459 NO. STREET w z A� ��F'f� ` R UILDING PERMIT r oF, CUPERTINO to �t 11rA�r rm� m 5 a EAN V 1 IJOO - Sa [ary No. USS Date 196_ ermit No. ro o Q ApPFifatian i5�iIreret`tlaZj! i L0 a �story, Cp Building a w to be occupied only as 0 o in accordance with Plans, pecihcations and Plot-Play d h ith. t�0 Estimated Value of Improvements, $_�@� Fee$ � iJ It is h rc'� agreed that the requir :rcso, f the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and z all of la s applicable to tp tn, locatiop, and se of buildings within the City of d o Cupe inry 'ill be co fh. 3Q s's wz w r LD a a P APPr B NG INSPECTOR U State Licens / L/ na1J3dSNi 31Va SVO 7VNI1 3O1J3dSN'I 31va 'JflId IVNId aol]adSNi 31va J3'I3"IVNId 3O1O3dSN1 31Va '`J01fl "IVN1:1 '3O1O3dSN1 31Va 2II.LSV1d Pae HIV"I NO1O3dSN1 31Va IWVHJ 3O1JadSNI :31Va ldoo'13II3QNfl aolrasNl 31va NOIIVQNIIO i SIVAOaddV NOliO3dSNI dO aSO3311