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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BU91L➢DING ADDRESS: 20400 MARIANI AVE CONTRACTOR:XL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO: 12080185 OWNER'S NAME: MISSION WEST PROPERTIES 851 BUCKEYE CT DATE ISSUED: 11/02/2012 OWNER'S PHONE: 4087250700 MILPITAS,CA 95035 PHONE NO:(408)240-6000 ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION / � BUILDING PERMIT INFO: BLDG ELECT PLUMB License Class Lic.# t© 'T / MECII r RESIDENTIAL F COMMERCIAL Contractor Date Z I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 JOB DESCRIPTION:SITE IMPROVEMENTS TO INCLUDE:SITE ACCESSIBILITY, (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions ASPHALT/CURBIRRIGATION REPAIR SITE LIGHTING,LANDSCAPING Code and that my license is in full force and effect. AND IRRIGATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$515000 permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION APN Number:31622018.00 Occupancy Type: 1 certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply 180 D YS FROM ST CALLED INSPECTION. with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section 9.18. Z 1 L Signature Date 2 I2 Issued by: / / Date: ❑ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION RE-ROOFS: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.If a roof is the following two reasons: installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, inspection. will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professions Code) Signature of Applicant: Date: I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. I will maintain I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the Health& Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Safety Code,Section 25532(a)should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air permit is issued. contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must Owne or>u r fizagent: forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. Date:If U 2 APPLICANT CERTIFICATION CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter Lender's Name upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, Lender's Address costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit.Additionally the applicant understands and will comply with all non-(point source regula per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 9.18. // I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Signature (//� Date .2 Licensed Professional COMMUC nOM pERMl?G°QPPUCA`IGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT^BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE o CUPERTINO,CA 95014-3255 E3 CSM P[ a401� (408)777-3228^FAX(408)777-3333^building a JC),081910¢ 5 ❑NF.W CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION ALTERATION I TI ❑ REVISION!DEFERRED ORIGINAL PERMIT#�` PROJECT ADDRESS APN tl 2.O1-4� M�•1�.-G t Lim � fo•22 . p��.j flWVF.R NAMR ,,?Vrr e5 I PHONIi E-MAII. STREL-rADI)RLSSCITY.STATS ZIP FAX ko� &Un � WparT uo CA -,v�lq I CONTACT NAME .� i,.I'A1• PHONE' - F..IAAIL ^1 STREET ADDRESS V W CITY.STATE,ZIP FAX a✓ S Ott G 5v I ��$•� .56� 13 OWNER 13 OWNER-BUILDER 13 OWNEN AGDo ®CONTRACTOR 13corMACTORAGG_YT ® ARCHITFTT Vi-am-EER 13 DEVELOPER ❑TENANT CON TRACTOR BAN" 11- T L LICENSENR I.ICF.NSE TYPE HUS•LIC k COMPANY NAMF. F.�WAII. FAX ?C I- SFS �I e7LI T �Lt� L- L11 OU. N STRL•Er ADDRESS CITY.STATE,LIP. PI ZONE 4 {�y{G(c E GaN9� Mt`-1�IT,r�,S �A X15037 LAO%. a4o- b�A-3 Aa(4il+tt J k.\(+INc1 R NnME ` ( �Y fn�t��Aty LICLNSE NUMBER #' HUS.LIC Ir f_ �l (ONIPANY NAM, E-MAIL - FAX 1564 STRF:LfAUURLSS CITY,STATI,%IP f�..Pj2a1 • ' � _ PHONE L�•��. ��� DESCI)PTION OF WORK 3�T� �•�1i�f 1t�+FRn+� r�u� � T(w1A3 �' l�� l.-1�4'4TI Llunbtp � tX;SI1NGL.'W. PROKIJLO ISI 4'0%SIR IYFt $JSTORItS —"0 c U* >m USE TYPE OCC. SQ.FT. VALUATION(S) bOMM��ctl!-C1.AL a�.a; p, >J 11� RXI514 N'FW FLOORUH 0 TOTAL AREA AREA ARM � NtTAREA HATHKUUM KllcllkN 0111bit RENODELAREA 4 RENOIXI•ARFA rJ RfiMODELAREA PDXII AN:A IN."A FA TO rA I.UliCK�1N(I I ARI rt GARAGE AUX •`UL•'rA(: YN f;1 )9j XI-I'V1 0DWELLIWJL'(�tTS: ISASECONDuNrr ❑YEs sBCONDSTOaY" YF$'-�- n7/ HFING ADDED' 9N ADDITION° \O 1'RI:•APPIA'A"TION Yl:ti IF vIS,PROvllxi('OPV OFIS THE BLDG AN 13 YES FRE—CEVED HY; TOTAL VALUATIF I'IANNINOAPPI.b NO PLANNING j1"OVAL I.Er IEll EICHLM HOME? PO P61.t D IJa y- By my signatum below,I certify to each f I e following: 1pnthe prc) rty ownerorauthorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have reaapplication and the information I have vi ed is correct end a escription of Work and verify it is accurate. I ogre w co ly with all applicable local ordinances and stale laws relating to bu i ❑0 tion. rize r scntutivcs of Cupcnino to enter the above ti c y ection purposes. Signat•uc of ApplicanVAgcnt: 4 Dater SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED PUQN CHECK TYPE ROUTING SLIP _New SFD or Multifamily dwellings: Apply for demolition permit for C1 OYLrR TAE•COUtlTeR Dl LDLVGP[.API R6V[8W existing building(s). Demolition permit is required prior to issuance of building Z��PPPIIA permit for new building. Cl ¢�mass tuc PLA.0Rttvtew Commercial Bldgs: Provide a completed Hazardous Materials Disclosure LTANDARD C WORNS form if any Hazardous Materials arc being used as pan of this project. Q LARGE V17PIKE DEPT' _Copy of Planning Approval Letter or Mc.-ting With Planning prior to submittal of Building Permit application. ❑ :4Atoa ❑ SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT ❑ WMRONa1ENTAL HEALTH B1dgApp 201 Ldoc revised 06/21111 CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR- BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS: 20400 Mariani Ave DATE: 08/16/2012 REVIEWED BY: Sean APN: *VALUATION: 1$515,000 PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration/Addition/ Repair PRIMARY PENTAMATION USE: Commercial Building PERMIT TYPE: 160E WORKSite improvements to include: site accessibility, asphalt/curb repair, site lighting, landscaping and SCOPE irrigation. OCCUPANCY TYPE: TYPE OF FLR AREA PC FEES PC FEE ID BP FEES BP FEE ID CONSTR. s.f. B (Offices) II-B,111-B,IV,V-B 0 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS: 0 $0.00 $0.00 MECH,HOURLY 0 Yes G No PLUMB,HOURLY Yes Q No ELEC,HOURLY 0 Yes 0 No Tech, Pion Check Plumb.Plum Check fs'lec:. Plan Check titech. Permit Fee: Plumb.Permit Fee: Elec.Permit Fee: Other,tfech.Insp. Lj Other Plumb Insp. Li Other Elec.Insp. Hech. Insp. Fez(: Plumb, hasp. Fee: Elee,Insp.Fee: !VOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments(i.e.Planning,Public Works,Fire,Sanitary Sewer District,School District,etc). Thesefees are based on the prelimina information available and are only an estimate. Contact the De t or addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 Lj'. 7//111) FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: Hourly Only? 0 Yes (j) No $0.00 Select a Misc Bldg/Structure Suppl. PC Fee: ) Reg. ® OT EEhrs $0.00 or Element of a Building PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: Hourly Only? 0 Yes (F) No $0.00 Suppl. Insp. Fee:Q Reg. Q OT Q,Q hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 (1,on.;tt.ttction Teta-: 1ldininistrative/Fee: 6 hours Inspections Q Work Without Permit? Yes 0 No $0.00 $798.00 1 ISTINSP Inspection,Hourly Advanced Planning Fee: $0.00 ® hours Plan Check,Hourly E) T rUvel Doc itmentation Fees: $532.00 ISTPLNCK Strong Motion Fee: 1BSEISMICO $108.15 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee: IBCBSC $21.00 SUBTOTALS: $129.151$1,330.001 TOTAL FEE: 1 $1,459.15 Revised: 07/01/2012 PROJECT DATA - COMMERCIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o BUILDING DIVI 4 M� - 10300 TORRE AVENUE^CUPERTINO,CA 95014-3255 - CMPEftTINA (408)777-3228 o FAX(408)777-3333^building(aD-cupertino.orr ee� �y PROJECT ADDRESS 20400 MARIAN[ AVENUE APN#316-22-018 OWNERNAMEMISSIONWEST PROPERTIES, L.P.I. PHONE 408.725.0700 E-MAIL ceb@missionwest.com STREET ADDRESS 10050 BANDLEY DRIVE CITY, STATE,"'CUPERTINO, CA 95014 FAX408.725.1626 CONTACT NAME JOHN NOORI PHONE 408.727.6665 E-MAlLjnoori@kierwright.com STREETADDRESs3350 SCOTT BLVD. #22 CITY,STATE, ZIP SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 FAx408.727.5641 ❑OWNER ❑ OWNER-BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT N ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT TENANT CONTACT NAME JACKI HORTON PHONE 408.862.8234• E-14AI'jacki@apple.com BUSINESS NAME APPLE INC. FAX BUILDING OR TENANT SPACE DIMENSIONS N/A DESCRIPTION OF WORK SITE ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS, ASPHALT/CURB REPAIR IN PARKING.LOT, SITE LIGHTING- & EXISTING USE(S):COMMERCIAL 7 PROPOSED USE(S):NO CHANGE OCCUPANCY(S):N/A OCCUPANT N/A TYPE OF N/A LOAD: CONSTRUCTION AREA OF N/A I//� FL REMODEL SPACE:N�A HAZARDOUS Y N REMODEL SPACE: V /1 MATERIALS? FIRE Y N WUI Y N FLOOD Y N SIESMIC Y N SPRINKLERS: AREA: AREA: AREA: NUMBER OF CHILDREN<2 YRS OLD: NUMBER OF STUDENTS>=2 YRS OLD UP TO 12TH GRADE: LEARNING CENTERS AND EDUCATIONAL OPERATIONS: 24 HOURS CARE? Y N NUMBER OF ADULT CLIENTS: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: TOTAL OCCUPANTS: Governing Codes: 2010 California Building Code(based on the 2009 International Building Code) 2010 California Residential Code(based on the-200--i Intemational Residential Code) ,. 2010 California Plumbm' Code(bas d o tl} 09 Uniform Plumbing Code) 2010 Califo ' 1V a o e a' 9 Uniform Mechanical Code) 2010 Califo C' e(b e 0 International Electrical Code) 2010 California E 2010 California Green Building Standards Code Cupertino Municipal Code Pro -jeciDala-CommerciaLdoc revised 12/01/11 851 Buckeye Court Tel 408-240-6000 CONIISTRUCT�ON Milpitas,CA 95035 Fax 4082406001 July 11, 2013 To: The City of Cupertinoo r) Building Department Attn: Patricia Garcia i," Re: Expired Permits XL Project Name: Mariani 3 and DeAnza 3 Parking Lots Project#: 3667 Permit(s) # 12080185 and 12080186 The intent of this letter is to formally request an extension to the two above referenced building permits for the parking lot projects located at: 20040 Mariani Avenue and 10500 N. DeAnza Boulevard The work has been completed, but we are in need of an extension due to some paperwork that needs to be completed with the building owner and the city prior to getting our final sign-offs for the permits. The documents required for closing out these permits include: Arborist Letter for permit #12080185 Arborist Letter and Shared Parking Agreement for permit #12080186 We are confident that we can get these documents completed and back to the City of Cupertino by September 30, 2013. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ONSTRUCTION RPORATI IV Brennan Geraghty Senior Project Manager 925-951-7933 cc: Project File xlconstruction.com J � ------- ------- --- -- ------- ------ BECAUSE EXCELLEFICE MATTERS ricense647ase . s-r I B1 Community Development Department 10300 Torre Avenue 408.777.3308/Fax 408.777.3333 Cupertino, CA 95014 ��' planning6cupertino.org CUPC�Q.l ONO http://cupertino.org/plannin Applicant Name: JdNU I tiD;V., 2 3 �� lz Email: Project Site Address: a-0 4ckO P'\AV-4 Ad J 1 Phone: 4D9J-_-�a t_ UCS G,'� Total Landscape Landscape area: All the planting areas, turf areas, and water Areas ware feet): Lk] '8(v0 SF features in a landscape installation.The landscape area does not include footprints of buildings or structures, sidewalks, driveways,parking lots,decks,patios,gravel or stone walks, Turf Area: I c'�U ��r� other pervious or non-pervious hardscapes, and other non- irrigated areas designated for non-development (e.g., open spaces and existing wildland vegetation). Non-Turf Plant Area: `��'t �� -5? Turf: A ground cover surface consisting of non-native grass species that is customarily mowed, Annual bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial rvegrass, red fescue, and tall Special Landscape Area: fescue are examples of coot-season turf grasses. Bermuda Water Feature Wet Surface Area: grass, kikuyu grass,seashore paspalum,St. Augustine,grass, If>101'of landscaped area,water budget calcu- �j zoysia grass,and buffalo grass are warm-season turf grasses. lation required with landscape project submittal. N See reverse side for other definitions. "0"above and proceed directly to the signature block at the bottom of this form. LandscapePauameter Requirements Project Compliance Turf Total turf area shall not exceed 25%of the landscape 0 Yes ❑ No oaf area,or 1,250 square feet,whichever is lesser in area. [If no,Water budget calculatiettreeqquired with landscape prol5t submittal) r 1� All portions of turf areas shall be wider than eight(8)feet. Yes Turf(if utilized)is limited to slopes not exceeding 15%. QV yes / Non-Turf At least80%of non-turf area shall consist of native or 2-yes C1(N' G__ low Y low water use plants. '[If no,Water budget calculation required with landscape project submittal] Hydrozones Plants with similar water needs shall be grouped within ` J'Yes ❑ No hydrozones. Each hydrozone shall be controlled by a (Plants can be grouped per separate valve. Table] Irrigation System Systems shall be designed and maintained to minimize r .Yes ❑ No water waste(e.g.,runoff,low head drainage,overspray). Low-volume irrigation shall be utilized in non-turf areas. Irrigation shall only occur between the hours of 8:00 pm [If no,Provide explanation on back] and 10:00 am. Soil A minimum of eight(8)inches of non-compacted topsoil i D`Yes 0 No shall be available in planted areas, [If no,Provide explanation on back] Soil amendments,such as compost or fertilizer,shall be appropriately added according to the soil conditions at fyJ'Yes ]l No the project site and based on what is appropriate for the [If no,Provide explanation on back] selected plants. Mulch A minimum two(2)-inch layer of mulch shall be applied U-yes ❑ No on all exposed soil surfaces of planting areas,except in areas of direct seeding application(e.g.hydro-seed). [lf no,Provide exk1aa on back] I am aware of available informational resources regarding native and low water use plants, ��,r MeiiiciN' ther aspects of water-effi t landscaping. 1 certi that the information provided on this checklist iCQC' � ll ape complies with the ui ements of Ch er 14. 5.[al erstand that any changes to the pro j� l ic�� state new),eck list ..� JLfl 'V 50,6 Signaa of 2Loperty ow r r or authon re resentati Date Page� of 2 4 O This checklist implements the requirements of Chapter 14.15,Landscape Ordinance,of the Cupertino Municipal Code. The responses provided will be evaluated to determine whether the proposed landscape is generally consistent with the ordinance's water-efficiency goals. Applicant Comments Use additional paper if necessary Staff(Evaluation Staff Comments Approved Not Approved Signature Date Select Definitions Hydrozone: A portion of the landscaped area having plants with similar water needs. A hydrozone may be irrigated or non-irrigated. Low-volume irrigation: The application of irrigation water through a system of tubing or lateral lines and low-volume emitters such as drip and bubblers. Certain rotary emitters designed for highly efficient water distribution,and situated to irrigate low water use plants,may also be included in this definition at the discretion of the Planning Office. Low water use plant: A plant species whose demonstrated water needs are compatible with local climate and soil conditions such that regular supplemental irrigation is not required to sustain the plant after it has be- come established. Any species classified as"very low water use' and"low water use" by WUCOLS,having a regionally adjusted plant factor of 0.0 through 0.3,shall be categorically deemed a low water use plant. Native plant: A plant indigenous to a specific area of consideration. For the purpose of this division,the term will refer to plants indigenous to the coastal ranges of Central and Northern California,and more specifical- ly to such plants that are suited to the ecology of the present or historic natural community of the project's vicinity. Special landscape area: An area of the landscape dedicated solely to edible plants,areas irrigated with re- cycled water,water features using recycled water and areas dedicated to active play such as parks, sports fields,golf courses,and where turf provides a playing surface. Turf: A ground cover surface consisting of non-nativegrass species that is customarily mowed. Annual blue- grass,Kentucky bluegrass,perennial ryegrass,red fescue,and tall fescue are examples of cool-season turf grasses. Bermuda grass,kikuyu grass,seashore paspalum,St. Augustine grass, zoysia grass,and buffalo grass are warm-season turf grasses. Water feature: A landscape design element where open water performs an aesthetic or recreational function. Water features include ponds,fountains,waterfalls and artificial streams. Also includes spas and swim- ming pools that are ancillary to single-family, two-family and multi-family residential uses. Wet surface area: The surface area of that portion of a water feature that functions to contain water,such as the water surface of a swimming pool,spa,or garden pond. For a fountain or other feature with flowing water, wet surface area shall be measured as a two dimensional plane bounded by the perimeter of the area where water has been designed to flow. Job: Type: Notes: " SUBMHTTAL OCT Circa LED Philips Gardco Circa LED products are cutoff luminaires featuring LED arrays. Circa LED luminaires provide MR performance excellence and advanced Philips Gardco LED thermal management technology.High performance Class 1 LED systems offer energy savings potential up to 50%compared to HID systems. The housings are one-piece, die cast aluminum and mount directly to a pole,mast arm or wall without the need of a separate support arm.The shallow,rounded form produces extremely low effective projected areas for superior wind loading capability.Circa LED may be ordered with a decorative acrylic rod shaped to follow the contour of luminaire illuminated at each end by light emitting diode(LED)illuminator assemblies in your choice of five(5) colors.Luminaires are also available with aluminum rings,stainless steel rings,or without ring.Circa LED luminaires provide full cutoff performance. LED LED PREFIX MOUNTING DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE SELECTION VOLTAGE RING FINISH OPTIONS CRZOL 1 3 CW UNIV BLP Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note:Philips Gardco reserves the right to refuse a configuration.Not all combinations and configurations are valid. Refer to notes below for exclusions and limitations.For questions or concerns,please consult the factory. PREFIX MOUNTING CR20L 20"Circa Luminaire LED-Constant Wattage 9 Single Poi tirtEr'j Idi=�tT �uDInlen4 2 Twin Pol 'Mounr.5t.vt 0° °T e fill CR20L-DIP1 20"Circa Luminaire LED-0-10V Dimming ",��; �+ 1 'Type 2@90 Twin Pole[Mouti�,at 9 Standard arm,without an RPA Round Pole Adapter),mounts 4 Type IV Y ( P ) 3 3-way P Ie�Mp" t;at. 0° to round poles from 3.85"to 4.5"O.D. tt` ., '� Type V 3@120' 3-way P esl-olinA 0° II CC liD �� Retrofit Kits for existing Circa 20"HID luminaires are available.See 4 4-way Pole Mount Legacy LED Retrofit Kits Submittal Data Sheet(G200-21)for Retrofit W Wall Mount I,Typ�II andT e V ptics are field rotatable. Kit information. WS Wall Mount S r�e)✓A@>CFfbipr E9,5�n�trit'`C lens. .IED WATTAGE AND LUMEN VALUES Reviewed By: Ordering Average LED LED Luminaire Initial Absolute Lumens" Code System Current Selection Watts' (mA) TYPE 2 TYPE 3 TYPE 4 TYPE S Basis of Lumen Data CW 6,105 6,422 6,141 6,200* Photometrk tests performed in 70LA 70.2 350 compliance with IESNA LM-79. NW 5,638 5,850 5,373 5,643* CW 7,509* 7,900* 7,554* 7,605* 8SLA 85.9 350 NW 6,935* 7,196* 6,855* 1 7,042* I.Wattage may vary by+I-8%due to LED manufacturer forward volt specification and ambient temperature.Wattage shown is average for 120V through 2 77V input Actual • wattage may vary by an additional+l-10%due to actual input voltage. 2.Values shown are for luminaires without the HS external shield option.Tests are in process for luminaires with the HS option and WW luminaires. Contact Gardco.opplicattons@philips.com if approximate estimates are required for design purposes. 3. LED arrays feature LEDs that provide from 100 to 130 lumens per watt when operated at 350 mA Lumen values based on tests performed in compliance with IESNA LM-79. *Lumen values for this particular configuration are estimated based on tests of a similar,but not identical configuration. LIED SELECTION VOLTAGE CW Cool White-5700°K-75 CRI UNIV 120V through 277V, 50hz or 60hz NW Neutral White-4000°K-75 CRI I-IVU 347V through 480V, 50hz or 60hz(High Voltage Universal) WW Warm White-3000°K-75 CRI t i1 ff. U a� 1!i 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 (800)227-0758 (512)753-1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com w ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. G200-027,0212 U U Circa LE® - Page 2 of 3 CR20L RING FINISH 'S 4 OPTIONSI `-_ �'7 AR' Aluminum Ring(Painted to match housing.) BRP Bronze Paint FS,' `;� Fusing In Head SR Stainless Steel Ring Brushed BLP Black Paint LFA `';s4` In-Line/In-Pole Fusing OR' Optional Color Ring(Painted a different color than housing.) WP White Paint PCS Photocontrol and Receptacle LR Less Ring PCR Photocontrol Receptacle only NP Natural Aluminum Paint MAI Mast Arm Mounting Kit(internal) OC Optional Color Paint RPA I' 3"Round Pole Adapter LED RING Specify Optional Color or SPA' Square Pole Adapter LER Red RAL ex:OC-LGP or PTF2 Pole Top Fitter-2 318"-3"Dia.Tenon LEO Orange OC-RAL7024. TB Terminal Block LEA Amber SC Special Paint SPR Surge Protection for 120V through 277V Input LEG Green Specify.Must supply color chip. SPRH Surge Protection for 347V through 480V Input LEB Blue SPRA Surge Protection for 120V through 277V Input meeting ANSI C62.41.2 4.(AR)Ring supplied same color as housing standard. SPRAH Surge Protection for 347V through 480V Input meetin ANSI C62.41.2 For optional color ring(OR),specify finish or g RAL Ex.OR-BLP or OR-RAL-7024 S.Not available with 480V. Provide specific input voltage. 6.Requires 2 318"O.D.Mast Arm. 7.Required for 3"O.D.round or tapered round poles where top O.D.is less than 3.85". 8.2 3/4"O.D.Minimum Pole Width. DIMENSIONSAND EPA A � EPA CR20L Single Twin 3-4 way Flat Lens .60 ft' 1.20 ft' 1.63 ft' .06 m' .11 m' AS m' B I C E Size A B C D E CR20L 29 518" 28" 23 1/4" 20" 6 1/4" p 75.25 cm 71.12 cm 59.05 cm 50.80 cm 15.87 cm 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 (800)227-07S8 (S12)7S3-1000 FAX:(S12)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. �� ®�® G200-02710212 .I Circa LED Page 3 of 3 C R20 L LUMINAIRE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION CONSTANT WATTAGE CONFIGURATIONS:Standard LED luminaires DIMMING "-DIM" CONFIGURATIONS:Dimmable LED luminaires are provide constant wattage and constant light output when power to the provided with 0 -10V dimming for connection to a control system provided luminaire is energized. by others. SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: Philips Gardco Circa LED products are cutoff luminaires LED RING:If selected with an LED ring,the luminaire shall be provided with featuring LED arrays. Circa LED luminaires provide performance excellence a decorative acrylic rod shaped to follow contour of luminaire illuminated at and advanced Philips Gardco LED thermal management technology. High each end by light emitting diode(LED)illuminator assemblies. performance Class 1 LED systems offer energy savings potential up to 50% compared to HID systems. The housings are one-piece, die cast aluminum The rod will have reflective coating causing an even brightness along its length and mount directly to a pole, mast arm or wall without the need of a resembling luminous tube lighting.There shall be no breaks,descrete spots,or separate support arm. The shallow, rounded form produces extremely low other discontinuities visible in the intended viewing angle of 60°to 90°above effective projected areas for superior wind loading capability.Circa LED may nadir. be ordered with a decorative acrylic rod shaped to follow the contour of luminaire illuminated at each end by light emitting diode (LED) illuminator The method of rod attachment to luminaire shall allow for thermal expansion assemblies in your choice of five(5)colors.Luminaires are also available with and contraction from-70°to+120°F(-57°to+49°C)without causing damage aluminum rings,stainless steel rings,or without ring.Circa LED luminaires to the assembly.The rod shall not use adhesives for any structural support. provide full cutoff performance. The illuminator assembly at each end shall consist of a polycarbonate HOUSING:A one-piece diecast aluminum housing mounts directly to a pole, thermoplastic housing which encloses LEDs. The housing shall be potted mast arm or wall without the need for a support arm. with a water-clear compound,after assembly,which will totally encapsulate all components to protect against water and other environmental contamination. LENS: A single-piece die cast aluminum lens frame hinges down from the housing and is secured by a concealed stainless steel hinge and hinge Electrical supply powering each illuminator directly or indirectly shall be pin. An optically clear, heat and impact resistant tempered flat glass lens is 30 volts RMS or less and be supplied by an isolation transformer.Primary mechanically secured with six retainers. The electrical and optical chambers wavelengths for the available colors shall be:Red-626-635 nm;Orange-605- are thoroughly sealed with a one-piece memory retentive hollow-core silicone 609 nm;Amber-590-592 nm;Green-520-525 nm;Blue-465-470 nm. gasket to prevent intrusion by rain,dust,and insects. ELECTRICAL:Luminaires include a complete prewired LED driver assembly. THERMAL MANAGEMENT:Philips Gardco Circa LED luminaires utilize Luminaires include an LED driver that accepts 120V through 277V,or 347V extruded aluminum integral thermal radiation fins to provide the excellent through 480V,50hz to 60hz,input. Driver output is based on the LED wattage thermal management so critical to long LED system life. selected.Component-to-component wiring within the luminaire will carry no more than 80%of rated current and is listed by UL for use at 600 VAC at LED RELIABILITY: 302°F/150°C or higher.Plug disconnects are listed by UL for use at 600VAC, PREDICTED LUMEN DEPRECIATION DATA 15A or higher.Power factor is not less than 90%.Luminaires consume 0.0 watts in the off state. Ambient Temperature°C LED Wattage/Driver mA L70 Hoursv 25°C 70LA or 85LA/350 mA 150,000 FINISH: Anodized housings are created with an Aluminum Association Architectural Class I anodizing process to achieve a bronze, black or natural 40°C 70LA or 85LA/350 mA 100,000 aluminum finish. Painted units are finished with hardcoat, fade resistant, electrostatically applied TGIC polyester powdercoat or polyurethane. 9.Predicted performance derived from LED manufacturer's data and engineering design estimates, based on IESNA LM-80 methodology.Actual experience may vary due to field application applicable)UL bor i i All luminaires ear LABELS: CUL a conditions.L70 is the predicted time when LED performance depreciates to 70%of initial ( pP ) Wet Location lumen output labels. WARRANTY: Philips Gardco Form 10 Round LED luminaires feature a 5 OPTICAL SYSTEMS: Philips Gardco Circa LED luminaires utilize lensed year limited warranty,including a 5 year limited warranty covering the LED LED arrays set to achieve IES Type II,Type III,Type IV and Type V distributions. arrays.See Warranty Information on www.sitelighting.com for complete details Individual LED arrays are replaceable.Optical systems are field rotatable. and exclusions. Luminaires feature high performance Class I LED systems. FULL CUTOFF PERFORMANCE:Full cutoff performance means a luminaire distribution where zero candela intensity occurs at an angle at or above 90°above nadir. Additionally,the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100(10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80°above nadir.This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. CUTOFF PERFORMANCE:Cutoff performance means a luminaire discribution where the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25(2.5 percent)at an angle at or above 90°above nadir,and 100(10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80°above nadir.This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 L I (800)227-0758 (S12)7S3-1000 FAX:(S12)7S3-78S5 sitelighting.com P"SID ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. �� D�O G200-027/0212 (3p INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CR25 FIELD INSTALLED HOUSESIDE SHIELD IMPORTANT: Read all instructions before performing any work. Be sure all power is off prior to installing luminaries. WARNING: Fixture must be grounded in accordance with appropriate codes. Failure to do so mav result in serious in*uIry. INTERNAL HOUSE SHIELD FOR FLAT LENS INTERNAL HOUSE SHIELD FOR SAG LENS C IPS ANGLE INTERNA SAGINTERNAL SHIELD SHIELD GASKET ` u CLIPS PADS FLAT INTERNAL MIT.W FLAT INTERNAL SHIELD SHIELD 1. Attach flat internal shield. Place Flat internal shield against inside back of reflector, (See Fig. 1). Use (2) fastening clips LIPS (APPROX.) to attach shield to reflector. LOCATION 2. If Flat Lens:Attach angled internal shield. Take Angled internal shield with angled leg sides aimed into reflector assembly, (See Fig. 2). Slide the slotted legs of the shield over reflector pan, near the mounting edges of the reflector pan, until the slots in the 'a.: shield legs hit the reflector pan. `l If Sag Lens: Attach sag internal shield. Locate the (4) 8-32 - crews securing the lens brackets in place. Note: there are (6) total. �.. Loosen the (4) 8-32 screws just enough to slice the shield under Fig. 1 the lens brackets and re-tighten screws. (See Fig. 3) GASKET PADS LENS BRACKETS 8-32 SCREWS JT r. i Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Gardco Lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos,Tx 78666 Gardco and Emco are Philips group brands. Part No.A3694201 cr 04/29/2002-REV B PHILIPS I I i (),Gardco Lighting In Case Of Electrical 1611 Clovis Barker Road Difficulty San Marcos, TX 78666 Subject: H.I.D. Luminaires This luminaire has been thoroughly tested at the factory prior to shipping. First the unit was subjected to a high potential test which subjects all electrical components to an AC voltage exceeding 1000 volts between live parts and dead metal parts. Any weak insulation or "shorts to ground" is detected by this test. The luminaire was then connected to the rated input voltage and correct lamp load and subjected to a perfor— mance test to determine if the ballast is operating the lamp within the correct parameters. Should difficulties be encountered, please go through the following check list as this luminaire was in working order upon leaving our factory. A. Problem: Lamp Will Not Start 6. Is photocontrol functioning properly (if used)? 1. Is power applied to luminaire? 7. Does voltage measured at socket agree with the 2. Is lamp seated in socket properly? (See Para— minimum required indicated in chart? graph #2 under Item C.) 8. If no voltage appears at the lamp socket, check 3. Is lamp of correct wattage and type? supply wire connections. 4. Is lamp defective? Try lamp known to be in 9. Check voltage at supply connections. Is it within operating condition. ±10% of rated fixture voltage? 5. Check lamp markings and determine if lamp is 10. Open luminaire and determine if all connections intended for burning in the position in which it are secure. is being used, i.e., vertical or horizontal. B. Problem: Irregular or Difficult Lamp Starting 1. Numerous causes could exist here. We suggest that under A above, Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 be checked. Ballasts are designed to start lamps at temperatures down to minus 207. In some rare instances, outside temperatures could be a problem in certain areas. C. Problem: Lamp Cycles This condition is evidenced by the lamp repeatedly warming up, then extinguishing, then warming up again. 1. Check under A above, Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and especially 9. 2. If 175 watt or 400 watt Super Metalarc lamps are used (Horizontal Lamp Luminaires only) it is imperative that the arc tube be posi— tioned so that the arc points vertically upward (see illustration) with the luminaire in the installed position. Should the arc tube be over 4 deg. in either direction, lamp cycling will very likely result. This lamp is provided with a stop—pin located on the screw shell which engages a notch on the screw shell of the specially constructed lamp socket provided. This notch will be on the left side (9 o'clock position) when standing looking into the mouth of the socket with SUPER METAL ARC LAMP the luminaire in its installed position and viewer standing erect on a ladder or other support. Should the luminaire still not operate correctly after checking the above items, report the problem to the dis— tributor through which the luminaire was sold. MINIMUM OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE FOR VARIOUS H—I—D LAMPS LAMP TYPE WATTAGE MINIMUM SOCKET VOLTAGE 1000 410 750 280 400 295 250 280 *360W Unalux®designed to operate on 40OW METAL HALIDE 175 295 Mercury Vapor Lag Type Ballast only 100 275 70 230 50 230 1000 456 750 280 "15OW Unalux® ® or E—ZLUXdesigned to operate 400 195 on 175W Mercury Vapor Lag Type Ballast only 360° 225 310 190 250 195 HIGH PRESSURE 200 195 SODIUM ;50�00v ;5 CAUTION 150» 225 100 110 USE CLEAR LAMP ONLY 70110 FOR OPTIMUM sa 110 PHOTOMETRIC PERFORMANCE 1000 375 400 225 MERCURY VAPOR 250 225 10750 2225 PHILIPS X809351 REV B 1/29/96 Gardco and Emco are Philips group brands OF 2 ®Copyright 1978, Gardco Manufacturing Inc. i (31Gardco Lighting Reflector Orientation 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos TX 78666 Proper performance of your lighting system depends, among other factors, on the reflector being oriented in the correct position as should be indicated on your site plan. Figure 1. Identifies all Gardco reflectors as to distribution type and orientation direction as viewed from the bottom of the luminaire looking through the lens into the reflector. TYPE VS (VERTICAL LAMP) TYPE I TYPE III TYPE 4X TYPE VQ TYPE FM (FS)� (NSSYMME RICAL)N, MEDIUM Fen ARM ARM ARM ARM ARM ARM HOUSE SIDE HOUSE SIDE HOUSE SIDE HOLISE SIDE HOUSE SIDE HOUSE SIDE + L( J) STREET SIDE STREET SIDE STREET ASIDE STREET SIDE STREET SIDE STREET SIDE SOCKET SOCKET SOCKET SOCKET /SOCKET SOCKET 4 4 4 4 4 4 AIM AIM AIM AIM AIM AIM Figure 2. Illustrates typical site plan luminaire symbols, viewed from above, as they Figure 3. Product I.D. label located on socket would appear on a site plan. When orientation direction arrow is omitted, assume identifies type of luminaire, reflector type, reflector is to be mounted in the "standard position! lamp source, and wattage. Moo- Reflector Type Primary Ballast Voltage Configuration Wattage SizeFinish Prefix Options EN 19 2 3 120 400 MH BRA Standard Position 90' from standard position Standard Position Post top yoke mounted luminaires Product I.D. Label Located On Socket All luminaires are shipped from the factory with reflectors installed such that the orientation direction is in the "standard position! Should your site plan require an orientation different from "standard," simply remove the lens and reflector per the installation and servicing instructions and re—orient in the desired position. Make sure the lens is reinstalled so it hinges on the side opposite (across from) the side on which the reflector hinges. Hinge side of lens door is Identified as side having single latch release tab on inside top of the door. Luminaires are shipped from factory as standard FM distribution. FS distribution is accomplished by moving cutoff shield to forward position. PHILIPS X809351 REV B 1/29/96 Gardco and Emco are Philips group brands 2 OF 2 0 Copyright 1978, Gardco Manufacturing Inc f Job: Type: Notes: PureForm LED Page 1 of 8 P21 Area. and Pedestrian Seale Luminaires Philips Gardco PureForm luminaires combine LED performance excellence and advanced Gardco LED thermal management technology Al -9"Standard Arm Mount A2 -5"Short Arm Mount with a distinct purity of style to provide outdoor area lighting that is both energy efficient and aesthetically pleasing. PureForm is defined by its high performance,sleek low profile design and rugged construction. The die cast aluminum housing mounts directly to a pole or wall,and has a maximum profile of just 3".The advanced LED optical systems provide A3 -Decorative Arm Mount MA -Mast Arm Mount IES Types II,NI,IV and V distributions,as well as a Backlight Control optic. --- Special LEED corner cutoff optics are also available.All LED wattages ----- utilize high performance Class 1 LED systems.The luminaire features a state of the art integral thermal control system to maximize LED performance and life,and to extend component life. The door frame is die cast aluminum. Luminaires are finished with a fade and abrasion resistant TGIC powdercoat PureForm luminaires are available in a wide PureForm luminaires are provided standard without a glass lens, for maximized variety of mountings and arms.All PureForm luminaires provide full cutoff performance.A glass lens is available as an option,resulting in reduced performance. performance. OPTICAL PREFIX ARM MOUNTING SYSTEM LED WATTAGE LED SELECTION VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS CR20L Al 1 5W CW UNIV BLP Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note:Philips Gardco reserves the right to refuse a configuration.Not all combinations and configurations are valid. Refer to notes below for exclusions and limitations.For questions or concerns,please consult the factory. PRIEFOX ARM (Omit for Most Arm Mount luminaires) (See page 4 and page 5 for details on luminaire configurations.) Arm Style Available Mounting; P21 21"PureForm Luminaire-Constant Wattage At Standard 9"Arm Direct to Pole Mount and Wall Mount P21-DIRK 21"PureForm with 0-10V Dimming A2 Short 5"Arm Direct to Pole Mount and Wall Mount P29-MR50' 21"PureForm with Motion Response-50%Low,Pole Mounted Motion Sensor A3 Decorative Arm Direct to Pole Mount Only P29-APD3 21"PureForm with Automatic Profile Dimming P29-APD-MRO' 21"PureForm-APD with Motion Response Override,Pole Mounted Motion Sensor Note:All Arm Styles shown above mount to a round pole with no P29-RNRI2.3 21"PureForm with Motion Response-50%Low,Integral Motion Sensor adapter.If mounting to a square pale,specify the appropriate Square P29-APD-MRI3.3 21"PureForm-APD with Motion Response Override,Integral Motion Sensor Pole Adapter option:SPAS-2 for A 1 or A2 arms,SPA3 for A3 arms. See do on page 2. 1.AARSO and APD-MRO luminaires require one motion sensor per pole,ordered separately. See Accessories on page 2.Motion Response luminaires available 120V or 217Vonly. 2.Available 120V through 277V only. 3.MRI and APD-MRI luminaires include an integral motion sensor. Rrli OUNTONG OPTICAL SYSTlEll 4 Featuring unitized optic lens construction. Direct to Pole Mount (Available with A1,A2 or A3 Arms) Optic Optic 4.Luminaire door frame 9 Single Pole Mount Standard P P and optic assembly 2 Twin Pole Mount at 180° optic ® tIC Rotated Rotated provided standard without Type p Lefts Rights glass lens.Specify CLR 2@90 Twin Pole Mount at 90° Position (90°) (2700) option for clear glass)ens. 3 3-way Pole Mount at 90° See Options on page 2. 3@120° 3-way Pole Mount at 120° Type II 2 2-90 2-270 4 4-way Pole Mount S.See pages 7 and 8 for Type III 3 3-90 3-270 information on optical Mart Arm Mount Type IV 4 4-90 4-270 rotation prior to ordering. RNA Mast Arm Mount(Requires 2 318"OD Most Arm) Type V Medium SRN 6.Available with 90LA or Type V Wide 5W 130LA LED wattages only. Wall Mount (Available with Al or A2 Arms Only. Backlight Control SLC BLC-90 BLC-270 Not available in P21-MR50,or P21,APD-MRO.) LEED Corner !A9 Wall Mount LCL LCR WS Wall Mount,Surface Conduit Cutoff Opticsb 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Mamos,TX 78666 LI n(1���� (800)227-0758 (512)753.1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com w u ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the companYs continuing product improvement program. (K AMM G200-035/0912 1 PureForm LE® - Page 2 of 3 P21 Area and Pedestrian Scale Luminaires LED WATTAGE AND LUMEN VALUES Average LED Luminaire Initial Absolute Lumens" Ordering System Current LED Quantity- LED Code Watts' (mA) Single LEDArray Selection TYPE 2 TYPE 3 TYPE 4 TYPE SM TYPE SW.. 55LA 55 350 48 NW 4,402(s) 4,563(s) 4,412 5,133(s) 5,357(s) 70LA 70 350 64 NW 5,869(s) 6,084(s) 5,838(s) 6,6844(s) 7,142(s) 90LA 90 350 80 NW 7,336 7,605(s) 7,298 8,555 8,928 80LA 80 530 48 NW 6,176(s) 6,518(s) 6,211 7,165(s) 7,860 105LA 105 530 64 NW 8,235(s) 8,691(s) 8,152(s) 9,553(s) 10,425 130LA 130 530 80 NW 10,294 10,864 10,190 11,941 13,009 7.Wattage may vary by+/-8%due to LED manufacturer forward volt specification and ambient temperature.Wattage shown is average for 120V through 277V input Actual wattage may vary by an additional+/-10%due to actual input voltage. 8.Values shown are for luminaires without the CLR,DL or EHHS options.Tests are in process for configurations not shown."(s)"following the value indicates that values are scaled from tests on similar,but not identical luminaire configurations.Contact Gardco.applications@ philips.com if ony approximate estimates are required for design purposes. 9. Lumen values based on tests performed in compliance with IESNA LM-79. LED SELECTION VOLTAGE CW Cool White-5700°K-75 CRI Nominal UNIV 120V through 277V, 50hz or 60hz NW Neutral White-4000°K-70 CRI Nominal HIVU 347V through 480V, 50hz or 60hz(High Voltage Universal) WW Warm White-3000°K-80 CRI Nominal FINISH OPTIONS BRP Bronze Paint F10 Fusing DL Diffusing Lens(reduces performance significantly) BLP Black Paint LF In-Line/In-Pole Fusing CLR Clear Glass Lens(reduces performance) WP White Paint 11310111 Bird Deterrent Spike Kit POLY" Polycarbonate Lens(reduces performance) PC12.11 Photocontrol and Receptacle SPR Surge Protection for 120V through 277V Input NP Natural Aluminum Paint PCR" Photocontrol Receptacle only meeting ANSI C62.41.2 OC Optional Color Paint PCB121 Button Photocontrol SPRH Surge Protection for 347V through 480V Input Specify Optional Color or EHHS External Houseside Shield meeting ANSI C62.41.2 RAL ex:OC-LGP or OC-RAL7024. PTF2 Pole Top Fitter-2 3/8"-3"Dia.Tenon TB Terminal Block SC Special Paint PTF3 Pole Top Fitter-3"-3 1/2"Dia.Tenon TL Provides for access to the LED arrays Specify.Must supply color chip. PTF4 Pole Top Fitter-3 1/2"-4"Dia.Tenon and driver without tools SPA1-2 Square Pole Adapter(for use with Al or A2 Arms) SPA3 Square Pole Adapter(for use with A3 Arms) 10.Available with A 1 arm or with MA mounting only. 14.Polycorbonate lenses feature a 1 year warranty only. 11.Kits consist of 25 injection molded plastic bird deterrent spikes. Field installation only. 12.Not available in 480Y Provide specific input voltage. 13.Available with A 1 or A2 arms,or with MA mounting only. ACCESSORIES (Ordered separately MS-A-120V 120V Input-Area Motion Sensor for P21-MR50(Motion Response)or P21-APD-MRO(Automatic Profile Dimming with Motion Response Override) MS-A-277V 277V Input-Area Motion Sensor for P21-MR50(Motion Response)or P21-APD-MRO(Automatic Profile Dimming with Motion Response Override) Motion Sensors are ordered separately,with one(1)motion sensor required per pole location for P21-MR50 or P21-APD-MRO luminaires.See Luminaire Configuration Information on page 4-5 for more details.Area motion sensor color is Arctic White.MRI and APD-MRI luminaires include an integral motion sensor. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Mamos,TX 78666 �� (800)227-0758 (512)7S3-1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com PS @ 2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.Y.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. GAR®IC® G200-035/0912 (N o - PureForm LED Page 3 of 8 P21 Area and Pedestrian Scale Luminaires ®WENSSIONSS AND (Eft@ All STANDARD ARM MOUNT A2 SHORT ARM MOUNT MA MAST ARM MOUNT C A 1B1 Maximum Profile(All Models)=3.0"17.62 cm L C=3.68" B=5.73" 9.347 cm A=6.53" 14.554 cm 16.586 cm 5.1"/12.954 cm 10.25" 9.21" 25.94"/65.888 cm 26.035 cm 23.394 cm 31.085"/78.956 cm 30.04"/76.302 cm A L20.09"/51.029 A 6.53" L20.09"/51.029 cm 20.09"5.1.029 cm cm 16.5.86 cm B=5.73" C=3.68" ® 3 14.554 cm 9.347 cm A3 DECORATIVE ARM MOUNT WALL MOUNT WITH Al STANDARD ARM D D=10 06" D E 25.552 cm L L D=10.06" 8.6.6 7 m 25.552 cm �-277 c 20.09"/51.029 cm `1 -32.12"/81.585 cmc E=7.25" 18.415 cm WITH A2 SHORT ARM E -17.41"/44.221 cm 718.237 18" cm 38.24"/97.13 cmE=7.25"Single LuminaireWeighc 18.415 cm /71.171 cmc Mounting Approximate = _ Weight ERecave Projected Area ft /m Al 38 lbs/17.237 kg Mounting Single Twin @ 180 3/4 A2 37 lbs/16.783 kg Al 0.35/0.033 0.70/0.066 1.25/0.117 A3 41.5 lbs/18.824 kg A2 0.30/0.028 0.60/0.056 1.10/0.103 MA 38 lbs/17.237 kg A3 0.50/0.047 1.0/0.093 1.70/0.158 W or WS 39 lbs/17.69 kg MA 0.35/0.033 N/A N/A 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 p I]LSI]Lr' (800)227-07S8 (Sl2)7S3-1000 FAX:(S12)7S3-78SS sitelighting.com ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without Aoffik notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. G200-035/0912 1 PureForm LED - Page 4 of 8 P21 Area and Pedestrian Scale Luminaires LUMINAIRE CONFIGURAI'ION INFORMAI'ION (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) P21: Philips Gardco PureForm LED standard luminaire providing Motion response requires that the pole include an additional hand hole 15 feet constant wattage and constant light output when power to the above the pole base,normally oriented 180° to the standard hand hole. For luminaire is energized. Philips Gardco poles,order the pole with the Motion Sensor Mounting(MSM) option which includes the hand hole and a special hand hole cover plate for P21-DIM: Philips Gardco PureForm LED luminaire provided with 0 the sensor with a 1/2"NPT receptacle centered on the hand hole cover plate -10V dimming for connection to a control system provided by others. into which the motion sensor mounts. Once the motion sensor is connected to the hand hole cover plate,then wiring connections are completed in the P21-MR50: Philips Gardco PureForm LED luminaire with pole.The plate (complete with motion sensor attached and wired) is then motion response, providing a 50% power reduction on low and a mounted to the hand hole.If poles are supplied by others,the customer commensurate reduction in light output.The power and light output is responsible for providing suitable mounting accommodations for reduction is accomplished utilizing the Philips DynaDimmer module, the motion sensor in the pole. programmed for a constant 50%power. Power supplied by the motion sensor connected to the override line on the DynaDimmer takes the luminaire to high setting, 100% power and light output,when motion Mounting to a Philips Gardco Pole is detected.The luminaire remains on high until no motion is detected for the motion sensor duration period, after which the luminaire Cover Place with Ile"NPT Coupling (supplied with pole) returns to low.Duration period is factory set at 15 minutes,and is field Wiring Attach Motion adjustable from 5 minutes up to 15 minutes. in Sensor to Cover Pole __ Plate coupling, Motion Sensor Complete Wiring This configuration is not available for use with wall mounted in Pole and Attach luminaires. Additional Hand Hole ISAbove Pole Base Cover Plate to Hand (oriented 180°to the standard hand hole) Hole P21-MR50 is available in 120V through 277V input only to the luminaire.Motion sensors require single voltage 120V or 277V input. P21-APD: Philips Gardco PureForm LED luminaire with Automatic The Area PIR motion sensor is the WattStopper EW-200-120-W(120V Profile Dimming. Luminaire is provided with a programmable LED Input- MSA-120V) or the WattStopper EW-200-277-W (277V Input- Driver, programmed to go to 50% power, 50% light output two (2) MSA-277V.) One motion sensor per pole is required and is ordered hours prior to night time mid-point and remain at 50% for six (6) separately. Area sensors require single voltage 120V or 277V input. hours after night time mid-point.Mid-point is continuously recalculated by the programmable LED Driver based on the average mid-point - of the last two full night cycles. Short duration cycles, and power interruptions are ignored and do not affect the determination of mid- J t` \ — Red Connects to point. Black,120V OR Override Input 277V Input (Orange)Line of P21-APD is available in 120V through 277V input only. White-Neutral Sensor DynaDimmer P21-APD Dimming Profile: The area motion detector provides coverage equal to up to 6 times the sensor height above ground, 270° from the front-center of the 2 Hours 6 Hours sensor. 100% 100% 50% 50% Area PIR Motion Sensor Coverage Pattern: I I - Power On Mid Point Power Off 270°Front Coverage The P21-APD offers many of the advantages of a sophisticated control Distances are system, including an average energy savings of at least 33% versus 9o. approximate. constant wattage,constant light output systems,without the need for H=Height Above Ground a control system. I� Heights 1H 3H 6H 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Mamos,TX 78666 PHILIPS� (800)227-0758 (512)753-1000 FAX:(512)7S3-78SS sitelighting.com ©2011 Koninkliike Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. GAR®C® G200-035/0912 - PureForm LED Page 5 of 8 P21 Area and Pedestrian Scale Luminaires LUMNAIRE CONFIGUTATIOH NfFORMATI®IMI CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 P22-APD-MRO: Philips Gardco PureForm LED luminaire with FS-305-L3W-Supplied with PureForm MRI Luminaires Automatic Profile Dimming,with Motion Response Override.The P21- APD-MRO combines the benefits of both automatic profile dimming Side Coverage Pattern Top Coverage Pattern and motion response, using the Philips DynaDimmer module. The o ., 20 luminaire will dim to 50% power,50% light output, per the dimming profile shown for the P21-APD. If motion is detected during the io o -- - ; o time that the luminaire is operating at 50%,the luminaire returns to -Z 100% power and light output.The luminaire remains on high until no 5 J -` ,o _G motion is detected for the duration period,after which the luminaire �� G returns to low.Duration period is factory set at 15 minutes,and is field 1H 20 adjustable from 5 minutes up to 15 minutes. 2H� d 2H Distances are approximate. H=Height above ground. This configuration is not available for use with wall mounted luminaires. Luminaires with Integral Motion Sensor - P21-APD- MRI: Luminaires with Automatic Profile Dimming and Motion Response P29-APD-MRO is available in 920V through 277V input only Override combine the benefits of both automatic profile dimming and to luminaire.The motion sensor requires either 120V or motion response.APD-MRI luminaires utilize a programmable LED 277V input to the motion sensor. driver.The luminaire will dim to 50% power,50% light output,per the dimming profile shown for APD luminaires (see page 4). If motion is The P21-APD-MRO has the same pole requirements and utilizes detected during the time that the luminaire is operating at 50%, the the same motion sensors as the P21-MR50.The motion sensor luminaire goes to 100% power and light output.The luminaire remains mounts and wires identically as well.The P21APD-MRO utilizes the on high until no motion is detected for the duration period, after identical dimming profile as shown for the P21-APD. which the luminaire returns to low.Duration period is factory set at 15 minutes. By combining the benefits of automatic profile dimming and motion response,the P21-APD-MRO assures maximum energy savings,and APD-MRI luminaires are available with 120V through 277V (UNIV) insures that adequate light is present if motion is detected. input voltages only. Note:All motion sensors utilized consume 0.0 watts in the off state. BPD-MRI luminaires use the identical motion sensor as MRI luminaires. See motion sensor details for P21-MRI. Luminaires with Integral Motion Sensor- P21-MRI: Luminaires with Motion Response and an integral motion sensor include a programmable LED driver and an integral motion sensor.The programmable LED driver is set to a constant 50%.When motion is detected,the luminaire goes to 100%.The luminaire remains on high until no motion is detected for the motion sensor duration period, q Sensor-Bottom View after which the luminaire returns to low.Duration period is factory set I at 15 minutes. Available with 120V through 277V(UNIV)only. Approximate Sensor Placement on P21-MRI and P21-APD-MRI luminaires. P29-MRI luminaires are provided with the WattStopper FS-305-1-3W O motion sensor,with a maximum recommended 20 ft.mounting height. The area coverage and range of the integral sensors make them most suitable for applications not requiring long range detection.For longer range detection applications,configurations with pole mounted motion sensors are recommended. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 n n I� I�P,%(800)227.07S8 (S12)7S3-1000 FAX:(S12)7S3-78SS sitelighting.com w ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without ASOW- notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. G200-035/0912 G200-035/0912 PureForm LE® - Page 6 of 8 P21 Area and Pedestrian Scale Luminaires SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION:Philips Gardco PureForm luminaires combine LED RELIABILITY: LED performance excellence and advanced Gardco LED thermal management PREDICTED LUMEN DEPRECIATION DATA technology with a distinct purity of style to provide outdoor area lighting that is both energy efficient and aesthetically pleasing. PureForm is defined by its Ambient Temperature°C Driver mA L,o Hours" high performance,sleek low profile design and rugged construction.The die cast 350 mA 240,000 aluminum housing mounts directly to a pole or wall,and has a maximum profile 2S°C of just 3".All LED wattages utilize high performance Class 1 LED systems. 530 mA 180,000 The luminaire features a state of the art integral thermal control system to 350 mA 225,000 maximize LED performance and life,and to extend component life. The door 40°C P P 530 mA 160,000 frame is die cast aluminum. Luminaires are finished with a fade and abrasion resistant TGIC powdercoat.PureForm luminaires are available in a wide variety IS.Predicted Performance derived from LED manufacturer's dam and engineering design estimates, of mountings and arms, based on IESNA LM-80 methodology.Actual experience may vary due to field application conditions.L70 is the predicted time when LED performance depreciates to 70%of initial HOUSING:The PureForm features a die cast aluminum housing,and mounts lumen output directly to a pole or wall.The low profile rounded form reduces the effective projected area of the luminaire significantly. THERMAL MANAGEMENT:The Philips Gardco PureForm LED provides die cast aluminum integral thermal radiation fins to provide the excellent PureForm luminaires supplied with All,A2 and A3 arms are provided with arms thermal management so critical to long LED system life. firmly attached to the main luminaire housing body.As a result,the luminaires provide the functionality,strength and installation ease of an integral arm ELECTRICAL: Luminaires are equipped with an LED driver that accepts luminaire. 120V through 277V,or 347V through 480V,50hz to 60hz,input. Driver output is based on the LED wattage selected.Component-to-component wiring within Mast arm mount luminaires are provided with the mast arm mounting assembly the luminaire will carry no more than 80%of rated current and is listed by UL firmly attached to the main luminaire housing body. for use at 600VAC at 302°F/150°C or higher.Plug disconnects are listed by UL for use at 600VAC,15A or higher.Power factor is not less than 90%.Luminaire IP RATING:PureForm luminaires have a rating of IP66. consumes 0.0 watts in the off state.All motion sensors utilized consume 0.0 watts in the off state. VIBRATION RESISTANCE:PureForm carries a 3G vibration rating that conforms to standards set forth by ANSI C136.31.Testing includes vibration to FINISH:Each standard color luminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant. 3G acceleration in three axes,all performed on the same luminaire. electrostatically applied, thermally cured, triglycidal isocyanurate (TGIC) textured polyester powdercoat finish.Standard colors include bronze (BRP), OPTICAL SYSTEMS:The advanced LED optical systems provide IES Types black(BLP),white(WP),and natural aluminum (NP).Consult factory for specs II,III,IV and V distributions,as well as a Backlight Control optic. Special LEED on optional or custom colors. corner cutoff optics are also available,both as LCR (right) and LCL (left)All optical systems feature unitized lens optic construction. LABELS:All luminaires bear UL or CUL(where applicable)Wet Location labels. Types 2,3,4,BLC and LCR/LCL optical systems utilize an innovative redirecting WARRANTY: Philips Gardco luminaires feature a 5 year limited warranty. reflector system to complement the performance of the LED optic.The Philips Gardco LED luminaires with LED arrays feature a 5 year limited redirecting reflector system includes a black surrounding surface to minimize warranty covering the LED arrays. LED Drivers also carry a 5 year limited aperture brightness when viewed from the rear of the luminaire. warranty.Motion sensors are covered by warranty for 5 years by the motion sensor manufacturer.See Warranty Information on www.sitelighting.com for PureForm luminaires are provided standard without a glass lens,for maximized complete details and exclusions.Polycarbonate lenses carry a 1 year warranty. performance. A glass lens is available as an option, resulting in reduced performance.All PureForm luminaires provide full cutoff performance. [AddLit,nallythe CTOFF PERFORMANCE: Full cutoff performance means a luminaire distribution where zero candela intensity occurs at an angle at or above 90° above nadir. candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100(10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80°above nadir.This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 PHILIPS � ���� (800)227-07S8 (S12)7S3-1000 FAX:(S12)7S3-78SS sitelighting.com ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. aq GgR®IC® G200-035/0912 - NireForm LED Page 7 of 8 P21 Area and Pedestrian Scale Luminaires ASYMMETRIC OPTICAL ®MENTNrION If FORMAMOM CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 STANDARD OPTIC POSITION: Luminaires ordered with asymmetric optical systems in the standard optic position will have the optical system oriented as shown below: LEFT Side of Pole RIGHT Side of Pole Street Side O O Curbline 90°' :270° House Side Note:The hand hole will --- -• normally 6e located on the 0° pole at the 0°point OPTIC ROTATED LEFT(90°)OPTIC POSITION: Luminaires ordered with asymmetric optical systems in the OPTIC NOTATED LEFT(90°)optic position will have the optical system oriented as shown below: LEFT Side of Pole RIGHT Side of Pole Street Side O 0 Curbline 90°; ;270° House Side O 0 Note:The hand hole will --- -• normally 6e located on the 0° pole at the 0°point 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Mamos,YX 78666 Lt"LJ I I n �2 J2 (800)227-07S8 (512)7S3-1000 FAX:(S12)7S3-78SS sitelighting.com H �l ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. Wa G200-03510912 01 GAK C PureForm LE® - Page 8 of 8 P21 Area and Pedestrian Scale Luminaires ASYMMETRIC OPTICAL ORIENTATION INFORMATION (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7) OPTIC ROTATED RIGHT(270°)OPTIC POSITION: Luminaires ordered with asymmetric optical systems in the OPTIC ROTATED RIGHT (270°) optic position will have the optical system oriented as shown below: LEFT Side of Pole RIGHT Side of Pole Street Side O 0 Curbline 90°; ,270° House Side Note:The hand hole will normally be located on the Do pole at the 0°point TWIN LUMINAIRE ASSEMBLIES WITH ROTATED OPTICAL SYSTEMS: Twin luminaire assemblies installed with rotated optical systems are an excellent way to direct light toward the interior of the site (Street Side) without additional equipment.It is important,however,that care be exercised to insure that luminaires are installed in the proper location. LEFT Side of Pole RIGHT Side of Pole 180° Street Side 0 Curbline House Side O O Luminaires with Optic Rotated "--0; Luminaires with Optic Rotated Right(2700) are installed on the Left (900) are installed on the LEFT Side of Pole Note:The hand hole location will depend on RIGHT Side of Pole the drilling configuration ordered for the pole. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 L I L I PS (800)227-07S8 (S12)7S3-1000 FAX:(S12)7S3-78SS sitelighting.com ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. GAR®C® G200-03510912 D STALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PHILIPS GARDCO PUREFORM LUMINAIRE TO ROUND POLE SPN#A819920 HEET 1OF5 REV C COPYRIGHT 2012 GARDCO LIGHTING WPORTANT: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PERFORMING ANY WORK. BE SURE ALL POWER IS OFF PRIOR TO INSTALLING LUMINAIRES. Round Pole 2%0391 00�� PureForm Luminaire ?.?5 >` .03 2.25 t .03 O.BJS q, 0 1.50 t, 03 e 2,17 t. 03 3,00 t .03 3.84 .C3 O � DRILLING DETAIL FOR Al&A2 DRILLING DETAIL FOR A3 Bolster Plate ° Hex Nut 3/8°-16 x 2° Hex Head Bolt Fig. 1 3/8 and L1 Hex her Nut Split Lockwasher and Flatwasher Cable Tie Terrdnnl Block (Optional) Driver (2) #10-24 Allen Set Screws (Strain Relief) Ground Lug (Optlonal) Lualnalre Lead Vires 0 Supply and Ground Vires Arn Assembly (2) ti8-32 philllps screws Housing Door Fig. 2a 1. Located on the bottom of the arm assembly, loosen (2)#8-32 phillips screws using phillips head screw driver. Open arm assembly(screws are captive and will remain on door). Threaded Red 2. Insert the bolster plate into the inside of pole with tapped hole toward the base. Bolster Plate Position luminaire so the top mounting hole is aligned with the top hole on the pole. Install lockwasher and flat washer to the 3/8-16 x 2" hex head bolt and bolt through the top mounting hole. Install split lockwasher and nut to the end of the top bolt. mam Square Poles: Use square pole adaptor. NOTE: For Arm 3, use the threaded 3/8-16 rod. See Fig. 2b. 3. Thread 3/8-16 x 2" hex head bolt with lockwasher into the bottom tapped hole in the bolster plate. Tighten the two bolts to 18 ft-lbs . 3/e Hex Nut, 4. Connect supply and ground wires to Luminaire lead wires. Split Lockwasher, and Flat Vasher Make wire connections per NEC or applicable local codes. 5. Secure the supply wires with cable tie (strain relief)on the bolster plate and in the arm. 6. Install photo control if used. Fig. 2b 7. If rotation of light engine is required,the following steps will be needed:All luminaires are shipped from the factory with light engine installed such that the orientation direction is the"standard position."(See Figure 3) 8. Rotating Light Engine-P21: Open housing door by loosening (but not removing)the 2X#10-24 allen set screws located on the front of the luminaire. Loosen and remove 3X screws from the wire way cover along the side of the light engine and remove covers. Detach wires from wire retainers to allow rotation Fi 4 . PHILIPS ()PGARDCO 1611 CLOVIS BARKER RD., SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PHILIPS GARDCO PUREFORM LUMINAIRE TO ROUND POLE SPN#A819920 HEET 2OF5 REV C COPYRIGHT 2012 GARDCO LIGHTING IMPORTANT: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PERFORMING ANY WORK. BE SURE ALL POWER IS OFF PRIOR TO INSTALLING LUMINAIRES. Remove 9X#8-32 phillips head screws from the light engine. Next, rotate light engine 901 from standard position shown in Figure 3 to desired position. See Figures 5&6. Wire way Covers 9X Light Engine Screws Wire Retainers Remove 3X 8-32 Screws Wires from Light Engine Light Engine o LED Frame o 2X#10-24 ® F00000000 00r 000 ° °° ® 000 0000 00'0000 Allen Set 00000000 ® Screws 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000mo o°o0om 00 00 0o0000001 00000000 AIM 000000001 000000001 00000000 m 100000000 0 00000000 00000000 ° 0000'0000 I m° ° 00000000 m ®° o - o O O o O STANDARD ORIENTATION Fig. 3 Fig. 4 9. While rotating, make sure the light engine aligns to the same holes used before and that the LED wires do not get pinched under frame. Route wires as shown in Fig. 5 or 6 depending on desired orientation using wire retainers as needed. Skip to step 17 to finalize Light Engine rotation. Wires from Wires from Light Engine AIM t Light Engine ° 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 ® 0000 0000000000 0000000000 0.00000 00 00 a 0000Doo000.0 ° 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 00000® 0000 ® 00000000000 0000000000 0000000000 O o O AIM J� 900 ROTATION ORIENTATION Fig. 5 Fig. 6 PHILIPS ()p GARDCO 1611 CLOVIS BARKER RD., SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 INSTALL T, ON NSTR C IONS PHRIPS 00�� II I GARDCO f�UREFOR LUM NA �E TO ROUND POLE SHEET 3OF5 REV C COPYRIGHT 2012 GARDCO LIGHTING IMPORTANT: READ ALL IINSTRUC TMNS BEFORE PERFORE PNG ANY WORK. CSC SURE ALL POWER IIS OFF PRIOR TO IINSTALUING LUMINAIRES. If rotating Light Engine in P32,ffoiiow these instructions: 10. Open housing door by loosening (but not removing)the 2X#10-24 allen set screws located on the front of the luminaire. Loosen and remove 4X screws from the wire way covers along the side of the light engine and remove covers. (Fig 7). Detach wires from wire retainers to allow rotation (Fig 8). 11. Remove 9X#8-32 phillips head screws from each light engine. 12. If the rotation position desired is Fig. 11, then both of the Light Engine Modules will need to be rerouted. If the rotation position needed is Fig. 12,then only the Light Engine Module that is furthest away from the driver will need to be rerouted. Wire way Covers e Remove 4X 8-32 Screws Light Engine 2 Light Engine 1 o � e. m 000000 '000 0 0000®000 00000000 000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 AIM 0®0000000 00000000 Fig. 000000001 000000001 00000000 00000000 00000 000 00000 000 0 00000000 0 0 00000000 0 O � STANDARD ORIENTATION Wire Retainers 9X LED Module Screws Wires from Light Engine LED Frame ° e= m ® 000 0000 00000000 ° 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Doo O Doo 0 000 Oo0 O 00 0 000 u F� 000000000 00000000 ] 9• AIM 0000000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 m 00000000 ® ® 00000000 m m 2X#10-24 Allen Set Screws 0 Wires from Light Engine IPM 0M[Ps (�)� GARDCO 1611 CLOVIS BARKER RD., SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PHILIPS GARDCO PUREFORM LUMINAIRE TO ROUND POLE SHEET 49OF5 REV C COPYRIGHT 2012 GARDCO LIGHTING IMPORTANT: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PERFORMING ANY WORK. BE SURE ALL POWER IS OFF PRIOR TO INSTALLING LUMINAIRES. 13. Carefully turn Light Engine upside down and loosen the 3X 4-40 screws and remove the wire cover to access the LED Module wires. 14. Reroute wires as needed,following the Fig. 11 or Fig. 12 diagrams. The wires need to be come out of the middle of the module as shown in (Fig. 10). 15. Once rerouted the wires on the Light engine reinstall Wire Cover onto LED Frame with the 3X 4-40 screws removed earlier. Note: Be sure to check thpt wires are not pinched in between wire cover and frame. Route wires through middle of Frame And replace wire cover Wire Cover - -- -- 00 0C oa Oa Oa O0 Oa Oa oa o� 0 0 0O 00 0O 00 0O o o � oa a Gasket Oa Oa O0 Oa Oa Light Engine Wire Leads LED Frame o o ® o D Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Wire Retainers Wires from Light Engine o � 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 00000 000e0 000 * 00 4 Fig. 11 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000000 0000 0000000000 0000000000 o � Light Engine 2 AIM Light Engine 1 PH I LI IPS ()IGARDCO 1611 CLOVIS BARKER RD., SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 C GARDCO PN#A819920 PUII EFOII IIM LUu`V NA,RE TO ROUND DOLE SHEET 5OF5 REVA C COPYRIGHT 2012 WOCO LIGHTING MhPORTANT: READ ALL USTRUCT11ONS BEFORE PERFORKIII l0 ANY WORK. BE SURE ALL POWER M OFF PRIIOR TO IINSTALLLUING LLUMINAIIRES. 9X LED Module Screws(per Light Engine ) All Nil Wires from Light engine o � FFG e e 0000000000 00000 0000 0000 00000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0�0000-00000 O�o000�0000�o e I 0000000000 0000000000 Fig. 12 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000°00000 00000®00000 111 0 1J® Light Engine 2 Light Engine 1 16. Flip Light Engine Module back upright and line up with the 9X mounting holes making sure that the Frame Gasket is properly seated on the heat sink. Route wires around Light Engine as shown in Fig. 11 & 12 depending on orientation using wire retainers. 17. Secure Light Engine Modules with the 9X#8-32 phillips head screws previously removed and torque to 2 ft-lbs. Replace wire way covers and secure with 3X#8-32 screws. 18. Close housing door and secure with the 2X#10-24 alien set screws. 19. Close arm door and secure with the 2X captive#8-32 screws. 20. Install bird deterrent if applicable(See Fig. 13). 21. Energize luminaire to test installation. Bird Deterrent Spikes Fig. 13 pa�df]p� GARIOC O 1611 GLOMS BARKER RD., SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PHIUPS GARDCO PUREFORM SURFACE CONDUIT SF`N#A819967 HEET 1OF2 REV C COPYRIGHT 2012 GARDCO LIGHTING IMPORTANT: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PERFORMING ANY WORK. BE SURE ALL POWER IS OFF PRIOR TO INSTALLING LUMINAIRES. ADD SEALANT(BY OTHERS)SEE STEP 5 WALL CANOPY TERMINAL BLOCK(OPTIONAL) HANGER GROUND LUG(OPTIONAL) BRACKET SUPPLY& GROUND WIRES 0 (2X)#8-32 PHILIPS SCREWS ARM ASSEMBLY WALL MOUNTING BRACKET (2X) 1/4"SOCKET SET SCREWS CONDUIT(BY OTHERS) 4X)3/8"STUDS OR BOLTS (BY OTHERS)SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MOUNTING HOLE PATTERN 1 . Place Wall Mounting Bracket in location desired and secure to wall with 3/8" studs or bolts (By Others). See mounting hole pattern for bolt location. 2. Attach Conduit (By Others) to Wall Mounting Bracket. 3. Pull Supply and Ground Wires so that they extend approximately 10" from Conduit. 4. Loosen (2X) #8-32 Philips screws and open Arm Assembly. 5. Apply bead of suitable weatherproof sealant along horizontal, top, vertical, left and right edges of cast mounting plate, where it contacts the wall to prevent water entry. PFI I LI PS ()p GARDCO 1611 CLOVIS BARKER RD., SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PM119.11po ( GARDCO PUREFOR /� SURFACE CONDU lT SHEET OF REV �u J SHEET 2 OF 2 COPYRIGHT 2012 GARDCO LIGHTING 6. Feed Supply and Ground Wires through back of Wall Canopy into Luminaire. Engage danger Bracket to the top angled flap of the Wall Mounting [bracket and alllow Wall Canopy to rest against the wall. Tighten (2X) 1/4" Socket Set Screw using 1/8" allen wrench. 7. Connect supply and ground wires to Luminaire Leads. Make wire connections per EIEC or applicable local codes. 3. Ilnstall photocontrol if used. g. Close Arm Assembly and secure with (2X) #3m32 Screws. MOTE: WALL MOUNTING BRACKET IS SECURED TO WALL WITH 3/810 STUDS OR BOLTS (BY OTHERS). STRUCTUAL MEMBERS MUST BE PRESENT IN WALL TO ACCEPT BOLTS. 3.750 2.750 3/8° STUDS OR BOLTS LOCATION, STUDS TO EXTEND NO MORE THAN 3/4° FROM WALL SURFACE, vMi OUNTING HOLE PATTERN �PX 0 JU D23 GARDCO 161 1 CLOVIS BARKER RD., SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 Job: Type: Notes: W11 120 LINE LED Page 1 of 4 121 LED Performance Sconce - Generation 2 The Philips Gardco 121 LED Performance Sconce provides an energy efficient,architecturally pleasing solution for wall mount applications.The sloped surface ribs of the die cast aluminum housing create a distinctly unique aesthetic element, and perform important functions in the Philips Gardco thermal •,r=, management system. 121 Generation 2 luminaires feature high performance Class 1 LED systems. The high performance LED optical systems produce full cutoff performance,minimizing glare and light trespass. Philips Gardco's LED technology provides maximized light output and maximum energy savings. PREFIX OPTICAL SYSTEM LED WATTAGE LED SELECTION VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS CR20L 5W H CW UNIV BLP Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note:Philips Gardco reserves the right to refuse a configuration.Not all combinations and configurations are valid. Refer to nates below for exclusions and limitations.For questions or concerns,please consult the factory. PREIFIX op-rICAL SYSTEM 121 121 LED Performance Sconce-Constant Wattage/Full Light Output 2 Type 2 All optical systems are supplied with a clear glass 121-MIR 121 LED Performance Sconce-Motion Response 3 Type 3 lens stondord.A Diffuse Lens(DL)option is available, See OPTIONS an Page 2. 121-DIM 121 LED Performance Sconce-0-10V Dimming 4 Type 4 121-APD 121 LED Performance Sconce-Automatic Profile Dimming MT Medium Throw 121-DCC 121 LED Performance Sconce-Dual Circuit Control LED WATTAGE AND LUMEN VALUES LED 'rray Wattages, , .� PD • Average LEDrreLED Quantity- LED Luminaire Initial Absolute Lumens Ordering S stem Cunt Code Watts' Current Single LED Array Selection TYPE 2 TYPE 3 TYPE 4 MT 18LA 18 350 16 NW 1,298(s) 1,314(s) 1,148(s) 1,568(s) 261A 26 530 16 NW 1,817(s) 1,849(s) 1,745(s) 2,178(s) 3SLA-700 36 700 16 NW 2,373(s) 1,401(s) 1,173(s) 1,791(s) 3SLA;3S0 35 350 32 NW 2,596 2,647 2,496 3,135 SOLA 52 530 32 NW 3,634 3,698 3,490 4,356 7SLA 72 700 32 NW 4,745 4,801 4,546 5,584 Wattages, ab1 Only Average LED LED Quantity- Luminaire Initial Absolute Lumens; !-,ED Array Ordering Dual LED Arrays LED Code System Current Selection Watts' (mA) Per LED Total TYPE 2 TYPE 3 TYPE 4 MT Array LEDs 3SLA-2 35 350 16 32 NW 2,596 2,647 2,496 3,135 SOLA-2 52 530 16 32 NW 3,634 3,698 3,490 4,356 7SLA-2 72 700 1 16 32 NW 4,745 4,801 4,546 5,584 1.Wattage may vary by+l-8%due to LED manufacturer forward volt specification and ambient temperature.Wattage shown is average for 120V through 277V input Actual wattage may vary by an additional+/-10%due to actual input voltage. 1. Values shown are for luminaires without the DL aption.7ests are in process for configurations not shown."(s)"following the value indicates that values are scaled from tests an similar,but not identical luminaire configurations.Contact Gordco.applications@ philips.com if any approximate estimates are required for design purposes.Lumen values based on tests performed in compliance with IESNA LM-79. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 PHILIPS (800)227-0758 (S12)7S3-1000 FAX:(S12)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. ���®�® G200-037/0712 CM ' o 120 LINE LED Page 2 of 4 121 LCA® Performance Sconce e Generation 2 LED S[EL[ECIfpON VOLTAGE CvV Cool White-5700°K-75 CRI Nominal UNIV Accepts 120V through 277V input,50hz to 60hz. NW Neutral White-4000°K-70 CRI Nominal 347 347V-Requires Extended Back Box(EBB)option-Requires and VVW Warm White-3000°K-80 CRI Nominal includes auxilliary transformer for mounting in Extended Back Box. FNMH ®MONS BRP Bronze Paint F Fusing BLP Black Paint DL Solite®Diffusing Glass Lens(Reduces performance signi(candy.) WP White Paint PCB Button Type Photocontrol NP Natural Aluminum Paint WS Wall Mounted Box for Surface Conduit(Rear entry permitted.) GGP Beige Paint EBB Extended Back Box(Required for 347h oC Optional Color Paint Specify Optional Color or RAL ex:OC-LGP or OGRAL7024. SC Special Paint Specify.Must supply color chip. DilMEl VOLAS Mounting Plate "A I I �—<— 31/8"7cm O 7.94 cm O 13 9 _ 1 3/4"dia. 3 1/8" 4.4 cm 7.94 cm 15.6" 9.25" 39.624 cm 23.495cm 01 With [Extended Backppate ([E55) Option Mounting Bolt Pattern Note: Mounting plate center is located in the center of the luminaire width and 2.38" (6.03cm) above the luminaire bottom (lens down position). Splices must be made in the J-box (by others). Mounting plate must be 10.65" secured by max. 5/16" (.79cm) diameter bolts 27.051 cm (by others)structurally to the wall. A=1.49" Aj 3.785 cm Top View 10.65" 27.051 cm 15.6" 39.624 cm 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 L� J III L�cJ (800)227-0758 (S12)7S3-1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. GARDC® G200-037/0712 ()j SPA 120 LINE LED Page; 3 of 4 121 LED Performance Sconce - Generation 2 LUMINAIRE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION 121-CWL: 121 LED sconce providing constant wattage and constant light output when power to the luminaire is energized. 121-MIR: 121 LED sconce including a passive infrared(PIR)motion sensor capable of detecting motion within 30 feet of the 121 LED Sconce.The PIR sensor is- mounted in the center of the luminaire,near the wall edge of the door frame,approximately 1.5"forward from the wall,and is less than.75"in diameter. When no motion is detected for 5 minutes,the Motion Response system reduces the wattage by 75%,to 25%of the normal constant wattage,reducing the light level accordingly.When motion is detected by the PIR,the luminaire returns to full wattage and full light output.The PIR sensor is capable of motion detection across a total angle of 102°from the center of the sensor(51°to either side of center.)The sensor may be adjusted directionally to maximize detection of motion to one side of the luminaire if desired based on site traffic patterns.PIR sensor provided is the Panasonic EKMB1203112.If the PIR sensor fails,the luminaire will operate in default-high mode.Motion sensors utilized consume 0.0 watts in the off state. Sensor Coverage Pattern 102° PIR Sensor WALL 121-DIM:121 LED sconce provided with 0-10V dimming for connection to a control system provided by others. 121-APD: Philips Gardco performance LED sconces with Automatic Profile Dimming are provided with the Philips DynaDimmer included.The DynaDimmer is factory programmed to go to 50%power,50%light output two(2)hours prior to night time mid-point and remain at 50%for six(6)hours after night time mid- point.Mid-point is continuously calculated by the DynaDimmer based on the average mid-point of the last two full night cycles. Short duration cycles,and power interruptions are ignored and do not affect the determination of mid-point. APD Dimming Profile 2 Hours 6 Hours 100% 100% 50% 50% Power On Mid Point Power Off 121-DCC: 121 LED sconce provided with dual circuiting,and dual arrays,permitting separate switching of each led array. Available in LED wattages shown on Page 1 only. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 � '���� (800)227-0758 (512)753-1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. CJ BARD CO G200-03710712 X1200 UNE LIED Page 4 of 4 1121 LED Performance Sconce - Generation 2 SPkCMCATION S GENERAL: Each Philips Gardco 121 luminaire is a wall mounted full cutoff LED PERFORMANCE: luminaire with integrated lensed LEDs mounted in a fixed array. Internal PREDICTED LUMEN DEPRECIATION DATA' components are totally enclosed in a rain-tight,dust-tight and corrosion resistant housing.The housing,back plate and door frame are die cast aluminum. Ambient Driver mA L,o Hours' A choice of four(4)optical systems is available.Luminaires are suitable for wet Temperature°C locations,mounted in the normal downlight position. 350 mA 180,000 HOUSING:The single-piece stylized housing is die cast aluminum.A memory 25°C 530 mA 150,000 retentive gasket seals the housing with the door frame to exclude moisture, 700 mA 120,000 dust,insects and pollutants from the luminaire. A black,die cast ribbed 350 mA 170,000 backplate is included. 40°C 530 mA 130,000 IP RATING:Luminaires are rated IP66. 700 mA 100,000 DOOR FRAME:A single-piece die cast aluminum door frame integrates to 3.Predicted performance derived from LED manufacturer's data and engineering design estimates,based the housing form.The door frame is hinged closed and secured to the housing on IESNA LM-80 methodology.Actual experience may vary due to field application conditions. with two(2)captive stainless steel fasteners. 