14030148 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 10801 BARRINGTON BRIDGE CT CONTRACTOR:CLEAN SOLAR PERMIT NO: 14030148 OWNER'S NAME: NEGESH MEHRA 1445 KOLL CIR STE 109 DATE ISSUED:04/08/2014 OWNER'S PHONE: 4083161723 SAN JOSE,CA 95112 PHONE NO:(408)217-8876 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOB DESCRIPTION:RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL E] G INSTALL 20 ROOF TOP,FLUSH MOUNTED PV PANELS License Class C! :r = ,. Lie.# (� 1 (5KW),(N) I25AMP SUB PANEL& I (N)OUTLET FOR EV Contractor C_,KP [.�wal�L r— Date CHARGER I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of C rapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: 1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the _performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$22152 ve and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by 4�Ti Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this APN Number:37522097.00 Occupancy Type: permit is issued, APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating WITHIN ISO DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (Wc)agree to save 180 DAYS FRO INSPECTION. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the 8 f granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply y: Date: with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Sectiot 9.18. RE-ROOFS: Signature - Dater All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.if a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,l agree to remove all new materials for inspection. ❑ OWNER-BUILD LARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of Signature of Applicant: Date: the following two reasons: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER 1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professions Code) I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. I will I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the declarations: health&Safety Code,Section 25532(a)should I store or handle hazardous 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's material. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the air contaminants as defined by(lie Bay Area Air Quality Management District I performance of the work for which this permit is issued. will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Cade,Chapter 9.12 and I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by the Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25 33,and Section 3700 of tltc Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Owner or authorized ager - Da permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,i CONSTRUCTION LEN CY become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must l hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked, work's for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) Lender's Name APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Lender's Address I certify that 1 have read this application and state that the above information is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the [understand my plans shall be used as public records. granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section Licensed Professional 9.18. Signature Date ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION %,0 AM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT• BUILDING DIVISION oI 10300 TORRE AVENUE- CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 V� CUP2RTIN0 (408) 777-3228• FAX(408)777-3333•buildina(d�cupertino.or4 _ APN4 �5, 0 O MAA(:) ns> E-MAIL STREET ADDRESS r�e)C)L (r.r i V1&,d • CITY, STATE,ZIP n - FAX CONTACT NAME Pa �;N� PHONEOOW..4 '7L��'�[12� E-MAiLnam,��eq�sutiar .CCr/Y► STREETADDR£551,�,,TG kc l 1 C,Ilrc1-� J� CITY-STATE ZIP [�'l�Q�` �OSC nr/S g5Y��a FAX ❑ OWNER ❑ OWNER-BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT —& CONTRACTOR ❑CoNTRACrok AGENT ❑ ARC TrEcr ❑ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑TENANT Q TR.'CT01�Netlid6 U 4 LICENSE NUMBER LICENSE OPE �4 BUS.LIC 1! COMPANY NAME �I fir'1-6kr� 1 E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESSVA LA rs K of l W". Cil Y,STATE.ZIP S , C�C CIA qS 1 1a PHONE ARC=CTIENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS.LIC k D V COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY,STATE,ZIP PHONE USE �� SFD or Duplex ❑ Multi-Family PROJECT IN WILDLAND PROJECT IN . URBAN INTERFACE AREA ❑ Yes �V No FLOOD ZONE ❑ Yes C3 No �; ❑ Commercial SOLAR PANELS ❑ ELECTRJC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION 13SOLAR WATER HEATING ❑ OTHER: FORS PANELS: NUMBER OFP+AKELSIUNITS. 20 %KILOWATTS: �5vAn S TOTAL VALUA NL G e ,11C. r� Vim-+ (IX-Z l ?RECpop By my signature below,I certify to each of the Following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have read this application and the information I have provided is correct I ha v read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate, I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to buildin truction, ori z resentatives of Cupertino to enter the abo e-identified property for inspection purposes. Sig t+trErfAAI r' v7 r�:r""; SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMA IRED OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ OVER-THE-COUNTER G ❑' EXPRESS U t4 ❑ STANDARD - U �'., '❑' LARGE' MA.r0R; PYApp 201?.doc revised 06/20/12 CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR— BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS: 10801 BARRINGTON BRIDGE CT DATE: 03126/2014 REVIEWED BY: MELISSA APN: 375 22 097 BP#: /MOD/57, -VALUATION: 1$22,152 *PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration I Repair PRIMARY SFD or Duplex PENTAMATION SOLAR-RE USE: PERMIT TYPE: WORK INSTALL 20 ROOF TOP FLUSH MOUNTED PV PANELS 5KW N 125AMP SUB PANEL & 1 N SCOPE OUTLET FOR EV CHARGER o ,L1ech, plan Check Plrinrh, Plcrrr Check Elec.Plan Check 0.0 hrs $0.00 Afech. Peruul Fee.: pirnnb. Permit Fee: Elec.Permit Fee: IEPERMIT Orhur Hech. Insp. 011rer Plumb Insp. Ll __L_ Other Elec.Insp, E,0 �r_s $47.00 lfcrh. Insp.Fee: plrrnrb. frrsp.Fca?; Elcc.Insp.Fec: NOTE: This estbuate does not include fees(lite to other Departments(i.e.Planning,Public Works,Fire,Sanitary Sewer District,School District, etc. . Thesefees are based on the prefitnina- information available and are only an estimate. Contact the De t or addn'l in o. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 EfI" 711113) FEE QTYIFEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 r l # Altemative Energy System Suppl.PC Fee: Q Reg. Q OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 $229.00 IPHOTOVRES Photovoltaic System PME Plan Check: $0.00 1 Electrical Permit Fee: $0.00 $47.00 1 1BREMRECE7P Recep/Switch/Outlets Suppl. Insp.Fee:Q Reg. Q OT 0,0 hrs $0.00 125 amps Electrical PME Unit Fee: $0.00 $47.00 IBELEC1oo Services PME Permit Fee: $47.00 C'onswirrtran Tax: Administrative Fee: 1.4DMIN $44.00 Q Work Without Permit? O Yes Q No $0.00 G) Advanced Planning Fee: $0,00 Select a Non-Residential G) Travel Documentation Fee: ITRAVDOC $47.00 Building or Structure 0 i Strong Motion Fee: IBSEISMICR $2.22 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee: 1BCRSC $1.00 SUBTOTALS: $141.221 $323.00 TOTAL FEE: 1 $464.22 Revised: 01/15/2014 C LE A N SO LA R 1445 Koll Circle,Suite 109 San Jose, Ca 95112 888.551.7652 www,CleanSolar.com April 1, 2014 Clean Solar 1445 Koll Circle, Suite 109 San Jose, CA 95112 City of Cupertino Building Department Permit#: 14030148 Address: 10801 Barrington Bridge Court, Cupertino, CA 95014 Project: Roof Mounted Solar/Photovoltaic Panels Re: Response to Plan Check Comments, dated 3127114 (Reference your permit application) Dear City of Cupertino, This is in response to the list of plan check comments received from your building department for permit application as referenced above_ 1. Provide the electrical loads calculations for the proposed sub panel and existing main electrical panel. Response: See attached load calculation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at, 408-645-7927 Sincerely, Pamela Yin Project Manager Clean Solar Mehra,Nicki Property House SP Load Center ALTERNATIVE 220.82 (B)General Loads 1) General Use and Lighting - House 2604 3 7812 (Sq. Ft. x 3 -accounts for fighting and general use receptacles) 2) Small Appliance' 1500 3 4500 20A Appliance Circuits - 3) a) Microwave 0 Hood, Fridge, Microwave a) Dishwasher 1440 1 b) Cooking Range/Cook Top 0 b) Cooking Range/Oven 2280 1 2280 c) Clothes Dryer 1380 1 1380 Clothes washer 1200 1 1200 d) Water Heater - Gas 0 EV Charger - 50A 11000 0 0 Disposal 828 1 828 Disposal Furnace 1200 2 2400 Trash Compactor 828 1 828 4) Motors 0 Total 21228 0 - 10000 10000 100% 10000 10000+ 11228 40% 4491 Corrected Total 14491 220,82 (C)AC 0 0 r Voltage Breaker V*A V*A 240 125 100% 30000 > 14491 Total OK Mehra,Nicki Property New ACLC Feeding Breaker ALTERNATIVE 220.82 (B) General Loads 1) General Use and Lighting - House 0 2) Small Appliance 0 3) a) Microwave 0 a) Dishwasher b) Cooking Range/Cook Top 0 b) Cooking Range/Oven 0 c) Clothes Dryer 0 Clothes washer 0 d) Water Heater - Gas 0 EV Charger - SOA 11000 1 11000 4) Motors 0 Total 11000 0 - 10000 10000 100% 10000 10000+ 1000 40% 400 Corrected Total 10400 220.82 (C) AC 13800 1 13800 Voltage Breaker V*A V*A 240 125 100% 30000 > 24200 Total OK �UUh:oie H'o'use and i�ew AFGLG Load Calculation - OK Bus Rating 240 200 100% 48000 > 38 Total y OK w c, COMMUNITYPLUS V8.1 PAGE NUMBER: 1 DATE: 03/27/2014 MODULE pinrvrpt: TIME: 1.0:23:51 PLAN REVIEW STOP REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: BLDG PERMIT NUMBER: 140301.48 - NEGESH +MEIN TYPE: SOLAR-RES PARCEL ID : 37522097.00 PARCEL ADDRS : 10801 BARRINGTON BRIDGE CT CUPERTINO, CA 95014 APPLY DATE : 03/26/14 ISSUE DATE C/O DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVIEW STOP: BLDG _ BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVIEW REV NO: 1 STATUS: N DATE: CONT ID: REVIEW SENT BY: DATE: 03/27/14 DUE:03/27/14 TIME SPENT: 0. 