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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 19621 DRAKE DR OWNER'S NAME: VUAY RAGUNATHAN OWNER'S PHONE: 4088300308 ❑ ICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION License Class Lie. # Contractor Ukln� • Date bZ I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chap r9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. Signature C zk _a Date 1 ❑ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code). I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, after making this certificate of exemption, I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. Signature Date CONTRACTOR: POCO SOLAR 3345 KELLER ST SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 JOB DESCRIPTION: RESIDENTIAL PERMIT NO: 13050146 DATE ISSUED: 05/21/2013 PHONE NO: (408) 970-0680 COMMERCIAL INSTALL 24 PV PANELS (6.3 KW) FOR ELECTRICITY & 7 PV PANELS TO HEAT (E) SWIMMING POOL Sq. Ft Floor Area: Valuation: $31000 APN Number: 31632026.00 Occupancy 'f% pe: PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. Issued by: _p /-", 4f_,z Date' RE -ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Signature of Applicant: Date: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "A" OR BETTER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Sections 255 25533, and 25534. Owner or authorized agent: Date: J CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C.) Lender's Name Lender's Address ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Licensed Professional CUPERTINO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • building(o1cupertino.org AE PROJECT ADDRESS I ` 2 �A � r - 1� APN N 36 - 2- _ O �' • 1 OWNER NAME U j tQ PHONE (AO -t O Q E-MAIL STREET ADDRESS I ` I �kQ 1 ( .r, 1 CITY, STATE, ZIP �V Q �MIAtL 1- FAX CONTACT NAME J Q C C (7 O r� �vrQ Jf PHONE Cg3i 3 9 23 Z E \ QS�e ,J U STREET ADDRESS 3 3 'Js` � Q I n IS4 CITY, STATE, `5P q v� Or- va /' QV(-�Y Of JENGINEER FAX ❑ OWNER ❑ OWNER -BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT ❑ CONTRACTOR 0 CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT13❑( ❑ DEVELOPER ]TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME rQ / O `J� D LICENSE NUMBER Il////r����� Q/l / 71. LICENSE TYPE./- Ll 10 `CtD BUS. LIC # COMPANY NAME �d SV l qr Eil ev ��{ J. POLO SE>In r. E-MAIL 140 I-t� \`"C 'l FA�`� Ck F STREET ADDRESS 7� �) S vn 1) A 1/ C { . F•C G J`r CITY, gri141�}} 1a f A 1.4 / 3"�� 1 P �3 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS. LIC # COMPANY NAME C a^ Q 0,S Co 11 c4 � J 1 E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE USE OF T, SFD or Duplex ❑ Multi -Family STRUCTURE: [-]Commercial PROJECT IN WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE AREA ❑ Yes No PROJECT IN FLOOD ZONE E]Yes NO SOLAR PAZS ❑ ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION OGI �` SO AR WAT R HEATING ❑ OTHER: FOR SOLAR PANEL S: NUMBER OF PANELS/UNITS: Zq N KILOWATTS: ,] TOTAL VALUATION3), ) _WSb DESCRIPTION OF WORK �JQ,�QIIallOh OL �Wsl coomt,J"A F� sok-(v-3 (e -A AIQ.L yx)z i�&) � � e� lh aLe X01 ��L<I _f�rE�CEIV By my signature below, I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have read this application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to building construction. II authorize of Cupertino to enter the above -j l ntifi�d Droperty for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: Date: tJ� l/ 5 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ OVER -TRE -COUNTER ❑ EXPRESS a ❑ STANDARD ❑ LARGE a ❑ MAJOR PVApp_2012.doc revised 06/20112 L 0 ,������� CITY OF CUPERTINO I� - IA FFF. FCTIMATOR - BUILDING DIVISION NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public Works, Fire, SanitarySewer District, School TL...... r___ » _ L....•.d .... iL., ...nra.:nnr,r in/nrinnlinn available and are only an estimate. Contact the Dept for addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 Elf 7%1!12) ADDRESS: 19621 DRAKE DR r lumb. Plan Check DATE: 05/21/2013 REVIEWED BY: MELISSA Plumb. Pcrmi� Fee: APN: 316 32 026BP#: % 'VALUATION: 1$31,000 PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit lnt p. Fee: PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration / Repair PRIMARY SFD or Du lex p his PENTAMATION SOLAR -RES PERMIT TYPE: USE: $0.00 WORK INSTALL 24 PV PANELS 6.3 kW FOR ELECTRICITY & 7 PV PANELS TO HEAT E SWIMMING SCOPE POOL Suppl. Insp. Fee -0 Reg. Q OT NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public Works, Fire, SanitarySewer District, School TL...... r___ » _ L....•.d .... iL., ...nra.:nnr,r in/nrinnlinn available and are only an estimate. Contact the Dept for addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 Elf 7%1!12) afech. Plan Check r lumb. Plan Check Elec. Plan Check Xlech. P, Plumb. Pcrmi� Fee: Elec. Permit Fee: C.)ther ,Ifech. Insp, Other Plumb Insp. Ther Elec. Insp- 0 lnt p. Fee: Plumb. hap. Fee: Insp. F,, NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public Works, Fire, SanitarySewer District, School TL...... r___ » _ L....•.d .... iL., ...nra.:nnr,r in/nrinnlinn available and are only an estimate. Contact the Dept for addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 Elf 7%1!12) FEE QTY/FEE ---- MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 1 # $219.00 Alternative Energy System IPHOTOVREs Photovoltaic System Suppl. PC Fee: Q Reg. Q OT 10701 his $0.00 PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $0.00 Suppl. Insp. Fee -0 Reg. Q OT 0,0 hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 Conswuction Tim 77— Administrative Fec: 0 0 Work Without Permit? © Yes (F) No $0.00 Advanced Planning Fee: $0.00 Select a Non -Residential Building or Structure �A Trm,el Documentation Fees: Strong: Motion Fee: IBSEISMICR $3.10 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee: IBCBSC . $2.00 SUBTOTALS: $5.10 $219.00 TOTAL FEE: $224.10 \-" Revised: 04/29/2013 CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR LIST Building Department City Of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Telephone: 408-777-3228 Fax: 408-777-3333 JOB ADDRESS: lct PERMIT# k U v,46 OWNER'S NAME: 41, PHONE # Obi GENERAL CONTRALTO BUSINESS LICENSE # ADDRESS:"" CITY/ZIPCODE: *Our municipal code requires all businesses working in the city to have a City of Cupertino business license. NO BUILDING FINAL OR FINAL OCCUPANCY INSPECTION(S) WILL BE SCHEDULED UNTIL THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS HAVE OBTAINED A CITY OF CUPERTINO BUSINESS LICENSE. I am not using any subcontractors: t Signature ate Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: V SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring / Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner / Contractor Signature Date professional SOLAR products, FastJack@ Installation Manual 1) System layout & chalk line marking 2) Locating roof rafters along chalk lines 3) Sealing/attaching FastJack® 4) Clean up/Quality Inspection Step 1: System layout & chalk line marking Prior to beginning attachment work, the system roof layout should be defined. A drawing or sketch is recommended prior to roof work. Upon finalizing layout, use chalk lines to mark support rail locations. The chalk lines will be used to align FastJack® attachment points. Note: When configuring un Chalk lines should be placed near the center line of the tile to ensure a proper cut for the roof flashing.The 48" grid design is based on 12", 16" or 24" on center (o/c) rafter spacing. (12"x4=48", 16"x3=48", 24"x2=48") rt layout please account fora 0.6"gap Date Modified: 09/10/2007 Chalk line—to reference support rail placement Note: All support rails should be placed 48" apa along the module length. The rail distance from the between modules and 2' on each end of the module will vary based on module size. of the module array for clamps. Note: All product specifications are based on 48" paired support rail spacing. Proper module/rail orientation—single array sample Clamps must secure the module on the long end of the frame. The span of the two support rails should be 48". EXAMPLE: (Using a 62" long module) 3" 62" professional SOLAR products The measurements and formulas listed above are the recommended and engi- neered values for the RoofTrac® mount- ing system—non-tilt up. FastJack@ Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/10/2007 For installations requiring more than one row, with no spacing between rows, the distance between adjacent rail pairs will measure approximately the length of the module less 48". Snap chalk lines along the location of where the support rails will be placed once spacing is calculated and measured. 489P Actual spacing will be deter- mined on pattern of the roofing material to ensure a proper seal. Step 2: Locating roof rafters along chalk lines 1) Since rafters are normally located every 48" on center (o/c), finding one reference rafter should be sufficient for approximating the location of additional rafters by measuring 48" from the center of the first. 2) If the roof eve (bottom edge of the roof) is ex- posed, reference the centers of the roof rafter and use a chalk line to mark the rafter location up the roof. Mark the intersection of the chalk lines. This will be your rafter centers. If the roof has a closed or blind soffet E (enclosed rafters not visible at roof edge), the nailing pattern along fascia board (board attached to ends of rafters) may indicate the rafter location at the bottom edge of the roof professional -- SOLAR products Fasthck@ Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/10/2007 Step 3: Attaching/ Sealing FastJack to Composition Shingle STEP 1: Locate rafter center by using precision stud finder or other means. Using a 3/8" ma- sonry bit, break through the comp shingle over the rafter in the cen- ter of the shingle. Position Fast - Jack@ drill guide over the hole location and drill your pilot hole using a 3/16" drill bit. 4 S"0121 STEP 3° Using a FastJack® flash- ing template (optional), and a util- ity knife with hook blade, cut com- position shingle. The template will cut the shingle to the size needed for a standard or Oatey® flashing. (TEMP -STD illustrated) STEP 2: Insert the 5/16" stainless steel lag bolt and washer through the FastJack8 base. Install the lag bolt through the FastJack® using a 1/2" socket and electric impact wrench. The 1/4" masonry bit is to be used to break through the rough com- position tile surface only to avoid premature pilot hole drill bit wear. Do not drill pilot hole with 1/4" masonry drill bit. Use the Flashing Template (Oatey(@ flashing template #TEMP -OAT; standard flashing template #TEMP STD) to cut in flash- ings on a composition rooftop to save labor and frustration. The template is an easy tool that enables the installer to quickly and cleanly cut in a flashing with no guessing or struggle. professional SOLAR products' FasUacko Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/10/2007 STEP 4: Slide flashing over the base and under the upper row of composition shingle. STEP 5: Using the post threader tool (included with the flashing STEP C: Using the adjustable pipe pliers, template), thread the post through tighten post into base by turning clockwise. the flashing into the base. STEP _,. Seal flashing per the flashing manufacturers' specifications. Note: If using Oatey® no caulk flashing sealant will not be necessary. Step 4: Clean up/ Quality Inspection Clean Up: Upon completing the attachment installation, account for all tools and clean area as necessary. (5 Quality Inspection: Contractors are recommended to perform a final at- tachment quality inspection prior to installing the RoofTrac® mounting system to ensure all attach- ments are properly sealed. It is also recommended to check all attachment spacing to verify all attachment points were positively connected. Make sure all installation crew members on the roof are mind- ful of installed roof attach- ments to prevent tripping. All installation crew members should utilize proper safety equipment when installing a solar system. (Harnesses, hard- hats, gloves, proper no -slip footwear, etc.) professional SOLAR products FastJack@ Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/10/2007 It is extremely important to properly install a flashing to minimize the risk of roof leaks. Illus- trated below are both the correct placement and the incorrect placement of a standard flash- ing on a composition shingle roof. 11 Arrows illustrate the typical water flow on a 11 pitched roof. Correct 11 11 —Incorrect — CORRECT: Illustration shows proper installation of a cut -in flashing. The lag bolt is located inside the cut -in area of the shingle. This ensures water will not flow under the flashing where the lag bolt is located. Provides top & side water protection helping to prevent roof -leaks and dry rot. INCORRECT: Illustration shows the incorrect installation of a flashing. The flashing is not cut into the shingle and the lag bolt is located where water can flow under the flashing. This type of installation has a high potential to develop a roof leak or dry rot. PROPERLY FLASHED CONNECTIONS INSURE: • Leak -free roof—less warranty servicing liability due to roof leaks • Prevents roof dry-rot—allows for proper water- shed from the roof without trapping under the flashing. Solar Disconnect WARNING — Electric Shock Hazard DO NOT TO CHT RMINALS Terminals on both Line and Load sides may be energized in the Open Position. RATED OPERATING CURRENT: RATED OPERATING VOLTAGE: MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE: RATED SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT: A V V A PHOTOVOLTAIC DISCONNECT FOR UTILITY OPERATION CAUTION PV SYSTEM BREAKER IS BACK FED. TURN OFF BREAKER PRIOR TO WORKING ON MAIN SERVICE PANEL. MAX AC OPERATING CURRENT.0 Amp OPERATING AC VOLTAGE: (Circle One) 208VAC 240VAC 277VAC WARNING, INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE 100 mph WIND ZONE CONNECTORS & POLYESTER/DACRON BODY STRAPS TO BE PLACED AT TOP, BOTTOM, & AT TWO(2) MID LOCATIONS SPACED EVENLY ALONG LENGTH OF PANEL AS SHOWN. INSTALL CONNECTORS PER DETAIL. SINGLE CONNERTORS & STRAPS BETWEEN PANELS DESIGN NOTES; FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2004, ASCE 7-2 INSTALLATION VERIFIED TO THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS: V= 100 MPH, EXPOSURE 'B' OR 'C', CAT 11: 1=_, Kd=_, Kzt=_, Kz=TABLE 6.5, qh = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd`V*Vll, P = qh ((Gcp)-(Gcpi)), Gcpi = _, MRN = 30', INT ZONE 1 3 BODY STRAPS AND SINGLE STRAPS PER TOP AND BOTTOM HEADER CONNECTIONS. STRAPS SHALL BE POLY ESTER/DAC RON STRAPS (TOP HEADER AND BODY), OR VINYL BODY STRAPS (BOTTOM HE, -\DER) AND HAVE A MINIMUM DESIGN TENSILE STRENGTH OF 16001b. LAG BOLTS SHALL BE 1/4' FULLY THREADED STAINLESS STEEL AND SHALL FULLY PENETRATE 2" MIN. INTO RAFTER OR ROOF TRUSS. 1 /4" LAG BOLTS REQUIRE A 1/8" PILOT HOLE. TOGGLE BOLTS SHALL BE USED WHEN UNABLE TO MOUNT DIRECTLY INTO CENTER RAFTER OR ROOF TRUSS. TOGGLE BOLTS SHALL BE 1/4" WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO FULLY PENETRATE ROOF SHEATHING. 1/4" TOGGLE BOLTS REQUIRE A 5/8' HOLF THROUGH SHEATHING, ALL FASTENERS (LAG OR -OGGLE BOLT) SHALL BE HELD IN PLACE WITH SICAFLEX 1 a CONSTRUCTION SEALANT APPLIED TO HOLE (PILOT OR THROUGH HOLE) PRIOR TO AND AFTER PLACEMENT OF Tt IE FASTENER AS SHOWN HEREIN. EACH PANEL SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF (5) MOUNTING POINTS WITH AN ADDITIONAL (5) ON ONE END OF THE ARRAY. A THREE PANEL. SYSTEM WILL HAVE 20 MOUNTS. THIS DETAIL VALID FOR A ROOF SLOPE FROM FLAT TO 5/12 MAXIMUM PITCH. THIS DRAWING NOT VALID IN DADE COUNTY 0 (Scope$ COOF SO4F Mo POSm NeVARItS/ "/STING yoUSr ADD CONNECTORS & POLYESTER/DACRON STRAPS ON TOP AS SHOWN [SEE DESIGN NOTES) INSTALL CONNECTORS PER DETAIL 8', 10'. OR 17 TALL X 4' WIDE FAFCO SUNSAVER SOLAR PANELS ADD CONNECTORS & POLYESTER/DACRON BODY STRAPS TO BE PLACED AT TOP. BOTTOM, & SPACED EVENLY ALONG MID SECTION AS REQUIRED ;SEE DESIGN NOTES). INSTALL CONNECTORS PER DETAIL. ADD CONNECTORS & VINYL STRAPS ON BOTTON AS SHOWN (SEE DESIGN NOTES). INSTALL CONNECTORS PER DETAIL. 16-1 Z 2• L, uo �o� scud W A 61A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.) MARK HOLES AS HOWN ON THE ABOVE PLAN. 2.) DRILL PILOT HOLES (SEE DESIGN NOTES'. 3.) APPLY S*AFLEX ADHESIVE IN ANC ABOVE HOLE 4.) SECURE BASE WITH. LAG BOLT. 'OGGLE BOLT. OR 4 i 4 SFLF DRILLING SCREA' 5.) INSTALL BODY STRAP ANC SECURE `,' !TH CAP REFER TO MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION iNFORMA-tOu Cf�P A \AnOCf aTA tl.'_1f nii ArV 0 ft SRF=CO SUNSAVffvj...w SOLAR HEAT EXCHANGER DESCRIPTION: The SunSaverTM Solar Collector is manufactured in Chico, California. The collector is a specially developed, highly stabilized polyolefin and is of parallel, circular channel design. It is unglazed, un -insulated, and designed for low temperature applications such as swimming pool heating, heat pumps, aquiculture, and hydroponics. DIMENSIONS: Header Length = 50.875 in. (1.29 m) Width (Panel body) = 47.5 in. (1.21 m) Overall Dimensions Effective Area 4ft. X 8 ft. (1.22 X 2.44 m) 31.6ft 94 m2) 4 ft. X 10 ft. (1.22 X 3.05 m) 39.5 ft2 (3.67 m2) 4 ft. X 12 ft. (1.22 X 3.66 m) 47.8 ftZ (4.40 m2) ROOF MOUNTING SPACE: Width = [Number of panels X 50.875 in. (129 cm)] + 24 in. (61 cm) Length = Panel length + 24 in. (61 cm) RACK SPACE: Width = [Number of panels X 50.875 in. (129 cm)]+ 2 in. (5 cm) Length = Panel length + 6 in. (15 cm) FLOW: Maximum recommended flow = 8 gpm per panel 3.47 psi head loss (1,817 1/hr, 0.244 kg/cm2) Minimum recommended flow = 3 gpm per panel 0.48 psi head loss (681 1/hr, 0.034 kg/cm2) Recommended flow = 4 gpm per panel 0.87 psi head loss (908 1/hr, 0.061 kg/cm2) PANELS PER BANK: 12 panels single end feed (maximum) 17 panels diagonal feed PRESSURE: NORMAL OPERATING MAXIMUM INTERMITTENT PRESSURE PRESSURE 80°F (27°C) 0 to 30 psi 45 psi (0 - 2.11 kg/crr.2) (3.16 kg/cm2) 212°F (100°C) 0 to 5 psi 5 psi (0 - 0.35 kg/cm2) (0.35 kg/cm2) 70°F (21°C) Measured burst pressure of panel body = Over 300 psi (21.1 kg/cm2) TEMPERATURE: Normal operating temperature = 60°F to 90°F (16°C to 32°C) Maximum continuous operating temperature = 212°F (100°C) Maximum intermitent temperature (un -pressured) = 250°F (121°C) Melt temperature = 338°F (170°C) CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: Compatible with common collector fluids CORROSION: Non -corrosive FREEZING: The system should be drained before freezing conditions occur. WEATHERABILITY: Weatherometer, accelerated outdoor exposure, and other extensive laboratory testing demonstrates long-term weatherability of SunSaverT"^ collectors (see warranty). Additionally, FAFCO's experience of 30+ years and over 1,000,000 collectors installed confirms that the proprietary stabilization and high mechanical strength results in negligible warranty over the TWELVE-YEAR warranty period. WEIGHT: Without Water: 4ft.X 8ft. 4ft.X10ft. 4ft. X12ft. ABSORPTIVITY: EMISSIVITY: TIME CONSTANT: • TESTED OUTPUT: PERFORMANCE CURVES: INCIDENT ANGLE CHARACTERISTICS 1.05 1 W Z W 0.95 LL W 0 0.9 O � U 0.85 0.8 With Water: 4ft.X 8ft. 4ft. X10ft. 4ft. X12ft. 13.5 lbs (5.04 kg) or 0.42 lbs/ft2 (2.05 kg /M2) 15.9 lbs (5.93 kg) or 0.40 lbs/1112 (1.95 kg/m2) 18.3 lbs (6.83 kg) or 0.38 Ibs/ft2 (1.86 kg /M2) 51.1 lbs (19.1 kg) or 1.60 Ibs/ft2 (7.81 kg /M2) 59.8 lbs (22.3 kg) or 1.50 Ibs/ft2 (7.32 kg /M2) 68.5 lbs (25.6 kg) or 1.43 Ibs/ft2 (6.98 kg /M2) 0.96 0.90 64 seconds 1,014 BTU/ft2 (Florida Solar Energy Center) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (1/(COS INCANG)}1 PRESSURE vs. FLOW 8 6 a� U) 0 4 J Q = 2 0 90 80 70 >- 60 U Z W � 50 LL -40 W 30 20 10 0 0 0.80 } 0.70 U W U LL W 0.60 MEASURED EFFICIENCY Average Flow rate 4.9 gpm (1113 I/hr) Average wind velocity 2.4 mph (3.9 kmlhr) (Ti-Ta)A (F sgft hr/BTU) EFFICIENCY vs. FLOW (for typ. conditions) 0.50 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FLOW RATE (gpm) FLOW RATE (gpm per panel) All specifications and dimensions set forth above are as estimated by FAFCO Inc., but are not intended to be precise and should not be relied upon as precise without independent verification. These estimated specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice. Nothing contained herein is intended or should be construed to expand or extend FAFCO Inc.'s warranty, or establish any express or implied warranties of any nature, other than as contained in the Twelve Year Warranty Agreement. (FAFCO Inc. disclaims any other warranties and assumes no duty to provide notice if it becomes aware of any deficiencies in these estimates.) The reader accepts full responsibility for any use or application of these estimates and specifically understands and acknowledges the limited reliability of these estimates. Additional Itest data available on request P/N 06359G 09/06 professional Som products, FastJack@ Installation Manual Date Modified: 09/10/2007 APPLICATION: The Fastlack attachment can be used on virtually any roof re- quiring a flashed installation. The Fast -Jack is available in four sizes: FJ -300-18 3" Comp roof w/Oatey® flashing FJ -450-18 4-1/2" Comp roof w/standard flashing FJ -600-18 6" Flat concrete tile/built-up FJ -750-18 7-1/2" S -Curve concrete tile/built-up L- A WARNING Symbol Legend All Professional Solar Products (ProSolar) are engi- neered and tested to withstand stated specifica- tions (as stated on published specification sheets) Explanation or Install Tip when installed properly. Failure to install properly El may decrease the performance of installation. SAFETY Important Product All regional safety requirements should be followed when Performance Information installing Professional Solar Products. All tools and equip- ment located on the roof should be secured to avoid falling object hazards. All equipment/tools should be properly maintained and inspected prior to use. Any exposed studs �'' y� Critical for Safety should be protectively capped to help avoid injury. This in- �J stallation manual is intended for use by professional in- stallers with a working knowledge of construction principles. • Chalk line • Cordless drill with 3/8" carbide masonry drill bit (for breaking through comp shingle surface only, not pilot hole) • Cordless drill with long 3/16" drill bit (for pilot hole) • Cordless impact wrench with 1/2" socket • Lumber crayon • Precision stud sensor (recommended Zircon® 1520) • Flashing Template (standard flashing template #TEMP -STD; Oatey® flashing template #TEMP -OAT) • Adjustable pliers (1-1/2" minimum jaw capacity) • Utility knife with hook blade • Dead blow hammer (approx. 21 oz.) COVERED UNDER PATENT#6,360,491 Report No: 528841 Date: January 19, 2006 CLIENT: PROFESSIONAL SOLAR PRODUCTS, INC. Page 2 of 2 PULL -TO -FAILURE TEST SETUP FASTJACK BASE F O11 7/6' THREAD DRILL GUIDE r001 0. w L t' THREADED POS T I T {� ZW `It\\ ROOF DECK 5/16"X 7-1@' LAG SCREW 5116^ WASHER t.50'I J/16' PILOT HOLE REOUIRED SIDE LATERAL TEST SETUP End of Report AINUM in OOT' ,- S 9 700011-U1:7, ��.� ,- 0 p� F" # gY 1i�`j �j}•`��. ''v� ".a°:: � ��+ k `��' f '�$` �{'i�) � "AAJ G K ... Us � • 1 0 VK¢'.Mt' 3 ? L -U 5 �r Y OOT NOW AVAILABLE FOR 240 V Innovative • First tronsformedess SMA inverter to be certified in accordance with UL 1741 • First inverter with arc -Fault circuit inter- rupter listed according to UL 16998 Economical • Maximum efficiency of 98.7% • (loss -leading CEC efficiency of 98.5 • Superior MPP tracking with OptTrac" • TranSfoanede5s, with H5 topology i Reliable • OptiCcol"" active temperature management SMA Convenient • Integrated DC disconnect • SMA Power Balancer for three- phase grid connection SUNNY BOY 6000TL-US / 7000TL-US / 8000TL-US / 9000TL-US / l OOOOTL-US / 1 1000TL-US Transformerless design, maximum energy production The Sunny Boy TL -US series is UL listed for North America and features SMA's innovative H5 topoloqy, resulting in superior efficiencies of more than 98 percent and unmatched solar power production. The transformerless design reduces weight, increases the speed of payback and provides optimum value for any residential or decentralized commercial PV system. The Sunny Boy TL -US series for North America is the ideal choice in transformerless technology. Sunny Boy 8000TL-US Sunny Boy 8000n -US Sunny Boy 9000TL-US Sunny Boy 9000TL US 208 V 240 V 208 V 240 V • 10000 W 10000 W 11250W 11250W 8400 W 8300 W 9400 W 9300 W 600 V 600 V 600 V 600 V 300V-480V/345V 345V-480V/379V 300V-480V/345V 345V-480V/379V 300V/360V 345V/360V 300V/360V 345V/360V 27.9 A 24.1 A 31.4 A 27.1 A 27.9 A 24.1 A 31.4 A 27.1 A 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 8000 W/8000 VA 9000 W / 9000 VA 208V/183V-229V 240V/211V-264V 208V/183V-229V 240V/211V-264V ` 60 Hz / 59.3 Hz ... 60.5 Hz 60 Hz / 59.3 Hz ... 60.5 Hz 60 Hz / 59.3 Hz ... 60.5 Hz 60 Hz / 59.3 Hz ... 60.5 Hz 38.5 A 33.4 A 43.3 A 37.5 A 1 1 1/2 1/2 98%198.6% 98%/98.6% 98%/98.6% 98%/98.7% • 1 I IV IV 470 / 615 / 240 mm (18.4 / 24.1 / 9.5 inch) 470 / 615 / 240 mm (18.4 / 24.1 / 9.5 inch) 187 / 297 / 190 mm (7.28,/ 11.7 / 7.5 inch) 187 / 297 / 190 mm (7.28 / 11.7 / 7.5 inch) 35 kg / 78 Ib 35 kg / 78 Ib 3.5 kg / 8 lb 3.5 kg / 8 lb -40 -C... +60 "C / -40 *F... + 140 OF -40 *C... +60 *C /-40 *F... +140 OF 46 dB(A) 46 dB(A) 0.15 W 0.15W Transfornerless HS Transfornerless HS OptiCool OpfiCool NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R 100% 100% Screw terminal Screw terminal Screw terminal Screw terminal Text line Text line O/0 0/0 6/0/0 6/0/0 UL1741, UL1998, IEEE]547, FCC Part 15 lClass A & B), CAN/CSA C22.2 107.1-1, UL 16998 SB 8000TLUS•12 SB 9000TLUS-12 0 SUNIVA OPTIMUSO SERIES MONOCRYSTALLINE SOLAR MODULES Engineering Excellence • Built exclusively with Suniva's highest -efficiency ARTisun Select cells, providing one of the highest power outputs per square meter at an affordable manufacturing cost • Suniva's state -of -the art manufacturing facility features the most advanced equipment and technology • Suniva is a U.S. —based company spun out from the Georgia Tech University Center of Excellence in Photovoltaics (one of only two such research centers in the U.S.) Features • Contains the latest ARTisun Select cell technology - over 19% • Positive only tolerance • Marine grade aluminum frame with hard anodized coating • Industry leading linear warranty (10 