177 / /✓,9 / v�� LOT NO. NO. STREET I � �P 1 IC ON FOR BUILDING PERMIT � o ® ITY OF CUPERTINO < (J L 11964 Sanitary No. i U LL llate17 196 Permit No. o CI1 YPOPi,6 7("L7�'1iiv nor a perm_.i�t..to i U) a story,Type Building < w to be occupied only as o `o in accordance with Plans, Specifi tions and/Plot-PlaA filed herewith. F3 Estimated Value of Improvements,S�� Fee$—d- 0 d iJ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and .a Z all other caws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of 2 o Cupertino will be c plryn ied with. 3 i .GAL%/< _t:..c—F•.w �O,,y, m Owner '�" �Address '/, e, W a By • « Address O'W/moo .q; <0 Phone PP A rove State License! _ BUILDING INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION DATE. INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR DATE INSPECTOR FRAME. DATE INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER DATE / INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. • ' I,/L DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS Adlbk nnrE INSPECTOR