2272 NO. TT p LOT NO. AP ON FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO U�:h 71963 3. , )� Date 1Permit No. T. Fee S o49 36 Ap'pli�ationjis IL41 made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. N v Use of Premiseq COMM M F 01 t? C c V �t Owner BANK n' t-t6rtEr2tCA Address ro By OwooEFPTii✓o Zc.--fT,eiC Address 119 0/- 1� CONTRACTOR, AGENTi/ -L Approved Phone: "ICAL IMPS roa NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit--3.. ----..Number of Outlets--11-_-�-------- ---------- --- Size Service Wires ----------Number of Switches... ------- ---------- - -------- -------------- ,� 'A.4-r3 - c Size Service Switch-S-- -----AlPrO.-Number of Receptacles Vo ----- ---------- -- - ----- -------------- Size Sub Feed Conduit--I_ ----------- ---------- ---------- ----I..... ... -- --'.-....---Number of Fixtures-.:�7 9. 16 Size Sub Feed Wires.../-----..........Ranges---------------- KW------------ ---------- -------- ------------- Number of Circuits----! ..3...... Oven -------------- KW-:------------ ---------- ---------- -------------- Number of Meters......j---------------Signs---------- Transformers........ ...._---- ---------- ------------ - MI'SC.--- . . ----------I ---- - -Dryers ------------ -- --- -------- ------- -- -------------- ----2�-------------- Y, - - P i ��b Motors- ­....­--- HP--- P------------ Phase------------------ ' Motors---/.............. HP-Z-5--------- Phase---:`-------------- A b-0 Permit Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase-------------------- H P Charge----- -- ----- ?,-6'-0- TOTAL FEES 30 ON AP VA S- Rp �2 h Wiring-------------- - --------------- --------- Fixtures !P... -- . . --- - T. P. OAT INSPECTOR DA E .3 ECT.* �3 It- .g 17, Finish Wirirr /.I.Z.. ....1_ Motors --- -------- ... D ^Tt '7 Final ...... ---- --------------- - TE OR - --- ---- ---- ---------------------------- Av I% DA 9 INSPECTOR