173 NO.NO. STR ET W L T4ON FOR UILDING PERMIT r ° (CITY OF CUP[RTINO tr g y . 5 ' JUL 10 196a L' SanitarNo W LL Date 196— P rm .No. r 0 o a CicQe is rfol ermi[to i Ul a I I s It pe 4Building ito be occupied only as J 4 in accordance with Plans, S cifications a td Plot- n filed herewith. 00 J !L � ": Estimated Value of Improvements, S Fee a �— iJ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * i all other laws applicable to the construction, locatioe, and use of buildings within the City of d o Cupertino w' be com ied wit . 3Q _ N Owner roti 9 Address wz u a s By Address 2 - t S f l am < Phon 5 3 73 Z_ Approved State Licens q�7 iiUMNIM INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR DATE INSPECTOR FRAME DATE INSPFCTOR LATH and PLASTER DATE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. - 3- / DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DATE. INSPECTOR FINAL. PLBG. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR