2947 LOTSTILEET NO Z - • NO. p z //VN— 7I• p ` J`�/Qy�y`r�`Jp_[ FOR BUILDING PERMIT i ¢ n r ° TY OF CUPF.RTINO 5 APR 16 1964 % sanitary No. r ` Date 196_ Permit No o o < CA7Vlic@FnIOWER fo-apermitto i w a story,Type Jr-_Z-J - Building a w wto be occupied only as a 7 20 in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. > ; Estimated Value of Improvements, LSD,ee. Fee E 72 OJ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * z all other laws applicable to the construction, locatiop, and use of buildings within the City of d o Cupertino w I be mm lied with. 3 Owner oT Addressf`�O'q li��C�PSTri�� W z a By Addre - ` 0 Phon fV -O.S3 7/ Ank Approv State LicenseaOSd- 7J BUILDING INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION � I - i— .. DATE. INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR ,(DATE INSPECTOR F AME LJ. 4K4� DATE INSPECTOR AT a PLASTER e I DATEI � / INSPF.'CT00. \ FINAL BLDG. i r Ii DATE INSPECTOR J FINAL ELEC. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. I DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR V