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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 10460 BUBB RD CONTRACTOR:DEVCON PERMIT NO: 14110006 CONSTRUCTION INC OWNER'S NAME: M WEST PROPCO XIII LLC 690 GIBRALTAR DR DATE ISSUED: 11/03/2014 OWNER'S PHONE: 6505205483 MILPITAS,CA 95035 PHONE NO:(408)942-8200 ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOB DESCRIPTION:RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Q �Q9i�3 VOLUNTARY SEISMIC UPGRADES. License Class,I��8 Lic.#_y 1 A 2 Contractor uVCOh kVJ&JTU(ftate `1 2119 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:5230000 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this APN Number:35720037.00 Occupancy Type: permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that l have read this application and state that the above information is PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED correct. 1 agree comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR to building construction, uction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the d b �«}� �j�� granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply Issuey: Date: with all non-point source regulati s per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section 9.18. t` �J 1 RE-ROOFS: Signatur Date All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. ❑ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Signature of Applicant: Date: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professions Code) I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. I will hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the declarations: Health&Safety Code,Section 25532(a)should I store or handle hazardous I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's material. Additionally,should l use equipment or devices which emit hazardous Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I performance of the work for which this permit is issued. will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by the Health&Safety Code,SN ons 25505,255M3nMd25534. Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Owner or authorized agentAA47� Date: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. work's for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) Lender's Name APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Lender's Address I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the I understand my plans shall be used as public records. granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section Licensed Professional 9.18. Signature Date / V//000 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT•BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE•CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 CUPERTINC] (408)777-3228•FAX(408)777-3333•buildingQ-cupertino.org ❑NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION VALTERATION/TI ❑ REVISION/DEFERRED ORIGINAL PERMIT# PROJECT ADDRESS A O`n V APN �-7�//^���,,, OWNERNAME A 0 f, I `10 -nr-cw PHONE(U`0)5X_!5gg3 E-MAIL 1AZr- n {�y�w �'/�m STREET ADDRESS,, 1'r �7� / v/'/ CITY, STATE`,ZIP)(J f `l`[�,J 1 U 1 FAX v��/1`- `�+••- CONTACT NAME P& M)� C� `0f j PHONE(46C6"�1-9 -0 -L3 ^E-MAII, (,j(�,y_ „�mC3� CJud'EC�IC�+`I1"C •CG7YL STREET ADDRESS qb � CITY,STATE,ZIP My I ,Vas 1 M lJxl O�(�f FAX r 411) ❑OWNER ❑ OWNER-BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT 1/4'CONTRACTOR 11 CONTRACTOR AGENT I 11ARCHITE_C1TT ❑ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME I IJ ►Al ej LICENSE NUMBER LICENSE TYPE _(Z BUS.LIC# COMPANY NAME rOCIJI 1 Cbrl 11 J1 ' t/v' ,o• vC(:�IR—cC rNSt.�CJ�m FAX( �2 13Q, STREET ADDRESS W ,O CITY,STATE,ZIP,A`y �.y C 1 ( b nc 03G PHONNE r�)Cjq ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME��1 LICENSE NUMBER Vf I '"1:7v •J BUS.LIC`# L COMPANY NAME` `- , ��,lV`'y,,/1.- 1 / E-MAIL � � �, \ FA �v„ ���g �•r�� kyaA Lw STREET ADDRESS 1� 2 JU1� e�6qb CITY,STATE,ZIP MOY�te(l I�y� PHO I��3i^-oS.23 DESCRIPTION OF WORK O EXISTING USE PROPOS USE CONSTR.TYPE #STO S / USE USE TYPE OCC. SQ.FT. VALUATION($) NEW FLOOR DEMO TOTAL AREA 2 550 2-30, 0 D D AREA AREA AREA NET AREA BATHROOM KITCHEN OTHER REMODEL AREA REMODEL AREA REMODEL AREA PORCH AREA DECK AREA TOTAL DECK/PORCH AREA GARAGE AREA: DETACH ❑ATTACH #DWELLING UNITS: IS A SECOND UNIT ❑YES SECOND STORY []YES BEING ADDED? []NO ADDITION? []NO PRE-APPLICATION ❑YES IF YES,PROVIDE COPY OF IS THE BLDG AN ❑YES RECEI' BY: AL VALUATION: PLANNING APPL# ❑NO PLANNING APPROVAL LETTER EICHLER HOME? []NO �41 TOTO By my signature below,I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have read this application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relatin to buil 'ng c stru tion. I authoriz r res n tiv of Cupertino to enter the above-identified property for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: Date: SUPPLEMENTAILfNFORMATION REOVIRED PLAN CHECK TYPE ROUTING SLIP New SFD or Multifamily dwellings: Apply for demolition permit forOVER-THE-COUNTER tp BUILDING PLAN REVIEW existing building(s). Demolition permit is required prior to issuance of building ` permit for new building. ❑ EXPRESS ❑ PLANNING PLAN REVIEW Commercial Bldgs: Provide a completed Hazardous Materials Disclosure ❑ STANDARD ❑ PUBLIC WORKS form if any Hazardous Materials are being used as part of this project. ❑ LARGE ❑ FIRE DEPT Copy of Planning Approval Letter or Meeting with Planning prior to submittal of Building Permit application. E) MAJOR El SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT ❑ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH BldgApp_2011.doc revised 06/21/11 CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR—BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS: 10460 Bubb Road DATE: 11/03/2014 REVIEWED BY: Sean APN: BP#: 2 '"VALUATION: 1$230,000 °PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration /Addition/ Repair PRIMARY Commercial Building PENTAMATION 1GENCOM USE: PERMIT TYPE: WORK Voluntary Seismic upgrades. SCOPE r.,t f ' slf , .. f i` U ".��b 1t iET Li .,,._„ ,rlT. P r,. ."irU%Y,•'r, ;air: ;<<. i5?c'�',iil../)..'c'r NOTE:This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments(i.e.Planning,Public Works,Fire,Sanitary Sewer District,School District etc. . These ees are based on the prelimina information available and are only an estimate. Contact the Det or addn'l info, FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 Eft. ;.'1,,j1 FEEQTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: Hourly Only? 0 Yes 0 No $0.00 1 hours Plan Check,Hourly Suppl.PC Fee: Q Reg. Q OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 $143.00 ISTPLNCK PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: Hourly Only? 0 Yes Q No $0.00 Suppl. Insp.Fee-.0 Reg. Q OT Q Q hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 Work Without Permit? 0 Yes 0 No $0.00 Advanced PlanninFee: $0.00 ® hours Inspections T;gin'. ' .)ii.;.ru;;'Wr!ta,fr 1° ��s; $572.00 ISTINSPInspection,Hourly ©� Strong Motion Fee: IBSEISMICO $64.40 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee: IBCBSC $10.001 1 `SUBTOTALS: $74.40 $715.00 TOTAL FEE; $789.40 Revised: 08/20/2014 OFFICE COPY RECEIVED NOV 03 2014 STATEMENT OF SPECIAL. INSPECTIONS, 2013 CBC BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT•BUILDING DIVISION ALBERT SALVADOR,P.E.,C.B.O.,BUILDING OFFICIAL CLIPERTIN0 10310 TORRE AVENUE•CUPERTiNO,CA 95014-3255 (408)777-3228•FAX(408)777-3333•buiidin-gAguoertino.ora SITE ADDRESS 10440 -Burbb CWW �� APN 357 _ZA 037 ePK ........................................ Coritractor..........................................................._.......................................... W a list !—St ............._ . .. Address..................................,..............................._........_............................. . Pt�lir�dQ....... City/St.................... p...................Phone........................ .r�...i,1f1�...�5{,C.A......Zi ...... .............................2i Applicant..................................................._......... ................ Ertgineer/Archited...SW Structural, Inc. .......................... .................................................. Address........................................................................._................_..........,.. Address.17582 San,Benito'.ftz................................................... CIWSI.............................I...............Zip................._........Phone................... Mo CitylSt..... nte.Serenor.CP!....Zip.95030 Phone 408399:0623 o . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This"STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS'Is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of CBC Sections 1704 and 1705. This form is structured after and used by permission from the Structural Engineer Association of Northern California's(SEAONC)mode statement of Special Inspections. Also,included with this torn Is the following: ❑ 'LIST OF SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCIES(page 2). A list of testing agencies and other special inspectors that will be retained to conduct the tests and Inspections for this project ❑ 'SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTION'(page 3–6). The Schedule of Special Inspections summarizes the Special Inspections and tests required. Special Inspectors will refer to the approved plans and specifications for detailed special Inspection requirements. Any additional tests and Inspections required by the approved plans and specifications shall also be performed. Special Inspections and Testing will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications,this statement and CBC Sections 1704,1705,1706,1707,and 1708.Interim reports will be submitted to the Building Official and the Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge in accordance with CBC Section 1704.1.2. A Final Report of Special Inspections documenting required Special Inspections,testing and correction of any discrepancies noted in the inspections shall be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Use and Occupancy(Section 1704.1.2).The Final Report will document: • Required special inspections. • Correction of discrepancies noted In inspections. The Owner recognizes his or her obligation to ensure that the construction complies with the approved permit documents and to implement this program of special inspections.In partial fulfillment of these obligations,the Owner will retain and directly pay for the Special Inspections as required in CBC Section 1704.1. This plan has been developed with the understanding that the Building Official will: • Review and approve the qualifications of the Special Inspectors who will perform the inspections. • Monitor special inspection activities on the job site to assure that the Special Inspectors are qualified and are performing their duties as called for In this Statement of Special Inspection. • Review submitted inspection reports. • Perform inspections as required by the local building code. t have read and earee to comply with the farms and conditions of this statement Prepared By: Project Ne Engineer O Architect a 54212 Exp.6130116 Rslered Design Professional in Char nature........................_..........................................Lic#.........I....................._......Da .. ................. Owner Name: y� u' ` 3 a Owner's Aut1wrization SI alure... 2L' .Da►e: ..i a� Inspection Agency/Inspector Name: Z En f`rute.+� S' nature ...... . ... ...... . .. .......U......Lia#................................».....Date:.©............... BUkroV OfficilMr des e: // S nature_ .Date: SpeciahrspeclionFanrr_201Zdoc revised 09106/11 LIST OF SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCIES APPROVAL OF SPECIAL INSPECTORS: Each special inspection'agency,testing facility,and special inspector shall be recognized by the Building Official prior to performing any duties.Special Inspection agency's listed on this form must be pn3-approved and listed on Cupertino's approved Special Inspector's list. Special Inspectors shall carry approved Identification when performing the functions of a special Inspector. Identification cards shall follow the criteria set by the California Council of Testing and IMoection Agencies. No personnel changes shall be made withoul first obtaining the approval of the Building Official.Any unauthorized personnel changes may result in a"Stop Work Order"and possible permit revocation. To be pre-approved by the City of Cupertino,refer to the SPECIAL INSPECTION CRITERIA handout.Please allow two weeks to complete the application process. The following are the testing ands ectal Inspection a ancies that will be retained to conduct tests and Inspection on this pied: EXPERTISE FIRM INSPECTOR INFORMATION 1.Special Inspection(except for Firm.........�.tn 1N ........_. t' .i.'!! !Addr..........0`1�1�...........�T ..... ......... , geotechnical) CRY... � 7.... State.. ..........Zip...9. � Telephone..�r 1.A.: .:3./..�1 t2ax...........................................Emall............._.......................... .... 2. Material Tasting Firm.............................._.... ......._..................Addr............... ............................................ ........................ CRY............................................................................................��..........Stale.................... .Zip...................... Telephone.......................................Fax......................._...................Email......................................................... 3. Geotechnical Inspections Firm.....................................................................Ad&............................................._.................................. ........ City................................_........................................................................Stale......................21p...................... Telephone......................................Fax............................................Email....................................... .............. 4. Other. Firm.....................................................................Addr...................................................................._................... City..........................................................................................................Stale.......................Zip...................... Telephone......................................Fax...........................................F=4................................................. 'All agencies speed on this form must be pre-approved and listed on the City of Cupertino's Approved Special Inspector's List. SEISMIC REQUIREMENTS (Section 1705.7.6) Description of seismic-force-resis6ng system and designated seismic systems subject to special Inspections w per Section 1705.3: Installation of seismic retrofit hardware. The extent of the selsmicdoroe-resisting system is defined In more detail In the construction documents. WIND REQUIREMENTS Section 1705.4.1 Description of main wind-force-resisting system and designated wind resisting components subject to special Inspections In accordance with Section 1705.4.2: The extent of the main wind-force-resisting system and wind resisting components Is defined In more detail in the construction documents. SpeclaLrspecdonForar_2012.doc revised 09106/12 SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTION SITE APN BP# ADDRESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Notation Used in Table: Column headers: C Indicates continuous inspection is required. P Indicates periodic inspections are required. The notes and/or contract documents should clarify. Box entries: X Is placed in the appropriate column to denote either"C"continuous or"P" periodic inspections. --- Denotes an activity that is either a one-time activity or one whose frequency is defined in some other manner. Additional detail regarding inspections and tests are provided in the project specifications or notes on the drawings. VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION C P REFERENCED IBC REFERENCE STANDARD INSPECTION OF FABRICATORS 1. V Inspect fabricator's fabrication and quality control 1704.3 procedures. INSPECTION OF STEEL 1. Material verification of high-strength bolts, nuts and washers. ❑ Identification marking to conform to ASTM stds AISC 360, specified in the approved construction documents. ___ X Section A3.3 and applicable ASTM material standards ❑ Inspect fabricator's fabrication and quality control X _ procedures. 2. Inspection of high-strength bolting: ❑ Snug-tight joints. --- X ❑ Pretensioned and slip-critical joints using turn-of-nut with matchmarking, twist-off bolt or direct tension --- X AISC 360, indicator methods of installation. 1704.3.3 Section M2.5 ❑ Pretensioned and slip-critical joints using turn-of-nut without matchmarking or calibrated wrench methods X --- of installation. 3. Material verification of structural steel and cold-formed steel deck. 9' For structural steel, identification markings to conform X AISC 360, to AISC 360. Section M2.5 ❑ For other steel, identification markings to conform to Applicable ASTM ASTM standards specified in the approved --- X material standards construction documents. ❑ Manufacturer's certified test reports. --- X SpecialnspectionForm 2012.doc revised 09/06/12 VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION C p REFERENCED IBC STANDARD IREFERENCE 4. Material verification of weld filler materials: 4( Identification marking to conform to AWS specification AISC 360, in the approved construction documents. X Section A3.5 and applicable AWS A5 documents Qr Manufacturer's certificate of compliance required. --- X --- --- 5. Inspection of welding: a. Structural steel and cold-formed steel deck: Qr Complete and partial joint penetration groove welds. X --- ❑ Multipass fillet welds. X --- ❑ Single-pass fillet welds > 5/16" X --- AWS D1.1 1704.3.1 ❑ Plug and slot welds. X --- 2r Single-pass fillet welds <= 5/16" --- X ❑ Floor and roof deck welds. --- X AWS D1.3 b. Reinforcing steel: ❑ Verification of weldability of reinforcing steel other than X ASTM A 706. ❑ Reinforcing steel resisting flexural and axial forces in intermediate and special moment frames, and X --- AWS D1.4 ACI 318: boundary elements of special structural walls of Section 3.5.2 concrete and shear reinforcement. ❑ Shear reinforcement. X --- ❑ Other reinforcing steel. --- X 6. Inspection of steel frame joints details for compliance: ❑ Details such as bracing and stiffening. --- X ❑ Member locations. --- X --- 1704.3.2 ❑ Application of joint details at each connection. --- X VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION C p REFERENCED IBC STANDARD REFERENCE INSPECTION OF WELDING 1. ❑ Welded studs when used for structural diaphragms. --- X 2. ❑ Welding of cold-formed steel framing members. --- X --- 1704.3 3. ❑ Welding of stairs and railing systems. --- X SpecialnspectionForm 2012.doc revised 09/06/12 VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION C P REFERENCED IBC STANDARD IREFERENCE INSPECTION OF CONCRETE 1. ❑ Inspection of reinforcing steel, including prestressing --- X ACI 318: 3.5, 7.1-7.7 1913.4 tendons and placement. 2. ❑ Inspection of reinforcing steel welding in accordance _ AWS D1.4 ACI 318: with Table 1704.3 Item 5b. 3.5.2 3. ❑ Inspection of bolts to be installed in concrete prior to and during placement of concrete where allowable X -- ACI 318: 8.1.3, 1911.5, 1912.1 loads have been increased or where strength design 21.2.8 is used. 4. V Inspection of anchors installed in hardened concrete. --- X ACI 318: 1912.1 5. ❑ Verifying use of required design mix. --- X ACI 318: 1904.2.2,1913.2, 1913.3 6. ❑ At time fresh concrete is sampled to fabricate ASTM C 172 specimens for strength tests, perform slump and air X --- ASTM C 31 1913.10 content tests and determine the temperature of the concrete. ACI 318: 5.6, 5.8 7. ❑ Inspection of concrete and shotcrete placement for1913.6, 1913.7, proper application techniques. X --- ACI 318: 59 510 5.10 1913.8 8. ❑ Inspection for maintenance of specified curing --- X ACI 318: 5.11-5.13 1913.9 temperature and techniques. 9. Inspection of prestressed concrete: ❑ Application of prestressing forces. X --- ACI 318: 18.20 ❑ Grouting of bonded prestressing tendons in the X --- ACI 318: 18.18.4 seismic force-resisting system. 10. ❑ Erection of precast concrete members. --- X ACI 318: Ch. 16 --- 11. ❑ Verification of in-situ concrete strength, prior to stressing of tendons in posttensioned concrete and --- X ACI 318: 6.2 --- prior to removal of shores and forms from beams and structural slabs. 12. ❑ Inspect formwork for shape, location, and dimensions --- X ACI 318: 6.6.1 --- of the concrete member being formed. 13. V Bolts Installed in Existing Masonry or Concrete ❑ Direct tension testing of existing anchors. --- X ❑ Direct tension testing of new bolts. --- X See ICC ES Reports form special f� Torque testing of new bolts. --- X inspection requirements for proprietary products ❑ Prequalification test for bolts and other types of --- X anchors. 14. ❑ Other: Speciab7spectionForm_2012.doc revised 09106112 REFERENCE FOR CRITERIA VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION C P IBC TMS 402/ACI TMS 402/ACI SECTION I 530/ASCE 5 530/ASCE 6 INSPECTION OF LEVEL 1 MASONRY 1. ❑ Compliance with required inspection provisions of the construction documents and the approved --- X --- --- Art. 1.5 submittals shall be verified. 2. ❑ Verification of f'R,and f nnc prior to construction --- X --- --- Art. 1.4B except where specifically exempted by this code. 3. ❑ Verification of slump flow and VSI as delivered to X --- --- --- Art. 1.5B.1.b.3 the site for self consolidating grout. 4. As masonry construction begins, the following shall be verified to ensure compliance: ❑ Proportions of site-prepared mortar. --- X --- --- Art. 2.6A ❑ Construction of mortar joints. --- X --- --- Art.3.313 ❑ Location of reinforcement, connectors, --- X --- --- Art. 3.4, 3.6A prestressing tendons, and anchorages. ❑ Prestressing technique. --- X --- --- Art. 3.6B ❑ Grade and size of prestressing tendons and --- X --- --- Art. 2.413, 2AH anchorages. 5. During construction the inspection program shall verify: ❑ Size and location of structural elements. --- X --- --- Art. 3.3F ❑ Type, size, and location of anchors, including . 1.2.2(e), Sec other details of anchorage of masonry to --- X --- 1,16.1 Sec structural members,frames or other construction. ❑ Specified size, grade, and type of reinforcement, anchor bolts, prestressing tendons and --- X --- Sec. 1.15 Art. 2.4, 3.4 anchorages. ❑ Welding of reinforcing bars. X --- --- --- ❑ Preparation, construction and protection of masonry during cold weather(temperature below ___ X Sec. 2104.3, --- Art. 1.8C, 1.8D 40 degrees F)or hot weather(temperature above 2104.4 90 degrees F). ❑ Application and measurement of prestressing X --- --- --- Art. 3.6B force. 6. Prior to grouting the following shall be verified to ensure compliance: ❑ Grout space is clean. --- X --- --- Art. 3.2D ❑ Placement of reinforcement and connectors and --- X --- Sec. 1.3 Art. 3.4 prestressing tendons and anchorages. ❑ Proportions of site-prepared grout and --- X --- --- Art. 2.6B prestressing grout for bonded tendons. ❑ Construction of mortar joints. --- X --- --- Art. 3.3B 7. Grout placement: ❑ Grout placement shall be verified ensure X --- --- --- Art. 3.5 compliance. ❑ Observe grouting of prestressing bonded X --- --- --- Art 3.6C tendons. SpecialnspectionForm 2012.doc revised 09/06/12 REFERENCE FOR CRITERIA VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION C P IBC TMS 402/ACI TMS 402/ACI SECTION 530/ASCE 5 530/ASCE 6 8. ❑ Preparation of any required grout specimens, Sec. mortar specimens, and/or prisms shall be --- X 2105.2.2, --- Art. 1.4 observed. 2105.3 INSPECTION OF LEVEL 2 MASONRY 1. ❑ Compliance with required inspection provisions of the construction documents and the approved --- X --- --- Art. 1.5 submittals. 2. ❑ Verification of fm and fn,ac prior to construction and for every 5,000 square feet during --- X --- --- Art. 1.413 construction. 3. ❑ Verification of proportions of materials in premixed or preblended mortar and grout as --- X --- --- Art. 1.513 delivered to the site. 4. ❑ Verification of slump flow and VSI as delivered to X --- --- --- Art. 1.513.1.b.3 the site for self consolidating rout. 5. The following shall be verified to ensure compliance: ❑ Proportions of site-prepared mortar, grout, and --- X --- --- Art. 2.6A prestressing grout for bonded tendons. ❑ Placement of masonry units and construction of --- X --- --- Art. 3.313 mortar joints. ❑ Placement of reinforcement, connectors and --- X --- Sec. 1.15 Art. 3.4, 3.6A prestressing tendons and anchorages. ❑ Grout space prior to grouting. X --- --- --- Art. 3.2D ❑ Placement of grout. X --- --- --- Art. 3.5 ❑ Placement of prestressing grout. X --- --- --- Art. 3.6C ❑ Size and location of structural elements. --- X --- --- Art. 3.3F ❑ Type, size, and location of anchors, including other details of anchorage of masonry to X --- --- Sec.1.2.2(e) structural members, frames and other construction. ❑ Specified size, grade, and type of reinforcement, anchor bolts, prestressing tendons and --- X --- Sec. 1.15 Art. 2.4, 3.4 anchorages. ❑ Welding of reinforcing bars. - Sec., X --- --- ❑ Preparation, construction, and protection of masonry during cold weather(temperature below ___ X Sec. 2104.3, --- Art. 1.8C, 1.8D 40 degrees F)or hot weather(temperature above 2104.4 90 degrees F). ❑ Application and measurement of prestressing X --- --- --- Art. 3.613 force. 6. ❑ Preparation of any required grout specimens, Sec. mortar specimens, and/or prisms shall be X --- 2105.2.2, --- Art. 1.4 observed. 2105.3 T I SpecialnspectionForm_2012.doc revised 09/06/12 VERIFICATION AND INSPECTIONC p REFERENCED IBC STANDARD REFERENCE INSPECTION OF WOOD 1. ❑ Inspect prefabricated wood structural elements and assemblies in accordance with Section 1704.2. --- 1704.6 2. ❑ Inspect site built assemblies. --- --- 3. Inspect high-load diaphragms: ❑ Verify grade and thickness of sheathing. --- --- ❑ Verify nominal size of framing members at adjoining panel edges. ❑ Verify nail or staple diameter and length, --- --- --- 1704.6.1 ❑ Verify number of fastener lines, --- --- ❑ Verify spacing between fasteners in each line and at edge margins. 4. ❑ Metal-plate-connected wood trusses spanning 60 feet or greater: Verify temporary installation restraint/bracing and the permanent individual truss --- X --- 1704.6.2 member bracing are installed in accordance with the approved truss submittal package. REQUIRED VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION OF SOIL 1. ❑ Verify materials below footings are adequate to - X achieve the desired bearing capacity. 2. ❑ Verify excavations are extended to proper depth and - X have reached proper material. 3. ❑ Perform classification and testing of compacted fill materials. X --- Table 1704.7 4. ❑ Verify use of proper materials, densities and lift thicknesses during placement and compaction of X --- compacted fill. 5. ❑ Prior to placement of compacted fill,observe subgrade - X and verify that site has been prepared properly. REQUIRED VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION OF DEEP DRIVEN FOUNDATION ELEMENTS 1. ❑ Verify element materials, sizes and lengths comply X - with the requirements. 2. ❑ Determine capacities of test elements and conduct X - additional load tests, as required. 3. ❑ Observe driving operations and maintain complete X - and accurate records for each element. 4. ❑ Verify locations of piles and their plumbness, confirm type and size of hammer, record number of blows per --- Table 1704.8 foot of penetration, determine required penetrations to X --- achieve design capacity, record tip and butt elevations and document any damage to foundation element. 5. ❑ For steel elements, perform additional inspections in accordance with Section 1704.3. 6. ❑ For concrete elements and concrete filled elements, perform additional inspections in accordance with --- --- Section 1704.4. SpecialnspectionForm_2012.doc revised 09106112 VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION C P REFERENCED IBC STANDARD REFERENCE 7. ❑ For specialty piles, perform additional inspections as determined by the registered design professional in --- --- --- Table 1704.8 responsible charge. REQUIRED VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION OF CAST-IN-PLACE DEEP FOUNDATION ELEMENTS 1 ❑ Observe drilling operations and maintain complete and X accurate records for each element. 2. ❑ Verify placement locations and plumbness, confirm element diameters, bell diameters (if applicable), lengths, embedment into bedrock(if applicable), and X --- --- Table 1704.9 adequate end-bearing strata capacity. Record concrete or grout volumes. 3. ❑ For concrete elements, perform additional inspections in accordance with Section 1704.4. HELICAL PILE FOUNDATIONS 1. ❑ Record installation equipment used, pile dimensions, X --- --- 1704.10 tip elevations, final depth, final installation torque. SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTANT MATERIALS Physical and visual tests 1. Condition of substrates. ❑ Inspect surface for accordance with the approved fire- resistance design and the approved manufacturer's --- --- written instructions. ❑ Verify minimum ambient temperature before and after X application. ❑ Verify ventilation of area during and after application. --- X 2. ❑ Measure average thickness per ASTM E605 and S --- '-- --- 1704.12.1 Section 1704.12.4. 3. ❑ Verify density of material for conformance with the approved fire-resistant design and ASTM E605. (Ref. --- --- Section 1704.12.5) 4. ❑ Test cohesive/adhesive bond strength per Section 1704.12.6. 5. ❑ Condition of finished application. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Mastic and Intumescent Fire-Resistant Coating. --- --- --- 1704.13 2. Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS). Water- resistive barrier coating when installed over a sheathing --- --- --- 1704.14 substrate. 3. Special Cases --- --- --- 1704.15 4. Smoke Control System --- --- --- 1704.16 5. Seismic Resistance ❑ Suspended ceiling systems and their anchorage. --- --- --- 1705.3 SpecialnspectionForm 2012.doc revised 09106112 VERIFICATION AND INSPECTIONC p REFERENCED IBC STANDARD REFERENCE 6. Wind Resistance ❑ Roof cladding and roof framing connections. --- --- --- ❑ Wall connections to roof and floor diaphragms and framing. ❑ Roof and floor diaphragm systems, including collectors, drag struts and boundary elements. ❑ Vertical wind-force-resisting systems, including braced frames, moment frames, and shear walls. ❑ Wind-force-resisting system connections to the foundation. ❑ Fabrication and installation of systems or components required to meet the impact resistance requirements --- --- --- of Section 1609.1.2. SPECIAL INSPECTION FOR WIND REQUIREMENTS 1. Structural Wood ❑ Inspect field gluing operations of elements of the main X -- wind-force-resisting system. ❑ Inspect nailing, bolting, anchoring, and other fastening --- 1706.2 of components within the main windforce-resisting - X system, including wood shear walls,wood diaphragms,drag struts, braces and hold-downs. 2. Cold-Formed Steel Framing ❑ Welding of elements of the main wind-force-resisting - X system. ❑ Inspection of screw attachments, bolting, anchoring, and other fastening of components within the main --- 1706.3 wind-force-resisting system including shear walls, --- X braces, diaphragms, collectors (drag struts)and hold- downs. 3. Wind-resisting components ❑ Roof cladding. --- X --- 1706.4 ❑ Wall cladding. --- X SPECIAL INSPECTIONS FOR SEISMIC RESISTANCE 1. ❑ Special inspection for welding in accordance with the X --- 1707.2 quality assurance plan requirements of AISC 341. 2. Structural Wood ❑ Inspect field gluing operations of elements of the X --- seismic-force-resisting system. Inspect nailing, bolting, anchoring, and other fastening of components within the seismic-force-resisting 1707.3 system, including wood shear walls,wood --- X diaphragms,drag struts, braces, shear panels and hold-downs. 3. Cold-Formed steel light-frame construction ❑ Welding of elements of the seismic-force-resisting _ X 1707.4 system. SpecialnspectionForm 2012.doc revised 09/06/12 ❑ Inspection of screw attachments, bolting, anchoring, and other fastening of components within the seismic- -- X force-resisting system including shear walls, braces, diaphragms,collectors(drag struts)and hold-downs. 4. Storage racks and access floors ❑ Anchorage of storage racks 8 feet or greater in height X 1707.5 and access floors. 5. Architectural components ❑ Inspect erection and fastening of exterior cladding weighing more than 5 psf and higher than 30 feet --- X above grade or walking surface. ❑ Inspect erection and fastening of veneer weighing more than 5 psf.and higher than 30 feet above grade --- X or walking surface. --- 1707.6 ❑ Inspect erection and fastening of all exterior non- bearing walls higher than 30 feet above grade or --- X walking surface. ❑ Inspect erection and fastening of all interior non- bearing walls weighing more than 15 psf and higher --- X than 30 feet above grade or walking surface. 6. Mechanical and Electrical Components ❑ Inspect anchorage of electrical equipment for --- X emergency or stand-by power systems. ❑ Inspect anchorage of non-emergency electrical - X equipment. ❑ Inspect installation of piping systems and associated mechanical units carrying flammable, combustible, or --- X --- 1707.7 highly toxic contents. ❑ Inspect installation of HVAC ductwork that contains X hazardous materials. ❑ Inspect installation of vibration isolation systems -- X where required by Section 1707.7. 7. ❑ Verify that the equipment label and anchorage or mounting conforms to the certificate of compliance --- 1707.8 when mechanical and electrical equipment must be seismically qualified. 8. ❑ Seismic isolation system: Inspection of isolation --- X --- 1707.9 system per ASCE 7—Section 9. ❑ Obtain mill certificates for reinforcing steel,verify compliance with approved construction documents, --- --- --- 1708.2 and verify steel supplied corresponds to certificate. 10. ❑ Structural Steel: Invoke the QAP Quality Assurance __- --- --- 1708.3 requirements in AISC 341. 11. ❑ Obtain certificate that equipment has been seismically ___ ___ --- 1708.4 qualified. 12. ❑ Obtain system tests as required by ASCE 7 Section ___ --- --- 1708.5 17.8. SpecialnspectionForm_2012.doc revised 09/06/12 RECOGNIZED SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY LIST is COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT• BUILDING DIVISION ALBERT SALVADOR, P.E., C.B.O., BUILDING OFFICIAL CUPERTINO 10300 TORRE AVENUE•CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408)777-3228• FAX(408)777-3333• building(acugertino.orq The following list of Special Inspection Agencies and their special inspectors are approved by the City of Cupertino to provide specific inspection in their respective field until the expiration date listed. Agency Name,Address Special Inspection Field and expiration date Special Inspectors RC Pc SM sw HB FP s w CG Achievement Engineering Corp. Firouz'aei, Arash X X X X 434 Camille Cir. #13 Hooshdar, Sina X X X X San Jose, CA 95134 Khodadadi, Mohammad X Tel: (800)653-1397 Safaian, Farshad Fax: (408)852-0331 Expires: 07/22/2015 Aaron Hardy X X X AnthonyKlarich X X X X X Armen Ta'irian, P.E. X Applied Materials 8 Engineering, Bryan Jackson X X Inc. 980 415`Street David Jackson X X X X X Oakland, CA 94608 Diego Bertolino X X X Tel: (510)420-8190 Harold Walrath X X X X Fax: (510)420-8186 Expires: 12/19/2014 Ken Maloney X X Email: info()-appmateng.com Michael Knowles X X X X Oswaldo Dominguez X X X X Sean Guches X X X Brown, Christian X X X X X Cole, Michael Hepper, John X X X Knudsen, Steven J. Bagg Engineers 847 West Maude Ave. McManus,Alvin X X X Sunnyvale, CA 94085-2911 Norris, David L. X X X X Tel: (650)852-9133 O'Driscoll, Alan Fax: (650)852-9138 Salceda, Francisco Expires: 7/16/2015 www.baggengineers.com Sciortino, Brandon Smith, Louis Steinbrueck, Bryan Thai, Minh Umeki, Takashi RC=Reinforced Concrete SW=Steel&Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fireproofing CG=CalGreen Code SpeciallnspectionList.doc revised 02101114 Agency Name,Address Special Inspectors Special Inspection Field and expiration date RC PC SM sw HB FP s w CG Castro, Roberto Chan, David X X Ghorbani, Behrooz Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. 865 The Alameda Lazzarini, Dan San Jose, CA 95126 Rivas, Ricardo Tel: (408)296-5515 Rosales,Adolfo Fax: (408)296-8114 Rosellini, Daniel Expires: 7/11/2014 www.biggscardosa.com Sanchez,Adam To an, Claudiu X X Wooley, Mark X X X X Yamane, Robert Auser, Jim X X X Bos ue, Jeff X X X BSK Associates Clary, Mike X X X X Engineers & Laboratories 324 Earhart Way Evans, Keven X Livermore, CA 94551 Minerales, Gilbert Tel: (925)315-3151 Ness, Dennis X X X Fax: (925)315-3152 Expires: 9/06/2014 Olsten, Ken X X www.bskassociates.com Reeves, Ben Rodriguez, Tim X X X Schurman, Peter X Capex Engineering Inc. 571 Seville Place Gary Hsu X X X X X Fremont, CA 94539 Tel: (510)668-1815 Fax: (510)490-8690 Expires: 6/25/2014 Chow, Erwin 1105 Belmont Ave. Erwin Chow X Long Beach, CA 90804 Tel: (562)449-7491 Expires: 4/24/2014 RC=Reinforced Concrete SW=Steel&Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fire roofin CG=CalGreen Code SpeciallnspectionList.doe revised 02/01/14 Agency Name,Address Special Inspection Field and expiration date Special Inspectors RC PC SM SW HB FP s w CG Ahmed, Badaruddin Alexander, David X X X Andersen, Calvin X X Bartlett, Dennis X X Bobrovitsk , Edward X X X Bolen, Michael X X X Brooks, Brendan X X X X X Brown, Ronald X X X X X Buchmiller, Kenn Cottingham, Paul Currier, James X X Eschliman, Duaine Eschliman, Kevin Fuller, Mark X X Consolidated Engineering Halloran,James X X X X X Laboratories Harrington, Wayne X X 2001 Crow Canyon Road, Suite 100 Hassebrock, Scott X X X X X San Ramon, CA 94583 Healy, Michael X Tel: (925)341-7100 Heilmann, Mark X X X Fax: (925)855-7140 Expires: 6/25/2014 Horn ak,John X X X X www.ce-labs.com Hyslop, John X X X X King, Phillip X X X X Kmitt, Stanley X X Liebold, Jeffrey X X I X X X Lozano, Alfonso Art Ma, Steven X Marlik,William X X McCutcheon,Thurmond X X McKenzie, Quinten McLaughlin, Lori X I X Miner, Dwight X X Murphy, Don X Pastora, George X X X X Rodriguez, Sandra X X Si mon, Josephine Sisson, James X X X X Small, Michael X X Van Horn, Bradford X X X X Walters, Michael Zuerner, Robert X X X RC=Reinforced Concrete S W=Steel&Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fireproofing CG=CalGreen Code SpeciallnspectiionList.doc revised 02/01/14 Agency Name,Address Secial InsSpecial Inspection Field and expiration date ppectors RC PC see sw HB FP s w CG Brian Arnold X X X Edward Bindert X X X X X Jeremy Brown X X X James Brumley X Jared Byers X X Richard Collin X X X Robert Cortez X X X X X Robert Criswell X X X Mark Dornan X X X X Tom Edwards X X X X X Tim Farley X X X X X X Gary Fechner X X X Mike Gaunt X Ron Harr X X X X Neal Hoellwarth X Richard Jones X X X X Rick Mann X X Construction Testing Services Kevin McCurdyX X 2174 Rheem Dr., Ste.A Kevin Meyers X Pleasanton, CA 94588 Kevin Moore X X Tel: (925)462-5151 Fax: (925)462-5183 Craig Nagle Expires: 6/26/2014 David Puskarich X X X X www.cts-l.com William Radulovich Brian Ragan X X X X X John Rink X George Rockenstein X X Larry Rothey X Erin Salazar X X Robert Schulze X Donald ShirleyX X X Tom Shuster X X X X X Larry Slater X Daryl Spieker X X Gary Stapleton X X X Matt Swope X I I X Travis Taylor X X Vinny Vinavong X Shawn Vucenic X John White X X XX X Isidoro Za ien X X X RC=Reinforced Concrete S W=Steel 6 Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fire roofin CG=Cal Green Code SpeciallnspectionList.doc revised 02/0///4 Agency Name,Address Special Inspection Field and expiration date Special Inspectors RC Pc SM sw HB FP s w CG Earth Systems Pacific George Barnett X X 446 S. Hillview Dr. Jeff Bryan X X Milpitas, CA 95035 Norman Engen X X X X Tel: (408)934-9302 Fax: (831)637-0510 Cal Hicks X X X X X Exp: 6/28/2014 Dennis Hurley X www.earthsystems.com X rus Melia Tim Benton ENGEO Incorporated Greg Hudson X 2010 Crow Canyon PI., Suite 250 San Ramon, CA 94583 Mike Huener ardt X X X X Tel: (925)866-9000 Kevin Lecce Fax: (888)279-2698 James"Chip" Moore X X X Exp: 7/06/2014 www.engeo.com Randy Mues X Jonathan Parker X X X X Rich Rose X X X Larry Castrence H P Inspection, Inc. Tony Cotta X X 690 Sunol ST, Building H Mark Cotter San Jose, CA 95126 Chuck Pinkham X X X X Tel: (408) 288-8460 Fax: (408)271-0902 David Pinkham X X X X Expires: 11/15/2014 P. Scott Pinkham X X X —Gary Stafford X X X X X Jason Waugh X X X X X RC=Reinforced Concrete S W=Steel&Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fireproofing CG=CalGreen Code SpeciallnspectionList.doe revised 02/01/14 Agency Name,Address Secial Insectors Special Inspection Field and expiration date ppRC Pc SM SW HB FP S W CG Alakbarov, Ha dar X Amos III, Jessie X Baccus, Garrett X X Baek, Byung Gi X X X X X X Barone, Judith X X X Celik, Can X X X X X X X Colby, Paul X X Ehrsam, Gary X Falk,Andrew X X X X Inspection Services,Inc. Flynn, Chris X X X X X X 1798 University Ave. Berkeley, CA 94703 Gaut, Tobin X X X X Tel: (510)900-2100 Llames, Fernando X X X X Fax: (510)900-2101 Lon, Rand "Roy" X X X X X X Expires: 03/21/2015 www.inspectionservices.net Patterson, Rodger X X Putman, Edward X X X X X Sandoval, Carlos X X X X X X Shebesta,Todd X Simonton, Cy-Leon X Solis, Winnie X X Stafford, William X Stark, Douglas X X X X Toschi, Patrick X X X X X Wheeler, Steven X X X X X Anderson, Tim X X X X X X Brewster, Steve X Burton, Nathan X X X Craig, Cliff X X X X X X Delabriandais, Gary X X X Kleinfelder Eres, Mark X X X X X 2601 Barrington Court Foster, Stephen X X X X Hayward, CA 94545 Hammon, Robert X X X X Tel: (925)484-1700 Johnson,Josh X Exp: 7/10/2014 Kesler, Timothy X www.kleinfelder.com Milla e, Leonard X X X X X Nicoletti,Johnathon X X Oandason, Jose X X X X X X Rommel, Daniel X X Saber, Sam X X X Swank, Phillip X X X RC=Reinforced Concrete SW=Steel&Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spra -Ap lied Fireproofing CG=CalGreen Code Speciallnspeclionbsl.doc revised 02/01/14 Agency Name,Address Special Inspection Field and expiration date Special Inspectors RC Pc SM sw HB FP s w CG James Allen X X X James Benefeito X X X -Larry Borges X X X X Ron Chandler X Krazan &Associates, Inc. Van DeMent X X 6711 Sierra Court, Ste B Dublin, CA 94568 Gregory Fernald Tel: (925)307-1160 Matthew Fernald Fax: (925)307-1161 Lewis Franklin X X X X X Exp: 2/6/2014 www.krazan.com Ken Hafeli X X X Andy Morris X X X X -Sidney Moss X X X X Matt Romero X Gregory Ruf D'Souza,Andrew Fannin, Dana X X X Ho elian, Joseph X X X X Keller, Don X X Kohls, Kristin Lake,Adam X X MatriScope Engineering Mathis, Q. Shane X X X X X Laboratories, Inc. Nieser, Paul X 4730 Contractors Common Palmer, Scott Livermore, CA 94551 Tel: (925)606-7700 Reese, Mark X Fax: (925)606-7702 Scoble, Kod Expires: 7/26/2014 Selvage, Kevin www.matriscol)e.com Shelton, James X X X X X X Sta ner, Jack X X X X X X Swartz, Jud Tadlock, K. Scott X X X X X X Tadlock, Robert X X X X X X -rhomas, Chris X Varella, Joe RC=Reinforced Concrete S W=Steel&Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed(Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fireproofing CG=CalGreen Code Speciallnspectionbst.doc revised 02/01/14 Agency Name,Address Special Inspection Field and expiration date Special Inspectors RC PC SM SW HB FP s W CG Allen, Eric Cozad, Mike X X X X X Dickey, David X Erickson, Rick Gray, Dave X X X X X X Hall, Rollin Johnson, Carl X X X X Neil O.Anderson &Associates, Inc. King, Ryan X 902 Industrial Way Kort, Jason X X X X