00 REV RECEIVD BY: JEFF DATE: 03/26/14 SENT TO: REVIEW NOTES: 03/26/2014 INSTALL 20 ROOF TOP, FLUSH MOUNTED PV PANELS (5KW) , (N) 125AMP SUB PANEL & 1 (N) OUTLET FOR EV CHARGER Provide the following information in order for the building department to complete the plan review process. If you have any questions please contact Jeff Greef at 408-777-3341 or jeffg@cupertino.org. 1. Provide the electrical load calculations for the proposed sub panel and existing main electrical panel. V PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION SERVICES, INC. March 14,2014 ` Nagesh&SangeetaMelira 10801 Barrington Bridge Court Cupertino,CA 95014 Re: Architectural Application—SolarPanels Dear Mr.&Mrs.Mehra, The Board of Directors has received and approved your Application for Architectural Alteration for the exterior of your home at Barrington Bridge, specifically to install solar panels on the roof of your home. Please note that the application is contingent on the following: 1) Please provide copies of the permits you secure for this project from the City or County. 2) Please note that any and all wiring,conduit or other items that need to run from the panels down the side of the house must be painted to match your house. Good luck with your project and should you have any questions,please call me at 800-371-5598 x 107 or email me at Susan@pas-inc.com. Sincerely, e4- uja"Z Yfolfinan Susan L.Hoffman,AMS®,CMCAO,PCAMO Community Association Manager Enclosure—copy of application Cc: Board.ofDirectors;Barrington Bridge J • t 42612 CHRISTY STREET, FREMONT, CALIFORNIA, 94538-3135 } 510-68.3-8614 ox 1-800-371-5598 PHONE : 510-868-2886 FAX PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION SERVICES, INC March 14,2014 Nagesh&Sangeeta-Mehra 10801 Barrington Bridge Court Cupertino,CA 95014 Re: Architectural Application—Solar Panels Dear Mr. &Mrs.Mehra, The Board of Directors has received and approved your Application-for Architectural Alteration for the exterior of your home at Barrington Bridge,specifically to install solar panels on the roof of your home. Please note that the application is contingent on the following: 1) Please provide copies of the permits you secure for this project from the City or County. 2) Please note that any and all wiring,conduit or other items that need to run from the panels down the side of the house must be painted to match your house. Good luck with your project and should you have any questions, please call me at 800-371-5598 x 107 or email me at Susan@yas-inc.com. Sincerely, `e�urah� 7J o�man Susan L. Hoffinan,AMS®,CMCA®,PCAM® 1 Community Association Manager Enclosure—copy of application i Cc: Board of Directors,Barrington Bridge i I ' f 42612 CHRISTY STREET, FREMONT, CALIFORNIA, 94538-3135 510-683-8614 oR 1-800-371-5598 PHONE • 510-868-2886 PAX Project Description FIRE SAFETY CODES: CRC R331 P }JEC°C VLtIaTC) 1 SOLAR INC. 1) DC wiring methods shall not be installed within 10"of the roof decking or Total Value of Project: $22,152 Y4#s KOLL aRCLE 1) Modules: (20) Canadian-Solar C,S6P-250M modules sheathing.except where covered'by the PV modules and equipment. 2013 CEC.6 .31(E)(1) sure 109 2) Microinverters: (20) Enphase M215-60-2LL-S2x 2) An access point shall be provided that does not place the ground ladder over openings such as windows or doorsSan Jose CA.95112. RATIN 3) Monitoring ' _inv are located at strong points of building construction and in locations where the access point does not conflict with SYSTEM ���� _ r 4) Standard components include; racking and overhead obstructions such as tree limbs, wires, or signs. 2013 CRC R331.4,2 STC rated: 5.00(h ;3 cont. .ic # 9108 49 PV. ce circuits, connect' s, etc. CEC-AG stem i„ 4.378 Sy stern wirier- civercur= )Ail m t associated. of inverters, modules, ." �. www.cleansolar,corn_ rent protection, roofing sealant or flashing,g, as needed all associated wiring and interconnections shalt be installed only by qualified personnel. 2013 CEC 690.4(E) ., 1. 5) No battery back-up systems 47Ba- , 6) Main electrical panel, inverter and controller panels Notes CC) 13 J) Mx will h war ' labels 1) ' . ..dra is • is in s respect. f=ield verify e condition � ��' 7 All Metal arts of module frames equipment and prior to beginning work - t P riE conductor enclosures will be grounded 2) -Azimuth: r � C LAR imut : 270° s0 8) All outdoor wiring will be weather rated r-M egLkal in leis Property line � � operty fine 3) Some roof details omitted for drawing clarity Roof slope: 290QS 4) System built per 2013 Caffornia-Electrical Code-690 5) Conduit runs over roof t;f I w BELS �� t 6-} 3 ridge- sides- 1 h . / .bck- AC disconnect r ed- AC COAD CENTER LABEL: EL: Labels will be Weather ResistantReid for the City of Cupertino .® t; >_ ith White Lettering CAUTION. SOLAR P�/ SYST' w MAIN SERVICE PANEL INSTALLED. WHEN t) E :v U STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS DISCONNECT• _SC Input.Breaker. Do,not-rel a. breaker. Weight System Totals Point Loading SOLAR PANELS AN WIRI IN O -I-_; 2. WARNING - Dual Power Sources. CONDUIT MAY REMAIN ENE IZE ." > X38.0 lbs Wiles I .0 lbs Total,Array 0 Second source is-photovoltaic system 64.03. WARNING - Electric Shock Hazard DO NOT `Q lbs Mounts 32 Loading Points Cement lila roof Q UCH: TE MINALs on both Line and Load 100-.