51117 (2) / LOT NO. w APPLICA 1 FOR BUILDING PERMIT p ° IFSEP 24 1965 `� of cupraTiNo 0 , Sanitary leo. 1 o U:rtq 196_ � 'ermit No. TY OF CUPE r lr� o F Application is hereby made for ermit to a i in a z story,T .".) /O /S Building a w r to be occupied only a in accordance with 0 o Plans, Specifications and Plot-P led herewith. P1 Ck Fee 7`5:0-m Estimated Value of Improvements S 00 Fee o0 0 P �� S /e5 oa z J It is hereby y a reed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and 8 9 P R J z all other laws a icable to a cons «ion location, and use of buildings within the City of 0 Cupertino will be plied wi 3Q ,a Owner h' Address Wa By r Address ` 0Phon � 8 7/ Approred State Licensr4rme BVI.KING IN5PECl"Oa