CC 08-20-84
cm at wtublU , S'l'A1'I or CAL.LrUIIIUA
10300 fOUl jßlUB, CUPIRTIIO, CA 95014
TILIPHOIIB. (408) 252-11505
ØII:LD 011 AUGUST 20, 19811 III TRB ex..... battell ROOM,
cm lULL, wfaruUlO, CALI1'ORlIIA
Ha,or P1UIIIY called tile aeet1Dl to orde.. at 6.115 p... in
the CoUIIOil Cbaaber. City Ball.
Couno. Present. Gatto. JoImSOD, Rogers. Sparka.
Mayor Pl\IIIØ
Statt Present I Ci t, MllDapr Quinlan
Deput, Cit, Clerk V1l1aranta
Trattio F.nsh"'oer Grill
Assistant PlIUlll1nS Director Cowan
Director of rlDanoo Sa,der
Director ot Parka and Recreation Dovl1nS
Assistant to the City Ifana8e1' Brown
City Attorney fil1Ð
1. Oral reports by statt _bors and subllission ot written
City ..."....r·s Report
City Moo""lpr QuillIan presented a statt report to the
Counoil reøard1Dl a PCB sPiU in Cupertino. a _t1n8 to
disouss location ot a new post ottioo. a report tl'Oll the
Calitorn1a RltSional Water Quality Control Board and a
report and request tor aotion røgarding HR 4103 (cable tv
It was IIOYed by Couno. Sparks. seconded by Counc. Rogers
and passed unanimously to accept the resignation ot Roger
Higdon tr~ the Architeotural and Site Approyal eo.Blttee.
1. Mayor Plungy: Reported on the Sister City Prograa.
3. Couno. JOIII:SOII: Legislative asview eo.a1tt.. - It vas
IDOved by Counc. Sparks, aeooaded by Couno. Rose... aDd
passed unan1llloualy to take the t'ollowing aotiODs
regarding proposed legislation: Oppose AS 2635
(pestiOide pl'eellption), Support AS 286 (restriot
parking), S8 1518 (antitrust), BR 11103 (nable tv).
Council requested City Mllnaser to set up a _ting with
Congres_ Ed Zsohsu. Council requested intoraation
on Proposition 36 the Jarvis Initiative, the proposed
1/2 cent seles tax and the Ross Johnson Initiative and
requested they be agendized by the City Clerk.
5, Couno. Rosel's: Reported on Peninsula Division-
6. Couno _ Sparks: Reported on the BMR CoaIi ttee .
It vas IDOVed by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Couno. Johnson
and passed unan1lDOuslY to approve the Ccnsent Calendar.
7. Resolution No. 6403: "A Resolution ot' the City Counoil
ot' the City ot CUpertino AllovinS Certain Claiaa aDd
Dellands Payablfl in the Aaounts and Fro. the Funds u
Hereinatter Described tor General and H1soell~eous
Expenditures tor the Period EDding August 3, 1984.-
8. Resolution 110. 6404: "A Resolution ot the City Counoil
ot the City ot CUpertino AUov1n8 Cartain Cla1lls and
r--nds Payable in the Aaounts and tl'Olll the Funds as
Heretnarter Desoribed tor Salaries and Wages tor the
Payroll Period Ending August 7. 1984."
9, Resolution No. 6405: "A Resolution ot the City Council
ot the City ot Cupertino Inoreasins Amount Paid Toward
Insuranoe PremiUIIIS t'or Counoil_bers."
10, Request tor vaiv~r ot business lioense ree - Humane
Society or Santa Clara Valley-
11. Resolution No, 6406: "A Resolution ot the City Counoil
ot the City or CUpertino Approving the Final Map and
"[gprovement Plans or Tra-:)t No. 7592 Located on Rae
L..'U1e; Developer, Ronald F. Sykora; Acoepting Certain
Easements; Authorizing Signir\3 or Final Map and
Improvement Plans; Authorizing the Exeoution or
Agreement in Conneotion Therewith."
12, Aocept~~ce or City project perrormed under contract -
Foothill Boulevard Widening, Project 80-08.
13. Resolution Mo. 64101 "A ResolutiOll ot the Cit,
Council the Ci ty ot CUpertino AooeptinS Grant ot
Eas_nt tor Roadway PurPOÞS troa ec.. Iftt t, lIous1ll8
Developers, Ino. COIIsist1ll8 ot ApproXillately .09 Acres,
Located &lons 5ianohL Way."
It vas IIOVed by COuna. Sparks, seoOllCfed by COunc. JOMson
and passed unanlaously to approve ResolutiOll Mo. 6_10.
14. Members ot the audience regarding matters not on the
Mayor Plungy presented awards to Olympia atheletes Sheryl
JohDson and John Paul.
15. Cons1:leratiOl1 and oonfil'll&tion ot report and aasessaent
tor weed abat_t.
(a) Resolution Mo. 6407: "A Resolution ot the City
Counoil ot the City or Cupertino Provid1n& tor
Lien Asse_nts and tor the Colleation ot Sue
Result1n& troa the Abateaent 0: Publia Nuisances."
It vas IDOVed by COUDa. Sparks, seconded by COuno. Johnson
and passed unanlaousl, to olose the publio hearing.
It II&S IDOVed by Couna. Johnson, seconded by rouno. Rogers
and passed unanimously to approve Resolution Ro, 6407.
16. Appeal of Planning ec-1ssion denial of vertical
extension alons existing build1n& l1ll8e tiled by Sean
and Jill E. Durkin (2 story addition).
Assistant Planning Direator Cowan presented a statr report
to the Concil giving and explanation ot the appeal and
decision by the Planning Commission,
Jim Jackson, representing Mr, & Mrs. Durkin, 10401 Somerset
Ct., stated to the Counoil that he would like thea to tocus
on the overall height issue and that he felt the additional
4 feet would not make a dirterence to the neighbors, He
went on to give a briet explanation of the history of the
(City Attorney Kilian entered at 7:37 p.m.)
COuncil discussion ensued with Mr, Jackson regarding the
proposed addition.
-~., "'," ~""",-...-.
BaII1sb Scott Intght. property ovner, stated to tha Counoil
that the d1agrftlt presented vas not to acale and that tbl
Durkin's ~ ext«1ded another 13 teet past thaiI' baM. lie
produced photographs taken tl'Oll their backyard to pl'O'le hU
point and IItated that he telt the addition to the h...
lIOuld block sunl18bt into their baokyard and side bed~
and theretore lIOuld I' a detr1llental ettect upon tlle1..
Russell Blalack, property ovner, stated to the Council that
he telt the addition would bltve a detr1Mntal ettect on his
peace and IIOrels being the party living nut door and that
h" tel t the decision by tb-' Planning Co.-1ssion to deny the
vai7er sbould be upheld.
Counc. Sparks quelltioned Mr. Blalaok as to his desire it
the waiver was to be granted.
Mr. Blalaok cOllllented to the CoID1ssion that he telt the 15
tt. setback sbould be required.
Allan Sa1'.;b, 1089 Milky Va" stated to the Counoil that he
bad :-.:ö-fer bad a question tl'Oll any ot t.he adjaoent no1ghbors
regard1ñg bis second story addition. He vent on to state
tbat several ot the otber hœes in the neigbborhood werr. 2
story bœes and that he vas in tavor ot the Durkin's
addition as he telt tbere vas 110 privacy prob18ll'
Lorraine Scott lCn1gbt, cautioned the Counoil to please
think carefully betore ulring their decision.
CoUDO. Gatto requested
application by statt.
further olaritication ot the
Assistant Planning Direotor Cowan gave a briet explanation
ot the annexation and auidt'lines used.
Couna. Rogers questioned the City Attorney regar1ing the
oonsent docuaent between the two parties involved,
City Attorney Kilian stated that the document had no
bearing on the pl'fIsent case.
Council discussion ensued regarding the appeal and the
proposbd addition.
Couno. Rogers questioned Mr. Jackson as to whether the
architect bad taken lines or sight tor privacy purposes for
the addition.
Hr, Jackson stated that the architect had not but that it
was understood that th,) issue was the backyard and not
Discussion ensued betlHlen Counoil and Hr. Jackson reprd1n8
trellis scre8l11n8 ot the second story patio.
Couno. Jobn8OD questioned the City Attorney as to the basis
tor the Counoil's decision on the appeal,
City Attorney Ill1an stated that deoision should be baaed
upon the t1nd1D¡a ot the ordinance and that the owners
oonsent dOOUMDt ahould have no bear1nS on their deoision
but that the reason tor their oonsent should.
Counoil discussion ensued with Hr. Jaoktton and Hr. Blaloø:C
regard1nS oonditicns.
It was IDOVed by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and
passed with a 3-2 vote with Couno. Johnaoo aDd Rosers
dissent1nS to approve the appeal by Sean and Jill DurkiD ..
it is tound reasonable to IIaIce a second story addltioo 1D
vertical liDe with the exist1nS build1nS and U31nS trollis
soreen1nS on second story peti~ and togged windows 011
seooad story bathl'OOllS.
City Attorney Kilian introduoed the honorable Judie Ita
visiting rro. Japan.
17. Application 11-U-82 (Revised) ot CoaI!:un1ty Bous1nl
Developers. Use Pel'll1t to inolude rlOdit1catiun ot
oertain architeotural elements, exterior materials end
floor plans. In addition, a I'IIIIIp, litt and ,,~ ot
refuge" intended tor eraergenoy evaouation are proposed
tor derletion. BD.,iromaentel Review. TI'A project vas
previously assessed, henoe. no aotion is required. The
subject propert, is located approxiaately 150 ft. south
ot Stevens creek Boulevap~ and 300 ft. erst ot Ste111n1
Road in a P (PlamIed Development) zonin¡ distriot.
Reoommended tor approvrl.
Actions to be taken:
1. Approval/denial of applica~ion per Plann1nS
co..1ssion Resolution No, 2536.
Assistant Plann1nl Direotor Cowan explained to the Counoil
that the applioant vas request1nS ~val fl'Olll the agenda.
It was !lOved by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Couno. Sparks and
passed unanllllously to removed item 17 tl'Oll the agenda,
Couno. Gatto requested the City Clerk notify Counoil at the
beginning or the meeting regarding itema to be removed,
Mayor Plungy gave a brief explanation of the applioatioa
being removed.
18. Application 8-TM-76 (Revised) of Brent LN.
Consideratioo ot a obaDp in looatiœ or deletioo of a
pedestrian and equestrian ___t thro\l8l1 Lot.s 7 and 6
of Traot 5990. Enviroaaental Reviewl The projeot vas
previously assessed, henoe, no aotion i8 neoesaar)'.
1'be subjeot property 15 located at the southerl1
te1'll1nus of Rainbow IIrive. !leoOlaended for approv'l.
Aotioos to :., taken.
1. Approval/denial ot application per Plann1nl
Comaission Resolutions 2540 and 2541.
Assistant Planning Direotor Cowan presented a staff report
with a briet history of the applicati\JD.
Counoil disoussion ensued regarding liablitl. l118intenanoe
and aooess to the park.
It vas the oonsensus of the Counoil to approve the eas_t
to the park wi thout an equestrian t.rail and to have
aaintenanoe and installation done by Mid Peninsula ReS10nal
Open Spaoe Distriot.
It vas _'led by Couno. Sparks, secC'Dded by Co\òDo. Johnson
an<! passed un..onimously to continue the it. to the meet1nl
ot Sðpt..>er 17, 1984 atter fUrther deliberation with the
aPPlioant and Mid Peninsula Regional Open Spaoe Distriot.
