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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERNIIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 10431 PLUM TREE LN CONTRACTOR:4 T-"E PERMIT NO: 14070057 n 1X4LU^ED OWNER'S NAME: CHINNANANCHI MURUGANANTHAM �I � DATE ISSUED:07/14/2014 OWNER'S PHONE: 4087189569 uu� PHONE NO: SCI LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOB DESCRIPTION:RESIDENTIAL E] COMMERCIAL E] License Class INSTALL 17PANEL PV SYSTEM ON SFDWL ROOF TOP 4.67 �� I-v�py� ��Lic.#�T Contractor kM/1?w Mg/p" Date 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two deelarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the erformance of the work for which this permit is issued. Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$11000 I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by ` Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this APN Number:31633117.00 Occupancy Type: permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating WITHIN O DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save 180 DAYORQM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, /}' / costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the / granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply Issued by: Date: with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section 9.18. RE-ROOFS: Signature Date / All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,l agree to remove all new materials for inspection. ❑ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of Signature of Applicant: Date: the following two reasons: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professions Code) 1,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. 1 will I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the declarations: Health&Safety Code,Section 25532(a)should I store or handle hazardous I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's material. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Distriet 1 performance of the work for which this permit is issued. will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by the Health&Safety Code,Sections;W"5 Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Owner or authorized agent: N1�� Al Date: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,l CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. work's for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) Lender's Name APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Lender's Address I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the I understand my plans shall be used as public records. granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section Licensed Professional 9.18, Signature Date ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION � [a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE- CUPERTINO,CA 95014-3255 CUPERTINO (408)777-3228 o FAX(408)777-3333 o building(akupertino.org �� s PROJECT ADDRESS ry7�p �j1� rZij�,r � p/ APN# OWNERNAME j4&!,e() #A1 rh1q `.W�1AAPj.4A1d`4AVj4 PHONE/Tfi���I� /��g E-MAIL STREET ADDRESS CITY,STATE`,ZIP -A0���7 / pM FAX CONTACT NAME /sf�✓��p � Ty�IdAI/I inn PHONE //_ ���Opjf�� E-•MAILWIS'-&me- 'L'Gcl�2o STREET ADDRESS 2 09 U. \W .-4 AiQn ,�/1 CITY,STATE, ZIP ❑ OWNER 13OWNER-BSER ❑ 01VWERAGENT(� l'Q CONTRACTOR ❑CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT /❑ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME rtNiJMBER LICENSE TYPE BUS.LIC# Uv�/a�'o19A! �10✓/89� 3p C COMPANY NAMEE-MAI FAX ff-6s9�> r C� rr vo�rea U LDAP STREET ADDRESS, CITYX. ,STATE,ZIP (PM- NE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS.LIC# COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY,STATE,ZIP PHONE USE OF ❑ SFD Or Duplex ❑ Multi-Family PROJECT IN WILDLAND PROJECT IN STRUCTURE: ❑ Commercial URBAN INTERFACE AREA ❑ Yes P'^_ FLOOD ZONE ❑ Yes 1A10 m SOLAR PANELS ❑ ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION ❑ SOLAR WATER HEATING ❑ OTHER: FOR SOLAR PANELS: NUMBER OF PANELS/UNITS: 1-7 KILOWATTS(COMMERCIAL ONLY): TOTAL VALUATION: DESCRIPTION OF WORK / d 1 r i By ray signature below,I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner''s behalf. I have read this application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I a ee to mply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating t=build' ns n Io representatives of Cupertino to enter the abov -identi ed p �erty for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: Date: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED j�,OFFICE USE OA7.1 _ F EXPRESS �r 'W' ._ Qa STAA'DARD + �«y,. •„� ,��� U ,va ❑�S..ARGE ; ,.. f a X� PVApp_2011.doc revised 03116111 CITY OF cCUP ER' INO FEE ESTIMATOR— BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS: 10431 plum tree In DA'T'E: 07/14/2014 REVIEWED BY: Mendez r APN: BP#: � VALUATION: Isi1,000 'PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration/ Repair PRIMARY SFD or Duplex 71PERMIT ENTAMATIONUSE: TYPE: SOLAR-RES WORT{ n17 panel pv system on sfdwl roof top 4.67 SCOPE ;'r P,•,r, :. l cPJr'nrh. Pc;-.;:i�F'e: lilr'r. Pe+-rrir7�e'�: Other Lk,( Imp. Elec.Imp, fete: NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments(i.e.Planning,Public Works, Fire,Sanitary Sewer District,School District,etc. . Thesefees are based on the relimina information available and are only an estimate. Contact the De t or addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 Q..' 717113) ]FETE QTS'/]FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 # Alternative Energy System Suppl. PC Fee: Reg. OT Q,Q hrs $0.00 $236.:1,PHOTOVRES Photovoltaic System PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $0.00 Suppl. Insp. Fee-.E) Reg. Q OTT0.0 firs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 Work Without Permit? ® Yes E) No $0.00 0 Advanced Planning Fee: $0.00 Select a Non-Residential E) Building or Structure 1-1:,I � r.i�c;r„7c•;%tulirar FCC S.' d Strong Motion Fee: IBSEISMICR $1.43 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee: 1BCBSC $1.00 SUBTOTALSS $2.43 $236.00 TOTAL]FEE: $238.43 Revised: 07/10/201 �� SMOKE / CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS OWNER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT• BUILDING DIVISION C ERTIRIO 300 TORRE AVENUE •CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (40 777-3228•FAX(408)777-3333• building ancupertino.org Add � ��Ute' % �/� Permit o. A ess #of Alarms Smoke: arbon Monoxide: PERMIT CANNOT B 1FINALED AND COMPLETED UNTIL THIS CERTI 'TE O HAS BEEN AND RETURNED TO THE BUILDING DIVISI®N L PURPOSE This affidavit is a self-certification for the installation of all required Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms for compliance with 2013 CRC Section R314,2013 CBC Sections 420.6 and 907.2.11.2 where no interior access for inspections are required. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing single-family and multi-family dwellings shall be provided with Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide alarms. When the valuation of additions, alterations, or repairs to existing dwelling units exceeds $1000.00, CRC Section R314 and CBC Sections 907.2.11.5 and 420.6 require that Smoke Alarms and/or Carbon Monoxide Alarms be installed in the following locations: AREA SMOKE ALARM CO ALARM Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the X X bedroom(s) On every level of a dwelling unit including basements X X Within each sleeping room X Carbon Monoxide alarms are not required in dwellings which do not contain fuel-burning appliances and that do not have an attached garage. Carbon monoxide alarms combined with smoke alarms shall comply with CBC Section 420.6 and shall be approved by the Office of the State Fire Marshal. Power Supply: In dwelling units with no commercial power supply, alarm(s) may be solely battery operated. In existing dwelling units, alarms are permitted to be solely battery operated where repairs or alterations do not result in the removal of wall and ceiling finishes or there is no access by means of attic,basement or crawl space.Refer to CRC Section R314 and CBC Sections 907.2.11.4 and 420.6.2. An electrical permit is required for alarms which must be connected to the building wiring. As owner of the above-referenced property, I hereby certify that the alarm(s) referenced above has/have been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and in compliance with the California Building and California Residential Codes. The alarms have been tested and are operational, as of the date signed below. 1 have read and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this statement Owner(or Owner Agent's)Name: M9l/Lv(�A-�tl�� / ✓ e Signature.....C..'.... ................................................Date: .. . ... /.. Cyyoht�rractor Name: s�1 f �q �D�l✓ /l� 11l�Odr� Si nature.. .. ............... .... .. ..may... .. .............Lic.#..... .: .. .Y...........Date: ..l . �. Smoke and COform.doc revised 03/18/14 r 47 SYSTEM REVISION e PV MODULE TOTAL: 17 PIECES X 275 = 4.67 W (DC) DAA; NO m,l— 20431. PLUM TREE LN E RECEIVED z's 39k81I1tB CUPERTINO, CA 95014 a tzzs > B ` ,e PI-�C�TC3VC9LTA�C, NCS E w ^ TES: M'eri kC) Ji P, ; 1.AN INVERTER OR AN AC MODULE IN AN INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SHALL AUTOMATICALL DE-ENERGIZE ITS OUTPUT TO THE 4 ' CONNECTED ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK UPON d, LOSS OF VOLTAGE IN THAT SYSTEM AND SHALL REMAIN IN THAT STATE UNTIL Gn.ma na THE ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK VOLTAGE HAS n - G pny�7re¢Cn Cufbu � s» BEEN RESTORED,(NEC 690361) �z .4425 Av.. Ati 2.ALL EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING(EMT)CONDUIT