CC 11-23-82 " IÞ III I .. -·,"7~:.~'·í~ A,.... ,-; r'-:c'":-, , ~'- 'I; . . CITY OF CUPERTIBO, STATE 07 CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 TelephoDe: (408) 252-4505 KIJIUTES or TBB A['TOUIDD IIIGULAR MEETING 07 1'HE CITY COUNCIL HELD OR IÐVEKBIR 23, 1982 IIf 1'HE C01JlllCIL CBAKBER, CITY HALL (;ur&a:&'lBO, CALIfORNIA Mayor Gatto cal1ed tbe _Una to order at 7:00 p... in the CoUDCil Chaaber. City BaU. ROLL CALL CoUDC. Pre..nt: Jollaaon. PlunlD', II.oPT.. Spll1'u.Mayor Gatto Staff Present: Director of Public Works Viskovich City Clerk Cornelius Director of Planning and Development Slak Director of Parks and Recreation Dowling City Attorney Kilian Mayor Gatto eUted tbet the _tinS vaa open for public CO_Dt at this ti... Walter liard, General Manaser. V...Uco Park, requested that the Council eliminate trip end constraints ond use the concept as stated in Mayor Gatto's -.0. Burrel Leonard, 10103 Randy Lane, also representing Vallco, read a letter dated Boveaber19, 1982 pertaining to Vallco Park for the record. Hr. liard also presented to Council a reprint of a document entitled, "Case Study on Vallco Park" dated 1972. He informed Council that a ~~tel in Vallco was critical. Re spoke in favor of the upper limit plan and said he could negotiate for that limit. Hr. Charles Bewaøn, Vice President, Governmental Relations, Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber was concerned with the inter- mediate alternative as the size was not big eno~gh to satisfy the economic ~rowth and flexibility needed in the community. He also ex- pressed a ~oncern regarding the base as it may be too little. He felt the size of the "pie" was important. He said that the tiered concept has ~rit and would like to have a further review of it. John Vidovich, representing five parcels on De Anza Boulevard, stated that Cupertino is a conduit for other cities' traffic. He felt that developers could help pay for traffic relief. He is asking a .5 to .6 FAR on De Anza, approximately three stories. He did not feel that citizens would object to such a building. He felt an upper tier that was wide open would be difficult for developers. He also stated that he felt Vallco was a positive element in Cupertino. Mr. Brad Krouskup, representing Carl N. Swenson Co.. suggeste¿ that prior to closure of the public hearing, staff review their worksheet as presented. He spoke in favor of flexibility 50 that the community can grow and change with the tlmes. CC-594 Pase 1 ,=~ '.<. """"""'-: ~ .< .94 e 2 Public bearina closed Two-tiered Aept of _lo~nt . ''''-'~''''''''''''-!,;:>''_<~',!,"f'.'-,-_-'-- ...-,...-.,. -',"< ^".,"......)":~r~]F!""".,.~..""!':'"<,...·~ ·-C:..r~-~"-·--:··~~ '.." ". .::.~,,~~~;~ KlØUTES or 1'HE IIOVEKBER 23, 1982 CITY COtJBCIL MEETDIG Dr. Joseph Brown, 29085 Pepper Tree Lane, asked what the basic goal of the General Plan vas. It was mved by CoUIIC. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Plun81 and ,..Hd unanimously to close the public hearing. Council discussion followed regarding the _110 received frCD _or Getto and Director of Planning and DevelopMDt Sisko ArU. of coaca'D expressed were lack of detailed direction and limits. It... n....tad that there be specific guidelines should a developer wish to epproach an upper Uait and that height liJa1ts should be specific in cereain areas. A two-tiers approach with the present General plan a. the lover level was rec~nded. Discussion followed regarding potential impact on traffic in relation- ship to what area is increase.! in density. Possible height liJa1tations in various portions of the core area were suggested, i.e., Vallco up to eight stories (except hotel). Town Center, eight stories. Øorth De Anze, four stories; Crossroads Center, three stories, Stevens Creek Boulevard, three stories. Other suggestions were the Crossroad. and Stevens Creek Boulevard areas be l~ited to under five stories with Vallco and lown Center over five stories. It was IIOVed by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passet with Councilllll!llbers Plun81 a'ld Rogers dissenting to adopt a two-tiered concept of develop-.nt with the existing Ceneral Plan as the hottoa range and the Planning Co_iøsion proposal as the upper range. General height liaits will be as proposed by the Planning CoWD1ssion with the statement that these are guidelines and not an absolute restriction. Therefore, a General Plan amendaent will DOt be necessary for ~eaøed beiahts. The undeveloped portions of Vallco sh:>ll be removed from "no develop- .....t.. constraints, including trip ends. Traffic level of service shall be at least a "D". If service is presently above that level, it shall be maintained at its present leveJ. Staff was directed to report back regarding undeveloped land outside the core area~ It was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc, Johnson and passed with Counc. Plungy dissenting that no property shall have greater than 1.0 intensity. That could be achieved through a 'I'D procedure, dependent upon benefits vs. intensity (Vallco commercial and hotel are not included in this). The General Plan map shall be revised to reflect the hotel site and gener:>l commer- cial in Vallco. A statement shall be included regarding the sequence of developme~t. Stelling shall be designated a minor collector from Stevens Creek Boulevard south; definitions of the various street designations shall be revised; a work program for the street network including implementation process shall be submitted; the BMR program shall be reviewed; an all~ance shall be included for condominium conversion; there will be no prioritieis on items listed in the Park Element; the Mariani property will remain as resi- dential, should owners wish a change of zoning they may return to Council for a Ceneral Plan Amendment. '--:'.;''''....~'...,...'''7,' . .. J e - . '.,'" ·'"r'-i~"j'!:"'~I.,~~~.~~~----,'J:""-,··~ .,;.....~""."_·"·:·,,_.:;;~(;~:'..~\<;":"·:..¡'~¡'\"':~.·'2 <''''-''', . KIXUTIS 01' TIlE NOVEMBER 23, 1982 CITY GOUNC:::L MEETING Council directed that a task force be formed to develop a list of bonUM. and benefits for certain density. The task force will cons1at of two ....rs of the City ColØu:il, two .nbeu of the Planning eo.... abBion, staff aud citizens. '=ouncil representatives will be sp- pointed by Mayor Gatto. It waa JIOved by Counc. Rosen, seconded by ColØlc. Plun81 and passed unsnillOusly to -.tHy the decision to purchase two park tables and benches for the percolation pond to purchase benches only. It was JIOved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Come. Johnson and passec\ unanillOusly to appropriate $9,886 from the general fund for General Plan consultants. ORAL COMKUIIICATIONS Hr. Ray Shannon, 1157 Yorkshire Drive, asked 1£ there were any way Council could control school sites b~ing sold for residential develop- ment. The City Attorney vaa requested to prepare an opinion. Wally Klin~n, Hewlett-Packard, inquired bow the two-tiered approach would affect the undeveloped portion of the Hewlett-Packard property. This ~as clarified for h~. Hr. Paul Rogan representing Mariani inquired regarding the process of applying for a General Plan amendment for the Marisni property. At 10:30 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. L2 City Cle~ ¡;:2 ¿?~ - CC-594 Page 3 Task force Purchase of benches for percolation pond General Plan consultant