-0 leis.Racks 34.06 lbsILoading Points- - 88.4 lbs icroinverters CL sides may be energized in the Open Position. 1st story y g P Canadian Solar CS6P-250M 4. CAUTION - Solar PV system installed. Whm 1090.0 lbs Total Weight Module Dimensions. 1 ...-.w ..�..-. _... . .. .- power disconnect, solar panels and wiring in 346.6 sq ft Array 64.5"x 38.7"x 1..57" c . -o may r -irl=energized 3:14 Ibssq ft l- 4 : ~, 5. Max AC Operating Current. 18.00 A Module Area: 17.33 sq ft -Operating Voltage: 240V N Arra 20 Canadian Solaro ,UNCTION BOXES y' 1.. WARNING - Electric Shock Hazard: 6P- S No user serviceable arts, inside. `y _ 2nd storytl P 0 Coritact authorized servicerfor-assistance. Z 2. CAUTION - Solar PV wiring may remainN 0 L,EGENC} F-. ,-, TH energized after: disconnection:dura daylight lin sice'P� _.. - - hours. MSP &utility Meter ;-i i� �'- ACLC AC Load Center r- F U M RACEWAY w s `+� GV oVisl�.L - -me 2i'f�r{ story L ,- t ,s "� 1. CAUTION --Solar-Circuit Kd Apply dais label to Conduit every 10 feet; ; J ► `_ ; L - '�: ';`!. 'PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE' �.__a Enphase Microinuerters �- ® ,O U 1`3 tYf LOADZ COW AC 4 T . bl are �- CL Coll in � . max 4-6 feet apart 1. CAUTION - Photovoltaic AC Disconnect /f Run r U' 2"1 GE, Grounding Electrode r- t t 3 Cco - rt EdtE?fnton[it {j . i psi MLn 6 z,.. 00 ?UNCTION BOX LABEL. _ 6n � _ "CAU-TIONIa SOLAR -:WIRING MAY REAS fo ENERGIZED AFTER DISCONNECTION it DURING AYLI . - THOURS" <; w SCALE Gl ,r1t sto t. Ffirxrcua�cfa: `�` couhtypark Property line 20' 1/16" i .- DRAWN BY : .._._ D Szabo zabo (N) Electrical runs over roof, t REVISION penetrates eave, then runs.to (N) ACLC & (N) EV in Garage then runs F_ 4 ,, P NG; , =. to (E) MSP on- external wale ISSUE DATE: - Jan/21/2014 MAM ERVICE.PANEL._-Li ELS #4: GE,C,connected u "CAUTION SOLAR P SYSTEM to E as pipe GErod �= ( ) 9 P'P - INSTALLED. WH -POW SHEET NO. DISCONNECT, SITE MAP SOLAR PANELS AND WIRING IN 01 CONDUIT MAY REMAIN ENERGIZED. FrontProperty line a-EAN Legend 3 Roof Type Modules: (20) Canadian Solar CS6P-250M modulesINC. SOLAR; 1) Modules: (20)Canadian .Solar >P 25€�M merles 1445 KOLL CIRCLE 2) Microinverters. (20) Enphase M215-60-2L 2x Cement #1 Racking is Y- 6" above finish roof SUM 109 San:lase CA.95112. 3) Roof slope (x.29° � ,:,..--�' 4) Roof decking - Plywood Quick USA - flat file mounts cont. Lic # 910849 5), 48"-72,," max spicing between roof mounts 6) Quick Book USA - flair file mounts r_ s- `~-~ 18" overhang @ eave www.deansolar.com 7) Black IronRidge XRL rails 8) Rafters 2"x 10" @ 24" r- 2"x 10" a@ 24" rafters 4"x 6" cross beam CLEANSOLAR 4'rX 16" ridge beam EMBEDMENT DIAGRAM r- L Ia(HOOK USA - FLAT TILE MOUNT (2) Lag Bolts @ 5/16" x 3- 1/2" r- U w � 7 Z t Min. 3" t- Ln L 14Y tif i`klt fx1 } r_ External wall J � .. 0 L � J �- r- SECTION - SIDE VIE e t L _ r- I p 5 A ; Load 1Peft Solar .modules supported by IronRidge ECRL rails,. supported by standoffs. supported by 2"x 10" @ 24" rafters, supported by exterior galls MODULE LAYOUT - ROOF DETAIL PLA ,.� C) Ln 0) 36" @ .ridge &sides & � 18" hips/valleys setback required z Ln W U cv U r�. v --4"x 16" dross beam CO� 2 U 0 4'_x 16" ridge beam d �.V C) C) 7� �T SCALE . DRAWN BY : b Istvan. D Szabo REVISION ISSUE DATE: Jan/21/2014 3tnt 2"x 10" @ 24" rafters SHEET NO. AM 11011ft Racking is 3"- 6" above finish roofUArS CLEAN General Notes: SOLAR INC. Amperage Calculation for 1445 KOLL CIRCLE CS613-250M modules �°� 1. 240V AC wires run from array to service son� cam.95112. panel breaker. —E:]�,-,.,, —Microinverters: (20) Enpha 15-60- LL- 2x 2. Individual modules invetted from DC to AC cont. Lic # 910849 Individual Modules(DC) with micrainverters located under each www.deansolar.com Rmax 250 W module. Vmp 30.40 V - ` Imp 8.22 A Modules: (20) Canadian Solar CS6P-250M modules 3. #10 wire sized for 0.34% voltage drop Voc 37.50 V over 60 feet @ 240 volts. CLEANSOLAR Isc 8.74 A Individual Inverter (AC) Vop 240 V LU F- lop 0.90 A #12 XHHW-2 AC BUS cn T-11- U ----u Ll Ll (under modules) � o 'X (10) Inverter Branch Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 Vop 240 VAC C Iop 10 x 0.90 = 9.00 A _ _ .__ . , _ _ __ _._ _ _ _ __ . __ _._ ___ _ _ ., _..... > UJ Iop max 9.00 @ 1.25% = 11.25 A o z -' 10) Inverter Branch #12 XHHW-2 AC BUS _ (under modules) Vop 240 VAC Iop 10 x 0.90 = 9.00 A B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 Iop max 9.00 @ 125% = 11.25 A _ -' - n #6 solid CM copper ground U Ln or LU UJ a� %b ..-r CanadianSolarUTILITY (E) AIH (N) ACL AD ) EV . ,, x cn ,j METERCE CENT CHARGING o t6► ,- ZMa LADING METHOD UGC-1 clips + WEEBlug6.7 Bi-directional PANEL HOM816M150FTR8 OUTLET V) a er- Used in conjunction with SolarMount rails from Electrics 150 ams 220 V � PG&E General El U IRAC, no hole is requested (INTERTEK certified). 