FITTING o 'D o a rye SHALL BE RAINTIGHT THREADLESS COMPRESSION TYPE. 4 v 3.MODULES AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES SHALL BE GROUNDED z a a AERIAL VIEW VICINITY PLAN 4.NAMEPLATES SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL CIRCUITS IN THE SERVICE " F d d DISTRIBUTION AND POWER DISTRIBUTION SWITCH BOARDS,PANEL BOARDS, SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S DISCONNECTING SWITCHES,TERMINAL CABINETS,ETC.ALL NAMEPLATES Q � U SHALL BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED AND BE OF SUFFICIENT CAPACITY TO � COMMumirN DEVELOPMEWDE's MEg WITHSTAND THE WEATHER. BUILDING 111 - R T1O 5. JUNCTION BOX/COMBINER BOX HAVE TO USE COMPRESSION TYPE STRAIN RELIEF POSITIONED FOR APPROPRIATE WATER RUN OFF, `? r < T l Of and l loop 6. CONDUIT RUNS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT WEATHERPROOF < `u job site daring construction. it is oft( a a L LA < �changes W?-Iterations on same, or tD deviate .a� I rD PULL BOXES OF JUNCTION BOX/COMBINER BOXES PER APPROPRIATE NEC � r REQUIREMENTS. ther ro , withoutVPrOyal from the Building off€tial¢ z 7. SEE PROVIDED CUT SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS c�� x CL u nn St'MP!flg If this Plan and Vecfficatjons SHAU NOT be held to 8.WIRING MATERIALS SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR THE SUN EXPOSURE AND WE permit approvalof the 013ot T. LOCATIONS.FIELD APPLIED PROTECTIVE COATINGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 9.JUNCTION,PULL AND OUTLET BOXES LOCATED BEHIND MODULES SHALL BE AT= I SO INSTALLED THAT THE WIRING CONTAINED IN THEM CAN BE RENDERED O ACCESSIBLE DIRECTLY OR BY DISPLACEMENT OF MODULE(S) SECURED BY I e r IU 5c- DEPT. REMOVABLE FASTENERS AND CONNECTED BY A FLEXIBLE WIRING SYSTEM. a z W (NEC 690.34) 10.IN AN UNDERGROUND PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM,THE POWER SOURCE SHALL &- 5 wpm BE LABELED WITH THE FOLLOWNIG WARNING AT EACH JUNCTION BOX, u COMBINER BOX,DISCONNECT AND DEVICE WHERE THE UNGROUNDED LU CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE: "WARNING-ELECTRIC SHOCK SHEETINDEX: CODE AUTHORITY: HAZARD.THE CURRENT CIRCUIT COII,t! -, PMS OF THIS�' BE EVER A-1 GENERAL NOTES, SHEET INDEX, 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE POWER SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED RESPECT TO GROUND DUE TO LEAKA „ T° S AND/OR - . V.t BUILDING DATA, PROJECT DATA, PART 1, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CGDE OF REGULATION (NECE 690.35(F)) 01 A-2 EXISTING SITE CONDITION 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE - PART 2 TITLE 24 f�` � . }° � W ' 11.ALL PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES AND O IATED EQUIPMENT AND WIRING � A-3 ROOF PLAN - SOLAR PANEL LAYOUT (2006 IBC AND 2013 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) MATERIAL SHALL BE PROTECTED FR? ,W'PIMAGE. E-I SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE - PART 3 TITLE 24 � ' 12.ALL ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND UTILIZATION EQUIPME SHALL, TED a. E-2 WARNING NOTES (2008 NEC AND 2013 CITY AMENDMENTS) BY AN APPROVED TESTING AGENCY. ” �' 00 E-3 EQUIPMENTS: PV MODULE 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE - PART 4, TITLE 24 Z " U 13.NOTIFY SERVING UTILITY BEFORE ACTIVATION OF PV SYSTEM. SPECIFICATION SHEET (2046 UMC AND 2413 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) E-4 EQUIPMENTS: INVERTER 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE - PART 5, TITLE 24 I4.WHEN A D BREAKER IS THE METHOD OF UTILITY Date: 7/7/2014 INTERCONNECTION,BREAKER SHALL NOT READ LINE AND LOAD. s��E: SPECIFICATION SHEET (2046 UPC AND 2013 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) A5 NOTED C S-1 EQUIPMENTS: UNIRAC 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE - PART 9,TITLE 24 ALL WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE.LATEST EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA Drawn: CODE AS AMENDED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY. }vs FuslNc SPECIFICATION SHEET (2006 IFC AND 2013 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) Sheet: REVISION SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION TATE NO CONNECTION DETAIL 1—STORY BUILDING 1 1 t t i PL PL PL PL PL PL PL---rPL PL PL PL 2 5f-91t A 1 I I I d: Ima y � n 1 �U ca i t 1 t i rn FIRELANE z e 2 4 A-IN J, Lu cr < V t t 1 t t {E} SLOPE C QtLE s tt � <:f TOTAL PROPOSED <1 x SOLAR AREA 308 Q pct SOLAR PANELSQ.FT. TYP. �"' w ai 3s.41'xs5.s4' cs D w (PI - UNIRAC SUPPORT 2'x4'RAFTER AT 18'O.C. Rats DECRA STONE 0 rata—Clamp PANEL CONNECTOR a 40'D.C. � ���' � COATED METAL ROOF {E} SOLAR ARRAY UNIRAC ATTACHMENT HARDWARE O 48'O.C. MAX. LLI {E} SOLAR ARRAY {E} SLOPE C o UNIRAC SUPPORT RaL AJ W �1 PANEL CONNECT SOLAR PANEL UNIRAC ATTACHMENT HARDWARE m 48" TM"1 `� z O.C. MAX DECRA STONE COATED /X�METAL ROOFRNG T- -1 b^'-,---- -- 25,_4„ ted` CY u °" a' © J U LLIG o FIRELANE RDCf SHEATHING �"�} STAINLESS STEEL 5/16'DIA.x 3 1/2'LONG - If tU� MIN.2-h EMBED TIE-DOWN LAG BOLT AT o 48'O.C. MAX 2'X4'RAFTER AT O_ FIRELANE (� 18'O.C. ARRAY INFORMATION 01 {E} SLOPE :MODULE WEIGHT 46.7 LBS � � h � Lu MODULE LENGTH 65.94 INCHES MODULE WIDTH 39.41 INCHES MODULE DEPTH 1.22 INCHES A Q)3 u t TOTAL MODULES 17 E.A ii� R _ f ::J5- < Lo Q TOTAL MODULE WT. 794 LBS — SAW-TOTAL RAIL WT. 85 LBS '" ` CL � u TOTAL INSTALLED WT. 879 LBS C 3 { INSTALLATION AREA 306.79 SQ.FT L'Td 'Td 'Td 'Td `Td If a 'Td 'Td 'Td 'Td a `Tdy fA' ' j ?: DISTRIBUTED LOAD 2.86 LBSlSQ.FT Y d u t7 #OF CONNECT POINTS 34 E.A POINT LOAD 26 LBS/POINT � Date: 1—STORY BUILDING N7l7t2014 Scale:NOTE: AS NOTED Drawn: THE SOLAR SYSTEM HAS A DISTRIBUTED WEIGHT Yw RISING LESS THAN 4PSF EXISTING SITE CC}NI7ITIC}N Sheet: *THE CONCENTRATED LOAD FOR EACH VERTICAL SCALE: 3/32' = I°-Oa SUPPORT IS LESS THAN 40 LBS A REVISION NOTES: DATE NO 1.THE EXISTING ROOFING CONSISTS OF I LAYER OF COMPOSITION SHINGLE ROOF L—SRAKCET PV PANEL DECRA STONE COATED 1 THE SOLAR SYSTEM HAS A DISTRIBUTED WEIGHT LESS THAN 4 PSF. METAL ROOF 3.THE CONCENTRATED LOAD FOR EACH VERTICAL SUPPORT IS LESS THAN 40 LBS. REAR TILT LEGS— SHEETING 4.THE COLLECTOR IS INSTALLED WITH NO PORTION THEREOF MORE THAN 18 IN. '� "`-.�ROOF MEMBER ABOVE THE ROOF IMMEDIATELY BELOW. FLASHIN 5.THE PROPOSED SOLAR PANEL SYSTEM DOES NOT COVER(MECHANICAL 20'-1 PLUMBING)VENTS T14ROUGH THE ROOF WITH THE COLLECTOR 3/8- X 3- STAINLESS 6.THE WORK SPACE AND ACCESS ABOUT ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IN LAG SCREW COMPLIANCE WITH LAEC SECTION 110.26. 7.ALL WIRING AND PV COMPONENT ARE UL LISTED. PV MODULE LAYOUT 0 &ALL PANELS ARE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE TO"CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT �SCALE-N.�T.S rri FIRELANE rTl OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL L PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION GUIDELINE." z rri R.ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE <0 MANUFACTURER'S APPROVED INSTALLATION INSTALL INSTRUCTION. — — —— — —— — — 9 LLI :3 co 10.ALL EQUIPMENT AND WIRING SHALL BE LISTED BY A QUALIFIED RECOGNIZEDa I OQ TESTING AGENCY AND APPROVED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND SAFETY mmum wo cvw 0 < (E) SLOPE 0 UJ u DEPARTMENT. Z :z z < :5 o < > 11.USE MINIMUM 8 AWG EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR(EGC)WHEN IT IS soupu X. < < SUBJECT TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE,OR INSTALL THE EGC IN AN APPROVED tL0 RACEWAY. MWZEO AUM140M L MOT w z wk4wom Z STAWAM SUPFM of D LU 12.ALL EXPOSED WIRING SHALL BE SUNLIGHT RESISTANT. WL SUNUM SM&5/16*M 3 Cl u) TILn .WX 144 13.ALL WIRING SHALL BE COPPER MATERIAL,AND KEEP OUTSIDE OF THEA-°°"" r WLT AT 4r OC z DECRA STONE BUILDING. COATED METAL 14.ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INCLUDING THE SERVICE SHALL HAVE A ROOF (E) SOLAR ARRAY :Z: Z LEGIBLE,VISIBLE,AND DURABLE MARKING INDICATING THE MANUFACTURER O&Y"aw irXI2*Fw"wm < NAME,CURRENT,VOLTAGE,FREQUENCY,AND NUMBER OF PHASES. SEMMT NWM 8ELOW MD -i ON MP OF FLASHM ui ol VMNG MYOM ) < ui < 15.EACH INSTALLED EQUIPMENT,WIRING AND OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE owto Rw PAM (ESLOPE Z< Lj� DEVICE(OCPD)SHALL HAVE A SHORT CIRCUIT RATING NOT LESS THAN THE z <t AVAILABLE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT AT THEIR INPUT TERMINALS. < Z '7 :D 16.THE TOTAL,NUMBER OF ENERGIZED CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS EITHER BUNDLED EMT COU DUIT 7 0� � a- L" CUL-1 TOGETHER FOR MORE THAN 24 INCHES,INSTALLED IN A CONDUIT OR IN A CABLE D TO BE RUN ON u SHALL NOT EXCEED THREE EXCEPT FROM TRANSITION J-BOX TO INVERTER WITH (E) SOLAR ARRAY NO EXTERNAL COMBINER BOX WHERE THE NUMBER SHALL NOT EXCEED NINE(9). THE ROOF 17.THE ELECTORAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATIONS OF (EXTERIOR RUN) SERVICES POINTS WITH THE SERVING UTILITY COMPANIES AND COMPLY WITH ALL THE UTILITY COMPANIES REQUIREMENTS. m 18.DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY,ROUTING OF RACEWAYS SHALL BE AT Lf) THE OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED AND SHALL BE r— COORDINATED WITH OTHER TRADES. 