19. APPlication 4-TM-84 of Peter Camarda: Tentative
Subdhision Hap to subdivide approxillately 1.7 aores
into six parcels and EnviroDll8ntal Reviewl The
Planning eo-J.ssion reo~nds the srantlng ot a
"ptive Deolaration. The subject property is located
00 the southwest oorner ot Forest Avenue and North
Blaney Avenue. Reo_ded tor approval.
to be taken:
Granting ot "ptive Deolaration.
Approval/denial ot applicatioo
CoIIIIIIission Resolution No. 2542.
per Planning
It vas IDOved by CoUllO. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Johnson
and passed unanimously to approve the granting of a
Neptive Declaration.
Assistant Planning Direotor Cowan explained to the Counoil
that there would either have to be variance hearlng or the
deletion of Condition 18.
It vas IDOved by CoW"c, Sparks, seconded by Counc, Johnson
and passed unanimouslY to approve Application 4-TM-84 Of
Peter Camarda with Condition 18 deleted,
Marv Kirkeby, engineer, ex~lained
cul-de-sac to the Council,
a diagram of the
MI1IOTIS Of 'rID lœœ! 20. '~ß~ em eooø~t. \oŒ.R!m
Reoesal 8.52 p... to 9192 p...
ZO. Application 9-~811 ot CUpert1no Union School Distriot
(Joll,.aD B1~tarJ SOhoo1)s Tentative Subdiviaion
Map to subdivide approJl1llat.e1, 10.25 aorea into 19
reaidential puoela ....l'\Ii "I in size troll 6,000 sq. tt.
to 10,000 sq. n. ud OM parcel oODsiatinS ot 6.2+
eorea for a future park sitð and Bnvil'Olllll8Dtal Revinl
The P1aa:n1D& eo.1aaion reco.anda the grantlnl ot a
lleptive Daolaration. ApproX1llate1y tour eores Looe
zoned R1-6 (Rea1dentlal 5111&1e-t011y, 6,000 aq. ft.
ainiaua lot aize) and tile II i"ing 6.2 aorea are zoned
PR (Parks and Reo....tiœ). The aubject property is
located œ the to.-r Joll,..n B1ementary School site,
east of Jollyaan Park, oortb ot Beatbervood Drive and
at the western tara1Dua of De roo Drive, ~a Drive
and De La Parae Drive. Reo~.ddT."i'ld tor approval.
Actions to be taken.
1. Grant,1n& ot ....tiYe Daolar.,iOl1.
2. Approval/denial ot ,pp1ication per Plannlnl
COaaI1aaion RelOlutiœs 2545 and 2545(A).
Assistant P1ann1n& Director CovaD presented the statt
report to the Counoil atatlnl that trattio oirculation tor
the area was the issue.
Counoil disoussion ensued reþJ'd1ng use ot a oircuitous
route in the area.
City Manager Quillll1D explained to Counoil that they
should JI&ke a deoiaiœ reprd1n& the traffio oiroulation
before approvlnl the subdlvialœ.
Counc. Gatto requested that the Cit, Clerks ottioe notity
reaidents south or McClellan Road. Baat ot St"'lllnl ane!
North ot De Anza Blvd. of the resolMduled hearinS·
It was IDOVed by Couno. Johnson, seconded by Couno. Sparks
and passed with a 4_1 vote, Couno. Ro&ers dissenting, to
continue Application 9-~811 0: Cupertino Union School
Distriot tc the meetlnl of Sept..ber II, 1984.
21. Application 10-TM-84 of Cupertino union School District
(Hoover Elemen~ry SOhool) I Tentative Subdivision Map
to subdivide approxiaately 11 aores Into 27 residential
paroels ranging in size tl'Oll 6,000 sq. tt. to 8,500 sq.
tt. and one paroel consiatlnl or S+ acres tor a future
park site and Bnvironaental Revinl The Plannl.log
Commission reoommends the grantio¡ ot a NegatIve
Declaration. Approximately six acres are zoned R1-6
(Residential Single-familY, 6,000 sq, ft. minimum lot
size) and rive acres are zoneo PR (Parks and
Reoreation). The subjeot property is located on the
toraer Hoover Elementary School site, north ot 8arDhaJ'1;
Place between Primrose Way and Aater Lane. Rec_nded tor
to be taken:
arantinS ot Negative DeolaratiOD.
Approval/denial ot applioatiOll per
Commission ResolutlOD No. 2546.
Assistant PlanninS Direotor Cowan presented a starr report
to the Council.
It was IIIOVed by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Sparks
and passed unanimouslY to approve the granting ot a
Negative Deolaration.
Walter $emiok, 7555 DeFoe Drive, recOllllended the Coun('il
look at a oombination ot areas as there "ere currently
problems vlth crillle and drugs in the area. He vent 011 to
state he telt barrioades and seourity precautiona were
Dirk Hartogs, 7518 Leeds, stated to the Council that be
liked the idea ot sinSle story homes and preterred BXh1~it
A to Exhibit B.
Bob Crier, 7513 Leeds Avenue, stated that he preterred
Exhibit A and recOlllllended the uae ot Donegal Dr. Be
expressed his desire to have the Council meet vlth hill at
his home betore they made their decision.
Dave 1C11r.ger, stated to the Council that he t'elt all issues
should be heard together and that he would like to see them
DOve expeditiously to create the amenities.
Counoil disoussion ensued regarding the application.
Bob Edmunston, Cupertino Union School District, gave a
briet explanation ot' property lines to the Council.
It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc, Johnson
and passed unanimously to approve Applioation 10_TM_84 ot'
Cupertino Union School District (Hoover Elementary School)
per Planning Commission Resolution 2546 and uaing Exhibit
It was IIIOVed by Couno, Gatto, seconded by Counc. Rogers and
passed unanilllous!y to send a minute order to stat't'
regarding recont'iguration ot' subdivision on the westerlY
side adding 10 more t't, ot' parkland and deleting 10 t't. ot'
subdivision property,
22. None,
23. Request tor oonsid~ration ot a -No Smoking- ordinanoe,
(Plaoed on agenda at request ot :3arbara Rogers)
Mayor Plungy pve a brier history ot the request.
Hartin Hiller stated to tbs Counoil that be t¡¡:ï.t an
ordinanoe would be apprçpriate ae there vas a problem
getting businesees to etltorce prograu vOluntaril,.
Couno, Rogers stated she had received a call rro. Terry
3pice t~ the ~ri~an Canoer Sooiety "bo stated tbey vere
in tavor ot the ordinanoe.
Ed O'Dwyer, 5992 Cahalm Ave., San Jose, representing the
AIIerioan Lung AlISooiation, stated that businesses had no
interesi; in vcluntary programs and that legislation was the
~st etteotive way to oover all situations.
Couno. Johnson stated that
entoroability would be a
Gene Lee stated to the Counoil that he had been on the
Planning Co.-1ssion for the City of Mountain V11'1f when
their ordinance vaa passed and felt that it had worked. Be
oOlDented that Counoil should not ignore the need.
Lanoe Brown, 102ó1 Orange Avenue. stated to the Counon he
telt industrial hazards were greater than 1III01ein! hazards
on the job.
24. Report on bid openings and award of cont.·aots.
(s) BOIIIeetead Road and Volte Road Tratt10 Signal
Hodit1oation, Projeot 82-09,
It was IIIOVed by CoUDO. Johnson, seoonded by CoUDO. Rogers
and approved unanisously tha award the oontraot to Steiny
and Company, Ino. tor $105,388.00.
(b) City Ball Re-rooting, Projeot 84-101,
It vas IIIOved by CoUDO. Gatto, seoonded by CoUDO, Johnson
&r.d passed unanimously to award the contraot to Western
Rooting Service tor $35,193.00.
(0) Equipment bids, DPW 85-01.
This item was removed per statt reoommendation.
25. Request for uae of tllllPOI'aI"J trailer tl'OlS
Cupertino-&mt.a Clara Republican W_. Federated.
It vaa IIOVed by Couno. Gatto, seconded bJ Couno. Rosera and
passed unanimolUllY to approve the request for tOlllpor!U'1
trailer use by Cupertino-Santa Clara Republioan WOaen,
26. Report 0.'2 bid o~1n&, B1anohi Va, Development, and
award of oontraot.
City Attorney requeated this item be heard atter olosed
27. Cla1.lll ag.ainst publia entity tiled on behalf of Blaine
It vas IIOVed by Couno. Rosers, seoooded by Co·mo. Gatto and
passed unanimousl, to reject the 01a1.lll filed on behalf of
Elaine Rainey and to direot the City Clerk to notit')' the
28. Cla1.lll for dalllases tiled by Harriet SaI1th.
It vas IIOved by Couno. Gatto seconded by Couno. Johnson and
passed unan1.llloualy to reject the olai. for dallages tiled '"
Harriet Sllitb and t, direct the City Cleric to notit')' the
29. Consideration of revisions to zon1n& ordinanoes.
(a) First read1n& of Ordinance 110. 1283: -An
Ordinanoe of th,. City Counoil of the City of
Cupertino Aaend1n& Ordinance No. 652 Procedural
(b) First read1n& of Ordinance No. 1284: "An
Ordinance ot the City Counail ot the City of
Cupertino Alllend1n& Ordinance No. 618 Planned
It vas IIOVed by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Sparks
and passed unanimouslY to read Ordinance No. 1283 by title
only and the Deputy City Clerk's reading to oonstitute the
first reading tbereof.
It vas IIOVed by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc, Sparks,
and passed unaniaouslY to read Ordinance No. 1284 by title
only and the City Clerk's reading to constitute the first
reading thereof,
30. Summons & Complaint filed in Superior
California: Judith T. Renwald, Plaintiff.
Court of
Counoil received the information,
-""....-.".-,,!..-';~,' .',~' !'~:'._~"""'':~¡f:'!'''!'~.~,~~~-,.,~;~
31. Adoption or
Agreeaent ror
three ,ear (1985-1987)
Comaunity Ðevelopaent
Joint Povers
Blook Grant
(a) RelOlution 110. 61108. "A Resolution or the City
Counoil ot the Ci t, or !:upertino luth<'t'1Z1D&
Execution or a Joint Exeroise or 10vers &¡r....nt
and Cooperation ~ent with the oount)' or Santa
Clara Pursuant to T1tle I ot the Rousing a&d
CoI&IIUD1ty DeveloPlHDt Aot ot 1974, as _nded, tor
Pisoal years 1985-1987."
(b) Resolution 110. 64091 "A Resolution ot the City
Counoil ot the City ot Cupertino Autbor1Z1D&
Exeoution or a Housing Provision Agreement with
the County or Santa Clara Pertaining to
Administration ot Community Development Blook
Grant Funds Advanced by tbe Ci ty or Cupertino t<.
the Community Housing Developers."
Planner I BiDn"ndyk, gave a briet explanation ot the
It was moved by Couno. Johnson, seoonded by Couna. Rogers
and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution 110. 6408.
City Attorney tilian gave a briet explanation ot the City's
rights and obligations regarding Resolution 6409.
It was IDOved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Sparks
and passed with Counoi~bera Gatto and ROlers dissenting
to adopt Resolution Ho. 61109.
It was IDOved by Couno. Sparks and seoonded by Couno.