20 rated UCC-1 grounding clips are used to create grounding M path between the module frame and the UNIRAC rail. T-4 WEEBlug 6.7 assemblies are designed for use with size 00 6-12 AWG solid copper conductor wire, and allow 0 o.o ,-� connecting the system to equipment ground connector. ° ° No Main. 50 A Breaker WEESLug 1.25 A To (E) Subpanel SCALE - : UGC f., Spliced to r 60 A (E) Load r 125 A DRAWN BY : yy swan D Sabo To (E) Y15 A rb a D 3 REVISION 1GRID120/240s 5A { Refer to the latest SolarMount Rail System installation r = t w zl ISSUE DATE: single phase manual from UNIRAC or to UL-SM En-AO Technical s,h , ...;u ,$ � Jan/21/2014 note from Canadian Solar for more information. Always ,LL follow safety procedures when installing any mounting system. failure to follow SolarMount Rail System latest #4 GEC connected to ?, SHEET N( regulatory instructions will void Canadian Solar Inc. (E) gas pipe CE rod (3) #2 iiHWN-2 wires (3) #6 THWN-2 wires (3) #6 THWN-2 wires (6) #1C} THUVN-2 wires module warranty. # HW - ground 3/4" EMT conduit (1) #6 THWN-2 ground (1) #8 THWN-2 ground 1 1/4" EMT conduit 3/4" EMT conduit 3/4" EMT conduit 03 CLEAN Mehra,NickiR House r 1445 KOLL CIRCLE SLUE W9 ALTERNATIVE Son 3e cx.95112, 221 .02 General Loads 1) General Use and Lighting - Hous( 2504 3 7012 (Sq. Ft. x 3 - accounts for lighting and general use receptacles) w-cl .€ten. 2) Small Appliance 1500 3 4500 2OA Appliance Circuits - 3 aMicrowave 0 Hood, Fridge, Microwave , a Dishwasher 1440 b) Cooking RangelCook Top 0 b) Cooking Range/Oven c) Clothes Dryer 1330 1 1330 Clothes washer 1200 1 1200 d) Water Heater - Gas 0 � V Charger - 50A 11000 0 0 Disposal 023 1 320 Disposal �.y Z Furnace 1200 2 2400 Trash Compactor 023 1 020 4) Motors 0 Total 21 2,Zlb 0 - 10000 10000 100% 10000 10000+ 9800 40% t4L4q 4 0 � --� Corrected Total �_ , 220.02 (C)AC 0 0 Voltage Breaker V* V A 40 125 100% 30000 > 14q G Total OK Ln U 0 Z de h C1W.. U Mehra,Nicki Property , New ACLC Feeding C C ALTERNATIVE 220.02 D) General Loads 1) General Use and Lighting - House 0 ' m, 2) Small Appliance 0 3 a Microwave } } 0 CA a) Dishwasher b) Cooking Range/Cook Top 0 b) Cooking MangelOven 0 c) Clothes Dryer 0 Clothes usher 0 ,- 0 00 d) Water beater Gas EV Charger - 50A 11000 1 11000 4) Motors Total 11000 SCALE : 0 - 10000 10000 100% 10400 14000+ 1000 40% 400 DRAV - Y Corrected Total 10400 Istvan D Szabo 220.02 C)AC 13300 1 13500 REVISION Voltage Breaker g C UP jay} 240 125 11}0% 30000 > 24200 Total � �� ,Y � �,,, ]an/21./2014 OK . Whole douse and Now ACL C Load Calculation Cly SHEET O. u§ ating a s..., ti d r 1 .1✓'.r',1� 3�� bn 240 200 10€I° 48000 > 31bcoq i Total CLEAN SOLAR INC. INVERTERS SPECIFICATION SHEETS 1445 KOLL CIRCLE -SuItTE 109 San Jame CA,95112, an lill M215 --MICROINVERTE TECHNICAL DATA 01 . - . t Cont. Lie # 914849 Recommended input power(STC) 190-260W .. Maximum input DC aoltage 4:SV INYm.deCllmial'.Com _.. Peak power tracking voltage 22V-36V Operating range 16V-36V Min./Max start voltage 22V/45V Max.DC short c retest current ISA Max input current, 10.5A r um output power 215W 215W CLEA VS'OLAR al output current 1.0A(arms at nominal duration) 0,9A(arms at nominal duration) al voltage/range 208V/183-229V 240V/21'-264V ed voltace/range 208V/179-232V 240V/206-269V e has Nominal frequency/range 60.0/59,3-W.5 Hz 60.0159,3-50.5 Hz Extended frequency range 60.0/59.2-60.61Iz 6Q0/59.2-60.61lz E N E R G Y Power Factor >0.95 >0.95 Maximum units per 20A branchcircuit25(three phase) 17(single phase) Maximum output fault current 1.05 Arms,over 3 cycles;25.2 Apeak,'.74ms duration LLJ "CEC..rg6ted efficiency 96.0% -i Peak inverter efficiency 96.3% Z'''� Static MDPT efficiency(weignted,re-erence EN50530) 99.6% Dynamic MDPT effie'ency(fast irradiation changes,reference EN50530) 99.3% Night time power consumption 46mW -Maximum energy production The Enphase Energy Microinverter PRO DU C T I N/E -Resilient to dust,debris and shading ro'ne -Performancemonitoringper module emperature range -40"Cto+65'CSystem improves energy harvest, _4 tcmperature Tango(internal) -40"C to+85oCincreases reliability,and dramatically -System availability greater s(lWxHxD) 17.3 cm_x 16.4 cm x 2.5 cm(6.8"x 6.45"x 1.0^)* R E L I A B I_E than 99.8% Weight 1.6 kg(3.5 Ins) Siml11'itieS design,installation and Cording. Naturalconvection-No fans -No single paint tar system failure { management Of Solar power systems. Enclosure environmentalratng Outdoor-NEMACL 6 0 V/ without mounting bracket The Enphase System includes the -Quick and simple design,installation _• Q• S M A R T and management C. -07 Pairs with mast bO ceN PVmodules microinverter,the Envoy Communications -2417 monitoring and analysis Communication Power line Warranty 251ear limited warranty Gateway,and Enlighten,Enphase's Monitoring Free lifetime monitoring via Enlighten software monitoring and analysis software. low voltage DC Compliance ULI741 AEEE1547,FCC Part 15 Class 8 SAFE -Reduced fire risk CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO.0-M91,0.4-04,and 107.1-01 Enphase Energy,Inc. 201 1st Street o Petaluma,CA 94952 V Phone:877-797-4743 Ln