year warranty on workmanship and materials: 25 year linear performance warranty delivering 80% power at STC) • Buy America compliant upon request • Qualifies for U.S. EXIM financing • System and design services available Quality & Reliability Suniva Optimus modules are manufactured and warranted to our specifications assuring consistent high performance and quality worldwide. • Rigorous quality management • Performance longevity with advanced polymer backsheet • Produced in an ISO 9001: 2008 certified facility • Passed the most stringent salt spray tests based on IEC 61701 • Passed enhanced stress tests' based on IEC 61215 conducted at Fraunhofer ISE` • Certified PID free • Ask about our validated PAN files 6r� OPTIMUS SERIES: OPT 60 CELL MODULES ELECTRICAL DATA (NOMINAL) Th, rated nnwer may nnry vary hu -nl+4°1 anrt all nthar alortricat naramotara hv+ r-1 wa+o, ronus: zss watt, so Cell Sdn MOCuk Cixre+�t-Vahan IN) as a fun,Mon of Inaelahon Inn (7_') me 1O \ as t°mwn.z -am wl.0 -.m wi.0-.aawl,u zm wl..a --ueo wr.v�wc Power Classification Pmax (W) 255 260 265 270 Module efficiency % 15.71 16.02 16.33 16.60 Model Number OPT 255-60-4-100 260-60-4-100 265-60-4-100 270-60-4-100 Voltage at Max. Power Point Vmp (V) 30.00 30.20 30.70 31.20 Current at Max. Power Point Imp (A) 8.50 8.60 8.64 8.68 Open Circuit Voltage Voc (V) 37.90 38.10 38.30 38.50 Short Circuit Current Isc (A) 9.05 9.08 9.12 9.15 i ne eiecrrical oara apply ro sranoara rest conolnons (J I G): Irradiance of 70UU W/m` with AM 1.b spectra at Zb"G. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Cells / Module 60 (6x10) Module Dimensions 1652 x 982 mm (65.04 x 38.66 in.) Module Thickness (Depth) 40 mm (1.57 in.) Approximate Weight 17.9 +/- 0.25kg. (39.5 +/- 0.5 Ib. ) CHARACTERISTIC DATA Type of Solar Cell High -efficiency ARTisun® Select monocrystalline cells of 156 x 156 mm (6 in.) Frame Silver anodized aluminum alloy; black frame available by custom order Glass Tempered (low -iron), anti -reflective coating Junction Box NEMA IP67 rated; 3 internal bypass diodes Cable & Connectors 12 AWG (4.0 mm2) cable with MC4 compatible connectors; cable length approx. 1000 mm Hardware (Available Upon Request) Grounding screws: (2) #10-32 12.7 mm (#10-32 x 0.5 in.) Stainless steel flat washers: (4) 5 x 10 x 1 mm (0.2 in. ID x 0.394 in. OD x 0.030 in.) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Voltage 13, Voc (%/°C) -0.335 Current a, Isc (%/°C) +0.047 Power y, Pmax (%/°C) -0.420 NOCT Avg (+/- 2 °C) 46.0 -WIT S Max. System Voltage 1000 VDC for IEC, 1000 VDC for UL Operating Module Temperature -40'C to +85'C (-40°F to +185°F) Storm Resistance/Static Load Tested to IEC 61215 for loads up to 5400 Pa (113 psf); hail and wind resistant Sunive'reserves the right to chance the data at an time. View manual at suniva-enm- 'UV 90 kWh, TC 400, DH 2000. 'Tests were conducted on module type OPT 60. [SAMD_00101 Headquarters 5765 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Norcross, Georgia 30092 USA g y_ Suniva Tel: +1404 477 2700 jp� P� www.suniva.com Please recycle. . I. 03 1413 (Rev. 16) COVERED UNDER PATENT#6,360,491 CLIENT: PROFESSIONAL SOLAR PRODUCTS, INC. 1551 S. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 Attn: Stan Ullman Test Report No: 528841 Date: January 19, 2006 SAMPLE ID: The following test material was submitted and identified by the Client: Two "Fast Jack" test assemblies mounted on a simulated roof system. A detailed drawing of the test assemblies are provided in the appendix of this report. DATE OF RECEIPT: Entered into SGS U.S. Testing Company sample tracking system on December 9, 2005 and was assigned Sample Tracking Number 39686. TESTING PERIOD: January 11, 2005. AUTHORIZATION: Full payment in advance. TEST REQUESTED: Perform pull -to -failure and lateral load tests on the submitted assemblies per Clients specified test procedures. TEST PROCEDURE: The test assemblies were tested individually on a United UTM machine. One "Fast Jack" assembly was pulled in tension at a constant crosshead speed of 0.05 in/min. The second "Fast Jack" assembly was tested laterally at a constant crosshead speed of 0.10 in/min. TEST RESULTS: The vertical pull -to -failure test resulted in an ultimate load of 2,359 pounds. Failure occurred as a result of the 5/16" x. 3'/2" lag screw pulling from the "2 x 4" wood beam. The lateral load test resulted in an ultimate load of 808 pounds. Failure occurred as a result of bending of the 1" threaded post and 5/16" x 3'/2" lag screw. Tested B Signed for and on behalf of SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc. Jose Madrigal Lam er Project Engineer Supervisor, Materials & Engineering Page 1 of 2 This report is Issued by SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc. under Its General Conditions for Testing Services (copy available upon request). SGS U.S. Testing's responsibility under this report is limited to proven negiigence and will In no case be more than the amount of the testing fees. Except by special arrangement, samples are not retained by SGS U.S. Testing for more than 30 days. The results shown on this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated, under the conditions agreed upon. Anyone relying on this report should understand all of the details of the engagement. Neither the name, seals, marks nor insignia of SGS U.S. Testing may be used In any advertising or promotional materials without the prior written approval of SGS U.S. Testing. The test report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of SGS U.S. Testing Company Inc. SGS U S Testing Company Inc. I Consumer Testing Services 8385 White Oak Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 It 1909) 483-0250 f (909) 483-0338 Member of the SGS Group 6', 8',10' Fafco Mounting Dacron/Vinyl Strap Bracket/Cao O C O E O _ CL m T - C H C v � 'O U a � 6 C o w J — L U c� ' p- (i: •i'S O Q 0 u (n u E W Y _ N o E 00 N O -p � � m N .0 Cn C a-. F- z ii -c O -�s o O ooa, �..- a" O d [] D ca ro a) L Ca w O C V .. ca n zv LU cymE 0) Q w > O+, N O aa)ic, CL Ca O ••� j m ME Z 4 0 0 � --M U C CO C }T ns r (v C n O> (i O 0o p C c O •.� i C o T o v _ D CL 3 CL CL - c CO a 00Q � J p r _ CO O ca p y c �• j Q ��Lo Iq C aO O y O �• C oa� E > a° \ ¢ a O U Z cu� `+r W in N L Co O 01 o1 . i o 0 w m o a C o c our > U C U) H a) C CO �1LA�� _ C� ro N 7 (� W L co CUaCL o a4 V) � O N ro :3 v� N CO U)Y U co 0 C W ! ! > �a o� j O > O U l() '� w rn o v �w d' C '0 x� O C� U_ N,ca �cn oN o Q' M x v = N fV U CO � X v ° w 0 � o '0 :3o £m vs0 C.w o a0 0 >, N- ; 01Z .� C 0. 0 L-N N O N co N I M It C p-I�� *' C U 0 M m -j .0 4l @ Z 0 E p,1nN Xa a y V Ofa (n %0 M � 0 o� x O��ll Nsa 06 rq M M O a Qi 0 m � fA Q s = 'i LO O� 30 LcnLLa ai 6. J Q p co W O c v Nw 0 nJ M -19V m 0O+ Z Vi o r4 M CD u a = L co a N 3 co 3 0 O EMT - #10 XLP USE -23/4" 3/4" EMT- 3 ea.#8 THWN w/ Meter W/ #10 Bare 4 ea. #10 THWN-2 #8 Ground Copper Bond w/ #10 Ground SMA America 12 ea. SB -6000 US 200 Amp Main (240v) w/40 Amp Load J -Box Inverter Side Solar 12 ea. with Breaker Disconnect 2 Strings w/12 Ea. Suniva OPT265-60-4-100 Voltage and Current: 2 Strings w/ 12 ea. in Parallel Groundina and Bondinn Max. Power 6360 Watts DC All Modules, Rail, Boxes, and Conduit will Max. Power Voltage DC 457.2 Voc have a Continued Bond with #10 Bare (x 1.13 temp) 516.6 Voc Copper and DB Copper Lugs . Max. Power Current 18.16 Isc All bonding and Grounding will Comply (x 1.25 temp x 1.25 const.) 28.3 Isc with Article 690.41-690.49 Inverters: SMA SB -6000 US Input: DC Max. Power 7500 Watts _Suniva OPT265-60-4-100: Max. DC Voltage 600 Volts Peak Power Watts :265 W Max. Current DC 25 Amps Max. Power Voltage : 30.20 Vmp Output: AC Max. Power Current : 8.60 Imp Max. Power 6000 Watts Open Circuit Voltage : 38.10 Voc Max. Current AC 25 Amps Short Circuit Current : 9.08 Isc Weight 148 Lbs Ragunathan, Abhi & Vijay Poco Solar Inc. 19621 Drake Drive 3345 Keller Street - Ruilding Department Cupertino, Ca. 95014 113 Santa Clara, Ca. 95054'^" u , ;;i-V'EvV`L, FOR CODE COMP! IHS ' r (408) 830-0308 Lic. # 879366 R viewea BY � '" Fafco Sunsaver 4'x8', 4'x10' and 4'x12' Pool Solar Heating Panel Mounted on Composition Roof Q Fafco Mounting Bracket/Cap co C: a Dacron/Vinyl Strap 3" Outer Dimension Header Dacron/Vinyl Strap Fafco Mounting Bracket/Cap U' c � U) (U U cfl W (l (.C)TT O U) Y CU U VJ 00 O O 3" Outer Dimension M ccU Header CL M J Composition Roof w/ 3/12 Pitch 2" Min. Embedment Stainless Weight: Steal Lag Bolt Without water: 2 4' x 8''. 13.5 "us a 6.41 ft 4' x 10': 15.9 lbs or 0.4 lbs/ ft2 4' x 12': 18.3 lbs or 0.38 lbs/ ft2 With Water: 2 4' x 8': 51.1 lbs or 1.6 lbs/ ft Roof Sheathing 4' x 10': 59.8 lbs or 1.5 lbs/ ft2 2 4' x 12': 68.5 lbs or 1.43 lbs/ ft Number of Attachment Points Per Panel: 8 Lbs Per Attachment with water: <6.5