Lodi, CA 95240 Landess, Frank X X X Tel: (209)367-3701 Fax: (209)333-8303 Lenehan, Gerry Expires: 2/1/2016 Me'orado,Aaron X www.noanderson.com Merrell, Ryan X Mor an, Daniel O as, George Oszut, Gregory X X X X Roberts, Jason Westfall, Kimmis X X X X X Whiting,John Williams, Roger X X X PacificlnterWest Bldg Consultants, Inc. Cope, Doug X 1600 South Main St, Suite 380 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Tel: (925)939-5500 Fax: (925)939-9561 Expires: 9/6/2013 www.r)acificinterwest.com Albert George X X X X X PSI, Inc. Deborah White X 365 Victor Street, Ste. C Michael Winter X X Salinas, CA 93907 William Monger X X X X X Tel: (831)757-3536 Fax: (831)757-6265 Brand Burfield X Expires: 1/10/2015 Ezekiel Robles X www.psiusa.com Stephen Ramos X Darwin Zackary X RC=Reinforced Concrete SW=Steel&Welding S =Soils PC=Pie-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fireproofin CG=Ca/Green Code SpeciallnspectionList.doe revised 02/01/14 Agency Name,Address Secial Insectors Special Inspection Field and expiration date ppRC PC SM SW HB FP s w CG Alley, Maurice X X Bosque, Jeff X X X Carr, Greg Cecconi, Joe X Chinn, Gordon X X X X Francis, Chris X X RMA Group of Northern California Geraghty, Rich X X X 6296 San Ignacio Ave., Suite A Gillespie, John X X X X X San Jose, CA 95119 Gundersen,Al X X X Tel: (408)362-4920 Fax: (408)362-4926 Haff, Tiffany Expires: 04/01/2012 Hughes, Dottie X X X www.rmacomi)anies.com Sondrol, Jeff X X X X Stocke,Jacob X Swain, Pat X Tellesen, Mike X X Tonkovich, Bill X X X X Walters, Chris X X X X X X Zeiher, Adam X RC=Reinforced Concrete S W=Steel&Welding S =soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=SpraymApplied Fireproofing CG=CalGreen Code SpeciallnspectionList.doc revised 02101114 Agency Name,Address Secial Insectors Special Inspection Field and expiration date ppRC PC see sw HB FP s w Cc Allder, Scott Brunett, John X X X Caraisco,Thomas X X X X X X Chuong, Jason X Contreras, Roberto X X X X X Cross, Len Cunningham, Jim Smith-Emery Company Daniels, Jodie X X Daquinag, Bonafacio Corporate Office: 78'I E. Washington Blvd. Docena, Bernard Los Angeles, CA 90021 Drake, Barry X X Joakimson, Robert X X X X X X K Testing Facilities: lopson, Paul X X X 1940 Oakdale Ave. Mazuk, Ray X P.O. Box 880550 McCarron, Liam X X X San Francisco, CA 94124 Merino, Salvador X X X X X Tel: (415)642-7326 Miranda, Allen Expires: 4/09/2015 Murphy, Mike www.smithemervsf.com Nadler, Joel X X X Nickerson, Scott X X X X Ross, Jason X X Serrano, Ramon Sherwood, Tony X X X X X X Starkey, Raymond Stevenson, Wylie Viramontes, Keith X X X Stevens, Ferrone &Bailey Babione, Martin X X X 1600 Willow Pass Court Conner, Scott X X X X X X Concord, CA 94520 Fletcher, Brett X X X X X X X Tel: (925)688-1001 Fax: (925)688-1005 Minor, Matt X X X Expires: 8/09/2014 Quinn, Tom X X X X www.sfandb.com Thielges, Jon RC=Reinforced Concrete SW=Steel&Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fireproofin CG=Ca/Green Code SpeciallnspectiionList.doc revised 02/01/14 Agency Name,Address Special Inspection Field and expiration date Special Inspectors RC PC SM SW HB FP s w CG Terracon Consultants,Inc. Houts, Walter X X X X X X 3140 Gold Camp Drive, Suite 170 Mears, Steven X X X X X X Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Tel: (916)858-1579 Fax: (916)858-8277 Expires: 7/17/2015 www.terracon.com Ardizonne, Mike X Dougherty, John X X X X Ganly, Jim Geraghty, Richard X X X X Grossman, Peter, P.E. X Gunderson, Al X X X X Testing Engineers, Inc. Hernandez, Frank X X X X X 2811 Teagarden Street San Leandro, CA 94577 Mendosa, John X Tel: (510)835-3142 Muzika, Bruce X X Fax: (510)834-3777 Ronald, Seth X Expires: 4/22/2015 testing-engineers.com Souza, Jason X X Tellesen, Mike X X Thomas, Paul X X X X Watanabe, Dan X Williams, Brian X White, Walker X Yoka,John X X X Western Technologies, Inc. 3480 South Dodge Blvd. Tucson,AZ 85713 Tiedemann, Thomas X Tel: (520) 748-2262 Expires: 8/29/2014 www.wt-us.com RC=Reinforced Concrete S W=Steel 6 Welding S =Soils PC=Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete HB=High-Strength Bolding W=Wood SM=Structural Masonry FP=Spray-Applied Fire roofin CG=Ca/Green Code SpeciallnspectionList,doc revised 02/01/14 SWStructural, Inc . E N G I N E E R I N G 17582 San Benito Way Monte Sereno, CA 95030 Phone: 408-399-0623 Facsimile: 408-395-0124 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FFICE COPY For Voluntary Seismic Upgrade Apple, Inc. Bubb 12 RECEIVED 10460 Bubb Road NOV 03 2014 Cupertino, CA - QROF ESS/ONq w No. 4212 � * Exp. 6/30/2016 * Lt HERTINO Building Department 9T RUU, NOV 0 3 2014 REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE Reviewed By. J� h4-1wl PROJECT NO. 14-031A 10.20.14 CtPp k T�JT 2 SCOPE OF VOLUNTARY SEISMIC UPGRADE INCLUDES: 1. OUT-OF-PLANE ANCHORAGE OF CONCRETE WALL PANELS TO WOOD ROOF DIAPHRAGM AT PERIMETER OF BUILDING AT APPROXIMATELY 8'-0' OC. 2. CONTINUITY TIES FULL LENGTH OF BUILDING IN THE TWO ORTHOGONAL DIRECTIONS. APPROXIMATE SPACING = 24'-0' OC. FfROJECT IDATA 1. PLANS AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN ARE BASED UPON: • THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE • ASCE 1-10 • WALL ANCHORAGE FORCE FOR VOLUNTARY SEISMIC UPGRADE IS BASED UPON 759. OF CODE MINIMUM FORCE. 2. SEISMIC ANCHORAGE DESIGN COEFFICIENTS GROUND MOTION Sc>s= 15110 Sc>i= 0.8030 SITE CLASS= D SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY= D 2- 10411 10411 Bubb Rd.txtGE Izz, Apple Bubb 16 �� !Z Conterminous 48 States 2009 International Building Code Q Ap'. Latitude = 37.317 Longitude = -122.05 Spectral Response Accelerations ss and S1 Ss and sl = Mapped Spectral Acceleration values site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,FV = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.01 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 2.267 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.803 (S1, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2009 International Building Code Latitude = 37.317 Longitude = -122.05 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SM1 SMS = Fa x Ss and SMI = FV x Sl Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,FV = 1.5 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 2.267 (SMs, Site Class D) 1.0 1.205 (SM1, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2009 International Building Code Latitude = 37.317 Longitude = -122.05 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SDI SDs = 2/3 x SMs and SDI = 2/3 x SM1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,FV = 1. 5 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1. 511 (SDs, Site Class D) �� 1.0 0.803 (SDI, Site Class D) 'Y S v s = 1 ,41 (Se�- ►o"t ec-, T+tls is Page 1 40/20/2014 Design Maps Summary Report ELM Design Maps Summary Report 3 User-Specified Input Report Title Apple Bubb 12 Mon October 20, 2014 16:21:04 UTC Building Code Reference Document ASCE 7-10 Standard (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) Site Coordinates 37.317960N, 122.04963°W Site Soil Classification Site Class D - "Stiff Soil" Risk Category I/II/III Soo Po►tota van*y Sunnyvale,,. ' Loyola m Camm vgw Pa+ ;,. , SAN X10 a Cup Mnor` I � ,N C A I` 51r M E R I C A a r;it oga X .. ` $` 020141 MapQuest USGS-Provided Output SS = 2.115g SMs = 2.115g SDS = S1 = 0.765 g SMI = 1.147 g SDI = 0. 65 g For information on how the SS and S1 values above have been calculated from probabilistic (risk-targeted) and deterministic ground motions in the direction of maximum horizontal response, please return to the application and select the"2009 NEHRP" building code reference document. MCEe Response Spectrum Design Response Spectrum 1.65-- 2.20-- 1.50 1.99 1.35 1.76 1.20 1.54 1.D5 IT 1.32 C* 0.90 v 1.10 0.75 Ln 0.9$ 0.60 0.66 0.45 0.44 0.30 0.22 0.15 0.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.00- 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.90 22.00 Period. T(sec) Period. T(sec) For PGA,,,, T, CRS, and CR, values, please view the detailed report. http://ehpi-ear"uake.cr.usgs.gov/designm aps/us/summary.php?tem plate=minimal&I abtude=37.3179643&longitude=-122.0496326&sitecl ass=3&riskcategory... 1/2 JOB PAGE—+ PPS 43c1t�� !2 BY DATE CA FTL �rt3 CD g"ate �tr L i rL T 4'�- i 1 SW Structural, Inc. i STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SW Structural,Inc Project Title: Apple Bubb 12 17582 San Benito Way Engineer: SFW Project ID: 14-031 Monte Sereno,CA 95030 Project Descr: Phone:408-399-0623 S W Email:swade@swstructural.com Paned.11 SEP 2014, 3:36FU ASCE Seismic Wall Anchors @ File=\lserver-pcWata\ALLDAT-IISWSFiL-11Projectsl_2014-1\14-031-ttcALCUL-1\14-03t.ec6 g ENERCALC,INC.1983.2014,Build:,Ver.6.14.825 KW-06006329 Licensee:SW STRUCTURAL INC. Description: Apple Bubb 12 Seismic Wall Anchorage per ASCE 7-10 Description : Case 1 SDs = 1.511 1:Importance Factor = 1.0 Wall Weight = 94.0 psf Wall Height = 20.0 ft Parapet Height = 2.0 ft Horiz. Spacing between anchors = 8.0 ft Tributary Height=Wall height/2+Parapet = 12.0 ft Out-of-Plane Force for Structural Wall Design (For all SDCs) 0.4*SDS*I*Weight 56.814 psf Controlling Value = 56.814 psf 10%'Weight 9.40 psf Out-of-Plane Wall Anchorage Force H = 20.Oft Z = 20.0 ft U = 100.0ft Anchorage is not at roof and all diaphragms are not flexible Yes Multiplier = 1.0 Ka = 2.0 Based on(12.99-1) = 10,908.2lbs Controlling Value = 10,908.2 lbs Based on lower limit for Fp = 3,609.60lbs Seismic Wall Anchorage per ASCE 7-10 '" Description : Case 2 SDS = 1.511 1:Importance Factor = 1 Wall Weight = 94.0 psf Wall Height = 15.0 ft Parapet Height = 7.0 ft Horiz. Spacing between anchors = 8.0 ft Tributary Height=Wall height/2+Parapet = 14.50 ft Out-of-Plane Force for Structural Wall Design (For all SDCs) 0.4*SDS*I*Weight 56.814 Psf Controlling Value = 56.814 psf 10%'Weight 9.40 psf Out-of-Plane Wall Anchorage Force H = 15.0ft z = 15.011 U = 100.Oft Anchorage is not at roof and all diaphragms are not flexible Yes Multiplier = 1.0 Ka = 2.0 Based on(12.11-1) = 13,180.8lbs Controlling Value = 13,180.8 lbs Based on lower limit for Fp = 4,361.601bs Seismic Wall Anchorage per ASCE 7-10 Description : Case 3 SDs = 1.511 1:Importance Factor = 1 Wall Weight = 94.0 psf Wall Height = 15.0 ft Parapet Height = 0.50 ft Horiz. Spacing between anchors = 8.0 ft Tributary Height=Wall height/2+Parapet = 8.0ft Out-of-Plane Force for Structural Wall Design (For all SDCs) 0.4*SDS*I*Weight 56.814 Psf Controlling Value = 56.814 psf 10%*Weight 9.40 psf SW Structural,Inc Project Title: Apple Bubb 12 17582 San Benito Way Engineer: SFW Project ID: 14-031 Monte Sereno,CA 95030 Project Descr: Phone:408-399-0623S W Email:swade@swstructural.com Nrrted.11 SEP 2014, 3:36PM - - - - File=tlserver-pctdat"LLDAT-11SWSFIL-11Projectsl_2©14--lkl4-031-1tCALCUL-tt14-631,ec6 ASCE Seismic Wall Anchorage File INC.1983.2014,Build:,Ver: KW-06006329 Licensee:SW STRUCTURAL INC. Description: Apple Bubb 12 Out-of-Plane Wall Anchorage Force H = 15.0ft Z = 15.0 ft U = 100.0ft Anchorage is not at roof and all diaphragms are not flexible Yes Multiplier = 1.0 Ka = 2.0 Based on(12.11-1) = 7,272.14lbs Controlling Value = 7,272.14 lbs Based on lower limit for Fp = 2,406.40lbs JOB PAGE BY DATE 7u 5 �I�,.1 1�P-SES s►.1 f'�,R�tt `�'I�1A I �G N KIM A-V 2' e,A- Sb I a� � '' �= GRc,c MAX F-cp-4,f �— YtCL4�)(kt;r �1 -�� t),V rtoXA4NT �S(L 2 - '►`QTS @ � GsN n1 '�Zi l C�1 l,slrY> �'L'12_ �� • �� - /tu�rk�'�-) = �- (��13' = �'�o?�� SWStructural, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 1'-0' 2'-0- 2- e 4'X3'XO'-(o' 1021' TYP 14X 4 URL IN ® ® ol =tz 0 Xc d .LT e �'X3' (ASTM A512 GR 50) W/ 4'0 POLE Q GTR 14'Xllg' LVL EA SIDE ANCHOR BRACKET W1 8- SD525350 EACH SIDE: fE �'X3'XI'-22' W/ d (E) INTERFERING SIMPSON PD55 EA SIDE 3- PILTI NIT-PY 200 PARI)WARE MAY W1 J°m ANCHOR ROD « NIT-Z � (EMB=4�°) BE REMOvED (E) 3Xi(o 51. LEDGER 4 a (E) 12' GONG WALL PANEL www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.4.8 Company: SW Structural,Inc Page: 1 Specifier: Steve Wade Project: Bubb 12 1 Address: Sub-Project I Pos.No.: 14-031 Phone I Fax: 408-399-06231 Date: 9/1112014 E-Mail: swade@swstructural.com Specifier's comments:Typical Epoxy Anchor Wall Tie 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: HIT-HY 200+HIT-Z-R 112 -�� Effective embedment depth: het,act=4.500 in.(het,timit='In.) Material: A4 Evaluation Service Report: ESR-3187 Issued I Valid: 5/1/2014 13/1/2016 Proof: design method ACI 318-11 /Chem Stand-off installation: eb=0.000 in.(no stand-off);t=0.500 in. Anchor plate: Ix x ly x t=15.000 in.x 13.000 in.x 0.500 in.;(Recommended plate thickness:not calculated) Profile: no profile Base material: cracked concrete,3000,fc'=3000 psi;h=7.500 in.,Temp.shortilong:32/32°F Installation: hammer drilled hole,installation condition:dry Reinforcement: tension:condition B,shear:condition B;no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement:none or<No.4 bar Seismic loads(cat.C,D, E,or F) Tension load:yes(D. Shear load:yes(D. Geometry[in.]&Loading[lb,in.lb] Z' � I SO , o a'a a► Jv Ely r .x Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor(c)2003-2009 Hilti AG,FL-9494 Schaan Hilli is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG,Schaan n www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.4.8 Company: SW Structural,Inc Page: 2 Specifier: Steve Wade Project: Bubb 12 Address: Sub-Project I Pos.No.: 14-031 Phone I Fax: 408-399-0623 1 Date: 9/11/2014 E-Mail: swade@swstructural.com 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case:Design loads Y 04 5 06 Anchor reactions[Ib] Tension force:(+Tension,-Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force y 1 2171 0 0 0 2 2171 0 0 0x 3 2171 0 0 0 T on 4 2171 0 0 0 5 2171 0 0 0 6 2171 0 0 0 max.concrete compressive strain: [96e] 01 02 03 max.concrete compressive stress: -[psi] resulting tension force in(x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 13026[lb] resulting compression force in(x/y)=(0.000/0.000):0[lb] 3 Tension load Load N.[lb] Capacity+Nn[Ib] Utilization PN=N„a/+Nn Status Steel Strength` 2171 8695 25 OK Pullout Strength— 2171 5728 38 OK Sustained Tension Load Bond Strength` N/A N/A N/A N/A Concrete Breakout Strength— 13026 14248 92 OK `anchor having the highest loading "`anchor group(anchors in tension) 3.1 Steel Strength N.[I b] ^a Pb] Nu.[)b] 13376 0.650 8695 2171 3.2 Pullout Strength Np[lb] )18 Npn[lb] (P 4'seismic �nonducble CtN,seis ^n[lb] 11750 1.000 11750 0.650 0.750 1.000 1.000 5728 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strength AW[in.I ANco[in.2] Ca,min[in.] cac[in.] 4/c.N 599.25 182.25 1 12.900 1.000 LL ec1.N[in.] Yecl,N ec2,N[in.] Wec2,N yred,N wcp,N kcr 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 17 ka Nb Jib] seismicONcbg[lb] Nu.[Ib] 1.000 8888 0.650 0.750 14248 13026 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor(c)2003-2009 Hllti AG,FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG,Schaan EZI www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.4.8 Company: SW Structural, Inc Page: 3 II Specifier: Steve Wade Project: Bubb 12 41 Address: Sub-Project I Pos.No.: 14-031 Phone I Fax: 408-399-06231 Date: 9/11/2014 E-Mail: swade@swstructural.com 4 Shear load Load Vu.[lb] Capacity+V„[Ib] Utilization pv=V„,/+V„ Status Steel Strength' N/A N/A N/A N/A Steel failure(with lever arm)' N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength(Bond Strength controls)' N/A N/A N/A N/A Concrete edge failure in direction" N/A N/A N/A N/A 'anchor having the highest loading "anchor group(relevant anchors) 5 Warnings • Load re-distributions on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered.The anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff,in order not to be deformed when subjected to the loading! • Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used.The 0 factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength.Refer to your local standard. • Design Strengths of adhesive anchor systems are influenced by the cleaning method.Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE given in the Evaluation Service Report for cleaning and installation instructions • Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! • An anchor design approach for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F is given in ACI 318-11 Appendix D,Part D. (a)that requires the governing design strength of an anchor or group of anchors be limited by ductile steel failure.If this is NOT the case,the connection design(tension)shall satisfy the provisions of Part D., Part D.,or Part D. connection design (shear)shall satisfy the provisions of Part D.,Part D.,or Part D. • Part D. D. that the attachment the anchors are connecting to the structure be designed to undergo ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces no greater than the controlling design strength. Part D. D. waives the ductility requirements and requires that the anchors shall be designed for the maximum tension/shear that can be transmitted to the anchors by a non-yielding attachment. Part D. D. the ductility requirements and requires the design strength of the anchors to equal or exceed the maximum tension/shear obtained from design load combinations that include E,with E increased by 00. • Installation of Hilti adhesive anchor systems shall be performed by personnel trained to install Hilti adhesive anchors. Reference ACI 318-11,Part D.9.1 Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility) PROFIS Anchor(c)2003-2009 Hilti AG,FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG,Schaan L,,,L I u-s mi 3 www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.4.8 Company: SW Structural,Inc Page: 4 Specifier: Steve Wade Project: Bubb 12 (�— Address: Sub-Project I Pos.No.: 14-031 Phone I Fax: 408-399-0623 Date: 9/11/2014 E-Mail: swade@swstructural.com 6 Installation data Anchor plate,steel:- Anchor type and diameter:HIT-HY 200+HIT-Z-R 1/2 Profile:no profile;0.000 x 0.000 x 0.000 in. Installation torque:354.030 in.lb Hole diameter in the fixture:df=0.563 in. Hole diameter in the base material:0.563 in. Plate thickness(input):0.500 in. Hole depth in the base material:5.500 in. Recommended plate thickness:not calculated Minimum thickness of the base material:6.750 in. Cleaning:No cleaning of the drilled hole is required Y 7.500 7.500 0 0 u? 04 5 0 0 u� co 0 0 o x 0 co 1 2 0 0 1.500 6.000 6.000 1.500 Coordinates Anchor in. Anchor X Y C_x Cfx C_Y C+Y Anchor X Y C_x Ctx C_Y cfY 1 -6.000 -5.000 - - - 4 -6.000 5.000 - 2 0.000 -5.000 - - - 5 0.000 5.000 - - - 3 6.000 -5.000 - - 6 6.000 5.000 - - Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor(c)2003-2009 Hill!AG,FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG,Schaan www.hiltims Profis Anchor 2.4.8 Company: SW Structural, Inc Page: 5 12 Specifier: Steve Wade Project: Bubb 12 d Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: 14-031 Phone I Fax: 408-399-06231 Date: 9/11/2014 E-Mail: swade@swstructural.com 7 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties • Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles,formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating,mounting and assembly instructions,etc.,that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures,and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore,you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors,the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover,you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert,particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits,prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors,the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular,you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and,if applicable,carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software,you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences,such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs,arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plauslbilityl PROFIS Anchor(c)2003-2009 Hilti AG,FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG,Schaan JOB PAGE BY DATE S 22� / r SWStructural, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB 14 PAGE BY DATE �� �'� 9�tom'��P�►�x� S p C 1�T 3 20 fin= C A-W C le�e P w 5 - Z406.' t)I"ham 22 '-F -LL, CL — A SE WMA, Tic; 9 T(e � 3 bS o TI t N, j _ 4t W i r 'Tra�N Lr -- L 45� (ANT 1 '-J LJ L7`( Tl E G 2 z FTF - I I°� o'� SW W Structural, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB o3 PAGE PAPP L-k I2 BY DATE evit3 - Q I,f�-P ls' r t"4 CL, C�j -s) /I,S�59 = �j6,� �� C Ort►�F ffS N-S) �6SC�-4) L Lp, ,� 320 : X21 Jr 1,4 l . 1 < 7-7-' pvrL Lk-tl 414 SW Structural, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB PAGE I BY �_ DATE ru C ,�b cn.l Ary -W 3- D C*p At, = 2 2x T�,lc2 Wf'S tel_ e t -�u clkvG- Tv(c- c"7. T1 k_ 73 k slwtruF �P1rL �oF �I3 .T TSE �,sSuµEb TSE rz NC�c .7 PEE I G*PAt- ®F 2 x '16 Zx 'Z3 Lo - l � �2�� � 1-31ZZ� SW Structural, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB 14 -; i PAGE � hPPlh �h135 I'Z BY —t'Q DATE G = t5 Rv 11I,51 �2itiJ - 1-7 a 2 � R PA.1 1 o P , VD-TlcA,, paVJa"rT V4-' FIUET (__52__ 2y cry �F 4 4 > �9 SWStructural, Inc. STRUCTURALENGINEERINO r i I i &TfRUCTUfRAL IONS NOTE5 SECTION OR DETAIL LETTER/NUMBER 1 S3 SHEET NUMBER WHERE SECTION OR DETAIL 15 SHOWNRCH O 2. + INDICATES AN APPROXIMATE DIMENSION OR Q STRUCTURAL SI=EGIFIGyATIONS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: ELEVATION, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY WOOD FRAMING CONINFORMATIONAS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE Ti rE C Tr 8 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND CONDITIONS OF U l� U DOUGLAS FIR COAST REGION, CONFORMING TO WEST COAST LUMBER INSPECTION THE SITE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. IF BUREAU STANDARD GRADING AND DRESSING RULE No. 1-1, AS AMENDED TO DATE. THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND THE 113% MAXIMUM M015TURE CONTENT AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THEA55fREVIAT tENGINEER/ARCH. IMMEDIATELY fN WRITING. IN NO CASE SHALL DIMENSIONS 5E 1. 