usFax-707-763-0784 { inr`o�enphaseenergy.corn http:h'www.enphase com 142-00010 Rev 03 0 Z MODULES SPECIFICATION S EE�"S � 0- U r 3 123 f / . a ` l P'-% STG 77777 ciiiZ" wim 6a 2 46 ii a Nammat Maximum Power{Pmax} 230W 235w 240W 246W 250Mt o t mum operann Vafta a{Vmp} 29,9V 30AV 30,2V 3113V 30.4V Pmax -0.46`V op1.mum2peratm9 Current(tmp) ?.70A 7,82A 7,95A aAah 8,22A Temparaiure Caargcieni Yiloc -0,35%fC: • ,�.,� A ♦ Open C resit Voltage{Vac) 37.11V 37.2V 37,3V 37,4V 37.SV tse 0.060%/C y short Crcuil c.norit{Isc) 8,22A _8.3412 8,46A 8.61A 3,74A Normal Operating CeaTempomtur 46±te • l'f M Module Elticlanpy 14,30% 14.61% 14,92% 1b.23% 15.54% r- ' l t Operating Temperature -d0`G-.85(` Performance of Low lrradlance '^'� t Maximum system voltage 1600V IEC/600V UL Industry:leading per€ormanceat tow irradiation f pq �,0 Maximum series FuseRatirm 15A _ erivironment,*95..51 moduleetfssiency heirian 6i l Application Classification Class A irradiance of 100owlm`to 20owle 0 Paver Tolerance 0--SW {AM 1.5,25 t) 4-J Uwderstan4ard lest Oanddtpns(UC)af 1redianca ofi90aw7 ,.peobumAM l.6andcaT tamperrturo 026T All-purpose Module 6Engineering Drawings KtOL`r _6P32.. '2a5 �4ZiCS6t�.. 'SGP:25pR? � All-black CS61ais arobust alipurpose solar NomineiMaximumPower{Pmax) 6sW 17ow 173w 177W faow module with 60 solarceils.These modules optimum operating Wi age(Vmp) 27,3V 27.5V 27.5V 27.8v 27.7V can be used foron-grid and off-grid solar optimum Operat'mg Current(Imp) 6 J9A 6.58A 6,28A 6.40A 9.54A applications.The all-black modules use high open c rav t Voaega tvecl 34.0V 34AV e4.2V 34.3V 3k4V efffciencymono-crystallinestficoncells, snoreCrcu+tCunent{Iso} 6.s5A &.75A 6.85A 6.97A 7.08A laminated with black backsheet and framed udornwmarope�anycatTompeatra,trrassem•waa02um.pe�mmAMits,a bonn,mpeature2rrc, .end.n••d 1 mia - with black anodized aluminum.The all-black Mechanical Data modules are the perfect choice of customers --- 00 Cel00 who not only are keen an using solar energy, tType Marra-cry tatkn 156xi56mm,zpr36ushars but also look for aesthetic value. CetlArrangemant 60 t6 x10) Dimansipns 1638 x 982%40mm{54,5.38,7 x1,57io) T...l Key Features weight 20kg{44,1 tha) •Industry first comprehensive warranty insuraince by Applications Front Cover &2mm Tempered glass AN Best rated leading insurance companies in theworid FrameNstan.1 Aoodizedatvmin'rum a¢oy • On-grid and off-grid residential roof-tops a-Sox IP65,3 diodes I _ •industry leading plus only power tolerance:0--+S'W • On-grid and off-grid commerctaltindustriai Cable �- 4mm VEC)f12AWG(UL),11 00m roof-tops , Connactars s NC4cr MC4Comperable •$trortgframed module,:passing mechanioatlead test • Rural area applications standard Packaging(Modules pet Pallor) 24pcs =L SCALE : of 6400Pa to withstand heavier snow load. • Solar power stations Module Pfecasper Lon1.in (40ft.Contain) 612pcs(40`Hot . Other on-grid and off-grid applications I-V curves(CS6P-25tiriR} I •The 1st manufacturerin the PVtndustry certified for ISO.TS16949(The automotive quality management system)in module production since 2003 Quality Certificates ?s gg yq�g'`, pv • IEC 61215,IEC61730,UL 1703CE ' ____. __ DPAWN B 1 •(S017025 qualified manufacturer ownedtesting lab, • 1809001:2008:Standards forquality l Istvan4 Szabo fully complying totEC,TUU UL testing standards management systems _w ,v • ISOITS16949:2009:The automotive quality . Backed By Ouridew 10125 Linear Power Warranty Plus ouradded25year insurance coverage management system R �T(1 i .rs v A§dfaed yalfre F no% ./ rainodarranty Environmental Certificates * "�` t �nN,.' �SpeGGGahwrs Ansiudad r3lhiadalasnaax ar SU},t.tt 48 Ghant.wifLout pnMnptiGe. 1��E DATE: •4.s '- - IS014001:2004:Standards forEnvironmental About Canadian Solar � i�_-: s t9 1s as as management systems s � �� • OCO$0000 HBPM'The Certification for Canadian Solar Inc.is one of the world's largest solar Canadian Solar was founded 1n Canada in 2004 and was "y0yearproductWarrafttyonmateefatsand"workmanship companies. As a leading verilcally-inue grated successfully listed on NASDAQ Exchange (symbol:GS161) In i Hazardous Substances Regulations manufacturer at Ingots,wafers,casts,solarmodutes and November 2006. Canadian Solar has already expanded its 2$yearlinearptrwerotitputwarra7ty - Reach Compliance solar systems. Canadian Solar delivers solar power module manufacturing capacity to 2.OSGW and call products of uncompromising quality to worldwide manufacturing capacity tot.3GW to 2016. r-. t p� customers. Canadian closely wand class team of SHEETN®. A.C` iii(`:`"�."