CC 06-15-70
CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California
Phone: 252-4505
Vice Mayor Noel called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. and led the
salute to the flag.
Roll Call
Councilmen in attendance: Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel. Absent:
Mayor Stokes. Also Present: City Manager Storm, City Attorney Anderson,
City Clerk-Finance Director Ryder, Director of Public Works Yarborough,
Planning Director Sisk, Chief Building Inspector Benevich, Parks and Re-
creation Director Parham, Assistant Planner Cowan.
Vice Mayor Noel requested that the record show Mayor Stokes being ab-
sent on City business.
Written Communications
1. As requested by the applicant it was moved by Councilman Frolich,
seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald and passed unanimously to remove Appli-
cation 465-HC-70 from the Council agenda.
2. The requests and advices from Mrs. Mary Castiglia, 10161 Phar
Lap Drive; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Szabo, l0235 Creston Drive; and the
Oakdell Ranch Homeowners Association were received and read into the re-
Vice Mayor Noel advised those present that the City Council
could not postpone the public hearing beyond the meeting of July 20 solely
because of an individual request. He said previous appearances before the
Council indicated interest being shown in this by proponents as well as
It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman
Green and passed unanimously that the public hearing previously scheduled
for July 6, 1970 relative to the construction of a footbridge across
Stevens Creek be rescheduled for public hearing at the meeting of July 20,
from agenda
hearing on
for July 20
3. City Manager Storm explained that the request by Vallco Park for
a resubmittal to the State by the City of a request for construction of resolution
the overcrossing structure over Interstate 280 at Tantau Avenue was a ¡requested
matter of unfinished business. After hearing Mr. Storm's explanation of ifo~ Tantau
the history of this project it was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, second-!overcrossing
ed by Councilman Frolich and passed unanimously that the City Manager haveí
r- a resolution prepared for consideration at the next Council meeting. I
page 2
by resident
of San Juan
Road re
comment by
Minutes of the City Council June 15, 1970
Written Communications Cont'd.
The written communications were filed on motion of Councilman Fitzgerald
and second of Councilman Green.
Oral Communications
Mr. Harold W. Roberts, 2246l San Juan Road, addressed the Council on the
subject of improper water service on San Juan Road. He cited the pre-
valent danger to health and welfare from this corroded two-inch line
which probably had been installed some twenty to thirty years ago and
now services thirty homes. He said that residents in the area often were
out of water anywhere from a few minutes to as much as twelve to fourteen
hours. He contended that it was not possible to operate a modern home
under these conditions and that fire prevention was totally impossible.
He said that attempts had been made in the past to have this situation
corrected through contacts with the City officials. The County Health
Department had been contacted and they had expressed surprise and concern
that the water pressure was 6~ to 7 pounds instead of a normal 40 to 80
He continued by saying the situation was so bad the State Attorney General
had been petitioned for assistance. At that time, approximately a year
ago, he said corrective action had been promised by October of 1969.
Volume of water was not a problem in the winter even though pressure was
lacking. He had been advised that the construction of the new water
tank would cure these ills but there had been water outages several times
this spring. He said that he now has been told corrective action would
be taken sometime in September of this year. He alleged that the City
still professed unawareness of the severity of the situation and after a
review there had been a temporary bypass in the line to alleviate the
most critical problem. He said that he had been told plans were in pro-
gress and would be implemented when affirmed by the City Council.
Then Mayor Noel advised Mr. Roberts and members of the audience that the
City Council did not take this situation lightly and assured them that
there would be full discussion on the problem and the corrective action
would be taken immediately.
City Manager Storm explained that the water tank itself had the highest
priority and that this had depleted the cash reserves of the Water Depart-
ment. He said he would request permission of the Council at this meeting
to go to bid for a new main, the contract to be let sometime in August
when sufficient cash is made available.
Mayor Noel then asked if thè water pressure had improved any during the
:last month. Mr. Storm replied tha~ a valve had been turned off which
iprevented the looping or the recirculation of water. This now had been
Minutes of the City Council June 15, 1970
Oral Communications Cont'd.
turned on and with the tank being drained
admitted that a fire hazard was there but
installation of the new line.
the pressure had increased. He
that could be resolved with the
Councilman Frolich had a question as to whether the corrective action was
of a temporary nature only or if, in fact, the problem would stay solved
so far as these customers were concerned. Mr. Storm said that definitely
the customers' problems had been solved. Councilman Fitzgerald wondered
if the Council had not been led to believe that the new tank was to have
been the answer to all these problems. Mr. Storm said that the new tank
had no effect on this line and that plans for a new one have been in the
making for so~e time. Only the lack of the $15,000 to $20,000 required
to install it has prevented the construction from having taken place al-
Mr. Angelo Guidotti, 11041 Stevens Canyon Road, advised the Council that
he did not have any water pressure either today or last weekend. He said
that at the time the new tank was being constructed he had been advised
that the pressure of that tank would affect his service but to date it
had not. Mr. Storm said that the water from the tank was going into the
entire system but that with this particular customer being at the end of
the line it would be the responsibility of the property owner if the size
of his service was to be increased.
Councilman Green asked if the service had been improved during the past
week to which the reply was in the negative. Councilman Fitzgerald said
he thought that the construction of the new tank was to have cured the
ills of the Water Department and suggested that the Water Department
should borrow money from another fund, if necessary, to provide proper
Mayor Noel suggested that the staff submit a report at the meeting of
July 6 on what has been done and what will be done in the immediate
future in the way of corrective action.
This suggestion was put in the form of a motion by Councilman Fitzgerald
which then was seconded by Councilman Frolich and passed unanimously.
Report of Council Representatives
There being no meetings of the Commissions and Committees, there were
no reports submitted other than by Councilman Green.
Councilman Green commented that a meeting was held on June 11, 1970 of
the Solid Waste Committee of the Planning Policy Committee when the
question of hired consultants was discussed. He said that a report
would be made on this in July and the Council would be so informed at
that time.
i page 3
! comments
by City
!report on
report of
page 4
of the City Council June 15, 1970
of Planning Commission
Application l2-TM-70 from Marvin M. Smith for a
Tentative Map adjusting the property line to
divide 18,556 square feet into two lots in an R2-
4.25 Zone located on the southerly side of Alcalde
Road approximately 80 feet westerly of Merriman
Road. Recommended for approval by the Planning
Commission on June 8, 1970.
¡Prior to the presentation of the application by Chairman Puetz, Mayor
!Noel extended his and the Council's congratulations on being elected
'Chairman of the Planning Commission for the coming year.
IChairman Puetz commented that the present zoning was for R3 and was
¡within the jurisdiction of the County. The property is in the process
'of being annexed and when it is, it will be zoned R2. There are four
presentation!existing buildings on the property which are quite old and are non-
¡conforming. The question relative to this Tentative Map is the adjust-
:ing of the property line to permit a duplex to be erected on the front
:Mr. Sisk replied to Councilman Green's question that the indicated
by 'easement was the access to Alcalde Road. The Planning Commission was
'concerned about this egress and the approval of this Tentative Map
:would guarantee access to Parcel B. The subdivision was completed in
¡1917, the easement is now vacant and the nonconforming use would not
,be affected by the changed property line.
'Councilman Fitzgerald asked if the easement was to be improved to which
the reply was that the 12 Standard Conditions were made a part of the
development, thus requiring improvements.
Councilman Green wondered if the City had a plan to solve the problems
,of other similar parcels having the same characteristics or if it was
going to treat each one separately. He was told that the latter was
,the only practical solution and that this application was somewhat of
:a precedent-setting action.
'Councilman Fitzgerald commented that all these lots at one time had
,access by a 25 foot strip but now those strips either had been sold
ior, in some cases, had houses built on them.
¡Councilman Frolich thought that the lot was too small for a duplex but
Mas zoned as such and wondered if there was a possible alternative if
¡the application was denied. Mr. Sisk assured him that the existing
¡parcels were buildable.
lIt was moved by Councilman ~rolich, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald
¡that Application l2-TM-70 be approved subject to the conditions imposed
by the Planning Commission. The motion passed with Councilman Green
voting no.
Minutes of the City Council June 15, 1970
Application l2-TM-69, request for extension of
time from Ward Crump Developments, Inc. as ap-
proved by the City Council June 16, 1969. Re-
commended for approval of time extension by the
Planning Commission on June 8, 1970.
There being no questions it was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded
by Councilman Frolich and passed unanimously that the requested exten-
sion of time for Application 12-TM-69 be granted.
Application lO-TM-70 from E. H. Baker for a
Tentative Map on approximately .75 acre locat-
ed on the west side of Linda Vista Drive, 350
feet south of Columbus Avenue. Recommended for
approval by the Planning Commission on May 25,
It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald and
passed unanimously that Application 10-TM-70 be considered with the
public hearing for the companion application for rezoning.
Report of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee
City Clerk Ryder informed the Mayor that he was in receipt of three re-
quests requesting that applications on the agenda be continued to the
meeting of July 6, 1970. Based on the request by the applicant in each
case and on individual motions and seconds by Councilman Frolich and
Councilman Fitzgerald,respectively, which motions were passed unanimous-
ly, Applications 463-HC-70, 429-HC-70 and 466-HC-70 were continued to
July 6, 1970.
Application 308-HC-67 from Otsen Signs, 152
Kennedy Avenue, Campbell, requesting approval
to erect a 19 square foot plastic sign for
Mike's Hero Restaurant located at 20840 Stevens
Creek Boulevard. Recommended for approval on
June 10, 1970.
There being no questions on the presentation by Chief Building Inspector
Benevich, it was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Frolich
and passed unanimously that Application 308-HC-67 be approved as recom-
mended by the Architectural and Site Approval Committee.
Application 469-HC-70 from Admiral Mobilhome
Products, 180 E. Sunnyoaks, Campbell, requesting
approval to install two aluminum patio awnings
at Chuck Thompson's Swim School located at 22340
Homestead Road. Recommended for approval on June
10, 1970.
¡page 5
Ito be heard
!under Public
page 6
City Council Minutes of June 15, 1970
Application 469-HC-70 Cont'd.
There being no questions it was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded
by Councilman Frolich and passed unanimously that Application 469-HC-70
be approved as recommended.
Application 470-HC-70 from Barnhart Construction
Company, 785 Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara, request-
ing approval to construct an addition to the
Wells Fargo Bank located at 10260 S. Saratoga-
Sunnyvale Road. Recommended for approval on
June lO, 1970.
It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Frolich and
passed unanimously that Application 470-HC-70 be approved as recommended.
Mayor Noel said, on oversight, he had neglected to extend the same con-
gratulations and best wishes to Chairman Adams on his election to that
position for the coming year. He then extended such congratulations.
Report of Parks and Recreation Commission
The minutes of the June 8, 1970 meeting were received and filed.
Public Hearings
Application 9-Z-70 from E. H. Baker requesting the
Rezoning of approximately .75 acre located on the
west side of Linda Vista Drive, 350 feet south of
Columbus Avenue from Agricultural-Residential Single-
family One Acre Lots (Al-re) Zone to Residential
Single-family 10,000 square feet Lots (RI-IO) Zone.
Recommended for approval by the Planning Commission
on May 25, 1970.
Mayor Noel said that Application lO-TM-70 would be considered with this
application for Rezoning.
Mr. Estin Baker presented the application and said he would be willing
to answer any questions the Council may have.
Planning Director Sisk advised that the applicant had agreed to the 12
Standard Conditions and the required dedications.
In answer to Councilman Frolich's question, Mr. Yarborough replied that
because the radius was to be built sometime in the futur~Mr. Baker was
not now being required to improve the access to the park.
It was moved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald
and passed unanimously that the public hearing be closed.
Minutes of the City Council June l5, 1970
Public Hearings Cont'd. - 9-Z-70, lO-TM-70
Councilman Frolich moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was pass-
ed unanimously that Application 9-Z-70 be approved subject to the con-
ditions imposed by the Planning Commission.
Councilman Frolich moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was ap-
proved unanimously that Application 10-TM-70 be approved subject to the
conditions imposed by the Planning Commission.
First reading of Ordinance No. 464: "An Ordinance
of the City of Cupertino Amending Section 1 af
Ordinance No. 2 by Reclassifying a Certain Portion
or the City of Cupertino from Agricultural-Resi-
dential Single-Family 10,000 Square Feet Lots (Rl-
10) Zone; Approximately .74 Acre Located West Side
of Linda Vista Drive, 350 Feet South of Columbus
Avenue and North of the Entrance of Hillside Park."
It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Frolich
that Ordinance No. 464 be read by title only and that the Mayor's reading
of the title constitute the first reading of the ordinance.
Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Stokes
Second reading of Ordinance No. 462: "An Ordinance
of the City of Cupertino Amending Section 1 of
Ordinance No. 2 by Reclassifying a C~rtain Portion
of the City of Cupertino from Single-Family Resi-
dential (Rl-IO) Zone to Light Industrial (ML) Zone;
Approximately .58 Acre Located West of and Adjacent
to Southern Pacific Railroad and Approximately 200
feet North of Stevens Creek Boulevard."
It moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Frolich and
passed unanimously that Ordinance No. 462 be read by title only and
that the reading of the title by the Mayor constitute the second reading
of the ordinance.
It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Frolich
that Ordinance No. 462 be enacted.
Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Stokes
Resolution No. 1999: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain
Claims and Demands Payable in the amounts and
page 7
Ord. 464
Ord. 464
Ord. 462
lrd. 462
es. 1999
page 8
Res. 1999
Res. 2000
Res. 2001
Res. 2002
Minutes of the City Council June l5, 1970
Resolution No. 1999 Cont'd:
From the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries
and Wages for Payroll Period Ending June 2, 1970."
It was moved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Green that
Resolution No. 1999 be adopted.
i Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel
I Noes: None
I Absent: Mayor Stokes
I Resolution No. 2000: "A Resolution of the City
I Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain
I Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and From
i the Funds as Hereinafter Described For Miscellaneous
i It was mov::db:e:::::i::::n::::::::"seconded by Councilman Green that
¡ Resolution No. 2000 be adopted.
! Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel
! Noes: None
I Absent: Mayor Stokes
; It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald
I that Resolution No. 2001 be adopted.
¡Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel
!Noes: None
¡Absent: Mayor Stokes
lIt was moved by Councilman Green,
Resolution No. 2002 be adopted.
,Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald,
¡Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Stokes
Resolution No. 200l: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Cupertino Ordering Vacation
of a Portion of a Public Utilities Easement Within
the City of Cupertino Pursuant to Section 50430 of
the Government Code of the State of California."
Resolution No. 2002: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Cupertino Declaring Its
Intention to Order Vacation of a Portion of a
Public Utilities Easement Within the City of
Cupertino Pursuant to Section 50430 of the
Government Code of the State of California,
Fixing Time and Place for Hearing and Providing
for Notice Thereof."
seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald that
Frolich, Green, Noel
Minutes of the City Council June 15, 1970
Unfinished Business
1. At the request of the Planning Director, the selection by the
Council of a date or dates for a joint meeting for presentation by
County staff of report on housing situation for 1969 was continued to
the next regularly scheduled meeting.
2. The City Manager reported that he had received some maps from
the Mayor of Palo Alto indicating the proposed Open Range Park Program
in the Palo Alto Foothills. He said there was no further information
On the motion of Councilman Fitzgerald, the second of Council-
man Green, which was passed unanimously, this matter was turned over to
the Parks and Recreation Commission for further study and report at some
future meeting.
3. City Manager Storm reported that the bill in the Legislature
purporting to make surplus State lands available to municipalities for
open space purposes at half-cost was still in committee and, in all
likelihood, would remain there. No further action was taken on this.
4. Chief Building Inspector Benevich stated that,as requested, he
had reviewed the applications involving the approval resulting in the
lack of landscaping in the vicinity of the Straw Hat Pizza establishment.
He said that the applications for the Straw Hat Pizza and the old Wilson
house had been heard at one hearing before the Architectural and Site
Approval Committee.
The record indicates that some landscaping was to have been in
front of the house with but very little being around the Pizza Parlor.
He said he had discussed this problem with Mrs. Woodruff, the owner, and
she had indicated willingness to conform to the wishes of the City. He
reported that there was discussion of installing some additional land-
scaping and shrubbery by the cutting through of the paved parking area.
Mayor Noel expressed his appreciation for Mrs. Woodruff's co-
operative attitude. Mayor Noel then answered Councilman Frolich's ques-
tion if the review by the Architectural and Site Approval Committee was
the only assurance or means the City had for having proper landscaping
installed. He said that, in this case, the applications had been pro-
cessed without the landscaping requirements and since then the procedures
have changed to prevent a recurrence.
5. Mr. John Benedetti of the Sutter Hill Development Company ad-
dressed the Council asking for modification of the restriction which
would not permit construction of a gas station at Homestead and Stelling
Roads until construction of the adjoining commercial area. He reviewed
age 9
eport on
ap of
eferred to
& R
o further
¡ction re
tate land
discussion on
at Straw Hat
Pizza and
old Wilson
Sutter Hill
page 10
Minutes of the City Council June l5, 1970
Unfinished Business Cont'd.
the history of the applications and said that 20 of the 25 acres had now
been developed, a portion of the commercial property had been resold to
Albertson's Market and Gulf Oil Company in good faith, over $50,000 had
been expended for the undergrounding of utilities and contracts had been
entered into for street improvements. On the basis of this, he requested
the Council to evaluate the company's intent and to appraise the sequence
of events. He said the property was owned by Gulf Oil Company but that,
through no fault of theirs, they cannot build their station. He said
Sutter Hill Development Company had no monetary interest in the property.
Mayor Noel said that this WaS the second request for relief from these
discussion restrictions. He said he could appreciate the position the company was
of i in but that the City had been hurt before in similar stations where the
restrictioni same plea had been made and, when granted, the commercial portion had not
imposed re i been completed, leaving only a gas station.
of gas I Councilman Frolich said he does not necessarily share everyone else's
station I views that the worst thing you can put on a piece of property is a gas
at Homestead station. Whether good or bad, there is a limitation. There is no way
& Stelling I' the City can arbitrarily say, "No more stations~" Therefore, he continued,
it is reasonable to condition further stations on some reasonable contin-
gency from a development standpoint. He thought, though, that if relief
was granted the City would be placing itself right back where it started.
COfll.mi t tee
Councilman Fitzgerald said he basically agreed with these comments.
Councilman Green indicated he would like the benefit of the study now
being conducted in the Planning Commission and, generally, he concurred
with the feelings of the other Councilmen.
Councilman Fitzgerald asked if the Use Permit for the gas station was
still in effect. Planning Director Sisk said that the Use Permit had been
issued in April, 1969 and he could find no evidence of an extension having
been requested.
It being the consensus of the Council that the issue was dead, no further
I action was taken.
I New Business
I 1. Mayor Noel reviewed the recommendation advanced by Mayor Stokes
,at the last meeting for the creation of a Cupertino Citizen's Goals Committee.
¡Mr. Sisk said that due to the lack of time between when the invitations had
'I' gone out and the current meeting he had received but two responses from
members of the Council and none from any of the service clubs.
2. Councilman Green expressed his concern as to the vandalism in the
parks. He said this had resulted in several discussions with deputy sheriffs
and had found from them their complaints on enforcement being due to no curfew
being imposed and no postings in the parks as to closing time. They said
Minutes of the City Council June 15, 1970
New Business Contti.
that it was not possible to enforce what was not in existence. He said
that the City Manager had prepared an urgency ordinance establishing a
City curfew having certain requirements that this was needed now, parti-
cularly with school being through for the summer.
The City Manager said that the ordinance prepared was a standard
type of curfew ordinance and, if enacted, appropriate signs would be in-
stalled in the parks by Wednesday.
The City Manager replied to Councilman Fitzgerald's question
that no other city having a contract with the Sheriff's Department had
such a curfew ordinance.
At the request of Mayor Noel, City Clerk Ryder read Ordinance No.
465 in fulL
It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Frolich
that Ordinance No. 465 be enacted as an urgency ordinance.
Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel
Noes: None
Absent: Mayor Stokes
3. Review of Santa Clara County application requesting approval for
the following as submitted by the applicant - Roman Catholic Archbishop
of San Francisco (Los Altos Investment Company)
Change of zone from Exclusive Agriculture (A)
Zone to Residential Agriculture (Al-H) Zone
and for a Use Permit to allow a 957 space
mobile home park with related stores, coffee
shop and service station facility on approxi-
mately 159.8 acres located westerly of Mary-
knoll Road and southerly of Junipero Serra
Mayor Noel introduced the subject matter and said a proposed resolution
had been distributed to members of the Council but this was of such im-
portance he wished to have some discussion on it. He said the proposal
was coming up before the County on June 18 and that the County was ask-
ing for City participation and approval on it.
Planning Director Sisk reported that he had received an official notice
last Friday that an application had been filed to develop a 957 space
mobilhome park with related commercial activities. He then oriented
the Council to the specific location of the subject property, pointing
out that access to the entire project would be by Maryknoll Road with
only an emergency access into Los Altos.
age 11
n curfew
Curfew Ord.
r65 enacted
!comments by
page l2
Minutes of the City Council June 15, 1970
He said the property basically is dedicated to cemetary use and that
this proposal is to provide some type of interim use as an economic
'measure for tax relief. As the cemetary is expanded this facility
, gradually would be phased out. He pointed out also that this particular
area was within Cupertino's sphere of influence and it was his belief
urbanization of the area should be done under the auspices of the City
of Cupertino.
Public Works Director Yarborough said that annexation of the area was
important to the City so as to control the traffic generation which
would be a burden on Cupertino maintained streets.
}[ayor Noel added that because of the freew'ay blocking all ingress and
egress from the north, traffic from this development necessarily would
have to use Cupertino streets. Because of this he thought that it would
be proper for the developers to annex, use the other facilities and be-
come a part of the City.
Councilman Frolich said that 900 would be better than 9,000 cars and
wondered why all of them had to come through Cupertino. He was told by
Mayor Noel that the only access to Cupertino from Los Altos is all resi-
dential streets and the City did not want these streets to be used in
this manner.
Councilman Frolich then asked what the feeling of the staff is relative
to the traffic problem. Mr. Yarborough said his main concern was the
intersection at Foothill Boulevard. He also thought that a second ac-
cess should be from the Permanente Road area.
Counci.lman Frolich offered the suggestion that the property owners or
developers be require~ as a condition imposed by the County and, regard-
, less of annexation proceedings, to have Maryknoll Road improved and to
participate in the signalization of the interchange with Foothill Boule-
Mayor Noel said this had been brought up at a meeting with the staff and
. had received favorable interest. Mr. Sisk added that the proposed Item
: C in the Resolution requests direct involvement by the City in formulat-
, ing conditions and reviewing the whole project. Agreement was indicated
, by Councilman Frolich, if such was understood by all, to include traffic
; control within the meaning of that language.
: Councilman Fitzgerald said that this was his first opportunity to review
. the plan but he could not see any improvement by this over a well designed,
: nicely landscaped commercial center which had never come before the Council.
He argued that this concept was not within the master plan for the area.
He also took to task those agencies who previously had agreed to withhold
action and development pending the completion of a planning study.
Minutes of the City Council June 15, 1970
New Business Cant'd.
Mayor Noel said that he could not agree more with these comments.
Mr. R. D. Koenitzer, l0060 Phar Lap Drive; commented that traffic on
Stevens Creek Boulevard westerly of the college was bad now and the ad-
ditional traffic would make it intolerable. He said the City should
insist on County participation in widening the street.
Councilman Fitzgerald said this area was within the sphere of influence
of Cupertino and if this is so, then the County had no business in hear-
ing this application. He said he could not agree with the contents of
the resolution which, in effect, turned control over to the County.
Councilman Green said that this is contradictory to everything that had
been discussed previously. There were no detail plans, no contour maps,
no specific locations for the units. He said one reason for the crea-
tion of a goals committee was to investigate and report on such zoning
and planning matters.
Mr. Yarborough offered the thought that the County would grant a Use
Permit anyway, regardless of what action the City took. A Use Permit
had been issued by the County for the cemetary and it could be consider-
ed that this was only a continuation of that. The area in question is
in a gully and not visible from the major areas of either Cupertino or
Los Altos. The area is only a small part of the cemetary land and this
makes it possible to keep the land open. The opponents of Westridge
already have approved the plan for this development.
Mrs. Herter, 22830 San Juan Road, said she thought the Council would
have at least toured the area prior to any discussion. She said she was
familar with that area which had been planned for the Westridge Commercial
development. She spoke up for the developers in that they are all for
open space and would keep the trees as the homes would be on terraces.
She suggested that Maryknoll Road be widened and that the widening of
Permanente Road for better ingress and egress to the fire stations would
be proper.
Councilman Green asked specifically what does the resolution do, to which
Mayor Noel replied that it was an expression of Cupertino's feeling as
to a guide for County action. He said, for some unknown reason, the
County did not approach the City until last week. He also said that
Cupertino needs control for the traffic situation and that it would be
nice to have the additional water customers to bring in more revenue.
Councilman Fitzgerald agreed with the Mayor's comments but said that Mr.
Green's question had not been answered. He disagreed with the contents
of the resolution and said he opposes it, or anything similar, when the
particulars are not available.
page 13
comments by
¡Director of
page 14
Res. 2008
to Fiscal
Use Permit
to be
Order #1
Pay Less
Minutes of the City Council June l5, 1970
New Business Cont'd.
Councilman Frolich said he was very disappointed with the County in ac-
cepting this proposal. He reiterated that some overall plan must be
developed and wondered why those who had been in favor of area planning
suddenly had backed off and kept very quiet about this. He even offer-
ed the possibility that this particular development did not in any way
take away from the possibility that Westridge Commercial Center still
would become a reality.
Councilman Frolich then read a proposed amendment to the resolution on
which discussion took place.
It was moved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Green that
Resolution 2008 be adopted as amended by the portions read into the
record. The Resolution was adopted with Councilmen Frolich, Green a~d
Noel voting Aye and Councilman Fitzgerald voting No.
4. Finance Director Ryder requested authorization to draw appro-
priate warrants for the signatures of the Treasurer and the City Clerk
in payment of Bond Interest and Redemption requirements when these bills
are received from the Fiscal Agent which would be prior to the next Council
It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Green and
passed unanimously that authorization be granted as requested.
5. After a brief introduction and discussion by Councilman Green
relative to complaints received on the situation involving a billiard par-
lor at Portal Plaza, the Mayor requested the City Attorney to commence
appropriate proceedings for the abandonment of the Use Permit issued to
Tiffany Billiards. The commencement of these proceedings would be intro-
duced at the next meeting.
6. As requested by the Director of Public Works it was moved by
Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Frolich and passed unanimous-
ly to approve Change Order No. 1 for Mary Avenue Extension, Stage I, for
the rerouting and capping of the Homestead High School sprinkler system in
the amount of $1,2l4.9l.
7. The Director of Public Work requested approval to release Pay Less
et al from the condition to improve frontage and dedicate frontage adjacent
to the Texaco station at Homestead and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Roads. He said
when imposed this had been an off-site condition of the development and was
not a standard one. Since then an impasse has resulted between the property
owner and the Texaco people where the property owner refuses to allow any
changes to the land which he owns and Texaco refuses to pay anything until
a new lease is negotiated which the property owner is unwilling to do.
Mayor Noel said he remembered this as having been approved originally on a
3-2 vote. He was in the minority then and still felt that you cannot ask
for improvements on property not owned by the applicant.
Minutes of the City Council June lS, 1970
New Business Cent'd.
Councilman Green asked if and when this would be improved in the future
to which Mr. Sisk said that it would be a condition of the Use Permit
when alterations are made to the station.
It was moved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald
and passed unanimously to release Pay Less et al from this condition
as requested by the Director of Public Works.
8. It was moved by Councilman Frolich, seconded by Councilman
Fitzgerald and passed unanimously to authorize the Director of Public
Works to cooperate with the County of Santa Clara in a chip seal pro-
gram for City streets.
9. It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman
Green and passed unanimously that all items listed on the Consent
Calendar of the Agenda be approved:
(a) Resolution No. 1997: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Cupertino Accepting Dedi-
cation of Real Property For Roadway Purposes
from Estin H. Baker and Mary E. Baker."
(b) Resolution No. 2004.: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Cupertino Accepting a
Grant of Easement for Street Construction Pur-
poses from the Cupertino Union School District."
(c) Resolution No. 2005: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Cupertino Approving Final
Plan for the Improvement of Frontage Along Mary
Avenue Opposite Lubec Street; Authorizing the
City Engineer to Sign the Final Plan; and Authori-
zing Execution of Agreement in Connection Therewith."
(d) Authorization for the staff to notify developers and
bonding companies that bonds may be retired on the
following projects:
Tract No. 4245 (Watson): West Side of Saich Way
at Stevens Creek Blvd.
Tract No. 4430, Unit #3 (Oak Knoll Hills): East
side of Ainsworth Dr.,
south of Hartman Dr.
page 15
Pay Less
page 16
H & 0
new line
pro tern
i Minutes of the City Council June l5, 1970
I Report by City Staff
l. Approval was granted for the issuance of a Business License to
Patrol Special Service on the motion of Councilman Frolich and the second
of Councilman Fitzgerald which was passed unanimously.
2. As requested by the City Manager and on the motion by Councilman
Fitzgerald which then was seconded by Councilman Frolich and passed un-
animously, the Maintenance and Operation Budget for the Water Department
was approved as recommended by the Water Commission.
3. The City Manager stated that it would be possible for the Water
Department to borrow money from another fund temporarily for the construc-
¡ tion of a new pipeline along San Juan Road as discussed earlier in the
meeting. He requested authorization to go to bid for this as soon as
possible, which authorization was granted on the motion of Councilman
Fitzgerald, second of Councilman Green which then was passed unanimously.
4. The City At torney said that, inasmuch as Mayor Stokes was out of
the State on City business and that Vice Mayor Noel would be leaving the
; following day for an out-of-State trip, it was suggested that the Council
appoint a Mayor pro tem until the return of either the Mayor or the Vice
,It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald that
¡Councilman Frolich be designated as Mayor pro tern pending the return of
the Mayor or Vice Mayor. The motion was passed unanimously.
5. City Manager Storm reviewed the situation which had resulted in
the overturn of the legislation requiring disclosure of assets which had
been enacted last year. He said the initiative for this overturn had come
from the City of Carmel and, at the suggestion of the League of California
assistance Cities that all cities offer financial assistance, it was his suggestion
requested that Cupertino pay Carmel $200. He said that this amount of money was a
for small amount for recognition of their efforts.
Councilman Frolich said that if this was only for the relief of individual
persons or staff members - that was one thing. This, however, was ex-
tremely bad legislation and did not do what had been intended. Because of
this, it was bad for all cities and he thought this would be a legitimate
City expense.
Mayor Noel said he could not agree with the recommended payment and that
the City of Carmel did not request it and that he felt that this was an
unwarranted use of City funds at this time.
Councilman Fitzgerald agreed with Mayor Noel.
assist that City but it was his opinion to do
open to adverse criticism. He theq asked the
He said he would like to
so would leave the Council
opinion of the City Attorney
Minutes of the City Council June 15, 1970
page l7
Report of Officers Canttd.
as to the legality of making such a paJ~ent.
The City Attorney said that Carmel was acting on its own volition but
that because it was a municipal matter it could be argued that they are
an agent for all League of California Cities. He said that a City cannot
give away public funds but it could contribute funds for public purposes.
opinion by
Mayor Noel said this could be viewed in two different ways. He suggested
why did not the City of Cupertino obtain money from other cities now to
offset the expenses involved in the recent lawsuit to do \.Jith landscaping?
He said no doubt all other cities wou]d benefit from this litigation by
Cupertino - entered into on its own and did not ask for assistance.
It was
sum of
moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Frolich that the
$200 be paid to the City of Carmel as suggested by the City Manager.
Councilmen Frolich, Green
Councilmen Fitzgerald, Noel tie vote
Mayor Stokes
Mayor Noel said that in view of the tie vote the matter would be held
over to the following regularly scheduled Council meeting.
It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald" seconded by Councilman Frolich and
so declared by Mayor Noel that the meeting be adjourned until 8:00 P. M.
June 22, 1970 in the Conference Room of the City Hall. Adjournment was
at ll:l5 P. M. .