TR-2017-24 Signed Action Letter.pdf DEPARTMENT OF COn4D4UNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CL'PERTINO, CA 95014-3255 C U P E RT I N O (40S)777-3308 • FAX(40S)777-3333 • plannin�C�'a�pertino.org August 15, 2017 Snehaslush and Mithu Sarkar 10�10 Madera Drive Cupertu�o, CA 95014 SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL PERMIT ACTION LETTER—Application TR-2017-24 Tl�is letter confirms the decision of the Director of Community Development, given August 15, 2017, approvulg a Tree Removal Permit to allo��� for the removal of a Deodar Cedar tree (Cedrus deodara) wifll a diameter more than 36" and replacement�vith a 36-inch box Valley Oak tree (Qi�erc��s lobntn). Staff has made the fuzding that the protected tree is irreversibly diseased,is in danger of falling,can cause potential damage to existing or proposed essential structures, or interferes �vith private on-site utility services and cannot be controlled or remedied through reasonable relocation or modification of the structure or utffity services. The proposed replaceinent plan is consistent ��ith the Protected Tree Ord'viance since the applicant is replacnlg the trees on site, and the number of replacements is consistent �vith fl1e ordinance. The finding is necessary to grant the tree removal permit u1 accordaiue ���ith section 14.18.180 (A) (1). The application is approved with the follo�vnlg conditions: 1. APPROVED PROJECT This approval is based on the certified arborist report prepared by Jhonatan Corado for JC Tree Care & Landscape, dated July 27, 2017, consistu�g of five (5) pages, and a replacement site plan consistnlg of three (3) pages, except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. TREE REPLACEMENT The required replacement trees is one 36-nlch box Valley Oak (Quercus IoUntn) ri�ee. The replacement tree w�ill be located 'u2 accord�uue to the rep]acement plan. The applicant shall provide flze Deparhnent of Community Development adequate documentation, ulclud'uzg, but not limited 40, photographs,receipts or invoices, to verify that the replacement tree has been planted w�ithu130 da}�s of tree removal. 3. PROTECTED TREES The applicant understands that replacement trees are protected trees u�d may not be removed �vithout a Tree Removal Permit and that they shall be responsible for ensuring flie proper mauztenu2ce and care of the trees. The applicant shall also disclose the location and species of all replacement and protected trees on site upon sale of the propert}'� 4. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIOI�iS The conditions of Project Approval set forth hereul may inc]ude certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute�vritten notice of a statement of flze amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and ofller exactions. You are hereby notified that the 90-day approval period 'u1 �vhich 5�ou inay protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exaction,pursuant to Goveminent Code Secfion 66020(a),has begun.If you fail to file a protest���ithn� this 90-day period complying�vith all of the requirements of Section 66020,you���ill be legally barred from later challenguig such exactions. Suicerely, Ellen Yau Assistant Plaiuzer (408) 777-1360 ellenvC�cuperihlo.org Enclosed: Site and Replacement Plan