LIB 11-10-2015City of Cupertino Library Commission Special Meeting November 10, 2015 MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER At 7:04 pm Chair Ho called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino in Conference Room C Cupertino. ROLL CALL Commissioners: Jerry Liu, Annie Ho, Rose Grymes City/County Library Staff: Carol Atwood, Nidhi Mathur, Nancy Howe, Gayathri Kanth Absent: Ann Stevenson, Gopal Kumar Guests: Michelle Huey, Acting Virtual Services Manager 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Grymes motioned to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 7, 2015. Chair Ho seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 2. REPORTS Staff Report – Carol Atwood introduced herself and discussed transition of the Commission to Recreation and Community Services. Nidhi thanked the Commission for the time she acted as liaison. Commissioners thanked her for her years of service to the Commission. Cupertino Community Librarian Report- Gayathri reviewed submitted report. County Librarian Report – Nancy Howe reviewed submitted report. Friends of the Library Report- No written report submitted Cupertino Library Foundation Report-Written report was submitted by Eno Schmidt Calendar Review- discussed having the City’s Sustainability group present to Commission next month. Would also like to rotate meeting location to other City facilities (Senior Center and new EEC). REPORTS A. Commissioner Reports Commissioner Liu attended the Mayor’s meeting. Mayor impressed that new books get into the library catalogue very quickly. Talked about traffic, public safety,planning, Parks & Rec and Technology Information and Communication Commissions. Commissioner shared the increased number of cards issued at the Library. Invited the children’s librarian to staff a booth at Lincoln Elementary; educating teachers that the library resources are for them and students; discussed working in conjunction with the City and schools and library on programming. Commissioner Grymes proposed language has been incorporated into the General Plan. Chair Ho shared there are foundations that will give free bi-lingual books to schools. Schools only have minimum budget for books. OLD BUSINESS 1- Presentation – Michelle Huey, Acting Virtual Services Manager, reported that customers can now check out e- books via the catalogue using Overdrive and Cloud Library. Customers can check out up to 12 books per vendor and read across devices by connecting via a bookmark. In FY 14/15 there has been a 72% increase in e-book usage. 2- 2015 Work Plan 3- Poet Laureate – no update ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Carol Atwood, Director of Recreation and Community Services Minuted approved at the 1/6/16 regular meeting.