2847 NO. STREET LOT NO. U Q r o AP AI ATt - N FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 0 a JOF CUPERTINO u D = LL IVOCT 191964 4 F Date 195_ Permit Na ° < �[ p�pT n�� FeeS � a m AajT io,0Re)W' PE@tb�fIiP.City of Cupertino for a permit to fh. a'1 electrical w wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said a wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the 00 > 0 City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 2J Use of Premises — J0 3 ° < Owner Ad�d'resjs� q W w By /.�it,c_n,,F-c Z„n R n NTRACTOR, dENT — i o ApprovedNnt r tnaT n nr�rrs,v-�1 — 0 Phone: 6, 4 ELECTRICAL INS►ECTM State License: 170215-1 FEW. —RPL FEES Size Service Conduit......................Number of Outlets............._... ....._.-- -- ------- - ------ ---- Size Service Wires--------------------------Number of Switches.---....---..._ ---------- ----- ----------- Size Service Switch------------------------Number of Receptacles......----- ------ --- ---------- - ------------ C, . 0 Size Sub Feed Conduit--------- -------Number of Fixtures._--------------- -!? --- ------- -- .2 Y ----------- Size Sub Feed Wires...................Ranges...------------------------- KW-------------- ---------- ---------- --- Number of Circuits---------------. Oven -------------- KW----------- ------ --- ---------- -------------- Number of Meters------------------------Signs---------- Transformers...-.- ---------- ---------- -------------- Misc------ -----------------------------------------Dryers---------------------------------------- ------ - - ------ -------------- Motors.................._ HP......... -------- - Phase...--............_ Permit Fee $1.00 Motors........ ---------- HP................. .. Phase.................... Motors----------......... HP.................... Phase........... . .... H P Charge--------------- --------- ---- 0 TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring---------------- ........................ .. Fixtures ----......__......-1-----------------....----- AT Finish Wiring ------D- -I..... ........I-N-S1-IC-T N- - ...?Motors ..........D N-ATI......... ........I..SP T .K-C--0.I------- bATK INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR Final -------------------------- ............................ DATE INSPECTOR