51273NQ WZ YO ;U W = 0 H � 0 o� >F Zy a wW H= a� JLL 00 04 Z JZ J 0 3� _a W N W Z ¢a < 0t}'.- _ l /0887 eX� r4A-- My 0INGS1PEaTiNO STREET ' SEP 14 197? CITY OF CUPERTINO PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT fe^l Building Per. No. S/d � Da P 19w. � Per. No. ^Sanitary Application is hereby m for a permit to a 2 story, Type �pp Structure nn to be occupied only as i ajgs�� in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan fled herewith. PI Ck Fee $ —a— a—/ Estimated Value of Improvements, $ AYI ODO , 0'0 Fee $ / '02S_ 75-• vd Total Fee$ 7.68 It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be coplplied with. ZZs n^ Owner Address �C '/�.`•7� By "�"^� Address l / A Phone LKS State License _.�; Building Inspector 10887 I Northridge Sq. 121 LOT NO. NO. STREET Plan 14-A W Z CITY OF CUPERTINO x o atr of cuPAPIWICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Q LL 3 MAY 14 1973 Permit No.wu h O Date pp No , 1s_ Fee $ 6 OF ApplTCatfoh it her?by made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical > F wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said do wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the F City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. a JLL 00 Use of Work To Be > Promises Performed L-C U-UA-( (,a I O Address a aW NDERER ELECTRIC, INC-1, _--Adarass 'Lt 3 Q Contractor, Agent w Phone 736-54-0I wz W u State License _a�R�-,7� APpro�ed - QO Electrical Inspect Number of Outlets 1 Number of Switches o Number of Receptacles Number of Fixtures j Ranges or-0wuc—K.W. Size of Main Service Number of Meters j Number of Panels Signs _ Transformers Dryers Motors: H.P. Phase H.P. Phase H.P. Phase Power. Poles Fee H.P. Charges ITotal Fees LOT NO. / / NO. O STREET , � Of 000SCITY OF COPER.TINO YpEC 5 X917 APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Q a R Sanitary No 3u l lJVf)P2 0 1q 2 19 _ Permit No w LL Pee $'p� 7 OV, 0 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o < pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices > r and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of < w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. wx Use of Premises Single Dwelling 00 >0 Owner Ditz Crane Co. A gs De La Cruz Blvd., S. C. 0a 2J �, By L. C. Bohart Plumbing Co J 0 CONTRACTOR, AGENT 3� Phone 245-2323 W 2 ww ao State License 1R6579 —U A"?ssE. Fremont Ave., S'vale PLUMBING INSPECTOR Units Dish Water Softener Size STORM Comb.Sink & Tray I I II To Curb I I Size Total 12 No. STREET AP ,&MTION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO \ 1 Date ; .' 19.— Permit No. > 3 r Fee a �- Application is hereby made to the City -of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cu ertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises - Ze Owner Z4 I CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone $tate LicenseaB.�S Address xs- e:�d el -VA �. Address IScl 'Ve4. ., - Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR APPLIANCE II UNITS I FEES Dwelling Kit./Oath _ Inde end. Vent System Com.. Indust.. Inst.Kit. Hood & Vent System Forced Air Under 4000 CFAt Forced Air Over 4000 CFAs Ind. Ventilation System o without Comfort Cool Forced Air. Meth. each Power Comfort Cooling Comp. of 20 HP or less I of Permit Fee 300 Total Total Fee /bQ6 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Building Permit No....:..:....'..... Date .......................... 19..7..:. -... The Building Located at.11 cp . ................. 14 ...................... ............................................... m lete Has Been ;let -e -P (Altered) ;.,For Use As: . .... ................................. ........................... ... .................. ,L -----------------.......... ............................ ?�—BUILDING INSPECTOR PAD FINAL FOUNDATION_ UNDERFLOOR _ FRAME LATH & PLASTER GRADING FINAL_ FINAL BLDG._ UNDERGROUND R ROUGH WIRING_ FINISHED WIRING FIXTURES MOTORS- BACK OTORS BACK FLOW REO._ SANITARY NO. _ UNDERGROUND RO PARTIAL ROUGH _ ROUGH COMPLETE MAIN DRAIN FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS FINAL APPLIANCE RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING DATE INSPECTO ELECTR DATE INSPEC 'mI�M swImmm-1 PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MI i 50�1 MISC. -zs: No. Street Lot No. 1. tog CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Sanitary No. Data 19 Application is hereby made for a permit to A to be occupied only as in ac Estimated Value of Improvements FEES Owner Contr. IPhone Z/ l 2�Gi 16 1 Dote 1 Contr 1 Phone File No..;L 73 $, opo. Plan Check $ Address n fXQ � 7 Address State License 4 Approved APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 19 FEE$ Address State License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Date �1 19 70", GAS FEE $ '�—• PLUMBING FEE $ q . Contr. __!!c_}lrs--n3�r Address 162 Phone —a 1-J State License Approved - Q APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 19 FEE$ 1 Contr Phone IApplicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California PD -1 Address State License Approved