0 r L 19.WHENEVER A DISCREPANCY IN QUANTITY OF EQUIPMENT,ARISES ON THE t DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIRELANE PROVIDING AND INSTALLING ALL MATERIAL AND SERVICES REQUIRED BY THE '\—FIREPLACE STRICTEST CONDITIONS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS IN THE SPECIFICATIONS TO 0 ENDURE COMPLETE COMPLIANCE AND LONGEVITY OF THE OPERABLE SYSTEM REQUIRED BY THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. '43 , -0"MIN,- uj uj 20.ALL BROCHURES,OPERATION MANUELS,CATALOGS,SHOP DRAWINGS,ETC. (E) SLOPE U-- LjJ -i SHALL BE HANDED OVER TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AT THE 0 z > < COMPLETION OR WORK. 0 V) -j Lo PV MODULE LAYOUT 2- (Y' 21.SMOKE ALARMS AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS SHALL BE LOCATED ASFA M > Lu <>- cr U REQUIRED PER SECTIONS 8314&R315 WITHIN THE CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL SCALE:1/8" L J—BOX—/[= Z< 0 c� U CODE(CRC). u- Z Z 'UPERTINGi 22.SMOKE ALARMS SOLELY BATTERY OPERATED FOR THE PHOTOVOLTAIC -n -j -j SUilding Denart, 0 SYSTEM DOES NOT INVOLVE THE REMOVAL OF INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING - FINISHES INSIDE THE HOME. PV SYSTEM: 17 X 275 W = 4.67 KW (DC) LEGEND U R 23.GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR WILL BE CONTINUOUS,EXCEPT FOR MAN-2 SPLICES OR JOINTS AT BUSBARS WITHIN LISTED EQUIPMENT.(NEC 250,64 C) MODEL: SOLARWORLD PLUS SW 275 MONO SOLARWORLD PLUS 275W PV PANEL, SEE SHEET E-3 SW 275 MONO MODULES,- Date: 4 24.RACEWAY FOR GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SHALL BE BONDED AT (65.94"X39.41"X1.22") --VIE7/7/201 VJEG EACH END.(CEC 250.64(E) MICRO Scale: INVERTER: ENPHASE M250-60-2LL S22 (240V), MAIN SERVICE ELEC. PANEL IR6vir--Vved By- -AS NOTED 25.EQUIPMENT GROUNDING SHALL BE INSTALL AT EACH INDIVIDUAL MODULE AT SEE SHEET E-4 Drawn VW RISING THE MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDED POINT OF ATTACHMENT USING A LISTED (E) EXISTING TO BE REMAIN LUG SUITABLE FOR THAT PURPOSE.(WITH OR WITHOUT WEEB OR SHUCO CLIPS) RACKING: UNIRAC, SEE S-1 Sheet: 26.ALL CONDUIT THAT IS EXPOSED MUST BE PAINTED THE SAME COLOR AS THE INSTALLATION GUIDE, SEE SHEET S-1 n HOUSE. RAFTER. 2x4 @ 16" D.C. 4-12 SLOPE N-1 REVISION DATE NO F' HOTTVTLTAIC SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM STRING #1 (4)#10(USE-2) (8) SOLARWORLD PLUS SW 275 MONO (1)#8 BARE COPPER GROUND 3/4" EMT CONDUIT 3/4" EMT CONDUIT (8) MICRO-INVERTERS #10 RATE 90'C=40A (4)#10(THWN-2) (4)#10(THWN-2) TEMPERATURE DE-RATING079C=0.71 (1)#8 COPPER GROUND (1)#8 COPPER GROUND AMP=8 X 1.OA X 125%= 10A #10 RATE 99C = 40A #10 RATE 99C = 40A 40A X 0.71 = 28.4A >IOA TEMPERATURE DE-RATING 070'C = 0.91 TEMPERATURE DE-RATING 070'C = 0.91 OK TO INSTALL #10 USE-2 AMP=8 X TAA X 125%= 10A AMP=8 X 1.OA X 125%= 10A 40A X 0.91 = 36.4 A > 10A 40A X 0.91 = 36.4 A > 10A OK TO INSTALL #10 THWN-2 OK TO INSTALL #10 THWN-2 d • i • i • JUNCTION BOX Vn LABEL 2 4 6 C) LABEL 1 AC DISCONNECT q tABEL 1 Ll Lt LOCKABLE o 'D 00 t .Z L2 L.2 AND VISIBLE o o I N IfOUTDOOR 0< z4o, N Ln BRANCH TERMINATOR (ET-TERM) N I z z z �q U TYP. (4)#10(USE-2) - ----- -__...._.---..- -- I � �� >LF71 m (1)#8 BARE COPPER GROUND I I I a > U . #10 RATE 9VC=40A TEMPERATURE DE-RATING@70'C=0.7101 Uj - • i i • i AMP=9 X 1.OA X 125%= 11.25AI I U 40A X 0.71 = 28.4A >11.25A 3/4" EMT CONDUIT N OK TO INSTALL #10 USE-2 (4)#10(THWN-2) I 2, 111II (1)#8 BARE COPPER GROUND LABEL 1L1 #10 RATE 90'C=40A - L v v t2 TEMPERATURE DE-RATING@70'C=0.71 i z - ----- N AMP=9 X 1.OA X 125%= 11.25A I Q q o ® - -- - ------- 9-------------------_� 40A X 0.71 = 28.4A >11.25A AC DISCONNECT L C) J - - --------------- cr OK TO INSTALL #10 THWN-2 LOCKABLE -_J Z AND VISIBLE (" ! � Q � < OUTDOOR Z STRING #2 LABEL s,13 F .J (3 z J (9) SOLARWORLD PLUS SW 275 MONO 3/4-EMT CONDUIT I - a (9) MICRO-INVERTERS (4)#10{THWN-2) C� _ w (1}#8 BARE COPPER GROUND ! UTILITY o v #10 RATE 90"C=40A I I ELECTRIC w - TEMPERATURE DE-RATING@70'C=0.91 ( I METER o AMP=9 X 1.OA X 125%= 11.25A 40A X 0.91 = 36.4A >11.25A M OK TO INSTALL #10 THWN-2 I I s MODULE INFORMATION INVERTER RATING BRANCH 1 OUTPUT CALCULATIONS I I I I Q MFR: SOLARWORLD PLUS ENPHASE M250-60-2LL S22 PV SYS MAX DC OUTPUT: 275W X 17 = 4.67KW I I a SW 275 MONO MAX DC VOLT RATING = 48V I I MCB z DC MAX. INPUT CURRENT = 10A PV SYS MAX AC CALCULATION USING PTC PMAX: LABEL 1 I 200A a , ELECTRICAL DATA PER PANEL AC MAX. OUTPUT APPARENT POWER = 250W @240V Pmax PER MOLDULE = 247 W I F Voc = 39.4 V AC MAX. OUTPUT CURRENT = 1.OA @240V 247W X 17 MODULES= 4.2 KW I I Vmp = 31.0 V FREQUENCY OP. RANCE = 57 - 62.5 HZ 4.2KW X 96.5%= 4.05 KW ( (2) NEWUj z I15A 2P W Isc = 9.58 A INVERTER EFFICIENCY = 96.5 % CHANGE I I BREAKER Imp = 8.94 A EXISTING 200A MIN AC OCPD = 8 X 1.OA X 125%= 10A MAIN SERVICE I OCPD USED = 1O BREAKER TO 175A WITH I 200A MAIN PV ARRAY INFORMATION BRANCHBREAKER I I LU fLU INVERTER RATING BRANCH 2 I I o vV1 _j - STRING #1 II I z 01 Uj #OF MODULES PER BRANCH CIRCUIT:8 ENPHASE M250-60-2LL S22 Uildin Do rtn1.g(jopLY POWER a a #OF BRANCH CIRCUITS:1 MAX DC VOLT RATING = 48V 175A+15A+15A=205A LL 4 n Z <200A x 1.2=240A OK DC MAX. INPUT CURRENT = 10A I STRING #2 AC MAX. OUTPUT APPARENT POWER = 250W 0240V s - I G J _j o #OF MODULES PER BRANCH CIRCUIT:9 AC MAX. OUTPUT CURRENT = 1.OA @240V eL o z "- 0- #OF BRANCH CIRCUITS:1 FREQUENCY OP. RANCE = 57 - 62.5 HZ INVERTER EFFICIENCY = 96.5 % REVIEWED FOR (COU s> s j N L2L1 . MIN AC OCPD = 9 X 1.OA X 125%= 11.25A Reviewed By. ,d,� " Date: OCPD USED = 15A BREAKER _ LABEL 2,3.4,6,7 7/7/2014 UFFER GROUND Scale: AS NOTED Drawn: YW RISING Sheet: E1 FDP REQUIREMENTS: LABEL I REVISION DATE NO SEC. 5. MARKING, LABELS, AND WARNING SIGNS. CAUTION: SOLAR CIRCUIT A. Purpose: Provides emergency responders with appropriate warning and guidance with respect to isolating the solar electrical system. this can LABEL 2 facilitate identifying energized electrical lines that connect the solar panels NEC 690.17 to the inverter, as these should no be cut when venting for smoke **WARNING** removal. ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD B. Main Service Disconnect: DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS 1. Residential buildings - the marking may be placed within the main TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE d: Z AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED < service disconnect. The marking shall be placed on the outside over if the main service disconnect is operable with the service panel closed. IN THE OPEN POSITION da 2. Commercial buildings - the marking shall be placed adjacent to the main service disconnect clearly visible from the locatin where the lever is LABEL 3 n Z C) LO operated. NEC 690.64(B)(2) Z Z , < Lij J ;j , > _J 2 < < <D 3. Markings: Verbiage, Fo )rnat, and Type of Material. CAUTION > Z>- Uj z a. Verbiage: CAUTION: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTED DO NOT INSTALL ADDITIONAL _ UJ U) LOADS IN THIS PANEL b. Format: 1Z1J (1) White letter on a red background. LABEL 4 < — r _<J U Z :<z LLUJ < C_y u (2) Minimun 3/8 inches letter height. NEC 690.14(C)(2) < 2: 7 0 PHOTOVOLTAIC DISCONNECT (3) All letters shall be capitalized. FOR UTILITY OPERATIONS cw� (4) Arial or similar font, non-bold. UJ c. Material: LABEL 5 NEC 690.54 (1) Reflective, weather resistant material suitable for the WARNING environment (use UL - 969 as standard for weather rating). Durable adhesive materials meet this requirements. DUAL POWER SOURCES SECOND SOURCES IS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM C. Marking Requirements on DC Conduit, Raceways, Enclosures, Cable UJ Assemblies, DC Combiners, and ]unction Boxes: THE MAXIMUM AC OUTPUT OPERATING CURRENT= 17A 1. Marking: Placements, Verbiage, Format, and Type of Material. NOMINAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGE =240V f W R -Ading t)en V) :g a. Placement: Markings shall be placed every 10 feet on all interior and LU < exterior DC conduits, raceways, enclosures, and cable assemblies, at LABEL 6 > a- LU turns above and/or below penetrations, all DC combiners, and junction Cllj�j 17 < U t. E CEC 690.64 B 7 L��,� U0 boxes. JE cc)kqp U , W _3 i:: i WARNING SIGN ADJACENT TO PV BREAKER(S) 0- ct LU _D b. Verbiage: CAUTION: SOLAR CIRCUIT "WARNING - PHOTOVOLTAIC CONNECTION. DO NOT 2 Note: The Format and Type of Material shall adhere to "SEC. 5. B-3b & RELOCATE THIS OVER CURRENT DEVICE'" Date: c" of this Requirement. Scale: 7/7/2014 AS NOTED D. Inverter - A warning label shall appear on the utility-ineractive inverter or LABEL 7 Draw= YW RISING be applied by the installer near the ground-fault indicator at visible Sheet: location. CAUTION: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTED E2 REVISION DATE NO Slas 5 5 c "" /us SW 275 mono ��p,tuv.ca� PERFORMANCE UNDER STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS(STC)* PERFORMANCE AT 800 W/m2,NOCT,AM 1.5 a ° TUV Power controlled: a '�`` - "-«�'�'. Maximum power P 275 Wp Maximum power P n, 205.0 wp Tuvahemiann Lowest measuring tolerance in industry v` — -- — -- — — --- ., Open circuit voltage V 39.4 V open circuit voltage . 36.1 V 000002° Maximum power point voltage Vmnz� _ 31.0 V Maximum power point voltage Vr 28,4 V Short circuit current (r 9.58 A Short circuit current 1�� 7.75 A Maximum power point current t�n 8.94 A Maximum power point current as 7.22 A a Every component is tested to meet 'STC:1000 W/mr,2VC,AAA 1.5 _._,. Minor reduction in efficiency under partial load conditions at 25°C:at 200 W;m2,100% 3 times IEC requirements I i)Measuringtolerance(P,,,)traceable to TUV Rheinland:+(-2%(TUV Power Controlled). (+/-2%)of the STC efficiency(1000 W/mz)is achieved. f THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS COMPONENT MATERIALS O c) F LL7 NOCT 46'C Cells per module _ 60 U 2 Cell type Mono crystalline Ly Q Designed to withstand heat/ 7Cls __ _� 0.04%/-C — � z g Y — - - - J Cell dimensions 6.14 in x 6.14 m(156 mm x 156 mm) LLJ accumulations of snow and ice TCv« 0.30%°C _ !'— —— -- TC Pmbp _ _ -0.45%/'C Front v Tempered glass(EN 12150) 0 z — --- lear anodized aluminum I operating temperature -40°C to 85'C Frame C �-- �— Q weight - 46.7 lbs(21.2 kg) _ CY, Sunmodule Plus: 1 SYSTEM INTEGRATION PARAMETERS :D77 ___ 1000W/M2_ - __ _- Positiveerformancetolerance p - � Ix{ -- _Maximum system village ScSC R 1000 V system voltage USA NEC 1000 V 800 W/m2 Max.y__ ..