2x 3x 4x, PLATES, JOISTS PURLINS AND BEAMS, No. 1 SETTER, UNLESS NOTED HAVES GROUP ARCHITECTS, INC. P OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. SCALED FROM PLANS, SECTIONS, OR DETAILS ON THE DRAWINGS OR 2657 SPRING STREET 2. fox 4 LARGER BEAMS, No. 1. WHEN BEAM WIDTH 15 NOT MORE THAN 2' GREATER CALCULATIONS. REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 THAN THICKNESS, THE MEMBER SHALL CONFORM t0 ITEM 6 BELOW, 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIA m DI MB MACHINE BOLFCS) 3. 2x, 3x, 4x LEDGERS, No. 1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. 0 DIAMETER MAX MAXIMUM P: 650.365.0600 4. 4x4 POSTS, No. I UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. BUILDING CODE I 5. 4xro POSTS, No. 1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. 3. ALL OMISSIONS AND CONFLICTS SEtWEEN THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THE WORKING " NUMBER MEGH MECHANICAL F: 650.365.0670 6.6x6 AND LARGER POSTS, DENSE No. 1, WHEN POST WIDTH 15 MORE THAN 2' DRAWING AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE MFR MANUFACTURER www.thehayesgroup.com GREATER THAN THICKNESS, THE MEMBER SHALL CONFORM TO ITEM 2 ABOVE. ENGINEER/ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK SO INVOLVED. AB ANCHOR BOLT MIN MINIMUM APPROX APPROXIMATE(LY) MISC MISCELLANEOUS PROJECT DESCRIPTION: -(. 2x4, 3x4, STUDS AND BLOCKING, No. 2. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITY LINES AND ARCH. ARCHITECTURAL) 8. 2x6 OR LARGER STUDS AND BLOCKING, No. 1. CONNECTIONS INCLUDING SEWER, WATER, GAS, AND ELECTRIC SERVICES BEFORE (N) NEWArrLc PP E 'INC... 9ANp DURING HIS WORK . FOUNDATION PLATES: PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR. SLK BLOCK NIG NOT IN CONTRACT I 10.ALL FRAMING LUMBER ro' OR LARGER IN THE LEAST DIMENSION SHALL 5E FOHC. BLKCx BLOCKING No. NUMBER BUBB 12 5. NO PIPES, DUCTS, SLEEVES, CHASES, ETC., SHALL 5E PLACED IN SLABS, FOOTING, STRUCTURAL COMPOSITE LUMBER BEAM, OR WALLS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN OR NOTED, NOR SHALL ANY BLDG BUILDING NOM NOMINAL I I-JOISTS AND STRUCTURAL COMPOSITE LUMBER MEMBERS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY STRUCTURAL MEMBER BE CUT FOR PIPES, DUCTS, ETC., UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5.o. Bo BM BEAM NS NEAR SIDE VOLUNTARYC UPGRADE TRU$ JOIST OR APPROVED EQUAL. SIZE AND SPACING SHALL BE AS NOTED ON PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL FOR INSTALLATION OR ANY BOUNDARY NAILING NTS NOT TO SCALE B. ttoM of 10460 B U B B ROAD MEMBERS TO BE AS FOLLOWS (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLAN): ADDITIONAL PIPES, DUCTS, ETC. 1. PSL MEMBERS: 20E LOWSPARA(UNLESS LAM PSL ro. CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE BOF BOTTOM OC ON CENTER CUPERTINO, CA 95014 2. LVL MEMBERS: 1.9E MICROLLAM LVL RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB 51TE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION 801= BOTTOM OF FOOTING OH OUTSIDE DIAMETER OH OPPOSITE NAND WOOD GONSTRUGFION CONNECTORS OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY, THAT THIS (t CENTER LINE OFF OPPOSITE REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED To NORMAL CIDH CAST IN DRILLED HOLE OWSJ OPEN WEB STEEL J015T ALL WOOD CONSTRUCTION CONNECTORS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS, WORKING HOURS, AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT DESCRIPTION SHALL BE SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS OR APPROVED EQUAL. HOLD THE OWNER AND ENGINEER/ARCHITECT HARMLESS FROM ANY LIABILITY, REAL CJP COMPLETE JT PENETRATION IE METAL PLATE iGLR CLEAR PDF POWDER DRIVEN FASTENER LAG SCREWS ORALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, CLG CEILING PtDF PRESS. TREATED DOUG.FIR EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR LAG SCREWS SHALL 5E PER AN51/A5ME 518.2.1 (MOST CURRENT). PRE-DRILL HOLES AND GMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE PLY PLYWOOD PENETRATION THE ENGINEER/ARCHITECT. COL COLUMN PJP PARTIAL JOINT LUBRICATE SCREWS PER CURRENT NDS SPECIFICATION. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO ENSURE THAT ALL CONG CONCRETE P5F POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS IRON PROPERTY 15 PROTECTED DURING THIS OPERATION. ANY DAMAGE OR CHANGED CONN CONNECTION PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS IRON SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED AND RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO THAT CONST CONSTRUCTION PT POINT OR POST TENSION WITH A15C CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE - CURRENT EDITION. EXISTING AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE CONI CONTINUOUS ACSK COUNtER$INK RAD OR R RADIUS ANY DAMAGE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. RCP REINF CONC PIPE I. WIDE FLANGE AND STRUCTURAL TEE SHAPES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A992. 8. CONTRACTORS SHALL TAKE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT ALL DBL DOUBLE REINF REINFORCED, REINFORCING 2. CHANNELS AND ANGLES SHALL CONFORM TMO ASTA36. UNFINISHED EXPOSED STRUCTURAL MATERIALS FROM ANY INCLEMENT WEATHER DET DETAIL REQ'D REQUIRED SHEET REVISIONS 3. STRUCTURAL PLATE SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A36 OR ASTM A512 GR 50. SEE CONDITIONS. DF DOUGLAS FIR REV REVISION DETAILS FOR LOCATIONS WHERE ASTM A512 GR 50 15 REQUIRED. DIAD DIAGONAL RS ROUGH SAWN zn� 10-20-14 PERMIT SUBMITTAL 4. HOLLOW STRUCTURAL SECTIONS (RSS) SHALL CONFORM To A5TM A500, GRADE 5. DN DOWN RWD REDWOOD 5. STEEL PIPE SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A53, GRADE B. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: DO DITTO Q 6.WELDED HEADED STUDS SHALL CONFORM TO AWS D1.1, TYPE B STUDS, DWG DRAWING SAD. SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS NOTE: EXPOSED STEEL MEMBERS SHALL 5E GALVANIZED OR PAINTED WITH A RUST SCH3=D SCHEDULE A INHIBITIVE PAINT. FIELD WELDS SHALL BE TOUGHED-UP WITH A ZINC RICH PRIMER 1. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE FEDERAL LAWS, STATE STATUTES, EA EXISTING SEC SECTION LOCAL ORDINANCES, AND THE REGULATIONS OF AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION. EA EACH SHT SHEET MACHINE BOLTS ANCHOR BOLTS AND THREADED RODS DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL STATE DITHE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMPLYING WITH EL ELEVATION Sm SHEATHING THE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS OF THE VEELEVATOR SiM SIMILAR I. SOLFS AND RODS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A30-1 GRADE A OR ASTM A36. EN EDGE NAILING SM $HEETMETAL 2. NUTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A563-A, HEAVY HEX, FINISH TO MATCH FASTENER SAFETY, THE REGULATIONS OF THE FEDERAL AND STATE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY EQ EQUAL SMS SHEET METAL SCREW 3. STANDARD WASHERS SHALL SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER THE NUT FOR STEEL TO STEEL AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATIONS, AND SUCH OTHER AGENCIES GOVERNING THE EW EACH WAY SPECS) SPECIFICATION($) SQ SQUARE Q CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR'S ACTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 5E RESPONSIBLE FOR AND 4. PLATE WASHERS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER THE BOLT HEAD AND NUT FOR WOOD TO HOLD HARMLESS THE DESIGN ENGINEER/ARCHITECT FOR ANY DAMAGES AND/OR FBG FRAMED BEAM CONN SLAG STAGGERED WOOD CONNECTIONS. PENALTIES RESULTING FROM NIS FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE SAID LAWSFIN FiNISHIED) STD STANDARD , 5. BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS, AND RODS PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR IN CONTACT FND FOUNDATION $TL STEEL w/ PRESSURE TREATED WOOD SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED. STATUES, ORDINANCES, AND REGULATIONS. � FOC FACE OF CONCRETE 575M5 SELF TAPPING/DRILLING SCREW 2. THE DESIGN, ADEQUACY AND SAFETY OF ERECTIONS BRACING, SHORING, FOM FACE OF MASONRY STRUCT STRUCTURAL HIGH STRENGTH RODS, NUTS 4 WASHERS TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, ETC., IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR, AND P05 FACE OF STUD(5) SYM SYMMETRICAL 1. HIGH STRENGTH THREADED RODS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM F1554, GR 105 OR HAS NOT BEEN CONSIDERED 5Y THE DESIGN ENGINEER/ARCHITECT. THE FP FULL PENETRATION ASTM A449. CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE PRIOR To F5 FAR SIDE F4G TONGUE AND GROOVE 2. NUTS SHALL 5E HEAVY HEX PER ASTM A563, FINISH TO MATCH THE BOLT. THE APPLICATION OF ALL SHEAR WALLS, ROOF AND FLOOR DIAPHRAGMS AND FTG FOOTING T 4 B TOP 4 BOTTOM 3. WASHERS SHALL 5E FLAT CIRCULAR, RECTANGULAR OR SQUARE 5EVELED FINISHED MATERIALS, AND SHALL PROVIDE REQUIRED BRACING TO PROVIDE TBR t0 BE REMOVED WASHERS AND SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM F43ro TYPE 1 OR 3, FINISH TO MATCH NUT. STABILITY Ga GAUGE T.O. TOP OF WELDING 3. No ALTERNATE METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION OR SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE GIL GLUED LAMINATED TOF TOP OF FOOTING GL GLUED LAMINATED BEAM T.O.P. TOP OF PLATE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER/ARCHITECT. TOS TOP OF SLAB OR STEEL ALL WELDING SHALL BE PEWORMED BY CERTIFIED WELDERS PER AWS 'STANDARD HDR HEADER T.O.W. FOP OF WALL QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE' TO PERFORM THE TYPE OF WORK REQUIRED. ALL HEX HEXAGONAL TYP TYPICAL WELDING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT AW5 WELDING CODE. ARC SPECIAL Its ISFE/CT I ON HGR HANGER WELDING ELECTRODES SHALL BE LOW HYDROGEN E70 SERIES FOR A36, A512 4 'V HORIZ HORIZONTAL UN.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE A992 MATERIAL, AND LOW HYDROGEN E80 SERIES FOR A706 REINFORCING STEEL. 5HIGH STRENGTH BOLT THE OWNER SHALL EMPLOY A SPECIAL INSPECTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION ON THE WHSS5 HOLLOW STRUGT SECTION VERT VERTICAL CMM'LII�'ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART�EI'�'T ADHESIVE ANCHORING SYSTEMS FOR CONCRETE S OF WO PER THE BUILDING CODE: HT HEIGHT BUILGiNt3 GMSION -CUPERTiNU ADHESIVE ANCHORING SYSTEMS SHALL BE HILTI HIT-HY 200+ HIT-Z CESR-3187), OR FOLLOWING TYPE RK APP ROVED APPROVED EQUAL. INSTALLATION OF ANCHORS AND ADHESIVE INCLUDING DRILLING AND W/ WITH CLEANING OF HOLES SHALL 5E IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT ICC REPORT. 