2751 NO. STREET LOT NO. X "µ��]�T OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT s u ®�M AY 2 2 1964 Y/,Y OF CUPERTIfdO I J / '. Date --` �d , 19$b} Permit No. w o . ° < CIT I� Fee < Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said r wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the 00 5 City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. z_j Use of Premises J z J o 3 Owner By HEATH ELEC �e Ad lie`s - wz t8 a fi S�I� aio G-44 Pi < a La AL� 7$t]A Approved - -l) Phone: ELECTRICAL INSPECTL1 State License, 4?Z6 • NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit--�<----..........Number of'Outlets.......... ---— �a. ....... ....... Size Service Wires/0 Number of Switches____....._ - ......... .............. Size Service Switch- OV4.......Numbet of Receptacles...._...... .... ---------- - ------------ Size Sub Feed Conduit..................Number of Fixtures.._.............. ------ZO ---------- ----15 f0 Size Sub Feed Wires--------------------Ranges---------------- KW-------------- ****---- ---- ---- -------------- Number of Circuits----------------_. Oven -----/....... KW------------- ---- ----- ---------- . Number of Meters_._/........._......Signs--...-.... TraDskormers-------- --------- ---------- -/ Misc-------------- ...-----Dryers._../...---......_..------...----- ........ . .......... .......... Motors....... ----- H .... Phase.................... Permit Fee $1.00 Motors- ------------------ HP-------------------- Phase.................... Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase......... .......... H P Charge..`--_--.-- / 00- TOTAL FEES :,7C OF INSPECTION APP OVALS 737�0 Fixtures Rough Wirinj ------- turl� ----------- -------- N EC TOR S�, Finish Wiring ................ ........................ Motor DATE INSPECTOR ENsr�T,Nr— Final I--- . -1 . .. .... . . ----------_.---....._..-- DA? INSPECTOR