2883 t2C;L GOT NO. C 4-::ttt///111 BT /OO .z i` PL 7► I� OR-BUILDING PERMIT p ° Clff(F*EBl 91964FcuPFItTINo 9 o� o < Sanitar} No. 92 s w Date 1 1 6 Permit No. 4�3 To oQ App ication is hereby ma a fo I\,permit to C o us ¢vc T Q m a I story,Type fit M Building ,�. to be occupied only ash Lac �A .+,i�. Dru.e f l in/ 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. 60 Estimated Value of Improvements, $ Q—. Fee$ ` i J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and J i .all other laws applicable to the construction, locatiop, and use of buildings within the City of J_ 0 Cupertino will be complied with. 3 < Owner _e e6re bPveL. Co Address S/e So.�Yla%{t/L DA N i By Address / t• �vl: Of Approve State Licens BU DING INSPECTOR � — RECORD OFINSPECTION APPRAYAl's FOUNDATION � /J' /T i / DATE SPEC"rok UNDERFLOOR — ro DATE: '/ INSPECTOR FRAME `3- ` �` Dnrr: INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER P--96 —y / DA'P., NSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. b � �/ `fE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. L INSPF.'CTOR FINAL PLBG, DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR