2715 22154 .. Riverside Dr $6 Plan 200 NO. - �11 - LOT NO. N < x g A PFOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 3 < APR 2 7 1964 of cuPExTlrao I)R 21 wLL -71 -5 LL ° 6eTX ( 1 tnt to 795— Permit No. 62 7 > r Fee SId <N Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical * I wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 0 o wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the > City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. � 3 O _j Use of Premises residence Jz o 3Q Owner Deep Cliffe Dev. Co. Address510 So. Mathilda Ave. , — Z Sunnyvale H. G. W�•�'IJ�RER Address W w By 1r. Nun o I 9e0ONTRACfOa, AQ EN7 NIA G < O SUNNYVAL'-, Ci+LlrunApproved _ _ U Phone: R:.n...r- 730.5421 Aft ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR State License; 12422 NEW RPL, FEES Size Service Conduit.- )--------------Number of Outlets-----.__-------- - S.-. ----..---- ._...-.. .--. Size Service Wires....- ----------..Number of Switches..--------------- -2.,�_-.--- ---------- _A _ �t� : u. Size Service Switch- --.----Number of Receptacles....-----... 3k ----.--_- _---_.------ Size Sub Feed Conduit. /Y_%fin-Number of Fixtures..------_--_-_- -::S. -.------_ S� Size Sub Feed Wired't-r'''//�ioRanges..-.-.-.�-'--- KW--------...- ....L.... -------- --- Number of Circuits-------�4..... Oven ......I.._-- KW-------------- --- /.... ---------- ------ Number of Meters------/..............Signs.......... Transformers--.---.. ---------- - 1 C1 -- Mise............ ...._------'---7 Dryers....)--------------------------- -�----- ------- -----2 Motors...... '---------- HP HP. J.'4.......... Phase-------.----------- Permit Fee $.1.00 Motors-------------------- HP.................... Phase-------------.._--- Motors----------_------- HP-------------------- Phase------------------ H P Charge...... ..'------- --��- TOTAL FEES ��SS ECO OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough iTin � J �/..`---- Fixtures ------------------- --------.._- DATE IMSR[CTOR DATE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring ................ ..........._....... Motors ------------- .-........ ------ DATE INSPECTOR DATS4 Final ��--.la-----{�'I---I ................. DATE INSPECTOR