Johnson and approved unanimously to authorize the mayor to
sign a quitolaim deea between the City ot Cupertino and the
County ot Santa Clara.
32, Consideration ot prohibiting parking on the west side
ot De Anza Boulevard between Bollinger Road and a point
250 tt. north ot Kirwin Lane.
(a) First reading ot Ordinanae No. 1285: "An
Ordinance ot the city ot Cupertino Amending
Section 11.24,150 of the Cupertino Muniaipal Code,
Relating to Stopping, Standing or Parking on De
Anza Boulevard."
33, None.
" ··_,·-;"V'"",!:.~:n~.;?"""""._~..~...t;·
34.. Seoond read1n& or Ordinance No. 1281. "An Ordinance or
thtl City Counoil of the Cit, of Cupertino Allend1n&
CUpertino MUnioipal COde Seotion 2.16.020 RelatinC to
CoIll\oil Salaries."
It. was aoved b)' Couno. Bogers, seconded b)' Counc. Gatto and
passed UDa11180usly to read Ordinance No. 1281 b)' title only
and the Deputy City Clerk's reading to ooaatitute the
secQnd reading thereof.
It was IIOVed b)' Couno. Rogers, HOonded b)' Counc. Gatto and
passed unanbloual)' to enaot Ordil\m\oe No. 1281.
35. Seoond read1n& of Ordinance No. 12821 "An Ordinance of
the City of CUpertino Rezoning Approxilllatel)' 1.7 Gross
Aores rro. R1-10 Zone to R1-7.5 Zone Located on the
Southwest Corner ot Forest Avenue and North Blaney
It was moved b)' Couno. Rogers, seconded b)' Couno. Gatto and
passed unanbloualy to read Ordinanoe No. 1282 b)' title only
and the Deputy City Clerk's reading to oonstitute the
~econd reading the~ot.
It wa~ IIOVed b)' Couno. Rogera, seconded by Couno. Gatto and
passed unaniœously to enaot Ordinanoe No. 1282.
36. Seoond reading of Ordinanoe No. 1280. "An Ordinance ot
the City of CUpertino Amend1n& Seotions 2.74.010,
2.74.020 and 2.74.030 of tt~ CUpertino Munioipal COde,
Cable Television Advisory Committee."
It was IIIOved b)' Couno. Rogers, seoonded b)' Couno. Gatto and
pas,ed unaniœoualy to read Ordinanoe No. 1280 by title only
and the Deputy City Clerk's reading to oonstitute the
second reading thereof.
It was IIOved by Couno. Rogers, seoonded by Counc, Gat~o and
passed unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 1280.
37, Second read1n& or Ordinance No. 1277: "An Ordinanoe or
the City ot Cupertino Repealing Certain Ordinanoea
Outlined in Seotion 2 and Establishing an Ordinanoe
Regulating Parking."
It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Gatto and
passed unanimously to read Ordinance No. 1277 by title only
and the City Clerk's reading to constitute the second
reading thereof,
It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Gatto and
passed unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 1277,
·1,·, .,
38. None.
39. RecOp1ition by øa,or ot special requests.
(a> 0_1'81 Audienoe.
Mayor PIlIlID' stated that the Counoil had reoeived a letter
request1D8 waiver ot rental tees tor a portable Pi systell
to be used in an event bonorlng Sheryl Johnson, OlY1lPio
partioipant. .
It vas 80Ved by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Couno. Johnson to
approve the waiver ot rental tees tor the PA s,stell.
At 11100 p... the _tlng was adjoumed to olosed session
and reconvened at 1l:l2 p....
26. It vas IDOved by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Couno.
Sparlca and passed UllllD1IIousl1 to award tbe oontraot to
Duran and Venables in the amount of .68.1163.02 subject
to a .12,500 surety to be received troa the eo-unit,
Houaing Developers to cover City's .stDated expensiell
tor OII1Dent domain proceedings.
(b) City Council.
Meeting wall adjoumed
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