4 L,a is the predicted time when LED performance depredates to 10%ofinitial lumen output OPTICAL SYSTEMS: Philips Gardco 121 Generation 2 LED luminaires utilize lensed LED arrays set to achieve IES Type II,Type III,and Type IV FINISH:Each standard color luminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant, distributions,as well as a Medium Throw distribution. Individual LED arrays electrostatically applied,thermally cured, triglycidal isocyanurate (TGIC) are replaceable. Luminaires feature high performance Class 1 LED systems. textured polyester powdercoat finish.Standard colors include bronze (BRP), Luminaires are supplied standard with a clear glass lens. black (BLP),white (WP),natural aluminum (NP) and beige (BGP).Consult factory for specifications on custom colors. ELECTRICAL:Luminaires are equipped with an LED driver that accepts 120V through 277V,50hz to 60hz,input Driver output is either 350 mA,530 mA or LABELS:All luminaires bear either UL or CUL (where applicable)Wet 700 mA,based on the LED wattage selected.Component-to-component wiring Location labels. within the luminaire will carry no more than 80%of rated current and is listed by UL for use at 600 VAC at 302°F/150°C or higher.Plug disconnects are listed WARRANTY: Philips Gardco luminaires feature a 5 year limited warranty. by UL for use at 600 VAC,15A or higher.Power factor is not less than 90%. Philips Gardco LED luminaires with LED arrays feature a 5 year limited Luminaires consume 0.0 watts in the off state. warranty covering the LED arrays.LED drivers also feature a 5 year warranty. See Warranty Information on www.sitelighting.com for complete details and LED THERMAL MANAGEMENT:The 121 design provides deep integral exclusions. thermal radiation fins cast into the upper housing to assist in the thermal management so critical to long LED system life.Metallic screens are placed over the fins and integrated to the housing to prevent the buildup of dust,dirt and contaminants,while permitting required air Flow for cooling FULL CUTOFF PERFORMANCE:Full cutoff performance means a luminaire distribution where zero candela intensity occurs at an angle at or above 90°above nadir.Additionally, the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100(10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80°above nadir.This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Mamos,TX 78666 Lr" [ L�[I (800)227-07S8 (S12)753.1000 FAX:(S12)7S3-78SS sitelighting.com Lr" ©2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. G200-037/0712 N S�TA L LAT I®N INSTRUCTIONS � GARDCO LIGHTING 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos,TX 78666 www.s itel ighting.com FOR VIS (WALL MOUNT,SURFACE CONDUIT) OPTION PN#A819271 REVA 121 SCONCE SHEET 1 OF 2 C COPYRIGHT 2008 GARDCO LIGHTING IMPOR'TAN'T: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PERFORMING ANY WORK. BE SURE ALL POWER IS OFF PRIOR TO INSTALLING LUMINAIRE. WARNING: LUMINAIRE MUST BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROPRIATE CODES. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY. NOTE: SPLICES (BY OTHERS) SPLICE BOX IS SECURED SURFACE MOUNT TO WALL WITH 1/4" MAX. CONDUIT SPLICE BOLTS OR SCREWS BOX (WS) (BY OTHERS). STRUCTURAL MEMBERS HANGER MUST BE PRESENT IN BRACKET WALL TO ACCEPT BOLTS. LIZ L 1/4" MAX. DIA. LOCKING SCREW MOUNTING BOLT OR SCREW (1 OF 4) (BY OTHERS) 1. DETERMINE WHICH HUB(S) IN SURFACE MOUNT SPLICE BOX ARE TO BE USED IN THIS INSTALLATION. INSTALL AND SEAL ELECTRICAL FITTING(S) IN HUB(S). CONDUIT LOCATIONS INSTALL AND SEAL PLUG(S) IN UNUSED HUBS). FOR BACK FEED. INSTALL CONDUIT SECTION(S) INTO FITTINGS AS REQUIRED. 2. DETERMINE MOUNTING LOCATION OF SPLICE BOX. APPLY A BEAD OF SEALANT AROUND EACH i + + 2.25 MOUNTING HOLE ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. FOR INSTALLATIONS WHERE CONDUIT ENTERS I I 1.13 THROUGH THE BACK OF THE SPLICE BOX, APPLY A BEAD OF SEALANT ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BOX AROUND THE CONDUIT HOLE USED. 1.500.63 SECURE BOX TO WALL WITH 1/4" (MAX.) BOLTS 2.75 4�— (BY OTHERS) MAKING SURE BOX IS LEVEL. MOUNTING BOLT PATTERN 3. COMPLETE CONDUIT INSTALLATION AND ROUTE SUPPLY WIRES INTO SPLICE BOX. Gardco and Emco are Philips group brands PHILIPS LIGHTINGGARDCO SWs �66 STALL TON NSTRU �T� 0N Worms,TX8 PON MO gl"YV/r:LL 1J1'1CI0UMV 0U1M &QE COMPO �D (59DU ON www.sltehghhEVA 9 PN#A819271 REV A nn� Cc r(�OfU1 r(�� SHEET 20T2 CS LTJ `V� 11V `Vs C COPYRIGHT 2008 GARDCO LIGHTING 4. DISCARD MOUNTING BRACKET SUPPLIED WITH LUMINAIRE. 5. MAKE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. LUMINAIRE LINE TO SUPPLY LINE, COMMON TO COMMON AND GROUND TO GROUND INCLUDING SPLICE BOX GROUND. 6. PLACE SPLICES AND EXCESS WIRE IN SPLICE BOX. CAREFULLY ENGAGE HANGER BRACKET TO SPLICE BOX BEING CAREFUL NOT TO PINCH WIRES. ALLOW LUMINAIRE TO REST AGAINST BOX. TIGHTEN LOCKING SCREWS. NOTE: LENS FRAME ASSEMBLY IS REMOVABLE BY OPENING PARTIALLY, COMPRESSING RETAINING CLIPS WITH HINGE END OF FRAME AND PULLING FORWARD. FIXTURE INSTALLED ON WS OPTION Gardco and Emco are Philips group brands MIMPO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS GARDCO LIGHTING 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos,TX 78666 www.sitelighting.com` 121 SCONCE PN# 1 REV A SHEET ETOF 1 OF 1 COPYRIGHT 2008 GARDCO LIGHTING IMPORTANT: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PERFORMING ANY WORK. BE SURE ALL POWER IS OFR PRIOR TO INSTALLING LUMINAIRE. WARNING: LUMINAIRE MUST BE CROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROPRIATE CODES. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY. STANDARD INSTAL_ATIOfNI SPLICES (BY OTHERS) SEALANT (BY OTHERS) NOTE: MOUN T ING BRACKET MAY MOUNTING BRAChEF BE SECURED TO WALL WITH UP OPTIONAL 1/4" MAX. DIA. TO 1/4 DIA. BOLTS OR SCREWS MOUNTING BOLT OR SCREW (BY OTHERS). STRUCTURAL MEMBERS MUST BE PRESENT IN WALL TO HANGER ACCEPT BOLTS OR SCREWS. BRACKET PP , J-BOX SC REW SPLICE BOY, 1. APPLY A BEAD OF SEALANT ON WALT_ AROUND (BY OTHERS) SPI IC E BOX OPENING AND AROUiNID HOLES USED LOCKING SCREW FOR OPTIONAL MOUNTING BOLTS OR SCREWS. WHEN USIING A 4" OCTAGONAL BOX (SHOWN), /ft, FILL GAP BETWEEN WALL OPENING AND SPLICE + BOX WITH SEALANT. o APPLY SEALANT TO THE TOP INSIDE O CORNERS OF THE MOUNTING BRACKET. 2. PLACE MOUNTING BRACKET OVER SPLICE 00 O 00 I/S BOX AND SECURE WITH J-BOX SCREWS. FOR ADDI T IONAI_ SECURITY, BOLTS OR o SCREWS UP TO 1/4" DIAMETER MAY BE USED. Q + 3.MAKE F LFC T RIC AL CONNECTIONS. FIXTURE MOUNTING PATTERN FOR EINE TO SUPPLY LINE, COMMON TO COMMON OPTIONAL BOLTS AND GROUND TO GROUND. 4" OCTAGONAL BOX (BY OTHERS) SHOWN FOR REFERENCE 4. PLAC F SPLICES AND EXCESS WIRE IN SPI_IC E BOX. CAREFULLY ENGAGE HAiN"'ER B RACKET TO IMOU TIING BEING CAREFUL NOT TO PINCH WIRES. ALLOW FIXTURE TO REST AGAINST WALL. TIGHTEN LOCKING SCREWS. Gardco and II are Philips group brands PHIIUPS ' b Associated Lighting Representatives, Dnc. 7777 Pardee Lane s- P.O. Box 2265 ®aMand, CA 9462' 510-638-3800 Fax 510-638-2908 www.a�rinc.com T. Marshall) Associates 7042-B Commerce UrcOe Neasanton, CSA 94588 Attn: Anthony Jones Coco Brien Traynor RE: Ughtimg CaOcUaUons performed by ALR, on behalf or T. Marshalls Associates for Applle Lot DA3, Cupertino. Anthony, Per your request, this Doter is t® confirm that we have co mpHed with the Ilighting criteria of the park ng ordinance (chapter 19.124.040 arMe Q, subsection 3a. and appHed them accordinglly t® the Ilighting pian. We appreciate the opporta nRy to assist in -the design of this project and waft to be of further assistance. Dennis Davos ALR 510-385-5606 o. r PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o BUILDING DIVISION ALBERT SALVADOR, P.E.,C.B.O.,BUILDING OFFICIAL CUPERTINO 10300 TORRE AVENUE o CUPERTINO,CA 95014-3255 (408)777-3228^ FAX(408)777-3333^building cupertino.org *PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit FOOD ESTABLISHMENT? 0 Y 0 N *USE: Commercial Building PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL? ®Y 0 N *PLAN CHECK TYPE: Addition / Repair HILLSIDE /UNFAV. SOIL? 0 Y O N *ROUTING TYPE: Express OWNER/BUILDER? E)Y ISN FENCING PROPOSED? Y N Plans/Documents Required: 5 Sets of Plans 2 Sets of Supporting Documents APPLICATION SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Required Provided Scope of Work specified on cover sheet 0 ❑ Specify the following Governing Codes on cover sheet: o 2010 Calif. Building Code (based on 2009 International Building Code) o 2010 Calif. Residential Code (based on 2009 International Resid. Code) o 2010 Calif. Plumbing Code (based on 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code) o 2010 Calif. Mechanical Code (based on 2009 Uniform Mechanical Code) © ❑ LU o 2010 Calif. Electrical Code (based on 2009 National Electrical Code) X o 2010 Calif. Energy Code co o 2010 Calif. Green Building Standards Code W o Cupertino Municipal Code ® Name and Address of property owner 0 ❑ Provide a Drawing Index that lists all pages part of the official drawing set ❑ ❑ Project Data Form information (including assessor's parcel number, use of ❑ building, etc.) (link to Residential Form) link to Commercial Form) Deferred Submittal Items (if applicable) 0 ❑ Special Inspection /Structural Observation Items (if applicable) 0 ❑ Alternate Materials and Methods granted for project(if applicable) 0 ❑ Fully dimensioned site plan with a minimum scale of 1/8"=1' or 1:20 to include North arrow, type and dimension of existing overhead utility lines and easements, perimeter outline and dimensions of existing and proposed 0 ❑ building and/or structures, property line and setback dimensions, existing tree species & trunk diameter measured 4' above natural grade). z Floor Plans (existing and proposed) ❑ ❑ AElevations (North, South, East and West )with Section View referenced 11 ❑ Section Views (Longitudinal and Transverse) ❑ ❑ ® Electrical plans stamped and signed by licensed professional 0 ❑ r= Plumbing Plans stamped and signed by licensed professional ❑ ❑ Mechanical Plans stamped and signed by licensed professionalco ❑ ❑ Grading and Drainage Plans © ❑ Excavation and Shoring Plans ❑ ❑ Foundation Plan with cross-referenced structural details ❑ ❑ Floor and Roof Framing Plans with cross-referenced structural details ❑ ❑ Gas and Plumbing Isometric Drawings (for one-two family dwellings and ❑ ❑ accesso buildings) P1anCheckSubmittalChecklist 2011.doc revised 03/22/11 Window alignment and privacy protection requirements for second stories or ❑ ❑ new second story windows or letter of waiver. One 8 1/2 x 11 copy of the site plan, with privacy protection planting shown < (tree location, tree canopy, tree species, dimensioned planting distance) ® Affidavit from a certified arborist/landscape architect. (Affidavit should have a z copy of the privacy plantingIan attached). rX Landscape Water-Efficient Checklist (click for entire landscape ordinance) ❑x ❑ Fence Approval Form (click for entire fence ordinance) ❑ ❑ ® Incorporate the City of Cupertino Best Management Practices (BMP) sheet into ❑x ❑ all plan sets. Completed and Signed Plan Review Submittal Checklist ❑x ❑ Completed and Signed Construction Permit Application Form ❑x ❑ W Structural Calculations stamped and signed by licensed professional ❑x ❑ Geotechnical Soils Investigation report stamped and signed by licensed ❑ ❑ ® professional 2 copies) ® Title 24 Energy Certificate of Compliance forms incorporated into all plan sets. Depending on the scope of the project, Installation Certificates may be D ❑ p, required prior the final sign off for project. Manufacturer's Specifications ❑ ❑ Owner-Builder Disclosure Form (for property owners applying for their own ❑ ❑ building permit) U) Hazardous Materials Questionnaire Form ❑ ❑ ® Building Department 408-777-3228LU ® ❑ Planning Department 408-777-3308 ® ❑ Public Works Department— New SFD, addition/remodel with 25% increase in floor area, hillside construction, grading and drainage permits, retaining wall ® ❑ permits, swimming pools new/demo 408-777-3354 LU Santa Clara County Fire Department 408-378-4010 ® ❑ z County Health Department 408-918-3400 ❑ ❑ Cupertino Sanitary Sewer District 408-253-7071 ® ❑ LU Other: ❑ ❑ Other: ❑ ❑ If an existing residence is proposed to be demolished as part of the 0 construction of a new residence, a DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION U) shall be applied for at the same time the construction permit application for the ❑ ❑ new residence is applied for. understand this may not be a complete list of required items due to the variations for each project and additional code related information may be required. 1 understand that an incomplete plan check submittal may result in delays in the plan review process. Applicant Name (Print): Applicant Signature: Applicant's Phone: Applicant's Email: Date: PlanCheckSubmittalChecklist 2011.doc revised 03/31/11