�__ Z tL ? I Maximum reverse current 16A _ 600W(m7 Number ofbypassdiodes _ 3 • 25-year linear performance Warranty �_..._.._ .. UL Design Loads* Two rail system 11364psfudownward ward LU < - - - _ ._._-.__,. _ and 10-year product warranty v ; 400 W/m2 - 1� sfdownward UL Design toads' Three rail system 170 b4 psi upward n _ s 200 W/m _._ IECDesign Loads* Two rglJsystem 113 psf downward Q 00 W/m' — LU CL 1 54 psf upward `Please refer to the Sunmodule installation instructions for the details associated with - n.v.. these load cases. C d, Glass with anti-reflective casting 1 Module voltage{v1 V. �.�,:.. I ADDITIONAL DATA x 4 37.44(951) Power sorting' ........ -. O W p/+5 wp l—box IP65_ World-class gL1ail$y Module leads PV wire per UL4703 with H4 connectors a� 'GUMiPiSd.I[G ti125S ' •Am:nontu.ar.'rztancn Fully-automated production lines and seamless monitoring of the process and material ova ".10,1n" ,:e`M ` `°'°° 11.33(288) Module efficiency 16.40% . P � rigid r d rnsue,u, Fire rating(UL 790) Class C k t ensure the quality that the company sets as its benchmark for its sites worldwide. Glass Low iron tempered with ARC rJ SolarWorld Plus-Sorting Plus-Sortingguarantees highest system efficiency.SolarWorld only delivers modules that SII o c us 41so(laso) i- cv g g Y Y Y ,rr, 0,6 15,a LU w a� LU have greater than or equal to the nameplate rated power. UL.1703 version VERSION 15 FRAME :M a •a a 2.5 frame Compatible with both"Top-Down" 25 years linear performance guarantee and extension of product warranty to 10 years '__.; 1 ,,, 65.94(1675) bottom — and"Bottom"mounting me hods SolarWorld guarantees a maximum performance degression of O.7%p.a.in the course of mO°ting 4rGrounding Locations; ud 25years,a significant added value compared to the two-phase warranties common in the "°les 4 corners oftheframe Uj locations alon w industry.in addition,SolarWorld is offering a product warranty,which has been extended 4 module in the ethe lenxtended flangetth of the o L to 10 years.* 1.3a saa LL 0- w U *in accordance with the applicable SolarWorld Limited Warranty at purchase, CK wwwsoEarwarid.cam/warrantyg Q U filesnowavailable. SOLARWORLD T ---------39.x1 1001} I Ask your account manager for more information. U) r. � 10 O RNT Date: REVIEWED FOR CODE (,t QNit i iAr,� 7/7/7/2014sblarwarld.cbm e turn ssunlightinto power. All units provided are imperiai.5t units provided in parentheses. Scale: SolarWorld AG reserves the right to make specification changes without notice. SW-01-600505 01-2014 AS NOTED '{evieved f ;,°} Drawn: YW RISING Sheik: NOTE:SOLAR PANELS LISTED ON CEC,CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED E3 REVISION DATE NO Enphase°M250 Microinverter If DATA 77nphaseOMicroinverters INPUT DATA(DC) M250-60-2LL-S22/S23/S24 Recommended input power(STC) 210-300 W Maximum input DC voltage 48 V E ph as ee M 2"'50 Peak power tracking voltage 27 V-39 V Operating range 16 V-48 V Min/Max start voltage 22V/48V Max DC short circuit current 15 A " Max input current 9;8 A OUTPUT DATA(AC) 2038 VAC 0240 VAC _ Peak output power 25 W 250 W 1-- w (J CJ Rated(continuous)output power 240 240 W ry Q Nominal output current 1.15 A(A s at no inai duration) 1.0 A(A rms at nominal duration) cern LIJ Nominal voltage/range 208 V/183- 9 240 V!211-264 V 0 e f Nominal frequency/range 60.0/57-61 z 60.0/57-61 Hz R Extended frequency range* 57-62.5 57-62.5 Hz z Q Power factor >0.95 >0.95 -j Q Maximum units per 20 A branch circuit 24 hree phase) 16(single phase) F t i U Maximum output fault current 50 mA rms for 6 cycles 850 mA rms for 6 cycles Q LU _3 EFFICIENCY _j f CEC weighted efficiency,240 VAC X 96.5°10 ... � <� l , CEC weighted efficiency,208 VAC 96.0% Peak inverter efficiency 96.5% < � � CD ° Static MPPT efficiency(weighted,reference EN50530) 99.4% Night time power consumption 65 mW max a � The Enphase"'M250 Microinverter delivers increased energy harvest and reduces design and MECHANICAL DATA o installation complexity with its all-AC approach. With the M250,the DC,circuit is isolated and insulated Ambient temperature range 40°C to+650c w from ground, so no Ground (Electrode Conductor(GEC) is required for the rnicroinverter. Operating temperature range(internal) -40°C to+85°C This further Simplifies installation, enhances safety, and saves on labor and materials Costs. Dimensions(WxHxD) 171 mm x 173 mm x 30 mm(without mounting bracket) z Weight 2.0 kg The Enphase M250 integrates seamlessly with the Engage Cable, the Envo e Communications Cooling Natural convection-No fans J v Gateway", and Enlighten`, I nphase's monitoring and analysis software. Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor-NEMA 6 � �w ATURES W a F _ z Compatibility Compatible with 60-cell PV modules. PRODUCTIVE p E RELIABLE Communication Power line � -Optimized for higher-power -No GEC needed for microinverter -4th-generation product Integrated ground The DC circuit meets the requirements for ungrounded PV arrays in ui modules - No DC design or string calculation -More than 1 million hours of testing NEC 690.35.Equipment ground is provided in the Engage Cable.No ; >- 01 -Maximizes energy production required and 3 million units shipped additional GEC or ground is required. ? > Lu Q Monitoring Free Iife#ime monitoring via Enlighten software a_ � ` -Minimizes impact of shading, -Easy installation with Engage -Industry-leading warranty,up to 25 F_ dust,and debris Gable years Compliance UL1741/IEEE1547 � LE t5 Class B,C -M91, � a a 0.4-04,and 107 w Frequency ranges can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility i ,, Afjildinp-l? int z �' LJj a '0 2 U enphase® To learn more about Enphase Microinverter technology, 'REViiEiij i- 'ljF� i�fCi� base° Date: /,jzm� E N E R G Y c us visit enphase.coi 3 E` v�� °R G Y sc�Te: =Cc's/l�''.v�t�;:{.d By. 35NdTED O 2013 Enphase Energy.All rights reserved,All trademarks or brands in this document are registered by their respective owner, Drawn: Yw RISING Sheet: NOTE:INVERTER LISTED ON CEC,CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED REVISION DATE NO A.. [„�-1 __L10 � a„ + - _ 7 w.. l. SECTION A-A ' i ------- , . a zc F E j>r,! A y� Q Y .C __....................._........ Q yCO al locks J Rove Hco20 N D61 i v s ._ Mounting Bracket OU .IF a " k ns- w + Z 0 f01 LU r f f ® d!N[!_6RAC iamlrta<:�n nrunuazzas,a?i.ta prcrfikt sx.._'.._.._.�sam<.0 nay sv,.,.t�o.r,x r:u,earrol., ,;,,r,nrana t yr s'nsttet�nv rstat «,a.�UNIRAC 9Q JR&C ��tR//y� r„nusrr ur,u�,,.,a�e<ns +txx nDR}ti:•tx x:t sa-.e,.%c•,:�,• r �'Jf�P�� �t N ~ r1CV Qw/ yt r l f i t1k 5 T 3 htYaz nt h anal h�i<nxadr cAaD 10 'S'LH High Profile Tilt Legs fnsrattatiart 4upplernent2(f5.4 •s• .� ,^••. .,°"' �., .eG w,�.ro, � � } ,'` `. � Uj `.—•�_ \. FIXER tff3 r..�.,nu ✓�,.._. { j .r) SnniCfi rtw r..wt...w tw v.ww.e. U _j i.() a5 pae..a t.' �{ -'u" f ,Kf:RpN3FR06E s � '1 OwcA f "�Sp• � � 1U aN, . 45 nc SttstMniF - � (, . 16. :• n nr p»«> \ >/� �-., ..r1' n• b2 nws, tt,n-.ra wsrrow� ra�n�.-Mmr< .wa,.+. % SNk Io u FOW '`�aiassie" Universal Interlocking ` ' Roof z :1 ounting Bracket(Patent Pending) � � a � " W This special Universal`.9' Bracket can be installed b a,wh, .voxc :xrr with all batten systems. it proirid+ s a clean wea#h- iu �? &J errisroof installation of a strong galvanized Univer 3 " ��mRPx.a, yarMMg) sal V Bracket that can be used for mounting. so- lar panels, air conditioners, swamp coolers, roof walk ways, etc< to the roof, a installation Details a wy �� Always locate the Universal `,!' Bracket over and Ir above where the rafter/ 1"x 4"( 5 x 100 mm)bast- dF U3f�t3{ V I AL` %k%%B A ay 9auteva 5d a a aa�raR< as ar-az•x ns5 zsa tern is located. 4 s 1- F�- w IFUNI ^ d�WUNl a SFUNIRAC sPUNIRAC A minimum of 3 fasteners (nails 16d, or screws). L r 5, t P, t Safari atfnt rSa�w canna<t,gn�,�t��.� Two fasteners go into the rafter/ 1"x 4"(26 x 100 SolarMount Technic al Datashoof >2z rx+ s oat. ! SaE.R:Mak niL;,ms__.__._ ,., wk� �_ mm)and one into the Gerard Panel batten. (See y,t SoinrMoonl Moai b.0 ti N raw 4M<'p. V V fi C.ta:tlrtkunAM,tvgtS,r FIM Rmk a - r ax c*za :. _ ro"^'�"_`�� =1 .., Badwn Up Mcd bCiP v.,_... ..... %arR ci .. z .,,�.,,,, :,°`a i o mir>m'iwwnc.w m '.u • hx,°°<u, „ar.* .. nwv,>. Is:,, "* "'"`"`~wm._. oer<M :-.:a LU U)) � �? , n O Universal J Brackets every 48 mini- a .S'pc`dC' the 1.1 } it " .. .. .. ... - .. a cm. rm as "`zcr nanaa:, -sa _ rtw v«mia°°.,"w .xeaavrs a ..•aa:,`.,..s>#.<,>., cxz„_ O M q (1 2003 m) across the roof. This may be .aR: k4 t > �' t11 alum �.a cha a it being supported. _j IL U ng Cf Suit tl'i @m SafaYSloun4 vRadUt£rCannBCfYBfl Wardw.ee no„kgPd T Reea '� u. "eviW"i0 � ``= __.,, .' �, P R�•ay�';y � Uj � SUS%N> ia'tk V Fiauulq G41 Al'a%fxY wJ) 4I � V ntaewua,a R*xv. o.Fa= r°•n ,'�,?A d ..��1 Ip�"q dA kLt n,; aasnor..zanxx a _ «�r �� nssUj nas�s, racuw� gg,T< ,tz % IC.#' L.?c�? .• z Ea �- kx ar•uwa:g» aao aoesr° cn u"a >,raa..+,;, :-weaaw „«., a „x,a:.>w*ra.. ,na,..�.. „ c a, x zxs -._F. t �.�{'s a ...; nc w I:A .as urs is 2 t..� ASdn . r SWx.hw. q rtuiiv'§M �Y .sx•ai ,'s+ . E I A lv abr W awahtlahw.num A iAat�tN, - .Y x t.._s. +uw"-Pow•b n3 uz+— [ ......_. "..;. .y � A e1p<x F fid MFKPi •`�... �' tt � h -KM 3CFfh' ----f� t V �m. „,�-'-. ;ema. "„a i:w an�ravam <, ax '•�`%.`4 {,,, st n~Is Date: ^' P v i 4 C) 3 772014 17, ..^y '." 'wry saus,euw 'FY a -m mrm Vux,�m en,amc�os L.,-�nmp ^ ,f''-tl P 3t`,'t' "'E:;.. l N EgtWA n£R sVom aarstmgly. ` 'loll 3. z' OT meiatl mM <ra OseFp ! �`1J. q ?A M5 V64a j;h .• .s� Ni• J` SCt1SC: w `�Eivievved f3-` ;..�,. > ASNOTED l M- Drawn: S YIN RISING beet: