TR-2017-36 (dead) Action Letter.pdf DEPARTr4ENT OF CODIMUNITY DEVELOPn4ENT CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO,CA 9�01�-3255 C U P E RT I N O �`��$)���-3308 • FAX(40S)77i-3333 • plannin��E �`upertino.org August 30, 2017 Marjorie Mancuso 22209 Hammond Way Cupertino, CA 95014 Dear Marjorie Mazuuso, SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL PERMIT ACTION LETTER—Application TR-2017-36 This letter confirms the decision of fl1e Director of Conununity Development, given August 29, 2017, approvnzg a dead Tree Removal Perinit to allo�v for the reinoval of one (1) 12" diameter Montere3� Pnze protected development tree, and flze replacement with one(1) 24-nlcli box Coast Live Oak tree located at 22209 Hammond Way. Staff has made the fuld'u1g fllat d�e protected tree is dead (based on fl1e definition provided in 1418.020 of the City's Protected Tree Ord'ululce), poses a hazard to the safety of persons or propert}�, and caiu-iot be controlled or remedied through reasonable relocation or modification. The proposed replacement plan is consistent with the Protected Tree Ord'ulance sulce the applicuit is replacnlg the trees on site, and the number of replacements is consistent �vith the ord'uz�ulce. The fuiding is necessary to grant the tree reinoval perinit in accordance�vith section 14.18.180 (A)(1). T'he application is approved with the follown�g conditions: 1. APPROVED PROTECT I`he approval is based on the justification statement wit11 t11e existulg and replacement plan, except as may be amended by condiHons n1 this resolution. 2. TREE REPLACEMENT The required replacement tree is one (1) 24-mch box Coast Live Oak The replacement tree �vill be located 'u� accorduue to the replacement plan. The applicant shall provide the Department of Cominunity Development adequate documentation, u�cluduzg but not limited to photographs, receipts or nivoices, to verif5� that the replacement tree has been planted �vithni 30 daps of tree removal. 3. PROTECTED TREES The applicant wlderstands that replacement tree is protected and may not be remoned���ithout a Tree Removal Permit and that they or property management shall be responsible for ensurnzg the proper maultenaiue and care of fl1e tree. The applicant shall also disclose the locarion and species of all replacement and protected trees on site upon sale of the propert��. 4. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The conditions of Project Approval set farth herein may include certani fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Govern�nent Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute�vritten notice of a statement of flze amount of such fees, and a description of flze dedications, resernations, and other exactions. You are hereby noHfied that the 90-day approval period in �vhich }'ou may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exaction,pursuant to Goverrunent Code Section 66020(a),has begun.If}�ou fail to file a protest�viflun this 90-day period compl5�ing���ith all of the requirements of Section 66020,you will be legally barred from later challenging sud� exacHons. Sulcerely, Ellen Yau Assistant Plamzer (408) 777-1360 ellenv@cupertino.org Endosed: Site and Replacement Plan