, Architect Myers (representing the Mervyns
development), and the owners of residential property abutting the
rear of this commercial development. The meeting had been called to
reconcile differences on the height of the masonry wall separating
these properties. Mr. Benevich said that it was agreed by all con-
cerned that Mrs. Woodruff, and owner of the commercial property,
would install at her expense a wall averaging six feet in height.
G. Director of Parks and Recreation
1. Director of Parks and Recreation Parham reported that the
Radio Club of Cupertino finally had received a permit to start con-
struction of a FM radio station. This station would be operated by
student groups of the City and would probably have its studio in the
building to be moved onto the Hillside Park property. He said that
financial assistance would be sought from the Cupertino Jaycees,
the Assurance Science Foundation of Mt. View (who already have indi-
cated financial support), as well as the De Anza Associated Students
and the school districts. It was estimated that the operating costs
would be about $50 a month.
2. Mr. Parham reported on the investigation and meetings which
had taken place relative to the sycamore trees in the Westacres sub-
division. He said that four of the trees on McClellan Road should
be removed as requested by the property owners. It was the consensus
of all other property owners, which was also his recommendation, that
the City undertake 'a preventative maintenance program of spraying
and pruning the remaining trees at suitable times and to make periodic
inspections for potential root damage to sidewalks. He replied to
Councilman Stokes' question that all sidewalk damage to date had been
repaired and the offending roots cut.
H. City Clerk-Finance Director
1. City Clerk-Finance Director Ryder reported that through a
clerical oversight, the agenda did not carry as an item of business
Ordinance No. 306(a) which would amend 'Item 9 'of the Architectural
and Site Approval Committee check list. If enacted, it would specify
that the six foot minimum for masonry walls be measured from the
residential side.
It was moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman
Noel and passed unanimously that the City Clerk read Ordinance
No. 306(a) by title only and that this reading constitute the first
reading of the Ordinance.
2. It was reported that March 16 was the first day registered
voters could request and receive Absent Voter Ballots for the
General Municipal Election of April 14, 1970.
Minutes of the City Council March 16, 1970
page 9
Report of City Clerk-Finance Director cont'd.
3. It was reported that the City had received information from
its insurance broker that the carrier had cancelled coverage for
riot and civil commotion. Mr. Ryder informed the Council that in-
quiries were underway as to whether or not another insurance company
would be able to provide this coverage and if so, at what costs.
The Council will be informed of the information as soon as it is
Mayor Dempster adjourned the meeting at 8:56 P.M.