1. EPDXY ANCHOR INSTALLATION IN INSIDE DIAMETER WF WIDE FLANGE set of Mans and specifications RUST be kept at the IN$P INSPECTION/INSPECTOR WP WATERPROOF OR WORK POINT jotsite during construction. it is unlawful to make any ADHESIVES SHALL BE USED ONLY IN APPLICATIONS PERMITTED 5Y THE ICG REPORT, 2. DRILLED-IN CONCRETE ANCHORS INSUL INSULATION WT WEIGHT CONCRETE EXPANSION ANCHORS 3. STRUCTURAL WELDING changes or alterations on same, or to deviate4. INSTALLATION EL SEISMIC HARDWARE JT JOINT WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC t; refrom, without apprc°ial from the Building Official. EXPANSION ANCHORS SHALL BE HILT[ KWIK 50Lt TZ CARBON STEEL ANCHORS (ESR-191-1) OR Stamping of this plan and specifications e violation NOT APPROVED EQUAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL TORQUE ANCHORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE IGC-E5 SPECIAL INSPECTOR LAG LAG SCREW(5) !r, h slu to -mit or to he an appro�ai of the eriolation REPORT. F LL LIVE LOAD c `Pf prCVisicns of any City Or inarce or State Law. LL55 LONG LEGS BACK TO BACK /Gf� THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR SHALL 5E A QUALIFIED PERSON WHO SHALL DEMONSTRATE HIS OR HER COMPETENCE t0 THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL FOR LLH LONG LEG HORIZONTAL INSPECTION OF A PARTICULAR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION REQUIRING LLC LONG LEG VERTICAL LOG LOCATION � '= `°"' NO' SPECIAL INSPECTION. LW LIGHT WEIGHT DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR 1. THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR SHALL OBSERVE THE WORK ASSIGNED FOR f=1fR0JEGT ® NOV 0 3 2014 CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR SHALL FURNISH INSPECTION REPORTS TO THE 5UILDING- _= + OFFICIAL, THE OWNER OR OWNER'S DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE, THE ARCHITECT OR PROJECT MANAGER, THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD, THE SCOPE OF VOLUNTARY SEISMIC UPGRADE INCLUDES: CONTRACTOR AND OTHER PERSONS DESIGNATED BY THE OWNER OR OWNER'S DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. ALL DISCREPANCIES SHALL 5E 5ROUGHT TO THE 1. OUT-OF-PLANE ANCHORAGE OF CONCRETE WALL PANELS TO WOOD ROOF IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE CONTRACTOR FOR CORRECTION, THEN, IF DIAPHRAGM AT PERIMETER OF BUILDING At APPROXIMATELY 8'-0" OC. UNCORRECTED, To THE PROPER DESIGN AUTHORITY AND TO THE BUILDING I OPY 2. CONTINUITY TIES FULL LENGTH OF 5UILDING IN THE TWO ORTHOGONAL I)FFICE C OFFICIAL. DIRECTIONS. APPROXIMATE SPACING = 24'-0' OG. 3. THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR SHALL SUBMIT A FINAL SIGNED REPORT STATING WHETHER THE WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION WAS, TO THE 5E6T OF THE INSPECTOR'S KNOWLEDGE, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE APPLICABLE WORKMANSHIP PROVISIONS OF THE BUILDING CODE. SW Structural, Inc. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 17582 San Benito Way Monte Sereno, CA 95030 Phone: 408.399.0623 Facsimile: 408.335.0124 DRAWING CONTENT 1. PLANS AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN ARE STRUCTURAL BASED UPON: • THE 2013 CALIFORNIA 5UILDING GORE ASCE -i-10 SPECIFICATIONS & • • WALL ANCHORAGE FORCE FOR VOLUNTARY SEISMIC U RADE I5, 5ASED UPON 1591. OF CODE MINIMUM FORCE UUPE TI GENERAL NOTES l � suiidin Depa ent 2. SEISMIC ANCHORAGE DESIGN COEFFICIENTS GROUND MOTION SDs= 1.5118 RFV'fE01EG rcYR CG7t7E CONIPLIAh ef, STAMP Sol= 0.8038 51TE CLASS= D :,evievved SY pROFES3/ONq� SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY= D ��O e F �q Fti LU X Or- NO. S4212 E:) fRAWING INF.,) E '} Exp.. 30/2016 f OF DRAWING SHEET INDEX + ISSUE LOG JOB NUMBER: 14-031 A i SCALE: AS SHOWN E -Q DRAWN BY: U) SFW/AG O +� U j = a 4 LU + o C) DRAWING NUMBER SHEET DRAWING TITLE o SR-1 STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL NOTES SR-2 ROOF FRAMING PLAN SR-3 STRUCTURAL DETAILS SK I 1 � I I I � � I � � � � z ; - I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 H A %7 FP_ 05 � O 220' 0'± i I ;0 01 I � (M R CO U p 01 22'—O'± .# 22'—O'± 01 22'—O'± 11 22'—O'± e 22'—O'± e 22'—O'± 01 22'—O'± ol 22'—O'± 11 22'—O'± ol 22'—O'± 1 , .. I 11 , 11 I 10 I ARCH � Lt MIN = 23' 1 1 1 ,I ol Lt MIN = 12' �'01 � . . . I T E C T 8 I � � i I 3— APPROXIMATELY EQUAL Ii SPACES. MAX SPACING = W-0. I I I I Ir "I .1� ___7r I I I I HAYES GROUP ARCHITECTS, INC. i 2657 SPRING STREET i r2_'� � - REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 : 1�5 �15F;Z�) I �- __� P: 650.365.0600 : __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ - — - — - — - — - — ......-...____'_'__'......�...- .........-I..-.....�.................-...........-...._.........�.-.-.-...-.,�..�-.�.-...-.,�,.��---..�........�..,-�-,�--...-,..--��--."�,�,�--------..........- � :.................................... ___.......� ____T_ — — — — — — F: 650.365.0670 (Q ' - Nv- - . __........T......-, _T.-J.-........................�............................___________.................�.........�.......�.....�........�.....................�-------------�.......�........�.............F, - — - — I I : : VD N v ND N v N v N v N v : I : www.thehayesgroup.com I : : I : ; I . : : PROJECT DESCRIPTION: : : I : I ; .� : i c::,_ I I 0 0 1 1 _dn C:20. 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PP, : : : I I : ! : : BUBB 12 : i : I : : : VOLUNTARY SEISMIC UPGRADE ; : : -A -1 ! : ® . - %5 0 0 , V3 © : I .................I............................I...........................................................................A .......�..................................:....................................................................................(A .................................................-............................................�..............I....I............0 ............I.............................:.......�.............�...............................�...................... ..............................�.......................................-.-j 1 12 10460 BUBB ROAD ® (q M A ® .....**'*'*"******...*.....**"** ' . � 5 1 : : I I CUPERTINO, CA 95014 : �15R�) (fl : x x x x : __w (E) 5� X 15 Cal_ 15EI-OUJ __w I (E) &Xlro I -K0 I (E) &Xlro __w I (E) &XIr0 I : 1--.......___'_____.'_........-....-...._.......�... c:n_ in : 111...... 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I I ; I I SHEET REVISIONS .......... w . - !;;;F!!!...............................................I..........I......................�..............I.-............... .. .....Y......... ..........____.._.._..__--.I-.- ......I....................................................................�........................... . 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I ...........................................................................................................:.��I ............;;;iii�� e� "41--3: i i�.............**....................***"*'**...*"***"*.......-...*......*.....*....*.....*.....*...............*. .............*.............................*......*.......................*............................*.........*................. ..............................**"*"*****"*"*'*...............*.....................*'**"*'*......................*... ..*.............*...........*....**"**"*....**...*....*............*.......*"*'*.................**....*.................. *...**..........**......*...............*.............................**"**...........*.........*......**'*"*....***"*"**....... .............*....*....*...*...**.........................................*.......................*........*...............** .........*..........*.....*.......***...........................*........*............**.......*'*'***"*"*'*...*.....***"*....*.. .....*.........*....*.......*...........*...............*........*.................*'*'*'**....*.......*....* ; : : I : : 1 5'-O*± STEP : 7/;�;�/ : : : : IN ROOF FLY : ; : ; 771-171 e BLDG LINE ; : (E) 4XI& PURLIN : : (D : : 5 a V-0' OC, TYP : () r__%. -.01 . .'ej t.lt" -en t.lt:%. -CZ3 t�b. _d3 t�z_ -en ct-m- r__r'�_ _en: : I.................................................. ............�.......I.....................�.............................I......-......'..................�...... i��.................................�....�...................-..............11.......I....I....-....;;iiii�� li��.'.............I......�.....�...�.....�.......I..............I....I.....I...................................... i�..................................................................................................I.........;;ik� k�.....................................................I.................................................... i�..................I..................................................................................................... ...............�................................................................... a i�*...............*.......................*..........*.......**............*"*...................*......*............. 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T11 ' 3 A ® p } p N V ;DE- 9 £ it _ __ w HAYES GROUP ARCHITECTS, INC. — HL 2657 SPRING STREET w REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 {E 'x3" (ASTM AB-12 GR 50) ' __._... _ _._..... _._. _. -_.-..__.l M 1 'X11 ' LVL EA SIDE : W_ T ._ __.. _._. .e......_ti __. P: 650.365.0600 W/ '� HOLE GTR W _. 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Q - W/ '� ANCHOR ROD. 6. 6. � � — � � Structural, Inc. _.-•, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING #r ••••--••••••••• ^,., 17582 San Benito Way <v Monte Sereno, CA 9503 .•..••••.• Phone: 408.399.0623 TYPICAL Facsimile: 408.395.0'12 SIDE MEMBER(S) TO MATCH PURLIN REINFORCED PURLIN W/ 4- 810 MB W/ 4'X2 ' SQR fE WASHERS C� I L 1 0 DRAWING CONTENT DETAIL 7 DETAIL s DETAIL DETAIL „ = SR3 _ SR3 3/4"= 1'-0" SR3 3/4 1 STRUCTURAL 3/4" = 11-01, SR3 3/4" — 1'-0" DETAILS 1'-0' (E) ROOF PLY m._.....--__.._.._. .- _.......,_.._............__....... . ....................._........._-.........,.....-.,.... _. ._............_...� _..-.....-,...-.-......._.._....-..._..._._.._.t...-. ..- _-._... .__. ......... _.-._.__-_.-....._w..EN m_._------- _...-..._--- _.__.-----.din ._...___...._,-. ::- ._._.._._. ......_..t.. _� 9 � /I . � � tPgi7 a , 1 .............. 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I C F7 - � � 212 SR3 " .................................................................................................. 3u11 x e� o. l f 'ding Depa i N �r (E) GL BM - 6 I �: 1 Exp. 6 30 2016 / `Pgj�.STRUCTU�P���\Q (E) 54' GL BM I I ; OF CPQ-��0 4- "� Mg HSS 5X5x I II SLOT ENDS FOR lE, TYP i , NUT � PLATE 3- �t"VIE�J�ii� rUR (:,U1�E Gi,�1itlF�wf �- CONN PLATE WASHER, TYP SIDES i kediewed yJOB 14-031A MBER: ' 1 LVL EA SIDE _ CE) ROOF PLY I I SCALE: 1 X 1 NUT PLATE _ 1 AS SHOWN W/ (0- MB WASHER, TYP —�•. `� — _ I I W/ X215QR fE _ WASHERS '1 ANCHOR ` — P x_ C10x153 EA HSS 5X5 _ ' — # N HSS 4X4x SET TIGHT ' € -'�� ROD SIDE _ �..............lrt TO PILASTER ( I � DRAWN BY: SFW I I 1 h-/ - - - - - - 1 ES 3 : '—: I R J°X4'X tri'-iO' W/ 4 SIDES ............... 1 1 i 9 ................. — — — — — — — — — 4 .....- `�' 2- 8'4, X 4' EMB HILTI i PURLIN TIE KB-TZ 1' OC au DRAWING NUMBER 1 PJP 4 ......... PER 8 ... 6' N 14 SR3 (E) SLAB .4 IE 'X4 'XI'-0' EA SIDE fE i'x5'X0'-10' - ....... 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