`- professionals warts closely with our customers to provide them with solutions for all their solar needs. www.canadiansolar.co m 0EN-Ftzv 3.SS CeyyigM[czan cartaMm solos ice. 5 .... CLEAN SOLAR INC. STANDOFFS SPECIFICATION SHEETS 1445 KOLL CIRCLE SUITE 109 San Jose CA.95112. Quick Hooka Quick Hook' Quit HOW- FICd Tile -Mount , TH fiat Fite`Moun#ng instruct -Rafkw In tion Flat ate ltfiounf 6Mf14 Cont. Lic # 910849 lnxta6atlon Tools Reyulred:stud finder,tape measure,utktykttife,3/32"hex key,drill with 7132"bre,impactdril with 1!2"socket,caulking gun,one ,y,, NO: OESCRiPTION QTY. tubeofseaiarhtc wit#rroofrgmateiiatsxoafingba/handbredrm.stapkw>ta"widepeecesrfundedaymentormateriatsfor a-ecm ourseethod idti Dimwskm BASE PLATE QUICK HOOK USA.4-1/7WIDE-60 2 during deck flashing installation. TiL M111. www.deansolar.com W.deanSolar.Com 2 LAG SCREW,HEX HEAD,5116"x 3-112,18.855 2 t y i qCk RAPPER- IHIS EDGE TOWARDS ROOF ROM 3 QUICK HOOK USA,VMtCtL4061-T6,tuRtd 1 - P y 2.25 4 1 SETSCREW,HEX SOCKEt 1032X5/9-,I8.8 SS I _. ,. +s � �i o a e SUBRASHING,QUICK HOOK USA V2 4.5'BAS€, y • 5 i T X.a32"3003-MILL 132,11, ON SET SCREW 9 0 _ ISP-0-y" CLE Iso o ANSOLAR a S 3 4.92 o O r 4.59'ADJUSfABLELOCATIONLOCATION � Stp�T ZS 75 St3TH Sii)ES DF SLOT SEBRATfbc"' Remove the rile at selected lacauon of ihemount Rest the base plate over center of rafter and mark 1-N ve lag svevn into rafter through the two fides THIS EDGE TOWARDS ROOF RIDGE "" 12.00 T, ---- " tocateaodmarktheceMex oftlscraftec center of'nots�Ori tvvh PV 2''FFlot holesandfiB toes 8snugfit.'i�Tdtifovertighteretagscrewn, _ .�. 1 S1,8FLASHING;ITEM 5 4� enol tldsmaycompromtsedteirhotdingsnength. ) L withsealarltcompanbiewllhroofingmat 4.513-----------+-� SLU 6.57 i5-- 5fl 1,50 99 r a4 S- - fi ------ (wick Mount PY 2-21 TOLE: t QMFTH:QUICK HOOK USA-FLAT Y. � _ w ������R b b b Vl i - TILE MOUNT � uwesoaxexaeaa i:atc SIZE ak4WN ate. RAD REVF= " f- 4.,`' 2.00 aw x A n re 21Sleo?3 +S w � : ...nS<�r=�xr."'"k..,,rx..�'8'•.38-fi` ` ,ate r # a s Tµ a ouickMountpv Ade hook into position on base plate.The hook cmeh*clean the undedaymeM then apply bead of Proceed wRfh weatherproofing using three-course TITLE: LL must not overhang the side edges of On-base t#1�'sha{�:ofarr - dIPAaTt1 rro trod'or: paper- ;"'1R9 al usiiigp ttv1FT #:( fjfCK HOOK USA-FLAT i onthe backsldaofthestds-iFasht and m :i Average Ultimate Load Capacities{ibfil In Douglas Fir Pkte.Tighten set Soso with hexkey. ng g pet method,cute pours of uo deand ore ta•wide ,T. _ avevmourrt.Fmterexub�asheingtodetltwitharsero� to slide under the course alone and over the Sufi- 'CLEARANCE TILE MOUNT r Rgaaanmv 5owcealan.nea:c i PA.t i can,w "-r si aarm4w s."a a Pe dictCr +n3ttadfneaeht acrrerree;t2unotn bottonrcoretcts. fla�rir+9: coon atwveestoo iriyh,3t�Tre siase.ad• .<' - Rano i poli 'Y., r F7 :r Q _.. .__..., erhaymcnttoensurepro#�'oveclappFng. vtE r 1-b AIL.;4fl,.F unites on�ratatccse�r�z.. 517-' DRAWNDY, rtw REv _l1°� C.W-d•Al haen rJalestzaa Wth tmoR Pax`saaad AME Ropart#11263flC:dwk Hank U9A-FM 13a i 876 1 tgVlttgNStREMW+'ti.N6 - /+� ass lose ss3 ,�. s 5 u 1BASERLATE(ITEM-1}. rc-sex.,x-es. gg,, id.. j d razyy ovar4iw las suewe i*^�APF &z A R@ of AtaunY M,"S eEsa Poste ITA%, ztspoia 4 m'umfeed.waaetar feet a=ami 1 ; ... a m, , fkh.':fioNbt:f i r' ' Mit JR4 'UN llRi1�k,�C�swi in?2C�W@�Cd�.r XN4vMlFY.HN S,GNJX`i&WNpAXfaN.ht OOWJT SCAlEp2AWM^v tW{S PLACE C£CIMFL 1:8 i FW>.durst .su hh,Ltz TWh Ilk is Nth t `r.. �ywxe tN9EfPlAei nErlt/u z.tz5 SCAtE 1-3 'Na^.,M:i.d2 5f&Ei1Gc1 i iFla?enc Cunra374o rtaa'e:s,pmen it,e hc+ckut>ord - ,. ': s a • a ... .-.. �//'�} e � x, - lo-d d 3 I E Ik`� - v � 1ztarnaas aa-wa�:4s• Pa"Wm sszo ,r ,` 817,23-15 iota Nov-2013,Reev7 . i took Passa:ed ac .ta",wtreeePtetam .>ne -oleo„twm,as^saga ct•+e 1 ( :r ^l. ,, . „' _ tsoevsts�Anw+,+>nAaQart,r aaeaarnwrtrar , r � � ®tit# rZolckhlanntPV, rag reserved. �. by 'lits 3_ ... ..� - ` otr nwa" E'kfe 6' Ills i.a €r tlr 31- h i AMEA pvx4�11254aC" alt k1-U^uA-t` "d 71 I 1246 sa? 1349 X93 ': I P1101-6M p h d.,b..*t ft I- Ad Mtm%E aasaplate c,6+xc(seaRyp M'A&aar Me• Sd Prat i i j { '$ th-eittryl T+"vs r'aYr+tt Afi ws SWtsr Qecktha,ic USA ' { . e • sa 'GNVad T�l,UtN1£ t - ImPto Nates t)?Ireadtmutfiec++tlseddedinaeafterorutfwsnucturd wafinember. X7 See�Cfatequired edge drtances. V Reolace the thle above the boo If neo naty, .Rdt the m.,-mounted rakofyour chokes to the, " FaTrno erl nark-on undedak ne rt waterwvafn**hse 4 course of paper bove.Nthepaptain erabovedoesnotreach,duetolat is you,plac fitske an Wit the utceolfiafigpapeing I& rovertpTar 9 ashingandundert enextcrttte notch the bottom olthetiietomake spacefatthe hook,using the Tail manufacturer's hardware visic:http-/lwww., ici:maum�svromAile-wateraooA course of paper shove.Rohe paper shove does not reach,dueto layoifi,place an additional pteceoi roofing paper overthe sub-flashing and under the nextcaurse raised hook. Ln afpaperabave.45ee insu'urtions an reversed Gkuic u ,k, Olulick Mount �� RESPECT 'i H E ROOF925 178 8269+www.quickmountpv.com• info@qufckmountpv.com B172-3-15 Nov-2013,Rev 7 81723-15 2700 Mitchell Dr.,Bldg.2 •Walnut Creek,CA 94598 Now2013,Rev 7 U t of3 2d3 02013by.W*Mount PV AN rights reserved. Mr. .... ll-4 oh In LU RAILSSPECIFICATION SHED r. a. v U rn ironRidge XR PlatformdG PRODUCT DATA SHEET SPECIFICATIONS S. ONS MAX SPAN CHART •Xlt1�+.1b4-fkW 6105-T5 extruded Q w M aluminum(anodized) snow Load(psi} 10E`l FEATURES ♦MLAR5 Splice Bars. find spew,frnph) 0 rsf 10 t>sf 3U rsf 413 tXsf 0.. M 00 n .ie.mrmrww®a.®rir.n®A-10 od ........ u.mrse40 risf 6105-T5 extruded 9U mph 13-6" 13'-fi" 121-U" ill-U" 9'-6" � V ♦compExtruonents aluminum At aluminum 100 mph 13-0" 13-W 12'-01' li 0" 9`-6" (� for easy handling arelightweight • s. 110mph I2*6" 12'16" 12'-0" 11-0" 9=6., for ormot yet mownstrong 6165-1`5 extruded 120 mph 11=5" 11=6" 11'•6" 11=0" 9=6" enough far most roof mount _ +�.sd Hons aluminum 130 tTptu IA=6" X4=6" 1p'-6" 1.iS-G" 9•b" - r� •C`'�of XXL(lightweight) *Adjustable L-feet: 140 mph 9=6" 9-6" 9-6" 9'-6,• 91-6"41 �' autdX<2S(standard)rails 6105-TS extruded 150 mph 9-0" 9'- " 9'-13" 9=0" 9=0" • um Bout XRL and XRS rafts come Panel Clamps: �L- with sots for attaching L-feet , +Panel Clamps: �- and top stofs for attaching S057rk2ali4wm Snow Toad(ps) ♦Hardware: �� m panel clamps Wind Speed(Mph) Inti"' lrrnrir� 20 psf 30 fusf 40 psf 1$-B Stainless Steel •XRS rails-has skttfar bettom 40 mph T-01 8=01 7-0" 6=6" 51-61 mounting damps 100 mph 7-01 7-0' 7W 6-61 S'-6- Hidden =6"Hidden.internal spike ham are XRS PROPERTIES Ito nil* 71-01 71-0^ 7-8" 6!fi" s1-€n- . aesthetically pleasing ♦Area=.BG7136 indVSA2 120 mph 6°46" 6-6" 6-6" 61-6" S-6" 00 ♦Internal splices provide 6 Centroid relative to output- - 130.mph 6'-0" 61-0." 6'--0" 6'-0" 5=6." Q superior strength and coordinate system origin 140 mph 51-6" 51-6" 5'-6" 5=6" 51-6" flexibility with L4eet - _ •X-0.5556 150 mph 51-0" 5=01 S'-0" S'-0" SIV placement 4 Y=1.4097 _. ♦Adjustable L4eet have-verdcal •Z=120.000 LOAD CONDITION ASSUMPTIONS extension.slots for easy •Moments-of Inertia of-the 4 flush roof Mounting Installations only adjtustabllty of up to 1-3/8" area(at the centrold) • Roof zone 1 installations only 0 Standoffs provide increased The.Iron ildge)Rplatform is.a-r4able,comprehensive,and feature rich-photovoltaic •Loc=-0.8430 • Roof slope must be less than 45 dues airflow and ventflabian and mounting solution.Anchored by the XRS(Standard)and XRL(Light)rads,the XR •Oxy=0.1117 • Module dimensions are 63"x 32"or less SCALE enable precise placement of platform includes all of the components necessary for supporting virtually any •Lxz=0.0000 • Exposure CategoryC only flashings commercial or residential roof mount i art,regardless of surface material or •Lyx=0.111.7 • Building height must be less than or equal to 30 feet •standoffs come in four roof grade. •Lyy=0,1822 • Clearance between roof and rail is at least 2 Indies standard:heights:3",.4",6", s l yz=0.000E1 • End c irrilever span not to dxcdid 4(P7o of Md adjatMt int'drieti span and 7" The XRS and XRL rails are manufactured from extruded aluminum to maximize spans •Lzx=0.0000 • No rail splice permitted within the middle 1h of the span �t4 # C •XR platform compatible with while emininruiting weightfor Improved g.The,graceM curves-of the.)IRs call •Lay=0.0000 Y , popular flashings including will please even the most aesthetically demanding customers.Rails can to extended 0 Lzz=1,02s52 For installations that do not conform to the load condition assumptions above, t� 13 QuiEkMountarrd filatey vett the IronRidge pathxtt�pending internal splice bans,providing a strong support a Polar Moment of Inertia please refer to wwvaircmtridge o amm for a more complete atgrtring ainahisis. it y, Panel damps both top and connection and ultimate fle>obdity in footing attachment locations.Installers have a o At Centroid=1.02S2A4 I V an Szabo bottom mounting variety of options in attaching IronRidge rails to the roof,including adjustable L-feet, ♦Principal Moments of L;FOCTT DIMENSIONS •Panel damps-for most popular al mintan standoffs,andtSit f� ran In'additiarr IronRid a Inertia photovoltaic modules - ogtom ' g facto r: ` g accommodates modules from most major manufacturers.Tapdawtt panel damps •Ix=0,1638 REVISION •Mid clamp design maximizes securely.gr+p the outside frame of.the module freelag the installer fl om the •Iy=,U614 panel density constraints of panel mounting holes.The XRS rail has an additional side slot to enable •Angle between Principal •Ground clips eliminate the the option of bottom mounting.Lastly,grounding clips pierce the anodized rails, and Part Axes l n dfor,copper wire between creating a ground path through the equipment and eliminating the need to nun •Angle=99.343 degrees modules copper wire between every module. ♦Moments of Inertiab #lite XR Roof Mount �� c t m . • ^1262'3 2t)5 ISSUE DAT % E: rsmnportents,are covered with )ronProvides a e tedTnicat suppQsystem thatindndes eP = . an industry-leading,20 year Installation-guides,engineeting certillwAion.documentation,easy4cnread span charts, LXZ=538153 Jan/21/2014 liffilled product warranty and and on 11ne configurator software. ♦LYX=u,52.04 a 3 year limited finish •LYY=11623.1909 warranty, See reverse for additional product specifications.Please contact your local distributor 4 LYZ=136.5.369 y ♦AN XP Roof Mcntrrt for configuratkm assistance ♦LZX=518153 (1j0 r components are PE cerki#aeri -_ •1- f 13G,5369 ♦LZZ=2.8784 �i i low&IL It Aak 707-459-3523. 707-452-9523 RONRIDGE salesofromidge.com salesoiro ridge com www.ironddqe.com www.irontidge.com06