51248.3 le No. Street Lot No. QTY OP CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO'I � �L 8 197�PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT r Sanitary No. 7 9 2C p atibn Dereby made for a permit t° �J'�� E A2 plx i9 ;° = a story,Type Building sem, U to be occupied only n accordance with o ° y Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee c ti � z Estimated Value of Improvements, Fee 0 o It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and > all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of A Cupertino will be compli d with. c dress d 3 ° Own _ „ BY /ILS / Address m a ""/� o Phone .�o'�c��/-5y-� Approved u �y �a y/ Bding Inspecto\ \ Slate License X V IScu ser- !n < NO. STREET . LOT NO. Z Z _ x o CM OF CUPEPnNO CITY OF CUPERTINO 3 j DEC 15 141PLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT W 0 o Dates± A 9 / � 4 F 19 Permit No. Fee $ N w Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical Z wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said o 'o wiring and/or fixtures in accordanre with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the 30 City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 03 z_j Use of Premises SINGLE FAMILY grgiomme�w � z 0 3 < Owner T Address Z k"aelc By - ZEE ELECTRIC W Address S•C• CONTRACTOR, AGENT W U Phone: 6Y� o�"/� ApprO 8L8C[Rr AL rNSPE ^/ { State License ITEM NEW RPL FEES Number of Outlets 9 Number of Switches /370 Number of Receptacles a-(o Number of Fixtures a•00' Ranges.or Ovens K.W. Size'of Main Service 100A -00 Number of Meters Number of Paneb d'0 S' -Transformers Dryers /• Motors: H.P.Phase H.P.Phase Power Poles t/G•1V A GrCi Permit Fee 2.00 H.P.Charm To T ees /8. 70 /of 5.� ( K YJf 51 ( LOT NO. SJR CITY OF EURfiido sraeer CITY OF CUPERTINO e ;z fU G 3 0 1972 APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT w R x o Sanitary No. Jp W q 1 3 a. Date • -2_. 19/�3 Permit No 0 . 0 = W Fee $ a?3.50 O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o < pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said rices i an fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of w W Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. LL Use of Premises 00 0 /L o a Owner Address J030 �rrt . / z� r // z By ` OliLc�C� i e Address O C TRACTOR,AGENT 3 � — Phone '�7-98' 055e W 2 W W a o state License J7iS3 Approved -U NL` PLUMBINGINSPECrOR v FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units Fees Units Fees Water Heater / ,SO Size Water Closet 2 ,Oo 1 MaterialJ 6 5 Bath Tub J,511To Curb Shower j,56 1 To Pro ..Line Lavatories 01 To Existing Kitchen Sink / /,5-0 Not Conn- Dish Washer Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE WasIft Machine j,SV I Size Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain ComblSink&Tray - To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM H ' r Size -$a Restaurant Sink Material� SandTrap TOT EES Urinal .Fixture Fee •$v Area Drain Main Drain Fee -.'�•D u Water Leader Storm Drain Fee c: Sprinkler System Water Sys.Fee , SO Relief Valve SO Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper ' Permit Fee �2 '00, Total aS4 Total Fee /0g4tz I swcer 0#x STREET Lar NO. NO. STREET Z 'i Ctfv OP CUPERTNO CITY OF CUPERTINO W = APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT ZV 2 1972 o i aC� �/r OCTOBE� 19 1-;L, Permit No. ��� 3 W s uO N t n Fee$ /S ' o Application is hereby mstle to the City-of Cupertino for a permit to 00 ` install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to <a install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing FCode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. S Use of Premises _- hLOC' C/A1 U 00 " Owner f 1A{1 M K #QA1 ES Address k 6A)t O 614RU' -1 zS It By Bus/C',r Ana L70 Address sff�SE a CONTRACTOR,AGENT 3 Phone. 7"0 0 z W W 2316t d' I State License Approv u PLUMBING rNSPECfOR APPLIANCE UNITS FEES Gas I op Gas Oven Wall Furnace Gravity Furn. Forced Air Furn. / Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Susp.Units Dwelling Kit./Bath r Inde end.Vent System Com. Indust Inst.Kit Hood&Vent System Forced Air Under 4000 CFM Forced Air Over 4000 CFM Ind.Ventilation System (without Forced Air.Mech.each Power ` Gravity System No.of Air Outlets,No.of Flues Stacks for Metal Fireplaces Smoke Stacks,Misc.Equip. Under IS'Hiph Over IS'High Comfort Cooling Comp.of 20 HP or less &absorp.units with input of 500,000 BTU or less Comp.over 20 HP&Under 50 HP &Absorp.units with input of 500,001 &Under 1000,000 Permit Fee 3 Total Total Fee • CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE Y% MY OF CUPERTINO Date ........ ..............7 .............. 19.... t Pudding Permit No. The Building Lowed at ..... ...... Owned by ........ ....... .......................................................... filet Has Been or se As: .....: ........................ 4ere .................................................................................................................................. .................................-................................................................................. .......................... ............................ .............................................. . .... /...................... .......................... . ,BUILDING &S?Ecrm RECORD OF INSPECTIONAPPROVALS BUILDING DATE INSPECTOR MIS PAD FINAL FOUNDATION - UNDERFLOOR FRAME j LATH & PLASTER GRADING FINAL FINAL BLDG. ELECTRICAL DATE INSPECTOR MISC. UNDERGROUND ROUGH i ROUGH WIRING FINISHED WIRING FIXTURES MOTORS FINAL -� PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. BACK FLOW REO. SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH W • if0'71'" L PARTIAROUGH 1p ro ROUGH COMPLETE w MAIN DRAIN `v ✓ IV FINAL PLBG. y� FINAL GAS -G- 3 FINAL APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. MISC MISC MISC /_I/ Z?e/ z I ✓C/1 D(-/ /� Lot No. No. Street GZ CITY OF CUPERTINO O APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Sanitary No. i ' `-//� �7 File No Z 1 - S Dote.��19 Z�. Application is hereby made for a permit to a story, Ty c7 7- to be occupied only as in acco a with Plot Plan, Plans and ecification filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements S ';; FEES D• D Plan Check $ Owner Address / `��') "( Contr. f� Address Phone —/�y/ State Llcens Approved �1171173 ( L' APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date i S 19 7'L/ FEES /" 7 Contr. ��i-C// 0 < o . _ / Address -"-. - '3 Phone �t� 6 —SV 7 G State License CP- Approved C APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT 3� Dote 19 7 'Z- GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ cz 3, Contr, p � /"�-'t-" - / Address � 'S--a^+-"� `I✓_� Phone -/ _.G -r`s� State License 7 S i Approved �- Id APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT >� Date / /Z- 19 7 L FEES Contr. ld�J Address Phone --- 17- 7 0-S State License �3 to Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California PD-1