CC 09-13-82 · · · · CITY or CUPERTINO. STATE OF CALlFO.!NIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cu~ertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 KINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF 1'HE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON SEPTEMBER 13, 198:l IN THE LIBRARY CONPEREIICI! ROOK CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. Coun~il present: Council absent: Staff present: Johnson, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks Mayor Gatto City Manager Quinlan City Attorney ~lian (left at 7:30 p.m.) Director of Public Works Vi9kovich Deputy City Clerk Callpagna-Blaise TOlD Henderson, General Kanager, North Santa Clara County Solid Waste Management Authority David Minicucci, Consultant ')on Henning, Kaiser-Per.uanente Others present: City Manager Quinlan began the study of the budget for JPA consideration. the consultant studies. session by commenting on the size He asked Hr. Renderson to update Hr. Henderson presented a flow chart to better explain the way the project would fit in together, explaining the overall schedules, then proceeded to get into specifics. Re went on to say the North County is running out of landfill sites and this project would help provide a solution for the next 30 years. He estimated there are about 300,000 people in the cities surrour.ding Cupertino with about 350 tons of solid waste. He explained the goals for the landfill site including the lor,¡ I te~ capacity and possible recycling which would reduce ~ste. He ~dt over the regulatory environment schedule. Re also explained the proposed working schedule starting with the first year (basic pl?nning - t making decisions), then in 18 months going through the EIR pro~ess with t~e various agencies, including choosing contractors, financi~g, engineer ing, equi~ent (site preparation) hp to the fin~l stage. He al30 stated it takes f,,"r years for landhll before the facili ty could be started. Dave Minicucci also presented flow charts specifically on bu~gets and how they fit into the schedule and how the money and schedules blend together. He told Council a boiler would cost millions of dollar~ and would take two years to build. Counc. Sparks questioned havir.g more consultants than staff and felt he would rather have more staff than consul..ants. Hr. Henderson proceeded to explain consultants vs staff and why they (the consultants) wer. important to the project. (City Clerk's note: City Attorney Kilian left at 7:30 p.m.) CC-584 Page 1 I , Page 2 .-584 City Kanagc Quinlan was co~cerned about having __ ,~ta11ts than were needed iD the project, especially at the early stage. Hr. Renderson replied that a project ..nager would not be needed until next March. City Kanag8r Quinlan again expreGsed his concerns about the :JPA an:! wanted this Coune.il to be iDfoned on everything being done and not get ao dependent on staff that they wouldn't keep track of the progreae and .oniea. In the discussion that followed, the Bryan property louted on Eaiser land (located in the Cupertino sphere of influence) e.ouU be a consid- eration for a poasible site. One of the questions that arose was how and when to get the public involved. Gounc. Plun81 asked if other sites have been mentioned other than the Bryan property and whose decisi-~ it would be. Hr. Renderson replied tbat the :JPA would work with the cities and at least a 20 acre parce1 would be needed. Director of Public ~orks Viskovich reminded Council that property value and image were 1Japortant factors when looking at sites. . There being no more discussion the meeti'lg was adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. to Monday, Septsber 20, 19ß2, 6:00 p... in Conference I.ooa for interviews "f cOl8ission applicants, then to the Council ~ber at 6:45 p.m. for the reRU1ar .eeling. ~~-.,---~ ~e y ty·Cle / .